Kitty Sitter Day 2 (Commission)

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#1 of Commissions

Free commission for Leoroc over on IB which is a continuation of a story he has over on his account. Don't have too much experience with regression so I hope they like it.

The leopard woke up with a loud yawn as he got out of the slightly too small bed, stretching his arms and legs. After taking a moment to stretch he realized he wasn't quite sure where he was, but as he looked around the room it all started to come back to him. He was at his friend's house for a sleepover! He wasn't quite sure how he'd forgotten but as his eyes settled on the two young wolves sleeping on the bed he was just occupying, all the previous night's fun came flooding back into his mind.

He and his best friend Kryfus had played games most of the night and watched movies way past their bedtime. It had been a blast, but the last thing he remembered was falling over when Blue jumped onto him and then everything after that was a blur. He must have hit his head, he decided, as he rubbed the back of his head, causing him to wince a bit as his hand poked at the sensitive bruise. Having that figured out he guessed that they must've gotten him into bed somehow, explaining why he woke up in a bed.

A second later he started to shiver a bit, realizing that he was a bit cold as he looked down at the rest of his body. He practically shouted in surprise. He was completely naked! He looked all over the room, but couldn't find his clothes. His frantic searching didn't last very long as he heard a tired voice behind him, "You're already awake?" Leoroc quickly turned around to see Kryfus rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his legs hanging over the side of the bed. Leoroc immediately went to cover his private parts as he blushed, "Where are my clothes, Kry?" he asked in a hushed, but urgent whisper, not wanting to wake up the wolf's younger brother, Blue.

Kryfus just gave him an odd look, kind of like he was trying to hold back a grin. "Wow. You really must have hit your head hard on that TV last night," he explained as he hopped off the bed and started to head towards the door. "Don't you remember? When we were watching TV Blue wet himself while he was sitting in your lap and your clothes were ruined," he asserted as he walked out of the room, motioning the leopard to follow. Leoroc quietly followed behind his friend, rubbing his wrists which were feeling a bit sore. When he inspected his wrists they looked a bit chafed, as if something had been holding tight around them, but Kryfus spoke up again as he noticed Leoroc rubbing at his wrist. "Yeah, sorry about the wrists. You were a bit too heavy for us to carry into bed, so we had to tie some rope around your hands to drag you into Blue's room."

As he continued to follow the wolf, something in the back of the leopard's mind was telling him that this was wrong, but he quickly dismissed it. Kryfus was his best friend in the whole world; he'd never lie to him. Another few seconds later his friend walked inside of his own room, "Wait outside, I'll go fetch you some clothes to wear," the wolf commanded as he closed the door behind him.

A few minutes later the door reopened and Kryfus shoved a pile of clothes into Leoroc's arms, "Here put these on. They might be a bit small, but they are better than nothing and we don't want my little brother seeing your naughty bits." Leoroc looked over the clothes, they were indeed a bit small on him since he was 12 and Kryfus was a few years younger. "Couldn't I just borrow some of your older brother's clothes?" he asked, thinking it a reasonable question, but the wolf's temper seemed to flare at the suggestion. "No! I am your bestest friend and this is my house so obey me and go get changed in the bathroom." That seemed to settle the matter as any questions or objection that Leoroc had immediately cleared from his mind and he began to walk into the bathroom.

As the leopard stepped into the bathroom his nose was immediately assaulted by the harsh smell of urine. Lying on the counter was some of Blue's clothes. He remembered those were what the little cub was wearing when he had an accident in Leoroc's lap. Again, something seemed off about that fact, but he quickly dismissed it as he started to put on the too small clothing, which took a fair bit of effort to get on. After finally pulling on the pair of socks he looked at himself in the mirror, a wave of embarrassment immediately washing over him. He looked absolutely childish and ridiculous. The blue t-shirt, with a large truck on the front, hardly fit him and the sleeves were barely long enough to cover his shoulders. And further, the briefs and shorts that he had been given hugged him tightly, making movement awkward as the clothes pinched him.

A minute later, after readjusted the clothes and trying to get the shorts to hang a bit lower since they barely went halfway to his knees he walked out of the bathroom and began to head towards the den. As he turned the corner into the room he noticed both Kryfus and Blue sitting in front of the TV which now had a large dent in the side, but it seemed to be working for the most part. "Glad the TV is still working," Leoroc said as he sat down next to the wolves who were eating from a large bowl of popcorn. The older wolf gave a big smile, "Yeah, it didn't work for a bit, but after I hit it a few times it started to work again." A second later Kryfus turned to Leoroc and started laughing loudly, "You look silly in those clothes," which immediately caused Leoroc to blush as he responded, "It's not my fault! I am 5 years older than you and I've always been one of the biggest in my grade." However, despite these indisputable facts Kryfus continued to laugh for a while longer before his attention was finally reabsorbed by the morning cartoons.

About thirty minutes later the older wolf seemed to get bored and went to turn on the GameCube, "This show is for babies, let's continue from where we left off last night." Leoroc's ears immediately perked up happily, not wanting to watch whatever kids show was next as he grabbed one of the controllers. The only one that seemed to protest was Blue who whined and pouted, "B-but Canine Sandiego is my favorite show!" But despite the cub's complaints, he too grabbed one of the controllers.

Leoroc had a blast in almost every game they played. He won nearly every race in Mario Kart, which seemed to irk Kryfus so they quickly switched to Super Monkey Ball 2, and then switching again to Kirby Air Ride in which the pattern seemed to continue with Leoroc consistently winning every game. Although the leopard didn't really help in the matter since he gloated at every chance he got, claiming it was because of his "superior reflexes," that he had because he was older. This continued on for a good two hours before Kryfus finally seemed to snap midway through a match in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Before the leopard even knew what was going on the wolf had tackled him and before he could process what had happened he felt something cold wrap around his wrists, followed by a click. He tried to get up but found that his arms were handcuffed around the leg of the coffee table.

Leoroc yelled, "Kryfus! Let me go this isn't funny!" But the wolf only seemed to glare at him angrily as he seemed to fish something out from his back pocket. "No, if you're going to be such a spoiled brat and brag about your age maybe having your mind set to an earlier age will suit you better," he replied just as loudly as he pulled out the familiar pair of glasses he had used the night before, placing them onto the wriggling leopard. After a few seconds a video started to play on the glasses and Leoroc's struggles began to die down. "Don't worry," Kryfus taunted, "I am sure you and Blue will be great friends after this, and I'm sure he'll love sharing his diapers with you," Kryfus said smugly as he picked up the controller and continued to play games, letting the hypnosis regress and mold Leoroc into a perfect cub.

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