Liz's Birthday(Chapter 4)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#2 of Highschool Days 2

My next chapter, I know I'm pushing these out slower and giving you guys worse quality shorter stories than I used to, but I'm getting closer to my main point, and I'll most likely find it easier to write then :) Anyways, short, I know. Badly done, I know. Rushed, DEFINITELY. Just a few warnings :)


I sat in the chair, blushing as Jasmine, Ali, and Liz ran their paws through my fur, twisting it into braids in some places. "Guys!" I whined, "This is so embarrassing!"

"Be happy no one else is here to see," Jasmine said, grinning at me

"Don't act like you aren't going to make me walk out in public like this," I said, whining even more, "you're going to make me go to the movies like this. I know it."

"Well, we weren't." Jasmine said, "But now we are, since it sounds like such a good idea."

I slapped my paw to my forehead and said, "I should stop giving you ideas."

Ali giggled and said, "You look so pretty."

I blushed deeply and she giggled again. "If you would stop giving her such pleasant reactions," Liz said, "she would stop torturing you."

"No she wouldn't," I said, twisting my head to look back at Liz, "she was born to torture me."

Ali slapped me on the face and I rubbed my cheek, "Ow, you're more of a guy than I am. In some ways." I added the last part because I had seen that look in her eyes, the one that meant she was about to slap me.

"That's better," she said, eying me up and down.

I grinned as Liz dropped the last braid onto my head and said, "There! You're very pretty now."

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. "I look like a girl."

"Yes," Jasmine said, patting my back hard, "yes you do."

I yelped when her paw hit my back and said, "Owie, that hurt. Your mean!"

She laughed and hugged me and said, "I'm sorry."

I giggled and said, "It's alright."

She smiled and said, "I love having you as a friend. It's so much fun picking on you."

"You don't pick on me." I said, grinning, "You torture me."

She grinned as she snapped a picture of me with her phone, which I hadn't noticed her getting out, and she said, "No, now I'm torturing you."

"Girls!" Liz's father yelled from downstairs, "and Leo! Time for the movie."

We walked downstairs and Liz said, "Dad, Leo is a girl tonight, can't you tell."

I blushed deeply as he tried not to laugh from looking at me. "Well," he said, turning around, I could see his cheeks turning red from the effort of not laughing, "No one will ever say you aren't a flaming queen."

I blushed even deeper at that and I hit him as hard as I could on the back and he grinned back at me and said, "I'm just messing with ya kid, I know my daughters forced you into it. I could hear you whining all the way downstairs."

I blushed deeply as we got into the car.


After a very long movie, which I had buried my head into Jasmine's chest most of because I was crying, we were standing against the wall, waiting for Liz's father, Liz, Ali and I fawning over the cute boys and Jasmine fawning over the pretty girls.

I heard a sudden shout and turned to see Kevin waving at me. He walked over quickly and Liz was about to step in front of me but he held out his paw and said, "Wait, I wanted to apologize."

Liz stopped and crossed her arms over her chest, putting her arm in front of me and said, "You can apologize from there, and if I think it's good enough, you can come past."

He sighed and got as close to her arm as possible and then looked me in my eyes and said, "Leo, I was the most stupid, most ignorant, and the biggest asshole in the world when I said what I said. I regret every word and wish that I could take it back. I can't believe I let something one of my friends did get in the way of our relationship. I'm sorry."

Liz sighed and said, "Damn."

She moved her arm and Kevin grinned and walked over to me and I quickly wrapped my arms around him, tears of joy flowing from my eyes. "I forgive you," I said quietly, kissing him deeply.

He squeezed me in my arms and then smiled at me. "I love you," he whispered, rubbing a paw down my cheek.

"I love you too," I said, smiling at me.

I heard a growl from behind me and then said, "And I'm going to get the shit beat out of me for it."

"The shit beat out and the sense beat in." Liz said, putting her paw on my shoulder and turning me towards the door, "He'll get back to you tomorrow."

I squirmed and turned enough to smile at him and blow him a kiss. He blew one back and I grinned as I walked out of the building and into the parking lot to wait for Liz's dad.


"Are you insane?!" Liz yelled at me, "He ditches you like you were yesterday's garbage and then you take him back because he says he's sorry?"

"He seemed..." I started.

"You're being an idiot," she said, "he obviously doesn't care about you."

"Shut up!" I said, growling as I stood up. I never gotten angry at Liz before, but I was now. "He loves me, and I love him, that's all I need to know. I know how he feels and he knows how I feel. I'm getting back with him."

"Fine!" she said as I walked out the door, "But don't expect me to let you cry on my shoulder when he does something." I just slammed the door on my way out.


I smiled at Kevin and hugged him tightly as we walked down the street, towards the river where we had had our last date. He grinned and put his arm around me, nuzzling my neck and saying, "How ya feeling hun?"

"Fine," I said, "Liz and I will make up eventually."

"That's good," he said, kissing me deeply again as he set down the basket that had our dinner in it and then grinned as he wrapped his jacket around me.

"What's with the jacket?" I said, fingering the warm garment.

"I don't want my foxy getting cold." he said, smiling at me.

I smiled back and started eating slowly, leaning against him as I chewed and swallowed. "Are you sure it's edible this time?" I said jokingly, giggling slightly at the glare that he shot at me.

"I'm absolutely positive." he said, grinning at me, "My mom made it."

I giggled and said, "Ok, I trust it a little bit more now."

He smiled at me and I started eating again. After a few minutes of giggling and talking I started to smell him as the scent of arousal became more and more potent in the air surrounding us, slowly overwhelming the wonderful smell of the river only feet away from us. I looked at him hesitantly and he smiled as he rubbed at his groin and said, "Do you want to have sex with me Leo?" he said.

"N-no," I said, "I'm not ready for that yet."

He growled and reached over, putting a paw on my arm and saying, "So you'll yourself to Kris, my best friend, but not me."

"I told you," I growled, "that wasn't me, I thought you understood that."

"I just told you that so you would get back with me." he said, "I was lonely without you."

He scooted closer forcing me to him as I struggled and tried to get away as my boyfriend turned rapist slowly started to strip me of my clothes. I cried out and flailed about, trying to get away from him but after I moment, I gave up, going limp as I realized that it was absolutely useless to struggle against him.

He growled as he pulled my pants around my knees and then my boxers before yanking my tail out of the way and growling when he saw my tail hole. I heard him fumbling with his pants as he unbuttoned and unzipped them. After a moment I was put down on the blanket, my face resting against it and my rear high in the air, my tail being forced out of the way of my tail hole by Kevin's paw, letting the cold air caress my tail hole and privates as he spat on his paw and rubbed the saliva over his cock for lube.

He positioned his member at my tail hole before pushing in roughly, making me groan and clutch at the blankets from the incredible burning pain of being stretched so much so quickly. My eyes overflowed, tears steadily dripping down my face as he growled and started thrusting lightly, his thrusts getting quicker, deeper, and harder.

I knew I was bleeding by the warm liquid that was trickling down from my tail hole and dripping off of my balls. I could feel the warmth of his member buried in my tail hole every time he sank into me and it was a very uncomfortable thought. "Damn," Kevin grunted, "Kris was right, you are a tight little bitch."

Tears flowed down my cheek with a renewed fervor as he started muttering more insults, more embarrassing insults. It felt like hours before his knot started forming. My tail hole already burnt with the pain of being stretched and I whimpered at the thought of being tied. He slammed everything in but his knot then started massaging it with his paw until he moaned loudly and released his load into my abused and bleeding tail hole.

I cried as he pulled out and pulled my pants back up. He picked me up and started carrying me towards the river. "What are you doing?" I whimpered, looking at him fearfully.

"Disposing of the evidence that I raped someone." Kevin growled. "Bye Leo, the time I spent with you really was the best times of my life."

I tried to say something but suddenly he threw me and my eyes widened as I hit the water and I instantly swallowed a mouthful of river water, the undertow pulling me down as the current carried me away. I tried to swim but eventually I couldn't tell what was up from down.

My body slowly started to shut down, my movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated. I almost blacked out when I saw the water above me break, a fur with white fur diving in and swimming gracefully down to me and pulling me out of the water.

My eyes stayed shut the entire time as the fur pumped my chest until water sputtered out of my throat. "Hey," I heard a deep voice say, obviously male. "Hey, are you ok? Can you hear me?"

I didn't say anything, I was too exhausted. I heard a sigh and then I heard the voice say, "Who are you?" as he reached into my pocket and pulled out my soaking wet wallet. He read from my school I.D. "Leo Kor." A stunned silence and then the fur picked me up, cradling him against my chest.

"Better get you to a hospital, Leo." was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


Feedback, please, and if you think you know who the mysterious fur is, keep it to yourself and don't ruin it for everyone else, or be a complete asshole and do just that :)