Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 31: Canad's Debut

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#38 of Star Fox Chronicles

No one knew who was the mastermind behind the cloak, nor what his purpose is, or the purpose of the subordinates. The superior looked down throughout the perpetual darkness of space. It was a slice of space never before explored by any who lived. While thinking he kept himself in thought.

"I'm only a mere shadow of what I was before," he said to himself, "When I first sought this organization, I had high hopes of changing the universe. However, nothing changed. Only the people who inhabit this nearly limitless universe." He turned, facing a figure he knew all too well, who also sported a similar coat. "Do you not agree? Cougar? Do you even remember who you once were?" Cougar merely laughed, standing opposite of the room he sported from.

"The past holds irrelevance to me," he explained, "I only care about pursuing the future."

"By the way," the superior asked, "how fares your plot?"

"My main plot has been set up and is already way underway," Cougar began, "But in reality, the key at the door has yet to be executed."

"What is it you plot, my number 1?" The superior asked.

"I have simply one goal," Cougar began, "do not worry yourself about it. For in the end, I shall be the true Author of the tales end." Cougar walked away, seeming to fade in the darkness out of site of the superior. He turned back, facing the perpetual darkness of space once more.

"What in the world can you be planning?" he asked to himself again, "Is the ultimate power really within his grasp?" He turned again, walking toward the upper end of the empty room, a bright pearl desk was all that stood there. He opened the top drawer and extracted three main books. The epitomes held fascination to the enigma, and proceeded to turn through its pages. What he read had only partially shocked him.


I was up before I knew it. To think that I now feel so limited on time. My struggle has now been slapped with a thirty day time limit. Now things are getting way out of hand. How is everyone else taking it? How is Star Fox and Star Wolf preparing for this. Is it really bad enough that diplomacy can't have a chance here? If there was any certainty I had in this position, it was certainly that there were better ways to solving problems than merely fighting. Bahamut seemed to partially agree, and we first discussed it when he tuned into my mind that morning.

'Good morning little one,' He greeted. I returned the favor and he continued, 'what shall need to be discussed for today?'

'Do we always have to settle differences with fighting?' I asked him, 'When my homeland was founded a few hundred years ago, we also took to war. However, in the end it was diplomacy that reigned throughout the years. Is such an idealistic such a fantasy now?'

'It is uncertain to tell you Ryan,' He explained, 'Many civilizations throughout the centuries have sought out this solution. the Lylat system is no different. Most of them however, have found that sometimes war is inevitable. I have a strong feeling that there will be countless battles throughout the near future. Nordic had wished me prepare you for those battles.'

'How can you do that when you're still stuck within my mind?' I asked.

'It's quite simple,' he said, 'Do you know the difference between Ki and Chi?'

"Ki and Chi?" I asked out loud, 'I'm only kind of familiar with them. But I do not know much, something about spiritual energy.'

'There is actually only a slight difference between the two,' he explained, 'but they do directly intertwine and in turn create strength. Ki focuses on energy from the body, and releases that energy in the same way. Most people who train only focus this part of the body, and therefore only find improvements in a long run of time. Chi however, is energy that resides from the mind. This intellectual power is released in a much greater variety of forms. The two most common of these is to guide the soul within the body, and to externally release it in the form of magic. Are you with me so far?'

'Yeah, it seems straightforward,' I replied, 'But if it's energy released from the mind, why do you say not many people use it properly?'

'Everyone uses Chi but most in small amounts,' he explained again, 'for examples, scientists and mathematicians focus their mind on the problem at hand, and therefore strengthens their intellectuality. But anyone can think, it doesn't require much energy at one to perform this operation. The way most people use it is where these two forms of energy intertwine. Magic is formed when Chi is released from the body, which is channeled with Ki. To put it in laments terms, you use your mind to conjure the spell, and channel it out of your body. Do you understand the concept now?'

'Yeah I think I get it,' I asked, 'But what does this have to do with the training?'

'To put it simply,' He said, 'I'm going to train you in both segments at the same time. During your free time, you shall spend it meditating. Meditation is a way to calm the mind and focus on one particular point. When you meditate, I shall bring you into my conscious, where I shall train you both physically and mentally at the exact same time. When this occurs, your mental energy is in a more focused and pure form. This way, you'll find your strengths improves at a drastically faster speed than that of your comrades. Think of a mathematical statement. What is 2 times 5?'

'10,' I explained.

'Correct,' he said, 'When you train with me, that formula changes ever so slightly. Tell me, what is 2 to the 5th power?'

'32,' I replied.

'Correct again,' he said, 'Can you see the scale of difference now? Nordic certainly did, and that is the main reason why he wanted me to train you. Besides, after Cougar's famous announcement, his schedule got tied up even more. Providing more protection for the president, and seeking out those to train new soldiers. You need all the help you can get.'

After a quick breakfast (not to mention a quick relaxing game of chess with Peppy), I found myself alone at the door of General Pepper's office once more. I could only hope he wasn't completely off the ball from all the stress going around. I guess I couldn't blame him if he did.

"Please take a seat Mr. Lewis," he said as I opened the door and walked inside, "there is much to talk about."

"I'm aware of that General," I saluted and sat down, "however the real question should be where should we start first?"

"First off," he began, "we have begun our investigation on the location of their base." He paused for a second and sighed, "unfortunately we have been following bread crumbs to empty leads. The longer it takes us to get closer, the more frightened the public becomes. Which leads me to another observation."

"What might that be sir?" I asked.

"How on Corneria would they be able to broadcast everywhere simultaneously? We only gave them the legal codes towards the military channels, but they managed to hack onto the public channels too, which was why the whole place was scared to begin with. And it's not just Corneria, every electronic device everywhere in the whole darn system was projecting Cougar."

'An interesting observation,' Bahamut projected in my mind, 'what possibilities linger there?' I thought deep for a moment and managed to come up with a couple answers.

"Well sir," I began, "There's a few possibilities of how this happened. If they did manage to get the authorization codes for the broadcast, then it means either they stole it or got it from someone inside of our workings. If they managed to hack into our systems to get said codes, it could mean that someone gave them the passwords to look it up or managed to find a backdoor inside. For a complicated system such as Cornerian security, there could only be two possibilities for this to occur. This could either be someone informing them of a back route or they found it on sheer miracle. If that was the case, they still would have to figure out how to crack their way in."

"So you're implying that their way in was most likely caused from someone inside our ranks?" General Pepper asked baffled, "more spies?"

"It's only speculation," I assured him, "but it's definitely possible."

'Smart observation,' Bahamut commented to himself. General Pepper sat down with a slump.

"This could only mean bad news," he said, "someone we don't about has been handing out favors to the enemy. Other evidence supports that too, like how they knew how to strike us during their last invasion. Do you know how bad this sets us back?" He asked me. I shrugged. "It means we'll have to cancel investigations and concentrate on the homefront full throttle until we completely cleanse the planets of spies. With only 29 days it could be next to impossible to accomplish and still figure out where to go." I thought for a moment and sparked a very dangerous idea.

'Could it be possible?' I thought and spoke.

"I think I may have a buffer to offer," he looked at me funny.

"Go on."

"Well sir, I know that you have Star Wolf on investigation of the Claxan a lot. I also know that we just got back and that we have another job to do within a few days. I was wondering, if it was possible to go with them for a few days. I can serve double duty with the two teams, investigating on the outside, while you focus on the home front. It may only help a little bit, but whatever helps makes it that much easier." Pepper looked very solemn as he thought. I was wondering if he was taking it as a good idea.

"I think that is very possible," he said, "however I should give you a huge heading warning about this. Star Wolf and Star Fox have been enemies for a very long time. When they weren't trying to kill each other, they were trying to best each other. Even now, even though we work together now, we find that they still don't see completely eye to eye. There's a rival for each one of the major players. Wolf vs. Fox, Panther vs. Krystal, and Leon vs. Falco. Hell, even one time the great traitor Pigma Dengar was rivaled to Peppy back when he served with them."

"Yeah I know," I agreed, "Peppy still seems a little boiled at the thought of that name."

"This also means that you risk further conflicts between the two teams. If you hope to find a way to get them to get along with this, I wish you luck, although it will be to nearly no avail."

"I know," I said, "if I can get them to put aside their differences, even for a little bit, that works for me. If I can't, at least I can still put in all my effort to defeat the Claxan." General Pepper looked into my eyes, seeing the determination in them and sighed.

"You have brave youthful energy in you son," he said, "reminds me of my early days. You have seen much, and your convictions challenged to no end, and I see no end to that battle anytime soon. Very well, you shall deploy with Star Wolf, when they return in a couple days. They're finishing investigations on Planet Sauria and should be back soon. Feel free to prepare how you will until then, dismissed." I got up and saluted him before I left.


Fara entered his office after the human left. General Pepper had a massive look of concern on his face.

"Something the matter sir?" She asked.

"It's just," the General began, "I'm afraid Ryan's decision might spark a new battle. One we can't afford to have."


I was walking to the entrance when I ran into one of the Lucian brothers. This time it was a dark dragon, with scales reflecting bright under the light. It was Lucian Equinox, and he seemed particularly happy to speak with me.

"Hey Ryan," he said, "how have you been?"

"Eh, more or less ok," I said, "I don't have a lot of time, I need to go prepare."

"You're going on another mission so soon?" he asked, "you just got back."

"Well," I said, "I regardless I only have a couple of days."

"Well, if you're not so busy with preparations," he began, "could I possibly invite you to dinner? You see, my one brother you haven't met yet has moved back into the city with me, and he really really wanted to meet you. He's a huge fan." I thought about it for a minute.

"Well, ok. I think I can finish my preparations early." I finally told him, and left. He seemed very delighted as he walked away. I was back at the house for a few hours to grab some supplies. I only packed essentials, such as other uniforms and necessary equipment. Bahamut kept my mind busy during this time.

'Are you sure you want to go through with this?' he asked.

'What other choice do I have?' I replied, 'We won't find them fast enough if I don't.'

'You know full well what General Pepper meant though, about their old struggles.'

'I know Bahamut, but I stand by my earlier convictions. I have to work with both teams in one way or another. Is it that hard for them to work together?'

'Yes, it is,' he said bluntly, 'if Starfox finds out about this, then things will go very badly. I can sense it just by being in this house.'

'Then they won't find out.'

'What?' he seemed surprised.

'I'll just leave a note that I'm on special assignment for Pepper for a couple days. They don't need specifics that much.' Bahamut shrugged away not sure what to think at the moment. I could sense he thought it was a bad idea. Regardless, I left the note by the couch coffee table, expressing only the information I planned for them to have.


I found myself at a fairly new apartment complex at one of the better places in the city. After knocking the door was answered by the new brother of them that I haven't even met yet. It was a calico tabby cat. The various color of his fur ranging from white, gray, and a particularly interesting orange. He smiled as he opened the door further.

"Wow," he began, "this is quite an honor Masterpaladin. Uh, I mean Mr. Lewis." I scratched my head a bit from this.

"Please, just call me Ryan," I said, "I'm definitely not one for formalities." He nodded.

"Please come in then," he stepped aside as I did. I wasn't wearing anything heavy on the fact that it was rather warm that night. Must have been an equivalent to summer. "Eq is finishing up dinner preparations." I thanked him and sat down on the couch again. He was watching a rather interesting news interview about someone from the academy. I saw my face come up on screen as the cat shut it off.

"So what's your name?" I asked. He seemed much more comfortable now.

"My name's Lucian Canad," he smiled, "just call me Canad. Our parents had an interesting idea to change our last names and make the first name constant."

"You can do that here?" I asked in wonder. He chuckled and nodded. Equinox walked in taking off a cooking gown and smiled.

"It's ready for you just come right on in," I smiled and got up, Canad following behind me as I followed Equinox into the dining room, it was lit by candles complemented by very ravishing looking dishes. I saw a seat with my nickname on it and figured it was mine. I also noticed the food on it.

"Ribs?" I asked, "you shouldn't have. How did you know it was my favorite food?"

"Let me put it this way," Equinox began, "when Blaze wants to find out something about someone, he finds out, in one way or another."

"That's insane," I said, "speaking of which, where are they?" I asked as I noticed two seats vacant with no dishes.

"They are currently on assignment on Planet Katina," Canad explain, "they'll be back within three days." He pulled my chair back for me and helped me into my seat quickly, before sitting down himself. I waited for them to start digging in before I did myself. I wasn't very good at table manners, but I always knew to try following the host's traditions before making any actions myself. I dug into the food slowly, with much needed delight. The food was so fantastic that I realized exactly how hungry I was at the time. Especially since I skipped lunch to finish preps for the mission. After a while dinner went by, with idle discussion about one another. I stretched and laid back a bit when we all finished.

"That was great Eq, the peak of culinary perfection," I said. Eq bowed.

"Thanks," he said, "I must agree with our new friend. You've been practicing your fighting skills. It shows." I nodded. "Just let me wash those dishes, and don't even think about helping Ryan. You and Canad go getting to know each other."

"You sure?" I asked.

"Sure I am," Equinox concentrated a bit, and I found the messy dishes lifted into the air, and found their way quickly into the sink, in an impressive display of magic.

"Showoff," Canad said, "let's go to the living room then Ryan."

"Alright then," We sat back down in the couch. I was wondering what else to ask him about. So I asked him a different question.

"So what else do you want to know?" I asked him curiously.

"Well," he smiled mischievously, "Blaze told me you're very good in pleasing a man. Is it true?" I smiled and realized that good old Blaze certainly had to brag about most anything.

"That depends on what you mean by pleasing a man," I said.

"Well," he began again, "if it's a man you know very well, who you find attractive." He slowly slid his hand onto my leg, rubbing affectionately. It was then that I knew what he wanted. Of course, certainly won't be the last time I get asked either.

"Then I would say yes, but I think it's up to the man to decide." I replied.

"Well do you find me attractive?" He gave me a lusty looking grin.

"Well," I smiled and pointed down at my bulging pants.

"Oh," he said feigning surprise, "that was a clear answer." He leaned down to kiss me. I smiled and met him half way. His lips were firmly pressed against my own, and we rubbed each other in an embrace as we went on. I seemed deep enough in it that I didn't even notice Equinox coming back in.

"Well the dishes are clean and...." He looked at us, "stored." I saw him and quickly broke the kiss in shock. "I don't know what to say Canad. I never thought you would do something like this.

"Um... uh," I tried to think of something to say at this awkward moment.

"I can't believe you guys started without me," I nearly fell off the couch with his statement. They saw this and started howling with laughter. Eq finally said something after a minute, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Did you really think I would be surprised to see Canad kissing another man?" I shrugged, now just feeling completely embarrassed.

"Sorry Mr. Lewis," Canad began clutching the arm rest for support, "in that situation, there was no possible way to miss it."

"It's ok," I said, "and please, call me Ryan." I guessed he was used to being formal.

"Ok Ryan," he said, "Can you forgive this small prank?" He then made a cute kitty face at me which I couldn't resist smiling at.

"Alright then," I said.

"Thanks, Now where were we?" The cat motioned Eq close to us. He was sporting a tent of his own, as Canad started rubbing a claw over my bulge, I was soon fully erect. Anyone could tell I hadn't done it in a while and was roaring for release. I found Equinox began hugging me from behind, as Canad shifted to the front. Canad resumed kissing from me, and managed a small moan out of my mouth, as his gentle hand squeezed over my erection through my close. Eq was gingerly licking behind my ears, as he groped his hands right over my ass cheeks, producing another moan out of my mouth. I could tell they were enjoying teasing their little human.

Each of them guided one of my hands to their tents, and I was happy to oblige carressing them, rubbing them ever so softly and smoothly. I felt Canad tug on my shirt another minute later, and I let him lift it off as Eq fingers the waistband of my pants, slipping them down and off, pulling my shoes and socks with it, until I'm only in my underwear. I followed suit as I tugged Canad's shirt off. Eq quickly took his own shirt off, to keep up with his brother. I rubbed and teased his chest a little after that, before he got down on his knees and started licking over the bulge of my underwear.

Eq turned my head around a bit and took over the kissing bit. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back. Without breaking the kiss, I could tell Eq was slipping the rest of his clothes off. I felt my underwear being tugged down, my rock hard member glad to be free from it. I could feel him lick over my member, as he helped his brother's clothes off and began stroking his member slowly. I gave another moan from this as I petted the cat's head.

"You know kitties love to be petted," he said licking the tip of my member. I would respond to that, but I was too busy making out with a sexy dragon. Eq seemed to read my mind on this and made a comment in my mind.

'Why thank you,' He pulled out, lying down on the floor to start sucking off Canad's cock, while one hand still stroked me. I didn't even realized that Canad had slipped his pants off, I guess I was just enjoying myself too much. I laid down with them, and felt Eq press my head lightly over his erection. I gave it a couple slow teasing licks before taking it into my mouth. Canad then resumed sucking me off. I was fixated in the three-way pleasure I was experiencing. They seemed really good at it.

After a while, I could feel Eq bucking inside my mouth, his cock twitching. I could tell his climax was getting near. As was I, when Canad started letting out his tongue to tickle my balls as he sucked me off. After a few more minutes, we let out our loads relatively close to each other. I could feel Eq hot cum soothing it's way down my throat. We pulled out of each other as we finished, and relaxed for a little bit. The dragon sighed in content.

"My brother's were right," he said, "I never came so hard." I smiled at that.

"Ok then, my turn," Canad said as he hugged me. I happily returned the favor, and felt my limp cock rub against his sheath. I looked over to see Eq standing up, making a show of himself rubbing back to full mast. It was more than enough to re arouse me back myself. I felt Canad push my head down a bit until I was level with his member. I smiled and gave it another teasing lick. Another quick buck and the cock was quickly inside my mouth. From the corner of my eye, I could see Eq crawling up behind me. As I continued servicing Canad to his satisfaction, I could feel a wet finger pierce its way inside my rectum.

I gave a moan onto the barbed cat cock, shivering in delight. Canad was enjoying the sensation I was giving him from my moans, and he signaled his brother to add a second finger. When he did I felt my entrance expand a little more, before I felt him pull out. I could tell it was nearly time for the big one. I continued to service Canad, while relaxing my entrance for the dragon to take me.

With a push on his end, I could feel him push inside me slowly. He kept it in inch after inch until he fully hilted in me. My walls adjusted to the large invader rather quickly. I could feel the cat's barbs flare up against my tongue, and I motioned up to tease Canad's tip with the tip of my tongue. After another quick second, Eq started his thrusting rhythm. As he did, he began to stroke my own member in a free hand.

The two were soon quickly to the point where the slow fun was done, and quickly started speeding up. I took my attention to deepthroat the cat cock, moaning and panting on it as Eq pounded me with vigor. As his pounding got wilder, so did his erratic stroking. This instantly brought me close to my second climax within seconds.

Canad gave a loud meow of delight, pushing me deep on his member and shot his hot seed down my throat. The dragon behind me gently bit down my shoulder, as he pumped loads of shots of his cum deep inside me. This sent me well over the edge, as I climaxed hard onto the floor and some on my chest. As we finished, Eq pulled me off Canad and gave me a gentle kiss, which I happily returned. During the kiss, Eq spoke to me telepathically.

'A proof of good faith. That I enjoy kissing handsome men as much as any of my brothers.'

'Well I enjoy kissing all of you too,' I replied happily. We wrestled tongues for a bit, I nearly forgot what Canad was doing. He certainly wasn't done yet, and I could feel it when he pushed slowly into my entrance. I gave another moan as I slowly got re aroused yet a third time. I slowly felt the sensation of the barbs scrape my walls. I wasn't used to cat barbs, and I could easily say it was an interesting sensation. It hurt, but in a very erotic way, to the point where I was enjoying it. Eq could sense my pain and broke the kiss.

"Hang on, it will go away and it will feel fantastic," he explained. And as he said the pain reduced to a small dull.

"Better," I replied. Canad started thrusting at a relatively slow pace, and Eq followed up stroking me off at the same pace. I was panting and moaning nearly constantly, in a brim of sweat from the exertion. Another minute went by before the pace picked up once more, and Canad bit down my other shoulder gently as I felt him tense up. Eq used his other hand to stroke himself while keeping up the treatment on me, I was already close.

With a few more torrential thrusts, we came nearly the same time. I could only shoot out a few healthy shots, showing I was pretty much spent for the night. I could feel more cum feel my rectum, as Eq cummed over both of us. Canad slowly pulled out of me, and we gave a nice cuddle as we basked in the afterglow.

"Dinner, then a nice healthy sex," Canad said grinning, "What I call a perfect evening."

"Yeah, certainly was," I said.


"Have a good night Ryan," Eq and Canad shouted to me as I left the apartment. I waved back, and they shut the door. I headed back to the military building, where I had decided to stay and prepare while waiting for Star Wolf to return. The night was still young, and the stroll was fairly nice. No one else was walking outside. Most people stayed in their homes out of fear of the impending war. We had less than 30 days to find the Claxan and put an end to this chaos. The only people who would be out would be thugs willing to bring out chaos for the Claxan, or those wanting to join their army, the Dawx rebellion.

I got back to the building with no trouble at all. Not many people were around, so I headed straight to my room. It wasn't too small, but not much bigger than a large closet. It held a bed and a small desk. I didn't have much need for anything else since other than my clothes, portable technology for the job I had, and Bahamut. I was once asked by Tri if I ever missed my old belongings from my old home. My simple answer was this.

"I didn't think much about that," I said, "while it's certainly different, I think the ability to adapt and move on from trivial belongings can strengthen the heart. I know if I ever return, and my stuff is still there, there will be memories to cherish."

As the night got late, I finally decided to head off to bed. As I drifted off, Bahamut teased me once again in my mind.

"You seem tired Ryan," he chuckled, "Had too much fun."

"Oh grow up," I finally got to sleep after the dragon finished howling in laughter.