Many Paths to Follow

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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An Eevee considers the possibilities for her future, and enjoys the many potential outcomes that might bring. <3

This story was written for Bluetippedwolf as their Patreon Flash Fiction reward for November. The story's prompt was "Eeveelutions." It contains solo sexual acts involving a consenting adult. :3

Many Paths to Follow

Eighteen years old... a whole life ahead of me. But, what kind of life? What kind of person do I want to become? For some, that question is a metaphor. For me, an Eevee, it's a fact of biology.

Right now, I'm full of potential. That's what everyone tells me. That's what I tell myself. Even now, lying in bed, naked under the covers, hands between my legs and mind fantasising about the life stretching out ahead of me. I'm full of potential.

"O-oh... yes..."

My fingers slide inside myself, and I imagine myself sliding into warm water. Lithe. Graceful. I dive deep, and float, drift, let myself be swept along beneath the surface. As Vaporeon, this could be my future.

"Harder. Ah. Ah..."

The heat rises in my body. Heat. Fire. If I became Flareon, would I ever be able to quell this burning passion? Would I seek to set others alight with the same hunger that consumes me even now, never stopping, burning my way from person to person, ceaseless in my savage elemental fury?

"Mmh... oh, f-fuck."

I pull my fingers free, so close, but not wanting to slip over the edge quite yet. I hold on. I rest. Alive with desire, yet at peace, still and restful like a leaf hanging from the branches of an ancient tree. Would being Leafeon give me that peace? Do I want that peace? The calm, the passive, enduring beauty of nature? Is that even what awaits me down that path... or will I feel the more primal side of the natural world? A wild animal, desperate, savage, carnally imbued with nature's most basic doctrine; survival of the fittest.

My clit. It aches, and I seek it out. I tease it. I squeeze it. My hips rise, toes curling down into the bedding. I shriek. I wail. I'm...


I cum, hard. I feel my fingers dampened by my own ejaculations. My cheeks flush, I squeal with bashful excitement. I don't squirt. I never squirt. Oh god, so embarrassing... but... I can't deny that it feels incredible. Magical. Might this kind of feeling, this otherworldly magic awaken permanently within me if I chose to become Sylveon, or Espeon?

"Don't stop. Don't... oh please, more!"

Greed overtakes me. Not evil, not bad, but from a place of darkness. A place of indulgent happiness, concerned only with my own joy, pride, and delight. Umbreon, were I to choose that path, might lead me to such excesses time and time again. Days spent indulging in masturbatory bliss. Nights spent seeking lovers. Fuck buddies. Making them howl. Making them make me scream.

"Yes. Yes! A-ah... oohh... oh god, aaahh... yes..."

My fingers slow their motions. My loins cease their convulsing, their quivering, their gushing. I sink back to the bed, feeling the dampness of my own creation as my ass hits the sheets once more, but too tired to care. I roll over, glacially slow in my satisfaction. I moan into the pillow as I writhe in contentment. The heat is gone. The passion spent, replaced by cool, soothing fatigue. Chilled out. Peaceful. Would Glaceon suit me? Would I even miss the passions that might be denied to me, if I was this relaxed? Not frigid, but mild and mellow in all things.

I don't know. I just don't know. So many choices. So many possible lives, everyone around me wordlessly waiting, expecting me to choose.

All I want to do right now is sleep. Rest. Then wake up tomorrow morning and think about anything else. Maybe I'll make myself cum again. Give myself a reason to spend the morning in, washing the sheets. A reason to wait one more day. To enjoy life not worrying about what might be.

After all... it's not so bad being me. Being Eevee. I know everyone expects me to become something else... something more, but... of all the many paths I have the chance to follow? Why can't I just take the one that lets me be... y'know, me?

By Jeeves