A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 25: Exploration

Story by sheerclaw on SoFurry

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#27 of A Curtain Falls Over Furdom

This story can/will portray levels of gore, violence, sexual behaviors (M/M, M/F, F/F, ....), upsetting stuff, etc. that may not be suitable for infants/minors or the weak of heart. Know that you are free to read. View at your own risk if you are anywhere (anywhen?) you shouldn't be reading. All characters and situations are sprung from my own head (ie. poof). Any resemblance to real, imaginary, dead, alive, undead, or transitional beings is coincidental.

Yes, there is M/M activity in this chapter. You won't have to look hard

"Then let's play for a bit."

The whisper, tickling my ear's guard hairs, gave me a shivering tingle down to my groin. It felt hot and sensitive down there. I was getting turned on, just by him being near, by his paws slipping beneath my shirt to stroke my back. My paws dug in on his shoulders, my breath making light pants into his ear. When I opened my eyes, I saw bright, golden sunlight filling a blue sky above us.

"Tent," I managed to whisper, not wanting anyone to see us clinging to each other.

Shadow nodded. Still clinging to me, he crab-walked us sideways and paused at the tent entry. He pulled me in tight, seeming unwilling to let me go. At his press all along me, I could feel his hardness grinding into mine through our layers of clothes. He rocked his hips against mine, pressing us together. Once. Twice. My quickened breath hitched, and my fingers twitched into his shoulders.

One wolf's paw left my back to undo my shorts with ease. Shadow sank down to his knees, pulling my shorts and boxer briefs with him. He stared for a moment at my peeking cock before closing his eyes and leaning in to take a slow sniff at its sheathed base. His cheekfur brushed along my white-furred sheath, causing me to gasp, my paw settling on his un-bandaged shoulder for support. I found myself leaning over him a bit, feeling aroused. A tongue licked at the side of my sheath base, tasting, scenting. He reached over with one paw, and fumbled for the tent zipper without looking. With a glance over at the offending tent, he gave up his search.

With Shadow steadying me with both paws, I managed to shift my footpaws out of my lowered clothes. I glanced around the expansive rooftop, but it was empty. Good. A wolf paw pulled back my sheath, and my hips twitched forward involuntarily as a tongue touched to the hot pinkness revealed from inside. A wolf tongue licked the tip and down the side. My fingers twitched on his shoulders as I gasped. Hot, wet tongue, it was warming my sensitive cock as it twitched in the cool air.

"W-Wait!" I gasped, feeling warmth encompass my cock. I had someone's muzzle on me for the first time. So hot. It felt so good, encompassed in a heat not my own. My legs trembled, and my body sagged over Shadow, panting. The wind whipped at my fur.

He hummed a response, sending a jolt of sensation through me. My hips shifted without me thinking. Slow bobs of his head on the pink cock end made me feel hot with growing tingles. My cock twitched in the black wolf's sucking maw. Sensations rising, urgency rising with the unsteady world. I wrapped an arm around the back of his head, and the other hung down his back, gripping at black fur. I was unable to stop gentle humps into his muzzle as I drew gasping breaths.

"Close," I mumbled. My knot was forming, even without any pressure.

I felt a finger prod at my rear entrance, just breaching the barrier. It took me over the edge, and with a grunt I shot my load into a wolfy muzzle. Fox tail tucking reflexively behind me, my seed filled him. My paws moved back to Shadow's shoulders, avoiding the bandage. My hips twitched as Shadow's movements eased. He sucked on me, massaging my knot and my rear entry with gentle fingers.

"Gods, Shadow..." I whimpered out between pants, feeling my cock twitch in a warm muzzle.

The black muzzle with the scar slipped off my twitching cock. As I managed to straighten, he looked up and grinned at me. "See? I knew you wanted to try this."

I nodded, still panting, but regaining my breath. I pulled him up to me, wrapping my arms around his middle. When his grinning muzzle claimed mine, I could taste myself on his insistent tongue. That's what I tasted like. I closed my eyes and moaned into his warmth.

"Mmmm, victory treat," Shadow whispered against my lips.

I licked my tongue against those lips, eyes still closed. A little whine escaped me, and I drew him in tight, wanting to feel him closer. I settled my chin next to the injured join between his shoulder and neck. A contented sigh showed how much the activity had given me a feeling of relief. Shadow's muzzle nibbled at my neck as he too returned the embrace. When he shifted, I felt him still hard against me.

"Shadow?" I whispered, realizing with a twinge of guilt he'd gotten no relief for himself. "You-"

"I know," he interrupted between nibbles.

When he didn't continue, I opened my eyes and whispered, "Let's go in the tent."

He nodded, his breath hot and fast against my neck. He released me, and I crouched to open the tent. When I had difficulty at a damaged part, Shadow took hold of the zipper from me, and with a firm jerk, forced it to open, ripping it a bit more.

"I guess we're needing a new tent," I said with sadness.

He shrugged and entered the tent, lying back on the sleeping bags. He shimmied out of all his clothes as I crawled in after him and fussed with the zipper. After closing the tent the best I could and removing my shirt, my Wulf sat up and pulled me down over him.

I could feel his hard cock against my hip, the damp tip sticking out of his black sheath. He rocked his hips against mine, his breath panting in my cheekfur. I licked the inner cup of his ear, eliciting a moan from him and a single, hard thrust from his hips. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling a faint response from my own cock as Shadow's aroused scent filled the tent.

What could I do for him? I would do anything for him. He had taken me in his muzzle, I could do the same, right?

I kissed my way down the line of his neck, pausing to nip at his collarbone. He jolted with a whimper, causing me to grin. I left light nibbles at the skin beneath his chestfur. My own chestfur tickled at the peeking length of his cock, causing the wolf to moan and try to wiggle his hips to gain some sort of friction. Gathering my courage, I moved down his torso with kisses along his middle.

It was empowering, to have a big black wolf writhing beneath me as I drew my focus down the length of his body.

I shifted my weight to crouch over his groin. I eased back to my hocks, trapping his legs, sitting back and looking down at him. Giving a little grin, I took his hips between my paws, avoiding the wound on the left one. My grin faded as I stared at his pink cock. What now?

"Please," Shadow moaned. "Please."

My eyes shifted from his cock to his face, seeing that Shadow was close to distress from arousal. Our scent combined in the tent. Something had to happen. Something must occur. I looked up to him as he looked down to where our bodies pressed together. I felt a deep response to his interest.

"What do I do?" When the wolf didn't respond, I asked again, "What do I do?"

"Anything," he mumbled, trying hard to keep still. He looked up, into my blue eyes. "Touch me, lick me. Whatever you're comfortable with." He hesitated. "Only if you want." He looked up at me, sudden uncertainty in his gaze.

I reached up his body to brush my paw against his cheekfur. I felt assured by his gaze and him allowing my touch. "Of course. I want to do anything for my Wulfy."

I re-centered my weight and focused on the peeking, pink cock. It looked bigger than mine, though that was not surprising. I brushed the length of the sheath with a single fingertip, and the cock inside twitched against the slight friction. I glanced up to see Shadow sigh and close his eyes, focusing on the sensations.

"Um... just tell me if you don't like anything," I said in a low voice, repeating the finger gesture.

The cock within the sheath pressed back against my finger and Shadow hummed. "I'm sure I'll like anything you do," his whispered voice returned to me. His eyes were still closed, and he brought a paw to rest on his forehead.

I sucked in my lower lip, Shadow looked so cute and earnest in the green-tinged light. I leaned down and sniffed at the cock tip peeking out of the black sheath. Shadow's breath hitched, and I grinned. He was unexpectedly sensitive, even to my gentle breath.

I pulled down his sheath and touched the exposed pink cock with a gentle finger, rubbing around the tip as Shadow gave a soft moan. Closing my eyes, I sniffed again at the bared cock, sensing with my whiskers. Something about the scent drew me in, and my curiosity pulled me close. My nose brushed the tip. I licked it, determined to set Shadow's scent in my mind.

"Tyler," Shadow breathed.

I glanced up at him, but it seemed he had spoken my name, not called for my attention. I pulled the sheath further, down below the knot, examining the length and noticing the traces of veins within. Amazing. I had never seen another penis so close. I settled my weight lower and examined his length. Taking it into my gentle paws, cradling it, I realized it was a fair bit larger than mine. But he was a larger species of canid, so I supposed it made sense.

I glanced up at Shadow, meeting his lust-dilated eyes. He smiled down at me, gaze fixed in fascination as I gave the cock head a long lick. His eyes dropped closed as he loosed a small moan, flexing his hips. I thought to what I'd seen and heard about sucking. Hoping to elicit more responses from him, I swirled my tongue around the tip, causing the wolf to squirm under me and whimper.

With no one else could I gain the sense of confidence I felt around Shadow. With no one else I could approach the way I did, lowering my muzzle over his hardness, trying to touch my whiskers to his fur. He responded with a gasp and an involuntary thrust into my muzzle.

"Sorry," he gasped as I gagged on his cock.

I drew off the hard, pink cock, smiling at him and rubbing his root through the sheath. The scent of Shadow was strong, and I was fascinated by his pink length, tender with an inner hardness. I tried again, sucking as much of the length as I could into my muzzle. Encouraged by Shadow's loud moan, I tried to go further than I felt I could, wanting more of him, knowing I could somehow manage.

When I choked on him and withdrew to cough, he reached a paw to stroke my head. "Don't rush it, Tyler. This is your first time, right?"

I nodded, chin hovering above his pink tip, feeling sheepish. My ears tingled with a slow burn.

The paw on my head ruffled lightly at my ears. "It's not a race, and you don't need to impress me." He winked. "Just try to discover what feels good for us both. I'll enjoy whatever effort you put in, but don't push to where you're not comfortable. Okay?"

I nodded, "Okay." I felt a line of tension within me ease. He was right. What I wanted.... What I wanted was to learn all of him, discover him, in all his wolfyness.

I closed my eyes and let myself smell him. I felt his warmth through my legs and through my paws. The scent of his moist cock, hard and ready, filled my mind and pulled at parts of me I didn't understand.

When I lowered over his tip again, I sucked him in a little ways and stilled, simply enjoying the feel of him in my muzzle. I wiggled my cock-cradling tongue and was rewarded by a faint moan. I reached up with a paw and stroked his lower stomach, moving for a light grip at the juncture of his hip and thigh. With my other paw, I anchored the base of the pink rod. I pulled my head up, muzzle forming a slow suck and was rewarded by a long wolfy moan.

Taking a deep breath, I eased down the length until the tip brushed near my throat. I drew up with slow sucks, wiggling my tongue, seeing what I could do. Shadow gasped beneath me. Smiling to myself, I tried a slow rhythm, finding my comfortable depth for his cock to reach.

His hips began steady little shifts into my maw. When I sped up a little, he panted in heavy breaths and gasped, his shifts turning into flexing and light humping. I felt with my cock-anchoring paw, tickling towards his balls.

Shadow sucked in a breath and began a low litany of yeses. His hips rocked into me, even as I weighed down the join of his hip.

There was a new taste in my muzzle, and I realized Shadow's hard length was leaking. I slowed a moment, sucking the new substance into me, fascinated and feeling I might get driven wild by the primal sensations it caused. I returned to bobbing my head, drawing louder and louder moans from Shadow. My cock-base anchoring paw moved down his shaft to encircle above the forming knot with thumb and forefinger. Slipping my other fingers lower, I cupped at the gaining knot. It felt hot and hard.

He dropped a paw onto my head and pressed down with a gentle rhythm. Following the rhythm of his paw and the building rocking of his hips, I built the pace faster, my sucking steady. My mind went blank, only aware of the movements, scent, and awareness of Shadow.

"I- I'm-" Shadow gasped out.

The black wolf's hips jumped towards me along with a broken cry. Something jetted to the back of my throat, and I swallowed on reflex. I pulled back to his tip in surprise, and more shot onto my tongue. Salty? Bitter? Definitely hot and slick. Amazing. The scent and taste went straight to my head, causing my own waking cock to fill again.

The wolf beneath me panted hard, eyes closed and expression intent. I could feel him twitching beneath my legs as I slowed my movements and focused on milking the remnants from his cock as he came down. When his breathing slowed, I rested my movements and stilled over his knees.

Shadow gripped his paw into my headfur, easing a long moaning sigh. After some gentle sucking, I let his cock slip out. I rested on my paws and knees over him for long minutes, allowing myself to feel his warm body beneath me. I wanted to watch his every expression, every change at that most special moment.

When the wolf opened his eyes, I couldn't help my sudden smile. He looked so happy and relaxed, I felt proud. I knew I had done well enough my first time trying oral that we had both enjoyed it.

"Pleased?" he asked, muzzle shifting to an easy smile.

"Uh-huh," I nodded, grinning. I braced my paws on his thighs and leaned forward, dropping my voice. "I tried it, and I like it."

"Told you you'd want to try it," he commented airily with raised eyebrows, still grinning. "You swallowed too."

I shrugged, "Just did it, didn't think about it." Embarrassment caused my eyes and ears to drop. Was it wrong of me to assume I could?

"I like that you did," he admitted.

My eyes leaped to his, ears perking. "Why?"

"Feels like some part of me is part of you now. You feel more like you're mine."

I smiled and eased down to curl next to him, draping a leg over his. I tried to ignore my waking cock. It would go down in a few minutes, right?

"I'm yours already," I mumbled, kissing deep into his cheekfur.

He looked troubled. "I know it feels that way now..." he trailed off.

When he didn't continue I asked, "Are you worried I'm not? Not planning to leave, Wulfy." I nudged my nose into his neck, feeling his warmth and taking in his scent.

He sighed and stared at the tent ceiling. The light grew dim as clouds overcame the sun. "I just don't know if I can hold onto you. I feel like I could lose you at any time."

I thought through a moment of silence, resting my head high on his black chest. "And last night didn't help, huh."

He nodded and didn't say anything. As he stared at the ceiling, I watched him, trying to find a resolution. Was there anything I could do to help him? It seemed like something he'd need to come to terms with himself.

He let out a long breath and made a restless gesture with a paw. "When I ripped a bit of the tent trying to open it, I could see Peter bent over you, and I thought it was the end. I thought he'd made you his, and I'd never be able to bring you back to me. Not all the way." Shadow brought up his paws to rub at his muzzle. "I thought he'd taken your most important first, and it had ruined all my efforts."

"But I'm safe now."

"I don't ever want to feel like that again," he growled to the dim green light filtering down, voice muffled in his paws.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere near Peter again, especially alone." I listened to the wind buffet the tent.

Black paws dropped to a black chest. He growled something incoherent, frowning. His fingers twitched on his chest.

I wrapped my arm around his middle and squeezed him close. "I'm yours, Shadow. Only yours. You're the one I care about most in this messed up world."

He growled again into the warm afternoon air. He raised a paw near my forearm, and clenched it into a fist. His breathing was irregular. Was he alright? The expression I could see from his profiled face looked torn, upset, even a little angry.

"Shadow?" I whispered into his cheekfur. I needed to reassure him somehow.

He twitched at the sound of his name. He stilled for a moment, then rolled to his side and over me with a loud growl, slipping his weight between my legs. The black wolf braced himself on his arms, propping up over me. His eyes were fierce and intent, staring into mine. I blinked up at him, a little surprised.

I felt his growl through my belly, pressed against him. He wasn't hard, but I was still a little hard from before. There was no doubt he could feel it. The golden eyes were set into mine and didn't glance down. One of his paws moved to my waist, pinning my hip down.

"Shadow?" I repeated, confused frown showing my worry.

He seized my lips with his, crushing mine. My fingertips twitched against the sleeping bag in surprise. He was still growling, easing a bit when I parted my lips. His lessened growl still rumbled into my muzzle, and down my throat. I whimpered at the confusion I felt.

He pulled back and half-collapsed onto me, weight to one side. "I'm at war within myself," he grumbled into my ear, voice still growly.

I made a questioning hum and brought my paw to rest on his bared back. His partial weight was heavy, but not enough to restrict my breathing. I brought my legs up to frame his hips.

"I want to be gentle to you, but I need to claim you, feel I have claim on you." He growled and pressed his hips into mine, tail raising.

I felt his bit of lower hardness on me, slow to wake after the last climax. I let out a long, shaky breath and moved my other paw beneath his arm to cup his uninjured shoulder.

He groaned and released the press. He pressed down into me again. "I want to push you down and claim you with everything I am. I want you to reek of my scent. I want others to know you're mine and no one else's. I didn't realize how much until last night with Peterrrr," he finished in a growl.

The wolf's chin pressed into my shoulder, and hot breath puffed into the fur near my nape. I closed my eyes, blocking out the dim greenish light, but all I could see behind my lids were golden eyes piercing into my soul. I felt his paw leave my side, and he shifted atop me. When he returned to his previous position, I could feel his unsheathed cock freshly hard against my sheath. My eyelids fluttered, staying closed, and his paw returned to grip my side again.

"But I need to be gentle, or I might drive you away," his voice almost whined under the growls. His paw dug into my waist, blunt claws threatening to bruise. He pressed again into me, sliding his length up my sheath, moist end touching my cock head peeking out. He turned his muzzle to dig his nose into my neckfur. "It's hard for me to hold back," he breathed into my neck.

Thunder rumbled in the distance. I tried to shift a fraction, and his growl renewed. Teeth set into the skin at the side of my neck, pulling at the flesh. I gave a long moan, feeling a surge ride my body to my groin. He eased the firm bite away, my skin and fur slipping through his teeth. He pulled his hips away and pressed them back, dragging his length along my sheath again.

"Shadow..." I breathed, opening my eyes to a dark shadow blocking most of the green tent ceiling.

The low growls stopped and his voice whined, "Don't say anything, just hear me out. Please?" His fingers clenched into my side.

I nodded, knowing he could feel my response.

"Sometimes, every part of me wants to take all of you with all I have, all I am. Though I don't know how much I can offer you. I don't know how much I can hang onto you. Tyler... I need you." He shivered above me. His warm, heavy body was tight with tension. "I wanted to introduce you to everything sexual in a beneficial way. I can't believe it was almost ruined by that blood-cursed ferret."

"But it wasn't," I whispered, knowing he could hear me, even as the wind blew at the tent and it started to rain.

"I need to take you. I need to make you mine. Last night, I thought I'd drop through the earth from shock. After that..." he shivered. "I've come to my limit. I can't stand it anymore."

I thought back to all the times he had bit into me at his climax, perhaps as an unconscious way of trying to hold onto me, to keep me with him. I had not considered how much last night might have affected Shadow. It struck me. He'd been more impacted than myself. I at least felt the incident was over and could recover. The fear and uncertainty were continuing for my Wulf.

"I'm sorry," I breathed, closing my eyes and rubbing his tense back as another roll of distant thunder rumbled. "I didn't realize."

His clenched muscles eased a little, but still some tension remained. He shuddered and drew back a bit, finally meeting my gaze again. His upset look and his pinned ears weren't what drew my attention. His eyes were full of aching tears. Narrow trails formed beneath each eye. My heart twisted, watching his torn gaze.

A tear trickled down his muzzle, retracing a trail. "I could have lost you back on the farm. I could have lost you when Helaina was bothering you. Peter could have taken you. I would have wanted you back, but that wonderful, trusting innocence when we play... it would have been gone. I don't want your open gaze to change and have to hide pain."

I slipped my paw from his back and reached to cup his jaw, hovering over me. My fingers stroked into the cheekfur. That strong, heavy wolf head belonged to my Wulf. I felt tears of my own gather, but not shed. I raised my head and met his lips, questioning him with gentle kisses. He closed those golden yellow eyes and sighed into my lips. His hips began a slow, slow pattern of flexes and grinds into mine. The scent of -us- filled the two-fur tent.

I let my head lower back to the sleeping bag, smiling and feeling a bit shy, looking up at him. "What do we do?"

His eyes opened a fraction, as he gave a firm thrust of his hips. "I'm making you mine. Any way I can," he stated, a growl renewing in his voice.

I gazed at him with open emotion. "No argument here."

He loosed a loud, possessive growl and gazed at me with a hungry, intense expression. I felt a little nervous, but not scared. I knew what he wanted; I wanted it too. I was as ready as I would ever be. My mind was clear. My body was ready.

The rain pounded the tent roof, but the ripped damage to the entry was away from the gusting wind. The weather outside ignored the growing heat in the tent and our increasing breaths. The cooler weather made the building heat of us inside pleasant.

He growled again and glanced down between us, where his exposed cock made slow grinds against my furry sheath. His breath gained growls, and his gaze showed hints of desperation.

I blinked. "What about your stitches?" I asked in a voice raised to be heard over the wind and rain.

"Don't care. We're doing this," he growled, gaze challenging me to say no. Thunder rumbled again, seeming to agree.

I shook my head and smiled. "Not that. Just... be careful."

His eyes widened, his gaze even more intense. He studied me, still making absent thrusts over my sheath. Some conclusion reached him, and he sat back on his heels, his bared erection bobbing in front of him. He reached for his backpack, pulling it close and removing the tube of lube.

My eyes widened at the sight of the clear tube, as realization of what was about to happen hit. I sat up and licked my lips, feeling uncertain.

When he glanced at me, his intensity softened. "It's okay, Tyler. We're going to take it as slow as you need. I'll try to take it easy, so don't worry about the stitches. I got this."

I allowed myself a long exhale and with a conscious effort relaxed. I placed a paw on his knee and looked him straight in the eyes. "And I want this."

His muzzle broke into a grin. "I know." He made a pointed glance down to my lap, where my own pink cock was trying to reach the sky.

"So, how do we do this?"

"You'll see," the wolf spoke, his scarred muzzle grinning. "I want you to relax. That's your job. Mine is to claim you," he ended in a semi-playful growl. "I need to ask you though," he said, seriousness overtaking his smile. "Do you want me to use a condom?"

"Um..." I hesitated, my eyebrows pulling down into a frown.

"I- um, I want to mark you as mine... everywhere. Inside too. If you don't want to, I completely understand," he added in a rush. He rambled on. "I haven't been tested, but I don't think I have anything serious, at least. In the pack, it was just us wolves, pretty isolated. I haven't been with any other canid species since I left my pack. It-It was too much like being with a wolf. So I was probably limited to what I was exposed to."

"Well, I hadn't thought about it." I paused a long moment. "It's not like I'll get pregnant, and I think an STD is the last of our worries. So... um... yeah, anywhere is fine," I finished blushing hard up to my ears.

His eyes flared with renewed intensity. His certainty calmed me, and I felt my remaining tension leave. I felt my expression relax and saw Shadow take note of it. He pushed at me, guiding me to lay again on my back. I looked up at him, feeling curious and aroused.

He mumbled something sounding like "beautiful," but in the windy, rainy tent, I couldn't quite tell. He knelt between my knees and propped my legs over his knees. His gaze was intense and full of desire, but his movements were controlled, even patient. He squeezed lube onto the fingers of one paw and reached down to rub at my sheathed cock with the other. I reached down with a paw to rest it on his knee, gripping it and smiling up at him.

My Wulf moved his paw down, between my legs. I felt gentle prodding of a finger at my little pucker. The cool, lubed finger circled the area, waking nerves there, causing me to whimper in pleasure. As he prodded the area, the wind died down, and steady rain continued to fall.

"Just relax," Shadow's voice cooed to me as my eyes dropped closed in bliss.

I relaxed everything I could feel down there. I was okay, because it was Shadow touching me. My very own Bardawulf. He would claim me, keep me safe. I would do my very best to help him and keep him safe too. I could cradle his heart, ease his fears.

I hardly noticed the finger slipping inside. I sighed, feeling my being relax towards Shadow. His finger moved further in and shifted to nudge at me. I waited, biting my lower lip, knowing what was coming. I twitched as an intense feeling spread through me. My body gave a single shudder, and my muzzle dropped open with a loud whimper. A chuckle came from above, and he removed his paws from me. I opened my eyes to see him drop an extra glob of lube onto the probing paw.

I couldn't help the tightening flex of my pucker as a second finger joined the first to prod at the opening. Closing my eyes helped, and as the two fingers pressed and prodded at my entrance, I allowed my tight opening to relax. It's a good thing, I told myself. I want this.

My paw tightened on his knee as the two pressed past my muscles and into me. Again it felt like a bit too much. It didn't hurt, it just felt a little stretched. I reminded myself that nothing was wrong. Shadow would keep me safe. The second paw returned to my white-furred sheath, pulling it down and encircling my aching hardness, giving slow friction up and down.

Minutes passed as my body relented to the gentle invasion of my anus and to the slow jerking on my cock. The fingers spread inside me, coaxing new angles and probing me within. Rain pounded the tent roof, giving white noise to our quiet activity. I flexed my fingers on his knee and settled my loose paw to my chest, breathing evenly. Relax... relax.... I frowned, trying to keep my mind focused on relaxing. When I let my eyes peek, I caught Shadow watching me, and we both broke into smiles.

I wiggled my hips, pressing my legs over his knees. I felt the fingers shift inside, and they pressed that familiar area. I moaned and closed my eyes, wiggling again. I heard a low chuckle over the easing rain. The storm was letting up. I moved my paw down from my chest, but a furry paw interrupted my progress down towards my needy hardness.

I felt restless, like something was missing. It felt like an un-scratchable itch was growing somewhere deep within. My hips humped a little onto his fingers, causing the paw digits to slip around inside. I kept trying to catch that special sensation, but the wolf was more intent on learning my insides and stretching.

"More," I mumbled, feeling restless. I didn't know what I wanted, well maybe I did. My mind was starting to drift, focused on sensation.

The rain eased to soft patters on the tent even as distant thunder continued. I shivered as Shadow's fingers withdrew, unable to help the whimper of loss I felt. It seemed so empty in a place I'd never known was empty. It felt wet with lube there too.

My eyes opened when I felt Shadow shift closer. Something hot nudged at my loosened opening. I watched him drop cool lube between my legs and rub some onto his shaft. His eyes caught mine, and his gaze sharpened. He was as focused as any predator might. Tonight, I was prey, of a sort.

I could see him breathing heavier than normal. My slow opening had not passed his interest. When he held his erection at my entrance and leaned over me, fixing my eyes with his stare, I nodded, light pants coming from me. My one paw was still on his knee, and the other I rested on his forearm.

The heat pressed into me, and as much as I was stretched, the heat of him felt far larger. I whimpered, my fingers tightening on him. I glanced around the tent. Was it too much? I knew other furs could take a cock of his size. Could I?

"Breathe, Tyler. Relax and breathe. That's all you have to do. I'll do the rest. Just relax."

His voice stabilized me, and I stared up at him as he began little grinding movements into my entrance. He watched my face with bared intensity, focusing and reacting to every change I showed. I remembered to breathe, and focusing on his golden eyes helped me relax. Some barrier of muscle released, and I gasped in shock. I could feel him a little inside.

Inside. Vulnerable. But it was Shadow, who would comfort my vulnerabilities, caress my insides.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "Just startled, that's all." I made a minute shift, and felt something hot shift inside me in response. Discomfort grew at my movement. I closed my eyes and panted at the arousal and full sensation. I felt stretched, but it wasn't too bad.

"Open your eyes," Shadow begged.

I opened them to meet his worried gaze. He looked a little terrified. "It's okay, Wulf. It feels full, but I think I'm adjusting."

He sighed and seemed to relax a bit. He reached over and put more lube on his shaft. He looked up at me, worried. "I know I said I couldn't wait, but if you want to stop-"

"I don't," I replied in a firm tone through light pants.

"But if you do, I will," he insisted. "We can try again later." He caressed my lower belly, which felt somehow full.

I smiled and gripped his knee with my paw. "I'm okay. I'll let you know if it's too much." I glanced down, noticing my own cock looking diminished.

He nodded. His gaze was worried, and he held his body still. After a moment, his cock twitched inside me. I felt a twinge of pain, but soon my body relented to the pressure from inside. A long exhale left me, and I nodded to him. He once again began little movements, slow withdrawals and presses. My body eased into it, though it was a bit uncomfortable. Nothing had ever made me feel this full. At the same time, I felt filled and safe. I wasn't worried. I managed little smiles between pants.

Warmth and fur pressed to my rear. Shadow bent low. "I'm all the way in, Tyler,"

"Really?" I breathed. I craned my head up, trying to see.

His sheath was bunched up against me. He looked close, and I could feel him against me. Warm. The rain had stopped, though thunder continued far away. I felt... okay. It was a little uncomfortable being stretched, but I was adjusting. It felt like a grand accomplishment.

He leaned down to press a kiss on my inner thigh. "Got your cherry," he grinned down at me, raising up again and caressing my front with both paws.

I managed a grin up at him too. I tried a tiny shift and felt him move deep within. I tried again, and he slipped a fraction deeper. He groaned and gave a little involuntary thrust. Something must have rubbed my prostate because I released a moan without meaning to as the sensations surged.

"Sorry," he whispered into the quiet tent. The rain had all but stopped.

I winked and smiled at him, showing him I was okay. His expression eased, and he held himself still, though I could sense his body's eagerness in the occasional twitch inside me. He focused on my inner thigh, nudging his nose into the fur, pulling in my scent with every breath. Every few seconds I moved a little, exploring the feeling of us joined.

He leaned forward slowly, so slowly, to join our muzzles. My Wulf nursed me through, sucking at my lips, giving me something to focus on. My body relented, my being expanding past the discomfort. When he eased up straight again, he smiled down at me. He shifted once, testing my response. I breathed and sighed, managing a small smile of my own.

He was stretching and contorting my insides, a welcome invasion. When my body eased, I found myself flexing little rhythms onto Shadow's cock. I could feel my own cock rising again, as the discomfort turned to something pleasurable.

"Shadow," I breathed with a whimper.

He bit back a growl, his gaze intense enough to burn. His throat flexed as he gulped and gathered himself. He began tiny movements of his own, unable to hold off any longer when our bodies demanded he move. His tiny movements withdrew and pressed back with increasing length and speed. In moments, he was moving his cock head to just within my entrance and reclaiming the space inside me with a smooth slide. It was all at a slow pace. His breathing grew heavier, and unhidden desire crept into his eyes. His need was growing.

"Tyler," he gasped. "Last chance to stop. I don't think- I don't think I can stop after this."

I nodded, panting and having difficulty keeping still. I placed both paws on his knees and met his eyes with my own intensity. "Claim me, Bardawulf."

His eyes widened, and I could see him fighting himself. He groaned. "I- I got this," he breathed, regaining a little control. He pulled out of me with a long, slow breath.

Wolf eyes burning, he pulled me to lie on my right side and settled in behind me. When I turned my head to the side, I could see his pure focus on me. His gaze was intense.

"I-" his hips twitched against my rear. "This way I'll be easier on both our bodies."

He propped himself up on one elbow and pulled my muzzle towards him for a sloppy, uncoordinated kiss. Our intensity was becoming too much. When he re-entered, there was no resistance. His hips moved in to press against my rear, moving my tail up and over my hip. His length slid all the way in, like it knew it was welcomed. My body had accepted this wolf, just as my heart had.

I turned my muzzle again and met sloppy wolfy lips. We were joined again, and nothing had ever felt so right. Hot wolfy hardness pushed deep into me, and my body formed to allow him. I closed my eyes as I felt him begin to move. The black wolf nuzzled deep in my red and white neckfur as he mated me.

"Mine," he growled in my ear.

I whimpered something affirmative as he gave a hard thrust against me. My paw dropped to give my neglected erection some friction. I raised myself up on my other arm, and without hesitation, a black arm curled around me from beneath, anchoring my middle. A big, black wolf began a steady thrusting, claiming my being. His breath picked up and light grunts came out of his muzzle and into my ear. Hot breath. His left arm, slung over me, gripped me in random places before it settled to brace against my thigh.

It was all too true, too good to be any dream. Shadow was taking me, panting and growling behind me, nose buried in my nape. My head swum in lust, and thoughts dimmed. I panted out vowels, the breath feeling forced out of me. I clutched at the sleeping bag before me, trying for anchor as everything tilted in pleasure. It was so very much better than fingers.

"You're mine," he growled out behind me, vibrating against my back. "No one else gets you."

With another loud growl, his paw on my top thigh grabbed my leg and pulled it back and over his thigh, where my hock touched his rear. I was spread, lewd for him. He had deeper access in his movements within my warming rear.

My paw sped up on my cock. I could feel it. Something. I felt strange. A growing, pleasing strangeness as Shadow surged behind me, his hips beginning an insistent rhythm. His legs shifted, restless, erratic. His cock stretched deep inside, tickling at the unreachable itch.

I felt stretched, even more full than before. He was growing thicker, especially near his root. His chin rubbed on my shoulder, then teeth scraped at flesh there. I felt and heard him growl, growing louder.

"I'm gonna tie you. You're mine!" he growled out against my shoulder.

Before I could respond either way, I felt the knot base of his cock enter and catch on my muscle ring, refusing to exit. He traded his steady movements for shoving into me as far as he could. Instinct had taken over his control. The growling, black wolf shifted his weight to be more over me, his own leg shifting between mine. He held my leg in place with a firm paw, nails digging in my flesh.

He was half over me as he continued shoving into me, concentrating only on deeper, harder, and faster shoves without withdrawing. I shifted up on the sleeping bag with the force. His new position gave him stronger access. So strong, so hot, deep inside. I glanced down and watched my cock shaking with the movements of my paw and his forceful thrusts.

Shadow's grunts and growls rose behind me, and he dragged his teeth over my shoulder. The thought of being marked and claimed by Shadow made my rear twitch inside. So hot. The growing knot rubbed like nothing ever had before against my insides, driving my prostate insane. Hot discomfort of the knot, growing into pain, mixed with and enhanced the pleasure.

My gasping body shook as he took me. My paw pumped my member as Shadow's delved deep inside. I whimpered with every breath, whiskers rubbing into the sleeping bag beneath. Trembling shakes in my stomach and familiar building tingles grew. I moaned, interrupted on every hard thrust into my rear.

He leaned in close and settled his teeth in one spot, growling and panting around it. I slipped off my arm on the sleeping bag as his paw moved to grip at my own forming knot. His lower arm gripped hard against me, drawing me back and down against his thrusts. His other paw moved from my leg to fumble at, then grip behind my knot, still able to anchor my leg with his forearm.

That was all it took. My eyes rolled back and my toes curled as I released my cum hard, my hips and stomach twitching and quivering. I yipped as the white wad hit me on the chin, seeing sparks. My insides clenched and rippled in the most intense climax I'd ever had. Shadow lasted seconds longer than I.

His growl hitched and turned into a nearly pained whine as he shot his hot claim into me, his teeth clenching into my flesh. His hips jerked against me, trying to drive him even deeper. Through his climax, his hips continued to spasm forward, still trying to breed me deeper. The knot mashed into my prostate. His hitching and grunting breath passed through his teeth and into my fur.

His hips slowed and paused a moment, and my climax was winding down, though still pulsing strong with the hard stimulation. His hips leapt forward again, and I could feel his twitching movements inside me. Heat spread inside me. His paws twitched spastically at my chest and knot.

Shadow let out a loud groan and panted heavily into my shoulder. His teeth were set firmer than ever before. Was that a trickle of blood I felt? Not that I cared much as our hard panting calmed, and our cocks continued to twitch as our long aftermath began. He pulled his leg back from between mine, and I eased my top leg to rest again on my lower one, to be more comfortable for the long wait ahead.

We would be there a while with his cock buried deep. My heat could soothe his while he rested. My cock twitched into the empty air, as I relaxed my paw around the shaft. His, tucked deep inside me, twitched where I could feel its every movement. I could cradle him inside, my most sensitive Wulf.

His paw kept a firm grip behind my knot, encouraging it to continue releasing fluid for as long as it could. My anal ring gripped behind his own knot and my innards cupped the knot's bulge. As I released fluid, my inner muscles continued to squeeze around him, milking him for more of his.

It was done. I was claimed.

Shadow took in a shuddering breath behind me and, through his teeth, let out the world's biggest sigh. I felt the same as he. I was his, forever. A sense of relief settled, and insecurity left.

His. Claimed. Not that I minded. Not at all.

Thoughts were slow to form. My mind was still focused on the twitching within and my own twitching without, my knot in Shadow's grip. I turned my muzzle to the side, trying to glimpse him, and he gave a low, warning growl. I had to grin. Some things wouldn't ever change. I took my t-shirt and wiped the sleeping bag beneath before stuffing it under my twitching, weeping cock. He sighed and relaxed, though he still gripped me close by my middle, teeth still in my shoulder. With another slow gesture, I reached back with a paw and pulled his hip into mine. He gripped me close and shifted his hips, slipping in a fraction deeper.

Quiet contentment settled over the dim afternoon. Thoughts drifted on the tide of undead noises. I spaced out, focusing on the texture of the green tent, the sleeping bag beneath, and the blanket pushed to the side. Tyler, Shadow, and the scents... the twitching inside. Nothing else.

Moments, hours, years seemed to pass in the dim tent. Shadow released my shoulder and licked there, soothing me. I could smell the lingering traces of rain. Our fur intermingled and my eyes drooped, half-closed. I spaced out more. Shadow was with me... in me. Nothing was more important.


I jumped with a yelp, and Shadow jerked behind me and within me.


After a moment of silence, there was a strange rumble in the distance.

"Shadow?" I whimpered, not understanding what was happening.

Shadow, my Wulf, was silent behind me.

--uh-oh. Are the two in danger again? The next chapter will tell