Birthday Surprise

Story by jjwolverine on SoFurry

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A small fox on the high school wrestling team gets much more than he expected for his birthday! This is a complete, stand-alone short story with original characters, a beginning, and an ending. Comments welcome, please let me know what you think!

In retrospect, I should have realized what would happen to me at school on my birthday. They even warned me about it, though it didn't make any sense at the time. I should have realized.

I mean, yes, I'd heard that crazy things happen to members of the wrestling team on their birthdays. But I was new to the school, a quiet and awkward little fox. So I figured they wouldn't do anything to me. And it's not like I was important: I was the smallest wrestler and didn't win a lot of matches. None of the other wrestlers seemed to notice me, let alone speak to me. Even the coach barely seemed to give me a thought, other than occasionally barking instructions during practice. It was like I didn't exist. Why would anyone care about my birthday?

But then there was what they did to Jamie. He was a wolf on the wrestling team, a junior, by no means a small animal. His birthday had been on a Thursday, which was also the day of a meet upstate. I wasn't there, but I heard that 5 or 6 of the seniors threw him blindfolded into a van and drove him up into the mountains overlooking the city. Fighting them had only gotten him a beating. He ended up in the van anyway. Jamie was a big dog, but a couple of the other lads were even bigger. Creatures like that get what they want.

I can only imagine what happened. Did they threaten to push him off a cliff? Did they beat the shit out of him up there? I don't know. Later I overheard Jamie telling a friend that he'd never been so scared in his life. He wouldn't talk about it beyond that, with anyone. But I guess he didn't harbor any hard feelings, because Jamie continued being friendly with the team. If anything he was even more friendly with the seniors that had abducted him. Especially Derek, who was a gigantic muscle-bound tiger, the biggest of all of them. If he hated them, he didn't show it.

And then there was the warning. It was a exactly week before my birthday, though I didn't really think about the date at the time. It was between classes and I was getting a book out of my locker. As usual, the hallway was crammed with animals. Everybody was scrambling to get to their next class. As one of the shorter, lighter creatures at school, I was constantly being jostled. I almost dropped my pens and books about a hundred times as I struggled to get the locker to close.

Finally I managed to get it latched and was turning to go to class. Just as I did so, there was a sudden whump and I was pushed snout-first into the cold metal wall of lockers, very hard. I felt a huge, furry paw clamp roughly around my wrist and twist it quickly behind my back into a hammerlock. I started to try to counter his grapple, but I was too slow, and whoever-it-was was way too strong. I was pinned.

I had barely begun to struggle when I was pressed even harder against the lockers. The force of it was so strong that I was lifted off my feet. I felt an enormous, muscled chest press against my shoulders, pinning me at least a foot above the floor. My legs dangled uselessly. A damp nose atop a large, furry muzzle sniffed behind my left ear. I could feel hot, panting breath on my cheek. My crotch was also being pressed against the lockers, and (maybe?) I thought I could feel my attacker's large bulge pressing itself between my ass cheeks. My tail was pushed upwards in the process, exposing my rump. So it was a male of some sort behind me, then. A large male who was very good at grappling.

"Don't come to school next week," I heard an unfamiliar voice whisper into my ear, "Or you'll be sorry."

Now, I get pinned all the time at wrestling practice. But on the mat, I'm ready for it. Here, out in the open, so unexpectedly, with everyone watching, by a threatening stranger... I'd never had something like that happen before. It was frightening. I felt totally helpless and at his mercy. I felt ashamed that I couldn't get away, that I could just be thrown around by this large animal just because he was so much bigger and stronger than me. I also felt... a rush of blood to my crotch. My cock swelled uncontrollably, tightening and pushing against the briefs I was wearing. I was shocked at being pinned, but even more shocked at how my body was responding. What the fuck?!

I started to yelp in protest at my attacker, but he let me go just as abruptly as he'd grabbed me. I dropped back to the floor and whirled to face him, but he'd disappeared like smoke into the crowd of jostling students. All I could see was a wall of other animals, all unfamiliar. If I'd been taller, perhaps I could have seen who it was. I looked to see if anyone had seen what had just happened, but all the students simply passed by, taking no notice. The whole event had only taken a few seconds.

With a start I realized that my jeans were sporting a noticeable bulge. I quickly dropped my bag in front of my pants to hide it, blushing furiously. Don't get me wrong, I knew even back then that I liked males, although I'd never actually been with one. My phone was full of cock pictures I'd downloaded. But getting pinned so suddenly and so roughly, by someone so big and so frightening... why the hell would that make me hard?

More importantly: what the fuck was I going to do? Don't come to school? For a week? It was a ridiculous idea to even consider. How would I explain this to my parents? How would I get away with missing so much class, even if I wanted to stay away as instructed? What's more, I had no enemies. I'd never been bullied before, at least not at this school. I was a nobody, just the weird little red fox that didn't say much. I went to class, I went to wrestling practice, I went home. Who would mess with me?

But I'd forgotten about my looming birthday.

The week passed. I will admit that the warning at my locker rattled me, but I really didn't want to think about it. There was nothing I could do about it anyway. I assumed it was a prank, a "funny" joke to terrorize me anonymously. Whoever had done it was probably snickering at me now, hoping I would get myself in trouble by skipping school. I couldn't imagine who it had been, though I was pretty sure it had to be one of the guys on the wrestling team. I searched each their faces during practice and in the locker room, but not one of them gave any indication that they'd done it. Or even knew that I existed.

By the 7th day after the incident, I had all but forgotten about it. My birthday was on a Tuesday, and the day passed unremarkably. I went to class. I ate lunch, alone as usual. (Kinda sad to eat alone on my birthday, I guess. I hadn't really made any friends at school since it was only October. Not that I was good at making friends anyway.)

I went to afternoon classes. School ended and I went home. My mom cooked me my favorite dish for dinner (trout!), and I got a couple of Playstation games from Dad as a birthday present. I played one of the new games in my room for a while, and then went to bed.

The next day seemed just as normal. I went to class. School ended. But unlike yesterday, today I had wrestling practice. Not really thinking much of it, I dropped by my locker, dumped my school books, grabbed my workout bag, and headed for the gym.

Practice started as usual, although it was Derek Tiger instead of the coach leading us through the day's stretches and drills. This was a little weird, but not completely unheard of--- sometimes the coach skipped out on practices to catch up on paperwork or whatever. Derek ordered us to warm up with extra exercises, taking an unusually long time. After that we paired off to drill on headlock defense. It seemed like we drilled on that for a really long time too. I was getting pretty tired by the time practice ended.

"Okay I think we're done with drills," bellowed Derek as the team finished up their last moves. "Before we go in, one more exercise: we're going to do a cooldown run. Everybody give me four laps!"

There was a groan from several of the animals, myself included. Our school had a regulation 400 meter track, which meant we were going to run an entire mile before we'd get to leave! I had by far the shortest legs and the slowest mile time of anybody. This was gonna be brutal.

The seniors were big creatures, many of them excellent runners. In seconds they'd bolted for the door, heading outside to get their laps done. I was the last one outside and last onto the track. I started to run but, as usual, I rapidly fell behind everyone else on the circuit. Far ahead of me I could see Derek, the big tiger, loping easily along the lane with a couple of the other giant cats. His powerful muscles flexed with every stride, stretching his tight singlet around his thick thighs and biceps. He seemed to be going almost twice the pace that my little fox legs could carry me. I sighed.

I jogged and jogged, going even slower than normal since I was already tired from practice. The fastest animals lapped me, padding right by me without a look. I watched them finish their fourth lap and duck inside to the locker room. Before long I was completely alone on the track. I hated this. But I was not going to be accused of slacking off, so I dutifully decided to finish the full mile no matter how long it took. I shuffled onward.

By the time I finished and was ready to hit the showers, nearly everyone else was gone. Our extended practice meant the baseball team had long since cleared out of the locker room. A few wrestlers were all that were left anywhere in the gym complex. And I'd been so much slower than the rest of the team that even those few were already showered and packing up by the time I arrived. They were gone before I'd even gotten my shoes off.

Exhausted, I shucked my soaked, smelly singlet to the floor and dragged myself into the large, empty group shower area. I turned on the nearest shower and let it blast my naked chest, not even caring that the water was freezing cold at first. I stood there, panting, as the frigid stream slowly warmed up. My paws automatically found the plastic soap dispenser and worked a lather into my sweaty fur. I ran my paws absent-mindedly over every bit of my small, slender body, washing off sweat and dirt from the floor exercises and the run.

As I was soaping my face, I thought I heard a sharp noise from somewhere in the locker room. I cleared my eyes and looked around, but there was no one in sight. I don't know why, but it set me on edge. I'd never been fully alone in the locker room before. The place was large and bright, but with the rows of lockers and the various equipment rooms, there were a lot of places to hide. That's when I suddenly remembered last week's anonymous warning. I hurried through the rest of my washing.

Another noise came to my ears as I rinsed off.

"Who's there!?" I shouted. But there was no answer.

I was starting to get quite nervous. I shut the water off and reached for my towel. Time to get the hell out of this creepy place. I dried off as quickly as I could, wringing the warm water out of the damp fur on my naked arms and legs. As I toweled off my head and face, I heard the unmistakeable *clack* of the master light switch, and suddenly it was very dark.

"Hey I'm still in here! Turn the lights back on!" I shouted again. But again, there was no response.

My eyes quickly adjusted to the dimness, and I could still see by the pale red light of the emergency exit signs. I was starting to really panic. I just needed to get to my clothes and then I could run the hell home.

I was just turning to get out of there when I saw a large shadow move silently across the floor, very fast, right under my feet. Someone was right behind me! I didn't have time to react before I felt two big paws grab my wrists and pin them deftly behind my back. This time I was pulled backwards, falling with a dull thud against the chest of the huge, strong animal who had grabbed me. I struggled to get free but he knocked me off balance. I couldn't get any leverage, use my legs, or do anything else that would be useful.

"Hey! Let me go!" I shouted, but he didn't respond. I was stuck there, naked and pinned, still struggling ineffectively against the big, silent animal. I could feel his hot breath on the top of my head. Jesus, he was easily a foot taller than me. I pushed hard against his arms but he only tightened his grip on my wrists and growled. Whoever this was had crazy strength. I could feel my own strength draining from my arms. I was so scared I was shaking.

More dark shapes entered the shower area, silently surrounding us. There was little light, but my night vision was excellent, so after a moment I could see well enough. I could tell that these were four of the biggest seniors from the wrestling team. Derek was one of them, his immense feline form unmistakable as he stalked toward me. He wasn't wearing his singlet anymore, just a pair of loose workout shorts and a tank top stretched tightly over his huge chest. Jamie was there too, also wearing loose shorts around his canine hips. I felt my throat close in terror as they tightened their circle around me. I couldn't breathe or speak.

"You should have listened to Andy and stayed home," Jamie growled. So that's who the warning had been from, I realized, too late. Andy was a huge puma with dense, golden fur covering his large, powerful muscles. He was easily three times my weight, maybe more. It was he who had pinned me to the lockers so easily in the hall, and was surely the one pinning my wrists behind my back right now. With a sinking feeling I understood that I had absolutely no hope of getting free of the big cat.

Derek towered over me, and suddenly punched a huge, heavy fist into my stomach. I was knocked back against Andy's broad chest. Derek was so fast that I was completely surprised--- which makes a gut punch a lot worse, let me tell you. The throbbing pain was unbelievable. I thought I was going to vomit. I tried to tense my abdominal muscles to prepare for the next punch, but I was paralyzed with pain and fear. What were they going to do to me?

There was no second punch. Instead, Derek growled and clamped a large, fur-clad paw roughly around my neck. His sharp claws were extended, not quite drawing blood, but pressing frighteningly against my jugular vein. He squeezed his grip tighter, and I could feel myself starting to pass out. His single paw reached almost all the way around my slender neck as it tightened. I tried to yelp, but I could no longer make any sound. Andy tightened his vise-like grip on my wrists from behind even more.

"Are you scared, little fox?" the giant tiger snarled, putting his big face right in front of mine. "Do you know what we do to tiny creatures like you?" His eyes were menacing, his huge, sharp teeth were bared. The others were also growling and looked similarly scary. I could hear and feel Andy growling too--- a terrifying low rumbling in the huge puma's chest which vibrated into my bones from behind. I had never seen them like this, and I'd certainly never been surrounded by an angry group of huge, muscled predators. I could only close my eyes and tremble.

"We're going to beat the shit out of you, kid, " Derek growled. "You're going to wish---"

Just then, Derek's growling monologue was interrupted by snickering laughter from over his shoulder. In a flash his face changed from predatory menace to teenage annoyance. He turned to look at the big doberman behind him, who no longer looked menacing at all, and was now giggling uncontrollably. I felt Derek's grip loosen on my neck.

"What the fuck, Cory?!" Derek demanded. "Way to stay in character! Very frightening."

"But look ," Cory replied, snickering and pointing at me. Derek turned back, still holding my neck, and looked down at my naked body. I saw Jamie looking, too. As blood rushed back to my head and I could think again, I realized what they must be seeing. My dick was rock hard. An intense erection had been building the whole time, and now I was so stiff that my moderate-sized cock was pointing straight up. Straight up at Derek. I blushed furiously and tried to look away. I didn't think this situation could get any worse. I wanted to die of shame.

"I told you," Cory said to Jamie, who also was now smirking. The fifth wrestler, a big lion (named Jeff or something?) chuckled at the scene. Derek dropped his grip on my neck and stepped back. He was also looking amused now, and raised an eyebrow.

"Well now," Derek said with a toothy grin, folding his arms. "We were just going to scare you some and then maybe pass the bottle with you after our little birthday ritual. But this..." he looked down at my quivering, stiff cock. "This may call for a change of plans."

Derek exchanged knowing glances with Jamie, Cory, and the other big cat that I could see. Then they all looked back at me.

"I might remind you that coach told us to leave him alone," Jamie said. "He's new to the school, young and shy, needs a chance to meet girls, blah blah blah."

"I know, I know," Derek replied, turning to Jamie. "But look how much he wants it. How can you pass that up?"

Jamie rolled his eyes. "You're the boss," he said. "So what should we do with him?"

"I know what we should do with him first ," said Derek, stalking towards me again. "Andy, could you hold him a bit lower?"

Abruptly I felt myself pulled roughly downwards by the big puma holding me. His enormous weight on my wrists caused my legs to immediately buckle, and I fell to my knees. Surprisingly, he caught me just before my kneecaps hit the hard shower tile, and lowered me with unexpected gentleness to the floor. I found myself kneeling in front of Derek, my muzzle barely an inch from his crotch. My arms were still pinned.

"I've been wanting this little fox since the first day of practice," said Derek. He slid a thumb into the waistband of his thin shorts and pulled them down, revealing his own big cock. I stared at it, barely comprehending what was happening. I had seen plenty of big dicks on the internet, but never one this big, this close, in real life. The imposing tiger was already getting hard, and I had to move my muzzle out of the way as his thick cock slapped the underside of my chin. I was dumbfounded. Was this for real?

"Don't just stare at it, kid. Have a taste." I felt his large paw on the back of my head, gently shoving my muzzle toward his cock. There was nowhere for my face to go except forward, so instinctively I just kind of opened my mouth and took him in.

The feel of having a real dick in my mouth was... surreal. I could feel him swelling up inside my throat, filling my muzzle more and more. I let my tongue slide underneath the thick shaft, tasting him as he'd commanded. I didn't know what to expect, but he tasted slightly of sweat and musk, not unpleasant. I closed my eyes and tried to open my jaws a little wider. I was still terrified, but the feeling of Derek guiding my face onto his cock with his big paws, shoving himself into my mouth... it was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I didn't know what to think. My mind blanked out, and I just knelt there, obeying.

"Thaaaat's a good boy," Derek said with a sigh, and pushed his hips forward a little. That small motion caused even more of his long cock to fill my small mouth, and I choked a bit.

"Easy now," Derek whispered softly, pulling back somewhat. "Let's try that again. Just relax." His cock had thickened even more now, jamming my mouth and poking at the back of my tongue. I thought I might suffocate, but I did as I was told, trying to relax even though I felt like I was suffocating. Surely he wouldn't get any harder?! I felt frightened and thrilled at the same time at what he would do to me.

As soon as I tried to open a bit wider, there was a small feeling of a "pop" and Derek's cock pushed quickly past the back of my mouth, sliding all the way down my throat. My tongue was pressed flat and I found myself licking his big balls as they rammed home against my chin. My eyes opened wide and I tried to get free, choking even more. I struggled, but Andy's huge arms held me in place from behind, tightening his grip again. I could feel tears coming to my eyes. I wanted to cry out but I couldn't get any air. I couldn't move. I couldn't stop him. I couldn't do anything but submit to Derek's whim.

"There you go," Derek murmured encouragingly. "You got all of it, I'm impressed!" He pulled out a little bit, and I gasped, drawing a desperately needed breath. "Even Jamie can't take that much of me." There was a chuckle from one of the others at that. "You've got real potential, you know. I think you could handle a real blow job."

He leaned forward, again pushing his cock right down my throat. It went more easily this time, and I relaxed my neck carefully so that I could take him. I calmed down a little. I felt his shaft slide smoothly part-way out of my mouth, and then slide all the way back in as far as it would go. Out, then in, then out, then back in. I was frozen in place, reeling with the sensation of that thick tiger cock sliding its way past my muzzle. Derek sighed contentedly again, a bit louder this time.

I realized my eyes were closed. I opened them, and looked up as best I could as I sucked him. Derek was leaning over me, his perfect abs and broad chest bulging out from under his tight tank top. His huge, muscular arm flexed as it guided my head slowly back and forth on his stiff cock. His eyes were closed with pleasure, his toothy muzzle grinning. An electrical thrill rippled through my body as I thought about how I was servicing this gorgeous monster of a tiger. Me! My already hard cock stiffened a little more, and I could feel a small drop of pre-cum dribbling down my shaft.

"That is very, very good," Derek moaned after a while. "Now let's give you your treat."

He pulled out and leaned back. I was left there, kneeling and panting, my mouth hanging open, my cock quivering. I looked up at Derek, a begging expression on my face. I had no idea what was coming next but I knew that I was completely under his control. Derek smiled and stepped towards me again, this time pressing a large paw against my forehead. He leaned my head back, but it didn't go far before it thumped softly against Andy's big chest. I remembered that Andy was still holding me, and he must be kneeling behind me to hold my arms in place. I also realized that I could feel a bulge pressing against my rump, which must be Andy's stiffening cock. He liked what was happening! With a guilty shock I realized that more of them might want me to serve them after Derek was finished. A new wave of fright and thrill washed over me as I thought about Andy's giant, muscled body and what he could do to me if he wanted.

With my head pinned back, I was completely immobile. Derek pushed his cock into my mouth again, this time by ramming his hips roughly into my face. He forced his dick all the way down my throat, which jammed my head against Andy's chest. I gagged, but there was absolutely nowhere for me to go. Derek pulled out and immediately thrust into my face again, harder this time. Andy pushed against me from behind, sandwiching me between them. I choked.

"Fuck yeah," Derek moaned, and I heard Andy's soft growl from behind and above me, right in my ear. The bulge of his cock behind me pressed against my ass a bit harder. Derek rammed his hips into my face again and again, fucking my throat as I knelt there helplessly. My mouth hung open limply as I was face-fucked. It seemed like an eternity. Derek thrust and thrust, going faster and faster. His round, full balls slapped against my chin with each push. His strong, musky smell filled my sensitive nose. I couldn't smell or taste or think anything other than his intense scent.

"Fuck YEAH ," Derek grunted a final time, and his cock throbbed powerfully in my mouth. All at once I felt my muzzle flooded with Derek's hot cum as it pulsed out of him. Shots of it hit the back of my throat, making me gag even more as I swallowed what seemed like a gallon of the stuff. I tried to get most of it, but his cum dribbled from my mouth, down my chin. I thought it was going to come out my nose, there was so much of it. Derek pushed his cock into my throat more gently as he finished up. It pulsed a few times more as his orgasm let the last of his load flow into me. I closed my eyes again, trying to concentrate on drinking it in, sucking down the last of his cum. I don't know what I was thinking, but it seemed important in that moment not to let it spill. I wanted to swallow it. I wanted to be sure I got it all. I sat there, pinned, milking cum from this tiger's cock with my muzzle. Right then, it was all that I wanted.

"Hey. Hey, kiddo." I heard Derek's voice distantly. I realized that I must have... something. Passed out? Lost myself? I came to my senses, opened my eyes. Derek's cock was still in my mouth, though it had softened a bit. Andy wasn't holding my wrists anymore, and my arms had flopped down to my sides. I was still kneeling on the cold tile in front of the big tiger. I could feel the heat of Andy's large, powerful body behind me. His chest was still pressed against my back, and now I also felt his strong paws gently resting on my sides, holding me in place. It almost seemed like an embrace of sorts. And even though I was terrified of what they might do to me next, I slumped against the big cat for support. I was exhausted.

"Hey kiddo," Derek said again, grinning. "Don't tucker out on us. Andy's gonna wake you up now."

I didn't understand what he meant at first. In a smooth motion, Derek leaned back onto his haunches and knelt in front of me, pulling my head along as he went. His cock still filling my mouth, I now found my face buried in Derek's lap. I was on all fours, my naked butt raised high into the air. I started to get up, but Derek laid a heavy paw on my back, keeping me gently but firmly clamped onto his dick. (Which was getting hard again, I noticed. Again?!)

I felt Andy's paws slide down my hips to my rump, cupping my small, firm butt cheeks in his large palms. I felt a squeeze as he pressed them apart, exposing the bare, pink pucker of my little hole. I clenched reflexively, not comprehending what he was doing. For just a moment I felt the hot tickle of Andy's breath on the sensitive, untouched skin of my sphincter. His muzzle must be just inches from my behind! He wasn't going to... was he?

An electric shock shot through me at the wild sensation of Andy's warm, soft, wet tongue suddenly lapping against my sensitive little hole. My vision went white from the intensity of it, and I let out an involuntary moan. A tingling ran through my legs, my cock, my back, and all the way to the tips of my ears. I couldn't stand it, the feeling was overwhelming. Instinctively, I tried to pull away from him, but Andy's paws slid fluidly to my hips and stopped me. With firm pressure, he pulled my ass back against his face and buried his snout deeper into me.

"Looks like he likes that, too!" Derek chuckled. "Jamie, how about taking a turn at this end?"

Derek stood up and stepped back, his big dick flopping loosely out of my mouth. I looked up, still on all fours. Spit and cum dripped from my mouth onto the tile floor. I could barely focus my eyes as Andy continued to work my ass over with his tongue. I looked across the shower floor and saw Jamie shucking off his tank top and stepping quickly out of his gym shorts. Jamie was big for a wolf, though not as big as Andy and Derek. His naked, muscular body was just visible to me in the dim light. I could see that his cock, also pretty hefty, was already hardening and emerging from its sheath. He looked down at me hungrily and stepped forward with a growl.

Trapped in place, I could only stare helplessly as he approached me. Jamie didn't kneel like Derek had done. Instead, he put a paw under my chin and lifted my head up to his crotch. I lost my balance and had to grab onto his thick thighs to steady myself. As soon as I did, he shoved my nose right underneath his sheath, nuzzling his big sack. His scent filled my nose, musky like Derek had been, but stronger and different somehow. Reflexively I opened my mouth so I was licking his balls. Tasting them. I tried to take them in my mouth, too, but they were too big and I couldn't do it. Perhaps I'd have performed better if Andy wasn't also making me see stars with every swipe of his tongue on my ass.

"Wow he is really enthusiastic!" Jamie laughed. "Here boy, try this instead."

He lifted my head still further until the tip of his cock was touching my lips. Without instruction I lapped at the underside of it, eliciting an appreciative sigh from Jamie. He got even harder and pushed himself into my mouth. Soon I was sucking him rhythmically, concentrating on the task as best I could despite what Andy was doing to me from behind. I wanted Jamie to be as pleased with me as Derek had been. It seemed important.

As Jamie's cock stuffed my mouth, Andy continued to lap at my hole. With each swipe of his wide, warm tongue he applied just a little more pressure. The wet heat of his muzzle felt like a warm glow pushing slowly into me. Thick, gloppy saliva slathered my ass and hole in a slick coating. Andy's licking started to become pressing, and I could feel myself spreading open to him, bit by bit. His tongue began to feel not so much on my ass as entering it. I clenched at the overpowering intensity of the feeling, but my little pucker was just too exhausted to keep his determined tongue at bay any longer. I felt the last bit of tightness give way and the tip of his tongue slid into me. I groaned and my eyes rolled back into my skull. My own tongue lolled loosely out of my muzzle, letting Jamie push his cock into my throat a bit further. My arms and legs almost collapsed, leaving me all but hanging there between them: Jamie holding my chin pinned against his crotch as he fucked my muzzle, and Andy gripping my small hips and pulling his soft, eager snout into my ass. My mind was a whirl of confusing feelings. Fear. Pleasure. Shame. I couldn't think. I couldn't see.

"How is it, Andy?" asked one of the others. I couldn't tell who'd said it.

In response, Andy growled with pleasure as he rimmed me. I could hear the deep sound of his chest rumble as well as feel it, vibrating faintly through my gut. Jamie also let out a contented growl as he worked his thick cock slowly in and out of my mouth. I guess that was the answer they were looking for.

"Think he's ready to go all the way?"

That got a chuckle from the whole crew, and they started saying things like "yeah!" and "do it, Andy!" Without letting up on my ass, I felt Andy lift one paw off of me. There was a sound of clothes being hastily shrugged off. I was jostled in the commotion, but Andy and Jamie together still held me between them. Even as exhausted as I was, I could guess what he was about to do. I'd never handled anything like this before, and was pretty sure I wasn't ready for it. But I felt resigned. Trapped. I couldn't even yell for help. Not with a big cock down my throat.

After a moment Andy pulled his face back, and I felt myself guided backwards into a sitting position. Jamie let his cock drop from my mouth, a long stream of spit trailing from his swollen head to my snout. Andy's paw found my rump and pushed it downwards until it was stopped by something warm and thick pressing against my ass. I gritted my teeth. His dick felt impressively large. I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

Andy tugged on my slight frame a little harder, and I felt the head of his big cock poking more insistently against my rump. My small, exhausted leg muscles were all that was holding me off of him, and they were tiring quickly. The pressure intensified, and I could feel his cockhead gliding through the slick spit coating my ass. It slid on its own right to the center of my worn out sphincter and lodged there, pushing at it. With a sigh I knew I was stuck. I steeled myself.

At first, taking the tip of Andy's thick cock into my hole didn't feel much different from the way his tongue had felt. It pushed into me a bit, then let up, and then pushed in a little bit more. With each small motion I could feel my body accepting more of it. For a moment I forgot my fright and just concentrated on taking him. It seemed like maybe it wouldn't be that bad. I was trying to relax when abruptly there was some kind of resistance inside my rump, and there was a twinge of pain. I couldn't take anymore. I froze.

I could tell that Andy felt it too, and he purred reassuringly. His large paw slid from my thigh up to my flat belly. He tousled my soft fur between his big fingers, and then moved his paw up further, patiently caressing the muscles of my small, lean chest. I didn't expect such a gentle touch from the giant, muscular puma; I didn't know what to think. I closed my eyes and let myself feel the warmth of his palms and fingers as they ran through my chest fur. I relaxed a little, though I could feel my legs getting even more tired.

After a moment I felt Andy's paw move up my shoulder, and then slide up to my throat. I was too tired to think about what he was doing, I just let it happen. His huge paw closed gently but firmly around my neck, tilting my head backwards until my face was almost straight up. I didn't resist. Eyes still closed, the back of my head came to rest on his shoulder as I leaned against him. I almost forgot his cock pressing into me. He stroked my chin and throat, but then gradually let the weight of his heavy forepaws on my neck and thigh press me downwards.

Immediately the pressure caused the dull pain in my hole to return and intensify. I whined and tried to resist, but Andy held me there, guiding me down onto the head his cock. For a moment it felt like I was being split open. I'd never felt such all-consuming pain. I opened my mouth to yelp, but the fingers of Andy's big paw stuffed into my mouth, choking off the sound. I whined instead, and found myself licking his fingers. Sucking them. It was humiliating to be muzzled like this, but it helped distract from my aching rump.

I felt my ass suddenly give way, and I let out a howl of agony. Andy's thick cock-head spread me fully open and slid past my ruined sphincter with a soundless pop. My legs went limp and I sat roughly down onto him, impaling myself to the hilt on the full length of Andy's shaft. He let out a roar and gripped me hard, digging his claws into my skin inadvertently. I felt the piercing pain combine with blinding euphoria, both from his claws and from being split apart by his girth. I felt the warm fur of his muscled arms around me. I felt the pulsing heat of his big cock filling me.

"Damn!" I heard Derek exclaim appreciatively. "That is one tight little fox!" The others also made impressed noises.

Andy didn't say anything, but with a grunt he lifted my slight body a few inches off of his lap, sliding my little ass up his big cock. I didn't have time to react before he slid me back down onto him, a bit more gently this time. His cock plowed all the way into me again, firing another pulse of euphoric sensation as it pressed against my spot. Before I could process this new feeling, he did it again: lifting me up, letting me slide back down. I could not deny that it felt good. Really good. My face blushed with renewed shame as he fucked me.

"Oh yeah, he's liking that," Jamie laughed, turning to the other wrestlers. "You boys want to get in there?"

I opened my eyes to see two dark figures looming over me. One was Jeff, the big lion, who quickly dropped his shorts and took his already-hard cock in his paw. With a grin he stepped toward me, straddled Andy's shoulder, and dropped his dick onto my face with a slap. I suppose I should have been shocked or offended or something, but I was too distracted by being fucked senseless. I didn't even react. Jeff put a finger on my chin and nudged my muzzle towards his cock. I let him push it into my mouth. He let out a satisfied sigh as it slid in. I opened my jaws wide for him, resigning myself to this.

Andy lifted me again for another thrust into my destroyed ass, which made Jeff's dick shove itself further into my throat. He glided in and out of my face in time with Andy's grunts, forming a slow rhythm as I was simultaneously face-fucked and ass-fucked by the two big cats. Dimly I was aware that the other dark figure (Cory?) picked up my wrist and lifted it up to waist level, where my paw was guided to another hard cock. This one had the beginnings of a canine knot forming at the base. I found myself gripping Cory's dick in my paw, letting it slide through my fingers with each of Andy's relentless thrusts. Cory let out an appreciative growl and his knot swelled in my fist.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Derek step towards the four of us. He stood in front of me, his cock right in my face next to Jeff's. He looked fully hard again, even though he'd soaked my muzzle in cum just a few minutes before. A small drop of pre-cum glistened in the slit of his bobbing glans. I thought he was going to make me suck him again, but instead he planted a big paw in the middle of my chest and gave me a firm shove.

With my back already pressed against Andy, Derek's push immediately toppled us both. I felt Andy react with astonishing speed, trying to keep us upright with a grunt and a flex of his powerful abdominal muscles. But Derek kept pushing, and he had the leverage, so we went down. Andy managed to soften the fall by curling somewhat as he landed on his back. He pulled me with him, not too roughly, his hard cock still buried inside me as far as it would go. I found myself lying totally prone on top of him, staring up at the ceiling from upon the great mountain of Andy's heaving chest. My arms and legs flopped to the cold tile floor, a startling contrast to the warmth of his body below me and inside me, spreading my ass open with pulsing heat.

"There," said Derek with a smirk. "Now there's room for everybody."

Cory and Jeff quickly closed in on either side of us, kneeling down so that both of their stiff dicks were right in my face. With hungry, grinning expressions, they each wrapped a fist around their cocks and began to slowly stroke themselves. I saw them glance briefly at each other, exchanging a look that told me that they'd just had the same idea. Almost in unison, each of them grabbed one of my wrists, pinning my forearms underneath their weight as they knelt. Then I was really trapped, spreadeagled. Impaled on Andy's rock-hard cock.

Looking up, I saw that Jamie was right behind us, forming a circle around my head with the other two big males. He knelt down over my face and stuffed his cock unceremoniously into my mouth. His big balls dropped onto my sensitive nose, filling my head with his musky wolf scent. My world went black and I struggled to breathe. Jamie's shaft slid in and out of my throat, the upside-down angle choking me even more than before. His swollen knot bumped into my lips with each motion.

In this new prone position, Andy moved his paws back down to my hips. He lifted my ass slightly, which had the effect of pressing his cock against a new spot deeper inside me. The sudden pressure sent another shockwave of intense tingling through me. Now that I wasn't sitting on him, Andy was free to thrust into me even faster. He started pounding me really hard. I tried to tense up to withstand this new onslaught, but I was too exhausted. I could only lay there, held down by Cory and Jeff, as my hole was stretched out even more by this relentless pummeling. I ached all over with pleasure and pain.

Dimly I realized that someone was holding my ankles and was lifting my legs slowly upwards and apart. Spreading my thighs open allowed Andy's cock to plow into me even deeper, though strangely it didn't really hurt. I couldn't believe how much punishment I was taking.

"Now you're really gonna howl," I heard Derek murmur as he spread my legs. I thought he meant the pounding I was already taking from Andy. But he had bigger ideas.

I felt something press on the spot under my balls and then slide towards my rump. Too late, I guessed what Derek was up to. I tried to protest, but my attempts to make sound were cut off by Jamie's cock shoving repeatedly in and out of my muzzle. Helplessly, I felt the tip of Derek's swollen cock start to press at my hole, just above where Andy was already stretching me open.

Andy slowed for a moment as Derek pushed against my tired pucker harder and harder. I was sure I was already stretched to the limit, but this was spreading me open even more. I winced and moaned, tears forming at the corners of my eyes. Slowly but unstoppably, Derek's dick pushed into me with Andy's. I whimpered and went limp. The pain was blinding. I felt like I was being torn in half, but Derek didn't stop.

"That's it," whispered Derek encouragingly, grinding his hips against my thighs. "Take us both. I know you can do it."

Derek began to slide back and forth inside me, pushing Andy's cock even harder against my spot. I ached. I choked. I saw stars. The rhythmic pressure was hypnotic and almost unbearable. He let out a sigh and Andy growled appreciatively beneath me. I felt both their dicks swelling even more, and Jamie's dick thickened in my mouth too, as they reveled in the abuse they were dishing out. Three cocks inside me from three huge animals, taking pleasure from using me however they pleased. It was humiliating and crazily thrilling at the same time.

Derek's thrusting continued, the pressure building as he worked his way further into me. His shaft rubbed against Andy's, and the sound of his breathing told me that he was loving it. Andy's growls deepened into a rumbling purr. Jamie must have noticed too, because he pulled out of my mouth, finally letting me see again. I stared wide-eyed at the sight of Derek's broad torso thrusting between my outstretched legs. His muscular arms held my ankles high. His eyes were closed, a look of breathless bliss on his face.

Cory, Jeff, and Jamie were all kneeling around me, each of them stroking their stiff cocks right above my face. Cory and Jeff looked down at me with predatory grins, but I saw that Jamie was watching Derek instead. It was a small thing, but the tender expression on Jamie's face told me clearly about the feelings between them. I realized what I'd been seeing all along but never noticed: That Jamie and Derek were always together, shoulder to shoulder. That they would talk in hushed voices with each other at the back of the travel bus. That they would drape their arms over each others' shoulders at lunch, at practice, and in the hall. It was obvious now that they were in love. How had I not recognized it before? I felt like an idiot.

"Let me help you with that, babe," Jamie said to Derek. He reached across the space between them and drew Derek's face toward his. Derek leaned into Jamie's outstretched muzzle and kissed him as deeply and passionately as I'd ever seen in any romance movie. They leaned on each other as they embraced, Derek's cock tightening even more inside me. Jamie began to stroke his cock a bit faster, and I saw his knot swell even larger. This elicited appreciative whistles from the other two males watching. Derek began to grunt and purr, thrusting into me harder still. Having already experienced his orgasm once today, I knew what was coming next.

With a final, loud grunt, Derek blew a hot, slick load of cum deep into my guts. I heard Jamie softly whining; the sight of his giant feline boyfriend filling me with spunk had pushed him over the edge. Still holding the kiss, Jamie's fist tightened around his engorged cock and swollen knot. With a grunt of his own, he blasted stream after stream of thick cum across my body -- cock, chest, stomach, and muzzle. Some dripped into my mouth. I felt it soaking into my fur, making me damp and sticky. Reflexively I licked my lips, tasting his salty, warm wolf sperm.

Cory and Jeff watched Jamie cum on me. As if on cue, they let out almost simultaneous growls of pleasure and shot their own loads onto my prone body. The sticky cum splashed my snout, dripping down my face and mixing wolf, lion, and dobie spunk in a messy pool at my neck. They kept cumming for what seemed like minutes, climaxing onto me as they held me down. Their faces held triumphant expressions. They had used me as their group cum rag and they loved it. My cheeks burned with humiliation, but I couldn't move.

I felt Derek's dick soften and gradually drop out of my wrecked ass. But he still knelt between my legs and held my ankles, which let Andy's cock plunge further inside me on every thrust. I sighed at the comparative comfort of having only one cock in my hole. The last of the pain from the intense double penetration was now replaced with a dream-like serenity. I could still feel Derek's cum in my hole, lubricating Andy's cock as he fucked me. He reacted with a purr to the new slickness, and let his thrusts become lighter and a little faster. After the rough treatment from Derek, Andy's smoother strokes felt amazing.

The thrusting intensified quickly, and I could tell from Andy's purring chest rumble that he must be getting close. His cock filled me, getting warmer and stiffer with each stroke. He was hitting my spot just right, making my vision go blurry with intense sensation. In seconds Andy's growling rose to become a deafening roar. He gripped my slight body tightly with both broad paws and thrust his cock especially deep into my rump. He climaxed with a shudder that shook my whole body, his girth completely plugging my little hole, sealing his cum in as he shot jet after jet into my guts. Each pulse stretched me wider, but I was so tired that it didn't even hurt.

Andy continued to shudder, shooting loads of puma seed into me. Filling me. It seemed like he was going to keep cumming forever, but eventually he slowed down, and after a moment more, he stopped. I think he realized then that he'd been digging his claws into me, and abruptly his grip relaxed. He held me more gently after that, and we lay there. Distantly I was aware of the other four animals, who had been whooping chuckles of encouragement as they'd watched Andy fuck me. Now they sat surrounding us, grinning at each other, still holding me down. Waiting.

After a moment, I felt Andy stir beneath me. Supporting my weight with one arm, his paw slid across the fur of my soft belly and gently grasped my quivering cock. With a shock I realized that up until then, through this whole ordeal, none of them had actually touched my penis. But Andy now stroked it gently in his soft paw, and his touch was sending waves of unbelievable bliss through me. Andy's and Derek's cum inside me, the taste of Jamie's cum still in my mouth, the memory of being humiliated and penetrated and used and cum on by these five muscular males... the emotions combined into a white-hot fire in my head, and in seconds I was totally overwhelmed.

With a yowl I felt my hole contract tightly around Andy's thick shaft, and I came harder than ever before in my life. Thin streams of fox spunk spurted out of me, splattering all the way past my face and down my chest. My entire body spasmed uncontrollably. I was almost grateful that Derek, Cory, and Jeff were still holding me firmly by my ankles and wrists. I howled and writhed in their grip as Andy patiently milked the cum out of my slender cock with his big fist. The pulses of orgasm eventually slowed, leaving me totally exhausted. Andy purred softly into my left ear, and nuzzled and licked my neck... almost affectionately, I found myself thinking. I knew I was passing out. My consciousness drifted into dream-like confusion as I lay in Andy's warm, strong embrace. My thoughts collapsed into blackness.

They were all gone when I awoke. I have no idea how long I'd lain there. I was naked and alone on the cold tile floor of the gym shower. I didn't know what to think. You might think I wondered if it was all a dream, but I certainly did not! I could still feel the ache of two cocks that had spread open my destroyed asshole. The heat of two loads of cum from two huge cats still inside me. The lingering sting of Andy's claws digging into my flesh. The dull throb of bruises from where they'd held me down. The bitter aftertaste of cum that lingered under my tongue. Oh no, it had definitely happened.

I picked myself up off the floor, turned to the wall, and took a very long, hot shower. I dragged myself home somehow and went straight to my bed without bothering to eat dinner. I lay there in bed, thinking about what had happened. I relived each moment, and the humiliation rushed back to me. I remembered the looks of cruel satisfaction on their faces. But I also remembered the feel of their muscular bodies, the animal desire in their eyes. These powerful creatures desired me: my body, my service, my obedience. I tried to feel angry at them, or violated, or something. But I couldn't. All I felt was exhausted and... despite my shame, incredibly satisfied.

I didn't understand why, but all I really wanted was to do it all again.


Freshmen sometimes ask me what it's like to have a big, scary, muscle-bound puma for a boyfriend. I usually shrug and say nothing, but the truth is that it's fantastic. Andy doesn't say much unless we're alone, so I think everyone assumes that all we do is fuck. And we do fuck, a lot. He's fucked me in his car, at his house, at the school, in the locker room, in the shower, in the tub, in the park, in a movie theater once--- too many wonderful times to remember. I know he looks frightening, but he's a sensitive, considerate lover... at least to me. And when we're alone, he listens patiently to whatever I'm whining about, and always knows just the right thing to say. You just have to get to know him, I guess.

Hanging out with the wrestling team is always a blast, too. They invite me now whenever they party or go out. Sometimes it's a big group, sometimes it's just a few of us. And it's always me and Andy. I especially like going out with Derek and Jamie; when people see the four of us, they think "oh, it's just the wrestling team". But to us it's like a double date. We have a lot of fun together, both with and without clothes! My favorite was the night last summer when we climbed up onto the school roof. Jamie and I lay on our backs, holding hands and gazing up at the summer stars while our big feline boyfriends gently, deeply fucked us in the warm night air. That's the kind of experience you never forget.

And of course I'll never forget the way it all started: with my birthday surprise.