#1 Streak vs. Dirtbag

Story by Sans55 on SoFurry

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Streak, the easily defeated superhero returns in a new series of adventures in this thrilling first chapter!

Contains old enemies in new forms and a whole lot of climaxing!

I didn't really have a name for it, but the closest term could probably be "omnisight", my ability to see things no matter where they are, as if my eyes could pop out of my head and could fly anywhere I wanted, even through walls! I used that power to scope the streets, keeping watch over the citizens of Beacon City, determined to prevent them from coming to harm. This is just one of the many powers I used when I stood proud with the title of Streak, the superhero protector of Beacon City!

I stood on the edge of a building, many stories above the road below. The stars were glittering in the night sky. I was wearing my costume: shiny blue boots and tight blue leotard, leaving the white fox fur of my arms and legs bare.

Only a few days before I escaped the servitude of the evil and hypnotic serpentine seductress named Manasa. For several weeks my mind was enslaved to her will. I was nothing more than a plaything that she toyed with each and every day. When one of her underlings stole me for herself, Manasa found out and killed her. The confusion over who I was to serve resulted in my mind being freed from Manasa's control, allowing me to escape. Since then I had been hunting down every villain in Manasa's organisation. I also swore that I would free all the other heroes under her control.

I was not always a superhero. I was once homeless, living on the street and surviving on the generosity of others. Then the inter-dimensional, mystical energy being I called "Falcon" bonded with me and imbued me with incredible abilities. Since then, I took it upon myself to fight for the innocent citizens of Beacon City, to protect them from villains like Manasa. With Falcon's guiding voice in my head, I was confident that nothing could stop us.

My only concern was how powerful these villains were. Before me, Falcon had found a wolf to imbue with these powers. Unfortunately, he was killed by Dirtbag, one of Manasa's best minions. I had never beaten him before, and he was beyond dangerous. Falcon told me how easily he killed my predecessor. I just had to hold onto hope that, somehow, I'd find a way to defeat him. Nevertheless, I dreaded the day when the two of us would have our final fight.

Taking a deep breath, I launched myself off the edge of the rooftop, into the air and over to the building opposite, leaving a glowing blue trail in my wake. I heard the cheers and adoration of the bystanders below as they saw the blue light streaking through the night sky, a constant reminder that I was looking out for them.

With a body moulded by Falcon's powers to athletic perfection, I leapt across the building tops, keeping my ears open to the slightest sound of alarms or screams. I always landed softly on the rooftops, my soft boots and brilliant athletic capabilities making me an actual blue streak. This was the name I gave to myself, fitting for my capabilities. Falcon had no name in particular for me other than Boy, Child or Friend. He rarely ever called me by my actual name, and he never once called me Streak.

"Aaagh!" I yelled, suddenly suspended in mid-air, my trek instantly interrupted.

With a loud thump, I fell to the ground, slightly cracking the rooftop below me. Something had wrapped itself around my right ankle and was pulling me back, dragging my belly against the concrete surface of the rooftop.

"Heya, mate!" came a familiar voice. "Didn't expect to see me again so soon?"

I rolled over onto my back, still being dragged by my ankle. Standing before me with a malicious grin was Dirtbag, his long right arm extended over many metres to grip my ankle and drag me towards him. However, he looked different. Instead of a light brown mud-like appearance, his sleek body was as black as oil. I could practically see my reflection in him!

"D-Dirtbag?" I stammered, my voice shaking with terror.

"Like the new look? Got some upgrades!" he replied, extending his left arm now to smother both my wrists while his right arm fully enveloped both my ankles.

I was breathing way too heavily as the black liquid around my wrists lifted my arms into the air above me. In a few moments Dirtbag was standing only a few inches in front of me, his menacing black eyes staring me down. I was fully stretched out in front of him, my ankles bound below me and my wrists bound above me.

"The boss lady wants me to take you home, little Streak!" he said with satisfaction. "I'm guessin' she wants her pet back!"

I struggled all I could, but the black liquid was stronger than anything I had ever felt. It wouldn't even budge! I continued shaking, grunting as I struggled helplessly in front of my captor.

"Yeah, keep strugglin! I like it when they struggle! Especially with a body and outfit like yours..." he said, looking down at the crotch of my leotard, licking his oily black lips with his equally black tongue. Soft black liquid dripped between his lips.

"P-please... just let me go..." I stammered.

"No way, Jose! I got a job to do and there's no way I'm just gonna let some stinkin' hero get away from me!" he said sternly.

Suddenly he began running forward, me still in his grip off to his side, then dived off the edge of the rooftop. We fell for about six or seven stories before everything suddenly went dark. Peeking through my tightly closed eyelids I found that we were in the sewer beneath the city.

"There we go! Guess now we got some privacy, huh?" the oily Doberman said.

Still holding me by my wrists and ankles, he suddenly started to expand, losing his shape as he became a large black sphere. Slowly, he began pulling me inside, front-first. I held my breath, expecting he was going to suffocate me. I kept my eyes tightly closed, but after a few minutes, I decided to open them. I found I was in some dark confined space inside the black orb, although my body was mostly submerged in the black substance. I was soon relieved to find out I could somehow still breathe. He must have somehow been pumping oxygen in through the slime.

Still panting heavily with fear and anxiety, Dirtbag's head suddenly emerged from across the other side of the small empty space, the tip of his snout less than half a metre away from mine.

"Get comfy, Streaky. It's a long way to the hideout, but I guess I can find a way to entertain the two of us on the journey..." the black head said.

Deep beneath me in the black goo, I felt the black substance begin to writhe against the crotch of my leotard, sending powerful jolts of pleasure through me. I couldn't help but moan into the black empty space.

"You like that?" said Dirtbag.

The black ooze rubbing me expertly, pre-cum already began to seep through my costume and into the liquid.

"Mmmmm... you taste good..." he said.

"Ooohhhh... ohhhh..." I moaned, contentedly welcoming the attention as I continued to grow inside my leotard. I was already bucking my hips in the blackness.

"Did you know I used to be vulnerable to fire? Yeah, your old Mistress fixed that, along with a ton of other cool stuff!" he said.

My moans became louder, but there were no echoes in this tiny cavern where only my head was visible.

"Y'know, you Streaks have always had such great packages down there! It's so easy to make you super zeroes cum!" he said, pleasuring me harder through my costume, vibrating and massaging me all over.

"I... I'm gonna cum!" I yelled.

"No you're not!" he said, suddenly forcing a tiny strip of black ooze under my costume and into my urethra, sliding deep inside me. I was completely unable to cum, forced to endure this pleasurable torture.

"This is what I did to the last Streak. Boy, I loved his moans!"

"Ooohhh, ooohhh... ahhh... aah..." I moaned, unable to do anything but blurt out the intense pleasure from the stimulations. "P-please... mmm...ohhh... please let me... ahhh... let me cum!!!"

A long black tongue slithered out of his mouth, sliding up to my face to caress under my jaw. After a few moments the appendage slid into my mouth. I felt the black substance on my own tongue and I was surprised by how well it tasted. Then suddenly it fired itself into my throat, forcing its way down into my stomach. Still it emanated oxygen, keeping me from choking on it, and yet somehow I didn't gag on it either. I felt it wriggling around inside me, somehow making the pleasure even better!

A few minutes of this torture passed, then suddenly the little space where my head sat closed in and I was plunged into complete darkness. After a few more minutes of continuing abuse, I suddenly felt my legs and arms moving of their own accord.

"Yeah, look what I can do!" said Dirtbag.

I still couldn't see, but I could feel that the black orb I was in had shrunk to perfectly encase my body. Every detail and curve was visible through the black substance that seemed almost like a second-skin. It even outlined the edges of my leotard! I felt my legs moving, no doubt making me walk further towards their hideout, and all the while he still continued to torture me through my spandex costume, stimulating me endlessly yet still unable to cum. I couldn't see, or even speak, only accept that I may soon become Manasa's slave once again. Outside my slimy black imprisonment, anyone present would be able to see my bulging black crotch rubbing against me, pushing my arousal around.

"I gotta admit, mate, it's a lot of fun toyin' with you!" he said, his voice right in my ears.

Suddenly we stopped walking. I would have asked why, but my mouth, throat and even vocal cords had been filled with Dirtbag's black ooze.

"You know, now that I think about it, I'm probably not gonna get much time with you when Manasa gets a hold of you, so maybe I should savour this..." he said, his voice right in my ears, rattling around through my skull. I found myself repeating his words in my head over and over, unable to shake them out.

We walked over to a nearby ladder that ascended to the lamp lit streets above. I realised I couldn't even HEAR anything except for Dirtbag's voice. My only functioning sense was my sense of touch, which was being abused by his pleasurable massaging, vibrating and stimulation. Truly, I had become little more than just a vessel for him; a vehicle that he was in almost total control of. I considered myself fortunate that he had no power over my mind.

From what I could tell from the movements of my limbs, we were jumping around a great deal. I felt the tickle in my stomach as we endured long falls every so often. Hours passed as Dirtbag used my body for who-knows-what, most likely robbing banks or stealing from grocery stores. All my struggling was useless against the powerful black slime, so all I could do was accept my fate, relaxing every muscle and not resisting at all as he did with me what he wished, all the while pleasuring me to no end in my gooey prison.

Suddenly I heard something, the sound of a news reporter.

"You hear that, Streaky?" he said. "We're on the news!"

Listening carefully, I tried to make out what the voice was saying.

"-in a slick black costume robbed the city bank..." "-string of robberies and even physical assault by this unknown criminal in black..."

My heart sank. Dirtbag was running around using my body to commit countless crimes, and I could do nothing but accept the pleasurable torture, always on the brink of orgasm but never reaching it. I started to wish he would just deliver me to Manasa and get it over with.

"Well, nothin' lasts forever..." he said solemnly, but I found myself still standing still. "But... you know... maybe Manasa doesn't need her slave! Maybe she doesn't need me to do her dirty work!" he said after hesitating. "You know what? Screw Manasa! I'm keepin' you all for myself!"

I felt despair wash over me. He was dominating me all over, inside and out. I was utterly possessed by him, and I could do nothing but accept it. I couldn't even kill myself if I wanted. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, only to be quickly absorbed by the blackness.

"Oh, cheer up, Streaky!" he said. "You can't deny it's peaceful, can you? You can't deny it feels good!"

He suddenly slithered out of my urethra and, for the first time in hours, I could finally cum! I began spewing load after load into Dirtbag's waiting black slime, unable to express my unimaginable pleasure verbally or physically. I was so relieved to finally cum! Nothing mattered to me any more!

Then I passed out, my body unable to take the ecstasy any longer.

When I came to, I had no idea how long I'd been asleep. Dirtbag was still filling my insides, preventing me from being able to talk. I could still see or hear nothing. I continued to experience a great pleasure in my loins and a constant stream of cum seeping out of me. I panicked slightly when, upon waking, I could see only blackness.

"Wakey, wakey, sleepy head!" said Dirtbag's loud voice in my ears, startling me. "Hope you don't mind, I thought I'd get rid of leotard and those boots. You're only gonna be wearin' me from now on!"

He was right. I could no longer feel the soft fabric of my leotard against my fur.

The black ooze covering my legs suddenly peeled back, exposing my white fur to the air. I realised I was standing up and I toppled to the ground, my legs not expecting to be used. The ooze on my arms peeled back as well. To others, I would appear to be wearing a shiny black leotard that also completely covered my head. He still refused to stop masturbating me. My body seemed to have adapted and was now cumming constantly.

"Get up, son!" he said. "We got a long day ahead of us!"

Slowly, I forced my weak legs upright, my knees wobbly.

"Yeah, stretch those legs!" taunted Dirtbag. "I have to say, Streaky, you got one great body! I could NEVER have chosen a better companion than a cute little fox like you!"

Suddenly my legs were covered again, fully immersed in his warm body. It felt almost... comforting, but I still felt despair grip me a second time for having lost what little remained of my own movement once again. However, this, combined with his total domination of my insides and outsides, as well as my inability to feel my own throat any more, somehow made me feel more aroused, and he was taking the opportunity to coax all the cum he could from me.

"Yeah, you know you like it..." he teased.

I felt him move my arm down to grasp my arousal that was pointing away from me, my slime-covered hand moving to wrap around my slime-covered length. Immediately he forced me to rub up and down my sensitive flesh, coaching more and more of my own cum from me as he drove me towards another orgasm.

Barely a minute was all it took before I began to cum furiously. I would have been bucking my hips, but he refused me the luxury of allowing me to move. I was forced to endure the intense pleasure as I came powerfully.

"Now, let's get to work..." said Streak as my climax finally came to an end.

Streak pushed my arousal up against my lower abdomen. Forcibly moving my limbs, we went hopping through the city what I expected was just another crime spree. I felt a few soft bumps on random parts of my body every now and again, most likely police trying to shoot us, not realising that Dirtbag was completely bulletproof. After a while, I realised I began to lose the feeling in my limbs. Before I knew it, I could feel nothing at all, as if he had somehow deactivated my nervous system. All I could do was hear his voice right in my ears when he spoke to me. As far as I could tell, I was no longer cumming.

As the day passed, I felt like I didn't even exist any more. I slept the silence away, feeling safe and secure within the body of... my Master. That was all that mattered to me, simply accepting everything he said. I knew he was slowly brainwashing me with sensory depravation, but I didn't care any more. I resigned myself to my fate, a host for this parasite who didn't even need one. I was nothing more than an object for him to abuse. I came to realise I would eventually be a part of him, devoid of any thoughts, essentially absorbed and assimilated. I would be empty, accepting everything he told me in the darkness. I would simply be a part of him. I would be his body. Somehow, I would love every moment of it, the safety and comfort of being wrapped in his gooey embrace for the rest of my life, never caring or worrying about anything.


A massive force suddenly applied to my stomach jumpstarted my nervous system. I found I could hear again as I heard grunting, the sound of fighting within an echo-filled chamber and the sound of rushing water not far away. I concluded we were in the sewers.

"Take that!" came a male's voice at the same time another strong impact hit me.

"You're gonna pay for that mate!" he yelled.

I felt us fighting against the unknown male, twisting and turning in a dance of violence.

"As long as you got that kid inside you, you're not as strong as you think you are!" said the male. The voice was beginning to sound familiar.

"I can take you on any day, Bedrock!" said Dirtbag.

Bedrock! I knew that voice was familiar! Bedrock was another superhero who I had once fought alongside. He was well known for his incredible strength. A bright spark of hope loomed before me in my mind!

"Boy, this is your chance! You are strong! You can break free!" said Falcon, his voice in my mind.

I pulled on my arms and legs with all my might, trying to fight against the movements of the black tar that had enveloped me, trying to prevent Dirtbag from using me to fight Bedrock.

"No you don't!" said Streak, screaming into my ear.

I began to feel ripples of intense pleasure once again as Dirtbag vibrated and massaged my entire body. My arousal built to the maximum instantly and I was already beginning to cum. A few more seconds passed and I was climaxing, over and over again. I wanted so much to give up and be one with Dirtbag, to let him manipulate and stimulate me, to pleasure me as his host for the rest of my life, but I knew that I needed to fight him, to take my place as a superhero once again

I struggled with all my strength while Bedrock beat the two of us over and over again with powerful fists.

"Come on, Dirtbag! You're stronger on your own! You can't do two things at once, can you?" my saviour yelled.

We were hit by another massive blow that Dirtbag wasn't fast enough to avoid. We were sent flying, our back hitting a wall. I found myself slouched against the wall on the ground, stunned by the shock of the impact.

Suddenly Dirtbag began to slide off me. I loved the feeling of the black slime slithering off my flesh and fur. In a few moments he had slithered out of my throat, finally freeing me completely from his ownership. He stood up in front of me in humanoid form.

"I'll be back for you..." he said, pointing a gooey finger at me, then running off to attack Bedrock.

I had opened my eyes slowly. It was bright, the result of my eyes being exposed to only darkness for so long. I saw my hero fighting with Dirtbag. He was a massive, muscular bull, wearing little more than a high-cut red speedo or posing brief and a red band around his head. From the looks of things, he was having a lot of trouble fighting off Dirtbag, who was restraining him by his arms and legs and pummelling the mighty bull repeatedly.

Dirtbag took the initiative and forced himself onto Bedrock's crotch, immediately vibrating and massaging him through his especially high-cut speedo. I quickly began hearing the moans of my fellow superhero as he was abused by the black goo.

I was cold and naked, the dim light from above reflecting off of the white fur covering my body. I slumped forward onto my hands and knees as I tried to stand, but found my legs were all too weak. I was free again, but it looked like Dirtbag was going to get his way in the end. I looked around and noticed we were in an underground room of some kind. Bags of money were scattered all over the place. On a table to my left I saw various little gold trinkets, jewels, and other expensive items. Among them, one particular item stood out: my costume!

Pulling myself to my footpaws, I was about to grab the leotard off of the table, but was suddenly made aware of my situation once again my the sounds of Bedrock's moaning. This was not time for getting dressed! Thinking quickly, I looked around for something I could use as a weapon. I noticed some wires running along the walls and immediately knew what I had to do.

I quickly tore the wires off the walls, Falcon giving me all the strength I needed. I turned around and ran towards Dirtbag, hoping this would hurt him more than Bedrock.

"STOP!" yelled Dirtbag towards me. He had raised Bedrock off the ground and had wrapped black goo around his torso, keeping him restrained while he pleasured him through his speedo. "Open wide..." he said, squeezing Bedrock, forcing his mouth open.

Immediately Dirtbag plunged into his throat, and by the look of Bedrock's face, he wasn't allowing him to breathe as he did with me. His eyes were tightly closed as he gurgled and gagged on the black ooze forcing itself into him.

"Streaky, be mine or the stud dies!" said Dirtbah, sternly.

A few moments passed and Bedrock's struggling ceased as Dirtbag continued to force his way down his throat while pleasuring him through his skimpy speedo.

I had a choice to make, and it wouldn't be easy, and time was not on my side. Either I could submit myself to Dirtbag now, or take the risk and continue to fight him.


I looked at the wire in my hand. It burst with sparks where I had torn it from the wall.

There was no way I could let Dirtbag have me again, but there was no way I'd let him kill Bedrock either. There was only one thing to do!

I threw the sparking wire into Dirtbag, sending jolts of electricity through the massive oily monster. I had to shield my eyes as he lit-up like a Christmas tree.

After a few seconds, the crackling fireworks in front of me subsided. What I saw was a steaming pile of black ooze that didn't look very healthy. To my amazement, Bedrock looked fine, except for the black goo filling his throat and the fact that he seemed unconscious.

I was dismayed when the black goo slowly began to rise

from the ground, still holding Bedrock, but still steaming. I saw Dirtbag begin to envelope the buff bull from head to toe, and I realised what was happening. He was taking a new superhero to cling to!

"Let him go!" I yelled, picking up the wire to see if it was still functioning.

"Eeeaaagh..." said Dirtbag, evidently in pain. "I'm gonna get you back one day, Streaky... and I'm gonna KEEP you!"

"It seems a great many wish to claim ownership of you, my friend..." said Falcon.

"Oh, don't worry about the stud..." continued Dirtbag. "For every moment you're not with me, he's just gonna be cumming and cumming!"

Now fully covered by the slimy supervillain, the outline of every one of Bedrock's impressive muscles was visible through the black ooze that had possessed him. Slowly, the muscular, shiny black menace ran off down a tunnel. I tried to give chase, but my legs failed me and I fell over. Before I knew it, Dirtbag and Bedrock had disappeared into the dark.

"Great!" I said, slamming my fist on the ground.

"Patience, boy. We shall find them in time." said Falcon as I slowly wobbled back to my feet, the last of the adrenaline dissipating.

I quickly realised I was still naked. I slowly walked over to the table where my leotard lay neatly spread out. This was obviously Dirtbag's lair, so for some reason he had chosen to keep my leotard around. I couldn't help but wonder why. Regardless, I shoved my feet into the skimpy spandex, then pulled it up over my shoulders and pulled up the zip at the back. Then I quickly slipped on the tight boots (that were really more like lycra socks with soles). I noticed a mirror nearby which Dirtbag most likely used to admire my body wearing him. I couldn't help but walk over to it and see how I looked. I couldn't remember the last time I saw my reflection.

I found myself daydreaming, remembering my homeless past, then forcing myself back to reality.

"You have done well, my friend." continued Falcon.

I sighed. "I beg to differ, but we've got a job to do..." I said, slowly wobbling my way out of the sewer, feeling only a sense of defeat. This was not a good start.


"I... I..." I stammered.

There was no way I could risk Bedrock's life. To preserve his, I was willing to sacrifice my body to Dirtbag, to allow him to do with me as he pleased. Actually, that didn't sound like too much of a bad idea. I couldn't deny, there was a part of me that wanted to be absorbed into him.

"You win..." I said, dropping the wire to the floor.

Still keeping Bedrock in his grip, the humanoid form of Dirtbag extended away from the restrained superhero, bringing himself right up to me and looking me right in the eyes, mere inches from my face.

"You really mean that...?" he said with excitement.

I closed my eyes and nodded.

Dirtbag looked down and noticed I was still hard. He reached his slimy black paw out and grasped my arousal, then smothering it in vibrating black ooze. I immediately gasped and began to moan, my eyes still closed.

"Beg for me!" demanded Dirtbag.

"I... I'm yours..." I responded.

"No, BEG!" he yelled.

"I want to be yours... Master. I want to belong to you so much! Please take me!" I blurted, moaning with pleasure as he stimulated me.

He threw himself into me, shoving himself down my throat as he continued to masturbate me, then smothering my entire body in his black slime. In only a few seconds, he had completely covered me and immediately conformed to fit my shape perfectly.

"That's more like it!" he said, right in my ears.

"I am proud of you for making this sacrifice," said Falcon. "but I believe you have made the wrong decision, and I cannot help you any longer."

I suddenly felt Falcon's presence leave my mind, and I knew that it was over. My old life was gone forever. My body was now a permanent belonging of Dirtbag's. All my senses except touch were once again cut-off. I could feel him continue to pleasure me until I came again, then again and again, and it never seemed to stop.

"Except there's no way I'm gonna lose all this cash, so we gotta do somethin' about that..." said Dirtbag, suddenly opening up around my eyes, allowing me to see.

Bedrock was still held in Dirtbag's grip when he suddenly opened his eyes, possibly due to being allowed oxygen. He was still masturbating him through the crotch of his high-cut speedo and his moans were muffled by the black slime in his mouth. Suddenly I heard a loud crunching sound and Bedrock's body began to writhe, then twitch, then go still. His eyes closed once again. The black slime at his crotch pulled away to confirm that he had came in his skimpy speedo, the massive quantity of fluids dripping from the shiny red fabric. Then the slime in his throat retracted and Dirtbag allowed him to fall to the floor. When I saw the little stream of blood slide from his mouth, I knew that Dirtbag had killed him. No doubt he simply tore him apart from the inside.

I wanted to scream, but as before, I couldn't make any noise what with Dirtbag filling my insides. All I could do was bathe in the guilt, the humiliation and the complete and utter failure. Streak was no more. All that was left was a scared, naked white fox, a possession of this sentient black slime and used as a host. I was nothing any more, just an object to be used for the benefit of a superior being.

My eyes were covered once again and the darkness consumed me. Eventually I forgot about time, lost after years of existing inside this black ooze, never once exposed to the sunlight again. Deprived of all sensory input except the endless physical stimulation, all that mattered to me was the pleasure and the words Dirtbag used to taunt and tease me, his forever-aroused little toy. Eventually, I could no longer feel my skin, then eventually my limbs went numb. I came to realise that over years, Dirtbag was slowly consuming me, painlessly, keeping me alive in the process as he absorbed me completely into him. He fed me protein and nutrients, sustaining my worthless life for as long as possible. In time, there was nothing at all, only endless mental bliss as the last of my body and brain were absorbed by my slimy black Master. Now, I was truly a part of him, and I loved every moment of my slow, pleasurable demise.