What's done is done, but what to do now?

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#17 of I'm Real (scales & wings)

hey all and those who have been waiting here is chapter 16 finally i hope you like it and hopefully it clears a few things up for you since the last chapter

Warning contains m/m so if you are not into that then you don't have to read it other wise enjoy!

Chapter 16

what's done is done, but what now?

"So Ray, are you ready?"

"What are you going to do?"

I put him on the ground

"I'm going to make things work so that that no matter what we both get what we want"


"I'm going to take you Ray, and if you survive then you can fulfill the rest of the conditions" I lowered my head to his eye level "so Ray, now are you ready?"

He took a step back and he looked scared, he was shaking and it looked as if he was going to run



"Could you be gentle with me...please?" he asked nervously

I thought for a moment, I could just take him right now and hurt him, but then he wouldn't be able to help me

"Hmmm...only if you promise me something"


"That you won't try to run away, or I'll be forced to break you"

He had a lot of fear in his eyes but he nodded in agreement and began to remove his clothing

"That's right, now come here" I said coaxing my length out

He walked up to me and I grabbed him, I made him get on his knees

"Just start sucking, the more you make it slick the less it will hurt" I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him onto my meat, for such a small mouth he could take a lot

"That's good; don't forget to use your tongue"

He continued to suckle my meat lubing it up with his saliva, after a few moments I felt he was ready and my length was slick enough to push into him

I pull Ray off and looked at him, his face showed fear but his eyes showed excitement

I signaled him to turn around and he followed

I pressed my tip against his pucker

"Are you ready?" I asked

"Please just do it" he got on all fours

I forced my tip inside him

He screamed in pain, I caressed his back trying to ease him slightly

"Now I'll go slowly, just relax and it won't hurt as much"

He nodded and I slowly pushed myself into him stopping every so often to let him expand to my size slowly

I pushed in as far as I could go, I couldn't fit completely but it still felt good with his tight butt squeezing my cock

I slowly started pulling out hearing him make a sound like he was in pain but was enjoying this

I continued to caress his back with my claw as I eased myself back inside him

I put my head next to his and whispered "are you doing alright so far?"

"y-yes...but I know it's going to hurt either way... so if it's going to be this painful...please ... just get it over with faster"

"Are you sure?" I asked to make sure he knew what he was doing


"If you say so" I forced my self in and out of him quickly, he screamed but he knew it would hurt so I didn't stop

As I pounded his tight furless hole I began to feel myself getting close to climax

After a few more pushes he stopped screaming but still groaned as I impaled him, and just then I felt it, that pulse that told me I was going to fill him up

I pulled back and forcefully shoved my length into him and released my load inside him

He screamed again as ropes of my seed filled him, his body slightly expanded before I felt my cum leaking out

Ray then collapsed to the ground whimpering and groaning, I could tell he was in pain

I pulled myself out of him letting a large amount of cum escape

He sighed in relief and was breathing heavily

As my length went flaccid I looked down at Ray and saw a small amount of blood dripping from his butt

I really must have hurt him; his body was lying on the ground almost motionless

Had I gone to far...?

I turned him over so he could lie on his back, his eyes were closed but he was still breathing heavily

What had I done?

I hurt him terribly... maybe now I should help him; I lifted his body and took him to the pond to clean him off

I let him lay on the shallow water as I gathered his clothes and placed them on the edge of the pond

"Dachii..." I heard Ray's weak voice; I turned to look at him

"Dachii can please come here" I walked over and lowered my head close to his

I felt his hand touch my face lightly rubbing it

"Dachii...I wanted to say... I really am sorry... and to thank you for the second chance" he began to leek tears from his eyes "I probably don't deserve it...Dachii why did you give me another chance?" he asked

I thought for a moment

"It's because you have a future, an undefined goal that you can someday reach... if I let it end here that would disappear with you"

He looked at me with a sort of a blank stare

"Such words... thought by a dragon" he said

"They were Tye's" I helped him out of the water "now you need some rest, we leave in the morning to find him"

"Why don't we go now?" Ray asked

"No! In the morning" I growled ending the argument

I don't know why I delayed myself there but I thought that this was enough of an adventure for one day

I saw him putting his clothes on as I walked off and sat down on a softer patch of ground waiting for him to join me

I waited for a few minutes but he never came

I looked around


I saw him lying under a tree on his back, I walked over to him

"Ray don't you want to join me?"

He cringed and backed away further towards the tree

"Please don't hurt me..." his back slammed up against the trunk of the tree

"Ray what's wrong?"

"I know I said I wouldn't run... I'm sorry" he began to sob

I shook my head in disappointment and used my tail to wrap around his leg dragging him closer

I sighed "I'll forgive you this time... your still trying to get over the shock" I pulled him into a hug "I'm sorry I hurt you so much"

I really was, I didn't want to put him through so much pain but what's done is done and now there isn't anything that can be done to change that

He still struggled to get away but I held him so that he couldn't escape, after a few moments he stopped struggling and went limp

"I thought you said you wanted to be with me, why are you trying to run?"

"I'm sorry Dachii..."

"Stop damn apologizing and tell me what's wrong"

"I..." he was struggling to speak "I'm scared of you Dachii... I followed you earlier because I wanted you badly... and now I know I'm not ready, physically or mentally ...Dachii I really wish things could have been different" he continued crying

I sat and hugged him again "is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

He was silent for a minute

"I need to hear something... you need to tell me if you love me ... at all..."

"Ray" he really didn't understand "I can't say that, I have someone waiting for me and I love them dearly"

He pressed up against my chest "why?"

"We were never meant to be together...but you'll find someone...someday"

He cried at some inner pain... even greater then when he was being taken by me

"Why? Why? Why? Do I have to be alone" he was really upset "when I need someone the most they're never there... I don't understand... no one will ever love me... and the ones I love turn on me and hurt me..."

I felt so bad, he's been through just as much as I have, all I could do now was be here for him

He kept crying for about an hour as he did he told me more of his problems, how his parents died, how he was lost with no other close family, and how Detrone his own grandfather raped him

I even began asking myself why things like this happen to people like him, no wonder he did the things he did

When he stopped crying it seemed that he had fallen asleep lying against my chest so I closed my wings around us

Such a hurt kid and all he wanted was love and I don't know who could give that to him, sure I could care for him but I couldn't give him what he wants

Then I heard a noise I hadn't heard in a long time, my stomach grumbled and I was actually hungry and if I was hungry I guess Ray must be also since he hasn't eaten in days

I lifted him carefully and placed him on a soft patch of grass and flew off over the lake, I remember that fish were edible so maybe if I caught some of those big ones in the lake then we could eat in the morning

I quickly found a school of silver fish that were close to the surface I made a quick dive and snagged a few making sure to protect my wings in the water

When I resurfaced I had a large fish in my mouth and two in my claws, I quickly made my way back and placed the fish in the pond to keep them fresh until morning

Ray was still sleeping right where I had left him hopefully I can make him something in the morning

I kept the fish that was in my muzzle and held it up; I blew a small flame to cook it and then popped it into my mouth

I crunched at the bones and tore it apart with my teeth

It was just like meat... maybe that's what Carlos always brought me

I heard Ray groan behind me, I looked at him and he seemed to be waking up even though it was still late

He sat up before opening his eyes facing away from me

He looked like he rubbed his eyes

He then sighed as if there was something missing

"Ray?" he turned around seeming a little surprised "do you want something to eat?" I asked holding up a fish

He nodded tiredly; I cooked the fish just like the other one and handed it to him by the tail

"Thanks" he said trying to take apart the fish to eat it

He seemed content with the fish so I took the last one and ate it

A few minutes later Ray handed me what was left of his fish, he had only eaten a small chunk and said he wasn't very hungry

I couldn't let it go to waste so I finished it up

"Ray are you feeling ok?" I asked

He stayed silent but nodded no; he walked over to the pond and cupped his hands to collect some water

He drank and then lay on the ground just looking up at the dark sky

I wonder what was wrong but he seemed sick and hurt still

"I'm sorry Ray... I bet you just want to go home" I got closer and lay next to him

"I just wish I had a home to go to..."

"...Ray...how can things like this happen to a kid like you?"

"I don't know... I guess it's just destiny" he answered with a sigh

Destiny started to sound like a bad thing

"How do you figure?" I asked

He looked at me

"If I had never run away then I would have never met you"

"... Do you regret running away?"

"No... I'm kind of glad I found you... there are so many other bad things that could have happened" he held my arm warmly

I guess he wasn't afraid anymore

"is something wrong with me?... you took me and it hurt a lot... but I don't understand... I still want to be with you... even though I know you won't accept me"

I took a moment to think

"Ray there isn't anything wrong with you... you only feel the way you do because I'm the only one here...you just need someone else... don't you have any friends?" I asked

"I used to ... but they all left and over time I just didn't feel like talking to new people ... afraid they'll leave me to"

I felt bad for him... but why?

"I guess I could be your friend" I said not knowing if that would help

"You'll just leave me to won't you?" he asked

"Eventually yes" I answered

"Then what's the point?"

"... you should have a little faith in your friends, and who knows they may just come back to find you... just like me and Tye, I haven't seen him in almost a year and I'm trying to get back to him"

"Would you ... come back to find me?"

"Only if I knew you would do the same"

He paused for a moment

"I guess I've been a terrible friend... I don't think I have the heart to be a good one..."

I gripped him and pulled him into a hug

"Don't worry, think of what you want and go for it and maybe things will work... but for now you have me, now get some sleep it's late"

He snuggled my chest as he got comfortable and quickly fell back asleep

I looked up at the stars to see the glowing pulse of the universe above us

From here the world and beyond seemed so calm, but I don't think this was real, the feeling was only an illusion brought on by the stillness of the sky

I took advantage of the quiet and brought myself to sleep

I looked around in the darkness that my dreams always took me to and to my surprise someone was standing right in front of me

"Tye!" I dashed forward to reach him but he vanished

Where did he go? I looked around

Why was he even here... I haven't had a dream about Tye in a while

What looked like a screen opened in front of me and replayed a certain memory

It was a promise Tye made to me... the weird part was it could happen soon

"Was he right master?" my wolf appeared next to me before the screen disappeared

"Only part of it"

"Do you intend for it to be fulfilled?" he asked

"I guess that's up to Tye" I answered

I felt his arms wrap around me

"Is he going to replace me?" he whimpered

"That could never happen" I held him

"But he's all you ever think about"

"That... isn't true" I was right but I realized he was my main focus

"If you say so... master" he slouched

I didn't like it when my wolf was sad

"Is there any way I can make you feel better?... I know you don't like me trying to find Tye but he's still just a friend"

"Just like Ray?" he asked

"No... it's different than that"

"Master... why is the world so complicated...?"

When he asked me that it made no sense to me, that was like asking the meaning of life or describing a primary color to someone who is color blind

"I don't know...I don't think anybody knows"

He was quiet for a while and then I remembered something he had said before

"What's S.O.T?" I asked

He looked right at me

"Maybe I should show you instead of just telling you" he said before vanishing

The area around me changed, it looked like I was in a waiting room and Tye was pacing looking really nervous

That wolf that he's always with... Ferron walked in and gave Tye a hug; they both had a slightly sad look on there faces

Then the wolf spoke

"She's going to be fine"

"... and the baby?" Tye asked


"Tye... I'm really sorry..."

Tye's eyes were swelling with tears

"Please don't say it..." Tye blubbered as tears flowed down his face and began to soak Ferron's fur as he held onto him

Ferron held Tye and rubbed his back letting him let out his feelings

But I knew this had to be something important, Tye rarely ever cried

Was the baby his?

It must have been, why else would he have been struggling to hold himself together

Tye let go of Ferron and ran into the room Ferron had come out of

Ferron staggered as Tye left but then followed him with a look of sadness and confusion

I never knew Tye was going to have a child ... wait, why does my wolf have this memory?

Does this mean... he was... supposed to be Tye's son?

The darkness took the vision in front of me and my wolf appeared to me again

"What was that?" I asked

"What could have been... what should have been" he answered sounding a little sad

"... then why don't you want me to find Tye?"

"It's not that master... it's just... once you meet him... you'll start to forget about me"

"but-" he interrupted me

"Yes it will happen... and there's nothing I can do" he turned around and started slowly walking away I tried to follow but then he vanished and I was left alone

All of a sudden things started to piece together, I don't know how everything will work out anymore

I thought once I left the lab I could solve all my problems by finding Tye... but now ... it seems that's what is making more problems

Where do I go from here?

I really wish someone could give me an answer...

End of Chapter 16

well there you go you finally know what S.O.T means to Dachii and his wolf (to clarify it meant Son Of Tye)

so readers what do you think what will Dachii do next?

will he find Tye?

what will happen to Ray?

and who else may they meet in there travels?

these answers and more to be said in the next chapter thanks for reading!

please comment i like to know what my readers think