Click, Click, Boom, Reloaded

Story by Kiran on SoFurry

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The pistol seemed so heavy in his hands...

Alex wiped the tears from his eyes and returned his attention to the bore of the piece of metal and plastic that would make everything right again, the small brush in his left paw cleaning away every last piece of dirt and carbon to a meticulous shine. The wolf was always known for being meticulous about everything he did, and today, he was no different.

Again his thoughts turned to the lovely Seriana, his true love and first partner; he couldn't stop thinking about their first night together. He had begun the night by making his way out to Jenny's Diner. A local hangout for many of his peers and one of the best eateries I town, as he stepped in the door, he immediately noticed her, Seriana.

Now, Seriana was a Husky, a Malamute, to be exact, her fur was many tones of brown, tan, and white, which Alex had always found to be the most attractive thing about her. Her eyes were of course the deep azure blue possessed by all Lupine breeds, although now they were covered by her hands, the fur of her muzzle stained with tears as she quietly cried in her corner booth.

Alex suppressed a deep growl, seeing her in this state. It must've been her boyfriend at the time, Dan. Local vulpine football hero and responsible for backing out on as many as six dates with his beautiful girlfriend in this month alone, Alex knew this much because as he was making his way to the diner he couldn't help but notice Dan's convertible rolling past with two or three of the cheerleaders crowded around the fox, it disgusted him.

Alex had spent many days sitting at a table, pretending to be interested in the local paper but really peering over his glasses at the malamute in this very diner. So he had already developed a working knowledge of her, and he knew her favorite drink; a root beer float, without thinking twice, he made his way to the counter, ordered two, and approached the crying femme.

"Seriana." He spoke softly, just enough to be heard over the dull roar of the other college-goers in the diner. She quickly wiped her eyes and muzzle and looked up, trying her best to seem cheerful and failing miserably. "Alex, hello."

Alex had always loved hearing the musical tone of her voice, and hearing her say his name sent a tingle through him as he took a seat across from her and set the drink down in front of her.

"It seems your having a rough evening, would you want to talk about it?"

Alex knew he was by no means an attractive wolf. In fact, he was considered much of a nerd by his fellow classmen. Always preferring to curl up in a comfortable chair, peering at a good book with his glasses perched on the edge of his nose, using his inborn attention to detail to boost his GPA, as opposed to all the "usual" college tasks of getting drunk, high, spun, sexed up, fat, and obnoxious. It was this same inbred attention that had quickly opened Seriana up to him. A mere hour of conversation had the malamute pouring her heart out to him, Alex listened closely, providing what input and comfort he could, while deep inside, his love grew even more.

They departed the Diner together, and he walked her home, as their footpads led them down the sidewalk towards the housing, they talked about him this time, and it was his turn to open up, she was surprised at how much he did with his free time compared to how studious he seemed at school. Alex brushed it off with a smile, responding that it was his being so ingrained in his schoolwork was what freed up his time so much.

Seriana's house was dark as they approached it, and as they mounted the steps, Alex turned to bid his farewell as she turned her key in the lock and opened the door Seriana turned her beautiful face to his and gave him a smile, causing his heart to skip a beat as he locked his eyes to hers.

"Come in, for a bit." Her musical voice rolled over him, and Alex found himself stepping over the threshold and into his crush's house without a second thought.

As soon as the door was shut and locked, Seriana literally fell into his arms. Her sleek multicolored fur seeming like silk in his hands as their lips connected in a kiss with so much passion is sent Alex reeling.

The feeling didn't last long as Seriana broke the kiss with a smile and drew him into her living room, where she lit a few candles situated around the room, shut off the lights, and came to him again, Alex's nervousness seemed to dissolve with each touch of her silky paws as she sat down and pulled him to her, drawing him into yet another kiss, it wasn't long before clothing was coming off, and Seriana's light moans filled his ears as he nuzzled her neck and collarbone.

Alex choked, dropping the brush and holding his hand over his eyes, trying to shut out the memory, yet never wanting it to go.

She had slowly weaved her dull claws through his fur, resting on the hem of his pants and undoing the button and zipper slowly, he had barely noticed, entranced by the smell of her arousal and encouraging whispers in his ear. His own paws found the buttons to her shirt and undid them, one by one, he throwing the thin fabric over her shoulders as the last button came free.

They were soon both naked and rolled onto the floor of her living room, she placed a gentle paw on his chest and pushed him up, staring intently into his eyes as she spread her legs for him. Alex decided to forgo the stupid statements of his virginity and adjusted his position, slipping between her legs and slowly teasing her wet folds with the tip of his rigid cock.

She moaned into his chest and rocked her hips lightly. "Be gentle, Alex..."

Alex smiled down at her and nuzzled her cheek. "Anything you wish."

She only nodded and gasped, her body going rigid as his cock slid slowly into her dripping wet folds, Alex taking it slow and allowing her to adjust to him as he fed inch after inch into her.

It wasn't long before he felt his tip nudging against her hymen, and he looked up to her face with his eyes widening a bit, she nodded slowly, before reaching down and tugging on his hips, panting at the pleasure already filling her.

Alex dipped his head once and gave a short, sharp thrust, breaking through her wall and taking both of their virginities away from them.

Seriana yelped and Alex paused again, letting the pain leave her before he started a slow and gentle rhythm, driving deep into her, pausing as he hilted her, and drawing back out, over and over.

They had gone on like that for hours, staring into each others eyes and holding each other tight as her first real orgasm roared through her body and triggered his own, him easing his knot in as his seed filled her, she only smiling at the warmth rising within her loins and wrapping her arms around him tightly.

When it was over, they simply lay on the floor, tied together and sleeping in each other's arms until they were awoken by the morning sun many hours later.

"Thank you, Alex. I'll call you again tonight." She had said at the door as Alex pulled his sweater on, smiling and giving her a gentle kiss.

"I love you, Seriana." He replied. She blushed and returned the words, and he turned from her. Returning to his own home, the whole world seeming vivid to him now, from the crisp autumn wind to the crunch of leaves under his paws.

The day had been uneventful, Alex taking the trash to the curb and cleaning up the clutter around his small home, smiling the whole time and occasionally singing some of her favorite songs as the evening neared.

And yet, as the sun dipped lower in the sky, his phone still remained silent. After a few times of checking it to make sure it was still working, Alex finally sat down on the couch and reached for the remote. Not knowing that, with the press of that small, red button, his life would be gone.

"...This Fox, by the name of Daniel Ridgeback, is wanted for questioning in relation to this afternoon's brutal murder of 19-year-old Seriana Whispertail, the Malamute was found dead in her home by neighbor who noticed the door standing open..."

Alex stared blankly at the screen, the video of the house he had left just that morning showing on the screen, his mind had already ground to a halt, refusing to believe that the lovely femme whom had just taken him into her arms as her and his first love was now....gone.

Alex shook the memory finally, returning his attentions to the pistol in his paws; he collected the brush and set it aside. What had happened in the days after that devastating news report had been a blur for the grief-stricken wolf. It had been easy enough to find the information on where Dan was hiding from the police, the Wolf was remarkably strong, despite his bookworm nature, and used his strength to good effect as he forced a few of Dan's more squeamish friends to give him up. A short trip to the local pawn shop had also secured the tool that now sat in Alex's shaky but firm hands.

He set the pistol aside and picked up the magazine, as well as the box of .45 caliber slugs. He had bought fifteen, he only pulled two.

click, click. The slightly oily rounds slid easily into their proper place in the magazine and Alex picked up the pistol again, sliding the magazine into the well and sighing deeply as he removed his glasses, staring at the tool that, in two hours, would give him the power necessary to complete this vicious circle.


Dan sat in the old, torn up recliner, watching the news on a half-burned out TV set, chuckling at the story of the futile efforts of the police in their search for him. He heard a strange thump upstairs, but brushed it off, assuming his friend had a lady over for the evening...

Upstairs, Alex brought the grip of the pistol slamming down onto James' neck, sending the burly equine deep into unconsciousness. Alex reached out and grabbed him before he could slam to the floor and slowly lowered him down, confident that the impact of the linebacker against the door as Alex forced his way in had not tipped off the hiding Fox below.

Dan didn't hear Alex's paws padding down the stairs, or the faint sound of metal on denim as he withdrew the pistol from the small of his back, he did, however, hear his low voice growling behind him.

"Get up, Dan." Alex's voice cut through the fox's musings like a scythe, sending him leaping to his feet and whirling to meet the yawning barrel of a pistol and the very pissed-off gaze on the other end of it.

"Where's James?" The fox asked, dumbfounded, staring at the handgun as if it weren't real.

"Out cold on his kitchen floor, a pistol whip is quite the effective tool." Alex growled, pondering the idea of just shooting him right away, he decided to parlay for a moment, if nothing else.

"You've been a bad dog, Dan." He said, tracing the pistol's sights over the fox slowly, between his head and chest. "Seriana didn't deserve what you did to her."

"Seriana was a bitch, Alex, like any other, and she cheated on me with the likes of you. I'm sure you understand that I couldn't accept that." Dan was getting cocky again, confident that the handgun wasn't real.

"You're a damned fool!" Alex almost roared, stepping forward. "The 'likes of you' aren't worth licking the dirt off her footpads, and you knew that."

"You're not going to shoot me, Alex. Put the damn gun down before I have to hurt you." The fox growled, beginning to step around the chair, but his ears were pinned to his skull and eyes showing a faint tendril of fear from the wolf's outburst.

"Three words, Dan." Alex whispered. Reaching up and pulling the slide to the rear. "Click." He let the slide slam forward, chambering one of the two rounds. "Click." He lifted the pistol and locked out his arm, centering the sights on the fox's chest, "Boom." and pulled the trigger.

The handgun bucked in his hand, the blast and pressure wave deafening in the small basement space. The heavy slug ripped through Dan's chest and sent him tumbling to the ground, heart already slowing to a stop.

"That's one..." Alex said to himself, lowering the handgun. He padded up the basement stairs, flicking his ears from the ringing sound that the handgun's discharge left him, he stepped over the knocked out Equine, and out into the chilly evening air.

"Here's two..." He whispered again, staring at the sidewalk beneath his footpads.

"Seriana...see you soon." He lifted the handgun to his temple, closed his eyes, and slowly squeezed the trigger, the last thing he ever heard was the sound of approaching sirens, and the click of the trigger giving way, the hammer springing forward...

Click, Click, Boom.

The pistol seemed so heavy in his hands... Alex wiped the tears from his eyes and returned his attention to the bore of the piece of metal and plastic that would make everything right again, the small brush in his left paw cleaning away every last...

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Dominating the Feral

Shal, the Lady Feral. She was such an interesting lioness. Kiran couldn't help but become fixated every time she came within his eyesight. She was a tough one, the type of cat who would tease all those around her, male and female alike, but never...

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