Lee and Mina (Episode 2)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#2 of Lee and Mina Series

The second episode of Lee and Mina's story. In this act, we get introduced to Kyle (a teenage male pikachu) who Lee develops a crush on.

Lee and Mina (Episode 2): Lee's First Time and Mina's Confession

In the months that have passed since Lee and Mina reconciled their relationship, the two sisters grew close together once more...at least when they were at home. At school, each of them had their own individual lives with Lee continuing to be a cheerleader for the football team during the fall and then the basketball team during the winter. Meanwhile, Mina spent most of her time in the library, studying and improving herself through books. Mina never went back to her group of so-called "friends" after the incident back in the fall...most of the ones that were responsible for it were expelled anyway. Mina simply Lee life her school life the way she wanted while Mina lived her school life the way she wanted. Still, there was something that Lee had in her life that Mina was beginning to think about as spring came around.

As the snow melted and the warmth of spring returned, signalling that the end of the first year of high school was getting closer, Mina spent most of her spare time away from home in the school library where she started to open up books about sex education and puberty. While Mina already knew about female/female sex from the numerous times she had relations with Lee, Mina was starting to show more interest in the opposite sex and would spend several minutes each day looking at diagrams of the male reproductive system as her body started to yearn for a penis to be placed inside her. She had never experienced it before, mainly because she was much more interested in Lee, but she was getting curious about having sex with some male to at least experience what it was like to have straight sex. However, there were two problems...first of all, if her father caught her with any male in a sexual way, he would totally go on the warpath with him and would likely ground her until she graduated from High School. Secondly, Mina still believed that there was no male out there that wanted any piece of her, she thought they would be far more interested in Lee than they would be in her.

As she continued to read in the library whenever she could however, Mina began to have visions in her head...visions involving Lee's boyfriend. As she would sit in the library alone, her mind would wander as she thought about Kyle, wondering what it would be like to have his pikachu cock enter her virgin canal. In addition, some of her fantasies also involved Lee as she had intense sex dreams in the library about doing it with Kyle while Lee joined in to enhance the experience. Naturally, these thoughts worked throughout her young body as her vaginal canal began to quiver and drip excitedly. She loved the thought about having a threesome with her sister and Kyle and it made her want to slip her hand down her panties and touch herself whenever it came to mind. However, each time she started to feel bold enough to try and do it, she snapped out of her trance as she remembered she was still at school. Not wanting to get in trouble, Mina cooled her jets and simply left the library blushing, trying to hold back her desire to finger herself...at least until she got home.

Meanwhile, as Mina was beginning to have new sexual feelings, Lee was starting to feel Spring Fever take control over her body as well. She and Kyle had been dating since the fall and had grown close together. In the time since she first met him, Lee managed to convince her father to like him as he seemed to see a bit of himself in Kyle. However, with that being said, her father forbid Lee having any kind of sexual relationship with Kyle until she was 18. He didn't mind whenever Lee and Mina had sex with each other, but he didn't want either of his teenage daughters to become a teenage mother. Still, the threat of being grounded for who knows how long didn't deter Lee in the slightest. She loved Kyle and she wanted to be able to express her love for him physically, though they would have to make sure her father never found out about it.

One afternoon in Late April, Lee paid a visit to the school nurse's office, where sitting by the main desk happened to be a fish bowl containing several different types of condoms with a sign on the bowl advertising that the condoms were free for students to take. The administrators knew that many of their students were sexually active and in an effort to curb the rate of teenage pregnancies, they provided the free condoms for those who felt like they wanted to have sex. Curiously, Lee took a look through the bowl, passing over many different kinds of condom, searching for one that she could give to Kyle to use on her. As she was rifling through the bowl, the head nurse came from the back of the office and saw Lee looking through the fish bowl. "Excuse me miss...can I help you?", the nurse asked Lee as the teenage plusle blushed and felt a bit embarrassed. "There's no need to be shy about it...lots of teenagers like you come in here looking for condoms to use for sex", the nurse added as she came over to Lee, taking the bowl from her hands as she looked to the teenage plusle. "I can help you pick out the one you need...all you need to do is to tell me what kind of male is he and I'll find the right one for you", the nurse mentioned as Lee continued to feel a bit shy as her cheeks were sparking a little.

"He's a p...pi...pikachu", Lee nervously answered before feeling too shy to speak anymore to the nurse, thinking that she may have already said too much. The nurse heard Lee and started to search through the bowl herself.

"Ah...I see...that means you're going to need a strong and flexible condom to store all that sperm he makes. Rodent boys always make a lot of sperm and since you're a rodent girl, it doesn't take much for someone like you to become pregnant", the nurse mentioned as she rifled through the fish bowl until she came up with two condoms in bright orange wrappers. "Here you go honey...take both of these, they should serve your needs", the nurse told Lee as she handed the condoms to the nervous plusle fem. Lee took them and stuck them in her pocket for now as she continued to feel shy about the whole incident. She then left without a word as her thoughts of embarrasment soon turned to thoughts of excitement. With the condoms in her pockets, she now felt that she could have sex with Kyle without her dad ever finding out about it. She could hardly wait to tell him that she had condoms and that she wanted to have sex with him. Lee was certain that once Kyle learned about her eagerness, he'd be more than willing to give it to her.

Lee waited until after school as she often would walk home with Kyle at the end of each day. She waited for a few minutes after the bell had rung until Kyle showed up, meeting Lee by the door where they usually went out. Mina was in the library once again, doing a little "afterschool studying", leaving Kyle and Lee to walk home together while Mina would have to walk home on her own. As the couple left the school, they walked down their usual route, holding hands as they walked underneath the railroad bridge located near the football field. As they were walking together, Lee was looking around for a good place for them to have sex...somewhere secluded where no one could bother them and were her father wouldn't know about. As they passed the railroad bridge, Lee happened to look over and see a cluster of tall lilac bushes in the middle of a small group of trees on an otherwise open field. Being the end of April and with the warmth of Spring beating down on the landscape, the lilacs were in bloom, providing plenty of cover for them. In between a couple of the bushes, there was a small opening, which looked to be just wide enough to allow someone to pass through it into the middle of the lilac bush circle. Lee had found what she thought was the perfect love nest for her and Kyle, taking him by his hand as she walked towards the bushes.

As he was being dragged by Lee towards the bushes, Kyle was curious about Lee's behavior. "Lee...why are you dragging me over to those bushes?", he asked her curiously while still following Lee.

"You'll see when we get there...I've got an extra special surprise for you", Lee answered happily as her cheeks sparked a little with excitement while she brought Kyle towards the lilac bush circle, passing between the small gap between two of the bushes with Kyle behind her and arriving in the open circle of grass that was tucked in behind the bushes. Amongst the bushes, there were a few condom wrappers and a couple of used condoms that had been left behind, which meant that others had used this as a love nest in the past...likely other students from their high school.

When Kyle looked around and saw the evidence of past sexual encounters amongst the circle of lilacs, a light bulb turned on inside his head as he seemed to figure out Lee's intentions rather quickly. "I see why you brought me here...you want me to have sex with you", Kyle answered as Lee blushed playfully and nodded as her cheeks sparked with excitement. "Well...I would love nothing more than to be able to have sex with you Lee, but I don't have any condoms on me, and I know that your father will flip out on us if he discovers that I had sex with you", Kyle responded as Lee smiled and pulled out one of the condoms from her pocket.

"All taken care of cutie...daddy won't know that we've had sex if you put this on", Lee answered playfully as she walked over to Kyle and kissed him on the lips while also reaching down to his crotch with her other hand, groping his sheath in a playful manner. As he felt Lee's hand grab his sheath, Kyle's cheeks started to sparkle a bit while his pikachu cock began to emerge from the sheath. He was feeling aroused for Lee, wanting to put his shaft inside his sweetheart for the first time. While she remained beside him, Lee looked into Kyle's eyes while her hand began to squeeze his emerging cock in a lustful manner. "Please...have sex with me...I really want to feel you in me", Lee coaxed softly to Kyle, hoping he'd accept and take the condom.

Kyle continued to feel Lee's hand groping at his stiff pikachu cock as it throbbed with delight. Each time Lee squeezed his shaft, Kyle thought more and more about what it would feel like to have it squeezed by Lee's vaginal walls. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to act on his desires as his maleness soon grew to full length while Lee was touching it. Finally, he could no longer resist the temptation growing within him as his balls began to feel heavy with the thought of sex acting on his young body.

"Alright Lee...if that's what you want, then I will have sex with you", Kyle answered softly while Lee had her hand around his stiff cock, stroking it softly while she listened to him.

The moment she heard his answer, Lee squealed with delight and was quick to act. She immediately released her grip on his member and placed the condom in her mouth as she quickly took off her clothing, tossing the clothes off to the side while she watched Kyle slowly slip out of his pants and then his boxers, revealing what they had been covering up until now. Lee licked her lips happily when she saw Kyle's pikachu cock. It was bright red and very swollen with droplets of precum emerging from the tip of it. The entire length seemed to pulsate with life, making his erection look even stronger to her.

The moment after he had taken off his clothes and tossed them next to Lee's, Kyle could see the highly attractive Lee coming up to him as she took the condom from her mouth and opened the package. She then removed the condom from the package, placing it in her mouth with the open end facing out as she moved in towards Kyle and placed the condom onto his cock. Slowly, she worked it down the length of his member, making sure to cover as much of it as possible while holding it in place with her mouth.

Once she had put the condom on his shaft, Lee moved away from Kyle a little bit and picked a spot amongst the bushes, lying in the grass as she opened her legs wide for him. At the same time, Lee also pulled her outer vaginal lips apart, showing off the insides of her pussy to her sweetheart.

Kyle stood there as he looked down at Lee while she opened her pussy to him. Although she had her hymen broken sometime earlier when Mina was a bit overly aggressive with fingering her pussy, Kyle could still tell that Lee had not experienced sex with a male before. Her vaginal opening was small and tight, quivering just a bit while small amounts of her juices leaked from the opening. The sight of her pussy pleased Kyle, making his cock throb with desire as he wanted to stick his maleness into her tight love hole. "Come on sweetie, come climb on top of me", Lee coaxed eagerly as her body wanted to feel Kyle moving through her folds.

He didn't waste time accepting her invitation as he soon got down to his knees and came over to Lee, placing the tip of his condom-covered shaft against her opening while Lee felt it pushing gently against her. "Do it...push it inside me", Lee begged her boyfriend as she was ready to have her true virginity taken by Kyle, feeling the strong pikachu cock pushing against her vaginal opening until it finally began to slip inside.

As soon as his member penetrate Lee's pussy, Kyle's cheeks sparked with excitement while his tail lifted straight up from the feeling of being inside her. Even with the condom on his shaft, Kyle was able to feel Lee's warmth through the condom as her very tight pussy moved around him while he let it slip deeper into her folds. It made him wonder what it would be like if he wasn't wearing the condom, being able to feel Lee's pussy the natural way and being able to have her actually touching the meat of his shaft instead of the condom that was covering it.

Nevertheless, Kyle loved being inside Lee and soon climbed on top of her, holding onto her lower body as he began to thrust his cock downward, driving it into her pussy while his member eagerly throbbed to the feeling of being massaged by her tightness. Lee pressed Kyle against her body as both of them sparked from their cheeks while they were having sex with Lee being able to feel the stronger electrical buzz from Kyle's cheeks as she was taking his cock inside her.

While Kyle was thrusting his shaft through Lee's folds, the inexperience and excitement of a young male soon began to show as he could feel the growing sensation in his balls already dictating his behavior. Plus, since he was a pikachu, he already had a natural and intense desire to mate to begin with. As he was having sex with Lee, Kyle quickly developed a desire to cum inside his sweetheart, acting on his natural biological urges while his balls smacked eagerly against Lee as his cock moved rapidly through her.

However, since Lee was inexperienced, she wasn't used to the rapid movement inside her vagina and her walls began to burn a bit from the intense back and forth rubbing. "Careful what you do with that thing...I am a virgin after all", Lee reminded Kyle as he listened to her and slowed his pace while she moved his hands up to his face. "I know you like how I feel, but you need to take it slow with me...once I get used to having it in me, we'll be able to go a bit faster", she added.

As Kyle slowed down while continuing to thrust downward into Lee, she felt the burning sensation soon stop while the pleasure of feeling his maleness rubbing against her insides and clit grow. Even with his cock covered by the condom, Lee was still able to feel the lively pulsations of her eager boyfriend as the tip of his shaft was leaking precum into the condom. While she was being probed by his cock, Lee began to feel the typical desires of a young rodent female as she secretly didn't like having Kyle do her with the condom on. She wanted to let him take it off and feel the strength and warmth of his member moving through her naturally, rubbing against her insides until she made him cum inside her. Of course, despite how she felt about the condom, Lee knew that there was no way around it. If she were to be able to have sex with Kyle without her father finding out, he'd need to wear a condom.

Lee tried to make the best of it, and was still able to enjoy having Kyle inside her sexually as her walls tightened around the condom-covered shaft as she became hotter and wetter with time, making Kyle start to move through her a little faster as he enjoyed being on top of Lee and having sex with her. His balls were becoming swollen and heavy as they churned with a large quantity of his fresh seed, leaving Kyle with a pleasurable feeling inside his balls, a feeling that felt right to him while he thrusted his cock deep into Lee's pussy.

While she was being mated by Kyle, Lee moved her hands down his body, grabbing onto his butt cheeks as she felt a lot more comfortable with his shaft moving quickly through her. "Mmm...yes...you feel so good inside me sweetie", she moaned happily while her walls tightened around his cock, squeezing it harder while Kyle reacted with his cheeks sparking more as he felt the churning in his balls growing by the second.

"I feel so lucky to have...a girl like you...you feel every bit as good as you look. I'm so happy...that out of all the guys in our school...you chose me", Kyle told Lee while having sex with her feeling his cock being vigorously massaged by the tightness of Lee's folds as her hands moved back up his body towards the back of his head.

She then pulled him in towards her face, taking the words he had just told her as a compliment as her lips met his as she gave him a deep and intimate kiss while her cheeks sparked excitedly, intermingling with the electricity coming from his cheeks. If that wasn't enough, her legs wrapped around his lower body, pulling Kyle in as close as possible to her crotch as she wanted her sweetheart to act on his feelings.

Kyle and Lee began to tongue-kiss each other as they remained in the middle of the field, with the eager pikachu male drilling his shaft deep into Lee's tight and welcoming folds while their bodies reacted to the mutual pleasure being shared between them. The only thing that would make this moment even better for them is if he wasn't wearing a condom, of course that couldn't happen since her father would find out about them having sex and likely ground her for who knows how long. With the condom on, as long as it didn't break, he wouldn't know since she already had her hymen accidentally broken by Mina. It seemed like that the two of them would be able to have their private moment together without anyone else knowing about it...or so they thought.

As Kyle and Lee continued to have sex, Mina happened to be walking home from school alone, passing close to the area where Kyle and Lee were. When Mina got close to the area, her ears picked up the noise of soft male and female moans, likely meaning that some couple was having sex. Being young and curious...as well as a bit horny from thinking about Kyle while staring at pictures of male reproductive anatomy, Mina decided to follow the sounds and take a look, coming up to the circle of lilac bushes.

When Mina looked inside, she could see Lee with Kyle on top of her, plowing her pussy eagerly as his sexual excitement was nearing its peak. Mina could actually see Kyle's thick condom-covered cock moving back and forth through her twin sister's pussy while also watching his swollen, baseball-sized testicles smack excitedly up against her. Naturally, when Mina saw all of this, she could only imagine what it would be like if it were her underneath Kyle, receiving his shaft inside her virgin hole. Unlike Lee, Mina still had her hymen, and if she were to give it up to any male...it would have to be Kyle.

Mina was strongly tempted to reach down into her pants and start masturbating while she watched Kyle and Lee, but fought the urge as she didn't want either of them to know she was watching. Mina kept quiet and continued to watch as Kyle suddenly thrusted inward, pushing his cock far into Lee's pussy as he let out a loud and happy moan. As she watched, Mina began to notice that Kyle's testicles were shrinking while he kept his body united with Lee. Mina knew right away what was happening...he was climaxing, filling the condom with large amounts of thick and potent rodent seed, causing the tip of the condom to expand while Lee could feel the massive throbbing of his shaft as he came.

He remained on top of Lee for a couple of minutes, spending his load inside the condom until his balls had returned to their normal size. At that point, he grabbed the open end of the condom around his shaft and pulled out of Lee slowly as the condom looked white on the inside with the tip of it swollen to many times it's normal size with seed. Mina saw how much cum he had pumped out and felt drawn to Kyle even more, especially when Lee pulled the condom off of her boyfriend's shaft after sex and started to lick it clean with her tongue. "I want to do that", Mina thought excitedly while her tail raised upward as she felt sexually excited for Kyle, wishing that she could have some of what Lee was getting.

Shortly after she finished licking Kyle's shaft clean, the two sweethearts got their clothes back on before they hugged each other. Kyle was about to leave and head for home while Lee wanted to remain behind and make sure every bit of evidence of their first mating would be hidden from her father. From where she was standing watching them, Mina was undetected by Kyle as he left Lee by herself in the bushes to return home to his family while Lee would soon return to hers. However, as soon as he was out of sight, Mina thought it was time to confront her sister and perhaps convince Lee to share Kyle with her.

"So...how was it?", Mina asked Lee curiously as she stepped into the "love nest", catching Lee by surprise as she blushed and felt nervous about what would happen now that Mina knew about it. Lee was worried that Mina would tell their father about what happened and get her in trouble over it, since Mina was closer to their father than Lee was.

"Please don't tell Daddy about this...if he finds out about what Kyle and I did, who knows what will happen", Lee pleaded to Mina as she worried that Mina would snitch on her when they got home. In the past, when they didn't get along so well, Mina would likely rat out her sister if she caught her doing something she wasn't supposed to. However, things were different now that they were friends once again.

"Lee...why would I tell Daddy about this? He doesn't need to know about your sex life with Kyle", Mina told Lee as she came over to join her twin sister, sitting down with Lee on the grass as she placed her hand on Lee's. "Besides...you're not only my sister, you're also my lover. I love you more than any other girl in our school Lee, and I would never do anything to hurt our relationship", Mina added as Lee smiled and rubbed her cheek against Mina's as they shared a gentle love shock. "Plus...that boyfriend of yours has a nice package...it makes me wish I could have sex with him", Mina told Lee as they remained together in the bushes while Lee listened to her sister and got an idea.

"Well...maybe you can...if he wants to that is. As long as you don't try to steal him away from me, I suppose I don't have any problem letting you have sex with Kyle", Lee answered as she gripped Mina's hand tightly and giggled. "Better yet...we could always share him between us...after all, we are lovers and I want to do everything I can to make you happy", Lee added as Mina smiled.

"I would love that", Mina answered sweetly before turning to her sister as they kissed while holding hands in the middle of the circle of lilac bushes. After the kiss, Lee and Mina stood up together as they let go of each other's hand. "C'mon...we better get home before Daddy wonders where we are. He knows that I was staying late, but he might ask where you were. If he does, I'll just tell him that you were with me and that I was trying to help you study. Daddy will believe me if I tell him that", Mina explained to her sister as Lee smiled and kissed Mina on the cheek. Afterwards, the two sisters walked home together, leaving the love nest behind them...at least for the rest of this day.

The next day...

Around lunchtime, as Kyle was at his locker, putting some of his books away before going to lunch, he noticed that there was a note laying on the bottom of the locker. It had been left by Lee as he could tell from the handwriting as well as the tiny pink and red hearts she drew around his name. Curiously, he picked up the note and opened it. "Hello cutie...I have a special surprise for you after school. Meet me at our love nest after the bell rings, I'll be waiting there for you. XOXOXO Lee", the note read as Kyle immediately developed an erection in his pants and wondered what Lee had in mind. As he soon realized that he was still in school, Kyle decided to keep his thoughts surpressed for the time-being, fighting the urge to get aroused to his thoughts about Lee...at least until he left to go meet her.

Throughout the afternoon, Kyle tried to keep his thoughts bottled within, trying to keep the erection in his pants hidden whenever he was in class...especially considering that he was surrounded by other teenage girls. Many of these girls were just as eager to have sex as he was and if any of them saw his boner, they would likely assume that it was for them and want to make a move on him. Under normal circumstances, this would be welcome for a young male, to have a number of females wanting to have sex with him. However, Kyle was focused on Lee and wanted to remain devoted to her.

Finally, the final bell rang and Kyle was free to leave the school without worrying about getting caught with his maleness bulging into his pants. He began to walk from the school towards the place where he and Lee had been the previous day, his shaft throbbing excitedly inside his pants, thinking that Lee wanted him to have sex with her again. He thought about how wonderful she felt around his cock the day before and wondered what it would be like if he were able to feel Lee's vaginal walls surrounding his bare cock as he pumped in his massive load into her womb. After all, being a mouse, he had a strong desire to breed...and he knew that Lee felt similarly.

Kyle continued to walk as he soon arrived at the lilac bush circle where Lee was standing there, completely naked as she came up to Kyle and hugged him tight. As he placed his arms around Lee, his crotch met hers, rubbing his bulge up against her pussy lips as she could feel how eager he was to have sex. "Wow...you certainly are eager today...that's good to see, because you're going to need it once you step inside", Lee told Kyle playfully as she grabbed onto his butt cheeks and kissed him on the lips while feeling his boner rubbing against her pussy repeatedly. "Mmm...come on inside...I've got something special planned for you today", Lee added excitedly as Kyle frantically dropped everything he had, took off his pants and boxers and walked with Lee inside the circle of bushes.

When Kyle and Lee stepped inside, Kyle happened to look down and saw Mina naked as her legs were spread open while she had a condom in her mouth. Mina saw Kyle enter as his stiff cock throbbed excitedly, making her insides quiver as she could hardly wait to feel it enter her for the first time. She moved a hand down to her crotch and pulled apart her outer lips, exposing the inner folds and opening to her vagina. Unlike Lee, Mina's hymen was still intact, making her opening look even tighter and more appealing than Lee's while Mina's honey drizzled from the opening.

Although Kyle couldn't help being sexually aroused by Mina's exposed pussy, he was a bit confused. "What's going on here? I thought you had a surprise for me?", Kyle asked Lee curiously as the young plusle fem giggled and walked over to Mina, taking the condom out of her twin sister's mouth before going back to Kyle and unwrapping it.

"This is the surprise I had for you sweetie", Lee explained to Kyle while she slowly wrapped the condom around Kyle's throbbing member. "You see, my sister told me that she likes you and I told her that I would see if you wanted to have sex with her", Lee added as she covered Kyle's shaft with the condom, soon covering it completely.

Kyle thought about Lee's comment for a moment and took another look at Mina's eager pussy, making his member twitch as he thought about what it would be like to have sex with Mina. "Well...I want to...but I don't know if I should...I mean, your sister does look inviting to me...but it's you that I have feelings for. I don't know if I would feel right if I had sex with Mina", Kyle answered.

Lee kissed him on the cheek as she stood up, still wanting to get Kyle to have sex with Mina. "It's alright cutie...you can have sex with my sister. In fact, I want you to have sex with her. That way if she likes you...maybe we can all be together as a threesome. How would that sound...you'd be able to have sex with both of us and we could have sex with each other at the same time", Lee told Kyle playfully as she ran her fingers across his condom covered cock. "Mmm...think about it honey...it's not often that a male gets to have two girlfriends at one time without them fighting over him. My sister and I love each other, and we both are interested in you. We want you to join us and complete our love triangle", Lee added as Mina kept her outer lips pulled apart while her vaginal walls continued to quiver for Kyle's shaft.

"Please...I want you to do it to me...I want to be able to feel you inside me for the first time while I have my sister at the same time", Mina told Kyle eagerly as the male pikachu could feel his member throbbing inside the condom while precum beaded at the tip. His balls felt heavy and the idea of having sex with Mina while also watching Mina play with Lee did make him feel sexually excited.

"Alright...I'll do it...at least just this once. Then, after I'm done, I'll let you two know what I thought about it", Kyle answered as both Lee and Mina squealed excitedly while Mina kept her legs open as Lee let go of Kyle and went to sit down on the grass for now.

"OK...I'll let you two get started since this would be her first time...then, once my sister is comfortable, I'll come in and join you two", Lee explained as she sat nearby to watch while Mina winked to Kyle as she kept her pussy lips spread apart for him.

"C'mon cutie...come to me...put your delicious cock between my lips and fill my hole", Mina coaxed seductively as Kyle gradually moved in closer to her, bringing the tip of his cock to rub against her pussy as she moved her hand to let him pass through, looking to Kyle as she felt as she was about to have her virginity taken. "Please be gentle with me", Mina told Kyle softly as the eager young male rubbed the tip of his condom-covered cock against Mina's opening for several moments, slowly pushing against her hymen as it tried to enter her.

Kyle could feel the tip of his shaft pressing against Mina's opening, slowly advancing further as the hymen began to rupture, causing Mina to feel the sting of having her virginity taken. Although it was uncomfortable, Mina tried to make the best of it, knowing that it wouldn't last long as she lay on the grass, awaiting the feel of Kyle's shaft inside her. Finally, the hymen broke completely and the thick, condom-covered cock passed through Mina's opening, slowly advancing inside of her while Kyle felt the pleasure of deflowering Lee's twin sister.

"Oh...yeahhhh", he moaned happily as his cock moved forward into Mina's pussy, feeling the tightness of her walls surrounding his member. Mina felt every bit as warm and tight as her twin sister, but there was one major difference between the two of them. Mina's charge was stronger than Lee's as Kyle could feel the buzz of electricity crackling around his member...even through the condom. This made his shaft swell, filling the condom out as it pressed against her vaginal walls. His cheeks began to sparkle with electricity while the skies above began to turn gray as the sun was being covered by a veil of clouds that appeared out of nowhere.

As Kyle was pushing his shaft into Mina, Lee continued to watch as she saw Mina's reaction to feeling Kyle's cock inside her. "I think he likes you", Lee told her sister playfully while she reached down to her own crotch and began to rub her fingers against her clitoris, starting to warm her own pussy up for when she would join in on the two of them. Eventually, Kyle pushed his member all the way into Mina, having his thick, condom-covered shaft reaching near her cervix, but not quite making it in. At that point, he slowly began to move back and forth, savoring the tight and excited feel of Mina's pussy while his cheeks sparkled with delight.

"Mmm...Mina...you're every bit as sexy as your sister", Kyle moaned happily while he was thrusting through Mina's folds, feeling her walls grip his shaft as it slipped through her. While this was going on, Mina could still feel the sting of having her hymen broken, but the discomfort was beginning to ease.

"You're just saying that because you like how my pussy feels around your cock...aren't you?", Mina told Kyle as she was still skeptical about how any male would think that she was as sexually appealing as her sister.

"No...it's true...I do think you're sexually appealing. I feel so happy inside you. Both of you have something about you that I like. Lee might have larger breasts than you, but you have something that's equally impressive", Kyle explained to Mina while he was doing her, feeling his cock rubbing against her insides while Mina kept her grip tight around him.

"Really?...Like what?", Mina asked as she felt the discomfort from being deflowered easing and the pleasure from having Kyle's cock massaging her insides and clit growing.

"You're a strong female with a strong electrical charge...much stronger than your sister's...this is what draws me to you", Kyle told Mina as she felt the throbbing pikachu cock move through her repeatedly, growing thicker as her charge "fed" it. "Plus, you really are every bit as cute as your sister", Kyle added as he leaned down and began to lick at one of Mina's nipples, making it swell as she giggled to the ticklish feeling.

By now, Mina could feel nothing but pleasure with Kyle licking her nipples while he was also thrusting his shaft through her tightening pussy, moving faster with each inward motion as she felt his balls beginning to hit up against her crotch. It was at that time Mina knew that Kyle was being truthful to her and it gave her a renewed sense of confidence that at least one male found her sexually attractive. "Alright...I believe you", she giggled playfully in response to his sudden licking while Lee was sitting nearby, playing with herself and moaning excitedly while watching Kyle and Mina.

Mina looked over and saw her sister as she was receiving Kyle's maleness, staring at Lee's pussy as she could see it dripping with her nectar. The sight made Mina lick her lips a little, wanting to taste her sister's honey while she was having Kyle thrusting his shaft through her. Mina soon stopped Kyle from licking her nipples as she looked to him. "Why don't you move over so my sister can join in", Mina suggested to Kyle while he kept his maleness inside Mina, slowly moving through her as he listened to her suggestion. Although he wanted to remain on top of Mina, he eventually agreed to her suggestion and sat up while keeping his shaft inside Mina. As soon as he was on his knees, his hands moved to Mina's legs, pulling her in closer while he could feel the quivering vaginal walls surrounding him, massaging his condom-covered shaft while Lee got up from her spot and walked over towards them.

Lee knew right away what her sister wanted and quickly climbed over her sister with the lower half of her body facing towards Mina while the upper half was facing towards Kyle. As Kyle was holding onto Mina's legs, slowly moving his hands down towards her hips as Lee got into position for her sister, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close to her until her nose touched his. "So...how do you like my sister? Does she feel good around you?", Lee asked softly while Kyle's maleness eagerly pulsated inside Mina's tight folds.

"Mmm...yes I do...she feels so good to me...much like you do", Kyle answered happily as he remained still while Mina was staring at Lee's pink pussy lips, getting eager to taste her sister's honey while also feeling the strong and thick pikachu cock throbbing within her own vagina.

Lee then kissed Kyle on his nose, then placed his head against her more ample bosom. "You're making my sister feel happy...and when she feels happy, I feel happy", Lee explained to Kyle while Mina couldn't wait any longer to begin licking at Lee's opening, making her insides buzz with Mina's electrical charge while she kept Kyle against her bosom. "Mmm...pledge your heart to us cutie...let us know that we're the only ones that you want and we promise that we'll make you feel real happy from now on", Lee told Kyle softly as she was being licked by Mina as she soon felt Kyle's tongue working down towards her nipples as he began to lick them, giving her another ticklish sensation. "I'll take that as a yes", Lee answered happily as she held Kyle to her bosom and let him lick at her nipples while Mina was busy working her tongue through Lee's folds, lapping up against her quivering insides as the young minun fem took in some of her sister's sweet nectar.

While he was licking Lee's nipples, Kyle gripped Mina's hips tightly and began to thrust rapidly through her pussy, feeling his cock rubbing vigorously against her insides while the tip leaked precum into the condom. With the softness of Lee's bosom and the sensation of Mina's pussy around him, Kyle felt very happy and very lucky to have two females who both cherished him and also were willing to share. Kyle was beginning to feel the tightness of Mina's pussy working over his balls, making them feel swollen and tingly inside as they prepared a fresh batch of seed to be released. His desire to cum inside Mina and fill the condom he was wearing rapidly grew while the pace of his thrusting increased. As Kyle moved faster inside her pussy, Mina's own sexual pleasure grew rapidly while her tongue reached deeper into Lee's pussy. Soon, the grassy field amongst the lilac bushes were filled with the sounds of Kyle's cock squishing its way through Mina's wet and tight folds as well as the sounds of Mina's tongue lapping eagerly against her sister's vaginal walls. However, that was not the only change that was occuring.

As the three of them continued, the sky above continued to darken and thunder began to rumble. But the change in the weather conditions went un-noticed by the trio as they were having too much fun to pay attention to that. Kyle continued to thrust his maleness deep into Mina's folds, feeling her walls squeeze his condom-covered shaft tightly while it throbbed with excitement. His balls felt loaded with his sperm, nearly ready to flood into the condom as he kept his head on Lee's bosom while Lee was feeling her sister's tongue lashing at the inside of her vagina, rubbing against her walls as they leaked with her nectar.

While Kyle was leaning on Lee's breasts, his cheeks were sparking with electricity and glowing bright yellow as his charge stimulated her nipples, causing them to become puffy and sensitive. Lee felt the charge on her nipples and began to giggle while the feeling worked down her body towards her vagina, causing her vaginal walls to quiver a bit more while feeling Mina licking them. Lee's pores released a bit more of her honey, dribbling onto Mina's tongue as the young female minun enjoyed the taste of her sister's sweetness as it filled her while she was also taking a stiff pikachu cock inside her pussy, feeling Kyle thickening inside her as the condom stretched to fit over it.

The electrical charge that Kyle was giving off continued to build throughout his body as the rumble of thunder became more constant. Though it was quickly dismissed by Kyle and the two sisters as they cared only about having sex and not about what the weather was like. Although, in a few moments, that would quickly change.

Without warning, there was a bright flash as a white lightning bolt raced down from the clouds and used Kyle's body as a lightning rod. He suddenly felt the rush of intense electricity ripple down his body, making every muscle in his body tingle as the enjoyable feeling made his cheeks glow white as the lightning actually made him stronger. With the tingling feeling of the lightning within his body, Kyle gripped Mina's hips tightly and drove his maleness as rapidly as he could through her, feeling a rapidly growing sense of intense pleasure rush through him. The tingling sensation worked all the way down his body until it reached his cock and balls, causing the inside of his nuts to instantly convulse, releasing its contents from within.

Seconds later, Kyle let out a loud and satisfied moan as he came into Mina, sending a torrent of thick pikachu cream into the condom, causing it to rapidly fill and bulge from the load. When Kyle came, some of the lightning's charge was passed on from Kyle into Mina, somehow managing to pass through the condom while his seed remained inside it and making it into Mina's vaginal walls. The moment she felt the tingle of lightning inside her womb, her walls instantly clamped down hard on Kyle's member, squeezing it tightly as she could feel the intense pulsations of his cock as he was climaxing while she came along with him.

Feeling the lightning now inside her body, Mina buried her tongue as deep into Lee as she could, happily lashing at her sister's insides as Lee's pussy contracted around Mina's tongue. Mina could feel the lightning's electric charge moving up her body while Kyle climaxed, causing her cheeks to begin to glow white over the course of the next few minutes until Mina's cheeks finally sparked and sent bolts of lightning surging onto Lee's clitoris and into her vagina.

Lee squealed excitedly the moment the intense buzzing sensation hit her sensitive spots and immediately convulsed around Mina's tongue, climaxing for her sister as her walls took in the charge while also releasing lots of sweet nectar for Mina while the happy minun fem took her fill. Soon, the charge from the lightning was in all three of them, having been passed on from Kyle to Mina and then from Mina to Lee. Although the initial pleasure of the lightning strike wore off after the first couple minutes, the feeling would remain with them for much longer. All three of them had their cheeks glowing white while bolts of electricity crackled around them. The lightning strike had strengthened their electrical charges, making their cheeks more capable of delivering powerful electric shocks and shooting out lightning from them...especially in the case of Kyle and Mina, who had received the majority of the charge since they were stronger to begin with, plus they were connected sexually with his cock being the perfect device to transfer the lightning from his body into Mina's.

During all this time, the condom covering Kyle's maleness remained intact while the intense orgasm wore off after his balls were effectively drained by the combination of a lightning-enhanced orgasm and Mina's natural tightness. Feeling the pressure in his balls now gone, Kyle grabbed onto his semi-hard maleness and carefully pulled it out of Mina while making sure the condom remained on it. At the same time, Lee's climax also ended as she got up from on top of Mina, leaving her nuzzle and face glazed with Lee's juices as she panted happily while white bolts of electricity continued to crackle from her cheeks.

Finally, when Kyle removed the condom, he was surprised to see how much he had put into the condom. The tip was so full of his cream that it looked as if someone had shoved a baseball into the condom. Seeing what he had done made Kyle feel both very happy that Mina made him cum so much, but also disappointed that his seed didn't get the chance to actually flood into Mina's reproductive tract. Still, Kyle did feel good about having sex with Mina and now that he had sex with both of the sisters, he was hoping that he could stay together with both Lee and Mina as long as possible, having sex with each of the sisters whenever either of them felt the need and hoping that one day that he'd get the chance to cum inside both of them and satisfy his burning sexual urge. However, that would have to wait for now.

Once they had all settled down, Kyle and the two sisters remained in their love nest together as all three of them lay on the grass with Kyle in between Lee and Mina. All three of them had their cheeks glowing with the white electric charge that had been transferred to them by the lightning strike while the clouds above them quickly began to disappear as quickly as they had formed. "So...how did it feel...does my sister make you feel the same way that I do?", Lee asked Kyle curiously as she leaned over him.

Mina soon climbed over on top of Kyle from the other side and put her hands around his body. "I hope so...because he's the only boy that I want, I'll be more than happy to be his girlfriend if he wants to", Mina added as Lee giggled and rubbed her cheek up against Mina's. It was clear that they were willing to share Kyle while they would also get to remain together at the same time.

"So, how 'bout it cutie...would you like to have two girlfriends?", Lee asked Kyle playfully as he thought about it for mere moments, rapidly developing another erection as his stiff pikachu cock rubbed up against both Lee and Mina as they were sandwiching it from each side. "We'll take that as a yes", Lee responded to the growing erection as she and Mina placed their lips on his and kissed him together while their bodies rubbed against his boner, making it good and stiff before the two sisters climbed off of him and Lee got on all fours while Mina grabbed another condom, wrapping it around Kyle's member.

Soon, Kyle was having sex with Lee while Mina was behind him, caressing his body while she pressed up against his back while watching him have sex with Lee. The two sisters had forgotten about everything else, including what time it was, realizing that it was now after 5 PM and that their father was out looking for them. However, Lee and Mina were having too much fun to stop now, they were busy having sex with Kyle and even the threat of what their father might do to them wasn't enough to get them to stop.

However, when their father happened to stumble upon their love nest while Kyle was busy filling up another condom inside Lee, the angry male raichu's cheeks sparked with intense orange bolts as the sky immediately turned pitch black and bolts of lightning constantly struck nearby. When Kyle realized that Lee and Mina's father had caught them, his erection immediately went soft and his ears dropped, fearing over what the male raichu would do to him after he had sex with both Lee and Mina.

At the same time, Lee trembled in fear over her father's appearance, too afraid to do anything but to stay on all fours as she couldn't even move. However, Mina had more courage, wrapping her arms tightly around Kyle as her own cheeks sparked with yellow bolts of electricity. "Don't you dare hurt him daddy...we love him", Mina exclaimed to her father while trying to protect Kyle as the angry male raichu saw the cum-filled condom around Kyle's shaft and how Mina was holding onto Kyle in his defense. Slowly, the skies began to brighten again as the bolts of electricity from the raichu male's cheeks slowly faded.

"Well...at least you were smart enough to use condoms", the male raichu replied softly as he calmed down considerably while Lee finally got up and joined her sister, wrapping her arms around Kyle as she started to cry a bit.

"Please daddy...don't make us give him up...Mina and I love Kyle and he loves us", Lee exclaimed nervously, afraid that their father would make them break up with him now that they had discovered their secret.

The male raichu looked at how his daughters were holding onto Kyle and could sense that they were seriously attached to him. He was starting to think that maybe he was being a bit too over-protective of his girls and needed a bit of freedom. "It's alright Lee...I'm not going to make you and your sister give him up", he answered softly before letting out a sigh. "We're going to have a little talk later and discuss how to handle this relationship of yours...but for now, I need you two to come home with me. Dinner's almost ready and your mother and I have been worried about you", he added as Lee and Mina let go of Kyle and gathered their things while also getting dressed, soon walking home with their father while Kyle remained behind to get dressed and leave for home.

After seeing how much Kyle meant to his daughters, the male raichu decided it was best to allow Lee and Mina to continue to have sex with Kyle if that was what they truly wanted. However, until Lee and Mina were mature enough to be tested for yiffberries, or until they were finished with high school, he demanded that Kyle would have to wear a condom each time during sex with Lee or Mina. He didn't want to have either of his daughters become a teenage mother. Lee and Mina were happy with their father's decision to let them continue to have sex with Kyle, and while he was glad that his girls were happy, he hoped that he wouldn't regret the decision to let them continue to mate.

End of Part 2

Lee and Mina (Episode 3)

Lee and Mina (Part 3): Lee's Mistake WARNING: This story contains some suggestive dialogue between Lee and Mina (Incest between two sisters)...so if this bugs you, please bail out NOW! It was now Mid-September as the warmth of the previous summer...

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Lee and Mina (Episode 1)

Lee and Mina (Episode 1): Opposites Attract? For the first dozen years of their lives, Lee and Mina had been the best of friends. Not only were they twin sisters, they were also emotionally attached to each other. When they were in elementary school,...

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A Son's Surprise

A Son's Surprise NOTE: This story is a follow-up to "A Mother's Secret" The last seven years have gone by rather quickly for Andy and Kimberly and a lot has changed for them in that time. For starters, not long after she was first impregnated,...

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