A Son's Surprise

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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This is the long-advertised sequel to "A Mother's Secret".

In this story, Kimberly gets a visit from her oldest son on her birthday and he gives her some gifts that she'll never forget.

By the way, there will be additional stories featuring this family. However, I'm going to leave those future stories up to you guys to decide. I'll give you several options to choose from and you can vote for which ones you want to see me make.

10 points for each individual idea = story getting made in the future!

Just so everyone knows, you can choose more than one of the available options!

Option 1: Threesome (Kimberly + Bernard + Andy...double penetration)

Option 2: Threesome (Kimberly + Bernard + Andy...Vaginal sex between Andy and Kimberly + Anal Sex between Bernard and Andy)

Option 3: Andy + Bernard

Option 4: Andy + Teenage Cammy

Option 5: All of the Above (counts as 1 point for all four of the above options)

Voting will continue until 2 or more options have at least 10 points (NOTE: Voting takes place both here and on my Inkbunny page...I will be updating the numbers there as new votes come in and I'll let everyone know when voting closes.)

A Son's Surprise

NOTE: This story is a follow-up to "A Mother's Secret"

The last seven years have gone by rather quickly for Andy and Kimberly and a lot has changed for them in that time. For starters, not long after she was first impregnated, Kimberly gave birth to her third and final child...a female 'roo she named Cammy. Cammy's fur colorization was unique and was likely a result of a mutation from inbreeding. Instead of being a silverish-gray like her mother or a tan-colored blend like Andy's, Cammy's fur was bright red with silverish-gray belly fur, and she had heterochromia, with one eye being blue and the other being green. Aside from that, she appeared to be a healthy young female, though after Andy and Kimberly saw what resulted from them breeding together they both figured it was best to stop inbreeding here. Doing so might risk more serious mutations down the line. Fortunately, for Andy and Kimberly, this wasn't a problem for them any longer anyway.

Shortly after the birth of Cammy, Kimberly had her tubes tied off to prevent further pregnancies for the last couple years of her fertile life until she finally felt the urge to breed subside within her. Once it was confirmed that her ovaries were no longer producing viable eggs, Andy and Kimberly were free to have sex together as many times as they'd like, with Andy shooting his still potent sperm into his mom's uterus each time. As Andy grew older, his already virile seed got even stronger and his orgasms intensified as the young male finished puberty, then high school, and then started to attend college. He still lived at home with his mother, still choosing to mate with her instead of finding a female his own age to date...at least for now. He decided he'd wait until after college to pursue a female 'roo of his age to start a normal family with.

Meanwhile, Kimberly devoted her time between working at home and looking after Cammy. It was a bit difficult to do so for the first couple years of Cammy's life. However, as the young female 'roo got older and eventually started going to school, Kimberly had more free time available and concentrated on her current job of running an online knick-knack shop that she and a handful of her friends started shortly after Cammy was born. Kimberly was in charge of balancing the books and keeping track of inventory while her friends provided the goods for the shop. Between them, each of the seven females who were involved with the shop owned 1/7 of the business, so as long as the shop did well, she would be financially secure.

In the time that had past since she was impregnated by Andy, Kimberly lost interest in finding a new mate. As far as she was concerned, she was more than happy with letting Andy cater to her emotional and sexual needs, and he still thought of her as being attractive. In fact, just about any male would take a look at Kimberly and swear that she was a lot younger than 47. Her body fur still had a shiny silverish glow to it and she still had large and plump breasts...even though they had stopped producing milk about 5 years ago. She looked like a female about 15 years younger, one who still had many years of fertility in her body, but only she knew the truth.

Then came Kimberly's 48th birthday, which started out like any other ordinary day. She and Andy would get their now 7-year old daughter ready for her next day of 1st grade and then Andy would bring Cammy to school. From there, the now 20-year old Andy went to his school to start his busy day, leaving Kimberly alone in the house to relax for a bit. On his way to college, Andy thought about what he intended on doing for his mother when he got home that afternoon. He had saved up money for the past six months in order to buy his mother a diamond necklace for a birthday present. He planned on giving it to her that afternoon, leave Cammy with a babysitter, and take her out for dinner and a night out together. After all, Cammy was far too young to know about sex and she definitely was too young to know that she was the result of her mother inbreeding with her second son, who (in turn) was the result of her inbreeding with her first son.

For the time-being though, with both Andy and Cammy out of the house, Kimberly was free to relax in the living room, watching TV for a bit. She didn't have anything else to do at that moment in time since there was nothing she needed to do for the shop and there were no immediate chores to tend to around the house. However, soon after she got comfortable, the doorbell rang.

Kimberly curiously got up from her couch and went over towards the front door to see who was there. In the back of her mind, she figured it was probably someone trying to sell her something that she didn't want or need, but she needed to check just to make sure. When she got to the door, she looked through the spy hole inside to see who was there and received a surprise.

It was her oldest son Bernard, and he had a package in his hand wrapped in red and white wrapping paper with a pink bow on it. Kimberly wasn't expecting to see Bernard today, he visited her every once in a while but usually when he did he'd let her know that he was coming first. Nevertheless, Kimberly soon opened the door and let Bernard into the house. Bernard's fur color was a slightly darker shade of tan than Andy's and he had green eyes instead of the light blue eyes he and his mother had. He stood about as tall as Andy did at a little over six feet and was a bit more muscular as well. In the seven years that had passed since Kimberly had Cammy, Bernard had gotten married and produced a set of twin sons with another female 'roo. He spent most of his time with his own family, but still kept his relationship with his mother the way it was before he left for college. His mate was aware of this (even though she wasn't aware that Bernard produced Andy with his mother) and was OK with it.

"Happy Birthday, Mom", Bernard told his mother sweetly as she smiled, looked him in his green eyes and wrapped her arms around his upper body before kissing him on the lips. Bernard took his mother into his arms and returned the favor as mother and son soon engaged in a deeper kiss, with their tongues going into each other's mouths. Neither one of them appeared to be shy about letting their true feelings out.

After a few moments, the mother/son couple stopped kissing as Bernard presented his mother with the gift he had for her. "This is for you", he told her softly, giving the gift to Kimberly as she took it, opened it up and revealed what was inside. There were two items inside the box. One was a picture in a golden frame with the words "Our Family" engraved on it. The picture was of him and Kimberly along with Andy when he was 3 years old. Kimberly remembered the picture quite well. She had it taken so she could remember how important her boys were to her. In addition to the picture, there was also a ring box. Inside the box was a ring that had the names of Kimberly and all of her kids on it, as well as their birthstones. Bernard was aware that Andy produced Cammy with her and wasn't really surprised by this.

Kimberly placed the ring on her finger and then kissed her son once again. "Mmm...thank you, sweetheart. This is the best birthday present you've given me since...well, you know", Kimberly told Bernard after the kiss while blushing a bit. Kimberly remembered back to when she and Bernard created Andy. It just happened that one of her receptive periods coincided with her birthday and she allowed Bernard to breed with her as his 'gift' to his mother. The couple had sexual intercourse prior to this, starting about a year before Andy was conceived when Bernard became curious about sex, but this was when Kimberly started to see Bernard more as a mate than just her son. In fact, it was very difficult for her to let go of Bernard when it finally came time for him to move out of the house and start his own independent life. Part of her wanted him to stay and let him father a couple more 'roos while she still could. However, Kimberly knew that Bernard needed to seek females his own age and ones that weren't blood relatives. She appreciated his gift to her and his affection, but it was simply time for the then young adult male to move on with his life.

As she thought back to the day when she and Bernard made Andy, Kimberly could feel the space between her legs becoming warm and tingly. Her vagina started to feel moist on the inside and quivered to the memories of her then 12-year old son's penis moving through it. "You were quite the eager young male back then", Kimberly told Bernard as she reached out for his crotch and started to rub her hand across it. "You remember that don't you? The way that you held onto me while we had sex...the way that I felt that long and eager penis of yours rub against my insides, tickling them as you licked the back of my neck...the way I felt that warm seed of yours pour inside of me, creating our son as you were so determined to make me pregnant that you didn't want to pull out of me?", Kimberly coaxed, causing Bernard to blush a little while feeling his maleness stiffen to these thoughts and his mother's gentle touch. On the day that Andy was conceived, Bernard came inside his mother a total of four times with one erection. By the time it was over with, Bernard was so exhausted that he ended up sleeping for the next 12 hours, but Kimberly was more than satisfied by what her first-born son had done to her.

Bernard looked at his mother curiously, feeling his erection strengthen inside his pants. He noticed that Kimberly didn't look a whole lot different from how she looked when they made Andy together. Ever since the first time he saw his mother naked, Bernard considered her to be sexy, and even as she was getting close to 50, she still very much looked like a MILF. "Mom...do you think that you and I could...", Bernard started to ask his mother before she kissed his lips and smiled.

"Of course we can, honey! It'll be a while before the kids get home anyway, so I think we can share some time together", Kimberly answered, thinking Bernard was talking about sex as the horny male 'roo felt his maleness twitch inside his pants and started to notice precum coming from the tip.

The mother/son couple went to the master bedroom together, holding hands along the way as Bernard felt his entire shaft throb eagerly. It had been a little while since the last time he and his mother had sex together, but he always looked forward to putting his maleness inside the same vagina he came out of. Meanwhile, Kimberly's vaginal walls continued to dampen, getting ready to receive her son once again. She was hopeful that Bernard could give her a strong performance, perhaps one similar to what he did to her when they made Andy.

Once they got to the bedroom, Kimberly kissed Bernard on the lips and reached her hand into his pants, groping his shaft briefly before pulling it back out. "Since it's my birthday, I hope you don't mind if I choose which position we start out with", Kimberly suggested, having an idea of how she wanted to have sex with Bernard...at least for a little while.

Bernard agreed and Kimberly suggested that he should get naked and get on the bed, laying on his back. Kimberly intended to ride her son's shaft to start with, even though she knew that he had his biggest orgasms and humped her the most vigorously when he was on top. She wanted to take things slower, to savor the bond between them. After all, they had several hours to be together without interruption, there would be plenty of time for both of them to get what they wanted out of their union.

Bernard did as his mother instructed, removing all of his clothes before climbing onto the bed. Once there, Bernard relaxed, laying back on one of the pillows as his maleness pointed straight up, dribbling precum along its underside. Bernard was about the same length and thickness as Andy, which meant that there would be little difference between the two males for Kimberly. Not that it mattered to her in the slightest since their long and eager cocks massaged her insides quite well and reached far into her tract.

While he waited for his mom, Bernard started to stroke his maleness a little, just enough to keep the precum flowing and his dick fully erect and unsheathed while watching Kimberly take off her shirt, then her sweatpants, and then finally her undergarments. After giving birth and raising three kids, Kimberly had put on a little bit of weight around her hips, but it actually helped to accentuate her sexy appearance. In addition, her breasts (while no longer making milk) were still quite plump, having grown to about the size of Bernard's head.

Kimberly noticed Bernard masturbating while she undressed and blushed a little in response. "Mmm...you love your sexy Momma, don't you sweetie?", Kimberly asked, playfully posing for her son for a moment as Bernard moaned with pleasure, feeling his maleness twitch in his hand while a spurt of precum launched a few inches upward from the tip. Kimberly noticed this and made her way over to the bed, climbing onto it a few moments later before putting her hand around Bernard's shaft above where his was. "Here...let me take care of this now", Kimberly suggested softly.

Bernard relaxed his grip on his maleness and pulled his hand away, watching and feeling his mother's hand grabbing onto his length tightly. She stroked it for a few moments, feeling it pulse in her hand while another spurt of his precum launched upward, hitting Kimberly near the opening to her pouch. "Oooh...you want to make me feel all warm and gooey inside again, don't you? I'll bet you have lots of your cream ready for me in those big balls of yours!", Kimberly playfully told Bernard while reaching down for his nutsack with her free hand, sensing that his baseball-sized testicles were in need of milking.

It was at that point when Kimberly released her grip on Bernard's penis and moved onto his lap, letting her vaginal folds touch up against his length. She didn't let it go inside her yet, but rather rubbed against him some more, glazing his maleness with her juices and making it feel warm to the touch. She felt his shaft pulse more often, showing increasing arousal as Bernard reached out to his mother's breasts and started to fondle them. Her nipples puffed out, becoming large and stiff, tempting the horny male 'roo to attach himself to one of them and suckle on his mom's nipple, just like he did when he actually received her milk.

Kimberly rubbed against Bernard a little as she felt his hands gently touch her breasts. The warmth and eagerness of her son's penis combined with his touch made her moan with pleasure while the inside of her vagina became wet and excited, eager to receive his maleness inside of it yet again. She placed one of her hands down on his chest, tracing a heart-shape on it with her fingertip while looking down at him with her blue eyes. This made Kimberly think about how much she loved her son...as well as how proud she was that he had given her the gift of life when they made Andy together. It also made Kimberly wish that her body still had some fertility in it, because she would be willing to have another son or daughter with Bernard if she could still breed. However, that wouldn't be the case now, and Kimberly would just have to take what she could get from him.

Soon, Kimberly felt like she was ready to receive his length and reached down to grab hold of it, guiding it towards her vaginal opening until she felt the tip touch it. Bernard moaned happily when she did this to him, anticipating her warmth surrounding his maleness at any moment. "Mmm...Momma...I love it when you let me be inside you", Bernard commented softly just as his tip met Kimberly's opening as she let it go and prepared to take it inside.

Kimberly smiled and leaned down briefly, touching Bernard's cheeks and placing her nose on his. "Momma loves having you inside her, honey. Ever since I felt you growing inside me, you've made me feel very happy and proud", Kimberly answered, kissing Bernard on the lips before sitting back up on his lap. "Although, I have to admit, I enjoy having this part of you inside me a lot more!", Kimberly exclaimed just as she started to impale herself on Bernard's throbbing shaft, feeling the long and eager maleness go far into her vagina and touch against her cervix. She immediately felt a spurt of precum hit the inside of her womb while her vaginal walls tightened around Bernard's length, making the horny male 'roo moan with pleasure as his hands kept gently groping at his mother's ample breasts.

The feeling Bernard experienced was both warm and moist, providing plenty of moisture for his penis to move through his mother's folds. She would give him a squeeze every few moments to add to the experience as his testicles started to churn with life. However, things were only getting started, since Kimberly moved Bernard's hands down from her breasts to her hips, having him get a good firm grip on them. "There...now you hold onto Momma and enjoy the ride", Kimberly playfully coaxed right before she started to bounce on the thick maleness inside her canal, moving at a moderate pace while feeling it rub vigorously against her sensitive insides. As she moved up and down on Bernard, her breasts bounced up and down with her, further enticing Bernard to give into his urges and suck on her swollen nipples. Still, he followed his mom's lead, keeping his hands down around his hips, feeling his length getting massaged by his mom's tightness, sensing her warmth and moisture along his entire length, helping to increase the churning within his swollen nuts.

As Bernard felt his mom's vaginal folds massage his throbbing cock and felt her moisture soak not only it, but also his crotch fur, he couldn't help thinking back to when he was 12 and how it all began in the first place. Like Andy before his first time, Bernard was starting to go through the changes of puberty, and this led to desires that Bernard never felt before. However, there was a difference between how Kimberly taught Andy and how she taught Bernard. She had caught him in the middle of masturbating one day and she happened to get curious about her son. She hadn't been with a male in years and she was determined to have another joey.

He remembered how his mother walked into the bedroom and how embarrassed he felt at first when she had caught him having a private moment. However, she comforted him, told him that his thoughts were completely normal and that she was willing to help him. That was when Kimberly showed him her naked body for the first time and offered to let him have sex with her. After this, like she did with Andy, Kimberly told Bernard that she would continue to let him mate with her whenever he felt the need for sex...at least until he was old enough to leave home and find his own mate.

Bernard was somewhat fortunate to find a female 'roo that understood the bond he had with his mother and would allow him to continue to express his feelings for her through sex. Given that his wife felt tighter around his maleness and that she was able to reproduce meant that the experience of having sex with his mother wasn't quite the same as it was some 20 years ago, but he still loved her as much as he did after they mated and nothing would ever change that.

Meanwhile, Kimberly continued to feel her son's strong and thick maleness brushing against her insides, making them 'burn' a little from the rubbing of her folds on his flesh. The spurts of precum came out a little more frequently and reached further into her womb. Her cervix quivered and sucked up as much of the precum as it could, craving the thicker cream that only Bernard's testicles could provide her with. She started to ride him harder, bouncing rapidly in his lap, making his hands tighten around her hips and coaxing loud moans of pleasure out of his mouth.

Kimberly looked down at her first-born son and smiled, enjoying the sensation of their genitals uniting them. "Mmm...yes...you're getting eager to cum inside me, aren't you sweetheart?", Kimberly asked playfully as Bernard felt his shaft becoming very sensitive to the rubbing along his length. It was at this time when Kimberly reached back with one of her hands and grabbed at her son's nutsack, feeling how heavy they were. "Go on sweetie...fill Momma up again. I want to feel your seed spread all over my insides, just like it has every other time we've done this", she coaxed, attempting to get Bernard to shoot his load into her.

He knew he couldn't hold his seed within him for long. His mom's warm and inviting passage felt far too good for him to resist his natural urges. As soon as he felt his climax about to hit, Bernard reached out to his mother, pulled her in as close to his body as possible and pushed his maleness as deep as he could into her canal. Kimberly was a bit surprised by Bernard's sudden eagerness, but she didn't mind it as she embraced him tightly and anxiously awaited her son's "gift".

A couple seconds later, Bernard let out a passionate moan as his length throbbed intensely in his mother's vagina and the tip of it exploded with thick spurts of his kangaroo cum, splattering against the top of Kimberly's uterus. She spasmed tightly around his length when she felt his hot and creamy load hit her insides, helping to coax more of it out of his swollen nuts as she felt his hands reach down to her butt, grabbing onto it and pulling her in closer to his crotch.

Kimberly smiled and wriggled her lower body around a little, adding to the sensation Bernard felt around his shaft. "Mmm...you still like it in there, don't you? It makes you feel good to put that sticky seed of yours in the very same womb you came out of, doesn't it?", Kimberly playfully coaxed as Bernard kept shooting his seed into her, creating a pool of his semen inside her uterus.

"Ahh...yes! I love my Momma!", Bernard exclaimed while continuing to grab at her butt, still pumping fresh cream from his tip, spurting through her cervix and getting directly where it needed to go. Both mother and son felt happy over their union and Kimberly soon showed Bernard how she felt over having his load spreading through her womb yet again.

"Mmm...and Momma loves it when my big boy makes me feel all hot and sticky on the inside", Kimberly told him sweetly before she put her lips upon his and they engaged in a deep kiss. While they kissed, Bernard's hands moved up Kimberly's back, now embracing her about halfway up it while she clinged to him. They continued to kiss, swishing their tongues in each other's mouths for the duration of Bernard's orgasm, until he felt his sex drive relax a bit and his tip stop pumping in more seed.

After about another minute, his shaft slipped out of her vagina, but she stayed on top of him as they embraced and looked into each other's eyes. "You are the best gift that I've ever received from your father...and making Andy together was the best gift that you've ever given me", Kimberly told Bernard as she basked in the afterglow of sex, feeling hot and sticky kangaroo cum deep within her body. His sperm swam around eagerly in her womb, making it tingle a bit as they tried to make their way to any eggs that awaited them, unaware that there would no longer be any eggs being produced by Kimberly to fertilize. "The only thing that could make this any better is if you and I could make another joey together", Kimberly added a few moments later before letting out a sigh. "Unfortunately, those days are over for me", she mentioned after the sigh.

Bernard kissed his mother on the lips and touched his nose to hers. "Don't feel too bad about that, Momma. You're a good mother and I'm very happy that you love me as much as you do. I'm sure Andy would say the same thing if he were here", Bernard told his mother sweetly, making her blush a bit. During all of this, Bernard's kangaroo cock remained fully erect and twitched a little, showing that it was still aroused for his mother as it brushed against her outer folds. Even though he wanted to stick it back in, it would take a little while for his body to reload and produce another fresh batch of semen. However, Kimberly noticed the erection and smiled.

"Looks like someone has some more love he'd like to give to his mother!", Kimberly playfully told Bernard, starting to let her outer lips caress his length as she lay on top of him. Bernard felt the warmth of his mother's crotch touching his aroused shaft and blushed a little.

"Well...uh...yes...I certainly would. However, I don't think I'm quite ready for another round. Do you think we could just stay in bed and snuggle a little more until I'm ready?", Bernard asked, willing to have sex with his mother some more, but wanting to give his testicles a chance to produce a fresh batch of seed before sticking it back in.

Kimberly kissed Bernard on the nose and smiled. "Sure we can, sweetheart! Just relax and let Momma touch you down there for a little bit and you can tell me when you're ready to go again", Kimberly answered sweetly, gently humping against her son's stiffness, sensing it throb gently against her clitoris and outer lips.

Several minutes later...

The rubbing of his mother's vaginal lips against his shaft helped to keep it fully aroused as a fresh load built up inside Bernard. Soon, he felt his sex drive return and the tip of his maleness started to spurt with fresh precum, showing his arousal. Kimberly sensed the precum against her belly fur and smiled, reaching to Bernard's cheek to touch it gently. "Are you ready to have another go with me?", she asked curiously as her vaginal canal still quivered with excitement, still plenty damp after riding Bernard as she had a pool of his cum deep within her tract.

"Yes Momma...I am", he answered back promptly. "However, do you think that I could choose the position this time?", he asked, wanting to do it with her in his own way.

Kimberly nodded and soon climbed off of his lap, thinking that he'd like to be on top this time. "Sure you can, sweetheart. What did you have in mind?", Kimberly asked while getting up from the bed, standing nearby as she waited for Bernard's answer.

Bernard sat up for a few seconds, but then got up from the bed, going over to his mother and coming up behind her. His stiff maleness brushed against one of her butt cheeks and his precum spurted onto it while his hands went down to her hips. "Oh...I see...you want to do it from behind this time", she mentioned, thinking that was what Bernard had in mind. "So, do you want me to lean up against something while we have sex, or do you want me on all fours?", Kimberly asked a few moments later.

It had been a while since Bernard had sex with his mother "doggy-style", so he figured he'd do it that way. "Could you get on your hands and knees for me, Momma?", he asked curiously.

Kimberly heard her son's request and went along with it, climbing back onto the bed while on her hands and knees. She then raised her tail as high as she could and presented to her son. "Is this what you want, honey?", Kimberly playfully asked, shaking her rump a little to further entice her son.

When he saw his mother's rump in the air, Bernard's maleness throbbed a little stronger and the tip of his shaft produced a fresh spurt of precum that launched several inches from the tip. "Yes...that's fine", he answered back, soon climbing back onto the bed and moving behind his mother. Once he was in position, Bernard placed his hands on his mother's hips and aimed his long and eager kangaroo shaft at her opening. Kimberly felt it poke against her opening briefly as he was getting into position, but felt it move inward a short time later, pushing far into her canal once again.

Like before, his shaft quickly found its way to his mother's cervix, touching against it while another spurt of precum launched through the passage into her womb. Her wet and tight folds squeezed Bernard's length firmly as he entered her, making his length twitch with excitement as he gripped her hips a bit tighter and started to move.

He started slowly, enjoying the sensation of having his length rub against his mother's vagina as she gave it a good squeeze from all sides. Each time he moved, a soft squishing sound was produced from where their genitals were joined, adding to the overall experience. Bernard moved in a little closer to his mother as she began to arch her tail over her back a little more, thinking that he might want to climb on top of her completely while he was mating with her.

However, Bernard was content with where he was at the moment. He simply kept holding his mother's hips and delivered his maleness to her folds, slowly growing more aroused as his testicles churned some more. As he did this, Bernard thought back to when he and his mother had their first sexual experience together. He remembered how she presented herself to him, much like she had done before he started humping her now and how he climbed on top of her and delivered his maleness to her fertile vaginal folds, inseminating her several times while in that position. The memories of that day helped make Bernard feel even better and it showed with how his shaft thickened inside his mother's vagina.

Meanwhile, Kimberly felt her son's length rubbing and massaging her insides, still feeling his tip touching her cervix while more of his precum got into her womb, mixing with the first load of seed he pumped into her earlier. She loved what her son was doing to her. She loved how he was making her vaginal walls feel hot and sensitive to his touch and she was getting eager to feel more of his load flood her uterus, adding to the pool of seed that was already in there. As such, she leaned back towards him a bit and completely arched her tail over her back. "Give me more, honey! Momma wants to feel you make her insides burn!", she called out to Bernard, hoping to coax her son to start moving faster.

Bernard didn't want to disappoint his mother, so he climbed over her back completely, tightened his grip on her hips a bit more, and started to move at a more vigorous pace. The soft squishing sound of his penis coming into contact with her vagina became a lot louder and more frequent, combining with the moans of pleasure that came from both of them. Bernard's swollen testicles dangled underneath his shaft, periodically touching up against his mother's loins each time he pushed inward*. They churned constantly, producing fresh sperm as the rubbing Bernard experienced along his maleness fueled his sex drive. He felt his load building rapidly within him as his length became more sensitive to touch as his tip pushed against his mother's cervix repeatedly as it started to open up a little. "Ah...Momma...I can't hold it in much longer!", he called out, sensing his climax nearing.

Kimberly heard his comment and smiled, leaning back towards him as much as she could. "Don't hold it back, sweetheart! Flood your Momma's insides...just like you did when we made Andy!", Kimberly answered back, wanting to receive his sperm inside her uterus, sensing his tip beginning to push through her cervix and into the lower portion of her womb. When it did, she felt spurts of his precum hit the top of her uterus while the rest of his length throbbed strongly against her vaginal walls.

Bernard kept going for a few more moments until he felt like he couldn't hold back any longer. That was when he pushed inward as far as he could go and let out a loud and passionate moan as the load within his swollen nuts was released. A constant and thick stream of his semen blasted out of his tip into the same uterus he once grew inside of, hitting the top of it and quickly making the pool of his warm and tingly cum grow larger inside Kimberly. His second orgasm was more intense than the first as he clutched his mom's hips tightly while leaning over her back, enjoying the sensation of draining his balls into her again.

As she felt him fill her, Kimberly sensed the massive pulsations in Bernard's length as she did her best to clamp down on his maleness and soak it with her juices. Soon, she became so full of his seed that some of it started to leak back out of her cervix, getting parts of her vaginal canal covered in it as well. "Mmm...that's a good boy! Make Momma feel all nice and warm on the inside!", she commented happily, enjoying the spreading warmth within her womb and her vagina while Bernard kept holding onto her and letting his load fly.

His climax lasted about a minute, and after he was done, the churning within his testicles stopped completely and his body soon began to relax. His balls were thoroughly milked and his sex drive was satiated, and it would take several hours to recover before he could even think about mounting another female. However, as he pulled out of his mother's vaginal canal, the extent of his orgasm soon became known. Kimberly had been filled well by Bernard...to the point where she had a slight belly bulge from all the seed within her uterus. In addition, some of his leftover seed dripped from Kimberly's vagina when he pulled out, leaking onto the bed as he climbed off of her.

Once Bernard had pulled out, Kimberly soon turned over and got out of bed, quickly getting on her feet. She gave him a kiss on the lips and rubbed her hand across his crotch, even as his maleness was going back into his sheath. After the kiss, Kimberly spoke to him. "Want to join me for a shower?", she asked curiously, wanting to clean up some before Andy got home. Bernard agreed and the two of them went into the bathroom to wash up.

With warm shower water pouring down on them, Kimberly washed Bernard first, concentrating around his groin to begin with. As she was doing this, Bernard started to think about their son and how he knew that Andy was still sexually active with her. "I hope I didn't ruin things for you and Andy", he mentioned to her as she washed his sheath with a warm washcloth and soap.

Kimberly looked up to him and touched her nose to his. "Relax, sweetheart...I've got plenty of love for both of my boys! Besides, Andy won't be home for a few hours yet, so I'm sure I'll be empty enough by then to handle him", Kimberly explained to Bernard, kissing him softly afterwards before going back to clean him some more. Then, once he was cleaned up, Bernard did the same for Kimberly, washing the area around her crotch some while leaning over her.

"You know, we should try having sex in the shower some time. I've done it with my wife a few times and it felt good...I was hoping that you and I could try it too", Bernard mentioned while using the washcloth around his mother's breasts.

"Mmm...sure we can, sweetheart. However, let's save that for another time when you come to visit, OK? I want to save some room for Andy later tonight", Kimberly answered softly.

Bernard blushed a little and felt a bit embarrassed. "I didn't mean right now, Mom", he answered as he kept washing her front. "Although, if I still had enough left in me, this would be a perfect opportunity to do it", he thought to himself while finishing what he had started until they were both clean.

After the shower, Kimberly got a fresh bra and panties on, along with the rest of her clothes while Bernard got dressed as they met by the front door. Bernard was about to leave to head home to his wife and kids. Before he left, Bernard and Kimberly exchanged another deep kiss, with both of them grabbing onto each other's butt cheeks while doing so.

"Mmm...thank you for the gifts, honey! You really know how to make your Momma feel loved!", she told him sweetly as Bernard blushed and smiled.

"You're welcome, Momma. I only wish I could've given you another gift...if you know what I mean", he answered back, thinking that his mother would've wanted to get pregnant again if she could.

Kimberly sighed and touched a hand to her cheek. "Me too...but you've already given me quite enough as it is", she assured him. "Anyway, give me a call the next time you want to come see me, OK?", she added as Bernard nodded and they kissed one more time before he got in his car to leave. Afterwards, Kimberly went back to her daily routine, still having her womb filled with her oldest son's sperm, making her feel warm and tingly on the inside. She knew she'd feel this sensation for hours, but also knew that she would be ready for Andy once he came home and had his turn with her.

To be continued (see description for more details)...

*: In case you're wondering...yes, I am aware that real kangaroos have their testicles above their sheath instead of below it. However, in my stories, male 'roos will have them in the place that most other males have them...unless I say otherwise.

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