The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 16

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#114 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 16

"Why so early?" Sparx grumbled, hovering above a patch of earth on one of the main streets of Warfang, neatly separated by marble blocks in which started to sprout small trees

He clapped his hands fervently, bits of dry clay started falling on the ground.

"We can do so much better" he smacked his hands again, so strongly that the slap turned his palms red

"Admirable dedication, although a futile one" Coriza's melodic voice sounded next to him

"Cor please" Sparx rolled his eyes, noticing with his moving in circle orbs just how dirty with clay his companion's forelegs are "Not again with the preaching"

The cleric scrubbed the clay away from her left leg with a claw, smiling friendly under her nose.

"You know I can't help it. I'm a servant of the divine, offering holy support is a duty to which, as a cleric, I am dedicated to"

"Does your butt itch so badly that you need to scratch it with that stick?"

"I'm pointing out facts Sparx"

The dragonfly shrugged.

"I prefer to call it scratching"

Coriza bit gently on her leg, tearing shreds of clay with her teeth. She used one of the small, fallen leaves as a tissue to wipe her mouth and clean the tongue. Inconspicuously and with a refined manner, like a lady muffling her sneeze.

"Is this a chick thing or is it just you?"

"Hmm?" gold eyes rose up, taking a break from watching claws neatly folding a dirty leaf

"This..." Sparx pointed his opened palm at the dragoness, twirling it around and huffing as he was looking for words "...this...whatever is this that you're doing"

"Forgive me, but I'm afraid I don't understand you"

"I'm talking about this...this...moody crap of yours!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, pieces of dry clay dropped on the ground like heavy raindrops

"Why do you bother getting dirty and fun when soon after you want to sparkle? You're like one of those guys that just need to clean the whole room when they see a knocked over shoe, but ten times worse. Those guys at least know what they want"

Coriza smiled.

"Mood plays no role here. If you are so keen on putting blame somewhere I propose that you start from yourself. I mean no offense by that"

"Now this sounds like a great idea" he commented sarcastically

"It is you who brought that fun girl to life. The proper question that you should have asked would go like this" she cleared her throat "Why I'm allowing that girl to boom despite my inclination towards pursuing beauty?"

"Yeah..." Sparx mumbled, disheartened "I already imagine myself saying those fancy words"

The cleric snickered.

"I do it because it turns out that I like getting dirty from time to time as much as I like to give in to my conceited nature. What doesn't change however is the fact that in both cases I love helping people with the same amount of dedication"

"Speaking of helping" Coriza smiled, keeping teeth hidden behind turned into a line lips "As a pacifist I can say with whole certainty when peace was achieved and no more assistance is required"

She tilted her head, gold eyes shone with the warmth of the sun, the innocent and nearly amorous look she gave him was heavenly.

"You no longer need mine dear friend"

Sparx' eyes widened in shock when her words and the meaning behind them flooded his mind.

"Oh no, no, no, no" he muttered swiftly, shaking his head with perfect union with his waving from side to side forefinger

"I'm the architect here!" he snapped, poking his chest firmly with his thumb "I get to decide when I need help or not! You're not bailing that easy!"

"The thing we did, it is beautiful, exterior is far less important than the motive. You know just well as I do that we reached our climax"

Sparx shook his head fiercely

"Ain't true"

Coriza approached the dragonfly with a kind smile, beam of which was intensified by the gold color of her sparkling eyes and soft breathing that was as charming as her voice

Her claw started to gently scratch at the clay covering the right side of the small, yellow body.

"The truth is Sparx that we both are incapable of more. With my clumsy paws and your lack of any knowledge about pottery we risk to make things worse"

She licked the tip of her claw before returning to scrubbing.

"I personally consider our last attempt divine and honestly I'm afraid that if we keep going I'll ruin everything. I'm a walking disaster. Just today I was doing my claws and I tripped over Cynder's tail and landed flat on my belly in all that wet dye"

She chuckled and the silvery tone of her tender laugh drew the attention of every passerby.

"Do you know that down below I'm completely pink? I'm not speaking about my genitals by the way so don't get any ideas" she looked at him knowingly

"Hey! I wasn't!" Sparx exclaimed, pushing back, he looked the dragoness over and impulsively touched his right side, damp from the sweet, gentle touch of her claw

He scratched his neck, indignant wrinkles faded from his face when eyes, underlined by a soft blush, focused on the lower, dangling part of the robe that was more loose than it actually ever clung to flesh.

"Until now. Thanks for that"

Coriza smiled, revealing her uneven teeth in a nice smile. Right fang pushed slightly forward, resting at the front of the lower lip.

"It's time to reveal our private moves"

Sparx frowned, rubbing his warm cheeks.

"Are we still talking about the thing we did in the temple?"

The smile on the cleric's snout grew wider, her lips wavered, letting out only a whiny snicker as they fought desperately to hold back a vicious laugh.

Sparx stared at her in silent confusion, unaware that part of his brain unconsciously ordered his eyes to widen with each second of held breath. The moment his brows hit their limit his whole mind awakened, pushing his jaw down, bones within his mouth creaked roughly like rusted door.

"I really solved that mystery" he mumbled in resignation

She couldn't hold it back any longer, the dragoness burst out with melodic laughter.

He narrowed his eyes on the cleric.

"Very funny wise ass"

"Forgive me friend" Coriza chuckled, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye "I shouldn't have given to temptation, it is not appropriate for someone like me. Still, no ambiguous meanings this time, the time for revelation has arrived"

"I'm telling you that we're not ready yet" Sparx darted towards the female "Will. You. Finally. Get. That. In. That. Thick. Skull. Of. Yours" he pronounced each word slowly, poking her blue head with his forefinger at every single one of those short sentences

Gold eyes shone kindly and with comforting confidence.

"You did something wonderful Sparx"

He stared at the sun gaze for a while, realizing that she is speaking the truth. The find didn't make him happy.

"That's it then?" Sparx folded his arms, snorting indignantly "Job well done, nice meeting you, goodbye. Do we shake hands, paws, or whatever else you overgrown lizards use? Or we simply give ourselves a thumbs up? Everyone likes those"

"Don't be like that Sparx"

"Oh, oh! Like what?" he exclaimed, the glowing aura he was resonating took a more intense hue "Happy?" he laughed, raising in the air, smirking at the dragoness below and giving her an uncaring shrug

"You will have to excuse me lady, but I can't control myself, I'm that overjoyed! Who wouldn't in my place? Who wouldn't want to feel like a toy that you throw away after it shows and teaches you everything?"

"Sparx please"

"You're right, you're right" he slapped his forehead "What was I thinking, our work is done, you said so yourself" he snickered bitterly "Who am I to argue? You decided that our job is done"

Small eyes narrowed on the cleric, fury was burning in them with the strength of an oil with a low flash point catching on fire on a heated frying pan.

"You. You decided that the job is done" he snapped his fingers "Simply like that, you decided that the job is done" he pushed towards her, eyes furious eyes drilling into her "You finished a job, a job that...I STARTED!" he yelled angrily, pointing at himself

Coriza looked at him without any hesitation, if his outburst intimidated her, she didn't let anyone see it.

"That was only a proposition, I'm not forcing you to do anything" she said calmly, with measured, charming tone

"Like hell you aren't!" he pushed back with a snarl "Cool way of making me look like an asshole" he clapped his hands, nodding his head in a fake praise "If I tell you to continue you will not put your best to it. If I let you leave I will never see you again"

His fake applause grew in strength as he shook his head in even more fake disbelief.

"Brilliant plan, brilliant. No matter if I play the neat dude or the asshole card, in the end it's still me that's getting screwed!"

Coriza extended her paw with the intention to offer a supportive touch. Sparx however jerked away from her leg, leaving it hanging in the air.

She clenched her paw into a fist.

"I hate fighting Sparx, in all its forms. Let's not go that way, I beg you"

That voice, that pleading, melting like wax voice, together with the look of a terrified kitten, it was enough to make bleed even the most sturdiest of hearts. If there is someone, who's heart wouldn't jerk at this sight even for a tiny millimeter, then it would mean that this particular someone is as good as dead.

Fortunately, or not, he wasn't sure anymore, he was not like that particular someone.

Sparx groaned, rubbing his forehead, the fierce glow he was emanating returned to its original shine.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you"

Coriza smiled, bouncing forward on her three legs, paw that was clenched into a fist relaxed, claws straightened, one poked the yellow nose ahead.

"Thank you"

"Yeah, yeah, don't go all mushy now"

"If it's worth anything my intentions were far from desiring to upset you either. I shouldn't have said anything, I know it took a lot of courage to do something that fantastic, especially when knowing your history. I had no right to stick my nose in your private affair"

"No, it's okay. You're a part of the gang now, when Cynder touches you, you can't simply scrub her off. She's like a rash showing in places of your body you don't really want it to appear"

"This are some very cruel words to describe your friend with"

Sparx rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"I will never get used to that stick sliding up your butt. I seriously can see it in your throat, it went so far up this time"

Coriza tapped at her petite neck, he wasn't sure if she actually checked if there was a bulge there or if she was simply toying with him.

"I apologize, in my profession grace is a habit we inherit, it envelops all aspects of a cleric's life. The measure of tact I carry myself with eventually becomes a part of my consciousness, mind no longer recognizes the act as alien and seldom used"

"Here, let me help" Sparx smacked his lips, extending his arms towards the priestess' mouth

"I'll grab it from here, you focus on the other side. Just remember, suck it in, not push out"

Coriza stepped back from him with an ugly wince wrinkling her usually smooth snout.

"The images you are forcing upon my imagination are horrendous"

The dragonfly snorted, flying towards the dragoness using irritated motions, looking like a glowing buoy tossed by the waves of a see.

He had his arms folded on his chest.

"You want to know the real reason why I don't want our work to end? Tada!" he threw his arms open, all fingers directed at the cleric

"Me?" she replied surprised, paw resting on the neckline

"Yes you, you little fool. You're barely tolerable when you're out in the open, around people. You like getting dirty, but somehow when you aren't locked in four walls where nobody can see you, you shockingly forget all about it. I don't even remember you laughing since we left the temple"

Coriza looked around shyly, her head was hanging low, eyes barely betraying their intent to scan the surroundings, as if she was afraid that if someone meets her gaze the whole world will explode.

For the first time Sparx seen his friend troubled and lost.

"I'm shy Sparx" the cleric muttered, her usually silvery voice was hoarse and blank, without emotion

"Ancestors rotten claws" he gasped "I can't believe it, but there is actually someone worse than my bro when it comes to selling crap"

He lowered himself down, putting his hand under the blue chin and urging it to rise. Scared, gold eyes looked directly into his own, the charming shimmer gone. The orbs reminded him of a dying sun.

"You're lying doll and you're absolutely terrible at it. I read Spyro like an open book, in your case I don't even have to focus, since I'm the one holding the pen"

She closed her eyes, letting out a wavering, warm breath.

"You're a coward Cor, you're afraid that if people will actually see the fun and thoughtless side of you they might not like it. You would have to defend yourself and fighting, in all its forms, makes you soil yourself"

He started to pet her head with gentle care.

"This is why I don't want our work to end. You were there when I needed you most, I want to repay you with the same thing. Without me around, keeping an eye on you I'm afraid that you will swallow that stick and completely forget how to sit"

She pushed back from his touch, focusing on the growing trees.

"I'm a priestess Sparx, my duty is to offer support, not become a burden. You have too much to worry about as it is" Coriza replied, her charming tone was filled with a note of troubled annoyance

With a deep sigh he stared at his opened palm that now pet empty air. His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, putting unexplained blame on everyone else.

"No I don't, Spyro and Cynder, they have each other now, they no longer need me. My brother especially, Cyn can falter, but we are already prepared for that" he shook his head sadly

"You need guidance also love, when I think of leaving you alone in that temple..." he shuddered "It gives me the creeps"

"You are spreading blasphemy Sparx" the cleric admonished him, even if her voice sounded stern and offended, her eyes remained locked at the thriving trees

"This is a holy place you are referring to. Show respect"

"Fine" he snorted, puffing out his chest "If I'm really so bad turn around and tell me if your enthusiasm for that place is exactly how it used to be. Tell me that, looking into my eyes"

She was silent, staring at the trees, for a moment all that could be heard were the noises of a bustling city.

"Cor, listen" Sparx sighed "I don't want you to give up on the things you love. My sis didn't and she's doing fine, away from me unfortunately, but what can I do"

"Loneliness is still an issue?" the cleric turned her head, yellow eyes squinted in concern

"Nah, with you around it's not that bad"

"I apologize for ruining your day Sparx" she bowed apologetically, head barely hovering above ground "I should have resisted Cynder's pleas, I haven't thought this through"

The dragonfly waved his paw dismissively.

"Don't worry about it. I've been to the bottom of that emotional lake, she just barely grazed the surface after finding her way to it through a thick jungle. You did good, about time she learned how to swim"

Coriza smiled, scratching tenderly his chin with her claw.

"You are a wonderful creature, even if you comfort me I still feel bad about separating you from your brother today"

"Cor" he addressed her with a gentle firmness in his voice, grabbing her claw "Don't be, I'm serious. The brother I knew is gone, he grew up. He can journey alone now, not that I'm going to let him mind you, I've been left out way too many times already"

He raised his hand, twirling it around in small circles.

"Here, in the city, he doesn't need me, we would get bored of each other anyway. I miss my old bro, but that doesn't mean I can't find a substitution in the meantime"

"I'm your substitute?"

Sparx laughed.

"No, of course not, I would never do that to you. You're far to pretty to be taken for a dude anyway"

Gold eyes stared at him intently, he could swear that heat was wafting from them, warming his cheeks. Claw that made his chin aware of its presence relaxed within the grasp of his small hand.

"Who am I to you?"

His yellow hand rested on her extended paw, the golden glow his hand was emanating intensified the beauty of the radiating, sunny eyes.

"Someone I never had before, someone who I intend to never lose" he grinned "For lack of any better name I can call you my sidekick now"

She smiled a toothless smile.

"A fitting name, you really never had a sidekick"

"Hey" Sparx blurt out, jerking his head back "You're right" he nodded several times, impressed "Finally on the leader seat, exactly where I belong"

Coriza cocked her head curiously.

"Time for the masquerade?"

He tapped the tip of her nose.

"It's easier to stay invisible, if I'm going to keep an eye on you in that den of vipers I'm going to need my mask"

"Sparx, this-"

"Shhhh" he let go of her leg, covering her soft mouth. His eyes were big, joyful and not focused on her 'Speaking of invisibility and substitution. Time to give this baby a spin"

"Crouton!" he exclaimed, throwing his hand lively in the air

Coriza jumped back, startled by the sudden outburst. Her eyes wildly scanned the surroundings, like the brown, wide eyes of a gazelle that heard an unnatural ruffle of grass.

At first she saw nothing out of the ordinary. In a big city like Warfang shouts were as common as the sound of moving trading carts. Besides some quick glances people paid no attention to them, they didn't even care about her shouting and waving, glowing friend.

"Hey Crouton!"

Finally, after a short while, she spotted the one Sparx was undoubtedly referring to. It was a dragon and his literally burning body betrayed why Sparx gave him this and not another nickname.

He was quite the distance away from them, yet not that far as to be unable to see them. She could sense his gaze shifting across them.

"Over here Flare!"

Sparx let out another shout, it had the same effect like the previous ones however. Flare's head returned to its natural position as he started walking, quickly. Keeping the false pretense of normality while in truth running away from a stalker.

"What the hell?" Sparx' eyebrow raised in surprise "Come on, let's catch Crispy" without waiting for his companion's reaction he darted after the fire drake

He mixed himself with the crowd, which wasn't difficult considering his size and the fact that most people stayed away from the fire dragon.

Which made him impulsively wonder why people never listen to him.

He caught up with him quickly, just before he shot from the group of people he was hiding within he sucked on his finger, covering it with thick loads of slick saliva.

"What a huge worm!" Sparx yelled loudly, sliding his wet finger across the red tail ahead

Flare let out a terrified shriek as he jumped forward in fear. His body flared up with bright flames when he spun around, dragging his tail in between his legs as he landed unceremoniously on his butt. Panting and whining as he patted his tail hectically.

"What's the matter man?" Sparx asked, folding his arms "You're ignoring your buddies now? You have that many friends to choose from?"

The fire dragon frowned, looking over his tail.

"Hey!" he grabbed it and twirled it around "There's no worm here!" ii

Sparx shrugged uncaringly "You were played man, it's as easy as blinking. You should really get use to this" he tapped his chin, huffing thoughtfully "You know what, don't. If you ignore me again I won't have problems taking my payback"

"I wasn't ignoring you!" Flare protested, in the position he was sitting in he looked like a child explaining to his parents that he didn't break the window, even if everyone seen him do it

He sounded just as confident.

"I-I-I didn't h-h-hear you"

"Yeah right, I believe that like I believe that you're bright"

Flare's eyes widened in confusion, he looked himself over.

"But I am bright" he grabbed his tail right below the burning, shimmering tip "See?" he waved the flaming tip at the dragonfly

Sparx grinned.

"Alright man, spit it out, why the cold paws?"

Flare cocked his head, trying to determine if the words the dragonfly just said weren't a confused slip of the tongue. He studied the yellow face for a while, judging from how serious it was he could tell that Sparx said what he really wanted to say.

It was a little scary since it made absolutely no sense.

He let go of his tail, the fiery tip dropped on the ground, bouncing up slightly, spitting tiny sparks of fire. He pressed the paw that was holding the tail to his cheek.

It was warm.

"They aren't cold" he looked at the dragonfly innocently

Sparx laughed, clapping his hands in excitement.

"Boy I missed this, but sadly no matter how fun it is we won't get anywhere like this. So dude, how it's going to be? Will you finally explain why you wanted to run away?"

Flare looked at the ground, the flames he was emanating dimmed considerably.

"Have you talked with Spyro?"

"Of course I did"

The drake winced.

"A-a-a-about o-o-o-our t-r-r-rainin-n-n-n-ning?"

"Oh yeah, we always talk about work, it's our favorite topic. We don't count the day as finished if we didn't talk about the thing that steals most of our life time away"

Flare rubbed his leg nervously.

"Then what do you want to hear about? You know everything already"

Sparx rose a little higher, impulsively strengthening his dominance over the depressed young dragon.

"Dude, you're now in the friend zone, want to know the easiest way to destroy it? Not willingly admitting to your mistakes is the easiest way to destroy it"

"As it is toying with those less experienced than you"

Flare's head perked up at the sound of the pretty, enchanting voice.

Sparx's balked as if he was struck by thunderbolt, wings that held him aloft above, towering over the red dragon, suddenly lost their strength, making him drop down like the red bar on a thermometer during a cold day.

He looked behind his shoulder, meeting the confident and admonishing gold look of his favorite cleric.

He rubbed the back of his head.

"Flare, say hello to Coriza, she's like the only normal priestess of that big ass temple we all know about. You don't find clerics like her so treat her like glass"

Flare cleared his throat, leaning forward as far as he could.

"Which means how exactly?" he whispered, but due to the distance that separated him from the dragonfly his whisper had the power of a muffled sneeze

"That means I'm physically weak, but otherwise sturdy. You don't have to worry about anything as long as you don't plan on hitting me" Coriza explained, scolding the dragonfly with another look

"Umm...okay. Hi Coriza" the red drake smiled "I'm Flare" he introduced himself

Sparx's lips stretched into a weak, sad smile. He remembered times when Flare when introducing himself would explode with joy, that enthusiasm was still there, yet fading, burning like a dying match.

He came to a devastating realization that even substitutions are getting older.

The cleric's attention focused solely on the fire drake.

"I'm delighted to make your acquaintance"

"W-Wow!" Flare exclaimed, jerking his head back, swiftly pushing up on all his paws "Y-you have wonderful eyes!"

Sparx rolled his eyes.

Coriza's eyes widened during the short moment her brain let the words sink in. She chuckled softly after the ordeal was done.

"That was straightforward and unexpected" she bowed "Thank you all the same, but you don't have to compliment me, I should be the one doing that. You are an extraordinary dragon, I've never seen anyone like you, not to mention that your own eyes are special"

Flare shook his head.

"Not a chance. In your eyes I see a thousand peaking suns, powerful and mighty. I see hope that majesty brings, making my world spin around in your spirals of strewn with gold pupils. Bursting open every dark chest of despair I kept locked inside, pushing through the dark to embrace whatever treasure hid inside with the glowing, gold light, worthy to add as another sun in the pure sky that are your eyes"

Both Sparx' and Coriza's mouth dropped open, they looked at each other in clear shock, neither of them expecting something like this.

"What in Malefor's ugly buttocks was THAT!?" Sparx blurt out, eyes still wide from surprise

Flare looked between the two of them innocently, oblivious to everything, clueless like a child that wrote a poem day after it learned how to write and read.


"That!" he shouted, pointing at the fire drake with his opened palm "Whatever it was that you just spat out!"

"Ummm..." Flare twirled a strand of his fiery mane "I think it's called a...compliment?" he asked, unsure

"I know how it's called you dork!" Sparx snarled "I mean how did you say things like that when you have no idea to what part of your body your tail is attached to!"

"I dunno" the drake shrugged "When I saw Coriza's eyes words simply came to me"

"You better keep that tongue in check mate, you're only wasting your breath. You can't buy Cor with them, she doesn't even like sweet talking"

"I appreciate the support Sparx" Coriza replied kindly "But I'm certain I can speak for myself and know better what I do cherish and what not"

"Oh come on!" Sparx whined, throwing his hands in the air "Don't tell me you bought that crap!"

"I have a weakness for beauty, the words Flare said were undoubtedly pretty" she bowed, showing respect for the fire drake "I am humbled by your words, I'm undeserving of such a praise however, I'm merely a simple priestess'

"What does that change? I know someone with a really ugly personality who is mean to everyone and yet she is beautiful still"

Coriza lips stretched into a warm, teeth obscuring smile.

"I see I have discovered another enthusiast of beauty, far more profound than myself I believe. I sense an artistic talent in you my dear new acquaintance. You have a way with words and I propose that you pursue that path, I feel it will make you happy no matter what troubling, unlucky fate befalls on you"

She tapped at the stony ground with her claw three times.

Unexpectedly Flare burst out laughing.

"You sound like a young, more pretty version of Volteer! He also uses those fancy words when he's waggling, they are more complicated though!"

"Alright!" Sparx clapped his hands "Enough of this mushy, sweet crap, it's making my stomach turn, ugh"

"Flare, dude, listen, whatever happened between you and my bro, I don't care. I'm ten steps ahead of everyone, always"

"Not really Sparx, look" Flare approached the dragonfly, it required two moves of his quadrupedal posture to stand right in front of the glowing dragonfly

"See? Two steps"

Coriza snickered.

"Ignorance is bliss says the popular proverb"

Sparx let out a deep sigh, hiding his face behind his hands, he shook his head in resignation.

The cleric smiled, a fang popped from behind sealed lips.

"What our glowing friend tried to say is that he thinks he knows more than everyone else. Personally, as a servant of the divine, I'm afraid I cannot accept hubris as the conduit for an argument in a discussion. I would humbly advise everyone else to do the same"

"Quick question Cor" Sparx muttered from behind the cover of his hands "On whose side are you?"

"On Peace's"

"Alright" the dragonfly huffed, dropping his hands down "Dude, you have plans or you want to join our team?"

Flare cocked his head to the side.


Coriza narrowed her eyes curiously on the dragonfly.

"Me and Cor are on a cool mission of infiltrating the temple she is working in"

"We are NOT infiltrating anything"

"Fine, we are visiting. You in?"

"You..." Flare looked to the side "...really want me after everything that happened? You're not joking?"

"No man, I'm serious"


"Yeah, Coriza can confirm this" he looked at the cleric

The priestess was staring his way with great intensity, reading from his eyes. She found no lie hiding underneath his mask.

"I can" she said, never losing eye contact with the glowing dragonfly

"I'm in!" Flare exclaimed, bouncing up, flaming body parts spitting excited sparks out

"Neat" Sparx nodded "We got everyone we need. A stalker, a spy and a distraction"

"Cool! Which of them I am?"

The dragonfly looked around, examining his surroundings, focusing mostly on the people that occasionally threw them wild looks and the great amount of empty space between them and the first living soul.

"I'll let you figure out that by yourself"


It's been hours, hours since he was left to himself and honestly he was never so bored and nervous in the same time. After their ice sliding and a short break after Cynder went behind a huge rock that was right behind his back to unpack the surprise. She told him to occupy himself somehow in the meantime since it might take a while, an hour or two tops.

After several hours of waiting he stopped wondering what kind of surprise might take so long to unpack. In the meantime he got some food, cooked it over a small, natural fire, never believing that he will eat it since he wasn't really hungry, but he did eventually, out of boredom.

He got the chance to observe the sunset, watch the first stars appear on the sky, see the moons climbing towards their peaks, even see the lake return to its natural form after he froze it.

He waited for so long that he even managed to put together a makeshift bed using slowly ripped strands of grass. He did that twice until he finally got bored of it.

Currently he was lying on the ground, nearly grassless earth and watching the huge rock behind which his partner hid. He practiced his telekinetic skills, or more likely tried to discover if he had any by trying to move that slab of rock out of the way.

That way he wouldn't anger Cynder by breaking his promise of no peeking. He would put all blame on the wind and nature.

Sadly the attempt to move the rock with the power of his mind was as strong and effective as his serenity.

"Cynder" Spyro groaned, slamming his forehead into the ground, letting out a deep sigh, blowing all of the cut grass from underneath his nose to the sides

A question formed inside his skull that he already asked like a thousand of times. Tne answer to it was as boring as his today's evening's activities.

"Is everything all right?"

"Sure it is!" he muttered, mimicking his partner's feminine voice, making it more squeaky and irritating than in reality "I'll be out in a minute!"

"Sure it is!" Cynder exclaimed from behind the rock, her voice wavering, uneasy and excited as ever "I'll be out in a minute!"

Spyro shook his head, deepening the indentation in the earth his forehead already managed to create hours ago.

He was patient and nice for all this time, he had enough of it.

With a growl he raised his head.

"I don't know how time flows over there in your world, but here more than one minute already passed"

"By the Ancestors!" a terrified scream came from behind the rock "Is it dark already?! How much time has passed?!"

"Oh I don't know, something like three hundred sixty minutes I wager"

"Fuck! Just a minute longer! Finish your meal and I'll be out!"

"I did that already"

"Then lick the bones! You surely missed something!"

"I did that too, I ate every single one of them"

"You said you were going to start a fire! Do it! I don't smell anything!"

"You don't because the fire died around one hundred seventy minutes ago"

"Dear Ancestors!" she cried out, her voice wavered as If she was about to cry

It was enough to open up his ribcage and allow the dagger of guilt pierce his heart.

"I'm sorry Cynder, whatever you're doing, do it, I can wait a bit longer"

"I fucked up!"

He raised on his legs, desperately fighting back the urge to get behind that stupid rock and comfort his partner. Her distressed voice was something he didn't really want to hear.

"Calm down, you did nothing wrong. I'm still here"

"It's the damn nervousness!" she growled "My paws are shaking like a kitten in a cold, winter day!"

Spyro bit his lower lip fiercely, he was becoming more and more anxious.

"Listen Cyn, I don't know if that's your intention, but I'm getting really worried now. Maybe you want help with whatever thing that you're doing right now?"

"Nooo!" she blurt out terrified

The scared shriek made his head jerk back.

"Don't be afraid or worried! Everything's ok! Just relax!"

"Too late for that" he mumbled

"What was that?"

Spyro cleared his throat.

"As you wish!"

In truth he did exactly the opposite. He couldn't move a muscle, his legs seemed to grow roots that attached themselves to the deepest bowels of earth. He was stiff like a statue.

"What time is it?" Cynder asked, after a brief pause her voice sounded resigned an determined at the same time, like of a person that decided to take a leap of faith and put it all in Fate's hands

"Ummm...." Spyro looked around the dark sky "Late night I would say"

"Is it midnight already? I can't see the damn moons because of this stupid, huge rock"

Purple eyes focused on the round white ball in the distant space, hovering right at the peak of the night's sky.

"Looks like it"

Whizzing gently wind was the only origin of sound for a while.

The silence made him feel even more nervous, he felt as if he was in a play in a theater which's main event was horror. He was one of the second characters that got lost in the woods and is about to be devoured by a big, ugly monster.

"Cynder, just a warning" he swallowed "If you were buying time and are planning to use the night to scare me by powering up your element, know that I didn't pee in a while"

"What?" she blurt out, dumbfounded, only after a short while she started to laugh

It was a pleasant sound, it made him smile. A great relief.

"No you idiot" Cynder giggled "I don't plan on scaring you, far from it"

A sound of shattering glass reverberated in the waves of the gently, lashing wind.

"I want you to be with me" with those words she stepped from behind the slab of stone

"Gakh!" Spyro chocked on his own tongue, flames accidently shot from his mouth, flaring up whatever pieces of grass and unburnt tinder lying around into a bright, powerful fire

His jaw dropped open at the sight that appeared ahead of him, it was like a star would grow legs and walk the earth under the blackness of the sky.

But in reality the creature in front of him was no star in literal sense of that word.

It was Cynder.

He never believed that darkness, or black can shine, but she proved him wrong. Her scales were gleaming, the silver rays of the moon reflecting from nearly every part of her scales, nearly because some were clearly brushed with whatever oil she used, some weren't even touched at all.

He didn't care about those missed spots, there was no imperfection to be found there, she was glistening like the most valuable of gems. The rays of the moon were like feathers, caressing every scale, underlining every curve of her feminine, fit body.

The red colored scales were also intensified, the hue more fierce and powerful, like the most delicious and sweetest of apples. His fangs slid from underneath his lips instinctively, pushed by the uncontrollable, feral=, carnal desire to bit into that fruit and taste whatever intoxicating flavor it has to offer.

His first thoughts were of stars and to those thoughts he clung to when his mind tried desperately to describe the sight before him with words. She was the whitest of stars and the blackest of skies in one. A being not of this world that decided to present her true form to the one she felt most comfortable with.

Once he called her his goddess.

Today those words became reality.

She was absolutely beautiful and the way she was looking to the side, red line of blush adorning her snout, paw shyly rubbing against the other foreleg, only added to the image of brilliant beauty. Her embarrassment and uncertainty was as alluring as her perfectly toned body.

"I-I know t-that I messed u-up" she mumbled, her voice slurring each spoken letter, as if her tongue would be cold and unable to control the assault of words her vocal cords were producing

"I couldn't keep my paws in control, they were shaking so bad that I had to give up. I wanted to do my claws also, but I wasted so much time working on my scales that I had to ignore them. It was so easy when I was doing it with Coriza, it was so damn easy"

"You are perfect Cynder"

His weak, almost breathless voice made her head snap up. His purple eyes were glistening, she could sense their invisible rays on every part of her body, evaluating each piece with great care. Her thighs shivered in excitement, wavering pant escaped her throat, using all the accumulated air, releasing it in one misty cloud as if she would be breathing during a cold day.

"You were always beautiful, even before this night. Now you are beaming, making me think that I'm going to be blind" he smiled lovingly "And I have no objections about that"

"You really mean it?" she asked pleadingly

"You know I do Cynder, you know I always did. You didn't have to go through all this trouble, you don't have to polish something that is already perfect and valuable"

She shuddered, she was freezing all of a sudden.

"I had to, all this time you've seen me covered in blood and grime, cursing and being rude. I wanted to feel like a girl, normal girl, head over claws in love in her boy. I had to do it for myself and for you. To look pretty for the one they care about, that's the job of every normal girl out there, right?"

Spyro shrugged gently, his attention never wavering from the breathtaking figure ahead.

"I don't know, other girls don't interest me. You are all that matters to me"

That sentence, a standard one, without any vibes of poetic romance, or cherry words was all she ever desired to hear this night. It was the truth, pure and without any shell surrounding it.

True truth.

Her body was invaded by another shudder.

"You're shivering. Are you cold?" Spyro asked worriedly

She chuckled nervously.

"I don't know, my head is spinning and I feel like I'm going to collapse soon"

"Come here, you'll get warm here"

Her legs wavered, she had to quickly put on the ground the leg that was raised or otherwise she would drop flat on the ground. She swallowed a heavy and stingy bulge of saliva that instead of damping her sore throat intensified the uncomfortable ache her rapid, dry breathing created.

She licked her lips, again and again, only after a while her nearly turned off brain sent an alarm signal, warning her that she is achieving a completely different effect than she intended to get. Her tongue was as dry as her throat.

She quickly rolled the insufferable red piece of meat back into its cave, cursing herself silently for her stupidity. As she watched Spyro standing near the fire, his muscular yet not overworked body glimmering in the gloomy light that seemed to purposely point out every muscle that would be perfect for holding her close to him, she came to a conclusion that it would be best to keep the softness of her lips intact.

Intuition told her she was going to need them for the rest of the night.

Cynder finally made a step forward and Spyro, who was observing her intently felt his hind legs giving away under his weight. For the first time in his life he started to believe in his brother's stories about his weight.

He would believe in everything actually just to calm the pain in his chest, pain intensified with each beat of his heart against its bony prison inside his chest. A beat that thudded in perfect accordance with each step she made closer in his direction.

Her waving slightly tail collided with a small stone protruding from the ground, the blade like tip bounced up in the air and as it fell down it scratched against the rough surface, sending sparks in the air. Sparks that delicately brightened the area around her, the quick faint light was enough for his intensely observing eyes to notice that the underside of her body was also gleaming.

Even if there were spots she missed, he was certain, thanks to the quick glance, that the underside of her body was oiled also. Down there however no spot was overlooked.

With a groan his rear legs finally gave up, dropping his rump on the earth. It connected with the ground with a loud thud, so similar to the agonizing beats of his racing heart. The small mists of dust that rose up in the air were like bones of his ribcage turned to ash after his pounding heart made short work of its prison.

Each of her steps could be compared to the hardest of manual labors. Whenever she raised her leg it felt like she would have a chain wrapped around her paws with a big metallic ball attached to the end as if she would be the most dangerous villain in the universe.

Dropping her legs was not an easy task either, every time they touched the ground they shook wildly as if they wouldn't land on solid earth but deep inside the thickest of swamps.

Maybe it would be bearable if she could catch a good, deep breath, it was impossible however. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, her chest burned with exceptional fierceness, turning every breath into hot steam. Steam that whizzed out of her nostrils, making her look like a boiling soup in a pot.

With extreme difficulty she finally managed to approach him and when she stopped right in front of his nose, sparkling, panicked green eyes looking right at him, his tongue rolled out of his mouth. He started to pant faintly, the increased warmth radiating from her body added its heat to his already high temperature, making him sweat and melt from the inside.

The dancing flames bouncing off her glistening body intensified even more the alluring squeeze and twitch of feminine muscle and flesh.

He began to drool at the sight.

"Spyro..." she whispered with unintentional charm, claw tenderly touched the lower black, soft lip " have something..."

Bolts of electricity exploded inside his amethyst orbs, for a second filling his pupils with small, cracking thunder, which perfectly depicted the sudden and fearful realization his mind made of his inappropriate behavior.

He threw his head to the side, wiping his mouth hectically, with a slur dragging back whatever bits of saliva hanging from his tongue. Eyes of his lowered down head landed on the black legs standing ahead of him, purple orbs trailed their whole length, enchanted by the trail of toned muscles, round curves and gleaming scale.

His claws dug into the earth, throat emitting an irritated grunt of struggle as he desperately fought back the urge to feel their soft surface under his paw.

He shut his eyes, he felt his heart emitting a full of suffering wail when he stole such a beautiful sight from it. When he opened his eyes his head was once again back on its natural position, purple eyes locking themselves directly on the black snout ahead.

Pair of green eyes were glowing intensely, filling completely both eyeballs. Her eyes were big and divine, he felt like he could drown in that green see of shimmering emerald. Claw that touched the lips was still there, one of her fangs was biting at it gently as it slid slowly down the lip, crunching and caressing the flesh ever so gently.

He momentarily imagined his own claws leaving the tender marks all along her body.

"A-A-Are you w-w-warm?" Spyro asked, voice barely louder than a whisper into someone's ear, vocal cords hardly pronouncing each letter correctly as they struggled to keep up with the directions of the moving tongue as it struggled to remember how to articulate properly

"Yes" she huffed, her voice was like a gust of wind that finally broke through as tightly closed window

They stood there, watching each other, examining each other, the flames of the fire kept dancing on each both their bodies.

"W-what n-now?" his voice shuddered, unable to connect into a single tone all the scary, uncertain, desirable and pleading emotions

"I-I don't know" Cynder replied "I'm a-fra-id tha-t if I ma-ke an-oth-ther step my he-art is g-oing to e-xplo-de" she rubbed her neckline "I w-on't say an-anything a-about my dry th-roat"


This word immediately jumped into his head, brain realizing in a moment's notice that during his boredom period he made a lots of stuff, one was a stupid bowl he made to store water since he was too bored to make trips to the lake.

His tail impulsively swiped the bowl from unknown destination and placed it right before his paws. He picked it up and hobbled momentarily towards his partner, offering the bowl to her.

Cynder didn't even look at it, her eyes remaining locked on his. She extended her paw and clenched it.

The bowl fell down, shattering on the ground and spilling whatever water it had stored on both their legs.

It was either the noise of clattering stones or the unexpected chill hitting their legs that made them blink.

Both of them looked down, drawn by the impossibility of this noise. Both their hearts skipped a beat when they noticed that the black paw that reached for the bowl didn't clench itself on the provisional dish.

It grabbed the purple leg.

Spyro observed her paw holding his leg in the wrist, he was so enthralled by the sight that many would think he is a victim of some sort of a charm spell.

And perhaps they would be right.

Tenderly he started to twirl around his paw, sending subtle signals to the graceful jailor that he wants to be given some manner of space.

It took a while, but the black paw eventually loosened its grip, devastated and sad claws started to open reluctantly.

Purple leg felt the first whizzes of freedom, leg started to slide backwards, kindly rubbing against the soft surface of her paw. The moment his own paw stroked against her draconic, smooth palm he stopped his retreat. He grabbed her paw, intertwining toes and claws with her own, holding on to the sweet paw as if it would be the last board floating on the sea after a shipwreck.

He felt a gust of warm breath striking his snout when the black throat in front let out an excited gasp.

Black toes and silver claws returned the affectionate grip.

He looked up, his own glimmering eyes meeting in the same exact moment with her own gleaming ones.

He could feel his very soul leaving his body, making him feel numb, severing connection with his own bones. He saw his soul swimming in the green ocean of her eyes, the longer he stared at it, the more stronger and alive he felt. The link sustaining his existence was located within the green eyes, the power was in the bond of their souls.

He desired more of that power.

Spyro pulled tenderly, dragging his partner closer. Before she could acknowledge what was truly happening he already craned his neck forward, closing his eyes just inches before his mouth reached hers.

He didn't force a kiss, with loving care he brushed his lips against her bottom one, mimicking the touch of her claw.

Her lips were soft as the most delicate of silk's and she smelled just as wonderfully, sweet scent of mandarins and flowers invaded his nostrils.

Her lip bent and twitched under the tender assault of his mouth. At first shying away and insecure, but after another brush or two they opened up, letting in the desired, passionate guest.

He kissed her softly, inviting her to the loving dance, begging her to join him. She listened to his plea, joining him in the one and only ball for soulmates.

Paws tightened their grip against each other.

He broke the kiss, lowering his head while rising his locked with her leg paw. He twirled it around in such a way that the black paw was on top.

Cynder watched him with squinted by passion and love eyes. Red line of blush burned across her nose.

He planted a delicate kiss on her slender paw, showing nothing but gratefulness for her attention. He lowered his leg, respectfully and with great care placing her paw back on the ground.

He leaned again for a kiss, offering every bit of tenderness and thankfulness a boy can offer a girl for choosing him.

She purred.

He was again the one that withdrew from the joining of lips, yet he never retreated from closeness. He nuzzled his partner, snout reaching past the small horn at the corner of her cheek.

Here, so close to her neck, the sweet smell of the oil was far more potent.

"You are beautiful" Spyro hummed with all the loving warmth his voice could muster "You are my soul"

She whined softly, shuddering at the sound of his voice. She nuzzled him back, enjoying the touch of his scales against her own.

"Cynder..." he whispered, pulling back and looking her straight in the eyes, barely controlling the waver of his voice

"...will you-" he choked on his tongue, shaking voice broke down completely "...will..."

Her heart ceased its pounding, she was sure that it died from all this exhaustion. She didn't mind however, she no longer needed it to cling to life.

"Yes Spyro" she whispered caringly

His eyes widened, nearly shooting out of their orbits, every fear, doubt, every emotion was pushed aside. He was in an empty void where he managed to do the impossible, he stood in front of a huge door that slowly creaked open. Colors of a rainbow and sights of paradise started to slip under the doorframe.

"Will you be my mate?" he asked, no longer troubled by lack of confidence

She felt her heart returning to its work, it didn't die, one moment it just flipped and got lost in tendrils of utter joy, not really keen on returning back to the tedious job of keeping her alive.

She didn't blame it.

"Yes" she replied, free of any doubt

He felt his ribcage exploding, heart broke free from its prison and struck the inside his chest so powerfully that he became dizzy for a moment. He was certain that if he would look down at his chest, he would spot a big gaping hole created by his shooting into the night sky heart.

There was no power however in this world strong enough to drag his attention in this current moment from the creature ahead of him. They could chop him to pieces right now and he wouldn't know better, all he could think about was the uncontrollable craving to touch her.

All he could think about was his soulmate.

He extended his paw, swallowing a deep bulge of hot saliva.

All he could think about was his best friend.

The thought was like a whip lashing against his back, leaving a burning, stinging cut. He winced, claws of the extended paw curled into a fist, doubt and fear crept back again into his soul. The metaphorical wound burned on his back, warning him that he is about to cross a line there is no turning back from.

With every fiber of his being he wanted to cross that line, knowing that this is just meant to happen. Preventing instinct however had enough strength to scream its alarm, telling him that he is looking at his best friend, warning that no matter what you feel, or how good you are, a slight chance always exists.

A chance to screw everything up.

She noticed his hesitation, his fear and as strange as it may sound she was glad that she did. They made a commitment, first commitment of such a scale in their lives. The doubt she noticed was comforting in a way, it calmed her own nervousness a bit, the knowledge that everything that is going to happen this night, both of them will go through this for the very first time.

His fear was her bay of serenity. His eyes, from which radiated nothing else but desire, apology and indescribable love were the wind that stirred her sail of passion.

She reached for his leg, never losing contact with his shining eyes. Her claws touched the scales on his extended leg, she gently trailed the line of muscles on the length of his leg she could reach. Her gentle touch seemed to relax every cramp of muscle that paralyzed his leg, claws started opening themselves, comforted by her caress.

Her claws glided down his leg, wrapping themselves right before they reached his draconic palm. With a comforting, delicate nod she guided his paw closer, towards her shoulder.

A short, hot gasp escaped his throat when his paw rested on her black shoulder.

She leaned her head towards his leg, withdrawing her own paw just before her cheek touched his scales. With blissfully closed eyes she nuzzled his paw.

He gulped, swallowing another ball of irritating saliva. He slid his paw slowly down her shoulder, lightly caressing her scales as if his paw would be a feather. His already opened mouth widened its silent scream, letting out a short, barely noticeable breath of awe.

Her scales were so soft and smooth.

Paw moved past the shoulder, moving down her slender leg. Cynder shuddered, her resting on his leg chin lowered itself even more, making room for a squeaky, soft moan.

He stopped immediately at hearing that sirenic sound, fear gripping his paw. The intimidating impulse however faded as quickly as it appeared, all he had to do was to look at her snout. She had her eyes closed, a gentle, joyful smile stretching her lips, cheek rubbing softly against his leg.

She looked like she was sleeping and his scales were her favorite pillow.

There was absolutely no force in the world that would convince him that her expression is a lie and what is happening between them is wrong. Not when he could see with his very own eyes how peaceful and dreamy she looked.

He continued his caress, mesmerized by the feeling of her shivering body and look of her beautiful snout. Her chin kept following his leg, as if it was glued to it. He leaned forward, driven by protective instinct wanting to shield her from every kind of pain and discomfort, something like lowering a head below the comfort zone of a neck would surely cause.

The other thing pushing him forward was her innocent allure, he simply couldn't resist it.

He rubbed his nose against the side of her own black one, closing his eyes as he caressed her soft scales. He withdrew his nose, letting it hang in the air just inches from her snout. He breathed excitedly, feeling the high temperature of his own breath as it rebounded off her scales.

He compassionately licked the previously rubbed spot, cooling it down with the loving touch of his tongue after heating it with his breath and nose.

She purred again, her wings flared open, shaking wildly as they stretched as if electrocuted. Desiring more of his affection she tenderly pressed her snout to his mouth, nuzzling it with the side of her draconic face.

Tender licks turned into even more gentler kisses, moving slowly down the side of her snout. Her head started to turn, wavering lips eager to meet with the pair that so lovingly touched every nerve. Yet she was holding herself back, the passion that build under his caring caress was exciting beyond words. If her tail wouldn't wrap itself around a rock and hold her steady she would definitely topple to the side.

Barriers of whatever thin resistance she created collapsed the moment his lips slid from her snout and warm tongue moved against her neckline.

She moaned blissfully, tail clenched the rock it was holding so strongly that cracks appeared on its surface. Wings were struck by another invisible bolt of lightning, they shivered fiercely, sending tremors through her whole body.

Spyro's eyes opened in shock after feeling the unexpected, wild tremble running down her neck.

She pulled back, cupping his snout in one of her paw's, looking straight into his loving eyes as her claws tenderly caressed the purple scales.

She craned her neck forward, locking her lips with his. The passion that build and boiled within her infusing him, lips that were slow and seemingly not responding began to return the kiss.

Nothing aggressive, nothing feral. Gentle kissing of a pair of shy and full respect for each other lovers, passion escalating beyond any reasonable levels, fueled by the bond connecting both of them.

With lips ceaselessly tasting her black ones, savoring the loving taste she had to offer, he made a step forward, focusing most of his weight on the paw on her shoulder.

She tilted her head, exploring more possibilities of kissing they haven't still tried this night while unconsciously moving backwards, pushed back by his gentle, steady pressure.

As his lips joined her in the yet unexplored evening dance more force was applied to her shoulder, enough to make her already weak legs falter, making them lose their balance.

The paw that was on his snout moved to the back of his neck, the other leg that was on the ground all this time rose up. She sacrificed all control of her body, offering it to her partner.

He moved quickly forward, feeling her paws locking themselves at the back side of his neck in the most beautiful and bewitching chains. Her hind legs bent, body reacting instinctively to his loving attack, allowing to be flipped over its center of gravity.

Charmed feminine mind, doing everything to keep contact with the lips that fueled it with life.

For a moment, as he tilted her backwards, she was literally hanging all her weight on his neck, intensifying the grip on the back of his neck as well as the eagerness of her kissing. Neither of them truly acknowledged when the flip was over.

In a moment's notice she was on her back, being laid gently on the grassy earth, her partner making sure that the ground would feel like the softest of beds.

Her fores remained locked on his neck even when she was securely placed on the ground, in fact she was pulling herself up, making sure that the loving union they share never breaks apart.

And the loving bond lasted as long as it could, yet even the most true and wildest of passions cannot win with the urge to breathe.

He was the first to retreat, biting on her lower lip gently and pulling it tenderly as he withdrew his head.

His eyes remained closed, they opened only when he felt the grip relaxing on his neck, the loving chains finally being unlocked.

The powerful stab he felt in his heart when he opened his eyes made him think that he just died, because the sight that appeared before his eyes had to be a taste of paradise. It was impossible that a view such as this can be real.

Yet it was true.

The longer he kept acknowledging that, the hotter his every muscle became, to the point, that he felt as he was about to implode.

Underneath him laid Cynder and he was standing over her. Front legs put firmly on the ground right next to the spikes on the thumbs of her sprawled and opened wings. Her front paws were spread to the sides, gently wrapped around his wrists. Absolutely nothing was blocking the sight of her body, it was fully on display.

He started to admire it from her snout, from her glistening green eyes. Submissive and under his spell, radiating nothing but loving attention, trust and a silent begging for him to continue his exploration.

He could not resist such a tempting invitation.

Right paw rose from the ground, blunt sides of his claws touched the left side of her head and started to slide down. She moaned quietly as she tilted her head, toes on her spread rear legs curled in anxious excitement.

He began to pant again softly as his paw caressed her cheek, sliding down until it reached her neckline. Another wavering, whiny moan escaped her throat by then, hind paws kicked at his flanks as they shuddered with uncontrollable arousal.

He noticed her eyes rolling back into her head just before black eyelids dragged their impenetrable curtain over them. With mouth parted open and slow deep breaths wafting from her throat as if she was on her death bed, she pushed her head back, moving it out of the way, opening her vulnerable throat to him.

He explored her throat intently, not only the front, but also sides, not being able to resist its tender and soft surface. He was being overwhelmed by all the senses, her sexual heat, the feeling of her scales, the sweet and delicious smell of mandarins and flowers. All of those awakened his feral instinct, a beast feeding on lust.

He was lust driven and it was showing in more obvious ways than hectic breathing.

He didn't give in however, keeping the beast tame and under control, that, he simply felt it, for someone like him, is the most important thing. Affection and care, this is what his heart called true passion.

He licked his fangs, drops of saliva dangled from the tips like venom from a snake's teeth. He moved down her throat, claws clicked against the silvery choker around her neck. He couldn't help himself, he grabbed the metal and slightly tugged at the jewelry.

She stretched underneath him, letting out the most blissful, audible, squeaky moan he ever heard in his life. Her whole shivered uncontrollably, curled tones on her hind paws started to unfurl with each shake, the same legs started to kick at the purple flanks again as they succumbed to the sexual fever.

Black tail bounced and swung from side to side, uneasy. Its purple companion felt it nervousness and wrapped itself around it, embracing it.

She shuddered again at the feeling of warm, strong, male body pressing against her. One of her front legs intensified its grip on the purple wrist, while the other, the one without any masculine leg around to hold on to slid along the grass in confusion. Clenching and unclenching itself as it ripped shreds of grass.

His body also shivered, body transporting the excited tremors to his wing joints, making them open in uncontrolled, shaky motions. There was something indescribably arousing about her reaction, the way every tug made weak and vulnerable, completely under his command, beating her will to submission, opening up the possibility to do whatever he pleases with her.

He let go of the choker and moved down, touching the bottom side of her neck, feeling for a moment a bump pushing his paw up as she swallowed a bulge of saliva. The feeling of her soft scales, opened up willingly to him, killed that carnal desire, all he wanted to do now was to rip that choker apart. Check if the scales hiding underneath are as sensitive, tender and sweet like the rest.

He would kiss and bite at them to make sure.

Claws on his other leg dug deeply into the earth at the perspective.

His gently caressing paw reached her chest, he moaned at the feeling of her body, here the feminine curves and bumps were so much more apparent.

He throbbed on every inch on the unscaled part of his body.

From the front his paw moved to the one side and then to the other, her body was reacting to his touch, moving accordingly with his paw, making more room for him. Room he didn't let go to waste, he simply couldn't get enough of her body. His craving to feel her was so strong that when his paw returned to the front and moved down until it could go no further without him moving from his position he dived, pressing his lips to her soft belly scales.

With a delightful whine she arched her body upwards, thrusting her chest into his loving lips, both paws forcefully wrapping themselves around the back of his head, pushing it down, making sure he isn't going anywhere.

It's not like he ever wanted to.

He repaid her silent begging with more passionate, loving kisses. He didn't mind that her passion constrained his movements, he had so much more of her body to admire with his lips and nose. As he moved up the grip on the back of his head relaxed, either his loving caress sucked the strength out of her or she instinctively guided him back up.

With the way her tail squeezed his own during their embrace it was quite clear that both of those theories were true.

At the edge of her slender chest he withdrew his lips from her scales, breathing warmly at her body for a while, feeling her tremble, feeling her paws sliding back and forth on the back of his head. He pushed his tongue out, not much, just enough for the tip to touch her scales.

He smolderingly licked his way up, caressing her only with the tip all the way and judging from how she twirled her body around, not knowing what to do with it, and from the soft groans of bliss that rumbled within her throat, he was certain that she liked his caress just as much as he enjoyed the feeling and taste of her body.

He licked her neckline, again she shivered, again she groaned, again she arched her head back, opening her throat to him. Not being able to get enough of her body he continued up, the arch she created making him stretch and lean forward to reach farther.

Her eyes snapped open at the sudden feeling of something warm and hard poking at her loins.

She dragged her head back from the diagonal space of grass she put her head on during the moment of utter bliss and looked down at her partner.

His head was blocking all the view, he ceased his licking and kissing, yet his nose remained directed at her neck, he looked as if he would be sucking blood from her neck without using fangs to do so. Moment's slipped by in complete stillness, the nervous, quick beats of his heart were everything that she could sense.

She smiled warmly, one paw latched onto his elbow while the other started to stroke his head comfortingly.

It took a while of gentle petting until he finally tweaked, she could feel his insecure and wavering breath on her neck as he slowly started to pull back, rising his head.

The innocent, embarrassed expression on his snout, intensified by the fierce blush on his cheeks that looked like as if he would be burning from the inside made the warm smile on her snout turn into a loving, comforting one.

She looked into his glistening eyes, the apology and care radiating from them made her heart warm by another degree. Paw that stroked the back of his head moved to one of his heated cheeks, blunt sides of the claws danced up and down his red cheek, grazing it with the sensual sensitivity of a feather.

He remained there, looking at her, drowning in the comfort she was bestowing him with. Despite the bashfulness and awkwardness tensing every muscle her supporting caress helped him build enough confidence.

With a nervous swallow he turned his head, burrowing his snout in the soft surface of the underside of her paw, kissing it fondly for a moment before rubbing his cheek against it, fueling himself on the last spark of confidence its closeness had to offer.

He pulled back even more.

Driven by unbridled curiosity and lust she couldn't help herself, but to look down past his neckline and down the thin space between their bellies that opened and closed in accordance with their rapid breathing.

Her green eyes sparkled and widened, her mouth parted, gasp of overwhelming excitement evaporating the loving smile from her mouth when a view that she saw for the very first time in her life appeared before her eyes. Mesmerizing her.

A hard, cone-shaped draconic penis with small barbs surrounding the head and a thick knot at the bottom that expanded the girth at the lower end hovered just above her groin. Her thighs shivered in lustful anticipation, erotic impulse forcing them to press against each other, not caring that it was impossible due to the purple, strong, male body standing atop of her.

Her thighs and hind legs pressed against the purple waist, squeezing it with passionate strength. A dizzying heave of overpowering sexual stimulation wafted from her mouth, lips wavered uncontrollably when she noticed the hard, pointing at her member throb and bounce as she applied pressure with her legs.

Still wide eyes she looked up, at the snout of her partner who was currently not looking at her, his head was turned to the side, cheeks even more red than before.

Allowing lust to beat curiosity into submission she clamped her mouth shout, she extended her paw, reaching his cheek, gently urging him to look at her.

When he did she didn't give him time to feel doubt any longer since momentarily her fores once more intertwined on the back of his head. Using her feminine strength she pulled herself up, nearly slamming her lips into his.

His eyes widened for a second when her lips assaulted him with a passionate smooch that was both erotic as it was loving and reassuring. For a while he did not respond at all, shocked by her loving attack. She kissed him hungrily, almost pleadingly, throwing her head from side to side, savoring every bit of taste his lips had to offer.

And then she moaned.

That sound was enough to pop all that embarrassment like a balloon, he shut his eyes, joining her in the passionate dance of mouth and tongue. One of his paw slipped behind her neck, pulling her closer, making sure she isn't going anywhere. They were kissing so devotedly that it looked as if they tried to devour each other.

With sexual allure reaching its peak she thrust her hips up.

His mouth parted open, he let out a blissful moan when suddenly a different set of lips grazed a head that was not attached to his neck.

Even if his mouth was parted she never ceased her lustful assault, she pulled herself even higher, using every part of her body to press against him. To keep contact with his mouth during her passionate and rich kiss offering she began to rub against him, hectic paws catching and losing grip alternately.

Another deep, sexually feverish groan left his throat when her lips parted, letting him feel the slickness in between no amount of saliva would ever achieve.

With an exciting growl rumbling inside his throat he returned the kiss, repaying her with the same level of lustful eagerness she bombarded him with.

He slipped his paw in between their chests, putting his opened draconic palm on top of her magenta one. He stopped there, intimidated and even more aroused by the feeling of her heart irrepressible pounding against his paw.

He loved her too much however to allow himself succumb to that delightful sound completely. Driven by his protective instinct he started to gently rub her chest, stroking and massaging it fondly, calming the racing heart within with soothing motions.

He was successful, not only he calmed her heart a bit, but also her blind display of passion, reminding her that she needs to catch a breath at some point.

The moment she broke the kiss, not moving far however, his lips still brushed against hers as he panted, he applied pressure to her chest. Gently and yet confidently pushing her back on the ground.

Black paws released their grip, sliding down his shoulders when her back touched the green earth. He was the one this time that kissed her, a short, yet passionate display of affection.

He pulled back when she returned the kiss. He opened his eyes, looking down on his beautiful partner, aiming his gaze directly at her clouded by bliss green ones. Eyes that looked back at him from the ground.

No words were said, their throats were to busy dealing with the feverish panting. It was their souls that were communing with each other in their silent, yet understandable language. Searching for signs of protest, doubt, or the urge to slow down.

They found neither of those things.

He licked the tip of her nose. The small, loving smile that appeared after his tongue left her nose assured him that everything is as it supposed to be.

He bent his forelegs, resting the front part of his body on his elbows and draconic arms, his snout was just inches from her own. He slid a paw under her, he could feel her tensing in his grasp. He looked into her eyes once more, assuring her that everything is alright.

He licked her nose again to force his point across.

He gently pushed her towards himself, feeling the soft touch she reacted immediately. She wrapped her fores on his neck once again, pulling herself up to be close to him, purple paw on her back made sure she was as much comfortable as possible.

Her breath wavered, he could feel it trembling when she hugged him, putting her head on his flexed shoulder.

She shut her eyes tightly, her tail squeezed the purple one even harder. Toes on rear paws once again curled in anxious anticipation. Even her draconic feet searched for support, soft soles pressing against his waist.

She offered herself to him completely, trusting him with every fiber of her body. To make sure he understands she strengthened the embrace they were sharing.

He kissed her back before tilting his head lower, directing his sight at the slit of empty space in between their heaving chests. His gaze focused on the only interesting sight to be found there. His entire body trembled when instinctively his hips thrust gently forward.

A blissful moan escaped both their throats when whole length of exposed male flesh was kissed by warm lips.

She hugged him tighter, he in turn repaid her with gentle caress of true lips passionately kissing her back. Holding her paw didn't remain behind, supporting her during their embrace.

He concentrated entirely on her, closing his eyes as he kissed her, listening to her beautiful whines and moans, feeling her shiver. Hips continued on with their gentle thrusts, guided by warmth and slickness of sexual allure, they too found their favorite spot to caress.

He gasped when suddenly she smacked her groin into his, trapping him in the sweetest of cages. The noise her mouth emitted sounded like a cry, begging, soul stirring cry.

As her soon to be mate he could do nothing else but obey her plea.

His hips made another tender thrust, this time finding the treasure they were looking for.

She was more than welcoming, parting like a blossoming flower.

The surge of pleasure forced his mouth open, freezing it in an expression of a silent scream. His gaping maw pressed against the delicious, black scales. Excitement infused by the perspective of feeling every tiniest vibration running through the black body.

Except that he felt no such thing.

His hips froze, only gently barbed head tucked into the most perfect sheath.

Her whole body tensed, tender soles slid from his body, toes opening and clenching again wildly, claws on her hind paws latching onto his thighs accidently. Front legs intensified their grip, black chin buried itself deeper into his shoulder.

Her whole snout contracted by a painful wince, pitiful whine that was both a combination of anxious, sexual anticipation and mild suffering wafted from her throat. Abruptly muffled by her own teeth strongly biting on the lower lip.

She was tense and yet her whole body quaked, due to stiffness making her feel like a warm gargoyle coming to life for the first, awkward time.

As exciting as it was he ceased his blind pursuit for pleasure. This was their first time, what's more importantly that was her first time. Lustful pleasure can wait when her enjoyment is at stake. As her mate, it was his duty to make the experience memorable and delightful to her.

He knew no other way of doing that besides showing his affection for her.

He flexed his muscle, paw behind her back pushed her closer to him, to the point that her choker scratched against his neck. He awakened his lips, directing them at her shoulder.

He gently started to lean forward, lower side followed suit, tenderly and only by an inch sliding down. Sharp shiver quaked her body, forcing a muffled groan through her tightly sealed mouth.

She was back on the ground, the moment her back safely rested on the ground he freed his paw, reaching behind his head as he pulled himself up on his second fore. He found her locked paws, he delicately maneuvered his claws in between hers, her seemingly strong clench vulnerable and weak.

By the way that she felt he came to realization that he was a key to those chains.

He caringly grabbed one of her paws, his lips burrowing themselves into her shoulder with loving kisses. With his neck free he withdrew his head slowly, making her remaining paw slid from his scales and his lips unglued themselves from her shoulder.

He pushed his head down, aiming his nose at the neck of her still hovering in air upper body. He gently poked her with her nose, fondly nudging her in the direction he desired.

Slight push was enough to make her head fall down, joining her back on the ground.

He turned his head, kissing the black paw he was holding with the passionate attention of a grateful lower before he also guided it towards the earth. When her leg touched the ground he twirled his paw around, intertwining his claws with hers in a tight, comforting grip.

His eyes gazed at her wincing snout only for a second, knowing that pain is not something he desires to see, instinctively knowing that it won't remain there for long. He will make sure of that.

Following through with his dedication he dived towards her neck, kissing it with all the seductive and loving strength of the passion that wrecked his senses.

Even despite her nervousness she accommodated several more of his inches with eager, reserved hunger.

She moaned, the squeaky delightful sound warmed his already burning body, forcing a heated groan from his parting in agonizing pleasure mouth.

Her body shivered again, one front paw intensified the grip on the purple one while the other slid around the ground for a while until it collected a big enough bouquet of grass to hold on to. Her back legs shot to the sides, spreading her hips, toes ravaged by subtle spasms, her instinctive reaction making more room for his rump to glide over her.

Her neck didn't remain behind, her head reacted in perfect accordance with the rest of her body, her entire form dancing to the same blissful song. With a wonderful whimper she threw her head back, sacrificing her sensitive neck completely to him.

He didn't let such an offer go to waste. He bestowed her throat with more passionate kisses. Eventually both caressing his partner sides of his body struck the most obvious barriers.

He bit gently on the choker with an excited snarl, flexing his rear legs he pulled out, exposing himself to the suddenly freezing night air.

Coming to a hazy realization that the cold air was unbearable he sunk back into the most thrilling warmth, with the same amount of tenderness knocking again at the vulnerable door.

His move drawing moans from their throats that were hotter than lava from an erupting volcano.

His gaping mouth slid from the choker, hot breath and lips assaulting the soft scales right above the metallic band. Both wavering, shook gently by the amorous pace his hips achieved.

She moaned loudly, arching her body before slamming it back onto the earth seconds later. The pain subsiding, overthrown from the pedestal by waves of pleasure roused by his gentle caress that literally and metaphorically kissed, stretched and filled her bliss.

The sensation of his body bestowing her with such passionate affection was mind numbing.

The paw that gripped the grass shot upwards, ripping off the strands it was holding like hair, her black paw smacked into his back. It momentarily slid up the back side of his neck and to the top of his head where it tightly clenched around a gold horn.

The stiff feeling it had to offer reminded her of his tenderly thrusting member, making her hips quiver in indescribable delight.

She finally opened her eyes, only slightly, the world was only made of blurry, messy colors. She tilted her head up, making sure that his unrelentingly kissing lips wouldn't cease caressing her neck as she looked down the space in between their bellies.

Her mouth dropped open at the sight that appeared before her squinted in excitement eyes, the pleasure that she recently started to feel, mostly uninterrupted by sharp stings of pain, suddenly intensified tenfold, making the world spin all around her.

Only one image remained clear. It was his thrusting hips, it was him slowly sliding out and into her, keeping the same alluring pace, embracing her with a compassionate, loving, respectful attention of not crossing a barrier until she won't be ready. That care was more enticing than any kiss.

Her clouded by felicity eyes remained fixed on his working hips, pleasure surged through her in weaker and stronger waves. She began to moan and whimper in accordance with the jolts of bliss shooting through her. Parts of her body that his soft thrusts were paying attention to responded to the waves also, using their own means.

The prolonged, whiny gasp that was forced out of his throat, hot air from which it was made of colliding with her neck scales, showed her that he enjoyed those means very much.

He wasn't the only one, her reaction made her lustfully aware how divine it felt to feel him...everywhere. The observation of his thrusting hips showed that the best part is still to come.

She threw her head back onto the earth with an audible moan, biting on her lips again, white horns burying into the ground. The sensation of earth clamping around her horns sent another reminding impulse throughout her body, making her shiver in excitement, powerful pulse of pleasure making her realize that she is also a ground for someone else.

Depth of which is tenderly tested over and over again.

Her horns went down the moist earth to the very hilt, earth making no sound of protest as its natural barrier was broken.

She let out a whiny groan into the night's sky. Tail made another curl, rear legs recently spread wide open squeezed together again, throwing her hind paws atop his moving up and down rump. She intertwined her draconic feet on the purple figure as much as the limited movements of her hind muscles allowed her.

One fore tightened the lock on his purple one, the other clamped down harder on the gold horn, pulling at it forcefully.

He groaned sadly when his lips were dragged away from the soft neck he caressed so vigorously for all that time. He licked his lips, hungrily savoring the taste of his partner that still clung to his mouth.

Taste that he could experience even more when her head sprang from the ground, locking her lips with his. She started to kiss him passionately, still hungry for her, he responded automatically and with the same amount of loving care, all this time making sure that both sets of her lips feel just how much he loves her.

At some point when their heads twirled around, looking for a better way to show affection for each other, he began to withdraw back into the cold air of the night. This time however he didn't get the chance to experience the chill for long since her hips thrust up, not letting him go.

He stopped, paralyzed, pulling from the kiss to look at her with dreamy eyes.

Her green orbs shone brightly, red tongue ran over moist lips. Panting with excitement she observed him for a second before pressing her mouth to his once more. Tongue and lips inviting to an unshackled dance.

He steadily joined her in the revelry she presented to him. He started from his mouth, intertwining both lips and tongue with hers in a wild, free, passionate sway. Rest of him followed soon after, giving in to the heat of the invitation.

Not able to resist, his hips, respectfully yet confidently joined the loving fray.

Breaking every barrier and opening every door.

She cried out into his mouth, lips pressed and wavering against his own. Delightful shriek muffled by their pressed to each other snouts and his own deep, hot moan of bliss rumbling out of his throat.

Her wings jolted up, making one, awkward flap before they slammed onto the ground, spent already. Paw wrestled its way out its purple grasp, smacking and tapping chaotically his back, joined soon by her other paw, both slapped at his flexed muscles, unable to find a grip.

Her hind legs shattered the link they made, kicking up in the air, trembling as if connected to unending current of electricity. Toes and claws curling backwards, stretching her hind paws to their limit.

Whole body shaking and straining.

She let another cry, softer this time when he startled to wiggle, shaken by his own pulses of pleasure. For a moment she was envious of him and the lack of pain he feels, at least physical one.

It was obvious however that the bond they shared made him sense her intimate ache.

He did everything to relive her of it.

Her body tensed again, triggering his protective nature of a tender lover, he jerked his body up, forcing both his paws behind her back, lifting her up slightly before landing back on the earth again, his bent legs supporting her.

He pulled her into a tight hug, trying to match the strength of the embrace her body was wrapping him in. He held her like this for a second, letting both of them adjust to the size of their locked together bodies.

He licked her neck sensually, the taste of her sweet scales that didn't seem to lose the scent of mandarins made every part of him throb in excitement.

They both huffed deeply, for a second losing touch with the real world as they were sucked into a whirl of utter bliss.

His trembling tongue renewed its caress, sliding from neck to shoulder, perfectly feeling the stiffness of her muscles. He started to kiss it lovingly, trying to relieve it of the stress.

She groaned, both her paws slid from his back, landing on his chest. With an excited gasp she explored the muscular chest, rubbing all around the golden scales. She pushed at his body impulsively, weakly testing if it's possible to throw him off of her.

The firm body didn't budge.

Her whole body quivered, surges of bliss shooting from her crotch, reaching every part of her frame. She moaned loudly, gently scratching the stout chest. She was trapped underneath that strong body, it won't let her go.

Her thighs squeezed together the purple waist atop them, she was completely under his control. It was a delightful perspective.

Her claws ran over his heart.

She whimpered, passion filled her soul when she felt his hot tongue returning to caress her sensitive neck. Feeling of bliss intensified by the sound of his pounding heart that wanted to break free from its natural cage.

When she touched her most favorite spot, his heart increased its beating tempo. She heard him whine softly, hot breath of allure escaping her throat when she realized she is the cause of this wild pace.

Her neck sprang forward, open mouth touching the area around the beating heart. Her sharp, excited huffs bouncing off the gold scales. Warmth of her breath trying to calm the racing heart.

His eyes widened a little when he felt her lips delicately kissing his chest. The passion raging inside him subsided a little, making room for care to play the main role for a while. Warm kisses calming and begging him at the same time, trusting him.

One of his paws stopped massaging her back, reaching down his chest where it gently pushed pressure on the black shoulder.

She submitted to his nudge.

Still supporting her, he made sure that her head touches the ground in the most softest of ways.

He gazed into her loving eyes, sparkling with such love for him that they intimidated his lungs, making him choke on his own breath.

His head dived down, lips pressing against her soft chest, following his paw that caressed and explored passionately her delicate, magenta scales.

She moaned in bliss, both paws locking on his gold horns.

The delightful sound she made stirred his devotion for her, all he wanted to do now was to show his gratefulness for the loving mouth capable of creating such a sound.

He kissed and licked his way up her body, running his tongue even on her metallic bracelet. He snarled slightly, as much as he adored her jewelry, right now the choker was the most hated thing in the world.

His caressing paw grabbed onto it, tugging at it slightly while his loving lips finally reached their goal, joining with the soft lips of his beautiful mate.

They kissed only for a while, slowly and delicately reminding themselves of the comfort and affection their closeness stirred. A kiss that reminded them of the mutual trust they bestow each other with.

Purple lips retreated from the embrace of the black ones, their panting mouth just inches from each other when their foreheads met. With their eyes closed they listened to their withdrawing and prodding, heated breaths.

Following the warm example of their breathing, he too began to pull out, her lips kissing every inch of him on the way out. He popped out, his entire length glistening and warm, covered in special oil of her own creation.

With cold again lashing at him he retreated back into the slick warmth, she welcomed him gladly, whimpering her joy as she accommodated him.

She was a most generous host, inviting him entirely. Their groins didn't join together however, stopped by the thick bulge kissing her lips.

She winced, catching a whiny gasp as she slammed her mouth shut. Her whole body stiffened again, fores tightening the grip around his horns, hind paws smacking into the inside of his rear legs, soft soles pressing against his thighs, using the claws to latch onto him.

He felt her surge of pain, with his heart skipping a beat he pulled out quickly. He ran his tongue over her nose before diving towards her neck and cheeks, kissing both apologetically.

She visibly relaxed when he hovered just above her groin, painful wrinkles vanished from her snout, she laid there for a while, sinking within the apologetic care he offered her.

The tenderness he showed her was alluring beyond words, just like compassion during this special moment. All the traits he lived by all his life, traits that made her fall in love with him, he transitioned to the love making. He didn't change even when clouded by lust, the realization of that was more enticing than any physical pleasure.

He was himself, tender lips kissing at her neck was only a single example of that. He was begging for forgiveness, shy and intimidated boy, nervous around the girl he cares about.

Nervousness however was something she didn't want him to feel, not around her.

She pulled at his horns, dragging his mouth away from her scales, she moaned in pleasure when his begging lips pulled at her scales as they were dragged away.

She gazed into his shimmering, apologetic eyes for a second before she licked his nose, giving all the comfort her tongue had to offer. She pushed her neck forward, kissing him lovingly, making sure he understands that everything was alright and there is nothing to be sorry about.

To force her point across she thrust her hips up, rubbing against him, kissing him in the same manner with her second set of moist lips.

He moaned, biting on her lower lip as he thrust, she let out a delightful, short cry when he entered her. He lowered himself down tenderly, numb lips kissing at her parted mouth chaotically. Being free for that short while made him already forget how wonderfully her tight embrace felt on his every inch.

He groaned in pleasure as he sunk down, stopping his loving descent just when he felt heat of her groin on his.

Happy of his accomplishment he repeated the move, reaching the same pleasurable effect.

Surges of indescribable pleasure began to course through her body. Her rear legs let go of his thighs, spreading wide open, her body welcoming him completely. She moaned loudly when his no longer constricted, gentle tempo of thrusts became more steady.

She clung to his lips, kissing them as best as she could before she slipped away. Contact interrupted by the moans and whimpers he forced out of her.

The feeling of him stretching and filling her was divine, his gentle thrusts making her shiver slightly. Her paws slipped from his head, numbly pressing against his delicately bouncing chest. Steadily bouncing chest, strong, purple body making sure that the experience will be memorable, making sure that she is as comfortable as possible.

He was giving her everything she desired, making sure that even if she submitted to him, she will know that her needs and pleasure are the most important things to him.

The steady moans and whimpers she breathed against his lips were her way of showing her gratitude.

For him it was the most pleasing of displays.

He kept on thrusting tenderly, her whole body arched up, blissful moan wafting from her throat when his gentle move triggered a strong, contracting shiver in every part of her body.

A tremor that forced a blissful groan from his throat when for a moment blood flow was interrupted to the most sensitive part of his body. For a second making him feel as if it got lost in the warm depths.

Her head slammed into the ground, a long, pleasurable huff, one of her paws smacked onto her forehead, wiping off the glistening beads of sweat.

By the Ancestors, he was doing everything right.

Whimpering, she looked down the narrow space in between their bellies, space that became thinner due to the unending shivers running across her whole frame.

Toes on her spread hind paws curled in excitement when her eyes landed once more on the somewhat dirty, yet enjoyable sight.

Panting steadily she observed his working hips, watching his glistening, hard member pulling in and out of her. The sight of it made her more sensitive, whenever he sunk into her, the pleasure she felt was nearly numbing, forcing her mouth open, freezing it in a display of silent scream.

Only when her lungs started to sting she let out a prolonged moan that only intensified the shivers.

He groaned loudly again.

She was mesmerized by the sight, by his steady, gentle tempo, the way he always buried himself into her, always keeping the same distance. Watching him mating with her reminded her that for him her pleasure and comfort are important.

This is why during his thrusts a part of him never felt her warm touch that the rest of his length basked in.

Her eyes fixated on the thickest part of him, she gasped at the memory of that bulge trying to sink into her. She observed the bouncing knot, how it kept away from her. Comfort and pleasure, the most important things to him, her gentle lover.

That thought reminded her that during mating, there are two sides in the role of a lover. As pleasurable and exciting it was to submit to his tender, loving caress, something he undeniably liked himself, it was also her duty to make the experience as memorable for her partner as possible.

He cared for her too much to put his needs first.

He was doing everything right, it was her lover's duty to remind him just how much pleasure he is giving her.

Remind him everywhere.

When he pulled out of her she slipped her right draconic foot in between their waists. She pressed her clawed paw to his groin, stopping his thrust.

She looked up at him, into his wide, surprised and worried amethyst eyes. He was clearly terrified, thinking he did something wrong.

She smiled at seeing his expression, amused that he can think of something like that when she moaned her one lung out and whimpered away the other. Not to mention that her whole body shivered unrelentingly.

She kissed her cute fool, putting all the power of her love for him, making certain that he will never again have such stupid thoughts.

He moaned in relief, sinking into the passionate kiss.

During kissing her other hind paw slipped underneath their waists, pressing against the other side of his groin. Both her front legs rested on his chest, her elbows bent and ready, fueling strength to her awakening from numbness paws.

She gave everything she got into the kiss, weakening him as part of her loving plan, yet at the same time drowning in the sweet emotion his kiss had to offer.

Realizing that their joining of lips is a double edged sword she fueled her legs with all the strength she could muster.

She kicked with all four of her paws, his eyes snapped open, letting out a muffled gasp of surprise that soon became audible like usually when he was lifted in the air, away from her soft lips.

She sprang from the ground, using all the awkward strength to twirl her body around, forcing him to spin as she pressed against him.

In a second they were on the ground again, this time however a purple back touched the earth. She clung to him for a while, enjoying every part of his stiff body pressing against her. Not wanting the intimate hug to end just yet she raised her head only.

His wide, shocked eyes made her smile.

She kissed him, reassuring him that everything is alright. He returned the kiss shyly.

She put her paws on his chest, curling her back ones into a squatting posture. She straightened up on top of his firm body, freeing his body, except one hard, warm, throbbing part that remained stuck, under her hips.

She looked down on him, unable to hold back the excited gasp caused by the sight of a male underneath her. She didn't know what was more bliss worthy, having a male on top or bottom.

As her claws began to slide across his strong chest and neck she was swayed towards the first option.

She sat on top of him like that for a while, letting only her front paws do any work. She simply couldn't have enough of his body. One of her legs ran up his neck, she let out an excited huff when he tilted his head back, opening his throat to her.

Blissful shiver ran through her body when he whined the moment she curled her claws, scratching and stretching his vulnerable neck scales. Her panting intensified, stirred by her other paw exploring his muscular chest, claws scratching excitedly against the golden scales.

Feeling his body underneath her was overwhelming, she wanted to caress and rip it apart at the same time. Curious to see how much beating it will take before he overpowers her with his raw strength.

She didn't give in to temptation, her lustful thoughts only depicted by her paw, claws of which curled and relaxed alternately, caressing and gently provoking the muscles to flex.

He moaned loudly when suddenly she lowered her head, pressing lips to his neck, black paw shooting at his forehead, applying gentle pressure to tilt his head even more back.

He trembled, excited breath leaving his throat, making his head tilt even further back when he suddenly felt teeth biting on his neck.

There was something extremely alluring about a dominating female, it made him tremble in lust. Her paw slipped from his forehead, landing directly on his snout. With boiling passion he began licking and kissing the soft, black draconic palm, moaning as his lips ran over a single, front clawed toe. He trapped it within his mouth, sucking at it gently.

She moaned blissfully, claws curling and digging slightly into his chest. With her mouth dancing on his throat she started to rub against him, sliding back and forth atop his body. Making him drown in the blissful traction of her slick, hot hips on top of him.

His mouth parted wide in bliss, releasing the trapped toe inside. Black paw joined the other on his chest, he looked up at her, admiring her slender figure towering above him. He thrust his hips impulsively, unable to move however due to her weight pressing against him.

He extended both of his paws, touching her adorable shoulders, trailing up and down the soft structure of her slender legs.

Her neck sprang forward, interlocking lips with his own in a passionate, hungry kiss to which he added more of the passionate flavor.

She started to slowly raise on her hind legs, both of them greatly enjoying the feeling of him stiffening right behind her. It wasn't long before he was left standing alone in the cold night, lonely and shyly poking at her crotch.

She invited him in with no hesitation.

Both of them moaned inside each other's mouth when her rump went down, slowly impaling itself on the most pleasurable spear.

She devoured his lips lustfully when she very slowly lowered herself to the very bottom until her lips tenderly kissed the thick knot, the descent causing immeasurable pleasure to her.

He whimpered into her mouth, biting delicately on her lips as she started to twirl her rump around, rubbing against the sensitive knot.

She took advantage of the time the bite on her lip created to swallow a nervous bulge of saliva. The feeling of him filling her in her own controlled way made her more sensitive than ever, it became clear to her that the pursuit for mutual fulfilling of sexual desires is going to be the most uncomfortable one.

Her plan included, for someone inexperienced as her, a very painful stretch.

Bestowing him with a promising kiss she began to rise, climbing up on both sides of his body.

Not able to resist the urge to feel her body he reached for her legs again as she straightened up on top of him, her front paws clenching and unclenching on his chest.

He massaged her legs, through bliss clouded eyes staring at the slender, exciting body of his partner.

She looked back at him, eyes glimmering with unshackled love, mouth parting steadily, making room for a moan as she lowered herself down again.

Beginning her first ride of bliss.

Her whole frame squeezed together, pulling every limb as close to the other. A wild tremble run through her body, making her front legs bend and wings open in a shaky motion. She threw her head up, letting a soft cry of bliss into the dark sky.

His tongue rolled out of his mouth as he admired her glistening, strained in pleasure body on top of him, bouncing gently to the rhythm of her tenderly bobbing rump.

Holding onto her shaking legs he looked down her heaving underbelly, a fierce blush filled his snout when he observed her ride from up close. Seeing himself sliding in and out of her was numbing, seeing her strained frame and now this, he didn't know if his heart is capable of withstanding such excitement.

Yet he didn't turn his gaze away, groaning, he observed her tender bouncing, lustfully wondering how it would feel to be entirely inside of her.

And as if sensing his carnal curiosity she lowered herself to the very bottom, burying all of his length inside, her lips pressing against the base.

She whimpered loudly, one of her paws slipped from his chest.

He dropped his head onto the ground, passion subsiding as worry took the reins. He caught her paw, intertwining his claws with hers.

She was trembling, her moaning breaths quick and sharp, chest heaving in delicate spasms. Her neck was arched to its limit, her snout wrinkled by a wince of bliss and agony, teeth biting on the lower lip so strongly that drops of blood appeared.

She put more pressure into the lock of their paws, nearly crushing his toes as she began to softly bounce again.

He observed her youthful, glistening body bobbing and twirling above with great deal of pleasure.

She let out another cry of blissful anguish, body shaking wildly, lungs unable to catch a solid swig of air.

He moaned loudly, bolt of pleasure shooting through his loins when she provoked that one sensitive spot that still didn't feel her warmth. He leaned forward sharply, nuzzling her choking chest, hugging her soft scales, listening to the wild rhythm of her heart.

She continued her passionate ride, moaning and whining in bliss as every bump on his length became more and more pleasurable as time went by.

He groaned, feeling her quake the moment she touched the thick base, he felt her embracing the thickest part of him ever so slightly.

Dazed by passion he started to kiss her chest, intensifying the arousing quivers running through her body, instinct knowing what they were foretelling. All he wanted to do was to make the explosion that was about to come an unforgettable one.

Her shaking, sexually grumbling feminine body moved together with him, as he climbed up with his tongue she lowered herself down, quicker and quicker, with the intention to slam against his groin.

He reached her neck, making her head arch as he bestowed it with kisses, teeth clicking against the choker that never was as irritating as it was now. He bit on the metal, tugging at it sharply, with the intention to tear it apart.

Trembling black paw broke from the clench, momentarily finding its way to his forehead, forcefully pushing his head away, using nearly the same amount of force that her hips did to welcome him completely inside her.

Shaky, silver claw slid underneath the metallic band, twirled inside a little until a click was heard. The choker opened and fell on the ground.

His eyes widened at the sight of her completely exposed neck that kept moving up and down with her jumping body.

Panting in pleasure he looked up, meeting with her clouded by bliss eyes only for a second, since momentarily they rolled back into her head before she hid them behind black eyelids. Her mouth was opened, releasing whimpering cries in short spasms.

He pressed his lips to the recently exposed piece of draconic flesh, kissing the sensitive spot with all the power of the passion her ride fueled him with.

She moaned audibly, grabbing onto his horns as she leaned her body forward, putting more pressure on the loving lips against her oversensitive neckline.

Trembling reached its peak, showing clearly that he has found her weak spot.

And when she lowered herself down, this time completely down, smacking her groin into his she knew that she has found his. The wavering, steamy groan of utter bliss he used to warm her throat with precisely explained that to her.

The literal and metaphorical stretch was enough to throw her over the edge.

She howled into the black sky of the night, her body ravaged by intense spasms. Her tail unfurled from the embrace it shared from the very beginning in gradual, sharp jerks, making it eventually stand at attention, stiff and straight as a spear.

Her wings wrecked by the same pulses of the most delightful current, they fluttered open, trembling and jerking on the way as if they would be forcing their path through a thick, heavy mud.

Her hind legs shook uncontrollably, not able to hold her weight they gave up and collapsed, sprawling on the ground, making her weight press even more against him.

All the fading strength of the spasms was moved to her front paws that tightly gripped and pulled the gold horns as if trying to tear them off his head.

Her body clamped down around him, making him moan in ecstasy, never before he felt so much joyful, arrogant pride. He loved her even more because of what is happening.

He wrapped his paws behind her back, pressing his snout against her chest as he pulled her into a tight, loving hug, supporting her during her moment of sexual peek.

Her sharp, moaning breaths and cries scratching his ego in all the right places.

Feeling and hearing her reaching her climax was everything he strived to achieve. The sensation of it pushing him against his own wall of desirable release.

He held her through the violent trembling, drowning in the delightful sound of her rapid breaths and the physical touch of her body. The quivering lasted for a while, making him pant due to the heat she was radiating.

The shaking eventually calmed down and whiny breathing returned to relatively normal pace.

He felt a strong tug at his horns, making his head pull away from her chest. Before he realized what is happening black paws cupped his snout and wavering lips pressed against his own.

Kissing him in a display of passionate gratitude.

He sank into the kiss, he could nearly taste the ecstasy he was responsible for on her lips. It reminded him of his own, nearly filled to the brim desire.

He forced a roll, her weakened body showing no signs of protest. With their lips still joined and tongues dancing to the rhythm of their passionate kissing, he put his front legs firmly on the ground, right above her shoulders.

Not losing contact with her mouth he pulled out of her completely, merely for a second remaining outside before thrusting back inside, with one sharp move burying himself to the metaphorical hilt, smacking his groin against hers.

Her mouth parted, his move stealing a moan from her throat, her whole body rocking forward after the sexual clap, stopped only by his legs pressed strongly against the ground

Catching her lips into another kiss he made another full, sharp thrust. She whimpered once more, body swaying forward, rubbing against his legs.

The pauses in between thrusts became shorter and shorter, smacking of hips shortening the path to his release.

She kept crying in bliss in accordance with his moving loins, he tried to catch the lips to the best of his ability, but after a while of constant thrusting he was unable to do so. His own mouth parted by groans and grunts of approaching climax.

Her head dropped on the earth at some point, eyes tightly sealed behind closed eyelids. Moans and whimpering cries wafting from her opened mouth the only thing letting her partner know that she didn't die of overdosing pleasure, showing him just how much she loves the drug he was giving her.

Her whole body rocked back and forth, shook violently by the rapid thrusts of his hips as he mated her lustfully. Her shoulders kept on scratching against his legs constantly that small burns appeared on her scales.

Her spread widely and raised in the air hind paws flopped back and forth, shook by the momentum and the force of his clapping against her scales hips.

His groans intensified, as did her moans, the tempo of his thrusts increased, she had to grab onto his legs to steady herself.

In between rapid sounds of smacking hips nothing could be heard besides the blissful groans of two lovers.

He snarled, at the brink of his climax, driven by lustful instinct he bit into her neck, gently crushing the nerves of her recently exposed neck under his fangs.

She cried out in utter delight.

With his mate tightly secured in place he intensified the tempo of his thrusts, listening to her cries of bliss in between the sounds of their smacking hips and his own grunts of pleasure.

She felt too wonderful, he was unable to hold any longer.

He grumbled loudly into her neck when with one final thrust he buried himself deep into her, pressing his groin even harder against her body in a futile attempt to reach deeper into her.

Every part of his body shuddered violently, he throbbed within her, spurting streams of his essence inside in sharp spasms.

She let out a prolonged, passionate moan, the feeling of his hot seed filling her was enough to force another orgasm. She shivered together with him, her hind legs kicking at the empty air as he gave in to his sexual release.

He thrust two more times before his legs started to shudder, unable to keep standing he collapsed, rolling from her body.

Panting in blissful exertion he began licking tenderly the bite mark he made on her neck.

She purred, with eyes closed in greatly satisfied sexual tension she reached past her shoulder, stroking fondly the purple head next to her.

With fading last ounces of strength he extended his paw, claw touching her chin, gently turning her head around. When her lips were close enough he leaned forward, kissing her in the same loving, grateful manner she did earlier.

She giggled unexpectedly.

He pulled out from the kiss, single brow raised in surprise.

"Sorry" she snickered, covering her mouth "I just remembered my words about liking electric pulses running through my body. Seems like I found my favorite way of getting zapped"

He chuckled, dropping his head on the ground, looking up at the cloudy sky above, happy smile stretching his mouth.

She crawled forward, resting her head directly on the spot where his heart worked. Single claw touched his chest, making small circles on his gold scales.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked softly, her eyes suddenly heavy

"Oh nothing" he chuckled "I too remembered something. I remembered Cyril's tirade in the temple, about how the sky should split and clouds run away"

"And?" she yawned, burrowing her snout into his chest, sinking into the lullaby sang by his heart "How does the sky look like?"

"Seems like we didn't do a good job. The sky looks the same"

"Doesn't matter, I'm happy" she muttered, her voice a little more audible than a whisper

He wrapped his paws around her body protectively.

"Me too" he tenderly kissed her forehead "I love you Cynder"

"Mhmhn u too" she mumbled incomprehensibly

He didn't have to understand the words to know what she said. Closing his eyes he rested his head on top of hers.

Falling asleep, listening to her satisfied, soft snoring.


"It worked, I did it"

Danox smiled, patting the muscular malachite back, nodding a silent congratulation as he made his way to the outcropping, sitting down as he looked down at the glowing in the night Warfang

"How did you know?"

"Does it matter? Isn't the thrill more important than the pursuit for a very dangerous knowledge?"

"I apologize" low voice hissed as if the owner got burned "I stepped out of the line"

Danox waved his black paw dismissively, still looking at the brightly lit city.

"Mind games are fantastic are they not? Makes you feel wonderful, yes? The contact you made today, it stays in the victim you see, the poor fellow doesn't even know that he's on a leash"

"How can I know that you aren't tugging at mine now?"

The black drake let out a beautiful laugh.

"You don't and that's the most amusing thing. Keeps boredom at bay" black paw made another dismissive swing "Don't trouble yourself with me know, think of the perspectives. Can you feel all those people below? They all want something, they all are afraid of something and what's more important they are all different"

He grinned "The game might play in so many ways, taking turns that you sometimes didn't expect, making you improvise, adapt. The mind of a living creature is a wonderful thing, it makes things fun and interesting"

"Builds up the taste before the main meal"

He inhaled deeply, licking his mouth as he let out a blissful moan.

"Toys with my hunger"

He laughed.

"Oh, you are wonderful..."

He shivered in excitement.

"Sweet Desire"

End of Book VI