Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 127

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#127 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 127 - From Sea To Shining Sea!

The following day, Chris woke up fairly late into the morning hours, a dazed look on his face as he lay on his side with Serenity having pulled him against her during the night, Rose holding him from behind while Alicia lay atop them, snoring slightly with her head hanging off the side of the bed. Letting out a groggy groan, it came out muffled due to Serenity having pulled his face into her cleavage, the Pokemon letting out a quiet moan from the vibration caused by his voice. With the pillowy softness nearly lulling him back to sleep, Chris closed his eyes for a moment only to jolt as his eyes shot back open, realizing where his face was causing him to flush. Trying to pull back, Serenity clung to him tighter with her legs wrapped around his, making his face press all the further into her cleavage. Having a hard time breathing, he managed to pull back just enough to take a deep breath before looking up at the sleeping Pokemon, her expression making Chris think "cute" as he noticed the feeling of Rose's tiny arms and legs also entwining him. Looking back, he noticed her own peaceful expression, causing him to repeat "cute!" in his mind once more with greater emphasis. Hearing the snores from Alicia however, he noticed how she was hanging off the bed, causing him to snicker slightly before yawning and resting his head in Serenity's arms. "Gonna have to get back on the road in a little while... Thought we'd be up earlier." he thought to himself, noticing the sun shining brightly against the screens and the sounds of people walking through the corridor outside their room. "Being in a place like this though, guess it's impossible not to oversleep." he added, yawning a second time before looking at Serenity's cleavage.

Smiling, he nuzzled his face deeply into it, causing Serenity to stir and moan quietly once more as her grip on him tightened, Rose holding him tighter as well as the two cuddled and pressed against him for warmth and comfort. Somehow, he was finding a strange comfort himself by being within Serenity's bosom now that his initial surprise had worn off, as more-so than aroused, he felt a kind of secure sensation taking hold, the feeling and sound of her heartbeat, combined with the softness and warmth her breasts reminding him somewhat of being in a cradle of sorts, putting his arm over her and holding Serenity while taking in a deep breath of her scent. However, due to all the motion Serenity was the second to wake, her eyes slowly opening in a dazed state before yawning herself and feeling Chris's face rubbing into her cleavage. Looking down, at first her expression remained blank, only to slowly turn into a somewhat maternal kind of smile. Rubbing his head, she let out a quiet "morning" causing him to jolt and pause before looking up at her, the Pokemon letting out a giggle. "S-Sorry..." Chris apologized in a quiet tone. "It okay." she assured, giving him a kiss on the head. "Comfy?" she asked. "Mm..." he nodded before she pulled his face back into her bosom and resumed rubbing his head. "Somehow it makes me feel... At ease... Like nothing bad could happen... Dunno why." he explained in a hushed voice. "Long as I here, not let bad thing happen." Serenity affirmed. Pulling his arm back, Chris repositioned himself slightly so he could hold her breast, clinging to her somewhat as he buried his face between them, almost like that of a child as the Pokemon maintained her maternal expression and gave his head a pat.

"There there..." Serenity cooed, sticking her breasts out to allow him all the access he wanted, assuring him they weren't going anywhere as the two pressed against each other. After a moment, Rose was the next one to wake, letting out a groan of her own from all the motion and mumbling going on before sitting up and rubbing her eyes with a yawn. Staring blankly into space, she turned toward Chris and Serenity, blinking at the two before her focus finally clicked in causing her eyes to widen. Seeing him hiding away in her cleavage and holding her while Serenity kept her focus on him with a smile, the rabbit couldn't help but show a jealous expression, looking down at her own chest and poking it, trying to press it in a manner that would give her cleavage as well only for little to show making her sulk from being incapable of doing the same for Chris. Finally, he pulled away from Serenity with a satisfied sigh, the Pokemon asking "done?" with a giggle. Nodding with a "yeah" in response, Chris thanked her before noticing Rose had been watching, showing an embarrassed look as he sat up and scratched his cheek shyly. "M-Mornin'." he nodded. "Mornin'." Rose replied with a nervous smile. "F-Feelin' okay? Pain gone?" he asked, the rabbit tilting her head before jolting and poking her fingers. "Y-Yeah, feels fine now." she assured, Chris responding with a "good" and giving her a smile. Sitting up herself, Serenity stretched with a grunt before all three jolt when Alicia let out a loud snort, waking herself up and letting out a "wuzza...?" before raising her head up with a dazed look, suddenly freezing and letting out a hiss of pain. "N-Neck..." she groaned. "That what snake get for sleeping that way." Serenity scowled while tucking her breasts in her kimono. "Sh-Shut up." Alicia growled, forcing herself to raise up further while adjusting her body.

"Hey, easy now. A crick isn't a joke." Chris point out, climbing off the bed before making his way to the bathroom. After a moment, he returned with a rag giving off steam and instructed Alicia to rest her head along where he'd been resting between Serenity and Rose, the snake begrudgingly doing as told causing Serenity to scoot away with a "blech" from the closeness. "And now you're back to hating each other huh?" Chris smiled nervously. "Back to? never stop." Serenity point out, crossing her arms. "Pah, that I agree with." Alicia scowled. "What about last night?" Chris asked. "That never happened. Whatever it was is all in your head." the snake scoffed. "She right. I not remember what you remember." Serenity affirmed. "Guess they don't want to admit they got caught up in the moment..." Chris thought to himself while crawling his way over Alicia and sitting on top of her. "And what are you doing exactly?" she asked. "Just relax." he instructed before placing the hot rag on her neck, causing the snake to tense up before relaxing with a sigh. "It's supposed to be good for cricks." Chris point out before he started massaging along her neck, causing Alicia to hiss and sigh at random while the girls watched. "You even know how to get rid of that kinda stuff?" Rose asked. "Pretty simple really. It's kind of something everyone gets at some point. It's no different than a leg cramp I guess." Chris shrugged. "It's probably from being in the hot water last night, then sleeping the way she did for so long made her muscles adjust and freeze up in the angle her head was flopped. Just gotta coax em' into relaxing again." he explained, Alicia continuing to tense up and relax as his hands worked their way along her neck.

Noticing the slight look of jealousy on Serenity and Rose's faces, Alicia couldn't help but show a smug look on her own face. "Well, this is certainly one way to start the day I suppose." she smirked, causing Serenity to twitch an eye before pressing a finger into the snakes neck causing her to shout. "HEY!!" the snake snapped, jerking her head up only to freeze and groan. "Would you stay down?" Chris lectured. "And you, come on." he added, scowling at Serenity causing her to glance away with her tongue out slightly. "Another day..." Rose smiled nervously once more. "Yeah... Guess so." Chris sighed while resuming his task. Eventually, he finished his work on the snakes neck and climbed off the bed, instructing her to be careful getting up herself. Taking her time, Alicia raised her head and slithered onto the floor, testing out her neck by turning and bending it this way and that before a look of relief appeared on her face. "Many thanks." she sighed, giving Chris a smile. "Anytime!" he chuckled with a thumbs up before returning the rag to the bathroom. "Alright, we've gotta get back on the road in a little while so we need to get ourselves ready to go." he instructed. "I figured we'd get up earlier than this but I guess a place like this makes that kinda tough to do..." he added while rubbing his shoulder and rotating his arm. "Feels pretty good though, bein' able to enjoy springs again." he smirked. "And this time we don't smell like Mankey getting out!" he laughed, Alicia and Rose giving him both, a curious and confused look combined while Serenity thought back. "I not remember smelling like Mankey... Should know, had strong sense of smell." she point out. "I-It was kind of a joke." Chris explained. "No matter the time of day, you fail." Alicia point out. "It was a personal joke! Something to make myself laugh!" he argued. "...You wanna joke with yourself? That sounds kinda sad." Rose smiled nervously. "Wh-Whatever!! Forget it." Chris waved, the girls looking at one another and shrugging.

"So... What's the plan then for what time we've got left?" Alicia asked. "Well, first it couldn't hurt to take another dip in the spring. All of us can go in this time and spend some time together!" he suggested, Serenity and Alicia glancing at one another with an "ehh..." sound. "I don't mind." Rose smiled with her hand raised, the girls looking at her before sighing and nodding themselves. "I suppose it couldn't hurt." Alicia agreed. "Long as snake give space." Serenity point out. "The same goes for you." the snake scowled. Looking at the two, Chris showed a puzzled expression while scratching his head. "One night you're working together and all over me, then the next day you can't stand each other again... You girls are hard to understand." he replied. "Like we say, we not know what talking about." Serenity repeat with a wave of her hand. "Indeed, please stop mentioning things that clearly didn't happen." Alicia added. "But... I remember..." Rose began, only for both to give her an abrupt and stern glare making the rabbit shrink and sweat slightly. "I-I remember nothing! Y-You didn't let me finish!" she laughed warily, the two nodding with a grunt as Chris sighed and shook his head. "Okay, okay. Come on then. I'll wash you girls up so we can soak for a bit. After that, we'll chow down at the restaurant before hitting the snowy trail." he instructed. After this, he coaxed the girls into following him outside, offering to let them go first while bowing with a "ladies" comment, Alicia showing a smirk and slithering past with Serenity following behind, poking Chris on the nose with a giggle with Rose exiting last, coaxing Chris out first and closing the screen for him with a smile. "Heh, thanks." he praised, rubbing her on the head making the rabbit grin.

Leading them to the shower, Chris spent time pampering each Pokemon before giving himself a quick wash and joining them in the spring, sitting against one of the boulders jutting out from the surface of the water only for Serenity and Rose to quickly take their places at his sides, both cuddling against him and giggling causing Chris to blush and show a shy and somewhat goofy smile on his face, Alicia taking notice and responding with a quiet "give me a break" out of both, annoyance and jealousy before dipping her head into the water. Raising it back up, she shook the water off causing it to splash against Chris and the others faces. "Hey! Watch it!!" Serenity snapped, having been interrupted right as she was about to start kissing him while Rose wiped her eyes with a sigh, having been interrupted the same as Serenity when she was about to give Chris a quick and sneaky fondle. "Well, excuse me, oh lecherous one." Alicia replied with her nose up, causing Serenity to growl. "Now now, we're in the water anyways so it's not like we weren't already wet. Come on." Chris coaxed with a smile. "And lets not go calling names either." he lectured, causing Alicia to glance away before begrudgingly apologizing. "Sure you sorry. You just jealous snake is all." Serenity scoffed before twirling her finger on Chris's chest and giggling. "Not our fault you still not honest enough yet." she added, causing Alicia to look at her and him before facing away in agitation. Seeing this, Chris sighed before showing a smile. "You know, the idea of doing things together is ENJOYING what we do together." he point out, standing causing Serenity to pause and show a sulky look from having her flirting brushed off.

"I appreciate it when you girls agree to spending time with me as a group like this, but haven't we been through how it's no good if you spend that time being at each others throats and making one another miserable?" he asked before surprising Alicia with a hug, causing her to jolt. "Plus, you all know how much I love you! So stop getting all angsty with each other already would ya?" he asked, giving the snake a nudge and grinning. "So some of you flirt more than others, and maybe some of you have an easier time expressing things than others. It's no big deal! When it comes right down to it I know how much each of you loves me, and you each know how much I love you!" he reminded. "Sure it might be hard seeing others be more expressive, but it doesn't mean it puts them ahead of you in the place it counts the most." he affirmed, giving his chest a pat. "And in defense of a certain snake who might have a harder time expressing herself..." he paused, looking up at Alicia with another grin. "It makes the times that person CAN express herself all the more special!" Chris assured, the snake blinking at him before showing a slight blush and glancing away. "There's a plus for being the expressive type, and there's also a plus for being the reserved type, so I love both of you for being the way you are!" he nodded. "There's no need to hold yourself back, and there's also no need to force anything and make yourself uncomfortable. Being who you are is the most important thing to me, being comfortable with yourself. Don't envy someone for being able to do something or behave in a way you can't, because there's always going to be something you can do, a way you behave that the person you envy can't, and somewhere deep down, they may envy you too." he point out before looking at Serenity, the Pokemon crossing her arms and looking away with a scowl.

Looking down at him for a moment, Alicia showed a smile and lowered her head, nudging his cheek with her own. "You shameless womanizer..." she giggled. "I love you." Chris smirked before finding himself allowed to give the snake a peck on the lips. Seeing this, Serenity bit her lip in jealousy, Rose taking notice with a quiet "oh boy..." before holding her hands up to shield her eyes when Serenity shot up out of the water, causing it to splash against the rabbit before leaping toward Chris, causing him to flail and panic when she made impact sending him falling and splashing down into the water. "H-Hey!! Rude!!" Alicia snapped, her moment ruined by the intervention as Chris raised up coughing with Serenity clinging atop him. "I want kiss too!!" she whined before stealing one for herself, causing his eyes to shoot open. Pulling away, Serenity returned to where she was sitting, sticking her tongue out at Alicia as she walked by with the snake giving the same response. Returning to his own place between Serenity and Rose, Chris sat with another sigh and relaxed while Alicia rest herself over one of the smaller boulders across from the group, enjoying the warmth the stone gave off with a satisfied look. "There we go, now that's what I like to see. Happy faces." Chris smirked, the snake glancing at him with a smile before resting her eyes. However, looking at Serenity and Rose, both girls showed an opposite look, with Serenity looking agitated and Rose in a sulky mood while poking her chest. "What's up with you two?" he asked. "You always stick up for snake." Serenity pout. "I-It's nothing." Rose replied, glancing away while poking her fingers. Facing the two, Chris shook his head before grabbing both in his arms and pulling them close.

Jolting, both girls showed a surprised look as he held them with a smirk. "I think I've stood up for you plenty of times too you know." he reminded, glancing at Serenity causing her to scowl. "Come on, you know I have." he chuckled, suddenly giving her breast a playful grab making her flush wide eyed. "I-I guess." she nodded. "Atta girl." he nodded, giving her breast another squeeze making her squeak slightly. "Y-You just want to touch!" she lectured. "Like you don't want me to?" he asked, the Pokemon caught off guard and stuttering in response before responding with a "play dirty" comment. "And as far as you, out with it! What's up?" he asked, facing Rose making her glance away embarrassed. "I-I don't have those..." she replied, pointing at Serenity's chest. "Eh...?" Chris asked, looking at where she was pointing before facing her again. "...Boobs? Why would you care about that? I like you the way you are just fine!" he assured with a grin. "I-I know. But the way you two looked when we got up. You were so quiet and cute looking, and Serenity looked all happy and stuff... Kind of like looking at a mama and a baby... I wanna be able to do that too." she sulked. "Mama and baby?" Chris and Serenity replied simultaneously, looking at one another curiously before glancing away from each other shyly. "Th-That what it look like?" Serenity asked, fidgeting with a small smile. "I-I guess that's a way to describe it... M-Maybe." Chris nodded, scratching his cheek as both showed a blush. "A-Anyways, it was more like I was just really comfortable, at peace in a way. It was a safe kinda feeling." he point out, Rose responding with an "ah" while looking down quietly. Looking at her, Chris smirked with a "c'mere" before lifting the rabbit and setting her down on his lap.

Feeling his member in her crack, Rose froze up with a bright flush on her face as she sat atop him, her eyes wide as he put his arms around her and rest his chin atop her head. "There we go..." he chuckled while giving her a snuggle. "Wha-Wa-Wa...?" she stuttered. "I'm just showin' how you make me feel comfortable and safe too." Chris explained. "Sure, she's got some amazing boobs, Serenity's definitely number one as far as that goes." he praised, causing the Pokemon to hold her head up with a proud smirk. "But there's something about your fur that's just as nice. All soft and fuzzy." he praised while rubbing his face into the fur on her head. "I feel at ease when I hold you the same as when I hold Serenity, and Alicia too! All of you comfort me and make me feel secure in your own ways!" he grinned. "Serenity has her boobs, you've got your fur, and Alicia makes one heck of a bed." he point out, causing the snake to raise her head with an "Excuse me?" and scowling while Serenity snickered and point at her. "Kidding, kidding. But you really do make me feel pretty good when you coil up the way you do around me now and then. It's a really great way to sleep." he nodded. "It's like I said, no need showing envy toward another person when they probably envy you in the same ways." he affirmed. "Now, how about we all just relax, show a smile and enjoy our last bit of time in the spring, sound good?" he asked. Looking up at him, Rose nodded with an "mm" before resting her back against him, a blush remaining on her face due to what she was sitting on while Serenity leaned against his side, Alicia relaxing over her boulder making Chris smile before looking up at the sky as the steam waft in the air around them.

Eventually, the group had their fill of the springs and finally decided to fill themselves in a different manner, their appetites having grown large enough for each to hear the occasional rumble of an empty stomach. Each drying off and returning to the room, Chris dressed himself for the day and donned his coat once more, the girls giving a somewhat disappointed, yet at the same time relieved kind of look from seeing him out of his kimono and back in his normal attire. Once he donned his shoes, he helped Alicia with her collar and scarf, the snake showing a slight blush again while looking down at it after he'd finished adjusting it around her neck. "...Thank you again." she nodded. "Ha ha, no worries. It's like I said, I didn't want you feeling left out or anything. It wasn't very fair for the others to have something to wear while you were left out. I want you to feel like a part of everything, be included and all. It feels good to me too since I made it. Knowing you like it so much really does make me feel pretty swell." he smiled. "That's what I meant when I said not being as expressive as the others can be a good thing too. When you wear that, you might not show it on your face, but the love and appreciation you feel is pretty clear every time you put it on. By putting that scarf to good use, it tells me how important it is to you, and in turn, how important I am too." he point out. "You can tell a guy how much you love and appreciate him in more ways than just words and flirting. That's part of what's so great and special about you. Part of your charm. A subtle woman, reserved maybe, but you really do know how to show a guy how much you care in your own special way. It might be a silent way usually, but it really leaves an impact in here." he chuckled, giving his chest a pat.

Looking at him for a moment, when Chris started turning away Alicia leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing him to jolt in surprise and blink at her before grinning as she gave him an endearing smile, the moment between them causing Serenity to scowl while Rose let out an "aww" and giggled at the scene. Helping Serenity put her kimono back on, the Pokemon also retracted her breasts, restoring her skin to its normal state in preparation of their leave as Chris folded his own kimono and put it in a bag before taking his Pokedex by the bed and returning it to his pocket, leading the girls to the door. "I still can't believe you were scared of corn dogs last night..." Alicia point out, having been reminded of their sudden awakening when he grabbed his dex. "I-It wasn't corn dogs!" Chris snapped. "You say you see scary thing, all we see was food thing." Serenity reminded. "I-I told you I closed what it was!" he affirmed before scowling as they left their room and made their way down the corridor. Reaching the lobby together, the group looked around before Serenity jolt and inched her way behind Chris, tugging his coat making him pause and look back at her before noticing Greevil and his sons in front of the exit. Having caught sight of him as well, Greevil smirked in a friendly, yet somehow eerie manner while giving a wave, Eldes smiling as well with a nod while Ardos crossed his arms in silence before they took their leave, allowing Serenity to relax while Chris kept an eye on them. "What's wrong?" Rose asked, looking up at him curiously. "Ah, nothing." Chris jolt, looking back at Serenity with a smile. "Relax, it's okay." he assured, coaxing her out from behind him and giving the Pokemon a kiss on the forehead.

"Always remember, you're safe with me!" he grinned. "Are you certain?" Alicia teased. "H-Hey! You know I can't help some things..." Chris scowled in a pouty manner. "Aww, there there. I'm just messing with you." the snake smirked, giving his cheek a poke with her vine. "I dunno, being with you CAN be dangerous..." Rose point out, walking past while giving her butt a rub. "Y-You wanted that!" Chris argued, the rabbit giving him a wink and sticking her tongue out teasingly. "Oy..." he muttered before leading the girls toward the restaurant. Entering together, he ordered a table before following one of the waiters, finding themselves given a table by the windows once more, with Chris sitting between Serenity and Rose while Alicia took the side opposite from them for herself. "Alright, lets see here..." he muttered, taking the menu from the waiter with a "thanks" and a nod before flipping through the selections. "Oh! DEFINITELY getting more of those rangoons!" he grinned while browsing. Letting the girls look through the pictures as well, they eventually made their decisions and gave the waiter their order, getting a nod and a bow in response before they returned their menu and watched the man walk off with his list. "Now we wait..." Chris sighed. "This part always sucks... You smell the stuff everybody's eating and have to sit watching them while waiting for your food." Rose groaned with a slump. "I suppose it can be a tad torturous." Alicia nodded, glancing toward a couple dining next to them. "Bah, you just weak." Serenity scoffed, only for her stomach to growl making Chris and the girls look at her, the Pokemon flushing before facing away with an embarrassed "sh-shut up..." in response.

"Hmm... You know what Serenity?" Chris asked, the Pokemon giving him a curious look. "You can be pretty cute yourself sometimes." he grinned, causing her to blink at him with an "eh?" before scowling with a shy blush on her face. "Y-You just make fun of me." she pout. "I mean it! Even now you're cute enough to hug!" he praised before doing just that, catching the Pokemon in his arms causing her to stutter before squirming free. "O-Okay!! We eat soon!!" she lectured before poking her fingers. "N-Not need to be in mood when eating..." she muttered. "In the mood...? Flip your switch that easy now do I?" Chris asked, giving her cheek a playful poke causing her to give him an agitated glance and a grunt. "Guess it can't be helped. I'm just that hot I suppose." Chris shrugged. "Uh oh, he's getting an ego again." Rose giggled. "You? Hot? Full of hot air perhaps." Alicia laughed. "H-Hey! Am not! I look good!" Chris argued. "For human, guess you look okay." Serenity smirked, joining in as her payback. "Y-You girls are mean..." he sulked with an agitated look. "Aw, we're just kidding. You're attractive." Rose nodded, giving him a pat on the back. "I guess you have to be if you human and still turn me on." Serenity smirked, giving him a playful nudge. "Bah, he's alright, I suppose." Alicia added, showing a smirk of her own. "Uh... Thanks?" Chris replied, the snake sticking her tongue out and giggling. "You know we love you." she affirmed, getting a "yeah" response from him before the group heard a sudden blaring jingle from the various TV's in the restaurant. Jolting, they looked at one of the screens curiously as the news came on, signaling a special airing was about to begin. "Something big happen?" Chris muttered as they started watching

Optional track to LWR - Listen While reading - MCNN Broadcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eFZQt9h2vY Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Hello, good morning, and good evening!" the female reporter called out. "This broadcast is being provided courtesy of the Millennium City News Network! Today, we're going live around the world to tell the incredible story of a lone man here in our own Ureaxion Region, taking the time to focus not on what's wrong with the world today, but instead, the miracles occurring within it, and the young man at the source of these miraculous happenings!" she revealed, Chris looking all the more curious while the girls tilt their heads. "Over the course of the past year, one man has been spreading hope, courage, inspiration and determination throughout our region. Spreading wings of change at a time many feel we need it most of all in a world so focused on ourselves and what's going wrong, that we often forget about those around us, and what's going right. So please, sit tight and join us as we cover everything there is to know about this very special citizen that spends his days going above and beyond the call of duty for those lucky enough to cross his path." the reporter smiled, raising her hand causing an image of Chris to suddenly appear, his eyes shooting open as the girls did the same. "The man you see here is none other than Chris Nakazaki, a former resident of the secluded Elden Village here in our region." she revealed, the girls blinking before looking at Chris. "Naka-what-ie?" Serenity asked. "THAT'S your last name?" Alicia asked. "It sounds kinda funny..." Rose point out. "Shh!! L-Later." Chris waved, continuing to watch. "During this broadcast, we'll not only cover his time traveling the region throughout the past year, but we'll also be revealing many exclusive interviews with those who's lives he's touched, changed, and saved!" the reporter went on.

"To begin, our coverage of his daily life began one mysterious night when an ominous surge of power was seen erupting skyward to the west of our own Millennium City, a terrifying event which turned the stars and moon itself an eerie red and forced the MPD's hand, which quickly sent its forces out to investigate the phenomenon." she explained, suddenly bringing up a screen of recorded footage showing a massive blast of energy appearing in the distant forest, captured while news crew were aboard the copter. "Originally thought to be a threat to our fair city, upon arrival the MPD found not weapons, but rather the bodies of countless Pokemon lying unconscious, and amidst the carnage was a lone man, also unconscious beneath what was thought to be a Gardevoir gone rogue." she reported, showing a clip of Serenity on all fours atop a bloody Chris, looking savage and ready to attack with the blood censored. Seeing this, Rose looked at Chris and Serenity in awe, the two focusing on the news while Alicia recalled the event and shuddered. "Luckily, the Gardevoir was merely protecting its trainer, and after spiriting this man and his Pokemon away to the Millennium Hospital, it was discovered that he and his Pokemon had been attacked be the Houndoom found unresponsive at the sight, with their trainer having nearly given his life to save both, the Gardevoir and a small Servine by his side by flinging himself from the cliff with both in-arm, a bold act not many would have likely taken." she revealed. "After this, our crew began keeping a constant eye on this trainer and his Pokemon, out of both curiosity and orders from our own Mayor, and in doing so we've been rewarded with some of the most phenomenal footage captured in recent years!" the reporter grinned.

"During his stay in the hospital, it was revealed that Mr. Nakazaki was not only an extraordinarily lucky man, but also equally generous! Before his leave, the recreational center within the children's wing of the Millennium Hospital was given a complete overhaul, with new exercise equipment, electronics including TV's and video games, as well as a new aquarium full of various species of water Pokemon, all provided from his own pocket!" the reporter point out, revealing images depicting children playing while some in the restaurant starting to toss glances toward Chris's way as the news continued. "That's not all that came out of his visit within our fair city. During his recovery, custody of his Pokemon was placed in the charge of a caretaker by the name of Gerald, and during their time roaming about our fair streets, one event led to a massive MPD chase that turned alleys and skyscrapers into one wild roller coaster ride for a lucky, or perhaps UN-lucky group of thrill seekers!" she smiled nervously as a recording of Serenity sending the coaster flying off its rails and rocketing through the city played, jets seen trying to keep up causing Chris to groan while Serenity rubbed her arm with an embarrassed hiss, Alicia letting out a groan of her own and shaking her head while Rose looked at the group wide eyed. "I'm kinda glad I missed out on THAT." she point out. "Shockingly, no charges were pressed, and our crew discovered that, instead, those on the coaster and waiting for a ride themselves had hoped for more of the same! Not that THIS reporter would be so bold mind you! I'd be more like this gentleman!" the woman laughed, showing a clip of Gerald passing out causing Chris to mutter "they caught that...?" in embarrassment.

"Not only did this event result in no charges filed, but believe it or not caused Millennium City to turn into an even greater tourist attraction, with many still coming in just to see the roller coaster that was sent free-flying through the skies and even managed to catch a ride atop our finest MPD jets!" she exclaimed, showing a clip of the MPD catching the coaster atop their wings and bailing out as they reached the rails for the ride, sending everyone on the coaster speeding along as sparks burst from its wheels. "It was abundantly clear that this group would not only be a blessing for our city, but also a ride unlike any other." she giggled, showing an image of the coaster now set up in its own display at the theme park with people photographing it. "After his leave from the Millennium Hospital, it wasn't long before Mr. Nakazaki would impress us once more, and reveal something truly mysterious about himself." the reporter winked. "Several events revolving him went unexplained until our crew dove in head first for the truth. The first I'd like to cover being the moment he took traffic head on to save the life of a small Buneary that had been abused by its trainer. We must warn you that the following scene is very graphic however." she cautioned before a video showing people gathering along the highway appeared, the sounds of punching and shouting from both a man and a Buneary heard in the midst of unsettled murmurs from the crowd before the video revealed Rose and her former trainer in the middle of her abuse, the scene causing both Chris and Rose to stiffen as their eyes widened, the Pokemon clinging to him as she heard her own voice. After a moment, the trainer suddenly flung her into the highway, where she bounced and rolled several times before laying still.

Continuing to watch, those in the restaurant were seemingly hypnotized by the news, watching it on the edge of their seats while several staff members started doing the same. "We apologize for this gruesome image, but what you're about to see makes enduring it well worth your while. As you can see here, terrified citizens begin panicking as vehicles pass by the lifeless Pokemon, and just as this massive truck here approached, this is the moment Mr. Nakazaki appeared on scene and took action. It's a real blink and miss situation, and our crew just BARELY managed to catch him in time before the moment of impact!" she point out, emphasizing a specific part of the screen. "Watch here, and in just a moment... THERE!! You can see Mr. Nakazaki, still in a wheelchair due to his injuries, racing into the highway amidst the traffic in an attempt to reach the Pokemon, and before the eyes of everyone he makes a desperate leap from his chair to reach it." she explained as an explosion engulfed the scene. "In an act that could, and likely should've cost him his life, this man was ready to give his all to save the life of another, and not just any life, but that of a Pokemon, and one he didn't even know!" she exclaimed. "This is the moment our crew discovered something... Otherworldly about him. As the smoke clears, you can see our hero engulfed in a strange light of sorts, and immediately after the driver of the truck escapes unscathed, Mr. Nakazaki unleashes a spectacular blast of some sort, disintegrating the truck before sending what appears to be some sort of claw shooting out toward the trainer that injured the Buneary, which you can see safely cradled in our heroes arms there." she point out.

"What bewildered our crew was not only the energy this man was emanating, but the sheer amount of Pokemon that began appearing on scene." she went on. "As you can see, they gather in something similar to a courtroom manner, almost as if they were a jury of sorts, and while citizens and Pokemon alike watch, Mr. Nakazaki can be scene lifting the trainer high into the air, taking on what appears to be an executioner stance as Pokemon scream above the scene in a guilty fashion before our hero seemingly loses control of himself. Releasing the man, authorities take the criminal into custody while the energy vanishes, Mr. Nakazaki joining his party before leaving the chaotic scene themselves." she detailed. "This is but one of the instances in which his strange abilities surfaced. For some time the MPD had it in mind to put this man on a watch list of an entirely different sort. Because of his alien-like power, it was assumed he'd be a potential threat to our safety, especially after what could have been a deadly disaster revolving his Pokemon on the roller coaster. For some time our forces kept him in their sights, but this lingering threat didn't stop him from amazing us all in his own mysterious way!" the reporter smiled before bringing up a picture of the Pokemon Center he'd helped. "Not long after the incident with the abusive trainer, Mr. Nakazaki answered the call to help once more. Paying a visit to one of our cities many centers, he happened upon a life threatening scenario revolving an incubation chamber on the fritz. With thousands upon thousands of Pokemon eggs stored within, the lives of countless unborn souls were on the brink of death as staff worked tirelessly to repair the incubator." she began, showing a video of nurses hurrying about.

"Upon arrival on scene, our crew managed to capture another moment of heroism on film! Shown here, we can see Mr. Nakazaki and his Pokemon working together to stop the chaos. With his Pokemon taking on the task of getting the infant Pokemon in the nursery to settle down, you'll notice this man entering the incubation chamber to the right, and as nurses step behind the controls, Mr. Nakazaki reveals his power once more in an effort to restore the warmth those unborn Pokemon so desperately needed!" she exclaimed. "Managing to raise the chamber to just the right temperature, repair crew had time to arrive and get to work on fixing the incubator. Had it not been for him, those countless Pokemon would've lost their lives before they even had a chance to begin..." she point out with her head lowered as more and more people started looking at Chris and the girls, Serenity and Rose showing a smile and giving him a nudge while Alicia smirked as well. "It wasn't all strictly about saving lives however. Mr. Nakazaki spent many a day touring our city, visiting shops and the like with his Pokemon and caregiver constantly by his side. For the most part it was normal living for this group, that is, until our hero decided to turn rebel!" she winked before bringing up a picture of the Millennium Prison, causing Chris to mutter "whoo boy..." and hide his face with his hand. "My word, they really have been watching you." Alicia point out. "I think it's kinda neat, I missed out on this stuff for the most part." Rose added. "Eh, humans creepy that way." Serenity shrugged. As the reporter went over everything that happened in the prison, their waiter finally brought the group their food, the girls beginning to eat while watching alongside Chris.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Man of Wonders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh3B23KSwsY Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Sentenced to confinement within Millennium City for some time, Mr. Nakazaki was forbidden from leaving our borders until the date of the match crafted by the Warden, who serves a second role as the leader of the city's gym. But as always, the looming threat of the law didn't stop our hero from continuing his quest to change lives, and what he did next would result in something that has the potential to change the world forever!" the reporter grinned before bringing up a shot of the Millennium Towers Laboratory, causing Serenity's eyes to widen with a pause from eating. "It was here at the Millennium Lab that Mr. Nakazaki went through his rehabilitation to get back on his feet after the injuries he'd sustained at the sight he'd been found unresponsive, and not only that, but we've been given exclusive permission to be the first to reveal the second purpose he had in vanishing within its towering walls!" she winked. "Hidden away within its many floors is a device that, up to this point, has been a secret to everybody! No name, no purpose, it was a project as mysterious as the man that spearheaded it!" she exclaimed before bringing up a picture of Project Celebi with scientists gathered around it. "Here we have the Celebi Unit. Up to this point we've been under strict non-disclosure agreements until the staff were ready for an official reveal, and now at long last all of you watching will get a first-hand glimpse at the device that will revolutionize the medical industry!" the reporter revealed excitedly. "Mr. Nakazaki spearheaded this project alongside our own Professor Rose in an effort to restore vision to the Gardevoir viewers have seen constantly by his side." she went on to explain.

"As it turns out, this Gardevoir you see here had been born blind, rescued by Mr. Nakazaki after her former trainer had abused and abandoned her as a Ralts because of this very handicap." she revealed, showing a picture of Serenity making the Pokemon scowl from the reminder. "Upon completion of the Celebi Unit, it was none other than Mr. Nakazaki himself who offered to be its first donor, a process we'll show our viewers now." she smiled as a video began playing of Chris and Serenity sitting in the seats connected to the machine. "Using a complicated new digital process of transplanting, you can see each donning a helmet fixed to the Unit itself. Because of the extraordinary power it takes to operate the device, scientists had to put the entire laboratory under temporary shut down to insure optimal performance. What you're seeing here is that very process as the lights dim before the Celebi Unit begins operation. Starting with Mr. Nakazaki, it starts extracting the vision from his left eye, slowly converting it to a suitable replacement for his Pokemon as the donation makes its way through the system. Taking a moment to pause as the device works on the conversion, Mr. Nakazaki can be seen comforting his Pokemon before the Celebi Unit resumes operation, and here you can see his donation being implanted into the Gardevoir's eye as the Unit begins to strain during the process." she point out before the video ended as the lights in the lab came back on. "As it turns out, Project Celebi resulted in a complete success, giving the world not only its first ever transplant between a human and a Pokemon, but its first surgery free transplant as well!" she grinned excitedly as those in the restaurant let out "oohhh" sounds.

"In the future, the scientists at the Millennium Laboratory hope to make the Celebi Unit capable of much more complex transplants as well, with the dream of one day being able to transplant entire organs from one person to the next with the need for surgery a thing of the past!" she revealed. "Should this come to be, those that have been incapable of receiving a transplant due to medical complications will be able to receive life-saving donations at last! However, for the time being the staff of the laboratory are currently focusing on improving its performance and durability, prepping it for small scale transplants on a wide scale level by reducing the power needed to function so that, within the next few years, the Celebi Unit can become a common device used in clinics all over the world!" she grinned. "As of the time of this broadcast, we've received confirmation that the Celebi Unit is only capable of visual and audio transplants for the time being, but even with this limitation in mind it's a blessing for the world, to so many who've never seen a rainbow stretch across the sky, who've never heard the soothing sound of trickling rain atop ones roof, and this reporter can only say how impressed and thankful she is to have a man like Mr. Nakazaki out there bringing such boundless blessings to us all!" she nodded, those in the restaurant doing the same while looking at the group awe stricken. "Following the success of the transplant, it was time for our hero to face the Warden head on in the match to determine his freedom, and what a match it was!" she giggled before revealing a video of the battle. "In the first match with the odds greatly against him, Mr. Nakazaki went head to head against the Warden in a no holds barred battle royal, and what a shocking twist we were given!" she exclaimed.

"Near the end of the round, which was intended to be the only at first, we can see an ominous change take place in the Gardevoir by Mr. Nakazaki's side, revealing a terrifying might the world had never seen from such a Pokemon! Lashing out against the opposing team, this Pokemon went into a state so malevolent it seemed as if our hero was losing control of it, yet at the last moment, as the Pokemon charges the Warden head on, we can see its trainer interrupt the fight, placing himself between it and the Warden and finally managing to regain control!" she point out, showing the scene of Chris standing before Serenity as she stood twitching and hunched over before returning to her normal state. "After this incident, Mr. Nakazaki was ready to throw the match, deciding he'd rather face imprisonment than put his Pokemon through any further struggles and, as you can hear, giving the Warden quite the lecture!" she smiled nervously. "After saying his piece and readying himself for arrest, it appeared as though the Warden had a different idea in mind. Offering a second chance, Mr. Nakazaki was about to refuse the offer when Ureaxion Gym Leaders Guile and Lia intervened. Having witnessed the match and finding themselves inspired by his actions, for the first time anyone can recall, it was a pair of Gym Leaders themselves which took action and offered up their own Pokemon to Mr. Nakazaki in an effort to help him come out victorious, an act that left many in awe and touched to tears!" she smiled. "Seen hurling their Pokeballs toward the arena, we can see them encouraging our hero, as well as the man charged with his well being offering his own assistance in the fight to forge his freedom! Now emboldened by their support, Mr. Nakazaki agrees to give the Warden one last battle, and here it begins!" she point out as the clip played.

"Not only did we see two Gym Leaders show their support to a fellow trainer, but just before the match began we were also given the shocking sight of a Pokemon multi-volving! A sight never seen before!" she winked while showing a separate clip of Rose going through both, her evolution and mega-evolution simultaneously. "From a tiny Buneary to a mighty Mega Lopunny, you can watch as this powerful Pokemon quite literally erupts out of her evolutionary cocoon, standing at the ready to defend her trainers freedom by the side of the Gym Leader's Pokemon! Quite the inspiring sight, is it not?" she asked as the evolution replayed alongside the clip of the ongoing battle. Watching herself evolving, Rose fidget with a shy blush on her face, a wide smile showing from the recognition and praise. "What makes this most shocking is the fact we discovered her former trainer abused and nearly murdered this Pokemon for refusing to fight, for refusing to evolve. Yet here we can see a true testament to what kindness and love can do when one is willing to support and accept another wholeheartedly!" she affirmed, causing Rose to cuddle against Chris with a wide smile making him smirk as the coverage continued. "Following his astounding victory against the Warden of our city, Mr. Nakazaki was granted total amnesty for both, his and his Pokemon's deeds during their time in the city, a ruling that came accompanied by the applaud from all as the man who did so much, for so many, readied himself to bid us all farewell." she nodded before bringing up a depiction of Arthur and Angela's mansion as well as an image of the S.S. Guardian. "During his final days among us, Mr. Nakazaki was spirited away once more to the home of the wealthiest couple in the region." she went on.

Going over their time in the manor and the celebration held within, Chris showed a smile when he saw the girls presenting the colossal cake while they showed embarrassed looks from their writing being aired on TV, much to the adoration of the guests and staff in the restaurant as others from throughout the onsen began watching as well, gathering near the entrance to catch a glance of the report as it unfolded. "Following these events, we discovered that Mr. Nakazaki had arranged a place for himself and his Pokemon aboard the newly built S.S. Guardian, the first cruise liner built as a pollutant free response to concerns over the ever looming threat of global warming, a challenge from Platinum Star Lines to the world to put more effort into working toward a future where damaging fuel reliance is a thing of the past, running purely on solar energy and steam!" the reporter explained before an old depiction of the Arceanic appeared. "With its maiden voyage set to honor the centennial anniversary of the loss of the legendary R.M.S. Arceanic, the ship of dreams that vanished in the dead of night with nothing but chilling calls for help to remember it by, it was a bittersweet journey for many who wished to pay respects to loved ones lost so long ago. And as if it were fate itself, our young hero would find himself as busy as ever on this seafaring trip, one meant to be a vacation that instead turned out to be a life or death catastrophe for all on board!" she began, everyone watching in anticipation once more. "Several days into the trip, it was as though the world was about to relive the Arceanic disaster all over again, and had it not been for Mr. Nakazaki and his incredible Pokemon, the S.S. Guardian would have vanished just the same, with all on board, including our devoted crew assigned to track Mr. Nakazaki, lost to us forever..." she point out with her head lowered before videos of the Gyarados attack appeared.

"Ladies and gentleman, you've heard the news about the attack on the Guardian, but you've never witnessed it in detail as extraordinary as this! We're about to cover it all here and now, with our viewers getting the best exclusive revelations from us first here at MCNN!" she exclaimed excitedly. "For an entire century, everything about the loss of the R.M.S. Arceanic was a total mystery to the world. Even with our best modern technology at the disposal of countless explorers, it was a vessel that escaped any and all attempts to find, with many believing there was no wreckage at all! But half way through the maiden voyage of the S.S. Guardian, revelations finally came to light as to exactly how the Arceanic was lost to us!" she went on before enlarging one of the videos. "With not only a majority of passengers related to those lost on the Arceanic, many of its crew also consisted of descendants of those who were under the employ of Platinum Star Lines a century ago, which was known as Alabaster Lines at the time, with the Captain being none other than Henry Rostron the 3rd, the grandson of the man who made a legend of his own in an effort to reach the Arceanic the night she vanished..." the reporter explained, showing an image of the original Henry along with an image his grandson before covering more about the Arceanic backstory and tragedy. "Man, they're really going all out with this." Chris muttered. "Why not? MY master worth going on about!" Serenity smirked proudly with her nose up. "O-Oy, watch that word." he lectured. "Bah." Serenity waved. "Didn't that human mention this broadcast is being shown around the world?" Alicia asked. "Oh, yeah... Guess this means pretty much everyone's gonna know us now for sure." Chris smiled nervously.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The Gyarados Crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6RuFLKFuuc Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Wow... The whole world...?" Rose muttered. "I... Don't know how I feel about THAT many people knowing me." she smiled nervously. "Well, it was bound to happen sooner of later I guess." Chris point out. "I say the more people know us, the better. Know how great you are, know what threat I am..." Serenity smirked. "Hey, none of us are a threat to anyone." Chris lectured, only for the Pokemon to face away with her tongue out. "And now we reach the moment of crisis for the Guardian, the moment of truth where everything came to light at last!" the reported exclaimed, getting the groups attention again as a clip focusing on the Gyarados attack played out. "After working with Platinum Star Lines, we've been given special access to footage captured not only by our crew, but the cameras on the ship, and right after we see the bridge blown to splintered remnants of its former glory, we find Mr. Nakazaki and his Pokemon rushing to the aid of the Captain and his men, a daring climb along stairs ready to give at any moment!" she noted excitedly, everyone watching as Chris and the girls struggle into the bridge. "Rushing into action following the explosion, we can see the group enter here and hurry to the aid of the Captain and his men. With many unconscious and others left incapable of performing their duties, our hero hurries to the helm with the Captain and what few crew remained offering assistance. Taking control of the Guardian, we can see Mr. Nakazaki go into a mode of defense, his voice trailing through the Guardian's PA system while..." the reporter explained as the scenario unfolded, those in the restaurant watching excitedly while the girls continued eating, Chris sipping at a glass of iced tea while watching the report.

"You can watch here as his orders immediately take affect!" the reporter exclaimed. "Rushing throughout the ship, man and Pokemon alike worked together to secure everybody on board, Mr. Nakazaki ingeniously ordering the Pokemon on board to secure passengers to posts, railings and the like while others rush onto the scene atop the deck. As the swarm of Gyarados grow larger and the threat of an untimely end ever growing, our hero sets in place a plan that would literally SHOCK crew and passengers alike! Finally giving the order to send the Guardian full steam ahead, we can see his awe inspiring power unleash, lifting the entirety of the Guardian into the sky before slamming back down into the ocean, with the pistons hammering away within as the ship rapidly picks up speed. Faster and faster, harder and harder, this incredible modern marvel holds nothing back as it takes the Gyarados head on. In an attempt to push the Guardian past her limits and outpace the swarm, watch here as the Pokemon seen swarming the decks take hold of the solar panels until they're totally engulfed, working together to rip out the circuitry within as Mr. Nakazaki steers hard to port and starboard in an attempt to use the hull itself to send the Gyarados flying!" the reporter excitedly went on. "And now, here we can see the electric Pokemon lighting up the sky as together they work to keep the Guardian charged and chuggin'! With pistons pounding and Pokemon powering, the Guardian makes quick work of the terrifying Gyarados, the charge so great you can see the solar towers smoke as the overwhelmed circuity begins to fry, doing its best to handle what could easily be enough energy to light up our own fair city for days!" she grinned.

"Just as the ship begins forming a distance between itself and the swarm, a near-fatal turn of events takes place. Seen here, the super-massive leader of the swarm, a Gyarados that somehow managed to take on an overwhelming Mega Form all its own, can be seen readying an attack aimed directly at the already splintered bridge. Unleashing its full and terrifying might, this extraordinary blast of energy would have easily been enough to take out far more than the bridge itself, yet just in the nick of time we see the Gardevoir by Mr. Nakazaki's side leap into action, miraculously matching the monster power for power as she throws herself in the path of the blast, taking it head on as a barrier appears. What's most amazing about this Pokemon is how she not only halts the energy, but as you can see, this Pokemon uses her barrier to absorb it! And once enough power is built up, the very attack the leader of the swarm used against them is then used on itself! Blasting back, the Gardevoir manages to subdue the Mega monstrosity long enough for the Guardian to speed past into the horizon!" the reporter point out as another round of "ooohh" echoed through the restaurant, Serenity crossing her arms with her nose held all the higher. "Making greater distance between the ship and the majority of the swarm, the attack on their leader did little to scare off the savage kings of the sea, rather served to fuel their already immense state of rage, and from out of nowhere another blast aimed directly at the bridge makes contact!" she revealed, showing a clip of the blast that sent Chris flying into the sea. "In an effort to protect his recovering Pokemon, our hero is sent plummeting into the treacherous waters below, and what we have to show you next is by demand of Captain Rostron himself!" the reporter point out with a wink.

"Now struggling to stay above the surface, watch here as Mr. Nakazaki begs not for help, but coaxes the ship to continue on! Thrusting his arm out of the water, he orders the Captain and his men to push the ship forward, signalling "Forget me, save yourselves!" as the savage waters full of Gyarados pull him away from the hull. Yet just as hope seems lost, watch here in another video as the Servine by our heroes sides takes its turn to leap into action! And I mean that quite literally!" she grinned as a clip showing Alicia racing along the railing of the ship played. "Ignoring the certainty of death and hurling caution to the wind, this amazing Pokemon risks it all to save its trainer! Reaching the end of the ship, it makes a soaring jump into the frigid waters, and what happens next is something that touched all of us here at MCNN!" she smiled. "As you can see, a glowing light appears on the surface of the sea, and barely a second later vines burst from the surface, twisting tightly on the railing of the Guardian while a second rockets toward Mr. Nakazaki, snatching him in its grasp as the Servine-no-longer rises from the sea! Now a full-fledged Serperior, this Pokemon draws its trainer in close as passengers and crew alike race just as bravely onto the deck of the ship, taking hold of the vine and pulling the two aboard! Having lost consciousness, it appeared as though the world was about to lose this magnificent Pokemon, the chilling waters having taken its toll on the Serperior only for its trainer to take it over his shoulders, with passengers and crew lifting the rest of its body before racing to the lower decks. Switching scenes, they waste no time in working to restore energy to this life saving serpent!" she exclaimed.

"Rushing it to the spa within the ship, they place the newly evolved Serperior in a massive tub and fill it while its trainer works to coax the Pokemon into waking. Falling into a somewhat hysteric and hopeless state, we can see Mr. Nakazaki begin weeping for his friend just before the snake comes to, revealing just what a fighter it can be. With a look of endearment on its face as it looks down at its sobbing trainer, watch as he lifts his head to find his Pokemon back among the living!" she point out, the clip showing Chris leaping into Alicia causing them to splash in the water, getting a collective "aww" from those in the restaurant while Chris and Alicia both glanced away from one another in a shy and embarrassed manner, small blushes showing. "Th-Thanks for the save." Chris nodded. "I-Indeed. Was nothing." Alicia replied. "Hey! You forget me! I work hard too!" Serenity pout. "I-I know! Th-Thanks for what you did too! It was amazing!" Chris smiled nervously, the Pokemon letting out a "hrmph" and smirking once more. "As the Guardian continues its fight to escape the Gyarados, finally things seem to go quiet out of nowhere, the onslaught ending as abruptly as it had begun!" the reporter continued, a clip showing the calm sea. "But as we know, when it comes to Gyarados there's never such a thing as retreat, and sure enough these deadly Pokemon live up to their legacy as the ocean itself begins pulling away from the ship! Watch as the water retracts in a tsunami-like manner, and as we change clips, we can see a wave the likes never seen before rise in the horizon!" the reporter revealed, everyone watching the wave grow taller and taller on film. "As it grows closer and closer, see how the Gyarados rain down from above, the sheer size of the wall of water sending them flying by the hundreds all around the ship as it's pulled up and along the wave!" she went on.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The Arceanic Discovery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE6wJ22bC-0 Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Towering higher and higher, Gyarados raining down from all angles, the Guardian is totally dwarfed by the sheer size of this super-sized tsunami! Climbing higher and higher, the ship points at a sharp vertical angle, the bow facing the heavens as if ready to meet its maker! As the wave comes crashing down, all on board ready themselves for their final breaths, yet just as the full force of the water makes impact, watch carefully as this camera captures a brilliant light erupting from the tip of the bow! Shining like a star, so too is this brilliant light engulfed by the wave just split seconds before a magnificent barrier takes form! Spanning the entire length of the Guardian, we come to discover it's none other than Mr. Nakazaki's Gardevoir doing what it does best yet again!" she grinned. "Once more showing us all the unfathomable might it contains, take a look at this awe inspiring Pokemon in its Mega Form, standing at the tip of the bow with its arms outstretched like something straight out of a movie as it fights to protect the ship as it plummets to the depths of the ocean. Safely concealed inside this colossal bubble of sorts, the Guardian sinks further and further, the light of the sun slowly vanishing from sight as it makes its way to the seafloor. And it's here that we discover just how truly fateful a cruise it was for Mr. Nakazaki and all on board." the reporter hinted before bringing up a new round of videos. "This, THIS is it everyone!! For the FIRST time in a century, RIGHT HERE and LIVE around the world, MCNN is bringing you the discovery of a lifetime! As the Guardian reaches a chasm below, watch as their spotlights scan the surrounding area and reveal the ship thought lost to us for all eternity!!" she exclaimed.

Now watching on the edge of their seats, many standing with collective "oooh"s, everyone's eyes widened as the spotlights reveal the sunken bow of the Arceanic before more of the wreckage comes into view, the crowd in the restaurant pointing out the remains and damage as quiet murmurs and dazzled discussions echo through the restaurant. "...Uh huh." Chris muttered, crossing is arms in agitation over the reveal. "We would like to point out before we continue that, although we've obtained approval to reveal the wreckage, a non-disclosure contract is in affect which prevents us from revealing the exact location of the site. So be sure to watch now as it may be quite a while before the public is granted access to the wreckage!" the reporter emphasized, Chris raising an eyebrow before nodding with an "alright then" and eating. "Rather touchy over it, aren't you?" Alicia asked. "I'm the one responsible for it now after all. I literally OWN that wreckage. I don't want anyone messin' around where they don't belong." he scowled. "Guess it's okay to show it off... Since aren't revealing the location at least. I really wish they would've asked me though." he complained as the news went on, hearing Rostron's "We've found it!!" echoing on the news. "That's right ladies and gentlemen! A mystery a century in the making is solved at last before our very eyes!" she emphasized. "With the Guardian landing in the chasm below and trapping itself, we can see Mr. Nakazaki among others making a plan of action while the Gardevoir maintains its barrier. What a struggle it must have been! And what a testament to willpower and the preservation of life!" the reporter grinned as the coverage continued. "With the Guardian trapped and the Arceanic wreck at an arms length, Mr. Nakazaki takes the plunge into the crushing, frigid waters once more, charging onward on a mission to explore and find some means of escaping the chasm before his Pokemon's power runs out!" she smirked.

"Although we don't have footage of the interior of the wreckage, sadly an additional non-disclosure matter, we do get to see everything the Guardian managed to capture, giving us a highly detailed tour of the exterior of the Arceanic, along with audio coverage of conversations between our hero and the Captain, and here we see the wreckage having warped and crumbled away over the years. If you look closely, here you can see the Arceus figurehead which once proudly gazed over the horizon of the boundless sea, and here we can see the exact cause of its disappearance! See this hole here...?" she began explaining as Chris and the girls watched, a clip showing him leaning over the railing and breaking it causing those around them in the restaurant to gasp and turn his way while he sulked and hid his face. "Ah geez... They had to show that?" he muttered, hearing Smith shouting "I'll kill him!!" causing the reporter to panic and apologize for failing to edit the audio clip out, Chris hiding himself all the more while Alicia and Rose showed a nervous smile. "That was kinda clumsy..." the rabbit point out. "You really should of known how fragile it was." Alicia added. "I tried to fix it!" he reminded, only for the clip to show of him clumsily trying to work the ruined railing back into place, making him face down with a flush. "G-Geez..." he groaned. "There there. It okay. You clumsy, but it cute." Serenity smiled while patting his shoulder. As the news went on, the reporter highlighted Chris's actions the Guardian was able to capture with its cameras, as well as letting audio clips play of Chris's conversation with the Captain as he journeyed through the inside of the ship. When the conversation of the remains of the Andersson family he'd found began to play, those watching showed somber expressions at the revelation, while he recalled the sight of the clothing where bodies had been laying together.

With an uncomfortable look on his face, Chris recalled the nightmares he'd endured after visiting the wreckage, glancing away from the TV while taking another sip of his drink. "You okay?" Serenity asked. "F-Fine. No worries." he assured with a wave. Eventually, the coverage finally reached the point where Chris and the original Captain Smith could be seen forming a plan to save the Guardian aboard the deck of the Arceanic bow, the sight of the thousands of Yamask causing those watching to show wide eyed looks. "What you're seeing here aren't mere Pokemon, but rather every Yamask shown is a soul that lost its life when the Arceanic sank. And the Cofagrigus you see there next to Mr. Nakazaki is actually none other than the original Captain John Smith himself, once a renowned seaman around the world for his brilliance and expertise at the helm!" the reporter point out. "As our hero concocts a plan to save the Guardian, look here as his Gardevoir begins to weaken. Over the course of these events, countless Pokemon that had been traveling with their trainers rushed onto the bow in an effort to share their energy to keep the barrier up, working together in the effort to prevent the loss of those on board!" she smirked as clips of Lucario linking Serenity to the other Pokemon on the ship played. "Finally, we get to watch as Mr. Nakazaki's ingenuity reveals itself once more! Working alongside the souls of the Arceanic, these astounding legends fight to free the Arceanic from its wreck site, digging away at the seabed around it before Mr. Nakazaki and Captain Smith take their places far ahead of the bow, and with a massive burst of speed both charge head-on into the bow of the Arceanic, forcing the ship up from its resting place!" she exclaimed as the sound of Chris and Smith making impact echoed through the TV's.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Long Live Arceanic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHUvO-CR1DM Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"After a hundred years, the R.M.S. Arceanic sails again!!" she grinned excitedly, showing the footage of Chris and Smith along with the Yamask carrying the ship away from the Guardian before making a hard turn and launching themselves toward the chasm. "Faster and faster, pushing themselves harder and harder, these incredible beings give the Arceanic one last burst of life as it charges toward the Guardian, a trail of light gliding along its bow as if sailing across Heaven itself! As the ship nears the chasm, we can see the immense strain finally taking hold of the fragile remains, and as the ship splits in half it begins to sway and swerve uncontrollably just before a group of Dusknoir that had taken resident in the remains offer their assistance, smashing the ship in two and taking the bow in hand. Leaving the stern to fall back to the seafloor, all of the Yamask give their all to thrust the bow as fast and hard as they can toward the chasm preventing the Guardian's escape, and with all their might they hurl the bow down, creating a massive explosion just beyond the barrier!" she went on. "As the smoke clears, at first it appears all for naught, yet mere seconds later the chasm begins to crumble allowing the Guardian enough wiggle room to return to the surface! With our hero, the Captain, and all of the souls once lost to us working together, they rush to the bottom of the barrier and give it a mighty push back toward the surface!" she winked as footage of the ship reaching the surface and erupting from the sea played, showing the vessel rising into the sky while Chris and Smith departed to take on the swarm below as the reporter went on. "Showing just how powerful and bold they are, Mr. Nakazaki and the Captain hammer away at the swarm below, sending them flying this way and that until the Mega Gyarados arrives on scene, throwing down a challenge to decide whether they pull back or take down the Guardian once and for all!" she exclaimed as the battle unfolded.

Finally, by joining together once again Mr. Nakazaki and the Captain deliver the final deciding blow, knocking the beast clear out of its Mega form causing the swarm to cease at long last. With the victory decided and the loser sent packing, the Gyarados retreat back into the sea with their leader out for the count, finally leaving the Guardian at peace as the souls from the Arceanic and passengers on board gather to welcome their heroes!" she smirked before the video ended. "Unfortunately, exactly what happened right afterward is a bit of a mystery. Following these events, we've been given reports of something otherworldly occurring, but for some reason no camera was able to capture the event. As you can see, for a period, all footage blurs and becomes a bright white color, with the audio just as scrambled as the scenes themselves. Countless teams have tried to repair the footage and audio, but unfortunately it has been to no avail." the reporter apologized with her head lowered. "Eye witness accounts from passengers and our own news crew point to a meeting with the one and only head honcho himself!" she revealed, pointing upwards with a wink. "Was it truly the one and only who appeared that day? The stories we were given all match up exactly the same. A super-sized rift in the sky, a colossal figure gazing down, and the souls of the Arceanic rising into this rift, never to be seen again..." she explained. "Was it truly the almighty seen? Perhaps just a mass hallucination? I guess that's up to you and your faith, or lack-thereof, to determine the answer!" she smirked. "Luckily, we do have clips of other events that took place which served to finally solve and put an end to the loss of the Arceanic once and for all." the reporter nodded.

"After peace returned to those on board the Guardian, help was rapidly approaching from across the sea, and with this help came none other than the President of Platinum Star Lines and his top executives. Or should I say, former..." she winked. "After arriving on the scene, we can see these men having a discussion with Mr. Nakazaki following a shocking string of behavior. Seen abusing Captain Rostron, the President showed no mercy in pointing fingers and spitting venom at the Captain and his men, and as always Mr. Nakazaki was ready and waiting to instill justice! Putting these men through a shocking test so medieval it brought many to question our heroes humanity, we would like to warn our viewers that what you're about to see is extraordinarily violent, so those of you weak to such content and/or underage should avoid what's to come." the reporter cautioned, giving viewers a moment before bringing up a video of the trial Chris had set up. "Shown here, Mr. Nakazaki orders his Gardevoir to yank the President and his executives high into the air, accompanied by a speech on his part directing the blame of the Arceanic loss on their ancestors a century ago. As it turns out, the Arceanic was lost to the world when their relatives made a false call for help. Pretending to be under distress, their ancestors lured the Arceanic to a Gyarados breeding ground and used the cruise liner as a distraction to make their own getaway!" she revealed. "Having poached thousands upon thousands of Gyarados eggs, their ancestors were revealed to be the root cause of the swarms fury in the vicinity which had festered over the past hundred years. Quite a long time to hold a grudge, but when you consider how many eggs were poached, it's not hard to call impossible." the reporter shook her head.

"As the Arceanic went under attack, their ancestors got off scot-free." she added with a disappointed look. "With those on board doing their best to save everyone, the ship sadly met its unfortunate end when the Mega Gyarados leader formed a colossal ice berg in the vessels path. Unable to steer clear, the hull made contact, five compartments were splintered, and the ship began a bow-first plummet into the frigid waters that night." she went on, hanging her head. "Captain Smith and his men went above and beyond in their attempt to escape the swarm, with many brave souls boarding lifeboats with their heroic Pokemon by their side to form a barrier around the Arceanic as it sank, doing whatever they could to prolong the passengers end for as long as they could. But as we all know, in the end, none sadly survived..." she affirmed before returning to the video of the President and his executives. "What you see here is Mr. Nakazaki forcing the truth out of these men, using this torturous method to garner a confession from each. Using the masks from the Yamask, he puts the men through extraordinary torment as the memories and pain from each soul who lost their lives by their ancestors hands so long ago is forced into their minds and bodies. Although they resist at first, it doesn't take long for the executives to beg forgiveness, pleading to give their confessions while the President maintains his resistance, yet in the end he too submits to the overwhelming agony before Mr. Nakazaki gives the order to release them." she point out. "Not surprisingly, security forces rush onto the ship during the punishment in an attempt to stop Mr. Nakazaki, which was futile as the souls of the Arceanic went on the offensive, securing their weapons to insure the truth came out." she smirked.

"A century ago, the poachers that caused the loss of the Arceanic cost, at the time, Alabaster Lines a fortune. About to go bankrupt, their ancestors bought out the company and renamed it Platinum Star Lines, and ever since have been using the company to obtain ill-gotten gains, passing it down from generation to generation, with the crimes piling up more and more. Had it not been for this incident and Mr. Nakazaki, these crimes would have continued for a long time to come, likely costing the region an unfathomable amount while lives continued to be lost by those sinister masterminds." she revealed. "Following these confessions, the President further sealed his fate and those of his executives when he attempted to take Mr. Nakazaki's life, snatching a gun and firing only for Cofagrigus, that is, Captain Smith, to leap into action and shield him, the bullet ricocheting off his coffin-like form, bouncing off various surfaces, before giving the President a blow to the leg, his own bullet puncturing him before being taken away by security." she shook her head. "Oh the irony..." she sighed before continuing. "After the men are taken into custody, Mr. Nakazaki himself is placed under a form of house arrest of sorts. Forbidden from leaving the ship, he and his Pokemon go about their ways while legal teams gather to determine his own fate. Because of the methods used to obtained the truth and his past bouts with the law, teams had to determine whether he too should serve time for his actions. Despite his deeds being for the greater good, the law is still the law." the reporter affirmed with a nod. "With everyone on board waiting for the outcome, it was a time of anxiety and excitement combined for those who's lived had been saved by the hero turned accused." she smirked.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Let Freedom Ring! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEIKreM3sEY Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"But as they say, in the end goodness and justice will always prevail. Taking into account not only his misdeeds, but his heroics, the time to determine the fate of Mr. Nakazaki finally arrived! Gathering here at the Guardian's stage, the seats are filled with passengers and crew alike, while all others eagerly waiting in anticipation while standing from bow to stern along the deck, watching TV's set out all over the ship for everyone on board to watch the outcome! As the judge goes over his misdeeds and gives him a warning to be wary of future acts, the voting toward his innocent or guilty sentence begins!" the reporter exclaimed as a clip of the scenario plays. "All around the world, top law enforcers are brought in to decide his fate. With the severity of his medieval torture, and the risk of letting someone with so much power within himself and his Pokemon roam free, it took the collective agreement of all regions to determine whether or not Mr. Nakazaki's quest for justice would resume, and as the final decisions began to unfold, we discover just how impossible it is not to be impressed with our young icon! As each region appears on screen to give its vote, it's not guilty across the board as Mr. Nakazaki himself stands awe stricken, and with the final verdict, the judge aboard the Guardian slams down his hammer and proclaims our hero a free man once more!" the reporter grinned excitedly as fireworks began rocketing into the sky and those aboard the ship cheer and applaud, causing Chris to blush and show a grin while rubbing his head. "Aw geez..." he muttered while the girls smirked at him. "Not even law can stop my master!" Serenity grinned. "That's our guy." Rose giggled. "It was an impressive moment." Alicia nodded. "C-Come on, you girls did most of the work! I just tossed a ship around was all." Chris waved embarrassed.

"However, this ruling didn't come without further warnings and limitations. Reminding Mr. Nakazaki of his past issues with law enforcement, he's given strict orders to avoid taking the law into his own hands again, the judge affirming that there are those sworn in to serve and protect who serve this very purpose without his intervention. While the world certainly appreciates his deeds, not even Mr. Nakazaki is immune from those who play no favoritism in the world of honor, justice, and peace. While free to continue making lives around the region better by the day, there's certainly a need to watch which toes he stumbles on as his journey continues!" she smirked with a wink. "You're a naughty man Mr. Nakazaki! Better watch yourself out there! None of us want to see you behind bars!" she affirmed, causing him to blink before glancing away with a small smirk. "Following the ruling, the ship is pulled the rest of the way to Arcticu Valley with the aid of other vessels. As it turns out, various Yamask, most of them the souls of crew that were lost aboard the Arceanic, decided to stay behind and serve Platinum Star Lines alongside their former Captain as a means of atoning for the past. Feeling their time in the great beyond was still undeserved, these touching spirits have committed themselves to serving and improving the lives of those who sail with the company until they feel their time has truly come, a special arrangement that came with the help of, you guessed it!" she went on with a hinting wink. "Whether living or dead, Mr. Nakazaki just doesn't know when to quit when it comes to the sake of others!" she giggled while those in the restaurant sat overwhelmed. "This kinda stuff can get to your head." Chris muttered with a nervous smile.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure it doesn't." Alicia smirked. "Oh, I'm sure YOU wont." he smirked back before the two stuck their tongues out at one another. As the reporter went over how Captain Rostron and the current Smith inherited Platinum Star Lines, while Chris inherited the Arceanic wreckage, the group worked on finishing their meal while those around the group watched both, them and the news. "So with all of that out of the way, where is Mr. Nakazaki now? What could he and his miraculous team of Pokemon be up to? Well, while perhaps not quite as extraordinary as lifting ships from the seafloor and taking on swarms of terrifying Pokemon, he and his team have still been working to right wrongs, albeit in a different manner." the reporter hinted before a clip showing them at the shrine popped up. "For a brief period, our news crew had to make a quick detour to replace equipment they'd damaged along their quest to keep tabs on this group. Although how it got damaged we've yet to grasp, it was a quick swap for the bare necessities before our crew caught back up and snagged this footage of Mr. Nakazaki and his Pokemon hard at work restoring the shrine you see here. Known as a very sacred locale to surrounding inhabitants of the valley, it doubles as a popular tourist attraction and is normally filled to the brim with resident Pokemon, but sadly this location had been defiled to an unrecognizable degree by what appears to have been passerby travelers using it as a campsite. Taking the task into their own hands, Mr. Nakazaki and his Pokemon quickly get to work cleaning the shrine from top to bottom, no stone unturned, and no coin left unpolished." she giggled before showing a video of Chris scrubbing coins. "And we mean that literally everyone!" she smiled, those in the restaurant smiling and snickering at the sight of Chris scrubbing the donation box while gagging in a separate clip. "You're a real trooper Mr. Nakazaki." the reporter smiled nervously.

"With his Pokemon thoroughly scavenging for trash, scrubbing statues and sweeping away, we can see the shrine slowly return to its former glory, with Mr. Nakazaki putting the final touches on the donation area before each stood together and admired their work. Feeling deserving of a good meal, it's not long before a fire's burning and fish is frying, the scent bringing with it the many hungry Pokemon that had abandoned the shrine following its ruin. With the area now sparkling once more, Mr. Nakazaki is all too happy to share the bountiful dinner with those lured in by the smell, seen here rationing out food among the many Pokemon engulfing the plaza before giving an offering to the Froslass the shrine pays homage to." she smiled as the clip showed Chris leaving food at the statue. "As of now, Mr. Nakazaki and his Pokemon are currently resting up at a popular onsen for travelers just beyond the midway point of the mountains bordering the valley. With the Aurora Festival in their sights, one has to wonder what feats this group will perform once they arrive! What lives will be changed, what fates altered? What legacies will be left and what miracles performed? This is one reporter who can't wait to find out!" she grinned. "G-Geez... We're not THAT great are we?" Chris smiled with slight sweat on his face. "Scrubbing a statue is hardly praiseworthy if you ask me. I do wish they hadn't shown me doing that..." Alicia groaned. "I not like it either. Using power to pick trash. Should use to...!!" Serenity added, cut off when Chris cleared his throat with a stern look causing the Pokemon to glance away with slight sweat on her face. "S-Sorry. Never mind." she apologized. "I still remember that meal though, it was REALLY good..." Rose point out with a nostalgic sigh before she continued eating.

"With this part of our coverage wrapped up, this ends the adventures of Mr. Nakazaki portion of our session! Up next, we'll be revealing comments we've received regarding him and his Pokemon, and after that, we'll go over all the bits and details skipped that will fill in the gaps of our report!" she point out. "H-How long is this gonna be?" Chris asked in surprise. "My, they aren't holding back... I suppose I shouldn't mind though. It's giving me the recognition I deserve." Alicia smirked proudly. "I not care about humans knowing me... But it good for him I guess. It make humans give him respect he deserve." Serenity shrugged while poking at her food before taking another bite. "I'm not too sure how I feel about the whole WORLD knowing about me either..." Rose smiled nervously. "It's nice to feel appreciated but it's a bit much to me." she added. "Well, nothing we can do about it I guess." Chris sighed while drinking more of his tea, raising his hand for a refill causing a waiter to come up with trembling hands, barely managing to pour his drink right making Chris offer to help, pouring the tea himself before giving it back, the waiter giving a stuttering "thank you" and bowing before walking off. "That's another thing. Popularity works in two ways. It can make people adore you, and it can make them paranoid to even get close." he point out. "Hey, that I like. Make humans show you right respect." Serenity smirked. "I don't want people nervous to be near me." he scowled. "It's merely another form of honor. Those who are superior will often be treated with a combination of admiration and fear alike. Just shows who's at the top and who's, well..." Alicia chimed in, raising her head smugly.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Touring Ureaxion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlrZToupOwg Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"You know I'm not the type to be that way." Chris reminded with a wave. "Yes, I know, but WHY is what I'll never understand." the snake scowled. "Always be humble and contrite. One of the first lessons of life anyone should know." he affirmed.with a smirk. "I once read when I was little that people who live that way are the ones who get the most recognition from those who matter most of all." he added, pointing up with a wink of his own before clearing his throat and speaking in a deep voice. "These are the ones I look on with favor, those who are humble and contrite in spirit." he explained. "What with that voice?" Serenity asked, raising an eyebrow. "It was for added affect." Chris chuckled. "You sounded funny." Rose giggled. "D-Do you get what I'm trying to prove?" he asked. "That you're a poor actor? Yes." Alicia teased with a grin. Looking at the girls, he sighed and slumped while Serenity and Rose gave him a pat, telling him "there there" before eating more. "You try to teach a moral..." he muttered. "Not worry, we get. Not know what contrite mean, but know humble." Serenity replied. "Just be nice and you're good, right?" Rose asked. "I-I guess that's the gist?" Chris nodded. "Although for one of us it's just not in her genes." he added, smirking at Alicia. "Hey..." she scowled. "I'll have you know I'm plenty humble." she smirked with her head raised. "Hard to say you humble when have head so high up." Serenity point out, causing the snake to jolt and lower it. "Th-There. I can't help being taller." she complained, Chris looking at the two and smiling before they continued eating. "And now ladies and gentlemen, we're about to begin covering the various comments on Mr. Nakazaki collected from residents throughout the region. Please, enjoy!" the reporter bowed before the screen faded to focus purely on interviews.

"Helloooo!! Chris dearie!! How are you?!" an elderly woman shout on the TV's, causing those in the restaurant to jolt in surprise while Chris went into a coughing fit on a mouthful of tea, Serenity and Rose rubbing his back in concern. "It's me, Mable from the village! We're SO proud of you!" the woman praised. "You're doing a real crackerjack job bucko! You really put that ol' sailor know-how Gutz taught ya' to good use!" an elderly man grinned. "HAH! If he relied on YOUR lessons the ship would've sank! It's ol' reliable John's lessons that really paid off, ain't that right laddie?" another man interrupted before the two started arguing. "Sailing might be important, but it's Tom and Sammy's survival lessons that really keeps him alive." another man smirked with a woman by his side. "Oh come now, I'm sure all of our teachings have helped him equally dear." the woman replied with a giggle. "Your grandfathers cabin is in tip-top shape too! We hope to see you in it again sometime! Your grandfathers Pokemon have been takin' real good care of it." another elderly woman point out before the camera panned to the cabin, showing them on the porch with Alakazam sitting in a rocking chair, giving a wave while Lopunny swept, giving a wave as well while Vespiquen stood with a nod, her combee flying about with dusters in their mouths, others carrying drinks atop their heads causing Chris to smile. "So that your home..." Serenity muttered. "Your grandfather was loaded and lived in that tiny shack?" Alicia asked with a "seriously?" look on her face. "Hey!! That's a nice place!! I grew up there you know..." Chris scowled, causing the snake to jolt and apologize. "I think it's cute. Very homey." Rose smiled.

"We're all rooting for you sonny boy. You just keep fighting the good fight and we'll be waiting for your return with the greatest party we old has-beens can muster!" Gutz grinned. "That goes for you and those darling Pokemon by your side! We can't wait to meet the dearies that have kept our pride and joy safe and happy along his journey!" Mable smiled, causing the girls to smirk while looking at Chris as he fidget shyly. "C-C'mon..." he muttered. "It's an incredible thing, what you've done for them Pokemon laddie. When we saw you donating your sight to that there Gardie of yours we were all bawlin' like wee lads and lasses for hours. Really touched our hearts it did." John smirked. "It takes quite a man to take such a risk for someone he loves. Your grandfather would be so thrilled and proud to know of the kind of man you've become. From helping us old folks weed our gardens to saving thousands of lives, quite the change!" Sammy giggled before the scene faded into another with everyone from the village gathered, shouting in unison "Come home soon!!" before waving together, causing Chris to sniffle slightly with a small smile. "Aw geez..." he chuckled, the girls giving him endearing looks of their own before a scene depicting Saga City came on. "So... Say whatever comes to mind eh...?" they heard Guile ask as he appeared on-screen. "Hello there young man! My my, what a tale you've made for yourself, and so early into your travels as well!" he smiled. "In mere months it seems you've lived an entire lifetime of events, and your growth is simply outstanding! When you battled me with that Ralts of yours, who'd of thought such a tiny thing would have grown into the most dazzling Gardevoir these old eyes have ever seen!" he praised, Serenity watching curiously while Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Her power is simply remarkable, and with looks like that I'd wager she'd be a soaring success in those Pokemon Contests too! She's one tough cookie that'd be hard to beat in a battle, be it of brawns or beauty! You're a truly fortunate man to have lady luck so favorably on your side!" he chuckled. "And given the legacy you're making for yourself, I might just have to make a special statue to commemorate all the great things you and your Pokemon have done for this region! The bond you and your Pokemon share truly is one of a kind, phenomenal really. Just as others have, I've witnessed the various feats you've accomplished, risking your lives for one another time and again, putting your best foot forward no matter the challenge or odds against you, all while growing stronger by the day..." he nodded. "That's right, you've names for those Pokemon now. Let me see... Serenity, Alicia and... Rose, correct?" he asked, Chris and the girls nodding as they smiled at one another. "I must say, that Serperior of yours, and that Lopunny as well... All three of them have such astounding strengths... I must admit, I might just be a tad terrified to face all three in a battle!" he laughed. "To you my friend, I say good luck on your journey ahead and well done on the path you've tread thus far. And to the Pokemon by your side, never forget how lucky you are to travel through your lives alongside a trainer like him. Few and far between are ones such as he." Guile winked. "That goes for you as well Mr. Hero! Not many trainers get to travel alongside such lovely creatures that support him so wholeheartedly! You make sure to keep them well cared for as well!" he affirmed with a grin before giving a wave. "That one human I can like." Serenity smirked with her arms crossed. "So if they lick your butt you like them?" Alicia scowled.

Looking at her for a moment, Serenity glanced at Chris with a sly smile. "Only one human I let do that..." she teased, causing Chris to jolt and blush while in the middle of taking a bite of food. "S-Serenity!!" he lectured, causing her to giggle. "Uh huh..." Alicia muttered, Rose showing a blush of her own while looking at the two. "Oooyyy!! Chris!!" they heard a voice shout, causing the group to jolt and face the TV again as Lia appeared with a grin. "How ya' doin' tough guy? Makin' a big hero out of yourself huh?" she asked. "Looks like that little Snivy of yours has come an awful long way. I knew she had it in her! I can spot greatness from miles away." she nodded. "I remember there being something or other about her being scared of evolving, but it was obvious that was just a phase. All it took was the right man for the job and the little lady had everything she needed to be the best of the bunch!" Lia winked, causing Alicia to blush while Chris smirked. "It was pretty amazing watching you guys fight in the city! And it was fun lending you a hand! Fighting by your side REALLY got my Pokemon pumped so that just proves what a great guy you are! It really is a shame we had to split up so fast..." she hinted with a wink, causing Chris to let out an "eh?" while the girls scowled at him. "Wh-What?" he asked. "I guess I shouldn't say that though. Those girls seem to be preeeety jealous over you. Wonder what's been goin' on we don't know about to make them so clingy...?" Lia teased, causing the group to freeze and flush collectively. "S-Seriously?! On TV?!" Chris panicked in his mind, the girls fidgeting as Lia laughed. "Anyway, you guys just keep on doin' your thing. Can't wait to see all the awesome stuff you do in the future!" she added before giving a wave.

"N-Not have to say that." Serenity muttered. "So embarrassing." Rose groaned. "V-Very rude." Alicia scowled, all three glancing at Chris as he sweat slightly. "D-Don't look at me! I can't control what they're saying!" he panicked. "Why you look so interested when she say it shame you split up?" Serenity scowled. "Did you wanna stay with her...?" Rose asked. "N-No! I mean, we're friends but not like that!" Chris assured. "A-At least on my end, I guess." he added, glancing away and scratching his cheek. "You guess...?" Alicia scowled, leaning toward him. "What do you mean, you GUESS?" she asked. "D-Don't gang up on me! I haven't done anything!" he argued. "Chris sweetie! How are you?" they heard a woman call out, seeing Angela on the screen along with Arthur and her father. "We do hope our little surprises for you have made your journey through Arcticu a little more tolerable! Especially for that darling Superior of yours. Do forgive us for not finding something a tad more fashionable for you to wear darling." Angela apologized with a nervous smile. "A lady deserves to have the utmost comfort no matter where she may travel, so for the sake of her well-being I'm afraid we had to put style aside when choosing what would best aid her in the north." she explained. "Of course we wanted all of your Pokemon to enjoy the best luxury possible, so we donated the carriage from our traveling days and that Rapidash which took such a shine to you!" she giggled. "I do hope you've enjoyed wearing that simply ADORABLE outfit we picked for you too!" she added, causing Chris to jolt and blush, somehow feeling as though he were enduring a mothers doting causing him to let out an embarrassed groan.

"Oh how I wish we could've been there when you tried it on. Gerald told us you looked wonderful!" Angela went on, clapping her hands with a laugh. "Come now, don't embarrass the boy." Arthur scowled. "As you know, I'm a rather busy man, but just for you my boy I've managed to squeeze in some time to give and yours a hello as part of this little... Event... The news is hosting." he point out. "Oh pish posh, you hate your work and you know it. You'll use any excuse to slack off." Atticus scoffed. "D-Dad!!" Arthur snapped, the old man digging in his ear. "With you around my hearing will be the next sense to go..." Atticus sighed before showing a smile. "Been rather quiet here without you and those Pokemon of yours around. Poor Gerald can't go through a single day without letting out a somber sigh. Thinking of you quite often I'd wager, same as the rest of us. You really did become like that of a grandson to the old busybody." he chuckled. "We do hope to see you back at the mansion again some time. These walls have never been so lively!" he point out. "And I've never seen this son of mine put so much effort into his work... With you around to impress he really booked it for a while. A shame after you left he went back to the same old habits." he grumbled. "You can't SEE anything, so you've no idea what I've been doing." Arthur point out. "I'm blind Arthur, not ignorant." Atticus affirmed before lifting his cane and dropping it on Arthur's foot, causing his face to twist before shouting and hopping about. "And mind your father. You're far beyond the age of learning to respect your elders." he added. "Daddy, go easy on him." Angela coaxed, the old man letting out a grunt. "You married him, you coddle him." Atticus sneered.

"Even on live TV they stay the same." Chris smiled nervously. "I kind of like that Atticus human." Serenity snickered. "I dunno, I feel bad for Arthur myself." Rose point out with slight sweat on her face. "I think they're both immature, given their social standing." Alicia added, shaking her head. "We do apologize for Gerald not being with us, but I'm afraid he's not here at the moment. After he returned from his visit with you at the Valley he went straight to work finalizing deals and payments on our livestock. The poor fellow has barely slept a wink really. He cares for the Pokemon we breed so much." Angela sighed with her hand on her cheek and a worried look. "Come now, don't worry the boy!" Atticus lectured, causing Angela to jolt and apologize with a nervous smile. "We're very impressed by what you and your Pokemon did for those on the Guardian, even more-so for the Arceanic! To think you would be the one to haphazardly make the discovery of a lifetime... That wreckage has been the most sought after prize for a hundred years, and here you are, both finder and KEEPER of the site! Quite a reward for one so young! You take good care of it now!" Atticus affirmed. "Oh come now. He's a man of taste! He'll not let the wreckage go to waste, you mark my words. I bet he'll do something extraordinary with it." Arthur smirked. "You're just saying that because he idolized you while he was here." Atticus scoffed before muttering "that's bad taste to me..." while facing away, causing Arthur to twitch an eye. "A-Anyways, we're all as proud as can be of you Chris darling, and of those precious Pokemon by your side! Rest assured we'll be waiting for whatever news may come our way of your travels." Angela smiled.

"Indeed... And remember dear boy, we'll be glad to have you anytime you need a place to rest. With the lot of you around, this old mansion feels like it has a real spark of life again. We look forward to enjoying your company in the future, whenever that may be." Atticus nodded. "How long do you intend to live...?" Arthur muttered, causing Angela to glance away with an "oh dear" before Atticus showed a sudden gleam in his eyes and delivered a blow with his cane right between Arthur's legs, causing his face to twist before he fell off screen to the ground with a groan. "Sh-Should we call someone...?" the cameraman asked off-screen. "Bah, he'll bounce back up in a moment. Lessons are rarely learned without a little force put behind it." Atticus waved. "H-How can you...?" Arthur groaned. "A man needs not his eyes to spot a target. Merely his wits." Atticus point out before facing away. "That, and I could smell you from miles away." he added, holding his nose making Angela groan with her hand on her forehead. "W-We'd best be going now. Chris sweetie, do take care! And we hope our gifts help to make your adventure all the more enjoyable." she smiled. "Tah-Tah dear boy! We're rooting for you!" Atticus smiled before Arthur's trembling hand raised high enough to reach the screen, the crippled man waving as best he could. "T-Take care." he added before letting out another groan, the cameraman letting out a "cut!" off-screen. "D-Damn." Chris muttered, somehow feeling as though his balls were hurting as men around them fidget uncomfortably, various women showing a smirk on their faces. "Balls go bye-bye." Serenity snickered. "It's difficult to say which is the bad guy with their behavior... Atticus got physical, so him I suppose. Though you did have Arthur asking a rather offensive question..." Alicia sighed. "I think they both need therapy." Rose point out with a nervous smile.

"If you see here, the drum is..." they heard a voice mutter before looking at the screen and seeing Professor Rose along with assistants examining two patients. "Looking good! Looking good... Alright!" the Professor grinned before facing the screen. "Howdy ho Chris and co.! Things are going great at the labs since you left! If you're watching this report, you've already heard about the audio transplant being confirmed for the Celebi Unit! It took a little work, but now that bad boy is capable of sight and hearing procedures!" she winked. "The young couple you see here was actually the first patients to try it out. The transplant was a complete success and now the little wife is able to hear any and everything we can! Go ahead folks, say hello!" the Professor coaxed. "H-Hi! Than yuu!" the woman bowed, her speech still impaired due to her former handicap. "Y-Yes! Thank you so much!" the man bowed as well. "B-because of you, my wife is able to hear for the first time in her life! We really can't thank you enough sir! M-Mr. Chris! I-I mean...!!" the man panicked while bowing again. "Ha ha! No need to get worked up. Chris isn't that kind of guy. I'm sure he's just happy the Unit is helping you." the Professor assured while Chris showed a wide grin on his face while watching, the girls smirking as well. "Sorry about spoiling it without you around, but everybody at the labs were so eager to let the cat out of the bag it became impossible to hold back. Better to reveal it officially than let things leak out and risk jobs." Rose apologized with a nervous smile. "But, yeah! The project is coming along just fine! Give us a few years and we'll have a Celebi Unit in every clinic around the world!" she affirmed while assistants gave a wave.

"For now, we're just doing things one tip-toe at a time. Now that we've had two successes with the unit, sight with you and hearing with these patients, we can start coaxing others to try it out as well. Every transplant the Unit takes on helps us further its evolution all the quicker, so who knows? Maybe more complex things will come sooner than estimated! You never know in the world of medical magic and scientific splendor!" she chuckled. "The next time you guys are in the city, be sure to stop by so we can check up on you and that Gardevoir of yours! I'll admit, I'm kind of anxious to see how things are going long term for the two of you post-procedure." she smirked. "And listen, anytime you guys need somethin', don't hesitate to give me a ring! I'd be happy to offer my services whenever you might be in need of a gal with the brains for the task!" she offered before giving a "later!" gesture with her fingers and returning to the patients. "By the way, these two offered to be a part of the video, so no worries. I never reveal confidential stuff without the patients permission!" she winked with her tongue out playfully. "That makes me feel pretty good." Chris grinned, scratching his cheek with a blush on his face. "And the way she said thank you was kinda cute! Reminds me of you in a way." he chuckled, looking at Serenity causing her to blush as well. "I-I not talk like that. I talk different but..." she replied, poking her fingers shyly. "Aww..." Chris smirked while giving her a nudge, the Pokemon lowering her head with a groan. "I-I talk good..." Serenity pout, causing him to pull her in for a hug. "You adorable girl!" he laughed, causing her to flush all the more before pushing him away. "N-Not do that!!" she panicked before fidgeting. "M-Make worse..." she muttered, embarrassed enough as-is.

"So... We can say whatever?" they heard a voice ask. "Nothing in particular you want?" another voice asked before the group noticed Sally and Victoria on the screen along with Wallace floating by their side with a curious look on his face, blinking at the camera. "Well then, I guess we'll start with a hello!" Sally smiled with a wave. "I-Indeed!" Victoria nodded, both she and Wallace waving as well. "This is kinda happening out of the blue so we really don't have anything prepared to say." Sally smiled nervously. "I suppose wishing them well would be a good start?" Victoria suggested. "Oh, yeah! We hope you guys are having a great time in the valley!" Sally grinned. "We're gonna be leaving pretty soon on the next ship. There was a bit of a delay but things are moving along fine. It's still hard to believe all that stuff happened. With the Gyarados, and the wreckage... It was such an incredible adventure!" she giggled. "Well, that's one way to think of it. I'm just glad my heart didn't stop. I'm not a young woman anymore." Victoria laughed nervously. "Just so you know, we managed to find a TM for Wallace here in town! Now he can use Psychic much better and talk to us just like your Pokemon and the Captain could! It's been amazing, talking about what the world was like so long ago..." Sally sighed. "We saved our ancestors and even gave some of them a new life by our sides. I get to spend time with my biggest hero ever, and it's all thanks to you!" she giggled. "So getting to meet your hero is why you gave him a kiss...?" Victoria asked, raising an eyebrow with a teasing smirk causing Sally to blush and fidget. "H-Hey, that's not fair... And on TV too." she muttered shyly. "Come now, it's fun to kiss and tell!" Victoria giggled.

Glancing away, Chris showed a small smile while the girls scowled at him, Serenity and Rose both pinching his cheeks and giving them a pull. "O-Oww!! Showwy!! Showwy!!" he panicked, both releasing him with a "hrmph" while Alicia smirked. "So jealous." she chuckled. "Not act like you not." Serenity lectured. "I-I'm not!" the snake argued. "Uh huh... Sure." Rose replied with a wave, Alicia giving the two a scowl before looking back at the TV and noticing Sally's expression as she brushed her bangs, causing the snakes eye to twitch. "Ah!! See?!" Serenity point out, causing Alicia to jolt. "Sh-Shut up!!" she snapped. "O-Oy, settle down." Chris coaxed, only for the girls to scowl at him causing a shrinking sensation. "Teasing aside, we really can't thank you enough for saving our lives Chris, you and those Pokemon of yours truly are a gift from above." Victoria praised. "You went through so much to save so many, and those by your side endured a struggle so great most would have crumbled under the pressure. The way that barrier stayed up for so long, the way all those Pokemon worked together..." she went on. "And the way you risked your own freedom, risked the way everyone saw you, just to get the truth we deserved. You and your Pokemon took on so much for our sake... Thank you." Sally smiled with a blush. "I not like that look." Serenity scowled with her arms crossed. "I guess it's kinda hard when it comes to him." Rose added, twirling her finger on the table. "Womanizer." Alicia muttered. "H-Hey!" Chris snapped before they heard Wallace chattering, Sally lending an ear as he spoke. "Ah! Wallace says thank you for saving everyone on the Arceanic! He hopes we see you again someday and he'll be praying for you and yours safety and happiness." she giggled, Wallace nodding with a smile.

"Still can't believe some of them stayed behind. Never thought I'd see folks reject a free pass to the beyond like that. Gotta say, I'm impressed." Chris nodded. "Indeed, it must have taken a lot to decide to atone for ones past despite the offer to forgive and forget being presented so clearly. For that, I too can respect them." Alicia nodded. "Well then, we'd best be on our way. Preparations to do and such. We'll keep you all in our hearts and thoughts! Do take care, and good luck on your travels!" Victoria waved. "Hope we see you again someday! Thanks again for everything!" Sally giggled, Wallace letting out a "Wai wai!!" sound in an attempt to say "Bye bye!" with a wave of his own. "You know, after this I think I'm gonna be pretty pumped for the road ahead! What do you think?" Chris asked. "I'd say I'm certainly feeling rather energized. If not perhaps a tad annoyed inside." Alicia replied with a glance toward him. "I feel kinda nice too! It's neat being so popular like this, even if it does make me nervous at the same time." Rose smiled. "Eh, feel okay. It humans talking, that all. Nice words are nice I guess." Serenity shrugged. "C-Come on. It's our friends here." Chris point out. "It your friends. I know them and be nice, that not make them MY friends. Just humans you like so I give pass to." Serenity affirmed, causing him to sigh with an "ah well" before having more of his drink. "Aye, sounds simple enough." a voice called out, this time a clip showing Captain Rostron and his men still in the hospital back in Frola Village, with the others being tended to by nurses causing several to show goofy expressions as they tended to their injuries and itches within their casts. "Look lively boys! We're on camera!" the Captain ordered, causing the men to jolt and shoot up with an "Aye...!!" before being cut off by their own pain and lowering back down in their beds with a "C-Captain" in a groaning tone.

"Hasn't been too long since we parted ways lad, but we hope your journey through the border is going well." the Captain nodded. "The boys here are recovering fine thanks to the aid of you and those Pokemon. Had it not been for you lot charging into the bridge we would've been done for without question. Thank ye' for that." Rostron smirked. "The men and I are enjoying a spot of TLC before we return to the city. After everything that happened I feel the worst decision would be making them charge back in their state. Plus it gives Smith and I ample time to think over our course of action with Platinum Star now under our charge." he went on. "As far as our little discussion about that project of yours, we're just going to put a pause on that until you're in more of a sober state. I feel that would be wise for both parties. When next you've got the free time, be sure to get in touch so we can go over the details better!" he laughed, causing Chris to let out an "eh?" and show a bewildered look on his face. "A project?" Serenity asked. "Mmm... I remember my idea about building a new ship but I don't remember going into detail with him yet... Must have happened that night at the inn." Chris groaned. "I really screwed myself up." he added, rubbing his head. "You AND us..." Rose point out, fidgeting shyly. "Oy oy! Don't go bringing that up again." Alicia scowled, glancing away in agitation with a slight blush. "Be sure to get in contact with me about the wreckage too. We really should iron out the details about exactly how we're going to handle it from here on. Don't fret too much over either topic for the time being though. Not much we can do in our present state, plus there are things to do with the company itself before we charge forward." Rostron point out.

"You just focus on your well-deserved vacation at the Aurora Festival while we focus on recovering and fixing the mess put in our hands at Platinum, then we can go about plotting our course for the future together. We're all looking forward to working with you lad!" Rostron smiled while his men raised their hands with a collective, albeit groggy "Aye" of agreement. "S-Sorry about that. A bit on the good stuff they are." Rostron laughed nervously. "The other Smith, that is, the Cofagrigus, he and the other souls from the Arceanic have been out and about helping the passengers from the Guardian get things in order as well, while others have been helping staff here tend to us. We feel rather guilty if I may say so for having them do so much after all the suffering they've been through, but they're quite insistent souls. You tell them to relax and they just work twice as much." Rostron sighed. "But, all that they do is much appreciated, that's for certain, the same as all you've done." he affirmed. "The present Smith is currently having a few scans done of his spine, but from what we've heard so far nothing seems particularly nerve threatening so he should be back up and roaming about among the rest of us in no time.I've got a few calls to make, so you take care lad, you and those incredible Pokemon by your side. Until we've all had a spot of time to ourselves to recuperate from everything, we'll see you later." he smiled, giving a wave while his men did the same before nurses resumed tending to them, the men showing euphoric looks once more as some were fed and others were given more scratches within their casts, collective sighs of relief heard as the scene faded. "Geez, wonder if they really feel that terrible or if it's just to get the nurses attention." Chris smiled with slight sweat on his face.

"Well, you males tend to be rather hive-minded when it comes to females so..." Alicia shrugged. "H-Hey, that's kinda insulting you know." Chris scowled. "It kind of true. Not take much to make you happy and get worked up." Serenity smirked slyly before holding his hand and leaning toward him. "H-Hey!" he repeat, this time in a slightly panicked state as the Pokemon giggled. "They're right! You're already turning red!" Rose laughed as the reporter returned on-screen. "And that concludes our commentary! As you can see, there's no shortage of love and appreciation for Mr. Nakazaki and his Pokemon!" she smiled. "Well have more words from other citizens to come, but for the time being we'd like to focus on the bits and details promised before the commentary began!" she added before other odds and ins of the group's journey began being touched on. "Whoo... Bein' honest, I think I've had enough recognition for one day." Chris sighed, sitting back and patting his now full stomach. "I done hearing humans talk too. I ready to go." Serenity agreed. "Eh, same here I suppose. Now they're going on about our shopping habits and such. A tad too typical of a "celebrity" treatment for me. That kind of stalking I never cared for myself." Alicia point out. "Yeah, not much fun watching yourself buy stuff and eat." Rose shrugged. "As long as they don't go showing or talking about anything they shouldn't, I guess I don't care." Chris stretched before the group left their table. "You girls head on outside, I'll be with you in a sec after I pay for the grub." he instructed, getting a collective nod only for the girls to pause due to the surrounding crowd looking at them. "O-On second thought, I'll wait with you." Rose smiled nervously.

"I-Indeed, it might be a tad too overwhelming to journey alone at the moment." Alicia agreed. "If not stay with you, I probably hurt human for bugging me, then get in trouble for nothing." Serenity shrugged while crossing her arms. "O-Okay then." Chris nodded while heading to the register and paying for their food. Once payment cleared, he took his card back and led the girls out of the restaurant, the crowd continuing to watch them causing each to sweat while warily moving along, those in their path stepping aside as if they'd all been blinded by headlights. Heading into the lobby, it was the same awe stricken reception by those around them, guests and staff alike watching as they left. Once they were outside, they discovered the carriage and Rapidash already prepped and brought out for them, the onsen having apparently ordered a staff member to take on valet duty to do so as a young man stood with a nervous solute of sorts, saying "Y-Your carriage!" as they approached. "Uhh... Th-Thanks...?" Chris smiled with slight sweat on his face. "It's really not necessary though. Relax." Chris coaxed. "Do we... Tip him...?" Alicia asked, Serenity looking at the snake before using her Psychic to lift the man and dunk him head first into a pile of snow by the sidewalk. "There. He tipped." she nodded. "N-Not what I had in mind." Alicia scowled, only for Serenity to face away with a shrug as Chris helped the man out. "S-Sorry! She has a thing against humans. N-Nothing personal." he apologized while patting the snow off the employee. "H-Here! For your trouble!" he offered, giving the man several bills as he stood frozen and wide eyed from being flipped into the ice. "C-Come on girls." he coaxed, hurrying them along and loading their things from the onsen into the storage before boarding the carriage.

Looking back at them, Rapidash raised an eyebrow before looking at the stiffened employee and shaking his head, letting out an "It begins..." grunt and shaking his head. "Th-Thanks for the hospitality!" Chris smiled, giving a wave before quickly ordering Rapidash to pull them away. Resuming their trek through the mountains once more, the group bid farewell to the luxurious onsen as the winding road stretched before them...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 128

Chapter 128 - Living The Dream...? Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Snow Trotting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9HadQ2kTT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9HadQ2kTT0) Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop Making...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 126

Chapter 126 - The Solitary Twin Later that night, as Chris and the girls rest in bed together, they spent time watching TV while enjoying the feeling of full stomachs once more, with Chris now resting in his boxers and his arms spread out while...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 125

Art By [http://savetuna.deviantart.com/art/Lopunny-577231781](http://savetuna.deviantart.com/art/Lopunny-577231781)...

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