Kaizer Ghidorah and The Xilian Commander!

Story by CataII on SoFurry

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Hi stranger, it´s been awhile ;)

So, after a long hiatus with writting, here it is, a new short story for all the lovers of this kind of stories. This one a rather romantic one, so I hope that you guys enjoy this story, which was co-written with the great LewdnCrude. If you loved the story, please remember to give it some stars!

Well, see you next time!

Kaizer Ghidorah and related characters owned by Toho.

Reclining upon her luxurious throne, the Xilian Commander gives a sigh of contentment as she gazes out through the windows of her ship to the bright orb far below. The gleam of the planet, however primitive it might be, is quite beautiful, illuminated by the sun and reflecting varying shades of blue, white and green. A lovely sight indeed, and best enjoyed from a luxurious seat, large and leathery and oh so soft, perfect for sinking into and relaxing upon.

Of course, the view and the soft chair themselves do not quite compare to the contentment of her fingers easing over the rim of her vagina. Slowly, tenderly, she rubs over the length of her slit, teasing at the folds of flesh nestled within the outer layer. The soft probing is more than enough to spark tantalising sensations of pleasure within her, tickling through her nerves and making her coo in approval, and she does not hesitate to keep stroking her luscious sex.

The desire for conquest, for dominance and control, are never quite as potent as the desire for pleasure. Even if another day passes where she does not have Earth in her control, at least at the end of it she may simply lay back, remove the elaborates gowns of her regal attire and indulge in her lustful whims. Her fingers continue to tease her pussy, tracing circles around its rim and stealing soft touches over the slick slit, whilst her other hand rubs itself over the grand mass of her breasts, equally sensitive and so malleable.

Ooh, it was good, so sweet, to touch herself in this way. Left alone for the night, left in her ship and able to recline in the nude, able to please herself so intimately. After all, a commander, empress and woman of her standard deserved the time to enjoy herself, to feel such sweet sensations. Indeed, she was as lovely as she was commanding, a tall and buxom woman with pale skin and lovingly wide hips, sliding smoothly into thick thighs. Many claimed her legs stretched on across galaxies, and she would not blame them, for such wondrous limbs were befitting a woman of her unmatched standard.

Her face was as beautiful as a very goddess, with curtains of glossy obsidian hair and eyes that gleamed like rubies. Even the faintest smirk on her plush black lips would have men and women alike crumpling in awe before her. And her chest blessed with enormous breasts, gloriously plush G-cups that all but begged to be admired. Such titanic teats, tipped with darker grey nipples, were the stuff of legend, almighty and mountainous, and there was no creature alive who would deny a chance to touch their plushness, to suckle upon them.

Yes, she was wondrous, wasn't she? A woman as utterly sensual and alluring as her deserved the sweetest things in life. As much as she desired power and control, the conquest of entire galaxies, she also desired the most lustrous pleasures. Her massive tits kneaded so nicely in her stroking hand, and her wet sex buzzed so nicely with each stroke of her fingers. Yes, she was perfection, wondrous and exquisite, and only the best was suited for her.

Alas, as her lust grew and the burning desires grew with it, she knew that her touch alone would not be enough to make her cum like she needed to. If she wanted to reach the ecstasy she deserved, she would need help.

However, none of her minions were worthy enough to aid her. Yes, her fleet was filled with many war-forged men who would gladly lend her cocks, give her every inch of their manhoods into every hole she wanted, give her every droplet of cum they had. Whilst the thought of being fucked again and again by her armies did make her snatch ache, she knew that meagre soldiers were not deserving of an Empress; no matter how many of them may desire to please her, she simply was too regal to bother with their inferior flesh.

So then, what to do? Who to summon? Who was truly worthy of giving the glorious Xilian Commander the pleasure she deserved? With another touch to her wet cooch and another squeeze over the peak of a tit, she gave a smirk. Of course, only one creature was worthy of giving her the pleasure she deserved

Lazily, one of her hands moves to a console upon the arm of her throne, and she clicks a button upon it, purring softly to it as her other hand continued stroking her cooch: "Engage size-alteration and molecular transport. Bring my monster to me."

The systems of her ship obeyed, and even as she returned her hand to her bosom, to pinch at her hard nipples, the rippling sound of energy resounded through the chamber, and a bright glow from behind her signalled the arrival of her monster. The beam of energy emanating from the ceiling lasted only for a few seconds, and when it faded, what remained was the intimidating skeletal frame of none other than Kasier Ghidorah.

A bulky creature, greyish and stocky with four powerful legs, twin clubbed tails, huge wings and three draconic heads upon long necks, Ghidorah was rightfully feared as one of the most dangerous and powerful Kaiju in all existence. Normally, he was the size of a mountain, but as of now he had been shifted into the size of a large horse, perfect for fitting within the chamber. His heads swaying about, the beast gave a snarl as he comprehended his change in position. It wasn't often he was called to the throne room of his commander, and he wondered what might compel her to summon him now.

Of course, he didn't wonder for long, for the throne of his empress spun around, and the dragon's aggravated motions halted as all three heads stared in awe at the sight of the naked beauty. The tall and alluring frame of the Commander, curvy and plush, with her smooth pale skin, dribbling sex and enormous tits, were simply so wonderful that even the destructive monster was left dumbstruck. She smiled sweetly, sultrily, ever so fond of how the beast gazed adoringly at her. When even a Kaiju could think of nothing but one's beauty, she knew that she was true perfection.

Yes, her mighty beast, the champion of her empire, would be perfect for satisfying her needs. The ache within her vagina, the fire that needed quenching, needed a creature as almighty as she was, and what creature was mightier than the planet ravaging titan? From every inch of his skeletal scaly frame, he radiated raw power and might, and that kind of savage might, that overwhelming strength, was exactly what the lustful empress needed.

She needed nothing more than an intense and overwhelming fuck, and the dragon was the perfect candidate to give her one.

Thusly, she rises from her throne and stands before him, tall enough to be level with his thick chest, with her enormous teats jiggling from the motion, her wide hips swaying. Each of his heads follows the motions of her body, eager to drink in the sight of her, and his tails waggle in delight. She can see the eagerness in his red eyes, the excitement at being called to behold her nude beauty, and the Commander knows that he will have much more to enjoy to due time.

"Mighty Ghidorah..." She purrs softly, slowly and sensually sauntering towards the dragon. One head dedicates itself to see how her long lustrous legs move, how they make her hips shift, whilst the other two stay locked onto the bountiful bounces of her enormous tits, big enough that even his massive claws could not engulf them. "Do you see the beauty I display? Do you see the lust that commands me? You know what I need, and you know I cannot rest until I have it...

Faint nods from each head, and saliva slathers from all three maws as he admires her; yes, he does know what she needs, and conveniently enough she is what he needs too. With a flex of his wings, he rears back onto his hindquarters. Whilst perhaps not in these chambers, he had had the honour of fucking his empress before, of making her scream with happiness as his passion overcome her, and he knew exactly what she desired from him.

As the brute rears up, the Xilian Commander has full view of his groin, and she is delighted to see he is as fast as ever to resent his manhood. Emerging from a bony sheath between his massive hind legs are the serpentine forms of his cocks; three of them, each as thick as one of her arms and each ending in a ridged pointed tip. Extremely mobile, even prehensile, his shafts rise before her, each about ten inches long, and seem to beckon her with waves and waggles of their thick slick girths.

Though renowned for her calm and control, drool dribbles from her plush lips as she admires his cocks, her cunt aching even more as she gazes over every inch of them. The lust she felt when she beheld the massive trio of penises her dragon had never failed to make her shudder, and she licked her lips as she sauntered towards him. An urge to get to them quickly overtook her, and she needed only mere seconds to reach the massive beast and kneel before him.

As his hefty frame and multiple heads loomed over her, the empress trembled with anticipation as she looked between the three shafts swaying before her. She could smell the potent musk of his manhoods even after they had just emerged, and she inhales it deeply, shuddering pleasurably as the enthralling aroma made her pussy dribble. No matter how many times she beheld her beast's virility, she was always so easily overpowered by the allure of his cocks.

Ah, but he was the one exception to her superiority, wasn't he? The empress did command him as she did her entire legion, but he would always command her with how eagerly she would give herself to her lust.

Not wishing to waste another moment, with his red eyes eagerly watching her, she leans towards his shafts and promptly puts her lips against the tip of the middle prick. With a kiss, she tastes the musky allure of the dragon's prick, feels it dance through her soft lips, and it makes her moan delightedly. Her hands reach out, gently put their fingers onto the penises at either side, and she feels over their smooth girth as she gives the middle shaft another sweet kiss.

The dragon growls with approval, still drooling himself as flexes of his wings keep him upright, and the Commander allows a soft snicker at his enthusiasm. Ah, how she adored tasting his manhood, how she adored feeling it, and every inch of her beauteous frame shudders as she submits to her desires. Another kiss, and then she opens her lips to take the tip of his dick into her mouth, groaning delightedly as his aroma swirls within her whilst her hands stroke over the other two. A moment just to enjoy his head between her lips, before she tightens her hold and begins to suck at him.

As always, she would allow her lust to build by simply sucking and stroking his cocks, allow him to get nice and warmed up, and only when she rewarded with the first batch of semen would she allow him to fuck her. With practiced ease, she bobs her head upon the head of his central penis, hands mimicking the motion over the girth of the other two, and purrs sweetly as his smoothness slides between her lips. He seemed even tastier each time she blew him, and the Xilian Commander wishes she could just taste his cocks forever.

Succulently, sweetly, she continues to pleasure the beast, making him hiss and snarl with pleasure. The dragon's tails wag and his necks squirm, and the simple pleasure of his empress' touch is more than enough to have every nerve tingling with delight. A brutal monster he may be, but he was no stranger to the sweeter things in life. And my, it didn't get much sweeter than a gorgeous woman eagerly tending to one's manhoods.

The fervour of the Commander was impressive, the hastened speed at which she sucked and stroked Ghidorah's pricks. Her whole body trembles with a deep-rooted lust as she relishes him, relishes every second of her debauchery. Nothing got her pussy wetter than the penises of her treasured monster, her ultimate weapon; when she was beholden to his trio of cocks, she was left trembling and dribbling with unadulterated desire. All she wanted now was every inch of his manhood, every musky scent and potent throb. And even with that, she still wanted more.

Of course, the dragon knows better than to keep her waiting. When she got fast and eager like this, sucking and jerking without restraint, there was only one thing she wanted, and he'd be more than happy to give it to her.

With a snarl, his trio of heads rear back and he grants her the privilege of ejaculation. Shuddering and trembling amidst her lips, his central shaft promptly unloads a stream of thick bronze semen right into the Commander's mouth, shooting it right to the back of her throat. His seed was viscous and thick, intensely hot, and once she felt it pouring in she was left overwhelmed with utter delight at the overwhelming taste and sensation of it.

Mm, the only thing tastier than her monster's shafts was his cum, and now she had a veritable river of it to enjoy. Intensely tangy and rather salty, thick and creamy and brazenly hot, it flowed over her eager tongue in thick dollops, and she moaned in happiness as she swallowed down every bit she got. Eyes rolling back, pussy outright leaking her honey and body quivering, she gorges on his seed with the zeal of a woman possessed, desiring nothing more than to suck down every last drop of his hot jizz.

The other two cocks are prompt to follow the middle's example, and they twist like snakes to aim their tips over the immense mass of her breasts. Like hoses, they spurt streams of spunk upon the gargantuan swell of her huge tits, staining the plush pale flesh with simmering bronze. Her delighted groans intensify as she feels his hot seed coat her sensitive rack, caking the grand teats in his jizz with impressive speed and potency.

Such an outcome is truly wonderful, everything she ever desired in her horny state, and the Commander continues to drink down her dragon's seed with relish, adoring every bit of jizz both slipping down her throat and splattering across her tits. Yes, she ruled all, but she'd always allow Ghidorah to rule her.

His flows don't last too long, a mere prelude for the fun to come, and thus she soon releases his prick with a gasp when the lustrous flow ends. Releasing his other shafts, no longer staining her bosom with jizz, she allows herself a moment to close her eyes and enjoy the simmering fulfilment in her stomach, to run her hands across the viscous splooge upon her tits. Her core ached with desire, pussy soaking wet, and she purred softly in enjoyment, rubbing her hands through the warm gunk and gathering globules of it up to lick.

Some may consider her depraved, if they knew she revelled in the seed of a monster, but she cared not. Her mighty Kaiju was her most powerful warrior, and thus the only one worthy to treat her like a slut. No other male was worthy to fuck her senseless, use her as they saw fit, except for her glorious Kaiser Ghidorah.

And thusly, finishing her reverence, the Xilian Commander smiles invitingly up at the three draconic heads, skull-like and monstrous, and shifts away from him, adjusting her posture. From her kneels she leans forward, props herself on her hands and bears her grand rear to the monster, swaying it before him invitingly. Huge tits swaying, hair draped over her back, the empress gives a faint coo of enticement, and the heat in her cunt demands yet again to be relieved.

What better relief for her then to have her glorious beast rail her senseless?

Gazing upon the lovely woman, Kaiser Ghidorah is no stranger to having lustful females bending over for him. The monster girls of Earth, ranging from the massive Biollante to even the peace goddess Mothra, had often been filled with his mighty dragon cocks, left gasping with ecstasy as he fucked them senseless and filled them with his cum. Granted, he had not been able to claim them as his mates, given his nemesis Godzilla was always quick to fight him off and reclaim his females, but he was sure that one day Godzilla would be destroyed and the females of Earth would belong to him.

Still, at least he knew his empress belonged entirely to him; the way she cooed to him, invited him to her wet cunt, was testament to her adoration. Whilst the foolish Godzilla had to tolerate his females mating with other males, Ghidorah was the only one allowed to use the beautiful Commander. And he would assuredly put that privilege to good use.

Taking just a second to admire the swell of her grand ass, the puffy rim of her labia guarding the dribbling cunt, the beast promptly advances forward to claim his prize. Using his wings to lighten himself with precise flaps, he rears up and locks his claws around the empress' shoulders, mounting the woman with familiar gusto. Even shrunk down, he substantially outsized her, and the voluptuous empress trembles beneath his skeletal bulk, groaning softly as he readied her for what she needed.

The serpentine trio of shafts, eager to have more of their beloved queen, promptly align themselves with her exposed holes, so eager to be used by them. Her slick cunt, wet and eager from foreplay, and her tight ass are oh so inviting, oh so fuckable, and fuck them the dragon will. After all, dragons did tend to be swayed by beautiful maidens, and none were as beautiful as the Xilian Commander. Groaning and shuddering under him, she pleaded for her monster to fuck her!

Smirks flashed over the fanged maws of all three heads, before Ghidorah brought his hips forward and aligned his shafts with her holes. Two of them aimed right for her cunt, eager to spread it wide and fuck it hard, whilst the third aligned with her anus. A common set-up, his usual preference, and one that never failed to satisfy his empress. The pointed tips don't bother probing around her holes or taking it slowly; as soon as he had her lined up, he went right in.

The Commander gave a grand cry of ecstasy when her monster forced himself into her, holes mercilessly pushed open by his mighty pricks. Her wet pussy, slick and sleek from her leaking, is easily overrun by the two shafts driving into it, pointed tips paving for the way for the thicker girth, whilst her tight ass is similarly conquered with stunning speed. The dragon is all too experienced in taking over the hot holes of a girl in need, and his queen is easily left stuffed with his trio of cocks.

A snarl of pleasure he gives as she continues to squeal in happiness, crying out for the monster as he drove himself deeper and deeper still into her. The sheer sensation of his immense fulfilment was overwhelmingly wondrous to the Commander, unendingly glorious, and she shuddered and trembled beneath him as she revelled in every inch sliding into her. Her holes were stretched wider still as his pricks took her right down to the hilt, and she wished she could feel them inside her forever.

As soon as Ghidorah was hilted inside of the moaning beauty, he took only a second to relish her heat around him before he got to withdrawing. Inch by inch, he teasingly pulls his pricks halfway out of her holes, before shoving back in with an impressive thrust. His scaled groin smacks against her plush ass, her wet cunt, and she wail with glee at the surge of pleasure it brings her, massive tits jiggling as she struggled to stay up on all fours. Ooh, it was all so much, all so good, and she begged the dragon to give her what she wanted!

Never one to disappoint, the three-headed beast proceeded to up his pace, pushing his pricks in and out of his queen's holes with greater fervour, snarling lustfully the whole while. Claws gripping her tightly, wings keeping him aloft, the monster fucked the Commander faster and faster, two cocks slamming her wet snatch whilst the third split her tight ass. Each push had her wailing in pleasure, gasping in happiness, and she revelled in every last inch pushing into her, grinding over her innards with such speed and might!

Ooh, small wonder her beast was the only one worthy enough to rail her like this, to make a slut out of her; his three shafts nailed her so potently, so gloriously, that she could truly experience the ecstasy she desired. Trembling with her euphoria, she keened her utter admiration for the monster, so enthralled by him and utterly overcome by a lustful wish for more, more, more!

Again and again, the dragon thrust his pricks into the empress, stretching her holes wide over his massive cocks. Her pussy took both pricks pretty damn well, as it always did, and her asshole was such a perfect sheath indeed. Ah, how he adored making her revel in his potency, making her squeal for him as he railed her harder still. His tails whip around, adding sharp slaps to her bubbly ass to make her gasp, and electrical energy crackles throughout him to add such a sizzling delight to the whole ecstasy. Few things he loved more than fucking his queen, and fuck her senseless he would absolutely do.

Harder and harder he goes, driving his cocks deeply into her with each thrust and pulling back with efficient flaps of his wings, and all the while she wails in utmost euphoria. Her whole body trembles with the force of the beast's mighty thrusts, massive tits swinging, ass jiggling and tongue lolling out from her plush lips. Truly, she is the very image of a wondrous slut fucked silly, the queen bent over for her monster, and in her depravity she pleads to be filled with the monster's seed.

There is nothing she wants or loves more in this moment, in any moment, than to be stuffed with the semen of Kaiser Ghidorah. She begs for it, cries for it, and the dragon's insidious smiles widen. Of course he will give her what she wants; he was a good servant to the empress as much as she was a good servant to his penises.

Throwing his heads back, the beast unleashes a piercing roar of triumph when he unleashes his orgasm upon her, skeletal body crackling with energy as it coalesces within and surges forth as viscous jizz. Hot and thick, searing from the power within the dragon, his cum shoots right into the stretched holes of the Commander, pouring right into the depths of her pussy and ass. Unrelenting, it flows into her depths, heating her aching sheaths with searing jizz, leaving her utterly overwhelmed by the mighty flow.

Wailing with happiness, the Xilian Commander is overcome by her own orgasm, cunt clenching tightly the twin pricks within it, filling it. The thick seed fills her so potently, overwhelming every inch of her rear and womanhood, stuffing her very womb with cum. It overflows within her, the heated spunk leaked out the stretched rims of her holes, and she groans ecstatically as she feels the streams running down her thighs, making a sloppy mess of her.

Ah, to feel the euphoria take form and fill her so potently, fill her very womb, is a heaven beyond even her almighty empire. It has every nerve within her burning with ecstasy, has every part of her shuddering and shaking with unequalled pleasure. As the heat overwhelms her, overcomes her, she finally slumps down onto the floor, huge tits quashing against the smooth metal, and she gives a feeble sigh of wonder as she revels in her utter subjugation.

Another triumphant snarl, and Kaiser Ghidorah tilts his long heads just to take in the gorgeous view his empress sprawled before him, mewling and whining like the cum-filled slut she was. How satisfying it was to relieve her like this, to see her firm queenly exterior come undone and show her what a cock-loving sweetie she was. Just as he helped her conquer all, he helped her conquer her desires, and he got to revel in the hot pleasure of his semen filling her holes for good measure.

The dragon gives delighted chuckles as he sees the dazedly adoring expression on her face, eyes crossed and mouth open in a sloppy smile, tongue lolled out and drool pooling around her. Yes, a true queen fucked silly, stuffed with monster prick and filled with monster spunk. How he did love the sight, as much as he loved seeing any slut bent before his trio of mighty dragon cocks.

Satisfied, he finally ceases his orgasmic flow, flexing his wings to heft himself off of the stunned Commander and settle down just next to her, withdrawing his shafts from her stretched holes, leaking his cum like dual waterfalls. A moment to enjoy the sight (having multiple heads to examine multiple angles is always handy) and the dragon gives a low chortle, content to lay down next to his mistress and just wait for a moment.

She takes her time to recuperate, moaning softly as she grows accustomed to having her holes stuffed with his seed. It's a familiar feeling, but it's always amazing how potently it strikes her, how it truly fulfils her. Another moan, content and happy, and she lazily stretches out over the floor, satisfied with the pool of cum simmering at her hips. It is good to cut loose and relax, and even better to have her prized monster fuck her hard...

After all, they'll have so much more to do.


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