Family Bonds: Chapter 2

Story by Nogard on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

The two zealous charmanders sprinted past Leanna, eager to get outside as fast as they possibly could. Their tiny tail flames burned brightly as thoughts of the land outside their cave flooded their minds. As they reached the cave entrance, giggling to each other the whole way, Leanna called out.


Both charmanders stopped and slowly turned their bodies back toward their mother, awaiting whatever final word of caution she always had to say.

Leanna continued, "Don't forget to make sure that you and your sister are back before dark. I don't want to have to send your father after you two again."

The male charmander quickly responded, "Don't worry mommy. I promise we'll come back before it gets too dark this time."

"Alright, you two have fun."

"We will! Bye mommy" both charmanders said in almost perfect unison before turning foot and disappearing into the trees.

Leanna chuckled out loud. She could remember just as though it were yesterday how enthusiastic she and Dacus were when they were still charmeleons. It seemed as though they were just as inseparable as Drek and Seria are now. After that awful mating season ended so long ago, she and her new friend did virtually everything together. She could picture everything as clearly as though it happened to her not just the day before.

The mating season took a different turn for her as now that all of her time was spent either in Dacus' cave, or next to him at every possible moment. Every day, the two would begin by gathering berries for breakfast. Even though she was "confined" to an area, the two would always start off in a different direction away from his cave so she could see as much of the land as she wanted to.

After they had gathered enough berries for a suitable breakfast, the two would find a clearing somewhere in the forest and divide up the sweet-tasting food. Thanks to the Lum Berries that were seemingly everywhere, she recovered from her ordeal within a day, and she was just as strong as ever. She wished that she could have seen Dacus fight that nidorino though; she considered herself to be a strong pokemon, but she didn't even weaken him in the slightest. From what Dacus said in his story, he had no trouble at all putting that miscreant in his place.

She was slightly irritated though that she was not as able to take care of herself as she had always assumed. Because of her new uncertainty in her strength, she devised a way to get stronger herself, and to see Dacus in action. Every day after the two had finished eating their breakfast, he would discuss offensive and defensive strategies and attacks with her that his father had taught him.

She had learned from their first encounter that he had no clue who his mother was. His father had found a mate whom he loved with every fiber of his being. Sadly, however, his mother had died while she was bringing his egg into the world. The two had lived farther up north at the time and Winter was a particularly brutal season that year, and the two had not adequately prepared for as they had thought was necessary. He had been told that his mother had gotten extremely sick around when her time came; the extreme cold, and the strain of bringing a new life into the world, were too much for her weakened body to handle, and she died shortly afterward.

His father had vowed to love their child as much as he loved his mate and to make sure that nothing bad would happen to him so long as he was in his care. His father had taught him everything that he needed to know about how to survive on his own. He let him know which berries were safe and which were not safe to eat, he routinely made sure that his attacks were kept at their peak, and he made sure that his son avoided humans at all cost.

Sadly, this is what separated the two. When Dacus was still a charmander (a very mature charmander mind you, but still a charmander nonetheless), he and his father were out and about scrounging up some dinner when they happened upon a male human wandering around. How he got there was anybody's guess, but the human saw the two of them and tossed a strange ball forward and as bad luck would have it, a very powerful blastoise appeared before the two.

Dacus had faith in his charizard father, but even he was worried when he pieced together what was about to ensue. Needless to say, his father fought valiantly, but he was no match for the trained water type. Dacus watched in horror as he saw his father collapse after a powerful blast of water smashed into his chest, and the trainer tossed another strange ball, making his father disappear in a flash of light.

The trainer picked up the strange ball and left with the giant turtle pokemon trailing behind. It had all been over so quickly that he didn't know what to do other than just sit there and hope that his father would return somehow. But, as the hours dragged on, and the sun sank into nothingness, Dacus could only sit in the same spot and cry until his body simply refused to stop making tears.

He stayed in that spot unmoving for a full 2 days not sleeping or eating, just crying and hoping that his father would come back to him. When he never did, Dacus realized that he had to move on and begin to fend for himself. His father wouldn't have wanted him to waste away after all that he had been taught.

He headed south because his dad had told him that it was warmer that way, and his dad had taught him how to figure out which way he was going based on where the sun was. He became a wanderer, never settling down on any particular place. Traveling was one of the few ways that he could not think about his father all the time, and since he had no more family or friends, there was no reason to stay in one place.

In the year or so that he traveled south, he became even stronger than he was when he was with his father (which was aided by his evolving into a charmeleon at one point). He met numerous wild pokemon of all types, but none of them seemed to be interested in him in the least. They all seemed to be tied up with their own families or they were afraid of him since charmeleon weren't common in the areas he visited.

It wasn't until that talk the day before with Leanna that he finally found a reason to stay and not continue traveling. And he certainly welcomed the company of another charmeleon like himself, because he hadn't seen another fire type since the day his dad disappeared.

The rest of Leanna and Dacus' days went by pretty uneventfully. The two mostly would just walk side-by-side and talk about their lives and what their interests were. As night came upon the duo, they would head back to Dacus' cave for sleep. Every night he would build a fire much in the same way that he had the night of her incident with the nidorino. After the fire was alive and illuminating and warming the cave walls and its two inhabitants, the two would lie on opposite sides of the fire and continue chatting until exhaustion cast a lazy eye upon them.

Leanna was always the one who fell asleep first, and the fire was always still burning brightly when she sank into unconsciousness. And in the mornings, she was always the first to arise to notice that the fire was neatly put out, and Dacus was always fast asleep, but in a different position than he had been the night before when she fell asleep. She didn't think anything of it for the first few nights, but curiosity eventually settled upon her.

How was it that the fire always got put out, and why was he always not where he was the night before? Was he really that restless of a sleeper? She decided that he must have been waiting each night for her to fall asleep and then getting up and putting the fire out himself, but why not just put it out earlier and let them both fall asleep at the same time? After some thought, she decided to be slightly sneaky, and the next night, she would pretend to fall asleep and then watch what he was doing every night.

And so it happened. The next day went the same as every other day had gone with nothing out of the ordinary. When night came, he again made the fire the same way he always did, and they got in their respective positions. She closed her eyes and feigned sleep, concentrating on staying awake as best she could. Even though she was just as tired as she normally was at this time of night, her adrenaline from her curiosity kept her mind active. She remained still for what seemed like an eternity before she heard movement in front of her. She heard him get up off the cave ground and walk away from where she was and out of the cave.

Taking the opportunity, she cracked her eyes open slightly to try to catch a glimpse of what he was doing, but he had already left the cave. Eyes shooting open, she rose to her feet and silently made her way out of the cave, careful to keep her tail flame as low as she could to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. As she reached the entrance of the cave and glimpsed outside, she saw an orangish, reddish glow coming from the base of a tree not too far away. It's not too hard to spot another charmeleon in the dark given that the tail flame is a constant source of illumination.

With that in mind, she crept forward as quietly as she could, concentrating on keeping her tail flame as dim as she was able. She got closer and closer to the source of the light until she was just a few steps away from being able to reach the tree. Suddenly, she smelled something that made her stop dead in her tracks and she had to stifle a gasp. That familiar scent of male arousal was close and it was still the middle of mating season which meant she was still vulnerable, and given what had happened to her earlier in the week, she was extremely hesitant to take any more chances.

But surely that was Dacus not more than 10 steps in front of her, so if anything were to happen to her, he would surely be able to jump in and protect her should things go awry. But, at the same time, she didn't want to risk any more injury or trauma. She weighed her options and decided to opt for the safe decision and head back to the safety of the cave and wait for him to come back.

As she turned to start heading back to the cave, however, a sound caught her ears that peaked her curiosity even greater and caused her to stay in place. If she wasn't mistaken, it sounded almost like a sigh of relief, and it came from where Dacus was. As she stayed unmoving, now listening intently, she began to hear shoveling around combined with more audible sighs.

Interest reaching its limit, she had to see what was going on or she would never be able to get to sleep. She slowly closed the distance between her and the tree blocking her vision, and was almost overpowered by the familiar scent that she had lived so long avoiding. Slowly craning her head around the tree, she slithered around its barky surface careful not to make a sound. When her head finally managed to make it around the wooden divider, her eyes shot open as wide as they could have.

There right before her eyes, Dacus was sitting on the ground with his shaft fully extended out of his body for any passerby to see. He was looking down at his pink flesh and his right claw was slowly moving up and down its surface. His other claw was located at the base of his maleness, cupping his sheath. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. For one, she had never actually seen a male exposed as he was before her.

Sure she had had the encounter with the nidorino earlier, but she never stopped to stare at his nether region, not that she had any desire to do so. This was different though. She was so intrigued by the site that she couldn't tear her gaze away from it no matter how hard she tried (which admittedly wasn't very hard). She watched him as he continued moving his claw up and down as he slowly began to increase the speed of his strokes.

His sighs of approval slowly transitioned to moans of what she could only gather were pleasure. He moved his other claw away from the base of his shaft and brought it next to the other one where he began using both to stroke his flesh. His breathing became almost labored as he increased his pace, and he began slowly moving his hips upward as he brought his claws downward.

She watched intently as he tossed his head back, moaned loudly and thrust his hips high into the air. A white substance then began shooting out from the tip of his member. It landed on the ground in front of him in tiny piles as it continued to come out. Shortly after it started, the flow of the mysterious white substance slowed, and he let his hands drop to his sides as he fell back slowly onto his back to regain his breath.

As he lay there panting, she watched his maleness slowly shrink back into his body until all that was left visible was his protective sheath. She decided to take this opportunity to get back to the cave so as to remain unnoticed. As quickly as she dared to move without possibly alerting him to her presence, she made her way through the dark back to the fire-lit cave, and lay back down careful to position herself in the same orientation as when he had left her. She tried to go to sleep, but she couldn't get her mind off of the scene she had just witnessed. She had never even heard of a male doing that, let alone actually seeing it. Had he been doing that every night? If so, why the big secret and why was he doing it? He obviously liked it given the sounds he was making throughout all of it. Should she confront him about it when he gets back to the cave? But it was with that part of his body, so it had to be something private, and he probably wouldn't be comfortable discussing it having only known her for a short amount of time.

Her thoughts were halted as she heard him returning to the cave, stepping lightly obviously so as not to wake her. When he stopped moving, she could see through her closed eyes that the light in the cave was dimming, so she could only assume that he was putting out the fire. After a little while, she heard him back away from her before settling down on the ground. Within moments, she heard his breathing become steady, and she gathered that he had finally fallen asleep.

She decided to keep it a secret that she had spied on him, at least for now. Maybe she would bring it up after they had been together for longer, but for now, she didn't want to chance the only friendship she ever had all because her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She still had a plethora of questions on what she saw, but maybe if she was careful with her words, she would be able to get him to explain it without explicitly saying that she had watched him. Content with what she would do, her mind settled down and she concentrated on listening to his steady breathing, and within a few moments, she too joined him in restful slumber.