Family Bonds: Chapter 5

Story by Nogard on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

They had done so much with each other and learned so much about the world around them through their experiences that they weren't sure if they could learn any more. All of their memories together brought joy to their hearts. But they both agreed that the day Drek and Seria were hatched was the most treasured memory of both of their lives.

Dacus said, "Mmm, it's nice thinking about how fortunate we are."

"We've got each other, a nice place to live, and the kids."

"Speaking of the kids, you said that they were gone for the whole day?"

"Yeah, they're playing at the river. Why do you ask?"

He smiled suspiciously and continued, "You mean the two of us have this entire big secluded cave to ourselves for the entire rest of the day?"

She picked up on what he was implying and retorted, "You can't go one day without some attention can you?"

"Hey, I've been good recently, and I've been saving up for you."


"Aww, come on love. We haven't had some real alone time together since before the kids were still eggs inside of you."

"And you think that I want another egg in me? Absolutely not."

"B-but, it's not mating season anymore, and it hasn't been for a good while. There's no risk."

She shook her head firmly in response

"I think you've forgotten how much you like it, heh."

It was true that she hadn't experienced that kind of pleasure in far too long. The thought of doing that while she had the eggs inside of her just didn't really appeal to her that much, neither did it when they were incubating them. And it just seemed... wrong to her to do it while the kids could even remotely witness it or hear them, and she never felt safe leaving them alone so they could have their time together. Why was she so hesitant now when they had a golden opportunity?

"I know you're considering it." he said smugly. He persisted, "Come on, there are no risks, the kids are gone, and it's been too long and you know it."

As if needing some sort of justification for caving into his idea, she had to ask one more thing, "But what if the kids come back early?"

"Pssht, them? Come back before they have to? You know as well as I do that those two are just like we were. They won't be back until we're practically threatening to drag them back."

"Hmm... Well... It has been a long time... Alright, you talked me into it. But you have to promise me something."

"Heh, sure thing love. What's that?"

"I don't know when we're going to get another opportunity like this, so it better last and it better be good."

These words excited him, and he could already feel his arousal rising in more ways than one. "Heh, well, if you insist. I'm sure I can help out on that."

She glanced down and saw that his member was already beginning to poke out of his sheath and it was getting larger every second. He seemed to be more eager than usual, most likely because they hadn't had their alone time in such a long while. She decided to tease him a bit, and she backed up toward one of the walls of the cave and sat down, spreading her legs and presenting her sex for him to see.

"Mrrr. I like what I'm seeing there."

"Well, that's pretty obvious." she chuckled as she cast a quick glance at his now fully hardened pokehood. It had been a while since she had seen him in his full glory, so she had slightly forgotten what he looked like fully aroused. The sight only fueled her on even more to the idea of mating with him. It really had been too long and now she was almost just as eager as he was.

He closed the distance between them and stood right in front of her, his crotch just below eye level. She stared at his member, and it quivered in the air almost as if any stimulation would send him over the edge. It hadn't been more than a few seconds, but he was already leaking some of that slippery substance out of the tip and it was starting to slide down the underside of his shaft, making its way to the base.

She reached out a claw and grasped his member and stroked it, coating the shaft in the natural lubricant. From her first touch, his shaft twitched almost violently, and his body shuddered at the stimulation. He thrust forward a little bit and moaned loudly. He then felt an all too familiar sensation take over his body that caught him by complete surprise.

"Uh... uh oh..."

She looked up at him, puzzled by what he meant. She was about to ask what was wrong before she got her answer. His member tensed up in her grip and then began to spasm as he started releasing his seed. She wasn't sure what to make of the situation, and she remained where she was, just holding onto him until he was finished.

When he was finished, she looked up at him and said, "... I barely touched you..."

Even though he didn't think it was possible given his dark orange complexion, his face turned almost scarlet in his embarrassment. He looked down at her and scratched his head in confusion before managing to say, "Heh, well... I did say that I had been good recently and hadn't done that in a while."

She sighed, "You're pathetic you know that?"

"Hey, at least now I can make it last longer for you, heh."

"I guess there is that. Well, I'm ready whenever you are; and from the looks of it, you're still pretty ready."

Despite the fact that he had just released his seed, his maleness continued to stand at attention. It had been a while for him, so he still had some seed to expel, and he would be more than happy to mate with her to get rid of it.

She leaned back, exposing herself to him again. He took in the sight again, longingly as his member gave an approving pulse. He crouched down a bit and lined his lubricated flesh up with her opening, touching his tip to her sensitive flesh. He leaned forward and braced himself on her shoulders. He looked her in the eyes lustfully and licked the tip of her nose before pushing himself slowly into her. The two moaned together as he filled her insides with his flesh. The feeling was wonderful for her; she couldn't believe that she had willingly given up something this pleasurable for so long.

He continued pressing his body forward slowly until he had completely hilted her. He licked her nose again which she returned with a satisfied sigh as she was completely filled by his length. He smiled at her, knowing that she was enjoying this immensely, and he was going to enjoy it as well. He pulled back slightly and thrust back into her fully before staying connected to her again.

She squirmed underneath him and said, "Oh, stop teasing me."

"You said to make it long and good; if you want me to go all out, all you have to do is say so, and you know I'll be happy to oblige, heh."

"Come on, I'll admit it, I need this more than you d-aaaah"

Her statement was cut short as he began to hump her, driving his length deep within her with each thrust. Every movement he made seemed to pump pure pleasure into her. Her mind was swimming in an ocean of euphoria as she felt her peak closing in on her rapidly. Her muscles pulsed, massaging his entire length with every forward movement. Her gentle, rhythmic massaging quickly turned to sporadic spasms as she began to lose full control of herself as her climax was almost upon her.

She started shoving her hips toward him every time he thrust forward, desperate to feel something deeper inside of her. Her claws were making scratch marks in the ground of the cave and her legs shifted uncontrollably as every muscle in her body seemed to ignore her. She was doing everything she could to reach her peak, and then she felt the long-dormant sensation flow down to her nether region.

She wrapped her legs around his sides and around his back and pulled him in tightly into her as her muscles clenched tightly around his length. The two moaned together in a cacophonous harmony as she had her climax and he had his member tightly enclosed inside of her. Her muscles sporadically and rapidly massaged his entire length as they desperately tried to coax his seed out of him.

He was still holding himself back however, and he merely stayed hilted to her, enjoying every pleasurable second as he felt his lover quiver in delight below him. It took her a good while to come down off of her high as she had not experienced a climax in far too long. When she was finished, she panted in bliss and affectionately licked his muzzle back the same way he had done to her.

She said after she retracted her tongue, "Aah, I definitely needed that more than I thought. I almost forgot how good this felt.... Thank you for talking me into it."

"Heh, anytime. I'm still raring to go if you want me to continue."

She looked down as his member still rock hard and still very much buried inside of her, waiting for release. She answered him by rocking her hips back and shoving them back up, meeting his crotch with her own.

"Mrrr, I guess that's my cue to keep going." He pulled back and thrust his hips forward again.

"Mmm, oooh yeah, keep it, nnng, up."

He continued his thrusts, gradually increasing his pace the longer he went. He had missed mating with her so much, and the feelings he was experiencing did not disappoint in the slightest. Every movement he made was greeted by something from her that sent his body into pure euphoria. His body began to shudder slightly as his pace had increased dramatically. He was getting close to releasing his seed a second time, and he was definitely eager to get there.

Below him, she was wriggling in ecstasy as his length teased her and filled her every second. She had long ago lost control of her voice, and she was now loudly moaning out with each movement. Her tail flame twitched uncontrollably, and her wings folded and unfolded themselves on their own. She could feel another climax coming, and she was hoping in the very distant part of her mind that was still rationally thinking that he would last long enough to bring her over that peak.

He was grunting in pleasure as his body readied itself to release his second load of seed for the day. He felt the pressure in his nether region increasing as he realized it would only be a few moments more before his body would succumb to his needs. Her moans echoed across the cave walls sonorously as she felt that familiar feeling rush to her nether region again. She gripped whatever she could of the ground and arched her back high into the air as her second climax rushed through her system.

Her muscles clamped down tightly on his member, keeping it in place as his member began twitching violently inside of her. His seed erupted out of the tip of his flesh and flooded her insides immediately. Each spurt of his seed began to overflow around his shaft, coating their undersides white. He roared out, his voice adding to the already voluminous amount of noise from her loud moans, causing the ground to vibrate below as the sound reverberated off the cave walls.

He collapsed on top of her, and joined her in trying to catch their breath. His shaft was still releasing the little bit of seed he had left to give as it began to soften and shrink back into its protective sheath. He hugged her warmly and nuzzled her cheek with his own as his member exited her and slid back into his body. She returned the affection the same way as the two held each other closely and lovingly in their post coital bliss.

He licked her cheek as he always did, and said, "That was wonderful love."

She smiled at him and rubbed his back gently with her claws, "Yes it was. Thank you again for talking me into it."

"Heh, I'll try to talk you into mating every day if it's always this great."

"Mmm, I might be able to get used to this again."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Awww, looks like we stumbled upon a pair of lovers."

The two turned their heads toward the entrance of the cave, and there stood the silhouette of three pokemon. The one in the center was a nidoking, and on either side of him was an arbok. All three of them were staring at the two intently, and the nidoking seemed to be laughing.

Dacus got up off of Leanna and turned to face the trio. "This cave is taken; find somewhere else to go."

The arbok on the right responded, "But we likesss thisss cave."

Dacus figured that the situation would not get resolved as peacefully as he had hoped. Before he could think too much, the nidoking stepped forward. He smelled the air for a bit and then began to laugh almost hysterically. Dacus looked at Leanna a little unsure of what to make of his action, but the nidoking spoke up after he got ahold of himself.

He said, "I can't believe it. This is that same charmeleon from over a year ago. And I'm guessing you are that other one that caught me off guard that day."

Dacus was confused. He was certain that the two of them had never encountered a nidoking before. Was he mistaken? Then it dawned on him; that had to be the same nidorino that had tried to have his way with Leanna the day after the two had met. But how did the nidoking recognize the two of them since they had both evolved? He then had a realization; the nidoking had first found her by her scent during mating season. Maybe since the two of them had just mated, her scent of arousal was strong enough for him to pick up on it. Regardless of how he recognized the two, there was definitely going to be some tension to resolve.

The nidoking spoke up again, "I haven't forgotten that day. You were the first pokemon to get the better of me, and you only did so because I didn't know you were there."

"Serves you right for what you tried to do to her."

"Big talk, but can you back it up?"

One of the arboks opened his mouth and a cascade of poisonous strings shot out at lightning speed toward him. He gasped and dove out of the way as the attack flew past him, ricocheting off the rock wall behind him. He shot a threatening look at the three as he got back to his feet.

The nidoking spoke up, "We're going to make you pay for what you did to me that day."

"If it's a fight you want, I'll give you one. But let's do it outside."

"So you can fly around? Forget it. We settle this right here while that bitch of yours watches you fail."

Dacus' anger rose instantly, and he opened his mouth and shot a fire blast directly at the nidoking in front of him in rage. The three moved with surprising quickness as they avoided his attack almost like it was nothing. He was a little taken aback by their speed, but that didn't stop him from saying what came to his mind. "Don't you ever call her a bitch again or I'll strangle you with your own slithering accomplices."

Leanna looked on in shock. She had never seen him get mad before, and the sight frightened her. She had always known Dacus to be the strongest pokemon she had ever met, but even she was unsettled by the situation in which the two were at the moment.

The nidoking responded, "Testy are we. I'll make you eat those words. Get him."

The two arboks slithered across the cave floor in opposite directions and headed toward the battle-ready charizard from both sides. He kept his gaze fixed on the nidoking in front of him as his carefully kept track of the arboks' movements in his peripheral vision. He noted that the arbok on his right was lunging at him, fangs bared, and the other was going for his leg. He pivoted, and swiped his left claw at the right arbok, connecting with the serpent's face, and sending him flying through the air. He flipped his flame tail quickly across the ground as he turned, hitting the other in the side just hard enough to put him out of range of the attack.

He turned toward the arbok that he hit with his claw and flapped his wings extremely quickly creating a gust of air that pushed the arbok along the ground and slammed him into the wall behind him. The arbok cursed loudly as he tried to shake off the pain that was coursing through his body. He arbok looked up and stared Dacus in the eyes evilly. He panicked and turned his gaze away quickly. He knew that arboks have an ability to paralyze their opponents by making eye contact from something his dad had taught him so long ago, and he never forgot it. Good thing too, because this was a perfect time not to get paralyzed.

He turned to face the other arbok that was in the same line of sight as the nidoking that continued to stand at the cave entrance. If the nidoking was the one with the score to settle, why was he just waiting there watching the fight ensue? It didn't make any sense, but he didn't have time to ponder it. The arbok in front of him was slowly slithering from side to side, but otherwise not attacking him, but why wasn't he attacking?

It suddenly dawned on him that he was trying to distract him. He turned quickly to face the other arbok but was too late as he was hit in the wing by a large amount of acid. The corrosive liquid pained him greatly as it ate away at his sensitive flesh. Leanna cried out in concern as the attack hit, worried that he might be hurt. She didn't know what she would do if he failed to beat the trio. She was nowhere near as strong as her mate, and she had not fought since she had met him; there was just no need to while he was there to protect her.

He shot a flamethrower at his attacker which hit him directly in the side, engulfing his body in a small inferno. He then felt a sharp pain on his leg as he turned back to locate the source of his discomfort. The other arbok had bitten him and was still holding on with a death grip. Dacus opened his mouth again and shot another flamethrower at his feet, unleashing a cascade of searing hot flames upon the serpent foe.

The arbok screamed out in pain as he released his leg. He then slithered back toward the nidoking quickly to escape the shower of fire, cursing at his now badly burned body. Dacus glanced behind him to check on the other arbok only to see him still lying against the wall, unmoving and smoke coming from his serpent body. He must have passed out from the pain.

Despite the beating that he had just dealt to the two cobra pokemon, the nidoking simply smiled back. "Not bad, but you're no match for my strength." he said confidently. He then roared loudly and the horn on his head began to spin like a drill. He lowered his head and charged the fire dragon. He braced himself to cope with the impact that was sure to come. As the distance between them grew smaller and smaller, he tensed up to absorb the shock.

"DACUS!" she yelled out in desperation, but it was too late. Dacus gritted his teeth and groaned as unbearable pain shot through his tail. The arbok behind him that he had taken to be out of commission had slithered toward him and now was locked onto his tail with a vice grip, his teeth sinking deeply into the flesh. The act was enough to distract him, and before he knew it, the weight of the nidoking crashed into him. The spinning horn pierced his flesh and he slung his head back and cried out in the loudest roar he had ever roared.

The pain he felt from the nidoking's horn was crippling, and he fell to his knees when the ground type backed up, pulling out his horn. He looked down at the ground panting heavily as his blood started to leak out of his chest. The arbok behind him released his tail, but he didn't notice because of the crippling pain he was in. Every breath he took pained him greatly, and he was starting to feel weak.

The nidoking laughed maliciously and said, "You are pathetic." He then pointed to one of his snake accomplices though Dacus didn't see that as he was still panting at the ground. "You, make sure he can see, and make sure he doesn't move. And you, "he said pointing to the other arbok, "get her ready." He then turned back to face the injured charizard and said, "You are going to watch as I claim my prize that you made me lose so long ago."

Dacus' vision started to fade in and out as one of the snake pokemon slithered toward him and wrapped its body around his chest tightly, stopping his blood for the moment, and he used the tip of his tail to push his head up so that he could watch his mate. He stared at her helpless as she panicked as the other arbok slinked its way toward her. The snake locked eyes with her and a bluish flash filled the cave as her body stiffened from paralysis. She looked on in fear as the poison pokemon closed the distance between them and opened its deathly jaws, sinking its razor teeth deep into her shoulder causing her to scream out in agony. After he had done that, he slithered away, leaving her paralyzed and in pain.

The nidoking stepped forward and began to rub his sheath, drawing out his shaft. When he was fully hard, he straddled the defenseless fire type and rammed his length into her. She cried out again in pain, but was unable to do anything because of her paralyzed state. Dacus looked on enraged as he was powerless to do anything as he was too weak from the blow to his chest to dislodge himself from the snake's constriction.

The nidoking was grunting heavily as he slammed his body into hers. As he continued thrusting into her, the two arboks began to laugh at the helplessness of the two fire types. She began crying as she was powerless to stop the torment that she was going through. She also began to feel extremely light headed and she was struggling just to stay conscious.

Dacus tried to summon up the energy to shoot a flamethrower at the ground type, but no matter what he did, he couldn't muster up the necessary breath. Maybe it was the pain in his chest or the tight hold the arbok had on him, but whatever it was, he was unable to do so. He tried to move his tail so as to burn the snake with its tip, but the bite he had received to it must have broken something or paralyzed the muscles in it because he couldn't move it even the slightest bit. Realizing that he was completely powerless to do anything to help his mate, he looked on as tears began to roll down his face.

The nidoking picked up his pace and began moaning loudly. His thrusts started to become sporadic, and then his tail stiffened as he let out a long, deafening roar. His member began to spasm inside of her, and his seed rocketed out, filling her insides. When he was finished, he sighed contentedly and pulled out of her, his shaft retreating back into his body. He then said to his partners in crime, "Let's get out of here and leave these two to think about what happened." He then turned toward Dacus and said, "I told you I would get revenge for what you did to me."

The nidoking laughed triumphantly and maniacally as he turned toward the cave entrance and began walking away. The arbok holding him hostage released him and followed the other out of the cave, and the three were out of sight in no time as they turned outside the cave.

Dacus clutched his chest as the blood from his wound began to seep out again at an alarming rate. He didn't have the strength to stand, but he used up the last of his energy to crawl to his mate. She was having a difficult time staying awake as the arbok that bit her must have injected her body with poison. They were both crying in both pain and helplessness. Her body regained control of her muscles just as Dacus reached her, but she remained unmoving until she felt him. He fell upon her chest, hugging her weakened body, and she wrapped her arms around him.

He was sobbing uncontrollably as he tried desperately to speak. He managed to say in his labored breathing, "I'm...sorry..."

She began weeping as well but said back to him, "Don't be... It's.... not.... your... fault."

He was having the hardest time maintaining consciousness as he struggled to say what he desperately needed to say, "I.... I.... love...."

She responded through her sobs, "I... love... you... too."

She then felt the worst feeling of her entire life. The charmeleon she had met so long ago, who had protected her, who had evolved with her, who had produced two wonderful kids with her, now lay completely motionless on top of her. His breathing had stopped, and she could no longer feel his warm, loving heart beating against her body.

All the feeling went out of her body, and she wailed in agony. She continued crying and crying until all of her strength had left her. The poison from the bite had now enveloped her entire body, and she lay there underneath his body, trembling as she felt her consciousness leave her. She thought about their life together, and how she had been the happiest pokemon in the world. Everything that she had lived for was fading away into the darkness. Her eyes closed and her mind slowly left her until she too lay there unmoving.

The silence of death permeated throughout the cave. Their bodies remained immortally locked together as a sign of their undying love for each other. Their tail flames had flickered out as their life extinguished. The cave that had once been filled with the joy of a happy fire family now had nothing... Nothing.

Family Bonds: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Innocent laughter could be heard echoing through the forest. Rapid footsteps echoed playfully through the trees followed by more giggling and shouting. The butterfree in the area flew overhead surveying the source of the...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Dacus laughed as he was reminded of that morning so long ago. He said, "I won't lie; that was one of the best mornings I've ever had, heh." Leanna smiled innocently and nuzzled his cheek playfully. "Well, I do have a...

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Family Bonds: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 A few minutes after the two cheerful charmanders had left the cave, the sound of something heavy hitting the ground caught Leanna's attention. She stared toward the entrance to the cave until the familiar silhouette of her loving...

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