Tank - Part 3 - Last Chance for Coach

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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#1 of Tank

Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Thanks for choosing to read my story! Please enjoy it. If you have any comments, feel free to post them or e-mail me at [email protected]

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Tank - Last Chance for Coach

By Komatose © 2010

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A loud, shrill whistle cut the air, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and turned their heads in the direction of the source of the sound. A large, track pants and cap clad polar bear waved at everyone to make sure their attention was on him

"Alright! That's it for today, put the equipment away and get changed!"

All of the bodies, big, small, thin, and fat started to hustle, grabbing basketballs, jump ropes, footballs, and any other gear used that day and rushing it over to the equipment closet, putting it away and heading into the designated locker rooms for the different genders.

Coach Hardie made his way into his office to look over his attendance sheet and check his marks for the students, the lazy ones that sat around and did nothing getting big zeros and the ones that actually used the equipment and did something getting fives for participation.

"Damn Perkins...kid always manages to fuck something up..."

The middle-age polar bear sat back in his chair, huge paws behind his head and sighed. He looked around at the wall in his office, pictures and medals of his high school and college days where he was on the football and wrestling teams, all faded images of the past, he just was not good enough to go pro, so he figured he would start where all of that began and be coach a high school football team, but that also meant he would have to teach physical education. The job was decent, the pay was alright, but it was really boring. Most of the kids he came across had no idea what physical activity was, he watched kids get fatter and fatter through the years, it was really disappointing.

"Why can't these kids be like me back in the day, they don't know shit anymore, little fatasses..."

He peeked to his left and looked out of the window that looked into the boy's locker room, about three dozen young men were changing, being loud, rambunctious, and rude. Only a few of them were good specimen of what physically fit should look like, most of them being on the football or some other sports team, however, one of these students was bigger than most of them yet did not play any sports at all. He always wondered what drove that kid to get so damn big...

Tank sighed to himself, he felt as if someone was watching...but he always felt that, no matter where he was, he was such an eyesore to some, his huge body got him so much attention in any situation, but he was fine with it, he liked the attention. That craving to gain attention fueled his desire to get bigger, not to mention perfect genetics that helped his body gain muscle so fast. The only kind of attention he did not like was jealousy, some guys would be disgusted with him because he was bigger than they could ever be, but its not like they could do anything, picking a one-on-one fight with him was something no one could win unless they were bigger, and not many were.

Tank gave his thigh a scratch, hated having to wear underwear at school, it confined him and was very uncomfortable, he loved having himself free, and would always be naked at home on weekends when his mom worked, not caring if his little brother saw, he could cover his eyes if he didn't want to see him. He slipped off his gym shorts, leaving himself in his loose boxers, it was too hot for tighter underwear, though he did like how it would show off a bit more.

Was he being watched now? Yes, and by the person in charge of the class, Coach Hardie was leaning way back in his chair and looking out of the open door now, his eye completely focused on Tank's firm muscled ass. Coach was not gay, or at least he would never admit it. Sure, he had a wife and kids, but damn, some of these guys were so damn hot, he could not help being curious, checking out another guy back in his day came at a big cost if you were caught.

"God damn...I wish I had a body like that back then..."

Coach's big, black lips were curled in a smile, man...he had heard some rumors about Rory, or as the kids called him, Tank, rumors about how he was not afraid to show off and cure and bouts of curiosity. Damn it! Why was he thinking like that, he had never done anything with a student before, but it did sound thrilling! In fact, it was starting to make him hard in his track pants, thinking about toying with that specimen of peak physical fitness. He quickly turned to the calendar, May had just begun and he had little precious time to get him to himself before he graduated and would lose the chance forever.

Tank shut his locker, now back in his normal clothes, he was ready to head out to his next class, the second to last and then his day would be over and he could go back home. As he passed the coach's office, he felt those eyes upon him, and he just knew something would be happening soon, and to be honest, it felt like it might be fun.

"C'mon, Rory, open the door! I need to use the bathroom!"

Tank fumbled for the keys to the house in his pants, since his mom was not home to open it for them. He managed to find the keys and quickly opened the door, letting his little brother go in first, quickly throwing his book bag to the floor and running off to the restroom.

"Shoulda gone in school, bro."

Tank just shrugged after he said that, as his little brother was already relieving his bladder, apparently, he was now talking to himself. He routinely made his way to his room and grabbed the duffle bag that had been waiting for him all day, stepping out of the room, he turned to the bathroom door.

"Bro, I'm going to the gym, be back later."

Marshall was washing his paws as he heard this, turning to the door and replying.

"Alright! Get huge!"

Tank smiled softly and made his way out of the door and got on the sidewalk that would lead him to the gym.

Marshall peaked his head out of the bathroom and stepped out, taking his attention to his big brother's bedroom door. Slowly, as if he was being watched, he opened the door and made his way in to look around. He deeply inhaled the air and could smell his brother's scent. He looked around the room to see where it was all coming from, and the half-full clothes hamper caught his attention. The pit quietly padded over to it and opened the hamper, an even stronger wave of musk and scent hitting his nose. He looked at the selection of clothing inside and grabbed a pair of underwear and slowly lifted it out. He took a look inside, the black pair of boxer-briefs had a huge, flaky patch of thin, white substance on the crotch, this could only mean one thing. Marshall blushed as he lifted the underwear to his nostrils and gave it a deep sniff, his brother's scent traveling through his lungs and making a small whimper and a murr come out as he exhaled, he really adored his older brother, much more than just admired, he loved him.

Tank kept his mind empty as he lifted weights, only focusing on the count as pushed the bench press bar up over and over. The weights would always feel as if they were getting lighter, he hoped he would not have to find a bigger gym that had more to offer, it would suck since he did not have a car to get around. The bar clinked back into the arms of the bench loudly and the massive pit sat back up, huffing and puffing, his already huge arms sore from the workout, and he was only half done.

"Hey, Rory!"

A voice called to him from across the room, a tall dragon came from around the front desk of the gym and made his way over to him. Tank just gave him a small smile, he knew who this dragon was, his name was Ian and he went to school with him, not only that, Ian's dad ran the gym.

"Oh, hey Ian...you can all me Tank if you want to."

Ian smiled and stretched his back, letting his strong wings out to flap a for a moment and stir up some air, the breeze from them did feel good on Tank's sweaty fur.

"Heh, sorry, used to hearing the teachers call you by name. Looks like you had a good workout, wish I could borrow some of those genetics."

Ian lifted up his arms, the tank-top he was wearing showed of his frame quite nicely, the red dragon was no where near as big as Tank, but where he lacked in muscle he had height, his strong scales stretched over his defined form. Tank smiled as he looked Ian over, he was one hot dragon, and surprisingly, he had never mad a single lewd advance on him like most curious guys, he was a really good guy.

"Not everyone can have them, my genes fit me well, they are kind of tight sometimes..."

Ian chucked and flapped his wings again, Tank grunted softly as the cool air hit him again.

Tank found out that the husky he had the run in with a few weeks ago cancelled his membership tot he gym, no surprise, most of the guys would never show up again after having their fill. He had yet to see Colton again, he still went to the gym, he figured just bad timing kept them from making eye contact again. All he could figure out was when the next time someone was going to get curious with him.

It was now Friday, the students all could not help to be happy that it was the last day of the school week and it would mean two days off to do whatever they wanted to on the weekend.

It seemed like it was just another gym class to Tank, nothing strange or out-of-the-ordinary happened...yet. The loud whistle of Coach Hardie loudly screamed throughout the gym, and like any normal day, all of the students made their way to the locker rooms to change.

Tank felt the eyes on him again, someone was watching his every move...and it was coming through an open door in the front of the locker room. The polar bear was watching Tank's every more, his paws were sweaty and he was panting a bit, today was going to be the day that he got that overly-muscled teen into his office, he hoped the rumors were true, there were so many of them, it had to be!

The huge pit changed into his tightly-fitting street clothes, unfortunately having to wear underwear again, the hairs on the back of his neck still standing up, his senses alert. Slowly, he made his way to the exit of the locker room, most of the other students were already changed and outside at the main doors of the gym, waiting for the bell to ring. Coach was in his office, a single eye fixated on Tank, his head tilted toward his computer screen, trying to act like he was not completely watching the huge pit bull.

Tank walked a few feet from the door, and a deep, booming voice called to out to him.

"Hey, Rory!"

He stopped dead in his tracks, he hated that the coach called all the students by first names, never a nickname, that was only for the football players to have nicknames. He turned his head and peered into the office.

"Yeah, Coach?"

The polar bear turned to him, a slight grin on his face as he motioned for him to enter.

"Get in here, son, I got some quick questions for you."

Rory sighed a bit, and entered the office, taking a quick look around at all of the coach's trophies, picture, and other memorabilia. He turned his attention to the polar bear, wondering what this was all about, but in the back of his mind, had a good idea.

"What's up, Coach? Something the matter."

Coach Hardie motioned him in further, beckoning him with a finger.

"Go ahead and close the door, son, this is kind of private matters."

Tank felt a bunch of signals go off now, the blinds on the door and the window were shut, and he knew there would be no gym class after this one, this was kind of a set up for something to happen, and it felt a bit thrilling. He turned around and closed the door behind him, now shut in the room with the seven-foot polar bear who was twice his age.

"Thanks for coming in, Rory, I just wanted to have a friendly chat with you about your current performance and your future."

Tank huffed a bit, what was this about? He knew he was getting an A in the class because he participated like a normal student should, maybe it was about college or something? Nah, he knew what this was about, he just figured...Coach? Really?

"I wanted to ask you about what you wanted to do in college, boy. I've known throughout the years that you have not been able to play on the football team due to financial issues, and yeah, it is kinda expensive, especially at this damn school."

Coach stood up, Tank smelled the air and could smell his scent, it was unusually strong. The polar bear made his way over to a tall, brown filing cabinet and pulled out some papers after rummaging around for a little bit.

"Yeah...My mom could not afford the hundred-dollar equipment deposit, but, it's alright, really."

The coach ignored him and kept rummaging, faking to look for the document he knew did not even exist.

"Well shoot, I can't find it, son...I was going to get you a brochure about the colleges in the area that focus on sports, like football."

Tank sighed a bit, he took another deep inhale, smelling the coaches scent, it smelled really good. Coach was really wasting his time, Tank knew what he wanted to do in college and this was all pointless, what the hell did coach want? Tank had an idea, and he was going to start something to make sure. The big pit bull had the ability to give himself an erection at basically any moment, all he had to do was focus his mind and he could get his cock hard as a rock. He look another look around the room as the coach sat back in his chair and spotted those pictures of him in high school, he imagined his coach's nude body, mixed with the strong scent he was giving off and instantly he started to tingle in his crotch, his tip already quickly rising and poking from his sheath.

Coach Hardie continued to go on about the benefits of physical activity, how important it was to do sports in college and how it would make him look good, and he could even become a professional athlete if he was good enough, however, Tank heard none of it, oh, how he wanted to just grind his sheath into something to get harder faster, shifting left and right on his foot paws and biting his lower lip, feeling his hard on press into his pants and start to tent up a little bit.

The polar bear's speech started to slow a little bit as he looked down at Tank's crotch from behind the desk, clearly, one of his focal points during the discussion, his chest letting out a shallow contented growl.

"Uuuuhmm...yeah, anyway, if you apply for financial aid with college, it can cover charges and deposits for equipment and such, so there will be nothing to worry about..."

Tank panted a bit, thinking about very yiffy things in his mind and trying his best to get his ten-incher nice and hard to see where coach would be focusing. He just kept watching the bear's eyes, and sure enough, they were looking right at the tent in his pants, Tank smirked and gave himself an adjustment, not caring if the coach was watching, making sure his hard cock was hanging to the right in his pants, making a bulge across his waistline.

"And...you clearly are in good physical shape...you got a...really big body, something guys your age work ages for and sometimes can never get...yeah...you are...pretty big all over, son..."

Tank just smiled wide, it was so funny to hear the coach stammer, trying not to stare at his boner in his pants, he could tell the guy was getting turned on, the scent got stronger in the air he was breathing heavily, the bear's chest rising faster and his nostrils flaring.

"Yeah, I guess I am pretty big for my age, I can tell by your old photo's that you would have liked to be this big...guess it was good breeding."

Coach could barely contain himself, why was this kid getting hard, it was so distracting, but he wanted more! This was making him really nervous and he wanted to just reach out and grab his cock and play with it, but this was crazy, maybe he was going too far.

"Heh, yeah...you really are...well endowed, son."

Coach's brow started to sweat, Tank was smirking at him, licking his lips and just having a good time torturing the curious teacher. Once again, his paw gave his bulge a tight squeeze, rubbing over it a few times, a small spot of pre already starting to show through his desert camo shorts.

"You got that right coach...in fact...would you like to give me a physical evaluation?"

Tank just watched the teacher's cheeks turn a little red, easy to see through his snow white fur, the heat was really starting to rise in the room, coach was breathing even heavier now, his heart racing a mile a minute.

"Umm...what exactly do you mean...son?"

Coach lifted his paw and gave a tug his shirt collar, letting out some heat, his eyes just watching the crotch and the pre stain grow.

"Here, let me show you..."

Tank wasted no time in undoing his pants, the polar bear inhaling deeply and watching, grunting a bit as Tank opened fly in his pants, the tent his underwear made springing straight up, and then with a swift maneuver of his paw, his underwear being pulled away from his cock and the ten-inch rod of stiff meat flopping out and slapping onto the coach's desk, a spurt of pre-cum splattering onto the wooden surface, his potent scent filling the room.

"You can start with inspecting my cock."

Coach's eyes almost burst from his skull when the canine's cock slap his desk with a loud, dull thud, this also made his cock almost instantly hard, his gym shorts growing and his jaw hanging wide open.

"Wow...you really are big all over, ain'tcha boy..."

Tank gave his own cock a stroke, lifting it from the desk and rubbing it in front of coach, moaning softy and grunting, letting his pants fall to his knees and then lifting his shirt to reveal the deeply cut eight-pack he had, rubbing over it and just teasing the poor bear now.

"C'mon, coach, touch me, I know you want to, you can do anything you want to."

Coach's big paw reached forward, and Tank leaned in, his eyes watching the paw as it readily reached for him, smiling wide and waiting for the contact, and when the paw grasped his meat, he let out a very deep guttural moan, making the coach's paw jump. Tank growled a bit and grabbed the coaches paw, the bear did not resist as he placed the paw on his abs and flexed them, running the older male's paw down his torso then placing it onto his low dangling ball sack.

"Squeeze them, coach, it makes me so hot..."

Coach Hardie was preing in his pants now, giving the soft, white sac a gentle squeeze, the muscled pit moaning in satisfaction and a long strand of pre oozing out to run down the underside of his cock, the bear lifting his paw to catch it with a claw and bring it to his muzzle and lick it, the taste was very satisfying, and he actually wanted more.

"Damn, kid...You are something else..."

Tank sighed at the teacher's slowness and lack of interesting things to say. He stepped up closer, his cock bobbing and dripping pre onto the coach's gym shorts.

"Suck my cock, coach, you've wanted to do this for so long, and now you have the chance..."

Coach licked his thick black lips as they neared the throbbing cock, more heavy scent hit his nose, making him want it even more, almost drooling a bit as he gave the tip a slow, curious lick, tasting it and realizing that it was not bad at all, so he gave it a couple more licks, all to Tank's satisfaction as his chest murred low.

Tank reached for coach's head and placed his strong paws on the back of his head, his fingertips ruffling through his short, salt and pepper head fur and his smile beaming brightly as the coach was beginning to give him oral sex, he probably would not be that good, but oh well.

"Yeah, suck it, coach, give it some more tongue...you like the taste of my pre?"

The polar bear gave him a grunt of satisfaction and wrapped his thick lips around the tip and gave the canine penis a good suckle, the pre gulping down the back of his throat and coating his tongue in a warm, slick layer and making him want more. He pressed his head on further, taking more of the cock into his wide muzzle and bobbing his head slowly now, he figured this would be easy after having watched his wife do this for years. He remembered what the pit said about his balls, so he gave them a good tug and a squeeze, making the dog bark and moan from the touch.

"Ooooh yeah, coach...Mmm...You are doing really good..."

Tank grinned wide, deciding to test if the coach was able to handle was he had been dying to do, and with a swift push of the coach's head, he slammed the muzzle down on his cock, the coach, of course, was unable to take it and started to gag, his paws gripped Tank's thick thighs and squeezed them as he gargled on the ten-inch shaft, Tank taking the opportunity to thrust in and out of the bear's maw a couple of times before the bear managed to pull himself away and cough, wiping his lips with his wrist and gasping.

"What the fuck!...*cough*...are you tryin' to choke me?"

Tank just crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side.

"C'mon, coach, I know tons of guys that were able to handle that, what's the matter?"

Coach just looked up at him and grunted, he knew he did not want to be outdone by others, how difficult could this be? He wrapped his lips around again and gave a few bobs before taking a big, deep breath and pushing his head down as far as he could go, he could not manage to take the whole thing, but he got about three-fourths of it in by himself.

"Good job, coach, keep going, it's making me real hot..."

Tank was lying, this was very boring, as was most of the one-time encounters, sure, it felt good to be sucked off, but his paw was actually a better partner than an inexperienced muzzle. Coach did his best, sucking roughly and finally using his tongue to lick around the shaft inside of his wide muzzle, pulling off and licking the tip and focusing on it, knowing that was his favorite part to have played with. Tank kept moaning, loudly, though most of it for show as he twisted his nipples, making the coach look like he was doing a good job.

"Oooh coach...that's so hot...you are going to make me cum so hard...Mmm..."

Tank's deep voice echoed off the walls of the small office, no one was in the gym as the bell rang ages ago, the last class of the day in progress, Tank did not care, it was a study hall anyway. The bear sucked harder and faster, moving back to the balls to tug and squeeze them, and then realized they were bigger than his own, and it upset him a little bit how a kid half his age was better endowed than him, however, he could not deny the raging erection he managed to keep the whole time, his eight-inch bear meat stiff and dripping in his gym shorts, and something...a new feeling he had never felt in a long time, was really coming through in his mind, it was making him really horny, and...he wanted to be fucked! He remembered this feeling once, back a wrestling match when he was a teen, he was in a match with this massive tiger, Tank reminded him of the tiger whose name he never knew, less muscle but more height, and this tiger...was really grinding into him on the wrestling mat...some feeling came over him that made him love it, he wanted to be fucked right then and there, but the feeling faded after the match was over and the teams left, he looked for the tiger after that day, checking the school's roster and asking around, but never saw him again, shrugging it off as just curiosity. But now...this was about to be real, and he wanted it!

Coach pulled himself off of Tank's cock, a long strand of pre connecting his lip to the tip as the pit watched him stand tall, a nice tent poking out at him in his shorts as he took a deep breath and simply turned around, yanked his shorts down to his ankles, showing off his thick, muscled legs and stiff erection to the pit bull, then slamming his paws on his desk, making it rattle and its contents tip over as he arched his back, bending over, his ass high in the air, short tail lifted and ebon pucker peeking deep from within the firm cheeks.

"Fuck me, boy!"

Tank seriously could not fucking believe what he jus saw, the coach of the damn football team dropping his pants right in front of him and begging to be fucked! This was not only very shocking, but damn hot! His guy had to be tight as hell, and how could he refuse such an offer? He slowly stepped behind the polar bear and placed his paws on his hips, the bear was panting heavily, his shirt getting sweaty on the back and pits, his low-hanging white balls able to be seen from behind as Tank positioned his Howitzer right on target.

"You got it, coach."

Tank pulled his hips back and thrusted them forward, penetrating the coach's anus and slamming into his prostate with the first jab, making him lurch forward and holler, a spurt of pre hitting some papers on his desk. Tank was surprised how easily his cock slid inside, probably because it was wet with bear saliva and pre-cum, or maybe because the coach was just loose with age, but whatever, it felt really good on the inside, and it made him hump harder, his huge balls slapping the bears ass with each thrust. The big bear grunting and biting down, clenching his jaw and not trying to be too loud, this did hurt, but it also felt so damn good, never in all of his years would he have imagined this happening and enjoying it as much as he did, his white cheeks now fully red as he took the cock of the student.

"Oooh FUCK! Mmmmrrr...never thought this...ffff...would feel so damn good..."

The bear's paws gripped his desk, it moved and screeched against the floor with each thrust of Tank's powerful hips, pre spurting into his teachers anal passage and letting his fat cock slide in and out much easier, his paws tightly gripping the coach's waist.

"Mmmm, damn you are tight, coach, guess this is your first time...I bet you are loving this..."

A long tendril of drool oozed down to the desk as the coach panted heavily, licking over his thick lips and grunting loudly, contents falling from the desk to the floor, Tank wanted a better position, so he reached under the bear's right leg and lifted it up, pinning him to the desk and feeling his body try to resist, but he was still stronger, and then pounded the coach's tender ass, making him growl and holler in dissatisfaction and pleasure at the same time.

Tank could feel his knot swelling, his balls churning as the slapped against the coaches ass, the teacher becoming nothing more than a sex toy to him, no emotional attraction being felt as Tank's knot rammed into his ass, making him scream and his body tremble, his words coming out garbled and incoherent. Tank could smell the coach's musk from his pits, it was strong and kind of alluring, making him inhale and lick his lips, grinding and thrusting hard until he felt that his knot was growing to hard to slip in and out of the coach, and he knew he sure as hell did not want to tie with his guy, so he continued to hump, reaching down with his free paw and gripping the swollen mound of flesh and pinching it tightly, biting his lower lip and grunting in pleasure.

Coach Hardie felt his prostate tingle, and damn, it was the most amazing feeling ever, in fact, it felt like he was about to cum, he quickly grabbed his cock, and not soon after, a long rope of cum flew from his cock and splattered onto some papers and the keyboard on his desk, followed by a good half-dozen more spurts, his chest heaving heavily and his tongue hanging out, his muscled body ripping as his mind was just in a different place, so many thoughts running though his mind, and back to the tiger, if he ever did find him and wondered if he could be living like this every night...but that was the past and this was now, and this was his student, and damn...it was amazing.

Tank clenched his jaw tightly, his balls pulling into his body and sending his seed though his reproductive system, into his urethra, and forcefully delivering a load into the coach's big ass, shooting hot, sticky, potent strands of cum deep into the bowels of the bear, the coach just feeling himself get warm on the inside and realizing what was happening, feeling embarrassed and a bit panicky, he just had sex with a student after all, he could get his ass in big trouble, even bigger than Tank's dick inside of it.

Tank's powerful chest rose and sank, catching his breath and shoving the last bit of his seed into the bears ass, his cock's throbbing coming to a stop but still rock hard, now coated in a fresh layer of his own cum.

"Damn coach...you took that well..."

Coach turned to him and grunted.

"High pain tolerance...and...Umm...no one knows about this but us, alright?"

Tank crossed his arms and sighed, yanking his dick from the ebon pucker, a long strand of cum falling tot he floor and more oozing from the stretched asshole.

"Whatever you say, coach, I guess I could keep your secret, I already have an A in this class, no need for blackmail."

Coach just shook his head, knowing he had to used the toilet to get the seed out of him before anyone smelled it, his ass felt so damn sore, like he had just had a baseball bat rammed up there, his legs still a bit shaky and his head throbbing from the orgasm. He was amazed Tank was not as affected as he was by the orgasm, not even enjoying the afterglow, maybe he was used to this, he let the huge brute get to the showers before taking off so no one would detect their scent on each other.

"Welcome home, boys!"

Tank's mom was always so happy, it did not matter if they were dirt poor, she always tried to keep a happy face to keep her son's spirits high.

"Hey mom, how was your day off?"

The stout female pit went into the center of the small living room and extended a paw and displayed the living room to her son as if she was trying to sell the room to him.

"I cleaned this pigsty, dusted, vacuumed, swept, everything! And I hope it stays that way for a while."

Marshall just looked around, shaking his head.

"It's going to be a mess in no time!"

Trisha just sighed and dropper her paws to her side.

"It better not! Or I'll take your T.V. away!"

Marshall just groaned.

"Whatever, ma!"

They both just chuckled and made their way thought the small house, Tank quickly darting into his room and shutting the door behind him. He tossed his book bag down, his mind swirling with the thoughts of the day, he can't believe fucked his gym teacher, and it was pretty good, kind of boring, but still getting the attention and curing the coach's curious mind was always fun.

He opened his hamper, noticing his mom did laundry, and tossed his gym clothes in, not giving a second thought. He moved over to his dresser, of course, all of the clean laundry nicely put away, he smiled and shook his head, his mom spoiled him so much, but he looked around inside and noticed something missing.

"Where is my black pair..."

Little did he know that it was located in Marshall's bedroom, tucked away under his mattress for safe keeping until it would be deposited back into his brother's hamper to be washed and magically make its return.

Tank plopped his massive frame onto his bed, making it creak as he stared at the ceiling, school would be done in a month and its off to college....who knows what else could happen by then...

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