The Quest for the Holy Dildo #6

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#8 of Holy Dildo

Dancing Queen

In which Faniel's dances with a farmer, and Sampson and Devilah get a room.

You'll have to forgive the tribble comment as lore-breaking. It was just too good not to use.

| The tavern was sparsely populated, but all heads did a double-take when Faniel entered. The Angel laughed loudly. "Well, hello to all of you too! Yes, I have wings."

"And nice tits too!" said one inebriated patron.

"Oh yes! And check out this pussy!" Faniel laughed back.

"Looks like she's smuggling a hamster." said another. | image | | "Looks like a tribble is giving her oral!" said the first.

"Oh!", Faniel laughed alongside them. "You mean my pubic hair? Would you like it better shaved?"

"Yeah! Butter-smooth pussy is the best! Like a baby's bottom."

Sampson looked at Devilah, "What's a tribble?" to which she only shrugged. | image | | "I'll go get us a room," Devilah said to Sampson. "You handle this!"

Sampson decided he'd better put a stop to anything before someone got the wrong ideas. "Guys, she's new around here. And she's off limits. Unless you want to follow the Orc I just beheaded. Just enjoy the show."

Faniel frowned. "Pffft. You're no fun Sampson. Stop worrying about me. Now I'm going to go talk to this man who clearly has good taste in the female form!"

"Watch yourself Faniel. They're drunk."

"In Vino Veritas," quoted the Angel, to which Sampson just scratched his head. | image | | Despite Sampson's warning, Faniel walked up to the man and asked if he'd like to dance. The grin that spread across his face showed pure joy and he lept out of his seat, spilling his mug.

"And you, I presume, play music?" Faniel asked a lady sitting nearby with a lute on her lap. "Would you mind doing so for me and this gentleman?"

"I would be honored. I am Lynly Star-Sung. And you are?"

"Please call me Faniel. And now, good sir, could you show my friend how to treat a lady? Dance with me, if you would!" | image | | Sampson and Devilah went to the bar and ordered some drinks, though Sampson noticed that Devilah did little more than touch the mug to her lips as they watched the pair in fascination.

The man, named Klimmek, stared into Faniel's eyes as if in a trance, while she laughed and danced with him like she was dancing with the most graceful man on earth. It seemed her wings bore not the slightest hindrance for them, and even though he was apparently just some local farmer, somehow he was able to match her in grace as long as he kept looking into her eyes. Even the bard seemed to rise to the occasion and her voice was no longer that of a lowly bard in a backwater village, but transformed into something more. | image | | Sampson looked at Devilah whose eyes were shining as they turned back to him. "Care to dance?" he found himself asking.

"I... think I would!" she whispered, and the two joined the Angel and the farmer. | image | | As the last note died away, not a word was spoken as the two pairs of dancers separated. Faniel broke the spell. "Thank you Klimmek.You dance wonderfully!"

The stunned farmer looked down at his shoddy clothes and back to the Angel with tears in his eyes, but could only stammer, "Thank you, m'lady... er... Lady Faniel. I was just kidding about the... hair."

Faniel kissed him as he sat back down. "I doubt that very much, but thank you for the lie." | image | | The three travelers retired to a table while the bard started up another tune.

"What the hell was that, Faniel?" Sampson asked her when she sat down.

"Oh, just livening up the poor guy's life a bit."

"Magic?" asked Devilah.

"Oh no. He's always had it in him. He just needed someone to bring it out. A great dancer don't you think?" | image | | "I wish I could... please him like you do men, Devilah. He deserves it."

"You can't do that?" Devilah asked.

"I can. But it would be cruel. I never want to be that cruel. I just want to bring joy, but I can't stay with him forever as he'd like. So no, it wouldn't be right." | image | | "That reminds me," Sampson said, turning to Devilah. "Dev, you may meet those guards later."

"The ones on the bridge? Why?"

"I... suggested you might like another snack." | image | | "Oh Sampson! Are you serious?!"

"Well... yes. Did I do something wrong?"

Devilah gave him a kiss that he would never forget for it's warmth and passion. He was a bit surprised that her raspy tongue could still feel so good inside his own mouth. | image image | | "Devilah! Jeeze, I just told them..." Sampson managed once she'd released him enough to talk.

"I love you Sampson. I think they'll have to be a dessert, not an appetizer. I want you, stud, and I want you RIGHT NOW! Let's go to our room!"

Sampson laughed and picked Devilah up bodily and carried her off to be ravished out of sight, if not totally out of earshot. | image |