Sera-Fina Part 1

Story by keristrasza on SoFurry

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#4 of Sera-Fina

Hi this is my first story on SoFurry i havent tried many but here i go; feedback would be welcome but be nice i dont write this stuff for you people who dont want to see it anyway

I do not own or any of the pokemon trademarks but the personalitys of the characters i am writing about are mine


Hadyn is a boy who has always wanted a pokemon of his own, even though he is only 13. Not only does he want a pokemon he wants one like his uncle Vernon who is a great pokemon breeder, who specializes in ninetails. Vernon has bred and trained his ninetails Serafina for 22 years, Vernon got his ninetails as a young boy not much older then what Hadyn is now. Through rigorous training and multitudes of challenges Vernon was able to raise his ninetails from a infant having found an abandond den as a child. Vernon trained his little abandoned vulpix till it evolved and then took it to the citys, being a well cared for pokemon his little vulpix turned into an absoloutly stunning ninetails.

Hadyn wanted nothing more to get a little vulpix like Vernon and knowing his only chance was coming soon as Hadyn lives in the sea town of Fuchsia City and his uncle was bringing his ninetails for a visit, a ninetails which was pregnant. Vernon was paid to breed a cub for a wealthy man in Fuchsia City and as he had not yet found a place for the second cub, as most larger fox species have to at a time, there would be one left. Vernon had promised Hadyn that if no home had been found by the time the cubs were weaned he could have the one the Rich Gentleman did not want.

Hadyn awoke early, climbed out of bead and cleaned his room every day. Hadyn then had to do chores as his father worked all day at the local Pokemart and his mother ran the soup kitchen at the Pokecenter. Hadyn would then go to school, but today was diffrent. Hadyn got to go meet his uncle at the southern entrance to the bike path. Hadyn quickly did his chores that day washing the dishes from the night before and cleaning out the tool shed which was to be made into a birthing center for Serafina. Taking care to do the shed very well as he didnt want his vulpix to get sick off of the dirt and grime left from the gardening tools.

Hadyn being the hard worker he was finnished quickly and grabbed his bag and baton, his mother never let him leave without the baton in case he got attacked. And hopped on his bike.

Hadyn rushed down the street in town and when he reached the entrance he quickly parked his bike outside and ran up top to watch for his uncle. Hadyn didnt have to wait long Vernon was quickly coasting down the path with his ninetails in the passanger cart on the bike. Hadyn not being allowed to trave had not seen Vernon in years. Overjoyed and excited Hadyn rushed out to greet him.

"Vernon, Vernon over here"

"Hadyn boy youve grown soon youll be a man, have you prepared the shed?", "Serafina wont be much longer, a few days at the most"

"Vernon what do you think ill get a boy or a girl"

"Hadyn i have no idea but lets just hope you get one that will make you as happy as Serafina has made me", "now Hadyn when we get there i need you to bath Serafina for me as she must look her best Mr. Grimms will be there shortly to see her and i need her to look pristine"

"yes Vernon"

rushing home Hadyn and Vernon placed Serafina on the bedding in the tool shed, Hadyn went and got the bucket and used the sand soaps that vernon had given him to scrub her down, while Hadyn was washing her he noticed somthing he had not seen before, at least not close up. Serafina's teats were swollen and large, Hadyn knew exactly what they were for and knew he had to clean her belly anyway. Carefully rubbing the soap salts into her fur he noticed how soft and plump they felt. Serafina was laying on her side completly resting has he rubbed her down. Hadyn curious as he could be decided to rub them to see what they were like. carefully masaging a teat between his fingers he felt Serafina shiver but she did not move to stop him if anything she stretched out to allow him a better angle. Hadyn realizing how tender they must be with her so close to giving birth and realizing that she enjoyed it grabbed another teat with his other hand and masaged it as well, bringing a soft almost purring sound from Serafina who was obviously enjoying the treatment, Hadyn rubbed both teats vigorously and felt her moan, Hadyn feeling an oddness inside him that he could not explain felt a warmth creeping through his body, Hadyn wanting to see how much she enjoyed it layed down next to her and licked a teat while still rubbing her other two. Hadyn's toung instantly brought a yip from serafina who wrapped her tails around his back and pulled him in so that he could not get up. Hadyn realizing she was enjoying it put the teat into his mouth slightly grazeing its tip with his teeth bringing another moan from her, Hadyn continued teasing her like this and not realizing the state of sensativity she was in due to her pregnancy was surprized when she convulsed sending a stream of war liquids down his legs which from her vagina. Hadyn got upset at this point realizign the mess he had made forced her to let him up so he could clean it all up as he didnt want Mr Grimss to see her in that messy state.

Hadyn rushed to clean and got it done just as Vernon went back out to check on him.

"Hadyn, Mr Grimms called to say he was running late but because im dressed and in my suit i cant sit outside. i need you to sit with Serafina while we wait he should be here in about 10 minuets."

Hadyn felt lucky at this "OK Vernon ill sit with her, she seems to like me"

Smiling his thanks Vernon went back inside. Hadyn still feeling the warmth in his body now realized what it was, he was aroused, aroused at touching her at licking her teats at having her fluids on his legs. Hadyn decided to try somthing he had only ever heard of, he was going to masterbate, but because he couldnt leave Serafina alone he would have to do it in the shed. Hadyn went into the shed and closed the door making it darker so she could rest, he sat against the wall and slid his shorts down, not knowing where to begin but obviously knowing where to rub he started to rub his penis, which was small because of his age but large for one of his age, rubbing his penis he realized was difficult as his skin rubbed along it roughly. getting an idea he moved near Serafina and stuck his fingers into her vagina, which was still wet from her release and then took that to his penis and started rubbing himself with the lubricant, rubbing himself felt good sending multiple shivers throughout his body, Hadyn's hand got dry and when he reached out to find her vagina again he was surprised to find a shoulder, she had turned while he tried to lean forward to reach her lower half again he felt a lick to his penis, obviously pleased with the treatment she had gotten she had decided to return the favor, she pinned him down with a leg across his legs and put her muzzle into his crotch licking his ballsack, sending shivers up his spine.

Hadyn decided to relax and pulled his leg out from under her and spread his legs wide which allowed her to get her head in between them, not knowing wha to expect Hadyn just closed his eyes and just let her lick him her toung encircling his penis bringing his breath do be deeper and faster. Hadyn started to feel himself building up with that warm feeling getting stronger, sending shiver througout his body, Hadyn never though a toung could do that relaxing Hadyn jumped when he felt her take his entire leangth into her muzzle massaging it with her mouth Hadyn shiver again she bobbed her head up and down rapidly increasing the streangth of the warmth in between his legs he felt it building nearing the end Hadyn cried out it was soft but he did and she moved her mouth to take hes entire leangth into it and he felt himself release, Serafina swallowed all of it and licked his member clean after she was done. Hadyn heard a door at the house and quickly jumped up putting his shorts back on and then sat back down next to her Serafina obviously satisfied in many ways layed her head in his lap and instantly fell asleep.

Vernon opened the door, "See Mr Grimms shes well taken care of, clean, relaxed, warm, and resting. Hadyn here has done a good job taking care of her, mayby ill ask him to help me with her till its time. It was good meeting you face to face and i will call you as soon as she goes into labor"

"yes Vernon you have done well, i am satisfied you have lived up to your reputation and will certainly enjoy having you ninetails cub as part of my championship line, good to meet you boy i didnt catch your name."

"Hadyn sir nice to meet you"

"well Hadyn ill see you again take good care of her you hear"

" yes sir"

Mr Grimms left in his car, and Vernon turned to Hadyn" Hadyn ive had a long ride traveling here and Serafina needs someone to be with her. i know its late but would you mind sleeping out here tonight she seems to like you"

"of course Vernon ill sleep here, tell mom for me though, and bring me some dinner when its ready too"

"Ha Ha of course Hadyn growing boys need their energy have a nice night kiddo"