Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Cabin - Locke's Story

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#10 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

Hey there all you loyal readers and new on-lookers as well, it is i Cyan, back again with another section of my series ready to be read and enjoyed by all. now i'm sure that you all know by now the legalities of being 18 and whatnot...so no need to go over them again right?....good

well here it is, the next section in my three part chapter, and i hope the cliffhanger i left teh last one on hasn't been bothering you that much...becasue i answer that in this one...just remember, this is only the second installment with one more to go....so questions will be answered, and some new ones made....just sit back, keep one paw free for.....enjoyment, and enjoy the read.

and just some added things before you start.....first of all, all characters mentioned here are the sole byproducts of my mind and massive ADD....so no takey without asking!! and secondly, i'd like to dedicate this story to one of my newest friends Ciriaxis Draconis, who just happens to also be a fantastic writer right here on yiffstar.

anyways...my rambleing is done, and now on to the tale....enjoy!!

Sincerly your writing wolf,

Cyan Spirt


"Technology...you never steer me wrong!" a young male's voice said as the small GPS tracking device located in his wristwatch began beeping a recognizable pattern. Looking down though his black tinted helmet visor, he could easily make out the green circle that formed around his destination, as well as his current position marked only a few spaces away. Then looking back up as he traveled along the dirt road, he noticed a sign suspended from a tree branch a few feet in front of him, and read it out loud. "Cordero Hunting Lodge....Guess that means I'm here," he said with a joyous laugh and let his eyes follow the road until it vanished among the trees.

Darkness had already fallen over the forest and the sun was long gone from view as the boy watched the trees sway in the cool night breeze that had basked him since he had started his ride hours before. He noticed that there were no outside lights to illuminate the path up, but figured that was so because the Corderos did not want anyone bothering them, too bad that was the male's sole intent this evening. "Now for a clearer view...ummmm...Let's try the night vision," quickly he lifted his right paw and hit a small button on the side of his helmet. Soon the entire mountain side was seen through a green light; once confirming that indeed he could just make out the roof of a small cabin at the top, he smiled and then clicked that feature off. "And now let me check for those pesky cameras..." the boy quipped as he clicked a new button on the helmet, and turned the electromagnetic charts on, thus allowing him to see the static discharge that any electronic device would give off. And once he got a positive reading that indeed there were cameras and other devices setup for detecting intruders, he turned the small device off as his visor went back to its normally tinted view.

Focusing back on his current situation, the boy looked over his gunmetal colored motorcycle, running his gloved paws over the decals of large black bird wings in order to make sure that there were no chips in its paint. "You truly are an amazing vehicle Raven," he said to the handlebars with a grin before resting his chin upon them. He then reached over with his right paw and turned the right rear view mirror into his direction so that he could see the black helmet with small wings on either side that hid his face from view. Slowly he slipped his paws under the helmet, unfastened it, and stuck it to the side of his bike, revealing his face to the fresh air for the first time since he had gotten on the cycle back at home; the reflection showing the face of a boy...a feline...a panther.

The panther had the face of a child, his neon green eyes the feature that stood out amongst the black facial fur. His pelt shimmered in what little moonlight flickered through the treetops, showing off the small contours of his face. His muzzle was sleek and slender, his nose a small, wet, cold, bump which began wiggling at the smells of the forest. He wore a bright red bandana wrapped around his forehead that tied in the back, and hid his forehead and ears from view, while a mop of jet-black hair swayed softly in the wind and soon fell over the bandana and into his eyes. "He'll never resist this face," he said with an impish smile, revealing his sharp and fully-grown teeth. He then brushed the hair away from his face and sat up strait on his seat, having finished looking himself over at the moment. His paws then slowly drifted down over the tight, leather, driving outfit that he wore to the mass of fur wrapped around his waist, and soon had his overly furry tail untied and wagging behind him as he purred at the much more comfortable mode of riding.

"They are surly going to see this thing in the cameras that they've got placed around here, it's like a fortress...All just for a stupid hunting cabin too. Oh well, better put the cloaking and heat dampening devices on now before I head up." And with those words, the feline's nimble fingers slipped under the handlebars and flipped two switches, each with a small click, as he leaned close to the machine and just waited. Soon enough the devices warmed up as the first to activate was the cloaking device; small panels on the bike flashed multiple times before becoming reflective like a mirror, and showing off the forest around him instead of the bike. Eventually the flashing encompassed the entire motorcycle along with the feline, since his outfit had been specifically created with this function in mind, and soon both bike and driver were invisible to the cameras on a view-only basis.

Next, the heat dampener turned on with a small whirring noise as the panther watched small vents open not only on the dashboard in front of him, but also along the sides of the motorcycle. The boy could feel cold air spew forth and cover his body along with the vehicle's chasse; then checking a small counter on his wristwatch where the outside temperature of the machine was registering, he saw that it was falling well below anything that would stand out among the trees. "Now I'm perfectly hidden from their detection, perfect. Geez Raven..." he said in a relaxed manner as he patted the side of his metallic steed, "I don't know how I'd be able do my missions if I hadn't built you."

So now with his entrance completely hidden from the on looking cameras, the panther applied a light force to the ignition, and was soon zooming his way silently up the mountain pass. The darkened branches seemed to reach up into the sky in vain attempts to grasp at the moon, which hung like a silver plate among the dark cloth of the night sky. And other then the soft and nearly inaudible sound of the cycle's motor on its silence setting, the forest was quiet and void of life, a phenomenon the small panther cub was rather used to by now.

But soon enough the repetitious nature of the trees was halted by a large gray steel gate positioned over the entire length of the road; its bars crossing at all angles while loops of barbed wire ran along the top to deter any fool hardy fur from trying to climb over it. And along with two large stone towers on each end which connected to what seemed to be an endless length of wire fencing on either side; there was a small gray panel on one of the towers. The feline slowly then pulled his motorcycle up to it order to get a better look at the device, along with hopes of gaining a better understanding of just how to crack it. The small box had a large speaker panel on the top with just over twenty different buttons underneath, not to mention what looked to be a card slot of some kind on the far corner.

"Time for this panther's favorite part...cracking the so-called uncrackable security systems!" he squealed to himself as he reached down to his belt which was tightly woven into his driving outfit, and with a small tug, the feline pulled out a flat bladed knife. So with a flick of the wrist, he shoved the tip into the side of the panel and pried the top off, watching the gray cover fall to the ground to reveal the intricate circuitry inside. The black pelted male then rolled his right sleeve back to expose his wristwatch, and with nimble fingers, the boy reached to one of the small silver buttons on the side. Giving the knob a small tug, it resulted in a long skinny cable reeling forth; the end of which he shoved into a small outlet on the side of the panel, as soon after the watch began beeping, the device doing its best to decipher the combination.

Soon the buttons began lighting up from the inside out, and with the ease of simply following the pattern, the feline clicked each lighted square in the order they showed themselves. "Combination entered correctly," a computerized female said, its cold and emotionless electronic voice startling the boy before he managed to control himself. Then the sound of a couple 'clicks' from somewhere inside the gate mechanism went off, the rider knowing that the first step of the decoding process had been a success. "Please swipe your registered key card," the computer demanded of the boy in its flat voice. And with a sigh, the boy complied as he slipped a paw into one of his pockets, then another, before finally pulling out a small card; one that he had paid a hefty sum of cash to have it smuggled to him, and one that would get him into the compound.

So with a second flick of the wrist, the card slid through the reader and he watched with baited breath till at last a small beep registered; the light on the reader turning from red to green, which was followed by another set of clicks from the locking device. "Card entered correctly," the metallic woman advised though the speaker, "please now give a voice sample and admittance will be allowed into the compound."

"A voice recognition requirement?!?" the panther wailed in disbelief, "the records didn't mention anything like this the last time I checked for any updates to the Cordero's security system....Guess I'll have to improvise." And with that he began digging around in his many pockets across the tight leather suit and along the attached belt, till at last he grinned and pulled out another small contraption. "AH HA!...My voice disfigurementor, thought I had left it at home...Well, if it can disfigure voices, maybe it can reconfigure them." He then snapped his fingers as a small screwdriver extended from the glove just over his right pinky, and set about twisting, tightening, and shifting wires. "Move this adapter so it leads into the audio reconfigureer...stretch this wire form the battery to the speaker, tighten this coil to give it some added juice...and....DONE!" he announced to himself.

Then putting the speaker to his muzzle, he spoke softly into it as a voice other then his came out on the other end; "This is Nathaniel Cordero," he spoke, though it came out as though a elderly female cow had said it, her voice like a crackling fire. "Whoops...that ain't it..." he said back in his normal voice; taking the device away from in front of his face, "maybe I tightened the output synthesizer coil to much." And so, with a few minor twists of the screwdriver, he put the device back to his muzzle and spoke into it again; "this is Nathaniel Cordero, and I am a pompous kitten too big for his britches," which afterwards, he was delighted since it happened to come out in the exact pitch as famous lion's voice.

"Access Granted Mr. Cordero....Please proceed through as the security gates have been unlocked and opened for your convenience," the familiar metallic female responded, obviously turning out what was actually said having no bearing on being accepted. The final set of clicks were sounded as the feline pulled the wire from the control panel, pushed the plug back into his watch, reached down to set the panel cover back on its original place, and watched as the gates slowly slid open to allow the rider and his motorcycle access to the inner most sanctum of the hunting lodge. So with the quiet revving of the silent engine, the panther scooted through the steel gate just before it closed with the small clicks of the locks resetting themselves.

Soon the boy was traveling down the long driveway that twisted and turned at every bend, sometimes because of a large tree, other times for a stream or steep valley that happened to have formed there. The woods were now nearly pitch black as night had tumbled over the serene forest, till finally the boy pulled up to a rather large cabin in the middle of the foreboding woods. "Man....this place is huge," he whispered to himself as he stared in mystified awe at the building sitting before him.

While still seated on the bike, the feline put the kickstand down so he could take a moment to view his target. The first thing he noticed was a long black limo parked outside, identical to the one he had seen at the industrial parking garage a few hours before. "I have to remind myself to thank Davy after all of this..." he said to himself as he patted a small pocket on his suit that held his cell-phone; and once the mental note was made, he reminded himself that he now had to devise a plan in order to gain entrance into the forest stronghold where his current target resided.

The first thing the panther noticed was that the house itself had no external lights on, though he doubted if they were even present to begin with. "Once more with the night vision..." the feline sighed as he clicked the helmet's button and watched as the world became once again bathed in neon green. The front door was hidden inside a screened off porch at the front of the house, and the light coming out of the windows told him that if he went in there, he would definitely be greeted by some unwanted company. He could see that the house had only one external floor, which of course ruled out the option of going in through an upper window or unseen skylight. Soon he had exhausted all the leads he could gather from simply staring at the front of the house and rested his head on the handlebars, night vision mode still activated on his helmet. "God damn it! There must be a way to get in there without being detected..." the panther sighed; though as he let his head droop to rest on the motorcycle below him, something shiny at the side of the house managed to catch his eye.

"Looks like a grate of some sort," the boy observed as he could make out a small reflective square located on the side of the cabin; while under it, was a fenced off area that made him unable to discern what was located beyond the wooden planks of the fence. "I'll explore it later....First I had better park Raven," and with that, he revved the engines again and rolled on over the side of the sandy driveway and into the clearing that made up the backyard. Through the night-vision he could make out the small expanse of grass that was enclosed by the dense wall of trees, "purr-fect," the feline cooed. The panther then silently rolled on past the bay windows, where he could see several large lions watching the television screen while paying him no notice, and down into the small yard before steering directly into the dense woods and stopping next to a rather extensive oak.

Once the engine had been turned off, the male hopped off the motorcycle with a graceful leap and propped it up against the trunk of the large tree. "No one should spot you here. Now Raven, you just wait there till I come back with the target, okay?...Good," as the panther slowly unclipped his helmet, brought it off of his head, and laid it down upon the seat cushion. He took an extra moment to stare into the cycle's rearview mirror and adjust the red bandana, which had managed to slip some when he had put the helmet back on earlier, fixing it so that it fully covered his ears again. The boy then unfastened and removed his black leather driving gloves, marveling and purring some as his paws were released from the sweaty leather interior into the brisk night air. The panther considered undoing his tight leather driving suit with the many pockets, holsters, fasteners, and metal loops, but opted against it, figuring that he was late enough as it was. Staring back into the mirror one last time to make sure there was nothing between his front fangs, his pelt shimmered in the moonlight, and his green eyes cast a ghostly shadow on all he looked at, he chuckled, "Locke....you've never looked better!"

"Time to get this expedition underway..." he said as he reached back to stretch his legs after his long drive having been spent sitting in a crouched position. Then, once he felt he was limber enough, Locke stealthily exited the dense woods and strode carefully around the perimeter of the house till he was back at the driveway where he had first seen what had interested him. Slowly he approached the fenced up section, making sure to stay clear of any large windows where he could be seen by the inhabitances of the cabin. The panther then chuckled at his arrival, standing only a few inches in front of the wooden slats of the fence before he noticed the large iron padlock keeping unwanted intruders out. "God damn it! These lions leave nothing to chance," he said as he pulled a small lock pick from inside his sleeve, the silver metal reflecting the moonlight back into his face as his eyes seemed to glow, "finishing this mission will be my biggest accomplishment to date."

Locke slipped the curved end of the pick into the keyhole and wiggled it around in calculated circles before hearing the click of the tumblers that signified he had bypassed the security. "Time to see what is behind door number 1," the boy stated as he slipped the metal rod back into his sleeve holster and slowly pulled the gate open so he could stare inside. Peering in, the panther saw a large gray box of a machine, small vents and dials covered the front, and as he moved closer, cold air blew over his pelt, causing him to shiver involuntarily. "Guess...this must be their air conditioning system..." as he ran his bare fingers over the metal, which was damp with cool condensation.

Then looking up, the male saw what had initially caught his eye, a small metallic grate which probably led into the interior of the cabin. "There's my way in," he announced sourly, not looking forward to crawling through the ventilation system like a common rat. But he hoisted himself nonetheless onto the air-conditioner anyways, his boots scuffling against the metal box before managing to gain his balance. The grate was a small silver square, about one foot on each side, and had a metal screw in each corner that fastened it to the wall; and while cold air flew out of the grate, the gales blowing into the panther's face and causing his hair to get into his eyes, he managed to slip out a small screwdriver from inside his other sleeve and began to get to work on each bolt.

As each screw came undone, he caught it before it managed to hit the metal box below and possibly alerted the occupants to his presence. Once all four fasteners were out, Locke extended his claws and slipped the points behind the grate, so with a small tug he felt the metal give way and the covering pop off into his fingers. Setting the cover on the ground along with the screws, he stared into the black entrance, its metallic walls shimmering as the moonlight stuck off of them. As the panther placed one bare paw onto the metal floor of the duct, he felt a shiver travel along his spine from the cold metal beneath him. "This isn't going to be fun..." he sighed as he placed his other paw next to his first and hoisted himself into the grate, managing to pull his legs and tail in before he set off to explore the inner workings of the cabin.

The inside of the duct was pitch black, the light coming in from the outside had diminished only a few feet in and had left the boy with only his senses to find his way through. The panther's paws were constantly scanning the walls, floor, and ceiling for any possible turns or sudden drops; but instead the tunnel just kept going strait like an endless abyss. "Does this even go inside?" he asked himself as his knees scraped over the metal bolts in the floor while his boots made a constant shuffling sound with every movement. Soon he had stopped paying attention to his surroundings all together as he continued to crawl forward on paws and knees, that is till he ran face first into a duct wall.

"Fucking hell!" Locke said in a muted scream as he reached out to brush his fingers over his bruised nose, then tracing the wall in front of him, and seeing that the path had turned a corner, while instead he had tried to go strait. The panther took a deep breath, sighed, and slowly rotated his body as he stared down the new section of his endless darkness; though instead of pitch blackness, he could see small lines of light coming from the floor of the metal tube a ways away from him. "FREEDOM!" he shouted, before clamping a paw over his muzzle in mid gasp. The male's bandana covered ears hastily scanning the incoming sounds for a signal that someone heard his outburst, but finding no inclinations he had been heard, he continued crawling.

Finally, after some more rather noisy shuffling, the feline reached the edge of the lights and peered down into the cabin below, relived to see that he was indeed in the right place. The panther saw that he was currently suspended over some sort of hallway in the building below, though it was presently absent of people; however his acute hearing managed to pick up the sound of approaching footsteps. Locke quickly pulled his head back from the grate till only his neon green eyes were suspended over the opening, watching as two rather large, identically dressed, lions stroll past him. "Hey...think Dad still has the game on?" one of the lions said in passing to the other as they moved past the panther's position without so much as a glance upwards.

The boy let out a relaxing sigh as he watched them go, his fear of being spotted diminishing with every passing step. "Time to get my kittens to settle down for a little cat-nap," the feline said proudly as he reached into one of his side pouches and pulled out two rather large gray cylinders, each with a small black nozzle on the top of them. Locke set down the two canisters next to the grate as he reached into a small zippered pouch on his right hip and removed an aqua colored breathing mask, which he slipped over his head, securing it behind the knot of his bandana. "Don't want to send myself off to la-la land as well," the cat snickered as he looked the canisters over once more before shoving them, nozzle down, into the slits in the grate covering. "Sleep tight my dear Corderos," he spoke with a coy smile as he pulled a small pin on each nozzle and watched as large plumes of purple smoke billowed forth.

A bit of the smoke blew back into his face since he was currently residing in the air ducts, but thanks to his breathing mask, the sleeping gas had no affect on him. The panther watched, waited, and listened in amusement as he saw that the gas begin to fill up the hallway and drift towards the other rooms of the compound. Soon, the sounds of rumbling and muffled hollering reached his ears as the scuffing of furniture across wooden floors became apparent. But eventually he was greeted with the sound that he had been waiting all night to hear, the noise of unconscious bodies thumping against the floor of the cabin. Sighing happily, Locke waited till the last of the smog had exited the canisters before pulling them from the grate slots and setting them aside, "finally...my mission can get truly underway."

The panther waited a few extra minutes to not only make sure that everyone was indeed out like a light, but also to let some of the purple fog dissipate so that it would be safer for him to enter the interior of the cabin. "That should be long enough I think," the boy said as he slipped the small mask from his muzzle, stowed it in a pocket, and with a swift open paw smack, pushed the steel grate out and watched it hit the floor with a loud clang. Then with a small leap, he shifted through the hole and landed with his feline grace inside the small cabin, taking a moment to survey his current surroundings.

He noticed that he was standing in a small passage way, one that continued both to his left and right as he stared at the blank wall in front of him. Off to his right, Locke could see the hall continuing with a few doors on both his left and right; while back on his left, he watched the passage open up into what appeared to be a large great room of some kind. There was a brick fireplace located on the wall behind him, while the front door he saw earlier, the one surrounded by the screen porch, was on the wall next to him. The interior of the space was decorated with a large mahogany colored plush armchair located front and center, along with a few other chairs spread out about the space; not to mention there was a large oak table located in the center of the room encircled by a couple of dining chairs, and to top it all off there was a large screen television against the back wall that was currently blasting the 5th inning scores for a game of baseball. His boots squeaked as he walked across the hardwood floor, his eyes glancing around the burgundy colored walls, the right one have three doors along its length while a forth door stood in the back that led out in to the backyard where he had hidden his bike earlier.

Moving around the furniture, it took a few seconds before the panther was able to make out the sleeping bodies of three lions sprawled across the floor, each having fallen right were they stood. "Aww....aren't they just the sweetest?" he tauntingly cooed to himself as he scooted over to the two identical looking lions he had seen earlier through the grate. Their bodies lay on top of each other underneath the large oak table, obviously having tried to hide from the advancing fog that had advanced upon them. "You two must be Dean and Dan..." he recalled from his research, waving his finger between them as he couldn't distinguish one twin from the other. "Glad to meet you both!" he said teasingly as he squatted till he could fit under the table and crawled in, reaching into a side pocket as he did so.

Slowly the panther pulled out a paw full of industrial strength garbage ties, the kind where once you slip the end through, nothing short of a serrated blade will get it free; setting four aside he shoved the rest back into the pocket before examining his subjects. Each large feline was wearing nothing more then a pair of blue jeans, socks, and sneakers, having seemingly left their shirts at home and instead having opted on getting a rather decent tan. Locke caught his eyes lingering at their jean-clad crotches a bit longer then he should have, his mind fantasizing about the golden sheaths and sacs that lay within, before quickly slapping himself lightly. "No gawking on the job," he berated himself, "there will be plenty of time for that later in the mission," and with that he reached over and gently slid one brother off of the other so he had access to both sets of paws.

Locke reached over to the first twin, and with a bit of struggling, managed to flip the lion onto his chest and get both paws behind the lion's back, giving each a small tug to make sure they were stiff but flexible enough not to cause any serious damage from future escape attempts. The panther then reached behind him as he picked up one of the twist ties in his nimble fingers and slid it around both wrists before slipping the end into its secure holder. The black pelted cat gave a firm pull to tighten the tie till he could no longer make it any more restrictive, then just as a final measure he gave it a small tug to test his handiwork. Seeing the binding hold up, he gave a confident "humpf" and shifted down the length of the lion till he was standing at the feline's ankles; though on the way he had let his fingers stray a bit, giving the firm rear hidden in denim a slight gentle grope, while letting his claws glide along the entire tail till they reached the plump of fur at the end.

"What a couple of hunks...I'd like a slice of those beefcakes!" he said as with one paw he held the lion's ankles together and with the other, reached back for a second twist tie. "Too bad they are compulsive arrogant jerks," Locke sighed as he slipped the tie firmly around the ankles and bound them together just like he had done to the writs moments earlier. Then with a quick wipe of his brow to get rid of any sweat, he preformed the same two maneuvers on the other twin before giving each feline a swift swat on the rear and crawling out from underneath the table. "Now where did I see my third little golden kitten..." the panther stated as he scanned the room for the other inhabitant.

"Ah ha! There he is!" Locke shouted, no longer fearing that he would be caught, as he noticed the last lion. The elder statesmen of the Cordero family was slumped against the right side of the couch, his head resting against the arm of the couch as the rest of his body lay on the floor. He was dressed in a pair of navy blue slacks, now creased by his current position; a pair of expensive, top end sneakers adorned his feet; and a white sweatshirt that was currently turned a light purple, most likely from the gas Lock figured, as he approached. "Nathaniel Cordero...so we finally meet face to face," the panther said with a small sneer as he bent down to look into the older feline's face before sliding his body to the ground and flipping him onto his stomach.

The panther removed four more ties from his pocket and lay them near the body as he took a moment to stretch before squatting down next to the unconscious lion. "I'd love to spend more time tormenting you.....but I have other business to attend to, though don't worry...I promise to stop by later after my business is finished," Locke smirked as he took the male's right arm, tugging it a bit more forcefully then he did to the twins. He then repeated the same actions, binding both the wrists and ankles with the plastic ties; the only difference being that he used two ties instead of one for each binding, preferring to be safe rather then sorry.

"Finally, all the formalities have been taken care of...Time to move on to the main event," the panther stated with a confident sigh as he stood up and strolled back towards the passage he had originally descended into. This time continuing to his left as he entered the small passage lined with doors on either side. "Now...where are they hiding that boy?" Locke said as he scanned the passage as he walked over the hard wood floors; peering into each room he located a bathroom, kitchen, two bedrooms, a small walk-in closet, but not his target. The burgundy colored walls continued to follow him as he went; the only other thing catching his eyes was the small circular window at the far end of the hallway which looked out onto the backyard. "It's a dead end!" the boy squealed as he looked the blank walls over in frustration.

"God damn it!" the feline shouted as he paced back and forth, before slamming his clenched fist against the wall on his right. Suddenly, rather then the clunking sound coming from hitting wood, the pang of an object hitting metal echoed into the hallway as the panther stared with disbelief; then, testing to make sure he hadn't simply cracked, he hit the wall again, and with absolute certainly he determined that indeed there was metal behind the wooden paneling. "Those sly little bastards" Locke commented as he pulled out a pair of heat sensor glasses and slipped them over his eyes as he turned them one and surveyed the walls of the structure, hoping he'd find exactly who he was looking for.

He first stared back where he had come from, and through some static he could make out three red and yellow forms that were giving off heat. "Those must be the twins and Nathaniel....well at least I know these things work," the boy commented as he took a breather then scanned the rest of the cabin. Nothing popped save for the heat the came out of the boiler in a far room; that is, till he stared at the wall to his right where the metal clinking had come from. "Must be two different rooms..." he commented when he saw the divide of space; in the first one he saw that the entire area was showing up bright red, yellow, and white though the specs, looking as though the entire room was enveloped in flames.

"Wouldn't be in there," Locke said factually before he turned his head a bit and was rewarded with the sight he had been seeking the entire trip. For there, slummed against what he took to be the far wall of the hidden room, was a humanoid looking form that was giving off heat signals that corresponded with a living person. "Maximillion Cordero..." he whispered to himself as he shut the goggles off and stored them in one of his pouches on his suit. The male then walked next to the wall and placed his bandana covered ears against it, and after a bit of straining he was sure he caught the sound of strained breathing coming from with in. "Now...just how am I going to get in?" he pondered as the panther began to pace back and forth along the hallway, his bushy tail wagging behind him in frustration.

"Maybe...just maybe..." he thought to himself as he walked up against the wall and began to drag his paws over the faux wood surface. The flat walls feeling rough and uneven under the pressure of his fingers till he noticed what he was hopping for; a small break in the consistency that when traced turned out to be a small square shaped patch in the wall. "There we are..." the panther said relieved as he pressed his palm against the panel and stood, as the sound of gears turning and machinery struggling to work reached his senses.

The male watched with baited breath as he saw two large door shaped sections of the wall shift inwards and slide back into themselves to reveal two large metal doors in their place. Needing no numbers to tell him which door his prize was behind; the feline gripped the left door's handle in both paws, taking a moment to breathe deeply before he used all his weight and force as leverage to open the metal lid. His efforts were rewarded after several tries as the screech of rusted hinges greeted his ears when the door finally swung open to reveal its contents in side, the very scene Locke had been searching for this entire mission.

A bit of the purple sleeping gas still remained trapped inside the small room, but with a couple waves of his paws he forced the chemicals to waft out into the hallway and disperse among the air. Turning back into the room he took in the dimensions, the small cell was couldn't have been anymore then 5 feet across and 9 feet back, the floor covered in a dusty gray mattress as small plumes of filth shot forth when he stepped on it. The walls were a cold and clinical steel gray, the sight of large claw marks covering each metal section adding to the sheer distress the room, and reminding Locke of a room one might possibly find at a prison or mental hospital. There was little illumination, the only light entering the room came either from the near burnt out lighting fixture imbedded into the ceiling or the small window covered in steel bars across from him. The only other object in the cell worth noticing was the small creature huddled in the far corner of the room, its golden pelt covered in dust, grime, and sweat; its head slumped against the floor as the form's legs were pulled into it's chest, while a rather large slab of steak was resting in his lap, the juices having dripped all over his waist. "Maximillion Cordero....I have finally found you..." Locke said softly as he walked up next to the lion cub and gave him a small poke with his boot in the shin.

The lion did not awake from the light tap, instead only murring a bit as the boy's tail wiggled a bit from behind its sleeping form. "Must have taken a huge hit of the gas," Locke said as he sighed, his paws reaching once again into one of his side pockets to bring out a small blue, plastic inhalier as he squatted down next to the sleeping face of the lion. "The antidote should bring him out of it..." and with a soft touch, gently slid the lip if the inhaler into the muzzle of the lion before pressing on the cartridge once and hearing the hiss of the medicine enter the golden feline's system. The panther waited a moment, making sure the lion and fully breathed in the chemicals, before removing the inhaler and shoving it back into his pocket as he stared into the angelic face of his target.

"Wake up my sweet prince," the panther cooed softly as he watched with earnest at the golden face before him. The lion's whiskers twitched slightly, his breathing quickened, and his lips curled as Locke could tell that the antidote was having the desired effect. Slowly the feline's eyes begin to flicker open and closed before they managed to stay open, reveling to the panther a sight that instantly took his breath away. While he may have had startling neon green eyes, the boy in front of him had the most sensual eyes he had ever seen, their shimmer showing a depth of innocence and purity unmatched to the best of his knowledge. Those vibrant yellow orbs sparkled as though liquid gold had been used to fill each one, their black pupils dilating a bit before they focused on the obsidian pelted face in front of them and then went wide in shock.

"WHA?!?...who....whe...wha...umm...err..." the lion said in rapid succession as he bolted upright, his back forced against the steel wall behind him as he stared at the intruder in front of him. His entire body was trembling as he focused on the male in front of him, that midnight colored pelt, the wiggling nose, and those neon green eyes that seemed to peer right into the deepest part of him. "Wha...What do you want with me?" Maxi finally croaked out, gripping his tail and wrapping it around his waist nervously.

Locke only grinned and scooted closer, much to the dismay of the lion that is. "Why...I'm here to rescue you of course...And I promise that no harm shall come to you by my paws," his voice lowering to a comforting tone as he shot the male a warm grin, his pearly white fangs gleaming in the limited light.

The lion was still skeptical, heck he was downright paranoid of what this feline might want with him, but at the moment, anything was better then staying in his current situation. Slowly the boy nodded and struggled to extend a paw before remembering that indeed his wrists were still locked behind his back with a plastic tie. "Shit!" Maxi scowled as he lowered his head before sighing and lifting his face to stare back at the panther. "Well....think you could do something for me?....You know, maybe as proof of your sincerity?" flashing his eyelashes innocently as he mewed softly.

"Sure thing...what is it that needs being done?" Locke asked willingly. He wanted to do everything to get this very lion onto his side, to get him to trust him, to get him to believe his words. "Just name it...and I'll do my best to serve you as one should serve a lion....a superior breed above all others," the male said, trying to do his best to appeal to his captive's ego and maybe get a bit further on to his good side.

The lion frowned a bit, "please don't say that...I'm nothing like my father and the rest of my breed." The male sighed softly and once he got a nod from the panther, leaned forwards as he far as he could; his face almost reaching his lap as he exposed his bound wrists to the other feline. "I need you to cut this plastic tie...please...It has been cutting into my pelt for hours, I think I might be bleed-" Maxi started, but stopped talking as he felt a single black finger press against his lips signaling him to shush.

"Say no more!" Locke said joyfully as he reached into the waistband of his leather driving suit and pulled out a small switchblade which he flipped open; the metallic edge gleaming in the dim light like a beacon during a foggy night, the lion's eyes locking onto the metal. A small fear flew through Maxi's head that he might have made a mistake, but soon he felt the panther leaning on top of him, the lion's face forced into the panther's leather-clad crotch as fingers grasped the plastic tie, and with a simple swipe he felt his wrists free of confinement. "All done," the black feline responded with vigor as he leaned back and watched the golden kitten begin to rub his freed paws vigorously.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." the lion repeated in quick succession as he began rubbing his wrists, getting the feeling back into his stiff joints after almost an entire day trapped behind his back. Once Maxi managed to move his fingers without wincing, he extended a paw to the panther squatting in front of him. "And to whom do I owe a bout of thanks to?" he said rather formally, his tail gently flicking against his chest as he did his best to obscure his nakedness from the prying eyes of the other.

Locke only chuckled as he reached out with his own black paws, and with a firm grip, shook the offered paw sweetly, before pulling it against his muzzle and giving the back of the golden fingers a kiss "The name is Lockelson D. Nailo the third...but you can just call me Locke, everyone else does...okay?" as he released the paw and angled his head, giving a warm smile to the lion next to him.

"Oh my...." Maxi giggled, his cheeks turning red as he watched the back of his paw get kissed by this complete stranger. He quickly came out of the small trance as he coughed a bit, and did his best to give a firm shake of the paw in return; "well, it is certainly nice to meet you Locke...and thank you. Oh, and uhh....by the way, my name is Ma-"

"Maximillion Benedict Cordero....I know," the panther said with pride as he watched Maxi's eyes go wide in the classic 'how the hell did you know that?' look that only made him giggle. "And, I'm so glad that I finally managed to find you!" he yipped as he leaned in, and before the lion could object, gave a long swipe of his tongue across his right cheek; his face grinning as he followed that by a few more licks before finally sitting back in a squatting position, his tail wagging behind him.

Maxi sat there astonished, both from the licks and the fact that this random person, this seemingly unknown panther, had known his middle name. The insides of his ears were a bright crimson as he slowly raised one of his free paws to rub the area where he had been licked, his fingers feeling the small trails of saliva on his pelt. "Someone is a happy little puppy aren't they?" the lion said jokingly, not sure what else to do in this situation as he leaned back and did his best to relax in the cramped corner.

The panther nearly fell over as he stumbled backwards in shock, "whose a happy puppy?!?...not me, definitely not me!" the boy stuttered as he rocketed up to a standing position. "I mean....it's just us felines here right?....lions and panthers ...I mean, what dogs?...I don't see a dog, do you see a dog? Because....I don't," the words flying out of his mouth at rapid speeds as his nervousness became readily apparent. "I mean, you don't think I'm a dog do you?...oh no, I'm a panther...a full blooded panther....100% panther...no dog here...just panther," as Locke continued, his speaking pace starting to get ever quicker. "Do I look like a dog?....panther legs, panther arms, panther fingers, toes, face..." his paws pointing to each mentioned section of his body as he spoke, "panther ears...well so they are hidden behind my bandana, I don't have anything to hide....honest I don't...I promise they are panther ears." His eyes glancing around the room, the black male breathing rapidly as small beads of sweat trickled down his forehead; in an attempt to change the subject away from him, "hey, can I have that steak?!?" Locke asked in a shrill voice, trying to cover up for his seemingly random outburst.

"Ummm....what steak are you talki-...Oh," as Maxi's paws felt the forgotten slab of beef resting on his groin. The meat's juices having already soaked into his golden fur. "Well...sure you ca-" though before the lion even managed to finish, Locke had grabbed the steak from his lap, the black fingers accidentally running over his golden sheath as he tried to stifle a small gasp and moan. The golden kitten felt his sheath instantly began to go rigid, reminding him of how long it had been since he had any kind of sexual release.

Quickly the side of steak was brought to the panther's maw as he sniffed it few times, taking in the sweet aroma of food into his starving system. "Oh good, because I like steak you know?" the panther asked, the nervous twinge coming back from the previous outburst as he continued. "And it is not because I'm a dog...I'm not...I mean us felines can like steak too, you know...Besides, those dogs can be awfully smelly....but...I wouldn't know...because I'm a cat....and...uhhh..." his mind wavering before he decided to just shut himself up and stuffed a large chunk of the meat into his mouth to silence himself.

"It's alright Locke....calm down. Honestly, there is no reason to be all jumpy like that," the lion cooed softly as he adjusted himself, trying to hide his crotch from view. Slowly he slid his body from the corner, the cramped space wreaking havoc on his legs as he instead shifted to the left wall, resting his back against the chilled metal walls as he stared out the small window behind him. It had been just about dusk when his father and brothers had dragged him in here, and now it was quite clearly night; the pitch blackness of outside rendered him unable to see any details of the surroundings nature save for the tips of the tree tops against the starry night behind them. "You going to be alright?" he finally asked after a moment of silence, turning his head back towards his visitor.

It took Locke a moment before he realized he was being addressed, his body having slowly readjusted to not being nervous as he took the steak away from his muzzle so he could speak. "What?...oh yeah, I'm fine," he replied coolly as he wiped some sweat from his brow. "Man...this steak is amazing!" he yipped, taking another bite, "I mean I have had some food....but you certainly live the good life."

Maxi just nodded kindly, watching the panther rock back and forth on the soles of his shoes as he angled his head and giggled. "You look pretty young there Locke. I mean....you can't be any older then 14..." as he watched the boyish feline stare down at him oddly from his standing position above him; his brows tilted at odd angles.

"I'll have you know Maximillion, that I am 18 years old...Not some little cub fresh out of his mother's den for you information," as he placed his paws on his hips, his left one still holding the steak. He then giggled as he struck a boyish pose, "but do I really look that young?" he asked with a smile before breaking out in to laughter. The lion before him also letting loose a few giggles himself as the two felines just enjoyed each other's company.

"So...you want to take a seat or something?" the lion inquired, patting a section of mattress next to him softly; then using that same paw to gently brush some of his mane out of his face, the sweaty hair having gotten matted from resting against the dusty trunk of his father's limo. "By the way, you can just call me Maxi for short, and....shouldn't we be getting out of here if you are here to rescue me?" the feline asked as he looked around the cell which had been his home for about 4 hours.

Locke simply nodded, "a seat sounds nice," he said as he leaned against the same left wall as he the lion, and slid down it till his rump made contact with the mattress below. The panther then smirked as he looked out the open door of the cell, glancing in the direction of where the remaining lions would be laying if he could see through walls. "Oh...don't worry, your family is still currently sleeping off the affects of my sleeping gas....we have quite a bit of time till they awake," his fingers playing with the small section of steak he still had left before glancing at the meat, and then the lion, "you hungry?"

"Yeah...I guess I could do with a little fo-" as he turned his head to face Locke and was greeted with a small piece of steak. The lion merely blushed as he slowly opened his muzzle and let the panther slide the remaining sliver of meat into his lips, gently suckling on the fingers as they pushed the food into his muzzle; the feeling of the sweet juices made his mouth water uncontrollably as he closed his eyes and concentrated on chewing before finally swallowing, which left only a large grin on his face as a reminder of the snack. "Thanks a lot Locke," the said with a grin and a deep breath before motioning to the panther's right, "you know...I think there is still a can of soda somewhere around this cell if you're thirsty," he offered.

"You're a rather generous host, you know that Maxi?" Locke asked as he reached around till he found the can, bringing the green curly straw to his lips as he took a sip. The black feline marveled at how good the room temperature soda felt against his parched lungs as he leaned back and let out a sigh. "So why are you so trusting of me anyways?...I mean it is fairly obvious that I could be saying anything to get your trust....so why still be so kind to this perfect stranger?" the panther inquired as he tuned to face the lion, offering him the soda as he waited patiently for an answer.

"Thank you," the lion replied as he took the can, watching the soda fly through the loops and curves of the green straw before Maxi felt the beverage enter his system; the male also making a soft sigh as he turned to his new friend and gave a soft smile. "Well...I figured that if you had wanted to kill or rape me...you would have already done it, not to mention you went through all the trouble of securing me alive....and besides, nothing that I can think of can be worse then where I am now, so why not take a chance on a perfect stranger, right?"

Locke nodded softly, leaning into steal the straw from Maxi using only his tongue and rather flexible joints, laughing all the while till he felt the soda wash over his fangs, cooling him from the inside out. "Exactly....I mean that I--" his voice cut off rather abruptly by the lion.

"And besides..." Maxi continued, "I was hoping...well, to be honest...to being rescued by someone else. Though since you are here it seems that...he couldn't...make it..." his voice dropping off as he looked down at the floor, his eyes closing slowly. Thoughts of Jason were running through his head, filling his mind to brim with memories of the dog's voice, his smell, how his fur felt, the warmth and life of his lips as they pressed against his; till he let out a small sigh, blinked a few times, and stared back into the neon green eyes of the panther sitting next to him. "I guess this just reinforces the fact that....he isn't coming back for me..." as the lion sniffled a bit, rubbing the back of his paws over his eyes softly.

The black ears swiveled a bit as he picked up what the lion was telling, the panther's eyes blinking a bit as he slipped a finger into the leather driving suit's collar so as to loosen it a bit against his neck. "Oh...I'm sorry...I didn't know that your rescue had already been called for. Maybe I should just--" though like many times before this evening, he was interrupted by the lion.

"No need to apologize to me Locke," Maxi cut in once again, "you didn't know, so I can't exactly blame you for coming here to rescue me, in fact I should be rather grateful...I should think it would be just a bit lonely here by myself." A soft smile crawled over his muzzle as he reached out with a paw to grasp the can of soda, finishing the container before tossing it to the far corner of the room. "But you never did explain to me how you knew where to find me...or how you bypassed the security...or how you managed to get inside here without alerting anyone..." as the lion angled his head, a curious gleam in his eyes over took his face as the amber colored orbs stared down the panther.

Locke only laughed a bit, raising a paw to gently scratch behind the younger male's ears, eliciting a soft purr from the lion. "Now, now...magicians can't give away all their secrets just like that can we Benedict?" the panther smiling as he repeated the lion's middle name, a supposed secret among only the Cordero family.

Maxi sighed a bit, "I suppose not..." though he was soon tapping his chin as he stared at the panther next to him. "But specking of secrets...just how did you manage to find my middle name Locke? For I'm also rather curious about that as well..." he said, putting his paws on his hips, his tail gently thumping against his side.

"You know what happens to cats that get too curious..." the black feline said with a curl of his lips, referring back to that old wives' tale. Maxi only scowled as the panther continued with his speech, giggling some from his companion's reaction; "well I know a lot about you Maxi...almost everything in fact," his voice filling with confidence as he gently ran the tips of his fingers along the outside of the lion's right thigh. Softly massaging the muscles under the golden pelt, feeling their strength yet leanness, marveling a bit as he playfully rubbed the other boy.

The lion shut his eyes, gritting his teeth as he let a pleasurable hiss escape between his fangs. Maxi could feel shivers dance along his spine as the teasing touches of the panther continued to prick over his leg, sending jolts of sexual energy to his hardening sheath. He soon began to breathe rapidly before he finally managed to grasp the black paw, halting the entrancing assault on his body. "How...how did you know I was hor--" as he started before it was his turn to be cut off by the panther.

"You aren't exactly the quietest when it comes to moaning kitten," Locke responded with a small smirk, "besides...it sounded like you were rather enjoying it." The feline only continued to wiggle his fingers against the lion's leg, eliciting small groans from the golden male as he raked his claws softly over the fur. Soon Maxi's grip weakened and he was able to get free of the restrictive paw so he could begin tickling the inside of the lion's thigh, edging nearer and nearer to his groin.

"Locke....." the boy said with barely a breath, his mind focusing on the feelings that were flooding his system. It was as though he was swimming in an ocean of fingers, soft caresses seeming to encompass every sensual spot across his form; he could feel every hair on his body was standing on edge, as each waited for the chance to be rubbed by the black paw that glided over his thighs. Maxi was still trying to regain control of his system when he felt the tip of a single claw rub over the soft down fur covering his sac, and he let out a guilty purr. Instantly his paw went to grab a hold of the panther's paw again, firmer this time, though he had to take a minute to catch his breath so he could speak again. "Locke....please....if you know so much about me...then you know that by family tradition, I can't do this with you...I have to remain a virgin till marriage," the tingles still traveling up his spine as he refrained from looking at his hardening sheath for fear of giving in to the feelings and succumbing to his new friend's pleasurable touches.

Slowly the panther dragged his fingers away from the lion's groin area and instead placed it in his own lap as he sighed. "It is true, I know that as well. But I also know how you happen to personally define those words....and that you only count it if there is...err...penetration involved," his neon green eyes flashing to the feline next him, "besides, all I would be doing is using my paws...I don't plan on making you break your vow of abstinence till you are mated to someone." The panther turned so he could fully view the lion, taking in the sight of his golden fur, the way the dim illumination seemed to hive him an almost golden aura around his body as he sat on the dusty mattress.

"That...is true," the feline said, a small gasp interrupting his words as he did his best to contain himself. His mind in complete agreement that no matter what the panther did, he was going to stand strong; however his body was ready to mutiny from his head's leadership, it yearned for that simple attention, for that carnal desire to be fulfilled, even partially if that was all it could get. Slowly the lion brushed his paws through his chest fur as he did his best to push his hard sheath down between his thighs, trying to hide it so it would no longer be a topic of discussion. "How you know that is truly amazing, and while that is all true.....Locke, you need to understand...I-I...just can't."

"Aww...come on Maxi..." the panther said as he nudged the lion with his shoulder, giving a small chuckle as he sat with his back against the steel wall behind him. "I should think that you disserve a bit of time to yourself....not to mention you can't say you didn't like that attention, I could have heard you a mile away...heck, I think the entire forest heard you moaning just now," giggling as he saw the feline blush. Slowly he raised his paw, fingers flexing in the night air, as he looked strait into the face of a lion, his glowing green eyes meeting those golden orbs of his newest friend before he started to lower his paw over the other male's crotch.

Maxi knew that no matter where that paw fell on his body, he was going to be squirming under its delightful grasp; that the paw was supposed to make him feel good, and it did, but...he had wanted it to be someone else. The lion gasped before mewing loudly as the panther's paw came to rest right on top of his sheath, not griping or rubbing, just laying on top of the furry covering, making him writhe under it. His mind only thinking of Jason in the first few seconds in which he felt the warm pads of someone else's paw against his most private of areas, and that fact that that paw did not belong to the curly brown dog. "But.....but Locke...." Maxi stammered, for the first time ever having a paw that was not his own touching his sheath, his face flushed red with embarrassment.

"No buts Maximillion!" the panther shouted as he gave the furry covering a firm squeeze, making the lion gasp and squeal under his treatment. "You disserve this weither you think you do or not....and I'm going to give it to you weither you want it or not!" a snicker passing though Locke's muzzle. His paw remained on the lion's crotch, simply squeezing and releasing the golden covering as Maxi kept groaning from the assault on his neither regions.

The lion was taken back as the paw on his sheath was continuously massaging the tender area, his soft purring seeming to be a constant action as he tried to halt the mental submission to the treatment. "L-Locke...I-" the feline started to say, but was cutoff as he felt a second paw beginning to grasp his golden sac which held his lion seed, causing the boy to involuntarily buck his hips in to the treatment. The warm pads were becoming too much for the male to simply ignore as he began hissing again, a lusty tone in his voice. The constant rubbing and groping of his hardened sheath and firm sac was getting the better of him as he let himself succumb to the idea of being pleasured; sticking with the ideal that since it wasn't penetration of any means, that he was still a virgin in the eyes of his family's custom.

"See...there we go Maxi..." Locke cooed as he continued to use both paws to grope the golden crotch, "that wasn't so bad now." The panther watched as the lion's eyes slowly shut themselves, the male before him concentrating on the pleasure that he was receiving at the paws of his new friend. As a result, the black feline slowly removed the paw from the golden sac, sliding it down the pelted thigh as he gently nudged the legs to spread so that he could have more room to maneuver. At first Maxi was reluctant to agree, his legs remaining stiff, but soon...after some more groping...the boy slid his legs apart and the panther slowly crawled over the limb so that he was now sitting between the yellow limbs.

"Why did you go and do tha--" Maxi's voice being cut off as a harsh and feral growl escaped his throat, the action leaving him panting in pleasure as he tongue lolled out of the right side of his muzzle. For in fact, the lion hadn't even noticed till it was too late that the panther had slid his other paw to gripping his sheath while a thumb was inserted in to the furry covering that hid his member inside; the rough but warm pad scraping at the soft and velvety interior of the golden covering. Once again instinct took over as he bucked his hips, no longer wanting to deny that indeed he was enjoying the treatment, contrary to his original thoughts.

The black furred male only giggled as he watched the lion slowly give in to the treatment, knowing that he was having just as much fun teasing Maxi as the lion was being groped. "Seems I found a rather sensitive area for you..." as he used his other fingers to rub both the silky inside as well as the furry outside of the sheath, smirking as the golden feline struggled to control his mewing. "Now....let's see if I did enough to make your lion's pride come out of hiding kitten," a soft chuckle following his words, as with a small plopping sound he removed his thumb from inside the sheath, and his paws from Maxi's groin altogether.

The lion simply continued to pant and buck his hips at the vacant space where the paws were as he moaned loudly into the confined space of the cell as he watched, and slowly but surly, the bright pink tip of Maxi's cock emerged to greet both felines. The boy shivered as the cool night air wafted around his exposed glands, tickling them with their faint breezes; once again the sensation brought a soft purr to his lips as his tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle. "Well..." the golden cat panted, "it's obvious that....you are at least Bi. But....how did you know I was?" his head angling as he arched his back, the panther having regripped his sheath while he was talking.

Locke just giggled as he concentrated on massaging the newly reveled head of the lion's member, running his paws gently over it as he watched the feline hiss in enjoyment. He ignored the question for a few minutes, rather preferring to just watch the boy beneath his flexible fingers squirm and squeal in ecstasy. "Isn't it obvious by now?" the panther finally retorted, taking a break from masturbating his friend to stare up into the golden face, "I know everything about you that is worth knowing," a small smirk appearing on the male's muzzle as he scooted closer; thus forcing the leonine legs to spread wider so as to give him easier access to the feline's goods before him.

"Oh..." Maxi said softly, now keeping his words to a minimum so as to leave his muzzle free so he wouldn't be coughing when he was mewing and moaning. "Well...what about your needs Locke?...I mean there must be something stirring in those pants of yours," his eyes motioning to the crotch of the panther's leather outfit. In truth, the lion's main purpose wasn't to please his friend, but simply to get his mind off the black fingers that were currently curled around his exposed length. Slowly, he reached out with his own paw, his fingers itching to rest on the leather clad sheath of the panther, wishing to possibly get a little revenge in the process.

"No! Don't look there!" the panther shouted, startling the lion, as he smacked the outstretched paw away with his own; the push was a little harder then he intended it to be as he watched Maxi's eyes go wide with surprise. Locke felt the nervous twinge return, gulping a bit as he began to ramble again; "What I ummm...meant to say was...that....this time should be all about you, and only you," the boy said while scratching behind his head, "no need to uhh....you know...jack me off as well." Fearing that soon the golden feline would start concentrating too much on his own actions, the panther set out to distract him further a he returned both paws back to the throbbing lionhood, his fingers running over the small barbs that had formed on the glistening head.

A massive gasping fit arose from the lion as he bucked a few times into the black paws which held his pride so firmly. "Wh-...Why not?" Maxi grunted, his entire body seeming to pop in pleasure at every faint movement the panther was pulling on his body. His question was never answered with words, the only response given was a hard squeeze to his shaft; the boy could feel small drops of pre flow out of the slit, dripping down the sides of his cock to only allow the obsidian colored paws an easier time stroking his shaft.

By this time the lion's entire member was exposed to the room, and Locke wasted no time in time in keep it, and its owner, in a state of pure bliss. Though just be sure, and to give another reason to make the yellow feline squirm under his touch, the panther slid his fingers down the length of meat in his paws to the edge of the furry sheath at the base, and with a few constant motions, he pushed and pulled it up and down the feline's member. Maxi just let out a small yip of surprise, followed by a soft mewing; "Come on Maxi...I know that you can do it...Just let it all go" the panther taunted as he watched the lion tightly close his eyes, reveling in the sensations that he was begin given.

But Locke himself was also caught up in sensations; though these flooded in from his heart rather then from his crotch. However the male couldn't exactly deny that his sheath was getting rigid in his leather pants, yet his eyes couldn't stop staring at the lion's face in front of him; the way the boy squinted so hard he could swear the feline was shedding tears of pleasure, the constant twitching of his whiskers, the small tremors running though his lips and muzzle. The panther soon had a revelation, the way his paws made soft caresses of Maxi's stiff flesh, the gently pricks to the golden sac, the constant cooing of motivation he was giving him; he saw that there was more then just lust in his actions, that there was also a small bit of affection as well, and maybe....just maybe...he didn't consider this just any old mission any more.

"Oh god I'm close!....I swear I can feel my sac tightening up!" Maxi mewed through patting breaths, his body shaking in the sensations emanating from his throbbing cock. His mind was spinning and dancing, thrilling in the dance of the carnal pleasure, letting his body fall into its grasp as he thrust his hips at as faster pace against the panther's paws. For indeed Locke could feel the golden orbs pulling closer against the warm body of the lion, readying themselves for their release to pump their warm seed out in large torrents of bliss. But the obsidian colored feline was determined to overcome any obstacles that the lion still tried to put in his way; as he decided that it was time to pull out all the stops and finally bring Maximillion Cordero over his sexual peak.

The black paws were going into sexual overtime as they started touching anything and everything that could and would send waves of sexual lightning through the yellow body. His fingers tickled the enflamed head that was bursting with release, running his rough pads over the stiff barbs that adorned the crown, the small bumps glistening with the lion's own pre. Locke made sure to keep one paw constantly rubbing the stiff shaft, using the tips of his claws to gently tickle the underside of the leonine cock, feeling the rigid flesh jump at each soft tease; the other paw alternating between the head and the tightening sac, gently pulling an twisting the sensitive flesh. Each action bringing forth a different sound from the victim; from soft purrs and yips to high pitched yelps and whimpers, from carnal barks and grunts to feral growls and mews, from soft, barely audible whimpers to loud, almost deafening howls. Every sound only made the panther want to redouble his efforts in order to force his companion to take the leap into the sea of sexual liberation, till he was sure that one last simple action would be enough to break through.

"Don't resist it Maxi....come on boy...show me what lions are known for," the panther cooed as he scooted a bit closer. His paws still working the feline's groin as he began to lean in closer, the scent of the lion mixing with his sexual musk was acting as an aphrodisiac to him. Soon he was almost muzzle to muzzle, his neon green eyes seeming to burrow in to the golden counterparts of the lion; till at last he shifted his head away and instead leaned closer to his right shoulder. "That's it Maxi...release your seed....cum for me kitten!" Locke said in a lusty voice as he opened his maw and began to gently nibble on the lion's shoulder. His teeth softly pulling and kneading the lean muscle hidden under the yellow pelt as he felt his partner groan and throw his head back in pleasure.

"Holy shit!" the lion hollered, "Oh god, oh god...there is no stopping it....I'm..I'm..cumming!!" as all the built-up pressure stored in his groin was finally released upon both felines. Thick ropes of lion seed shot forth from the throbbing head, each boy loosing count of just how many times Maxi's cock jumped and spewed forth another jet of cum. The lion's chest was soon covered in his own kitty cream, the black paws simply seeming to manage to pump more and more out of his still overly full orbs. A few shots managing to land on Locke's black leather driving suit, the seed slowly dripping down the material as he continued making his friend churn out more loads of cum then the lion thought possible.

Finally the seed shower slowed to small dribbles of cum, the head continually pushing out a small stream of white fluid down the softening shaft, which was only ended up getting smeared all over the feline's body by the constant rubbing of the obsidian paws. The scent of lust and the sexual musk of the cats filled the small room, the smell only being enhanced by the leonine spunk that had launched form the still sensitive glands to cover the now panting golden male. Both boys maneuvered so they were leaning against the left wall, each enjoying the ability to bathe in the sexual glow of an orgasm; both tongues were hanging out the side of their muzzles as each male would give small looks to the other. "You....really needed that," Locke finally spoke, the first to break the silence, as he gently nudged the lion's right thigh teasingly.

"Don't start that again..." Maxi said jokingly as the panther laughed as well and removed his paw from the golden pelted leg. The lion's cock was already halfway back into its sheath as the boys simply sat there for a few more minutes in silence, each one giving small giggles as they recalled their favorite moments from the session. "So what now?" the lion asked, his paws gently pulling the furry covering back over the head of his shaft, a small groan leaving his muzzle as a result before he turned to face his new friend and current savior.

"Well..." the panther replied, "I suppose we should start going or something, I mean with all that feral growling you did," as he gave a small nudge to the lion's shoulder, "I don't know how much longer the rest of your family will be sleeping." Locke took a moment to look around the small cell, making sure there was nothing important left to take or notice before he shakily stood; his knees feeling rather weak and sleepy from having been on the floor this entire time and his outfit was covered in a thin layer of dust. Once he managed to fully brush himself off, he slowly turned to his companion and extended a paw, "Come on Benedict...time to go."

"My name is Ma...oh forget it," the lion chuckled as he looked up to see the outstretched paw and could only muster a soft smile. He quickly went about brushing his sweat filled mane and hair out of his face, before reaching up to grasp the offered paw, and in one quick jerk from the black arm he was pulled to his feet. The boy's legs felt numb, yet a good type of numb, his body still quivering from the release of his seed which now covered his chest and groin; thus with the feeling of numbness, and the slight loss of balance, Maxi had to lean on Locke's shoulder for support as he caught his breath and looked into the panther's face only to see him staring right back.

The felines simply stared into each other's eyes, green into yellow, and yellow, in turn, back into green as they simply couldn't turn away from the face of the other cat. "Maxi..." Locke said in a rather longingly voice, the pupils of his slivered eyes vibrating as they scanned over the gold pelted face, and those whiskers that seemed to detect the panther's own thoughts. "Maxi...I..." the panther started again before he gulped, trying to come up with a simple way to phrase his feelings and emotions in to simple words.

"Locke...I-I can't..." the lion said softly, his form shaking as he tried to pull away from the panther's body, figuring that he could support himself on his own. But the black paws simply wouldn't let the male pull away as they wrapped around the lion's back and held him close. The younger boy continued to struggle in the panther's grasp, weakly twisting and turning back and forth, not in an attempt to escape, but rather more to show his contempt for the black cat's actions. "Locke...please..." he mewed weakly as his eyes kept focusing in on the neon green orbs of the feline, all the while feeling the small distance between their heads getting smaller.

The panther simply stood there, his arms still around the lion's form, as he leaned his head in closer so that their muzzles were almost touching. His breath coated Maxi's face, forcing the golden strands of hair and mane to blow back to reveal the soft red blush on his cheeks. "Kitten look...I didn't plan for this thing to happen...and for me to feel like I do, but..." as his paws gave the feline a small jerk forwards, moving the lion still closer so that the naked male was pushed nearly up against the leather driving suit. "But...gosh Maxi, I mean..." he continued as the panther gazed into the shimmering golden pools of his friend, "I mean...I can see it in your eyes...emotion, feelings, I can see something there that you are hiding back." Locke then took a deep breath, his mind coming to rationalize that indeed he felt something stronger towards the lion then he had originally intended to feel; and without even thinking, his heart taking over, he began to slide closer and closer till he was poised for a simple kiss.

Sighing softly, the feline managed to break away from the panther's grasp in time as he took a step backwards from Locke, looking down at the muted gray mattress below him, "there...is nothing there." His voice, or at least how he perceived it to be, was rather harsh and cold towards the cat who had just possibly saved his life; the one who he swore, currently had his eyes trying to drill their way into the back of his head, yearning to reach into his mind so they could see the lion's true thoughts. But as Maxi shut his eyes, he realized that indeed there was something showing...and it was love...but, it was for the wrong fur; for he had been showing the emotion that he felt towards Jason, accidentally displacing all, or at least most, onto Locke...and that having been what the panther perceived. So before the other male had a moment to break his train of thought, the lion started up again with a deep sigh. "What...I mean to say is that yes....yes, there is emotion in my eyes Locke, but...but you see the thing is..." his voice falling in to a soft mew, wavering from its intentions as he wasn't sure how to break it softly to the other cat. "First off, I am so grateful to you for...well, saving me and all. But...but what you are seeing...those feelings...well...they belong to ano-" before his words were cut off by the sound of breaking glass coming in from the other side of the cabin.

"Someone is breaking in!" Locke shouted in a heavy whisper as he quickly glanced out the open door, still seeing only the barren hallway. Then without even asking the lion's permission, he placed his paws on Maxi's shoulders and thrust him up against the cold steel wall, feeling a shiver pass along the feline's spine from the cold metallic surface. Next, he ran over and placed his own back against the same wall, the panther's chest heaving in anticipation as he made sure to keep himself and the other cat out of sight as much as he could, placing his fingers over his companion's muzzle to keep him silent.

Maxi's eyes went wide in fear as well as shock as he slowly raised his paw to pull the black fingers from his lips. "What...is going on Locke?" the boy asked hesitantly, tilting his head as he attempted to stare out the open door; that is before paws pushed his head back against the wall firmly, the panther then shushing him rather forcefully. Those neon green eyes were just as large as his were, their pupils glancing around the room nervously as both felines had their ears cocked and ready to pick up on the slightest sound that might hint at who this newest intruder was and what they were planning.

"They are going to find us here eventually..." the feline breathed softly, his heart racing at speeds even his motorcycle couldn't match as his mind wheeled at possibilities. This was not part of the panther's plan at all, and now with all his preparation at risk to fail, he was forced to cut some responsibilities loose; however, just temporarily he assured himself. Slowly he reached into a back pocket on his suit, opening one of the metallic zippers, as he pulled out a small object and handed it over to the lion with a shove. "Here...take this!" he said gruffly, forcing the small package into Maxi's paws, and once he felt the male take it, he zipped up the compartment and began breathing heavily again.

"What is it?" the lion asked in a hushed voice as he stared over the small beige object he now held clutched in his fingers. The bundle consisted of what looked to be a small brown doggy biscuit wrapped in a piece of folded white paper that was secured around it with a bright red rubber band. He slowly slipped the paper out from under the rubber band, opening it only to see a long ten digit number scrawled out in pencil. "Is....is this a doggy treat?....Why the heck would I need this?" he asked as he angled his head and looked questioningly at the panther, thinking that maybe he had actually cracked under all the pressure.

Locke sighed softly, turning as little of his attention to focus on the feline's problems without distracting himself from looking at the door for intruders. "It only looks like a treat..." he sighed as he reached out to grasp the small device; "just pull this corner to reveal the antenna, twist it halfway around, and flip open the panels....and it is just a cleverly hidden mini-cell phone." And indeed, as he spoke the panther did each action to show that there was a small speaker and hidden keypad inside the cleverly disguised device. "And that number you have is my number...just call it when you need me," his eyes glancing back to the open door for a moment before looking back to see the lion about to ask something, "oh...and it has a GPS tracking device in it. But it only has enough battery life for one use...okay?"

"Umm...sure thing Locke..." Maxi replied softly, slowly taking back the small phone and undoing the motions, turning it back into the brown colored treat, as he wrapped the piece of paper around it, slipping the rubber band back over the middle of the fake bone. As he held the finished package in his paws, the sound of heavy boots on top of glass echoed through the house, and each feline instantly stopped his movements. Their ears alert and ready, their pelts standing on edge as each waited to find out just who it was that wanted to crash the unorthodox gathering of occupants at the Cordero's hunting lodge.

* * *


well folks, there you have it, the second installment. i hope you all found it atleast intresting enough to reach this point and remember, all comments and critisisms will be accepted below. i can also be reached at my email [email protected] if you feel like speaking to me in private.

anyways, i hope you all enjoyed yourselves and will stay tuned in for the next and final section to this three part chapter.....so till next time, happy pawing!!

Your furry friend,

Cyan Spirt

Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Cabin - Maxi's Story

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Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Traveling Trinity

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101 Ways to Keep Warm

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