Random Poetry 1

Story by Seiji Hashimotto on SoFurry

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#1 of Random Poetry

Hello everyone. I've decided to post some of my poetry that I randomly write, hance the name. I'll be doing this whenever I have the urge to write, and it comes out in the form of a poem. I'll always post them in twos or threes though, so it's not just some random thing thats uber short.

Keep in mind that what I write is not always what I feel. For example, in the poems top follow, there is death, and it makes me look suicidal, but I'm not. Repeat, I'M NOT SUICIDAL!!! SO, how much do you want to bet that someone is going to PM me and ask if I'm feeling alright? Also, Rio, DO NOT READ THESE!! And if you do, these are NOT about you. To be honest, I've never felt this way, done any of this, or had this done to me, I just had a random urge to write these.

So without further adu, here they are.


What he did to me.

Why are you waiting?

Can't you see I'm bleeding?

Oh please,

save me...

I need your help now,

I'm drowning in my own blod.


come recue me...

I don't understand it.

I was there when you needed me.

Now you stand there and watch me bleed!

Why are you doing this to me?

I'm slowly fading,

I can feel the life leaving me.

Oh God help,

is he turning to leave?

FIne, leave me to die.

I'll haunt your ass,until you fry,

in Hell,

for standing there and watching me bleed,

with this knife sticking out of me...

ON second thought,

wasn't it he,

who pluged this knife into me?

The one who stopped me heart

from beating the life through me?

What he did to me. (Aftermath)

I can hear something dripping,

making a "plop" sound in the pudle it falls to.

The silence is so loud, it buzzs in my ears.

Then a boom, and my door comes crashing down.

Light floods the room like a tsunami crashing into the shore.

Something touches my wrist, and I hiss at the sudden stinging.

Then... nothing...

THe daylight fades to night. I can hear a fire crackle nearby...


If you were wondering, or haven't figured it out, the "I" in the second poem is the murderer in the first poem after he realizes what he has done.

So, any comments? I know they're are a tad on the dark side, but thats where i do my best work. As you know, any and all comments are appreciated.