Random Poetry 2

Hello again. As you can see, I have some more Random Poetry for you. Yes, it is depressing, just like the last one, but this one has more a plot. I know, it's wierd for a few poems to have a plot, but thats just how it worked out. And again, I...

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Alieno mihi non. (Forget me not.)

** ** **Alieno mihi non. (Forget me not)** ...

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Random Poetry 1

Hello everyone. I've decided to post some of my poetry that I randomly write, hance the name. I'll be doing this whenever I have the urge to write, and it comes out in the form of a poem. I'll always post them in twos or threes though, so it's not just...

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What is love anyway? ch.2

Just so everyone knows, all the characters in this story are copyright of me, Comatose Huskey, but I'm willing to share, just ask first please. Now, enjoy the story!! ...

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What is love anyway? ch. 1

Just so you's don't try anything funny, all the characters in this story ARE copy write of me, Comatose Huskey. But I can learn to share, if you's can learn to ask nicely. ...

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