The Slave Prince: Part 1

Story by theshamefulwolf on SoFurry

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As the title suggests, this is the first part of a short story that I am working on called The Slave Prince. You've met all of the main players in this story already. The story is going to be told from the perspectives of our spoiled prince Khaldun and the slave Sebak. I don't want to give too much away but let's just say that Khaldun is about to discover what it's like to be a servant in his own kingdom. Part 2 in the works and I will have up by May 19th.

Constructive criticism welcome and hope you enjoyed the read.

Work belongs to me. Photo is stock from

"Filthy half-breed slave!" I yell as I smack the half jackal across his face. "I should have your hands for being so clumsy! Pouring wine all over my shendyt..."

"I'm so sorry my prince!" He stammers while he falls to his knees. "Please, allow me to bring my lord a towel..."

"Useless creature!" I say kicking him onto his back. "As if your very sight didn't offend me enough, you have to be an incompetent fool as well!"

"Please my lord..." He says averting his gaze and throwing an arm over his face, "If my sight offends you so, I will remove myself from your glories presence."

I take my goblet and pour the wine out all over the pitiful slave as I sneer at him. While physically impressive, his fur is not jet black like a true jackal should be. It has been muddied with tan by whatever man his mother debased herself for. He is a degenerate mutt, a slave, filth... I start to motion a guard over to end him, but some of the softer, more pleasant slaves were in the room with us. I decide to show compassion and motion to one of them, a handsome cheetah boy that I've been pleased to use on many of my lonely nights.

He draws near and bows slightly and offers me a towel. I tear his shendyt from around his waist, leaving him bare to the world, and use it to dab at the admittedly small spot of wine that I had dribbled on my lap. The motion rattles the soft slave and he begins to shake, a reaction of his I've grown quite accustomed too. I grab him roughly around the neck and force him to face me. He shuts his eyes tightly and whimpers, I kiss him wildly and his shaking gets worse, but he's a good slave and he doesn't dare cry out or pull away. For a moment, I think I hear a low growl and I pull away. I search the face of the naked, quivering slave in my clutches and find nothing but forced obedience. I lower my gaze to the floor and find that filthy creature not only looking into my eyes but also snarling at me.

"WHO ARE YOU TO LOOK INTO THE EYES OF PHARAOHS SON?!?" I screech loudly. "Guards! Kill that insignificant slave!"

"HALT." A commanding feminine voice calls out.

I turn to see my elder sister, and future wife, Maat walking in behind us. My sisters fur is as dark as the night and her eyes are cold, usually because I've done something that has displeased her. She wears a simple kalasiris and wears turquoise in the gold bands about her waist and gold bracelets on either arm. She has always been a very diplomatic sort, she is the eldest of all Pharaohs children and for many years it was thought she would be his only offspring and she would become queen. As such she was given the finest education and taught how to rule the land. Then my elder brother was born, and my sister fell from a horse as a young girl and could not bear children. Because of this, she would not become one of his wives and he was free to choose others. As he was the oldest and able to bear children he became pharaohs' successor and I was left to do whatever I wanted. And all I wanted to do was drink and bed as many fine lads as I could... I would marry her because it was expected that I marry but not expected that I have children with her.

"Maat my sister and love..." I say as she gives me a tired expression, "I was getting ready to punish this insolent trash."

"Why Khaldun?" She asks as she stops beside me, "Did this slave decide he didn't want to be the princes' play thing?"

"Give me a little credit sister." I scoff, "I wouldn't enter that half breed trash if her were the last man in Egypt."

"I doubt that my dear brother." She says as she looks down at the half breed. "And if you become too troublesome that could be you one day. Pharaoh tolerates your indiscretion but our brother has made it clear that he will not."

"He'll more than likely have me killed." I say with a shrug. "I'm surprised he hasn't tried already to be honest."

"This one is Sebak." She says as she points to the half breed, who is now looking away. "His father was Set."

"... So he's not just a filthy half-breed, he's also a traitor to Egypt and the gods." I say glaring at him.

"His father once ruled over all Egypt, he was born a prince in these very halls." She says as she grips my arm tightly. "Our father, Anubis, deposed Set after evidence came to light that he murdered Osiris. When the gods came together and founded Egypt, they all agreed that neither they nor their descendants would create a dynasty to rule eternal. Pharaoh has already broken that promise by naming Ahkenanpu his successor. The other gods and their families will more than likely contest his reign and Egypt will fall into civil war and when that war ends you may very well find yourself the plaything of some spoiled prince."

"As long as he's rich and has a voracious appetite in the bedchamber I don't really care what he would do with me." I snap, lying.

"You're hopeless Khaldun." She says as she shakes her head. "Sebak."

"Yes mistress?" He says quickly moving to a kneeling position.

"I believe that my beloved has finished with you." She says, softening her voice. "I require your services for a time, please come with me."

"I wasn't finished with him sister." I scowl.

"Yes, you are." She gives me an icy glare, then motions to Sebak and leads him out into the corridor.

It's a warm evening and the breeze is pleasant blowing in from the veranda. Sunset trickles in through the doors and windows and dust plays in the light. The room is so quiet I can hear the bustle of the peasants in the streets below. I hated Maat... She had a way of making me feel small and insignificant. I felt vulnerable to the world, could feel the eyes of slaves and guards burning into me from all directions and I couldn't breathe... I knew that all I had was privilege and the illusion that I had some manner of control over peons within and without the palace walls. I would never be Pharaoh, I would never have children of my own, I would never have a legacy that would give any cause to remember my name. Panic sets in as my kingdom slips away and I lash out in rage.

"MORE WINE!" I snarl viciously. The naked slave that I had kissed earlier jumps, bows quickly and starts to turn to fetch it himself. I grab him by the back of the neck, roughly. He yelps and quickly snaps his hands over his muzzle. "NOT YOU..." I growl into his ear.

I direct him to the area I had been lounging in and force him down on his stomach. He's shaking again and whimpering quietly. Another slave brings me a cup of wine as I am undoing my shendyt. I rip the cup from his hands, guzzling it sloppily and spilling it all over myself and the slave cowering beneath me. I toss the cup and it shatters somewhere... I look down at the slave, who hasn't dared move. I laugh angrily as he sobs softly into a pillow. I lower myself over him and begin kissing and biting at his back. I allow myself to enjoy the illusion and push the thoughts of my family, their deeds and that damn slave Sebak.

I can make this slave fear me, as well as the others, I can take him as many times as I want and no one will say anything. I can play the part of the spoiled prince and do as I please... because in the end, this is my kingdom and it is all I will ever have. The wine begins to work its magic and the quivering cheetah beneath me is quite handsome so the arousal builds in my loins... I bite hard into his neck and growl as I push my hardness beneath his tail and he grunts in pain and silent hatred. Welcome to my kingdom...