The White Carnation: Chapter 1- The Civilized and Savage Heart

Story by theshamefulwolf on SoFurry

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The White Carnation is a story that is VERY near and dear to my heart... It involved a lot of research and time spent, a lot of writing and rewriting to make sure that I was conveying exactly what I wanted too. I know that there is still room for improvement and just before I uploaded this I made some revisions even though this chapter has been done for over a year. You won't find this story on any of my other accounts with other sites. This is a SoFurry release ONLY, until I decide to try and publish that is. While I hope you enjoy the story I also ask that you respect my work and all the effort I put into it. I encourage you to share the story with others but please do not claim it as your own. I can't tell you how much that would crush me.

The White Carnation takes place in Madras, India. The year is 1746 and many European powers have been coming to India for a while now. Many have made alliances with Indian princes throughout the subcontinent and have established many forts and outposts on Indian soil. Madras is currently under the control of the English and the East India Trading Company and the interaction between all three is how we meet most of our main characters. However, war looms in the distance and Madras will soon be a part of that war. Charles and Anand will take turns telling you there story. As will other character that will be revealed later on. In total, 3 couples are going to be telling the story of events as it unfolds. Each has their own opinions and way of describing the events that happen but it will also offer great insight into each character and add flair to the story as it develops. I hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to Chapter 2- Dance of the Golden Lotus.

P.S I do not speak Hindi in the least and had to rely on a translating site for some of the banter between characters. If there are any native speakers that would care to correct me on anything you would have my gratitude.

Chapter 1: The White Carnation

Seven months at sea, around the tip of the world and through a monsoon. Seven months of bad food, too much beer and a mild bout of scurvy... Seven months on a goddamn boat, with no good company to waste away my bitter nights with but myself. That had gotten old after about a month... Sure I could wrap my paw around my cock and release the pressure, but that's all it becomes. There was no real pleasure in it and that was something that I couldn't handle.

Sure, I could swear with the other sailors. I could drink one too many and have a good fight with someone to work out some of that anger, but it would never be enough. I was angry and hungry and neither of those feelings were going to go away until I could have couple good nights and days with a skilled little whore that was just as angry and hungry as I was... A lot of the other men felt the same way. It had gotten so bad that some of them had even started passing around that fop our captain calls a cabin boy.

Can't say that I was desperate enough that I'd want to give it to another man, especially when we were about to pull into port with about two dozen whorehouses within a stones throw from the ship. We anchor at the port, unload our cargo, sign any papers needed and then we all begin to wander out from the docks. There are plenty of whore houses along the docks, that's where the inexperienced sailors go or the ones that don't care. Might be quicker and cheaper but you were more likely to catch a disease too and while I needed it, I didn't need it badly enough to die from a fever or end up having my shaft slammed between two bits of wood. Can't say that either of the thoughts were appealing, so I kept walking. After all I had waited seven months so what was another hour. It might cost more, but I would rather pay for a clean bed and a clean companion then risk it down at the docks.

I've never been to this particular port before so I have to ask around, which proves difficult. The East India Company bought the village of Madras almost a hundred years ago but it was by no means a British colony and aside from the military and passing ships there were little to no Englishmen. Madras was simply an English industrial center in the lands of a foreign prince. As such, English was still very much a foreign language here. Eventually, I was able to find a fellow that knew a smattering of English and he pointed me towards a path winding up the back of a steep hill.

It wasn't that bad of a walk actually, I was further from the noise and the questionable smells of the slums. I started smelling spices, perfumes, wine and food. It felt good to stretch my legs and feel solid ground beneath me. That and I knew that soon I would be able to relieve all the urges that have been plaguing me for months. That alone helped put my mind at ease and also made me aware of a growing heat along my shaft...

I reach the top of the hill and find exactly what I was hoping too. A beautiful building, large and painted in white and about ten different shades of blue. The building is mostly wood, with several decorative carvings around the fronts of each floor, each painstakingly detailed and... vivid. If they were any indication as to what might await me inside, then I could consider myself a happy man.

I pull open the doors and walk inside. I enter through a long hall that was brightly painted with about a thousand different scenes of sexual encounters. Depictions of gods and goddess's, mortals even lower animals all preforming one act or another, some I've never even seen or considered trying. The hall opens up into a large hall with blue and gold pillars lining the white room. The tiling on the floor was a great mosaic of beautiful woman and handsome men of all species ravaging each other and in the very center was a white carnation, trimmed in gold. I had never been to Buckingham, or seen any of the other royal residencies, but I imagined that there were rooms in those palaces that looked a lot like this.

However, I didn't come here to look at paintings and admire the architecture. I came here to find a fiery lass of some exotic sort and spend the next couple days bedding her over and over again. As I look around though I notice that there is one thing that is very wrong. It's quiet, even for an upscale whorehouse like this one. I don't see any girls either or other customers for that matter. It's still, and part of me begins to worry that I may have accidentally let myself into someone's house.

"Hello?" I call out hoping that I would be received in one manner or another, "Hello, is there anyone here?"

At first I don't hear anything, then I hear a soft jingling sound and what sounds like two woman speaking in hushed voices. I couldn't make it out even if I tried, it was in whatever language they spoke here. It was at that moment that I began hoping that they would even be able to understand me as that was something that I hadn't even thought of.

Two women appear from behind one of the beaded entryways that led into the hall. One a very tall, slender tigress. The other looked like she might be some sort of Deer, but I could swear I see fangs protruding from her muzzle. Both are adorned in silver and gems and dressed in fine silks that scantly cover their real treasures. They smell of jasmine and spice, exotic and exciting. They walk toward me slow enough to allow me time to take in their appearance. Presentation after all is part of their profession. So far, they do their jobs quite well.

"Hello, Ladies." I say with a hungry smile.

The small deer says something and gives the tigress a worried glance. The tigress in turn scolds her quickly and waves her away. The Doe briskly walks away, never looking back.

"I apologize for Aruna." The tigress says slowly and carefully in English. "Englishmen make her nervous."

"In all fairness I'm Irish." I say with a chuckle, "You could say that my home and yours are the same in the fact that the English claim they're the masters of both. But I understand, I'm the stranger here and I don't offend easily"

"I appreciate your understanding," She says with a nod. "My name is Vema, I am the Lady of the White Carnation."

"My name is Charles," I say with a small bow. "You have a beautiful establishment."

"Thank you, Charles." Vema says with a smile and then motions me towards the stairs. "Walk with me?" I move beside her and she slips her arm in mine while we walk placing her other hand on my chest. "You are off one the ships yes?"

"Yes, we docked this afternoon." I say, remembering the pain in my lower back.

"I thought as much." She said as she wrinkled her nose, "I can smell the sea on you. Fish, drink and sweat. I've heard that the voyage here is long."

"Extremely long" I say with disgust. "After that, I felt like I could us a little relaxing"

"Of course," Vema says with a smile, "That is why we are here. We offer our guests many ways to relax. Food and drink, massages, baths, opium, pleasurable encounters."

"A pleasurable encounter," I say a little loudly, "Though I admit, I wouldn't turn down a good meal and a hot bath."

"We can accommodate all of your needs without hesitation." Vema says, assuring me, "But before we continue there are a few things that we must speak of."

"Of course," I knew the deal, but I knew that this was part of her job.

"First, we must inspect you. To make sure that you are healthy, free of lice and disease."

"I understand your precautions," I say with a nod. "I assume that I have your assurances the workers are clean as well."

"Absolutely." Vema says nodding. "Of course we must also discuss payment."

"I have a large sum of British pound notes, I also acquired some rupees if you would prefer those." I said grabbing the small satchel at my side.

"Either will suffice." She says, pleased. "Finally, what exactly are you looking for?"

"I intend to stay for the following three nights, so a comfortable room for one." I say as we reach the top of the stairs. "A view would be nice, but not required. I also want to make sure that I get at least two good meals a day and wine with dinner. I would prefer that the woman I'm bedding be skilled, and also a bit on the aggressive side. I would like someone that could speak English. If I'm going to be here for a while, I might want a little conversation with someone pretty"

"I can promise you the finest room we have, three meals a day and the finest wine in my stock." She pauses for a moment. "I regret to say that I am bit short of fulfilling your other requests. Had you shown up two weeks ago, I could have shown you fifteen girls that fit that description."

"What happened?" I ask a little disheartened.

"A prince made his way through our port on his way to Madras." She says as she shakes her head. "He bought most of my courtesans' contracts and added them to his harem. Aside from myself there are only two others here that speak English. Yasimin is currently with a client and I do not believe that Anand is what you are looking for."

"Please." I beg, "I haven't had anyone to talk to for seven months but a bunch of half-drunk sailors. I'll wait if I have to."

"I will speak with Yasimin when she has finished with her client," Vema says with a shrug. "But if she will not take you tonight you will have to choose someone else."

I nod, not like there is much else I can do at this point. "Fine."

"Until then, we will take you to your chambers. "She says as she claps her hands. A muscular tiger appears by her side as if she conjured him out of thin air. "Pavit is one of my eunuch guards. He will show you the way and he will perform your inspection. I will send a few girls in shortly to prepare a bath and bring you some food and wine. Enjoy your stay with us."

Vema bows and turns away from us. Her hips sway gently, as does her tail and she is very careful not to let it touch the ground. I hear a growl and a hot blast of breath on my neck, which makes my hair stand up on end. I turn slowly to see a very angry Pavit.

"A?gr?j? ?ait?na." Pavit says with a growl.

"I can come up with a couple different translations for that." I say with a nervous smirk. "How about you just take me to my room?"

I'm not entirely certain that he knows what I'm saying, but he makes a gesture towards one of the hallways. He makes me walk beside him until we reach a room on our left. He stops and points to the door.

"Yaha ?pak? kamar? hai." Pavit says as he opens the door and walks in.

The room is big and colorful, like the rest of the building. There are wooden doors that open out onto a balcony and a large bed in the center, draped in fine cotton and silk. There are mirrors and dressers for longer staying tenants as well as a wash basin and a large tiled bath. Smoke bellows from incense at what I assume is an alter along one of the walls. Among the offerings of spice, fruit and gems stands a statue of a goddess dressed in much the same fashion that the courtesans of this house were. She was smiling and she was carrying some form of bow in her right hand. Her alter was positioned so that the statue would be looking right at the bed, apparently to observe the acts that occurred there.

"Tuma apan? kapa?? k? ha??n? aura yah?? kha?? h??g?." Pavit says as he points toward the bath. I'm not entirely sure what he wants, I shake my head and shrug.

"Apan? kapa?? nik?l??!" He snarls as he tugs at his clothing.

"Oh! My clothes!" I say as I quickly comply.

I start with my shirt, unlacing the strings that I had kept untied for most of the trip as it had become ungodly hot. I place a hand on my satchel. I had to take it off but it hadn't left my side in, well years. While I'm sure that the courtesans of the White Carnation were professional, even the most reputable places I had been too were not unknown to have thefts. I reluctantly take it off and throw it on the bed. I finish removing my shirt and toss it to the side. Good thing about being a sailor was that I was in great shape. I was well built, though I did note that my fur was matted after the long voyage. Pavit stops me as I reach down to remove my boots. He points to my chest and scowls. He spreads his fingers out and traces them down a scar on my chest, which brings back some very unpleasant memories.

"Tuma kah?m? isa ni??na mil??" He says as he shifts his eyes to mine.

"Samudr? ??k?." About the only word I knew in this language, Pirates. Of course it would look familiar to him. It was a tiger that had given it to me after all. Just as we were coming around the tip of India they tried to ambush us. Fortunately they were outmanned and out maneuvered and were resting peacefully at the bottom of the sea.

Pavit searches my eyes, not sure for what and then nods. He steps back and lets me continue. I remove my boots and useless socks and I take a moment to rub my paw pads. Big feet and hands are common place among wolfhounds so were the pains they brought. When I've finished I remove my trousers and toss them by my shirt leaving nothing else between myself and the world.

At that Pavit begins the task of my inspection. Almost as soon as he begins two woman walk in and for a moment I try to cover myself. I have to remind myself that I am in a whore house, even if it is a nice one. I recognize one of them, the same fanged doe from earlier. The other looks like a small wolf.

"Aruna." I say with a smile and a nod in her direction. She doesn't receive it very well and hurries with the other woman to the bath. Pavit seems to take it just about as well. He twists his fingers through the hair on my neck and pulls hard.

"Yah?? taka ki us? ch? k? b?r? m?? s?cat? hai? aura mai? tumh?? m?ra d??g?." He whispers in my ear in a very cynical voice.

I don't say anything, I don't have too. Pavit releases the scuff of my neck and continues his inspection and it remains about as pleasant. He is very thorough, examining me from nose to tail, claw to hair, bottom to shaft. He was especially rough in those areas, but I said nothing. I kept my focus on Aruna and the wolfess. The wolfess was playful, splashing Aruna with water and trying to get her to smile. She also smiled at me a lot as well and showed quite a general interest in me. Perhaps I might try her on another night.

"Rupees." Pavit says as he stands abruptly, apparently I pass inspection. I point to my satchel on the bed. Pavit collects my clothes and walks over and grabs the satchel. He walks up to me and snorts.

"Apan? kapa?? dh?'? kiy? j?'?g?. M?lakina apan? ph?sa k? nirdh?ra?a kar?g? aura mai? subaha m?? ?pa k? li'? apan? kapa?? aura jh?l? v?pasa ? j?'?g?." Pavit says with a solemn face and then heads out of the door.

"Uh, hey." I say as he heads out the door. "Hey! That's my stuff!" I shout as he closes the door behind him.

"Charles." A voice from behind me calls.

I turn to see Aruna and the wolfess stand by the bath. The wolfess smiles at me and lifts some folded clothes up for me to see. I guess if I smell bad my clothes probably did too. I walk over to them. Even in this heat, steam rises from the bath and it looks warm and inviting, just like the women in front of me. The wolfess places the clothes on the floor next to the bath. She is beautiful and large breasted. She smells of flowers and spices I couldn't even name and I want nothing more than to grab her and have my way with her. From the way she stares into to my eyes and licks her muzzles when she looks at my cock I'd say she wanted it too. The situation is more than arousing and I feel myself begin to swell and push out of my sheath. The wolfess slinks toward me on all fours and I begin to shake.

"?pa man? kara rah? hai?!" Aruna scolds loudly.

"Aruna, yaha ?ka mai? sirpha us? sv?da k? li'? c?hat? hai?... R?m?n?caka lagat? hai..." The wolfess replies.

"Kumari..." Aruna says as she steps forward.

The wolfess, possibly named Kumari, sighs and stands up. She brushes off her dress and I am left confused and agitated at what had just transpired. I had already paid, she wanted it, part of me wanted to take her anyway. However, I thought better of it and just stood there with a frown. She and Aruna head to the door, walking the way that all the women here seemed to walk. Pavit is standing outside the door and Aruna nods at him. He snorts and gives a nod in my direction. Was that a test? To make sure that I wasn't going to hurt the girls or do anything stupid. As the two of them leave, the wolfess turns around and places a hand on her breast.

"Kumari." She says with a smile.

"Don't worry," I say with a smirk. "I'll remember."

She shuts the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a throbbing reminder of why I was here. I try to push it to the back of my mind. They had drawn me a hot bath and I know I could use it. I walk over to the bath, which is built into the floor. There are flowers floating in the water and I smell many different kinds though I don't see them, perhaps some sort of scented oil for the bath.

I step into the water, slowly submerging myself and feel as if the months of salt spray, sweat and other things were vanishing. The heat and the scent seemed to melt away most of the physical tension and for the first time in a long time I actually felt relaxed. The scent of flowers filled my head and for a moment I could almost forget the smell of sea, beer and sweaty sailors. I submerge my head in the warm water and I feel calm and serene as the warm water swirls around me and the scent of flowers soaks my fur. I slowly pull my head up slowly and exhale slowly.

"Sweet Mary, mother of God..." I say with a smile

The door to my room opens and I turn my head enough to see a curvaceous striped hyena enters the room with a rather large plate of food and a craft of wine. She places the plate and the craft on a table near the balcony doors, gives a small bow and leaves the room. She smelled nice too, and I didn't really care for hyenas. I had me one a few years ago on a run to Cape Town. Fortunately the bath helped some, but the thought of a fine female and the need I suffered was starting to make me hard again.

After soaking for a while longer I decide to get out and dry off. As I was toweling off, I noticed myself in one of the mirrors and for the first time in a long time I had a chance to look myself over. I was big for a wolfhound, both tall and more muscular than others I've met. My fur is jet black save for two white colored crescents on either hip. My fur is long enough that an Englishman would know what my breed was, however I had to keep it cut shorter by order of the company. I didn't mind, it was easier to manage this way and made things a little more tolerably in this heat. My eyes were a golden brown and they were always searching. My mum used to say that it was because I was a curious lad that was up to no good and most of the time she had been right.

I was fortunate enough to have all my teeth but did have a few noticeable scars. One was the scar I received from that damn Bengali pirate not four weeks ago, when he raked his claws across the length of my chest. The other two were given to me by some damn bloody backs when I was just a boy. They gave me a couple scars across my back after I refused to enlist in the army, the bastards nearly tore my hide off. The other was more a missing piece of ear than it was a scar. I was missing about half of my right ear and that one I got from my da... the night he killed mum...

I pulled at my ear and glanced at myself in the mirror. None of that mattered anymore, Ireland was a long way from here. Besides, my Ireland died a long time ago. That's why I was half the world away in India. I didn't want to waste my time thinking about the past, I was going to do my damnedest to live in the present and that's what I was going to do now.

I finish drying off and walk over to the table by the balcony. A breeze blows through the open doors and it feels good so good that I walk out onto the balcony. After a few moments I remember that I was standing there stark naked.

"Ah, who gives a damn?" I say to myself with a chuckle. Not like I cared if anyone saw me, and to be honest it felt kind of exciting. Heat again swelled along my shaft and the carnal hunger I felt was getting harder and harder to repress. I mean, how long did a man have to wait?

I move just inside the balcony doors and grab some of the fruit off the plate that had been brought to me. I had no idea what it was but it was good, tart with a sweet finish. The meat was excellent as well, some sort of roasted foul but it didn't taste like chicken. While everything tasted good, and I knew I was hungry, it wasn't what I wanted.

I walked back to the bath to grab the fresh clothes they had brought me. I was getting tired of waiting and I thought I might as well get dressed and see what the holdup was. As I grab the shirt and unfold it there is a knock at my door.

"Come in." I say gruffly.

"Pardon my intrusion, Charles." Vema says as she enters. "I have come to discuss an issue that has arisen."

"What now?" I ask as I toss the shirt back down.

"The client that was with Yasimin has decided to pay for her services until morning." Vema says with a sigh. "She will not be able to see you tonight."

"Then I might as well take my money and go back to the ship." I say with a grunt.

"Please," Vema says, maintaining a good distance between us. "I would rather not upset a valuable client such as you. I can give you one of my other courtesans, though they may not be exactly what you wanted I can assure you that they are all skilled and exceptionally beautiful."

"Valuable client?" I say with a raised brow.

"I made the assessment of what you owed us and removed it from your belongings." She says with a bow. "To you it may not seem much, but there are lesser princes in possession of such fortunes."

I think about that for a moment. I was fortunate enough that I earned £3 a month from the East India Company. Back home that was a descent amount, enough that I didn't have to worry about going hungry when we weren't at sea. Not that I really had to worry about that. Every bit of money I had was in that satchel...

"You said there was another one here that spoke English." I say mulling things over. "While I do intend to spend a great deal of time in the throes of passion, a little conversation would do my heart some good."

"Anand is the other courtesan that I had spoken of..." She says carefully. "But I do not think you would be interested,"

"Anand speaks English?" I ask with a scowl.

Vema nods, "Yes, but,"

"And Anand is a courtesan in your employ?" I step closer.

"Yes," She says breathing to speak again.

"And Anand is not seeing any clients tonight?" I ask as grit my teeth.

"No." She says quickly, tired of interruptions.

"Then as a valuable client," I say with an agitated smirk. "I do not wish to wait any longer. Send Anand here as soon as you can."

"If that is what you desire, we will comply." She says with a nod. She turns to leave but hesitates at the door. "Anand has very skilled hands... perhaps it would be better to work the anger from you beforehand?"

"Probably a good idea." I say with a sigh.

Vema leaves and I'm left in my room naked and angry. I admit, back in London I ended up having an argument with a couple flash-men, be it over price or that the whore didn't know my shaft from a goat, but I had always been clothed and usually walked away feeling better than I did now. I sighed again then turned and walked to the bed. I climbed into the middle of it and laid on my stomach. The bed was soft and had the same smell as everything else here but I couldn't get lost in the scent or the comfort this time. I was angry and horny and was half tempted to just give myself a hand and be done with it, but I knew that wouldn't really do much for me.

As I close my eyes, there is a soft knock at my door.

"Come in." I say with an exhausted sigh. Whoever it is steps into the room, I hear the soft jingling of the same accessories that the other girls had worn and again the scent of flowers, more mild this time and there is something else this time but can't for the life of me figure out what it is. They take several steps towards the bed and the y inhale deeply.

"If your name is Anand, you can start with my shoulders." I say as I bury my face into the pillows. "If not, leave and don't bother me again."

There is slight hesitation at first and then I feel someone climbing on the bed. They carefully position themselves over me, straddling my back. I feel hands being very carefully placed on my lower back. Soft fingers gently trace the scars on my back then are slowly slid up to my shoulders. Anands' hands push into my shoulders grabbing muscle in strong, skilled hands. They grab, pull and release the muscles underneath and at first it, hurts. I start to say something and suddenly there is no more pain... only bliss.

Over the past seven months, my muscles had been worked into hard, jagged stone and my mood had grown to match. But these hands were the hands of an artist. One that was adept at grinding jagged rock into polished marble. I couldn't tell how much time was going by minutes, hours? I didn't really care.

When my shoulders were finally relaxed, those hands slowly worked their way down my back, crushing, grinding and polishing each stone back into flesh. After that those hands pushed along my spine, forcing bones back into place that I hadn't even realized were out. I felt as though years of tension were simply melting away, every pain, every wound and for a moment I thought I might forget years of hardship. I let out a very satisfied sigh and even allow myself to smile.

Anand moves those magical hands along my sides stopping to tease a ticklish spot along my ribs for a moment before gently running them back down. Then, my mind receives a jolt of pleasure as I feel a very wet tongue drag along the length of my back. I feel hot panting along the back of my neck and am a bit excited and surprised when I feel a nip on my injured ear. A whore can act like an unseemly wench at times, but a professional is not put off by the scars and deformities of their clients. Somehow, a professional will find the sensual in all of the world's blemishes and that is how you tell the difference between a whore and a courtesan.

Those hands press hard into my ribs, dragging down to my hips and then they slide underneath me. Finally, I get what I have been craving for so long. Anands hands are soft and strong and they work up and down my shaft, swelling me and gently pulling me out of my sheath. They keep circling, rubbing and pulling building me higher and higher until I feel my knot begin to swell and heat radiates all over me. Anand is good, but I'll be damned if I cum into the sheets.

Anand is still positioned on my back and I let a devious grin break across my muzzle. I lift my hips up quickly, raising Anand off the bed and I grab one of the arms around my waist and pull down and under. There is a grunt as Anand hits the bed and I instantly postion myself between her legs, my length bulging and twitching in excitement. I shoot my eyes up, dying to watch that face as I push myself inside.

I lock up over what I see. An exposed, muscular flat chest and toned abs. A very masculine face and an adams apple to match. And most troubling of all, a very stiff bulge beneath a loincloth. The smell that I couldn't identify before stood out so clearly now... it was the musk of another canid, a male canid. Anand was man...

"What... What the FUCK!?" I yell as I grab his arms and hold him in place.

"The mistress said you asked for me!" Anand says loudly. "She tried to tell you that I might not be exactly what you wanted but you told her to send me anyway."

"She still could've told me that you were a man!" I say as I get up. "I can't believe I was... that I almost."

"I'm just trying to do my job and make you happy. You liked the massage and you seemed to like it when I touched your cock." Anand says as he sits up.

"That's before I knew some little fop was touching me!" I snarled, but my cock isn't going down.

"I don't know that word." Anand says with a frown.

"God damn it! A pervert! A queer! A damn boy lover!" I exclaim wildly. Why isn't my cock going down?

"You were getting rather aroused as well." Anand smirks

"I thought you were a woman!" My words are true, but even knowing this my cock is still swollen throbbing.

"Doesn't seem to bother you now." Anand says as he slinks down on all fours and raises his tail. "We're already here, why not finish?"

I look at him, the curve of his body. How his eyes look so eager. How his tail is lifted, ready for me to take him. I've never been desperate enough to fuck another man. I've never been presented the opportunity in quite this manner either. Nor have I ever been so swollen from excitement that I ache.

"Get out." I say as I narrow my eyes.

"What?" Anand says as he straightens up.

"I understand that you're just trying to do your job, but I don't want you." I say coldly. "Get out."

"Wait, no!" Anand says as he gets up quickly and stands before me.

"Yes! Leave, now." I say getting agitated.

"This is my last chance!" Anand says desperately.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"I haven't made a lot of money." Anand says quietly. "If you don't take me... Then the mistress will throw me out on the street. I will have nothing and I will more than likely be dead within a month."

"That's... it's none of my concern." I say looking away.

"Then you condemn me to die." Anand says with pained eyes.

"It's a kindness, the only way to get out of this life is if you have no other choice." I say with a shrug.

"How do you think I get here?" He says with a snort, "My people are pariahs in most of India and even if they weren't no one would take me in after I failed to complete my contract. If you want to show me kindness... then kill me."

"What?!" I exclaim.

"It's the only choice I have left." He says calmly.

"No, absolutely not." I say with a scowl.

Anand gets very close to me. He places one hand on my chest and one hand on my erection. He looks up at me with honey colored eyes and he pushes his muzzle into mine. He kisses me, hard and passionately. His lips and hands were soft. Without thinking, I slowly bring my arms around him and I'll be damned if I didn't kiss him back. He pulls back and I just stare at him with my mouth slightly open.

"There are only two kindnesses you can show me at this point." Anand says with a voice that says he has nothing left to lose. "You can kill me and spare the suffering that I will endure, or you can become my patron... and you can take me."

Seven months at sea, around the tip of the world and through a monsoon. Seven months of bad food, too much beer and a mild bout of scurvy... Seven months on a goddamn boat, with no good company to waste away my bitter nights with but myself. Now here I stood with a courtesan, who was more than willing to satisfy my hunger and keep me from being bitter and lonely.

He was a man, about two heads shorter than I was. He had honey colored eyes and red gold fur except for a black tipped tail and ears. His fur was short and soft, his hands strong and tender and his scent... his musk was sweet and pleasant. I closed my eyes and kissed him again and damn if he didn't taste good too. I move my hands down to his hips and even though my hands were shaking, I removed his loincloth. I felt his shaft against mine... it was hard, smooth and he was surprisingly about as big as me too. Risking all my inhibitions, I reach down and grab his length. Even though its hard, it feels soft in my hands and I begin to stroke him. He grunts with pleasure through our kiss. The only noticeable change in myself, is that my cock feels harder... and hotter. I slowly start pushing him backwards and I open my eyes only for a moment to spot the bed. I push him backwards on the bed once we get close enough.

"Goddamn savage." I snort as I loom over him, touching my cock to his.

"English devil." He retorts softly as he snaps at my muzzle.

That causes an instinctual reaction within me and I give a little growl as I grab his legs with my arms and move into position. He flips his tail beneath us and I notice a golden ring towards the base, which draws my gaze to his ass. It looked nice... and tight. I spit in my palm and rub it along the length of my cock. I give him one more devilish grin before I push myself inside him. He gasps in surprise and moves his arms up to push against the wall. I don't stop until my knot bumps his ass.

I was right, he was tight. Tighter than any woman I'd been with and yet it didn't seem to bother him. If it did, he was good at concealing it. I thrust slowly at first just so we can get used to each other, gradually speeding up to a fast and vigorous pace. He felt really good. He's tight, warm and I can feel him clenching around me every time I go to pull out. I keep our pace fast and I always push deep, which makes him grunt and he scratches and pushes at the wall. We do this for a long time and he starts to grind his hips into me as I thrust in. My tongue lulls out of my mouth as I feel myself getting close.

"Wait... don't cum yet." Anand says as he places a hand on my chest.

"Why the fuck not?" I ask slowing down only slightly.

"Because I can make it better." He says as he starts to get up and pushes me backwards. "When you finally do cum, it'll be because I've taken you to Nirvana."

"To what?" I ask as he sits on top of me, my cock still buried in him.

"Heaven, or close to it anyway." He says with a smile as he begins to move up and down on my cock.

Again, he feels good and yet somehow the sensation is different. He keeps himself going at a fast pace as well, panting and grunting with pleasure all the while. I begin to thrust while this is going on and I am careful to feel just where it is that he makes these grunts. Once I figured out exactly where it was I gave one good thrust just to see what would happen.

"Param??vara!" He exclaims loudly as he grabs at my chest fur.

I do it again and again with very similar results. So I keep doing it each time getting faster. Anand moans and cries out in pleasure giving me a smile when he can manage it. His cock is bobbing up and down in front of me, swollen and dripping with his essence. I deliberate for a moment,

"Ah, what the hell?" I say to myself, in for a penny in for a pound.

I position my hips forward a bit so I can bring his cock closer to my muzzle. I can smell him, that sweet musk and my head gets a bit foggy. I involuntarily open my mouth and bring my head forward. I feel his tip hit my tongue and I close my mouth softly around his cock. It's an interesting feeling to have a cock in one's mouth for the first time. Of course then I think to myself, Wait... there's a cock in my mouth! And I remember that I have no idea what to do with it now that it is there. I try to remember what women have done to me in the past. Bobbing my head up and down, moving my tongue along the length, sucking it. His musk tastes slightly sweet, but it also has a smoky flavor to it as well as some spice. It's... nice.

Anand continues riding my cock while I suck his and occasionally buck my hips into him. This goes on for some time until I notice that his shaft is getting warmer and his knot is swelling up. He tries to pull himself out of my mouth but force him to stay and begin thrusting hard into his rear. He struggles a bit to get off of me, but not enough too actually get away.

"Wait... wait, I don't..." He can barely speak between his moans. "I've, never cum like this..."

His voice is urgent and his breathing is labored. I feel him clenching around me and I feel that it's time to see just how much he can take. I move my arms up and grab his shoulders and then I drive my hips into him as hard as I can. He yelps a moment and then it turns into a loud groan as I force my knot inside him, locking us into each other until it ends. I bounce him on my knot hard and his moaning becomes louder. He starts shaking and more pre starts oozing from his cock. My own starts to give me that familiar feeling and I work myself harder and harder. Anand must not be too far behind me because he starts bucking into my mouth.

Finally, the pressure is too much. I force him down with my arms and drive up with my hips as I surge into him. I release his cock, to throw my head back and howl. As I do this Anand grunts several times ending in a howl as he finally releases and his cum shoots all over my face and upper body. I continue thrusting hard and fast and after a minute or two, Anand desperately trying to get off of me, I thrust deep one final time and fill him with another load of cum.

After that we are still. Both of us are worn out and panting heavily. His breathing has a slight whistle to it and he has a very small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. And I know I'm smiling. I feel his cum on my muzzle, and I lull my tongue out to give it a good lick. His cum tastes good and the room is filled with the scent of both of our musk's mingling together. All in all, I was glad I decided to fuck him and I think he was too.

"That was good." I say as I give him a smile. "That was really good."

"Yes it was." He says smiling back. "Twice?"

"Sorry," I chuckle, giving a little thrust upward. "I usually cum twice or more. Depends on the situation... and who I'm filling."

I look at him and think about how odd that is for me, him... As a man that had never even considered the idea here I was, cock deep in another man. His cum was all over my muzzle and chest. I could feel my own cum oozing out of him, slowly trailing down my shaft to my balls. I could still feel him clenching his tight ass around my shaft and even after cumming twice my knot is still hard and I feel a tingle that could only mean one thing.

I pull him forward to give him a long slow kiss, pulling my knot out of him as I do this. I feel him flinch a little when it pops free and he begins to kiss me harder. I move myself out from beneath him, careful not to break our kiss for long. We're both on all fours at this point and I pull away from him. I smile and give him a playful growl, he cocks his head to the side and gives me a grin. He stretches out before me and lifts his tail high in the air, begging me for one more good pounding.

I oblige him. I circle in behind him like some kind of jungle beast and pounce upon him. There are no niceties this time. I thrust into him full force and he cries out from pleasure and pain. I push my knot back inside him for the final time and hold him close as I begin furiously pounding his hindquarters. He moans and groans with each thrust. I reposition my hands one across his chest to hold him in place and the second I wrap around his hardening cock. I work that hand vigorously up and down his shaft occasionally giving his knot a good squeeze.

As we continue, our breathing becomes erratic. I feel his heart pounding through his chest and I feel mine rattling my ribs as well. Even after all of this, after having my knot inside him twice now, he still felt so goddamn tight. This might be the best sex I've ever had and I grunt into his ear with pleasure.

"Pl...please... please keep going!" Anand shouts.

I do my best to thrust harder and deeper, all the while speeding my hand up as well. His body tenses and tightens around me and I begin to build up as well, my knot swelling more and more. I bite the back of his neck and begin a low growl. Anand can't take anymore and he grunts and moans as I spill his cum all over the sheets. His cum feels sticky and warm on my hand... it feels good. But I can't take anymore and I surge forth into him growling louder and biting harder as the last bit of cum I can muster pours into him.

I can't keep us up anymore and we fall flat on the bed, Anand lands in his own mess and I fall on top of him. Finally, I can't do any more and I am left panting into the nap of his neck, giving it a satisfied lick. He laughs and pulls my arms around him.

"Should I get prepared for more?" He chuckles.

"I wish I could." I say as I squeeze him in my arms tightly. "Your ass feels amazing, but I'm done for tonight. Ask me again in the morning."

"You want me to stay with you tonight?" He asks with a surprised voice.

"Yes I do." I say breathing him in. "Besides, my knot won't go down for a while so we're kind of stuck anyway."

"You were very pleasing..." Anand says with a happy sigh. "I have not cum from a client in a very long time."

"I bet you say that to all the guys that fuck you." I said with a laugh.

He pauses for a moment. "You have been the first to request my services in over a year and before that, I was not in high demand..."

"Really?" I say a bit surprised. "That's why you were so desperate."

"Yes..." Anand says quietly.

I didn't really know what to say after that. He was good, the best I've had in a long time which was even more surprising considering he was a man. His fur is soft and warm, but he is also strong and very accommodating. He tasted good, made me feel good and there was something about those honey color eyes of his that made me feel strange. I had never been with another man before and after being with him, I didn't think I wanted to be with anyone else. The swelling in my knot has gone down enough that I could safely pull out of him and I did, slowly. I let my tip linger for a moment, but I pull free and then bring my body close to him.

"Charles?" Anand starts.

"What is it?" I ask as I nuzzle into his ear.

"I know you do not owe it to me and believe it or not what you've done tonight has secured my position here for a while longer..." He say, pausing a moment. "Will you be my patron? Will you help me?"

I prop myelf up with one arm and he turns on his back to look at me. I look his body up and down. His feet, legs, cock, chest and head. Those honey eyes stare at me, pleading and his ears are pinned back.

I left to get away from my past and laying her before me was something very pleasant in the present. As a rule, I took each day as it came and tried to avoid making plans for the future. Here I am know, considering the future for the first time... because of another man. The concept still sounded strange in my head but I felt like something was pointing me to him, just as something had pointed me to The Company and India.

"I've been considering asking one of the heads of the East India Company for a transfer... Perhaps one of the warehouses." I say with a frown. "Back in London, most of the warehouses are full up. About the only place I could actually find work would be, here I guess."

"Here?" Anand says as he raises up.

"I'll have to talk to my captain and the Company head." I say with a sigh "And of course I will have to secure this room permanently from your mistress and as your patron, I would of course want you here waiting for me when I came home."

Anand says nothing. He simple kisses me and I kiss him back. We kiss each other for a very long time and Anand eventually drifts off to sleep. Somehow I can't sleep, I just lay there and think about everything that has happened. I stare at him and trace lines on his body. He sighs and smiles in his sleep, and something about that makes me extremely happy... After a while longer there is a knock at my door. I don't bother dressing I simply answer it. Vema is standing in the hall.

"I hope I did not disturb. I have you belongings." She says handing them to me with a bow. "Have you finished with Anand?"

"I would like to inquire about renting this room permanently." I say plainly. "And I want to make sure that Anand is available to meet my needs whenever I desire it."

Vema stares at me dumbfounded. And I stare back with a completely straight face. I see her calculating in her head.

"Is there a problem with that?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Of course not." She says with a bow. "I will see that it is done and that all of your needs are met. You will be Anands patron and he will be available to you whenever you ask, so long as it doesn't conflict with his other duties."

I thank her and she leaves. I close the door and toss my clothes on the floor and crawl back into bed with Anand, wrapping myself around him. I slowly start drifting off to sleep and think about how funny it all was. So on the 25th of August in the year of our lord 1746, I made the decision to stay in India. Little did I know that we were about to be abandoned by the East India Company, Britain and our Indian allies. War was coming to Madras, it would be besieged and conquered. I would spend the next two years hiding from the enemy, learning about myself and this strange land and falling desperately in love...