Relaxation Activities

Story by DangerousPancakes on SoFurry

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The gnoll and elven adventurers, Ludwig and Lyther decide to end their stressful day with a trip to their newfound half-orc friend's bath house, perhaps they'll get more than they ask for!

"Bath house? What's that," Ludwig cocked his head, ears twitching at the word "A house filled with water?"

"You aren't joking around, are you?" The draconic elf, Lyther, scoffed in response. The duo was making their way to a bath house, the only one in the city

"Not at all, I barely know what a bath itself is!" The gnoll pouted, confused about Lyther's plans for the night "Please explain!"

"It's a bath, basically. Except it's in this big room, and it's open to the public." Lyther tried to explain the concept properly "So like you do with a bath, you get undressed and hop right in. It's not the cold water I'm used to, so I can't wait."

"Yeesh, it sounds weird, but I'll give it a try, and warm water always does sound nice!" Ludwig snickered, suddenly changing his tone to sound eager about the new location

"Just try not to cause any trouble, okay?" The elf made sure to emphasize this point, as if the gnoll had never heard these words before "I really don't want to get kicked out or banned from anywhere else in this city, got it?"

Ludwig thought about it long and hard, more than he does about anything else "No promises, but I'll try to be on my best behavior!"

"Thanks, it's all I could ask for."

As they made their way downtown, the elf counted the familiar buildings they passed, Luna's Apothecary, Geralt's hidden market, their own former home, which still looks like it's fire barely went out. Then came the establishment of the hour, a reasonably sized building with an assortment of flowers and decorations littering the entrance with a sign that confirmed that this was the location they were looking for

"Is this the place, pal?" The gnoll inquired, squinting at the decorations

"Yes, now let's head in, and remember-"

"Don't make a scene, yeah, yeah." Ludwig mocked the elf's voice, they both walked into the building, wondering what awaited them

"Hello hello friends!" A loud and cheerful voice greeted them, a large half-orc stood behind a counter that had opposing doors in the left and right of them "Welcome!"

"Ah, hello," Lyther responded, a half-smile was on his face while his eyes were taking in the basically nude orc's body "I almost didn't recognize you out of your armor, Ullurk!"

The figure, Ullurk, stood up with his arms crossed, he was definitely naked, save for the towel that was barely big enough to hide his pride, though his hair was still tied back into a ponytail and the earrings that Lyther recognized as cuffs were still in place, as when the elf first met him "Hey, it gets incredibly warm in here, you cannot blame me for not wanting to wear a full outfit!"

"Uh, you've seen this guy in armor?" Ludwig whispered to Lyther, he was trying his hardest to imagine how big the set of armor he wore would be to match his large and muscular build "Why?"

"Saved him from an ambush the other day, he had ran straight into a bandit camp in an attempt to take them all on himself!"

"Guard patrol during the day, business owner at night!" Ullurk chuckled, sitting back down "They would've killed me too, if it wasn't for Lyther here!"

"A half-orc who's openly praising an elf for saving their life? That's a new one." Lyther grinned, gesturing to Ullurk

"Now now, don't get full of yourself now!" Ullurk scoffed, trying to hide a smile "What brings you two here?"

"We've had a rough day, thought that we could come here to unwind!" Lyther told his friend, reaching under his cloak to fetch his coin purse "How much would it cost the two of us?"

"Nothing at all, just head on in! It's the least I could do for the one who's saved my life, and their friend!" Ullurk leaned forward on the counter, smiling "Well, head in after you undress, of course!"

"Right, we'll enter into the back room right now to do just that, c'mon Ludwig, let's-"

The gnoll was already lacking their cloak and leather gambeson, his chest was bare and he was working on taking off his undergarments already until Lyther stopped him "Huh, what's up?"

"Ludwig, not here. We undress in that room." Lyther pointed at a nearby entrance "Sorry, excuse his manners, Ullurk."

"Don't worry, I like his enthusiasm!" Ullurk let out a hearty laugh, leaning back in his seat

The duo made their way into the changing room, a small area with multiple drawers meant to store the customer's belongings, but tonight, it seemed that the partners were the only ones visiting "What do you think of him Ludwig, you like him?"

"He's big. Big and loud, just like a regular orc, cept' more civilized and likable!" Ludwig joked, placing his armor pieces into a drawer "I'd rate him a seven out of ten!"

Lyther chuckled at the comment "We're basing people on a number scale now? Efficient." In no time flat, he was standing there nude, then he realized that he'd rather not have Ludwig see him like this, so he scrambled for a towel of his own to wrap around his waist

"Yes, cause' you bet mad at me whenever I just insult everybody!" Ludwig barked out, he too was naked, but he held no shame in it like the elf did, though his tail was raised between his legs ever so shyly

"Sure, let's just head on in already, it seems like it'll be all ours tonight." Lyther pointed out the obvious, he held onto the towel around his waist with one hand, and pushed his way through the door to the bath with the other

Built into the ground was the bath, and the water in it was warm enough to have steam gently rolling across the surface and as Lyther said, it was just the two of them "Quaint." Lyther whispered, sticking a foot inside the water to test it himself "Huh, this feels nice so far!"

The elf stepped in further, slowly lowering himself into the water as Ludwig watched his movements carefully, coyly admiring Lyther's build as well "You coming in too Ludwig, or not?"

"Yes I am, let me just.." Ludwig hurriedly made his way to another side of the large bath and slowly stepped in, his tail was now back in it's neutral position, letting Lyther catch an eyeful of the gnoll's furry crotch for a good second before it got submerged into the water with the rest of his body

Sitting across from each other, they sat in silence for a single moment before breaking it "Ah, this feels nice, doesn't it?" Lyther relaxed, leaning back with his arms behind his head and his legs spread open "Especially after being toyed around with by that witch's magic!"

"Definitely, who knows what my gnoll brethren would be thinking right now if they saw me relaxing like this, I know the human family that raised me would sure be jealous!"

"We should come here more often, don't you think?"

After barely an hour passed, in which felt like an eternity of peace to the duo, the door they entered through swung open, revealing the lumbering Ullurk, who was still wearing nothing but their towel

"Hello again friends!" Ullurk announced his presence, hands on hips "Closed up shop for the night up front, I'll be joining you two if you don't mind!"

"Of course, it is your establishment! And it'd be our pleasure!" Lyther sat up, smiling in Ullurk's direction

Ludwig nodded silently, he still couldn't believe that the two of them were getting along, an elf and a half-orc, he wasn't sure if he preferred this peace or the fighting that he usually saw them doing

"Excellent, here I come." Ullurk made his way to the same side as the elf, but before lowering himself in, he reached down and flung his towel off to the side before getting in

Ludwig and Lyther both couldn't help but gape at their new friend's full naked form, it was truly a sight to behold, especially his manhood, which caused Lyther especially to bashfully look away

"Haa... Always feels great after a day's hard work, right comrades?" Ullurk let out a pleasured sigh, relaxing into the seat

"Yeah, said the same thing to Ludwig!" Lyther said, chuckling in between the words, his hands were covering his own lower regions to hide them from Ullurk, he didn't want him to notice the effect that the orc had on him

"Huh, you guys deal with the same troublesome people too?" Ullurk inquired, turning to face Lyther slightly

"More than troublesome! Damn witches are a pain in the- the ass!" Ludwig sputtered out, his composure failing him

"I hear that, I've dealt with more than I'd like!" Ullurk replied, pointing a finger at the gnoll to emphasize his point

Meanwhile, Lyther was struggling to not show his sudden arousal, but Ludwig could tell easily, and he smirked evilly- but he too, was feeling just as turned on

"Is something the matter, my elf friend?" Unfortunately, Ullurk noticed, but not in the way the duo thought "You look as stiff as a board!" Tthe orc scooted closer to Lyther, his arm now around his shoulder and a concerned look on his face

"Oh no, what's wrong Lyther?" Ludwig snickered, adding on to the false-alarm jokingly

"Uh, nothing! I just-" Lyther slipped one hand to his stomach, still using the other to try and hide his member from Ullurk "I'm just feeling a bit sick!"

"That's no good, I have some herbs stored away, I can brew you a drink to help!" Ullurk offered, he started to stand to exit the bath to carry out his offer already

Lyther, too flustered to deal with another sight of his friend's cock, raised both arms out to stop him "No, no! It's okay, it is not that big of a-"

"Oi, Lyther! You uh, your.." Ludwig was wide-eyed, and with his paw, he pointed out that Lyther did more than just raise his hands, but he instead stood up to face the orc, so his erection was not just showing, but it was awfully close to rubbing against Ullurk

"Ooh, I see.." Ullurk looked down, he was staring straight down at Lyther's prick, ignoring the elf's flushed face "You weren't really sick, were you?"

"No, I, I just-" Lyther couldn't find his words, he just nodded and Ludwig watched, his face in his paws

"Hm, it is nothing to be embarrassed of, my friend!" Ullurk burst out into laughter, before looking back down "In fact, I know of a better way to help you relax now."

"Ah, what do you mean?" Lyther knew what he was implying, but he was struck off guard by how casual the orc was being about it

Gently, Ullurk gave Lyther's cock a single stroke using his thumb and index finger "Like this, if you'd like."

As Lyther eagerly nodded yes, Ludwig watched as his face began burning up "What a charmer this one is, huh?"

"Here we go, I'll just do this," Ullurk sat back down, but on the outside of the bath with his legs still submerged in the water "Sit right here, Lyther."

Doing as told, Lyther sat on Ullurk's lap, they faced one another and their erections were pressed up against each other. Ullurk's length appeared massive compared to Lyther's in his own eyes "You certainly aren't compensating for anything with that ornate sword of yours!"

"Please, I am proud of both of my... swords!" Ullurk laughed, wrapping one of his large hands around both of their cocks and began to slowly stroke them "How do you like this, little one?"

"Quite a lot, yeah!" Lyther trembled as the orc had his way, their fluids slicking both of their members "It's been quite some time."

"Good, good." Ullurk looked past Lyther and noticed Ludwig, who was openly stroking himself to the scene "Hey gnoll, come here, I can't leave a friend out!" And almost instantly Ludwig was sitting beside the orc, looking just as flustered as the elf "This one's on my lap, but luckily I've still got two hands!" With his spare hand, Ullurk grabbed onto Ludwig's animalistic cock and stroked it for him in tandem with the others, causing small whimpers to emit from the gnoll

"Is this how you treat all of your friends?" Lyther mumbled, looking into his friend's green eyes "It's certainly nice of you, to say the least!"

With a small chuckle, Ullurk answered "Only the one's who face my life."

Pace increasing, the three all occasionally let out small moans and gasps until Ludwig cried out "O-Oi big guy, I'm- I'm awfully close to- haa!" As Ullurk's fist kept stroking, Ludwig shot out strings of cum into the air and onto the orc's hand with little warning, but despite this, Ullurk kept stroking "H-Hey now..!"

"You beasts don't last long, but you are all certainly raring to go again in no time flat, aren't you?" The half-orc flashed a toothy grin at the gnoll, the look on Ludwig's face confirmed the fact "Yeah, just as I learned from that Dragonborn fellow."

"Hey, hey Ullurk-" Lyther grabbed onto the orc's shoulders and shuddered, he was obviously drawing close too "I'm.. I'm next!"

"Got it, I'll follow you up alright? Shoot for me, elf." Ullurk huffed, his breathing was heavy as he took his other hand away from Ludwig and gave his and Lyther's cock a hand each, stroking much faster

"Ullurk- ah!" Lyther's hips jerked forward, thrusting his cock into the orc's fist, his cum spurting out and landing onto Ullurk's chest, one shot hitting his face even. Moments after, he found the courage to brush Ullurk's hand off his own large cock to stroke it for him "Here, I'll help you out."

Using both hands, Lyther quickly stroked the entirety of Ullurk's length, the orc grunted and huffed "Get ready, it's coming." Just like he said, jets of cum erupted from his cock, landing on his own chest, mixing with Lyther's own

The trio sat there, all trying to catch their breaths until Ullurk suddenly lowered himself from the gnoll and elf, and with a quick motion, he slipped Lyther's cock into his mouth and toyed with it using his tongue

"Hey, what're you doing down there now?" Lyther squirmed, still sensitive

"Cleaning you off, of course." Ullurk mumbled, removing Lyther's cock and replacing it with Ludwig's to do the same "It's my pleasure to help."

"His, or ours, eh?" Ludwig playfully laughed at his own pun, but from the few moments he was being sucked off, he shot two more small pumps of cum into Ullurk's mouth, another onto his face, resulting in a shocked expression "Hey, you- you said us beasts don't last long!"

"Heh, I ain't complaining." As a punishment of sorts, Ullurk gave Ludwig a small kiss, to share the taste of his own cum with him, Ludwig didn't seem to mind, he even playfully licked the orc's face, cleaning the remaining cum off for him

After all was done, the duo was once again dressed and standing in the entrance of the bath house, Ullurk guiding them out "Thanks again for the night Ullurk, it was fun!"

"The pleasure is all mine, friends. Be sure to come again!" Ullurk cheerfully waved at the two as they left

"With the door shut, Ludwig laughed and told Lyther "That was amazing, let's do it again tomorrow!"

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