Never Again

Story by McRabid Raccoon on SoFurry

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#1 of Pinebox Chronicles

Disclaimer: Don't read this if you don't meet the age requirements for where you live, aren't interested in M/M content, a teen having an existential crisis over his sexuality, or homosexuality in general. As a side note, I don't want to use a real college so I decided to use East Texas University which is a fictional college on the outskirts of the fictional town of Pinebox, Texas both created for Savage Worlds campaigns, I do not own the rights to ETU or anything, I do however own a copy of the ETU campaign setting.

The early morning sun glared through the gaps in the dorm room blinds sending one the smaller of two figures in the bed squirming. After a solid minute of trying to get comfortable, and blocking out the light, an arm flopped down over the smaller one's side in a half asleep attempt to calm him down. It worked for all of two seconds before the smaller figure's bloodshot eyes snapped open, someone was in his bed with him and panic started to set in alongside the headache of a massive hangover.

It slowly dawned on him that this was not his dorm room, that he was sore all over, and exceedingly hung over. He was waking up in a stranger's bed and judging by the arm around him and the body pressing up against him it was not a girl's bed. Fighting the pain wracking his body, he eased his way out of the stranger's bed and went about gathering his haphazardly discarded clothes while pointedly avoiding eye contact with the bed, his head hurting too much to question how his shorts ended up hanging from the ceiling light.

After frantically throwing his clothes on, not even caring that his shirt was both backwards and inside out, he stumbled out of the stranger's dorm, giving off a low whine from the brightness of the hall. Shielding his eyes as he made his way downstairs, ignoring the pounding headache and the sense of vertigo, he had almost reached the lobby doors when someone called out to him.

"Spots? " The saccharine sweet voice came from behind him, "What are you doing here?"

He cringed visibly from the voice, not only was it needlessly loud he knew who it belonged to. The mare was his counterpart on the female track and field team; she was dressed for a morning jog but had stopped to question his presence there.

"Don't call me that, Sydney." He growled under his breath before grabbing his head making a mental note to avoid growling with a hangover,

"Well James it looks to me like a walk of shame, leaving before the unlucky lady realizes her mistake?" She smirked, eying the Dalmatian.

"I'm sure you know all about walks of shame." James grumbled under his breath before digging in his pockets, his tail wagging limply as he found what he was looking for. Sure, the party had been at night and yeah, maybe it made him a bit of a douche bag, but he never went anywhere without his sunglasses. Ignoring any more of the mare's comments, and wanting to get as far away from this dorm as he could, James slipped on his shades with practiced ease before leaving the building and making his way across campus towards his own dorm.

Twenty minutes later and after a stop off at one of the many trashcans in the quad after the nausea hit him in full, James reached the athletics dormitory, climbed the stairs, entered his dorm room, and finally crawled into his bed. He ignored the greetings of his fox roommate as he bundled up into a ball under his covers, only exposing his paw long enough to deposit his sunglasses on his night stand. When James finally woke up it was closer to noon and his roommate was gone, after finally dragging himself out of bed he found a note from Adrian, his roommate, on the dry erase board they shared,

Went to lunch before work, tried to wake you but you told me to, and I quote, "fuck off, go eat a dick" ever the conversationalist, Jimmy. Be back at 7 - hope you had fun last night since you never came home. ~Adrian

That sure sounded like him, he'd apologize to Adrian later, buy him some of that shitty coffee he likes. Left alone, James had time to finally think; to try and remember what happened last night, but first a shower. A quick sniff told him he definitely needed one, and that in addition to his own scent another was plainly obvious and it was not a female's scent. While glad that the mare wouldn't have picked up the scent, he feared Adrian had, that could pose a problem, the tricky little bastard had a way of digging information out of people so it was no wonder the clever little bastard was double majoring in journalism and psychology.

"Fuck..." Shaking his head, James grabbed his toiletries, a change of clothes, and his glasses. He hated wearing them but he'd drunkenly slept in his contacts and he needed to give his eyes a break, and he was off for the dorm showers, thankful that they wouldn't be as crowded meaning less people giving him weird looks when they picked up the mixed scents.

By the time the hot water started cascading through his fur the thoughts started flooding into his head. He'd done it again, gotten drunk at another party and gone back to some guy's room and the soreness in his backside finished the thought for him and he gagged. With a whimper he held his head under the water, trembling as the panic started to set in again. Why did it keep happening, he'd dated girls all through middle and high school, he'd been part of his church's abstinence pledge and everything. His mom had been proud of him for that but his dad felt it was silly, that mixing teenage boys and girls it was inevitable for sex to happen, plus there was no need for some stupid purity ring as "Just knowing I'd tan your sorry hides if you do something stupid should be enough." The fact that their dad was the football coach at their high school had kept each member of the Kirkwood brood in line.

If his dad would have tanned his hide for having unprotected sex with some chick he downright feared what the elder Dalmatian would do if he learned about his son having fucked guys on at least four; no, it was five occasions now. He'd done everything he could to be normal, focused all his attention on the track or the basketball court, he'd won countless awards, trophies, ribbons, you name it he'd pushed himself to, and sometimes beyond, the breaking point to achieve his goals. All to avoid coming across as being gay, anything it took to not be a disappointment to his family. His efforts had earned him a scholarship to East Texas University just like two of his older brothers, Benji and Paul.

"Oh god, what if they find out and tell mom and dad? No, no, no, no, no" he thought

"No, no, no, no" James let out a pathetic whimper as he slumped against the shower cubicle,

"You okay in there dude?" A voice called from behind the shower curtain,

"I'M FINE" James yelped out, covering himself despite the curtain still being closed, "Just... just forgot to finish an assignment due Monday"

"Chillax, you've got a full day, don't freak out." The voice started to fade as the owner walked away, muttering under their breath about how adorable it was for a Frosh to freak out so much.

Cheeks flushed, James went back to washing off the sweat of last night as well as the dried cum and lube from last night's mistake. The tenderness of his ass led him to suspect he'd been with another canine, plus it did have the heady scent of canine to it. Now washing away all evidence he thought of a story, it had to be believable, he knew he'd gone to the party and possibly left with a canine, and the best lies were based on some fact, so he'd say he'd had a one-night stand with some border collie chick, readily admit he didn't know her name, and had snuck out before she woke up, of course he'd worn protection, that would placate his brothers and keep them from ratting him out to their folks.

His mind wandered back to his family, how everything was so traditional that they literally had a picket fence. James was the youngest of five boys and was the only one that had been a genuine surprise and as such his mother had coddled him so much that he wondered if it was her fault that he was going through all this mess. The coddling had of course resulted in constant teasing from his older brothers, specifically the oldest two, Liam and Grady, Paul had teased him as well but was much more interested in building and taking apart various things around the house, Benji had just been glad he wasn't the youngest so he often joined in on teasing James. High School had been easier as Liam had already moved out and started working as a firefighter (James thought that was the most clichéd thing he'd ever heard), and without his partner in crime Grady had mellowed out before he'd gone to ETU for a major in Criminal justice, Paul mostly ignored his little brothers after the older two had moved out, as by the time James had reached high school Paul was in his senior year and was determined to get a scholarship, and it was no surprise to anyone that he'd graduated Valedictorian. Then it had just been James and Benji; the two youngest became much closer, they were only a year apart after all, soon becoming as thick as thieves. They'd gotten into all sorts of trouble in the name of bonding, including joyriding in their dad's restored T-Bird, they'd been grounded for a month but it had been worth it up until the second Benji rear ended their principal and the duo's dad found out.

He exhaled shakily as he rinsed the soap from his fur, tomorrow after church he'd stay late for confession, he tried to go every week but it'd been about a month since his last confession due to training. Turning the water off he gave himself a quick shake before wrapping a towel around his waist and heading out to the sinks to groom himself. He stared at the Dalmatian staring back at him in the mirror; he stood just over six feet and had a well-toned body under his fur which he attributed to his eleven and a half mile morning run, unlike his brothers he had his mother's eyes a light green in color, the most obvious markings for him was the rather large black spot that encircled his right eye and ear and the light speckling of small spots that almost looked like freckles in his fur, and like everyone in his family he had black hair though it was getting a little shaggy. Glancing around to make sure no one was looking, James flashed himself a half-cocked smile showing off his pearly whites.

"It pays to have a dentist for a mom." He thought

A quick floss and brushing of his teeth, and he was ready to groom his fur. James gave his goatee a little trimming, combed his hair, brushed his fur, and removed his contacts. Now half blind, James stumbled to the locker he'd left his clothes in, bumping into another student

"Dude, watch it" It was the same voice as earlier, squinting he could just make out slightly canine features,

"Sorry, I don't have my contacts in..." James apologized before rushing past, quickly pulling on a simple pair of rectangular framed glasses, glancing over his shoulder he spotted the other student, what he had at first thought was another dog turned out to be a sandy furred coyote with dreadlocks. The coyote was just relaxing, air drying most likely, fully in the buff. James quickly glanced away before quickly pulling on a pair of briefs, now properly modest; James took his time to apply deodorant before pulling on a muscle shirt followed by a pair of shorts. Collecting his belongings, he gave the coyote a polite nod as he left back for his room.

He hadn't completely lied to the Coyote, he did have an assignment due on Monday and he'd barely started on it. Lucky for him it was a topic Paul was proficient in, with a little bribery of buying a pizza; Paul agreed to help with the assignment, but only after eating. After dinner, with a side of Aspirin for James to get rid of the remainder of the hangover headache, the brothers headed to the library to finish up the assignment. Paul had a similar build to James, but Paul only stood 5'6" to his 6'1", and he lead a more static lifestyle leaving him with the slightest of bellies, while a good portion of James' face was covered with a large black spot, Paul's face was completely white while both ears were black, despite his brothers short hair, Paul was the only one to keep his long and he kept it in a short ponytail.

The assignment took longer than it should have for every time a dog, wolf, or other canine cousin passed their table, James would fidget, his mind would go blank, and he would panic that it was the guy he'd slept with last night and the guy would recognize him and come over and start talking. Thankfully that never happened and Paul was otherwise oblivious, focusing on the assignment and helping his little brother. By the time he made it back to his dorm it was well after 6, almost 7, and Adrian was sitting at his desk typing away at his laptop,

"Good to see you back among the living," The Arctic fox barely glanced over his shoulder, still dressed in business casual from his internship at the Pinebox Herald. Adrian's fur was a snowy white color, and unlike other foxes in the area he kept it trimmed short, save for his tail, to combat the Texas heat as he was more used to the colder climates up North, but he said he thought the Journalism classes at ETU were among the best in the country, though he said that through gritted teeth as it had not been his top pick or even his third pick school, Adrian was only 5'5" with a slender, almost feminine, build, and James had honestly mistook his roommate for a girl the first time they met on move in day, his mom had almost thrown a fit before Adrian introduced himself and his adoptive father, Victor Pritchard, the big burly badger that soon lumbered into the room carrying the rest of Adrian's boxes.

"Yeah... Sorry for earlier. You're back early." James changed into his pajamas, dropping his backpack next to his own desk before flopping down onto his bed.

"Yeah, it didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would to proofread the articles for Monday's paper. Can you believe there are people working there that still don't know the difference between there with an 'ere', their with an 'eir', and they're with an apostrophe 're'? I mean Jesus Chri- Sorry, I mean fuck, that's like fourth grade level English." Adrian adjusted his glasses as he sneered to himself, he didn't hide his contempt for people that butchered the English language, even going so far as to correcting professors from time to time and James was sure that had probably landed him in detention back when he attended his fancy private high school.

The two chatted for a while as Adrian worked on an article for the school paper, an op-ed about the importance of learning proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and how failing to do so was a plague upon the nation especially in the fields of Journalism and Education.

"So," Adrian purposefully leaned back in his chair as he elongated the 'o' and bored into James with that look of his that said 'You're hiding something and I seek it, so you should tell me before I break out the mind games.', "anything you wanna talk about, Jimmy?"

"I... uh... no?" James shifted unsteadily on his bed, he didn't want to talk about it but Adrian just wouldn't let anything go once he got his teeth into a potential mystery.

"Really? And you didn't come home at 7am, clearly post walk of shame?" Adrian gave a cocky little grin as he stared over his glasses down his muzzle.

"I... look; she... wasn't my normal type. Kinda... embarrassed by it, I mean... she was a bit... large." James looked away, scratching nervously at the side of his muzzle, "I'm... not really in the mood to talk about it, okay?"

"Sure," Adrian quirked an eyebrow, it was obvious he could tell his roommate was lying, "Well, you know where to find me if you want to talk. Not gonna judge you about a... large girl"

James just gave a grunt, pulled off his glasses and rolled over, and pulled his covers over his head; he'd partied last night, made a regrettable decision, and slept until noon, he needed to get to sleep if he had any hope of waking up early enough to try and run 20 miles tomorrow to make up for missing his usual 11 this morning, all before church too. Wishing his roommate a good night, he closed his eyes determined to get to sleep.

Sleep should be restful, a peaceful, relaxing thing. It shouldn't result in tossing and turning, kicking at your covers, or anything that James was doing. His dreams filled him with unease, visions of running, he always started off running in his dreams, never a light jog but a full on sprint. He didn't need to look over his shoulder to know what he was running from, but dream him always did, a glance over his shoulder revealed a dark figure, tall and imposing, draped in shadows. It didn't run and it didn't walk, it just glided above the ground that wasn't even there. After realizing the ground was gone was when James started to fall, always the same, he'd fall and fall, and finally he'd stop falling and open his eyes to find himself on a bed and this time was no different. He'd panic, look around and whimper, as just like always looming over him was the dark figure, this time its shape was distinctly canine, large, powerful, and masculine. It grinned down at him, stroking his chest, and that was when James would realize that they were both naked, and it was male, always male. He whimpered a little louder then, his ears flattening back against his skull.

"Shh, don't worry; I'll take good care of you. You and I both know you want me to, always hiding, only brave enough when you're drunk. Not drunk now, are you?" The larger male teased, giving James' nipple a rough pinch, earning a soft yelp.

This dream always progressed the same way, the male in his dream would always soothe him, rub his chest and before he'd know it he'd be wagging his tail, excited for what would come next. In the blink of an eye the scene would change, he'd be on his knees before the larger male, but this time it was different, a collar was around his neck and the canine figure had a firm grip on a leash connected to it, fucking his muzzle with an impossibly huge cock, the knot slamming against his lips with every thrust.

"You need this pup, someone to take charge, so you don't have to worry those silly little thoughts anymore." The figure spoke, the voice constantly changing, one second it was a deep baritone, the next it was a gruff, almost gravelly voice, the next it would be a deep, honeyed velvet voice.

James didn't have time to focus on the voice as he was too busy moaning around the cock filling his muzzle, and when he started to nod his head the scene had again changed. Now he was on all fours, whimpering and moaning in pleasure, a thick thumb and index finger shoved into his muzzle as the figure pounded into him, his thick knot pounding against his incredibly tight asshole. He trembled in pleasure as the figure tugged back hard on the leash, it howled loudly as it forced the thick knot into his ass, locking them together as his insides were flooded with the stranger's cum.

Underneath him, his own cock exploded with cum, spilling his seed across the void where the floor should be, and he was falling again. A loud blaring filling the void as he fell, darkness surrounded him, and below was the massive head of the shadowy figure that had been chasing him. Only now it was clear to see that it was himself, he had chased himself like always and now his own massive head snarled as it opened its muzzle wide to snap him up. And like always, just before it could snap him up in those massive jaws, the blaring noise would snap him awake and back into the waking world.

James bolted upright in his bed, his ears pinned down as he could already feel the fur around his sheath had stiffened. Another wet dream after another regrettable decision, it always happened, he'd have to deal with this for at least another week before the nightmares would stop. An angry paw slapped down on his alarm clock,

"If you're going to set it for this early on the weekend, at least turn it off when you wake up," Adrian snarled at him, rubbing at his sleep deprived eyes, the usually well put together fox was absolutely disheveled, he likely hadn't been asleep for longer than a couple of hours.

"Sorry... won't happen again Adrian." James gave a weak smile as he pulled on his glasses; they both knew it would happen again. It always did, and Adrian always bitched and moaned about it,

"Vaffanculo," Adrian always responded in the same way, saying some weird word James didn't understand followed by the middle finger, and he would then burrow under his covers and go back to sleep.

James glanced at his clock and swore, 6:40am, he'd forgotten to set his alarm earlier, and he'd only allotted time for his usual hour long run, he'd be cutting it close but, he was sure he could manage the twenty miles and still make it back to the dorm in time for a quick shower before getting into town for the tail end of Father Michaels' sermon.

He rushed to get dressed, tossing his stained pj's and underwear into his hamper and quickly pulling on a new pair of underwear, compression socks, running shorts, a tank top, and his running shoes. He was about to leave the dorm before he remembered to grab his water bottle, arm bands, and visor. Taking off his glasses he put in a fresh pair of contacts, fired off a quick text to his older brothers with a fib about coach saying he needed extra training so he might be late to church, and he was ready for his run.

Giving quick smirk at his reflection in the glass door of the dorm's lobby before he plopped his shades on, on went his visor, in went his earbuds, and one came his tunes. Phone securely strapped to his armband he made his way outside the dorm building to do his pre-run stretches. After a few minutes of that he was nice and limber, James started his Fitbit, and off he went to start his run.

Throughout high school he had been a sprinter, and was the proud owner of the record in both the 200m and 400m Sprints at his old school. A fact that filled him with pride that he still kept the record, he puffed out his chest as he ran, not caring if anyone noticed this surge of bravado. His skill in the sprints had been the driving factor in earning his scholarship, and after making the team Coach Murphey had started training him for the 5k after learning about James' needlessly long morning runs, now that it was January he'd shaved his time down immensely, but he had to do better. He knew he could do better. He would do better.

Running always cleared his head, no unwanted thoughts, no fears of disappointing his family, no thoughts about his mistakes, just a clear head focusing on his breathing as he ran, eyes focusing ahead of him. His route took him around the entirety of the campus, it took him 60 laps to reach his goal of 11 miles and with missing yesterday's run he'd need to run 120 laps, and he was determined to do so. He was so focused that he didn't bother to acknowledge any of the other students or staff that had also awoken at this ungodly hour.

An hour into his run he was about halfway through his twelfth lap passing one of the many parking lots for student use. He was so focused on the area directly in front of himself and with the combination of the adrenaline rush running still brought him, James had developed tunnel vision. It was for this reason alone he didn't notice the shadow crossing his path until it was too late. Realizing he was about to collide with another, much larger, person James instinctively took steps to avoid them, this resulted in one foot on the side walk and another coming down on the road sending him off balance. He yelped at the pain shooting up from his ankle and a second, much more startled yelp escaped as something grabbed his wrist tightly, and before he knew it he was face first in a thick chest being held close by a meaty arm, his wrist still in the vice like grip of the stranger.

"You okay there, little man?" A deep, husky voice seemed to come from all around him; blinking a few times he looked up at the source. Before him stood a massive Saint Bernard, still holding him in an almost protective manner, a concerned look on an otherwise dopey looking face.

Instantly James was back in his dream. The ever changing voice had settled to the one he'd just heard, the non-descript canine figure he'd been fucking slowly came into clear view, the body thickened, the fur became shaggy white and brown, the eyes a deep chocolatey brown, and that same dopey little smile plastered onto the completed mental image.

"I...I'm fine." James let out a pathetic little whimper as his tail tucked instinctively between his legs, starting to squirm in the larger guy's grip.

"Hey, I remember you" He grinned, tail wagging a bit "Shame you snuck out, coulda gone another round if you were up for it. You were fucking insatiable."

"I don't... re... know what you're talking about" James' cheeks flushed as he pushed against the Saint Bernard's chest, his paws sinking into the layer of fluff and fat over the larger dog's otherwise muscled body.

"Ya don't, huh?" He gave James' ass a light squeeze, earning a startled yelp from the James, before he let him go, "I'm pretty surprised. You were moaning my name all night. 'Oh fuck, harder Fynn.'."

"Hey!" James growled as he stumbled away now that he was let go, "Don't fucking touch me you... you goddamn queer!"

"Whoa, hey now, that's a bit uncalled for after what we did." The big guy looked genuinely hurt; his whole body sagged a little.

"What..." James snarled, lowering his voice to barely above a whisper, "What we did was a fucking mistake. A... disgusting, filthy mistake and... I was drunk so... so it doesn't count! It... is never happening again."

Without waiting for a response James resumed his run, not seeing how hurt he'd left that Fynn guy. Once he had gotten far enough away from the larger male he stopped and sat down on the grass, wincing as he pulled off his shoe.

"Could be worse... feels like a mild sprain." James muttered to himself.

James sheepishly sat down at the rear of the church, he had missed a majority of the sermon and his late entrance had earned several stares, and Father Michaels had even made a light hearted joke about tardiness. He remained seated as Mass ended, his eyes locked on the confessionals set off to the side near the pulpit; he figured it was there to avoid prying eyes and eavesdropping.

"You were late, pipsqueak." James' older brother Benji plopped himself down beside him while their older brother Paul stood beside the pew with his arms crossed.

Benji, like James, had an athletic build although his was from weight training and football, and unlike the two brothers present, Benji had so many spots on his face it was almost completely black. The three siblings were all dressed in slacks, Paul with a smart red button down with a black tie, Benji in a more casual black short sleeve button down, and James in a plain white button down and black tie.

"I told you... I had to do extra training. Sorry." James looked down, he hated lying to his brothers but in this case he was sure it was better than the truth. "Besides, already got divine retribution" He gave a playful smile as he raised his right pants leg exposing the wraps around his ankle and going down into his shoe.

"Ouch, well, I'm sure all is forgiven now." Benji grinned widely as he draped an arm around his little brother's shoulders before pulling him into a noogie. James gave a surprised bark before starting to struggle in Benji's grip.

"Knock it off, you two." Paul pushed his glasses up his muzzle as he glared down at his younger siblings, "Benji, you need to get back to your dorm and change. You have NROTC in... thirty minutes. I'll give you both a ride back to campus."

"No ah... I'm gonna stay for Confession." James said, still in Benji's grip.

"Right, well, after I drop Benji off on campus I'm heading back to my apartment so just call and I'll come pick you up." Paul nodded towards the group of people that had decided to stay behind, seated towards the front to wait for their turn in the confessional.

"Try not to burst into flames, lil bro." Benji teased as he stood and ruffled James' hair before following Paul out of the church.

James waited patiently for residents of Pinebox and students from ETU to finish, only approaching the front pews when the last person entered the confessional. He paced nervously as he waited for the elderly Hedgehog to finish confessing whatever she had done. It felt like he waited hours for her to finish when it had only been about ten minutes. Finally he entered the confessional and was hit with a multitude of scents, bovine, feline, rodent, young, old, male, and female. But one scent seemed to overpower all the rest as the owner had been there the longest, it was distinctly caprine, and belonged to Father Michaels the 30 something year old ram had been the head of the local church for four years now.

"How may I help you, my son?" The priest's voice was calm and collected, same as it had been during the sermon

"I... yeah, forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was... about a month ago." James fidgeted in his seat, tugging idly at his shirt cuffs, "I ah... well I've missed Mass a couple of times but... it's usually because of practice... or..."

"You're hung over?" The Ram chuckled softly, recognizing the voice as that as one of the college students that regularly attended his sermons.

"I...sometimes," James blushed, scratching sheepishly at his muzzle, "I've also... today lied to my older brothers. I told them that my coach wanted me to do extra training and that was why I was late to mass today but... I did it on my own because I missed my morning run yesterday because... I was hung over"

"Lying to your brothers is totally understandable; I can't count how many times I've lied to my own brothers. It isn't so much a sin as it is just... normal brotherly behavior, I'm sure God will forgive you for that." The smile was almost obvious in Father Michaels' voice

"That... okay. There's... I've also... fuck...Sorry! I..." James slumped down covering his face in his paws. He'd never actually mentioned it in confession; he'd always meant to but always chickened out at the last second, "I... had sex... a one night stand. I... it was with..." James muttered the last bit, a soft whimper in his throat and tears in his eyes.

"Just a second," Father Michaels' voice softened and a moment later James could hear the Ram standing and leaving the confessional, he thought the worst when the Priest opened the curtain that had allowed him privacy, "Come, I think this would be easier face to face."

The two walked in silence, and where the Priest was leading him James had no idea. Father Michaels lead him into his office, after ushering James to sit down the Priest removed his robes, leaving him in his slacks and his collared shirt.

"Now then," Father Michaels took his seat behind his desk, fixing his clerical collar, sliding a box of tissues across his desk for the upset dog, "would you please repeat yourself?"

"It..." James wiped at his nose with the back of his sleeve before the priest offered him tissues. He continued after blowing his nose "I got... really drunk at a party on Friday and... went back to someone's dorm."

He sheepishly looked up his ears flattened down against his head. A nod from the priest was all he needed to continue, tears again starting to flow.

"It... it was a guy." The tears flowed steadily now, "I... don't know why it keeps... it keeps happening. I... don't want it to! I try and... and the... the second I relax a...and have a couple of drinks it... it just happens and... it won't stop. I don't want to disappoint my family..."

Father Michaels was silent for several moments while James just sobbed, wiping his eyes and blowing his nose steadily. With a soft sigh the priest opened a drawer in his desk and was soon sliding a pamphlet across the desk to James. He looked down and was greeted to the sight of a fairly colorful brochure promoting the ETU LGBTQ Alliance.

"What... what's this?" James hesitantly picked up the offered pamphlet and started to look over it,

"Something I think would help you, kiddo." The priest gave a smile before continuing, "This isn't the 50s, what you're feeling? It isn't inherently wrong, what's wrong is denying yourself and God's plan for you. Some of my counterparts argue that what you're doing or feeling is a sin, but they're just going off interpreted words that were heavily edited over the centuries and I believe that they're... well, to put it bluntly, wrong. Keep that, I'm sure they can help you."

James stayed silent as he read about the Alliance, that it had bi-weekly meetings every Tuesday and Friday, had monthly movie nights as well as the occasional party at the end of the month as well as holiday parties for the students that remained on campus instead of returning home for breaks. What stood out the most was the name of the name of the Alliance's secretary, there in the slightly colorful text was Adrian Russo-Pritchard. His Roommate's name.

James jumped when a paw settled on his shoulder with a comforting squeeze, he glanced up at the calm, reassuring smile of Father Michaels, a smile he timidly returned.

"Your Act of Contrition will be to attend one of the meetings next week and talk to one of the group members; I'll see you next Sunday." The ram patted James' shoulder again before seeing him to the door and saying their goodbyes.

He had considered calling his older brother to pick him up but Paul was clever and observant; he'd notice he had been crying. Instead he called his roommate and, after some complaining, Adrian finally agreed and showed up in his tiny little eco-friendly hybrid. James hated the stupid little car, barely any legroom. Even after telling Adrian he wanted to talk he remained silent, gathering his thoughts, and trying to figure out how to broach the topic. It wasn't until they reached their dorm that James finally broke the silence, pulling out the brochure his priest had given him.

"I... Father Michaels told me I need to attend a meeting and... talk to one of the members... that you people might... well..." He shuffled awkwardly before sitting down on the edge of his bed, the pamphlet hanging limply in his paws, continuing just barely above a whisper "help me..."

"Jimmy..." Adrian flattened his ears, sorry to see his roommate in such a state, and quickly sat beside the him as James began crying again and he was quick to give him a hug, "Shh, it's gonna be okay. I knew you'd talk to me when you were ready, whatever it was that was bothering you. I admit... I wasn't entirely sure it was gonna be this but I could tell something was weighing on you."

James leaned against the shorter fox, again wiping at his eyes with his shirt sleeves. Adrian did his best to hide his utterly mortified expression at such a disgusting act, he failed of course, but still stayed seated and rubbed his friend's back to comfort him.

"I... I always... but I shouldn't want this..." James gave a soft whimper "I... only do it after I drink... and... and I'm drunk so... it... it doesn't count... right?"

"It... doesn't really work that way Jimmy..." Adrian gave a soft chuckle, trying not to hurt his friend's feelings, "You're using alcohol as... well... a crutch. For you it's literally being used as liquid courage, it lets you do what your subconscious wants to do. Without it... you're too scared of the repercussions, that you're doing it on purpose... you don't want that weight on your shoulders. Come to our meeting Tuesday, even sober you'll see that you can get over your fears. "

"O...okay." James took a deep breath trying to calm himself, "Thanks, Adrian... I'll... think about it. You'll... be there, right?"

"Of course I will, never miss a meeting. But... uh... are you gonna be okay? I've got tennis practice but if you need me to stick around, I will." Adrian glanced over at the James' alarm clock.

"Y...yeah, I'll be fine. I'm just gonna lay down and keep my ankle up. Thanks, Adrian." James smiled, once again wiping his eyes and nose with his sleeve like a child.

Adrian bristled again as he watched James wipe his nose on his sleeve. He stood up placing a soft kiss on the top of the dog's head, it always made him feel better when one of his dads did that to him and he hoped it make James feel better. With a parting ruffle of the James' hair, Adrian gathered his bag and racket before he waved goodbye and left.

James did as he said he would and texted his older brother to apologize for not calling him, explaining that he just needed to talk to his roommate about something that couldn't wait. Paul was slightly annoyed but dropped it as it left him more time for studying. After the chat he decided it would do him well to take a nap, help himself calm down and not focus on things, and help with the sprain a little.

It happened again, the same dream as last night, but this time the mysterious male he'd been with had features, it was clearly the Saint Bernard from the parking lot. The end result had changed, instead of a cummy mess in his pants he was left with a raging erection. Swallowing dryly he sat up and looked at his clock, he hadn't slept long as it was now a little past noon. He needed to talk to someone else, to discuss what was wrong with him, and James knew exactly who he needed to talk to.

It had taken him some time to find his destination as he only had hung over memories but he knew it was on the third floor of the Whitehall dorm. James stalked down the halls trying to find the right door, all the while looking just as lost and out of place as he felt. He was downright disheveled having slept in the clothes he'd worn to church, his hair unkempt, pants wrinkled, shirt untucked, and tie half undone. Relying on his nose to lead him, he finally reached a door that he hoped was right, James raised his fist to knock and hesitated did he really want to do this? Was he really going to talk to this Fynn guy again after what happened that afternoon after how hard he was fighting to forget Friday night?

"Can I help you?" and just like that the decision was ripped away from him as Fynn's deep voice rumbled a few feet away, rounding the corner and finding a Dalmatian right outside his dorm. "Oh. It's you."

The larger dog brushed past James and entered his dorm, barely paying the Dalmatian any attention. As James made to follow him in, Fynn started to close the door which stunned James, he wasn't used to having doors closed in his face. What popularity he had back in high school had often been hand-me-downs from his older brothers, and no one really wanted to mock the football Coach's youngest son. Sure becoming a track star had earned him some modicum of popularity, but that was all in High school he'd yet to really earn any respect or popularity here in college but still, an actual door being shut in his face was just, well, stunning.

"W...wait!" James' paw shot out to catch the door, his ears lowering down as he looked up towards Fynn, "I... wanted to apologize. Can... I come in?"

Fynn stared down at James; he looked so pathetic, if it wasn't for the lack of slurring or the smell of alcohol he could have easily been mistaken for being drunk.

"Fine, but you start name calling again and I'm tossing you out on your tail." Fynn gave a low grumbling growl, only opening the door after getting a nod from James.

Fynn sat down on his bed, offering James the desk chair. They sat in silence for a few minutes with Fynn just staring at James, his arms folded while the smaller dog just sheepishly looked around doing everything to avoid eye contact. From what he noticed about the room, James pegged Fynn as a wrestler based on the framed singlet hanging above the bed, or at least formerly since he wasn't living in the Athletics dorm, but then again Sydney was on the track team and she lived in this building too. Only half of the room seemed lived in, it didn't look like Fynn had a roommate or had one that was rarely here.

"He dropped out over winter break. They'll probably assign me a new roommate in spring. I'll miss the privacy... guess I'll have to start using the tie on the doorknob trick" Fynn gave a lopsided grin as he noticed where James was looking

"I think you're supposed to use a sock..." James sheepishly corrected him. He sighed and rubbed at the back of his neck,

"Look... I'm... sorry. I panicked... I... don't know what's wrong with me. My priest said I should go to one of the..." James coughed and mumbled the acronym under his breath, "My roommate is studying psychology or somethin' and said I... do those things drunk because of... uh... reasons. I mean... he said a lot and it sorta sounded like a bunch of psychobabble and... well I wasn't really listening too well because I... might have been... kinda... crying... or somethin'." James scratched at his muzzle, glancing down at the floor

"Oh... you're one of those huh?" Fynn gave a deep chuckle as James just gave a confused head tilt, "You know... a closet case. I mean you must be in pretty deep if you're only able to fuck dudes when you're drunk. Sure, we were both pretty drunk but... wait, you're not gonna threaten me with a lawsuit or telling the Dean or something like that, are you?"

"What? No! I... think... I mean... I'm pretty sure I... I wanted it..." His shoulders sagged as he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, looking back to the floor "I... don't know what I want. I hope one of the meetings will help. I... think maybe what my roommate had been trying to explain was... that I should... I mean... maybe... do it again...sober?"

The silence was palpable as James examined the finer points of the hardwood floor between his shoes as he waited for a response from the other dog. He began to panic as the silence went on for what felt like hours; had he insulted Fynn by coming here to essentially ask for a sober repeat of the other night? James was seconds away from apologizing and leaving when a large shirt landed at his feet, shortly followed by the recognizable sound of a zipper being pulled down.

"Are you just gonna sit there all day and keep making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself, or are you gonna come over here and actually enjoy yourself?" Fynn's voice came out a little deeper followed shortly by a low, rumbling growl.

James perked his ears a little as he looked up to Fynn and his cheeks instantly flushed under his fur, the inside of his ears reddening at the sight now in front of him on the bed. Fynn had removed his shirt revealing his firm chest, well rounded belly, and rather hirsute treasure trail that went from a tuft of dark brown fur between his pecs right down into his jeans. The same jeans that were now opened wide exposing an obscenely bulging pair of boxer briefs, a paw cupping the bulge. James stared in awe at the larger dog, giving a light whimper after realizing he was staring.

"Oh for the... we both want this," Fynn husked, staring James down, "you're just as boned up as I am. So lose the church clothes and get your tail in the bed... on second thought... keep the tie." Fynn smirked, practically licking his chops as he looked over James' body.

With his blush deepening, James surprised himself as he started to do exactly as Fynn had told him. His shirt was already half open and exposing the fur underneath. Gulping as he stared down at himself, realizing he was indeed fully aroused in his slacks, flattening his ears in momentary shame he finished unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off of his shoulders and as instructed, he left the tie and started to undo his pants while kicking off his shoes. His blush only deepened as Fynn gave an appreciative growl as James' slacks pooled around his ankles; instinctively he tucked his tail between his legs and moved his paws to cover the bulging front of his briefs.

"Paws," Fynn gave a low rumble, motioning with his own to get the smaller dog to move them away, "Already saw it Friday, remember?"

"I..." James shifted uncomfortably before doing as instructed, pulling his paws away. He looked anywhere but Fynn, he couldn't bring himself to look at the larger dog, he could feel Fynn's eyes on him again, focused at his crotch.

"Eager, huh? That's good, real good. Now why don't ya be a good boy and come sit down next to me, hmm?" Fynn licked his lips before shifting around to push down and kick off his jeans, lowly growling as he went back to fondling his own bulge.

He was confused for a moment until he looked down at his own crotch, his blush once again deepening; there was a painfully obvious damp spot at the tip of his bulge. He gave a shy whimper before doing as he was instructed and walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, giving the occasional furtive glance towards Fynn's crotch.

"Hmph," Clearly dissatisfied with how James was sitting so far away, Fynn grabbed James' tie and pulled him closer with a low rumble as he draped an arm over his shoulders, "You liked bein' close th' other night, had that nose exploring all over my chest. Was pretty cute how desperately you were worshiping my body."

James gave a little yelp as he was tugged forward but gave no resistance as he was held close, going so far as to relax against Fynn's surprisingly comfortable belly. He gulped when Fynn grabbed the back of his head and pressed a firm, possessive kiss on his lips, shoving his tongue into James' muzzle. He couldn't believe this, he was kissing another guy, it was wrong, it went against everything he'd been raised to believe, but he didn't try to put up any kind of fight or even try to stop the kiss. Just like being pulled against Fynn's body it felt right to give in, and his waning erection sprung back to life as he hesitantly started returning the kiss.

His eyes shot open when he felt a large bulge in his paw, he wasn't even sure when he'd closed his eyes, and glanced down as best he could without breaking the kiss. Fynn had grabbed one of James' paws and guided it to his bulging boxer briefs. It was thick, felt far thicker than his own cock, longer too as Fynn guided their paws along the thick bulge while deepening the kiss. Things were moving faster than James had honestly expected, he couldn't believe that he was actually doing this; he could practically feel the fight going on inside his head where half of his brain was telling him to run, and keep running until his legs gave out, and the other half telling him to just give in, submit to the larger male, and to fucking enjoy himself for once in his life.

James let out a confused little whimper as he continued the kiss, not even noticing that Fynn had let go of his paw and he was now groping and rubbing along the larger dog's crotch of his own volition. It wasn't until he felt the large paw squeezing his ass that he finally realized that Fynn had moved his paw from his and was now groping his toned ass. And with that it was like a switch clicked in his head, he wanted this, at least for now, and that was all it took for him to surrender to pleasure.

"That's a good boy," Fynn huffed in his face, a grin on his muzzle, giving the Dalmatian's shapely rear a firm smack. "Let's see if you can do a better job than you did last night. Only managed about half before choking, I bet you can get it to the knot this time."

"Wha-" James started only to give a startled yelp as Fynn used his superior strength to start pushing him down. Gulping nervously, he got the hint and went along with it stopping when he found himself muzzle to crotch with the larger dog, turned out that Fynn was larger in every way judging by the large bulge in his boxer briefs. He'd always figured he was good in the cock department, a solid six and a half inches long, one and three quarters thick, and a three and a half inch diameter knot, not that he had measured so many times that he'd actually memorized his numbers. Now that he was face to crotch with Fynn he wasn't so sure he thought that anymore, the bulge in front of him was barely contained in the ill-fitting boxer briefs. The scent down here was practically intoxicating, and all together familiar as the musky smell tickled his nose.

"Shh, just give it a shot, you'll be fine. Muscle memory and all that, y'know?" Fynn growled down at James as he lifted his rump slightly to push down his boxer briefs, chuckling at the yelp from James as his thick cock slapped against the smaller dog's nose. "Open wide."

James hesitated, the cock before him was huge, at least ten inches and he couldn't even wrap a paw fully around it. He gulped, according to what Fynn had said he'd had this in his muzzle, as well as other places; how the hell did Fynn expect him to take it to the knot? At least the knot looked manageable, about the size of his own knot, so that was a relief to him. Taking a deep breath he slowly nodded and opened his muzzle wide, glancing up at Fynn as he did so.

The taste hit him as soon as Fynn slid the tapered tip across his tongue, a slightly tangy yet salty taste, it wasn't entirely unpleasant. Fynn slid deeper into the Dalmatian's muzzle, stopping only when James gagged six inches in. James surprised himself when he wrapped his lips around the length in his muzzle, instinctively giving a few soft suckles, surprised how right Fynn was, it was like muscle memory as he closed his eyes and gave a soft moan.

"Atta boy," Fynn groaned, placing a paw on the back of James' head, other paw gripping under his knot, "just do what feels right, you did a damn good job the other night."

Without thinking James nodded his head, flattening his ears from the pained groan that he earned as his teeth grazed across the thick cock in his muzzle. To apologize he ran his tongue over the length before starting to bob his head, his paws gripping against Fynn's thighs. He couldn't believe he was getting so into this, slurping along the six inches in his muzzle, steadily bobbing and swallowing on the length, soon taking an extra inch that now pressed at the back of his throat and gagging every so often. He wanted to reach down and start jacking himself off but he couldn't bring himself to let go of those meaty thighs, using the grip to pull himself into the bobs while Fynn would push down every few times.

"Mmm... Fuck, almost there, keep goin'." Fynn moaned deeply, watching James bobbing along his cock, grinning at the sight. The Dalmatian was pretty hot, and having the little guy slobbering all over him was even hotter now that they were both sober.

When his lips pressed against the bulbous knot, he gagged again, blushing brightly as it earned him a rope of pre right down his throat. Hesitantly, James opened his eyes to look at his progress and gave a soft whimper, swallowing around Fynn's cock as he gulped nervously. What he had thought to be roughly the size of his own knot was now fully engorged and easily bigger than his fist. He didn't understand why that had him squirting pre into his briefs as his pucker tensed.

"Stay there a minute...Alright, look up" Fynn grinned down at James as he did as instructed. James almost immediately regretted it as what greeted him was the flash from Fynn's cell phone.

"Wh...what the fuck?!" James shouted as he pulled himself off the cock, his muzzle smeared with spittle and pre connected Fynn's tip to his lips. A second photo was snapped with a chuckle from above.

"Calm down, I'm gonna keep these private. Besides, you look pretty hot down there." Fynn gave a deep chuckle, "Here, scoot around, lay on top, you know the 69 position. I'll make it up to you, promise"

James glared up at him, half tempted to snatch the phone and delete the pictures but he couldn't deny that a part of him found the prospect of Fynn having those dirty pictures hot. Chewing his bottom lip for a moment he gave a slow nod and moved around as instructed, his tail wagging a little as he lay on top of the larger dog, he still found Fynn's belly pretty damn comfortable, soft while still maintaining a decent amount of firmness. He'd expected his briefs to be pulled off and to have his own cock sucked, but instead the back was pulled down and Fynn buried his muzzle between his cheeks.

He moaned out, arching his back as Fynn spread his ass cheeks apart and started to skillfully rim him. His moans turned into pleased little whimpers as he clutched at Fynn's legs, he couldn't remember ever having something feel this good. He had vague memories of this happening the other night but actually feeling that thick tongue invading his asshole was; it was beyond pleasurable. When Fynn ground himself up against James' muzzle he blushed, remembering it was more than about him right now. Gasping out again as that tongue hit just the right spot; he groaned and quickly took Fynn's cock back into his muzzle, sucking back down to halfway as he began bobbing his head, eagerly lapping up the pre leaking from Fynn's tip.

To his surprise, it didn't take him nearly as long as it had the first time to take Fynn down to the knot. James wasn't sure what to do with his paws and found himself just lightly gripping at the fur on Fynn's thighs as the larger dog gave occasional thrusts up into his muzzle. James didn't know how long they were like this, him choking and bobbing on Fynn's cock and Fynn working that thick, skillful tongue deep into his ass.

"Alright," Fynn pulled back from James' ass after what felt like hours to him, "I could do that all day, but a desperate thing like you... heh. Slide over and stay on all fours,"

James' cheeks flushed brighter than he thought possible, he could feel the burning as he slowly pulled his muzzle off of Fynn's shaft, panting heavily as he absentmindedly gave the tip a few licks. Not able to find it in him to protest Fynn's command he slid himself off of the larger dog and got onto all fours, his tail rising as his body moved on memory, lowering his upper body and better presenting his rear to Fynn.

With a chuckle Fynn got into position behind James, planting his paws on his hips, lowering his underwear to again expose that delicious hole. Licking his lips, Fynn pressed his tip at the slightly stretched pucker; one paw abandoning James' hips to grip behind his knot to hold himself steady.

"I'm usually all about the foreplay, but fuck... you got me all kinda riled up," Grinning he pressed forward, easily sinking half of his shaft under the spotted dog's tail before encountering resistance. James buried his face in the covers to muffle his howl of pleasure, his body immediately recognizing the pleasurable feeling of being filled, and for once it wasn't dulled by excessive amounts of alcohol.

The pleasure to his body was practically tenfold when Fynn started thrusting, angling to nudge his cock right against James' sweet spot, all it took was three solid thrusts before James had to bite down on the covers to muffle his howl, the pleasure rippled through his whole body, as he came and filled his briefs. The fabric was soon so soaked through with his load that the front was essentially sheer, making his still throbbing erection visible if anyone was able to see his front. James kept the covers in his muzzle as he rode out his orgasm, the color in his cheeks and ears growing a deeper shade of red as he blushed even more as he'd not only came from having another guy's cock under his tail, he'd done so prematurely.

"So soon?" Fynn smirked, giving a deep chuckle, huffing hot breath right against one of his ears.

James' blush deepened tenfold from Fynn's teasing and as the larger dog gave a low growl before clamping his muzzle over the his shoulder. He couldn't believe how good this was feeling, and while a small part of him wanted to deny that he was enjoying this he couldn't deny the fact that he was still rock hard in his, now transparent, briefs. His eyes rolled back as he moaned loudly around the covers he was still biting onto, giving soft whimpers of pleasure as Fynn continued thrusting into his asshole.

A startled yelp escaped James' muzzle as Fynn grabbed a pawful of his hair, yanking his head up away from the blankets causing him to drop his impromptu gag. James' moans only grew in frequency, his ears flattening down to try and tune out his own lustful sounds. He couldn't be completely sure but he thought he'd heard himself begging for more, surprising both of them as he spread his legs wider. It didn't take long for the larger dog's thick knot to begin hammering against his pucker much to James' trepidation and Fynn's excitement.

"You want it don't you, pup?" Fynn breathed huskily into his ear; causing his ears to perk, he didn't realize that he'd find being called a pup so hot. He responded with a high, begging whine of need, instinctively pressing back against Fynn's thrusts,

"Not puttin' it in until you beg," Fynn's voice had certainly taken a huskier tone, almost a growl as he spoke, deeper and more commanding.

"Puh... Please," James whined loudly, whimpering as Fynn simply stopped his thrusts, grinding his knot against the Dalmatian's backside, "I...f...fuck! Tie me! Please!"

Fynn grinned, growling into James' ear as he screamed in desperation. He pressed his nose into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent deeply; he could practically smell the desperation coming from him as he resumed fucking him. Fynn tightened his grip on James' hair, the other paw once again gripping a hip to pull him into his hard thrusts.

The battering at his asshole was growing less uncomfortable with each of Fynn's thrusts, he wanted nothing more than to bite down on the blankets again to muffle his cries of pleasure, he was sure half the dorm could hear him barking and begging for more, and in that moment he couldn't give a flying fuck what anyone heard or if anyone could recognize his voice. His moans grew in pitch again, the pleasure fading slightly as Fynn's large knot started spreading his pucker wider with each thrust. His eyes practically bulged out as Fynn bit down onto his shoulder and throat in what could only be considered a mating bite.

James was vaguely aware of his own voice, again begging, as the pressure under his tail increased before his tailhole stretched under the pressure enough to allow Fynn's knot entrance. Tensing, James couldn't hold in a yelp at the initial pain of stretching, but then he howled in pleasure as he came again as Fynn made rapid, shallow thrusts into him. He could feel Fynn's bite tightening as an arm wrapped around his chest, the thrusts continuing as he could feel Fynn's deep growls of pleasure, a liquid heat filling him. It was easy to figure out what that heat was, and it left James with a dopey grin that rivaled Fynn's on his muzzle.

"Nnngh... fuck." Fynn grunted as he gave soft, gentle licks across James' shoulder, a single mark had a light tinge of red, "If this is how you apologize, you should insult me more often"

Fynn's chuckle was cut off by a commotion in the hallway as someone was running around and making a hell of a racket. The pair ignored it as Fynn wrapped his arms completely around James' torso and pulled him back, sitting them up and relaxing back against the headboard. James couldn't help but let his tail wag as he relaxed against the larger male, surprising himself as he gave a relaxed sigh.

"I... uh... wow. So... we uh... fuck... that was..." James fumbled over his words as he panted trying to catch his breath. He closed his eyes giving a sharp gasp as Fynn's paws pet along his chest and belly, occasionally giving one of his nipples a pinch.

"Shh, just relax. We can talk later. Or have another go, your choice" He gave a low growl into the smaller dog's ear.

Frantic pounding on the door to the dorm prevented James from responding, he just stared wide eyed at the door, terrified that he was about to be found out. He couldn't help but let out a weak whimper as the doorknob started to turn. He could have sworn they had locked the door as he yanked up the covers to cover himself as the door flung open.

"James!" The Dalmatian in the doorway looked panicked, his uniform slightly disheveled from running up and down the building.

James just stared at his older brother, of all the people he had expected to find him there, Benji was not the one he had thought it'd be, Sydney maybe, she at least lived in this dorm building but Benji? He started to tremble, panic filling him as he and his brother locked eyes, just staring in shocked silence with each other.

"I...I uh... I" Benji stumbled over his words as his paw flailed around desperately for the doorknob, he looked almost as embarrassed as James felt, "Heard... you shouting from... out... outside and thought... so I... uh..."

"Please don't tell mom and dad" James' voice was little more than a whimper as he just stared as his older brother finally finding the doorknob and quickly backpedaled out of the room, slamming the door shut after him.

Able to feel how terrified James felt, Fynn managed to keep himself from laughing at the fact someone had barged in on them, especially with him having locked the door, at least he was pretty sure he had locked it. Fynn just held him close, softly petting along his chest and stomach. The pair stayed like that for what felt like an eternity before James managed to find his voice again.

"That... that was one of my brothers. Now he knows and... and... and he's gonna tell our folks and everything's gonna be ruined and..." James was panicking again, close to actually hyperventilating as he sat locked together with Fynn.

"Shh," Fynn tilted James' muzzle to the side and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, "I doubt he'd do anything like that. I mean... he seemed pretty protective of ya; after all he did barge into a stranger's dorm just because he thought it might have been you in trouble. And so what if he does? You're an adult; you can do what you want."

James sniffled some, closing his eyes and trying to relax into the embrace. It seemed like Fynn didn't see what a big deal this was, or maybe James was just blowing it out of proportion, after all life seemed to be going good for Fynn and Adrian.

"Maybe... maybe he won't tell... we're best friends." James again wiped at his eyes, letting out a shaky sigh to try and calm down.

Fynn didn't say anything, there wasn't anything left to be said so instead he gave the side of James' muzzle a soft peck before laying them both down on their sides, draping an arm over him.

Early dusk light cast long shadows across the dorm through the raised blinds and a light breeze blew in through the half open window sending the smaller of two figures in the bed to shivering. After a solid minute of squirming and trying to warmer, an arm flopped down over the smaller one's side in a half asleep attempt to calm him down. It worked for all of two seconds before the smaller figure's bloodshot eyes snapped open. It had happened again; swallowing dryly James slowly climbed out of bed, as much as he didn't want to, and started to get dressed. Before leaving he wrote down his number on the whiteboard on the back of Fynn's door with a little note:

Call me some time? Maybe we can grab lunch or something? Sorry for sneaking out on you twice but I really should talk to my brother sooner rather than later. And thanks, I really, REALLY enjoyed myself and for once I'll remember it and maybe not feel so guilty about it? -James

By the time he reached his dorm, his roommate was back and working on his homework, James was sure Adrian could pick up on the scents based on the smirk crossing the his muzzle. They didn't say anything as James gathered his shower caddy and towel before hurrying off to the bathroom for a shower.

"I took your advice, y'know... about bein sober next time." James said when he came back dressed in his pajamas, still drying his hair, his glasses hanging from his mouth by a leg.

"I... uh... didn't exactly mean... y'know what? Never mind, you actually looked happy when you got back so I guess it worked out?" Adrian spun around with a big grin on his muzzle as he chewed idly on the leg of his glasses

"Yeah... until the very end..." James blushed as he sat on his bed, "A...apparently I was... uh... loud... and Benji heard me from outside... and he barged in tryin' to play hero."

Adrian's face contorted as he tried hard to contain his laughter; ultimately he failed as he caught sight of James' mortified expression. He couldn't help it, it just came out and he had to hold his sides as tears formed at the corners of his eyes.

"H... hey! It was embarrassing! It... Could... you stick around? I want to ask him to come downstairs... maybe you can help me convince him to not tell our parents, if he hasn't already?" James gave Adrian's chair a soft kick to send it rolling a few inches away.

"Oh! Oh jeez, I hadn't even... of course! Sorry... sorry, it just... it reminded me of the time my papa walked in on me in high school. I got a lecture from him and the guy got a stern talking to from my dad... you met him on move in day, the big Badger. Needless to say that relationship didn't last long; dad can be a little intimidating." He smiled and put his glasses back on before walking over to his closet to find a shirt to put on, "Go ahead and invite your brother over... Benji is the one that's on the football team and does that Army stuff in that field, right?"

"Navy," James corrected as he pulled out his phone to ask his brother to come downstairs, "Thanks Adrian."

The fact that Benji agreed to come down and the fact that he didn't have dozens of missed calls from his parents or an inbox full of texts was a good sign that his brother hadn't ratted him out. James spent the next ten minutes pacing around the dorm anxiously while Adrian tried his best to calm James down. Finally there was a knock on causing James to just freeze mid pace, letting out a panicked whimper.

"I've got it." Adrian sighed, from how James had described things, he was afraid he'd have to play mediator between a pair of shouting Dalmatians.

As soon as Adrian opened the door he was wrapped up in a tight hug causing him to tense, his tail fluffing out in shock.

"You okay Jimbo? I'm so sorry a...bout... you aren't my brother..." Ben, realizing his mistake, quickly let go of his brother's roommate.

"No. I am not." Adrian said through clenched teeth as he smoothed his t-shirt down, stepping aside to allow the older Dalmatian into their room.

Muttering a quick apology as he entered, Benji quickly wrapped his little brother in a tight hug, James let out another whimper as he practically when limp in the hug. Ben grunted slightly as he was now holding up a rather limp younger brother, he gave a hesitant smile.

"Look I... I'm sorry I barged in on you and your uh... boyfriend?" Ben didn't seem fully comfortable with the word, "I just... I heard you on my way back to my dorm it... well... it sounded like you were being hurt. I'm so... so fucking sorry, I panicked and... well... I... I mean I didn't expect to barge in on... that"

"He's... not my boyfriend" James gave a whimper as he spoke, "I'm... not entirely sure what we are. I don't... I don't even know what I am."

An awkward silence hung in the air as the brothers just stood there, the younger still being held up by the older. James flinched as Ben grabbed his shoulders and took a step back, fixing him with an intense stare.

"You're my baby brother." Benji stated pointedly, "Whatever else... I guess it just doesn't matter? I'm... gonna admit I don't really understand what's going on in that head of yours or your heart. Not exactly comfortable with it but still you're my baby brother and my best friend, I'll get over it. As long as you're happy I'll try to be happy for you."

James didn't really know what he had expected but he did know this was going better than he'd imagined. He let out a shaky breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding before he held up his paw, pinky extended. Ben grinned and wrapped his pinky around his brother's and they gave a shake before pulling their fists back to give each other a fist bump followed by a well-practiced handshake that ended in another hug that lasted several minutes.

"Just... don't tell mom and dad. Or Paul... or Grady... or Liam... or well... anyone, please?" James pulled back from the hug, his eyes a little damp behind his glasses.

"Hey, s'your secret to tell, you didn't rat me out that time you walked in on me and my friends with that joint. I mean... sure dad still found out and tanned both our hides but you didn't tell on me. I've got your back, just... promise you won't go all... y'know" He tried, and failed, to subtly indicate to Adrian.

"Hey!" Adrian's fur bristled again, narrowing his eyes.

The two brothers couldn't help but break out in laughter, smiling, Ben took a step back and gave a playful punch to James' shoulder before starting for the door.

"No matter what, I've got your back. Still... I might need some time to adjust, but they always argue that it doesn't make someone a different person. Oh and... let that guy know that if he hurts you that you've got four very protective older brothers." Benji grinned as he made his way to the door, mussing up Adrian's hair as he passed, much to the fox's displeasure, "Later shrimps, behave, or don't."

Once his brother was gone, James fell backwards onto his bed with a massive relaxed sigh, smiling over at Adrian as he tried desperately to fix his hair. Things weren't exactly great but they were at least good. He smiled again pulling off his glasses and situating himself under the covers.

"Kind of a dick," Adrian sighed as he resigned himself to the mussed up hair as he sat back at his desk, "But you've got at least one person in your family on your side. So you're better off than some people, I was lucky, I've got two dads and well I was never really scared to come out to them. He seemed pretty honest, but it was pretty obvious he was a little uncomfortable. At least he admitted that and got it out in front, that'll go a long way to keeping your relationship strong."

"You think?" James glanced over at the fox shaped blur and smiled as he saw it give a nod, "Good. I'm... still a bit exhausted after... a...anyway! Goodnight."

It didn't take him long before he fell asleep to the soft clacking of Adrian's laptop. That night the reoccurring nightmare had turned into a peaceful dream, now it didn't instill him with unbridled terror, instead it left him with a happy, restful night's sleep for the first time in a long, long time.

Author's Note: First in a planned series dealing with a handful of college students attending ETU and the various things they have to contend with other than simply going to class. Feedback is okay and constructive criticism is much appreciated. It's been a while since I dipped my toes into the writing world, hope I've done it justice.