Dane's Castle

Story by Rego on SoFurry

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Dane's Castle

By: Lonewolf and Rego

A Drunken Wolf Production

This story is not for readers under the age of what ever. If your not into certain activities don't read this story.

It started out as the perfect day for Morick the lion cub. Today was his 15th birthday and he had just finished up all his chores for the day. The sun was shining down brightly making his long blonde mane shimmer and sparkle as it lay over his shoulder. As his only real possession he cared deeply for his mane making sure it never was out of order or un cared for. He spent long hours early in the morning tending to it so that it stayed at its maximum beauty. He had been working in the field picking corn for his and his master's supper and was glad to be out of the sun. He dusted off his simple brown shirt and wiped some corn juice off his brown shirt.

He stacked the corn he had collected on the wooden table and looked around admiring his master's house. The dirt floors and the old furniture had the homely effect. The stove in the corner and then the door that led into the living room also gave him the homely feel. A scroll of paper sat on the table with the week's events with yesterday's date of May 7, 1540. He couldn't wait for his master to return.

As soon as the large wolf came home he would be allowed to go to the market and purchase anything he wanted for his birthday as his master had promised. He loved his master and his master loved him. There bond was more than that of slave and master. It was father and son. Morick grabbed the duster which consisted of peacock feather on a stick and dusted around the house. He hummed a tune to himself that his master had taught him waiting for his arrival.

He thought about all the years he enjoyed with the wolf. Learning to swim in the lake and fishing side by side with big smiles. Even down to learning how to read and write. Most wolves wouldn't teach there slaves such tasks but his master said it was important for him to know how to use his brain.

He cherished his memories with his master and sighed happily. Not long after he completed his song the large wolf opened the door and padded over to Morick. He stopped in front of him and kneeled down beside him pulling him into a hug. His normally cheer full blue eyes were filled with sadness to mix with the tears that slid down his furred cheek. The wolf held him close then stood up.

"The king imposed a new tax a few weeks ago. I tried my hardest to make enough to pay it but I couldn't. I begged the king to take my house and all my possessions but he only wants one thing Morick," the wolf said in a deep voice rubbing his temples.

"What's that master," Morick said reaching out to hold his master's paw.

"He wants you. He said you would be payment enough. I was told that the guards from his castle would be here today to take you away. I don't even have ten whole minutes to say goodbye to you. They'll be here any minute. The messenger was late telling me this," the wolf said wiping a way his tears.

"What, master why. I don't want to leave you. I want to stay here," Morick said tearing up and hugging the wolf.

"I'm sorry Morick. I really am. I never thought I'd lose you this way," the wolf said hugging him close again.

There was a heavy pounding at the door and the wolf padded toward the door. He opened it and two large German shepherds pushed past him. They wore red body armor with black capes hanging down over there shoulders. On there chest was the crest of the king which was in the likeness of a large Great Dane. They stopped in front of Morick and looked down at him.

"Is this the slave," The shepherd said looking down at the lion.

"Yes it is," the wolf said sadly.

One of the shepherds reached down and picked up Morick in one of his strong arms and walked toward the door.

"Master, I don't want to go. Don't let them take me. Master please," Morick yelled out as they carried him to a large cart attached to horses.

"I promise I'll get you back Morick. I promise,' the wolf shouted as the two shepherds pulled the reins causing the horses to move forward.

Morick looked from the back of the cart with tears dripping down his face. His master grew smaller and smaller as they got farther away. He held his head in his paws and cried after his master was finally lost to sight. He pulled his knees close to his chest and let his mane fall over his face as he sobbed.

After riding in the cart for about twenty minutes the cart came to a stop at a castle. The castle was enormous and stretched for many miles out. It stood at 7 stories tall or at least that's how high Morick thought it was. The bricks were black and solid looking seeming like they would stand for centuries. The windows were a stained red color giving the building a dark and ominous look. The cart moved its way to the back of the castle to a small gate where a rottwieler was standing guard.

"Hey Bruno. We got another one for you," the shepherd said stopping the cart in front of the dog.

"He's cute. Nice long mane to. We'll have to cut it off," the rottwieler said smiling.

"My MANE. You can't cut off my mane. My mane is my life," Morick whimpered holding his glossy hair.

The shepherd grabbed Morick by his shirt collar and yanked him out sending him falling into a puddle of mud. The lion sat up spluttering covered in filth as the rottwieler picked him up. He shook the lion and dragged him inside the gate. The rottwieler pulled Morick into the castle and around to a small room where a Dalmatian sat snoozing in a chair. Bruno leaned forward and slapped the Dalmatian's neck. The dog yipped and jumped up rubbing his neck.

"Damn Bruno. A simple wake up would have been okay. Geez," the Dalmatian said glaring.

"Clean this one up and give him proper slave clothes. Then send him to the king," Bruno said walking off with out further comments.

"Been a while since I've seen a lion. Very expensive slaves to keep. I'm sure we can find you a nice spot in the castle," the Dalmatian said grabbing Morick and pulling him to a large tub.

With out saying anything the dog hefted Morick into the tub and stripped him of his shirt and pants. The dog snatched off his loin cloth and started scrubbing the mud off of him. Leaning Morick back he grabbed a large pair of scissors and in three snips clipped Morick's mane to neck length. Morick sat up quickly and reached around for his mane but grabbed nothing but air. He turned and looked down at the floor and saw his beautiful hair on the floor. Tears fell from his face instantly and he sobbed at his mane.

"Oh shut up. If you get nice job you can grow it back out,' the Dalmatian said dunking Morick into the water.

After pulling a choking lion from the water the Dalmatian handed the lion a pair of black pants and a red loin cloth. He tapped his feet impatiently as the lion dressed.

"Nice body, cute butt too," the Dalmatian said slapping it causing Morick to jump.

Morick wiped the tears from his eyes as the Dalmatian dragged him through the room and off down the hall ways. The traveled up stairs and threw long corridors until they reached the fifth floor. The Dalmatian pulled Morick into a large room and pushed him down in front of a large throne. Sitting in the throne a large great Dane sat looking him over.

"Your highness sir. This lion awaits you to pass judgment on his new place in your humble castle," the Dalmatian said bowing to the king.

The Dane leaned forward and looked the lion over. He yawned then closed his eyes. He sat there for a bit then opened his eyes again.

"He is a soft creature who knows not that the task of hard labor. He has no whip lashes or bruises upon his body. He looks to be a magnificent creature to be a server. Have him placed in the kitchens as a food bearer. He shall bring food all around my castle to those who require it. Now remove him from my sight," the Dane said flicking his writs.

The Dalmatian bowed again and pulled Morick from the king's throne room. He hauled the lion back down two flights of stairs and down many hallways. Cat's of all shapes and sizes walked by looking at the young lion with then kept going about there business. Some wore harnesses around the bodies and others were simple collars. Morick saw another lion walk by with no collar on at all. He had on a light red vest that showed his muscular chest and a pair of loose fitting black pants. Morick looked up at the Dalmatian who rolled his eyes and explained.

"That's a very high up slave. He answers only to the king's daughter. He's her sex slave. Lion's have it real good here. If your good you can rank up as well. He started out scrubbing floors in the mess hall. Now he can give orders to anyone he wants," the Dalmatian said with a grin.

"Even the guards and stuff," Morick said looking up.

"Oh yeah, if you piss him off you piss off the princess. He's a spoiled little thing really. So everyone does as he says,' the Dalmatian said shrugging.

The pair walked around to a large room that was filled with leather of all shapes and sizes. A white collie sat behind a counter with one leg up with his mouth hanging open in a pleased look. Morick looked over the counter and saw a small tiger giving the collie a blow job. His little paws were moving expertly over the collie's private parts eliciting a happy murr from him. The Dalmatian coughed loudly and the collie sat up.

"What do you want? I'm busy," the collie growled sitting up and pushing the tiger under his desk.

"We need a collar and a kitchen tag. Server if you made any new ones," the Dalmatian said simply.

"I made some servers the other day. Shit this is a good tiger," he said leaning back.

His cock was covered in drool and dripping clearly visible as he leaned back to a cabinet. He pulled it open and pulled out a small golden tag. He leaned down and grabbed a white leather collar and motioned for the lion to come over. Morick walked over and behind the counter where he saw the tiger bobbing slowly up and down on the collie's meat. He had his eyes closed and looked as if he was actually enjoying himself.

The collie placed the collar around his neck then threw it to the ground. He picked up a thinner white collar and placed it around Morick's neck. He clicked the tag onto the collar and waved.

"Bye lion. Be good now," he chuckled as Morick walked from behind the counter.

The collie grunted and filled the tiger's mouth with his seed as the pair left the room. Aloud howl filled the hall way and the Dalmatian shook his head chuckling. Morick followed the Dalmatian down to a room that served as a kitchen. It was all white with an oven on one side and a large frying pit off to the side. A large door opened up to the side and a cheetah walked out shivering. He closed the door to the freezer room and looked at Morick. A grey malamute stood up from his chair as a trio of triplet cougars dashed by with trays of desserts ranging from muffins to cookies to danishes and doughnuts.

"I brought you a new kitchen member. I'll bring him up a cage later," the Dalmatian said grinning at the cougars leaving.

"About damn time. I've been waiting for a new slave for weeks. I keep telling that king of ours you can't trade one of my slaves and not give me one in return," the malamute said rubbing his eyes.

"You know how the king is. He takes his time with his movements," the Dalmatian said shrugging.

"True. Tell the king I said thanks," The malamute said as the Dalmatian left.

"Will do Drake," the spotted dog said walking out of the kitchen.

"Tell me your name and age lion. Then I can put you to work," the malamute said eyeing the lion.

"My name is Morick. And I just Turned 15 today," Morick said looking at the ground.

"This job is easy as hell. You delivery food to who ever sends for it. That's it. You stay out of my way and I won't say anything to you. You're free to do what ever you want in here in between your runs. Eat, drink, whatever as long as you don't bug me. That's all there is. Happy birthday and welcome to Castle Dane," The malamute said leaning back in his chair.

Rego here. I was bored and wrote this with the help of Lonewolf. Of course he was drunk so some parts might not make sence. I thought I would write this story as a break from The omega promoted series. It's a fun little story that i might make into a series if enough people like it. E mail me if you have any questions or comments. Negitive critisizm is good too.

All Charectors and names belong to the Drunken wolf production

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