Worth Fighting For

Story by Wolfwind on SoFurry

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Hey everyone finally got chap 2 out. There was a lot more I wanted to put into it but I guess ill just make that chap 3 instead. I want to thank all the commenters for the first chap and the tips you gave me. Above all else I want to thank Schuyler, who is simple made of win, and helped motivate me to finish this.

Nathan= Flamedramon


I slumped down into the chair for the last period of the day. As was usual, I was one of the first in class. But that shouldn't have been the case for today, not for me. People get to class early because there is no one else they feel like talking to. Up until the previous Friday, that had included me. But everything had changed that night.

Now there was someone that I wanted to talk to. Someone I wanted to be with every possible second of the day. But that Saturday morning when we had to regretfully part neither of us had remembered to give each other a phone number. The party had lasted almost all through the day, and Sunday (thanks to parent's rule) had been entirely devoted to doing homework and chores. Now, with the dysfunctional final's schedules, I didn't have the language period with him, nor did I have any way to contact him.

All in all, I was in a very sour mood.


I raised my ivory clawed hand. "Here," I said, answering the fox teacher taking attendance. It didn't help that the last period of the day was government. Politics bored me more than anything.

Mr. Jackson finished calling out names, then with a sadistic smile announced, "Alright everyone, pencils out, notebooks away. You guys got a pop quiz."

I grimaced. Un-freaken-believable, I thought. The Sunday studying had me prepared for this, but it was still a lousy way to end an already shitty day.

The Dalmatian in front of me (I didn't know his name, let alone those of half my class) handed me a stack of papers. I took a sheet and passed the stack on behind me. The first question reminded me of another thing that had been bothering me:

#1) Describe why the implied powers of the executives are possible when it is not explicitly expressed in the Doctrine.

Implied, not explicitly expressed...all brought my attention back to that amazing Flamedramon and his lack to say the "L" word. While everything about his actions implied that he did love me, he never specifically said it. I closed my eyes shut tight, mentally kicking myself. That night when he had petted my wings, thinking I was asleep, that was one of the first phrases out of my mouth. 'I've been in love with you since the first day of school.' I can't believe I said that. While it was true, and somehow I had fallen in love with him at first sight, it didn't mean I should expect the same from him.

The sound of someone breaking the lead of their pencil brought me back to the present. I returned my gaze to the quiz, glared at the problem that had brought up such annoying questions, and started working.

Almost an hour passed, in which I answered the 50 questions that bored me almost to death. I put down the pencil, stretching my cramped hand, and looked at the clock. There was still 10 minutes left. I started doodling in the margins of the paper, but in mere seconds Nathan popped into my head again. My thoughts trailed back to the first day of school, when the Flamedramon had first made his appearance.

The weather had been coming down from the apex of summer heat. Most furs here hated the summer and how hot it became. I didn't mind to too much; it usually meant there were sweet thermals to ride on during the evenings. But almost everyone I saw that first day of school had fur matted against their body by sweat. When second period came around I was already totally bored. My schedule had no interesting classes, no friends in any of them, and I had already suffered through an hour pre-calculus. I had sat down at the table the teacher pointed to and prepared to endure second period.

Then an extraordinarily attractive Flamedramon walked in. The first thing that drew my attention was his shade. I had always found Flameys to be sort of cute, but his tone of blue startled me. In all my life I had never seen anyone come so close to my color. But that was just the first thing I noticed. The more I took in the more enthralled I became. Not only did he have on a dark blue sweatshirt and jeans, but he wasn't sweating one bit and looked actually very comfortable. Not to mention his build. While his clothes hid all flesh besides his head and tail, one could tell by the ease in which he moved and walked that he was more than fit.

Then, after he had talked to the Taomon teacher, he started walking toward me. With effort I had been able to tear my eyes away from him and, as he walked past to his desk behind me, I caught a whiff of his scent. I literally shivered. It wasn't overpowering but the scent itself was unique. It didn't quit belong for the summer. The warm musk of fire could be detected in it but also the crispness of autumn. Since that day, with my family ability to manipulate air, I always directed a small gust from his direction to deliver his aroma straight to me whenever I got bored in our class together.

The intercom beeped, startling every student in the class. The voice of the Dean came on.

"Sorry for this interruption, but could all teachers turn their TVs to channel 4?"

_ _ Mr. Jackson stood and flicked on the old TV in the corner of the room. After the technologically inept teacher found how to change the channel, we all watched as the news station came into focus.

"Thanks Susan," a pale green-scaled dragoness said with a tall building in the background. "We're here at SkyTech building in Seattle where, hours ago, a massacre was unearthed. One of the janitors of the building opened the doors to discover some two dozen workers murdered."

A bout of whispers rose from the class and Mr. Jackson had to quiet the students.

"We have here Sheriff Morgan, who is willing to release some details for us," the reporter turned to a very weary looking gray wolf. "Sheriff, what can you tell us about what occurred here?"

The wolf shook. "It's an incredibly gruesome scene. The coroners place the time of deaths somewhere along Friday night and Saturday morning. What is really odd about the murders, though, is the precision of the work. Every single one of the victims was killed by a single stab wound to a vital organ. There also wasn't any sign of struggle around any of the murdered. It was a monster who did this, but a very clean and professional monster."

"Can you tell us about any evidence?" the reporter asked. But, again, the sheriff shook his head.

"As of right now there is none. Not a single shred of DNA."

"Well thank you sheriff, we'll let you return to your work." The wolf nodded sheepishly and walked off screen. The reporter faced the camera again.

"Though the police have not released any list of suspects, many are naming the Terrapost. The environmental group has been protesting against the SkyTech's plan to reconstruct

Parkfield Way into a new manufacturing site. Among the recent murder victims are every one of the company's executives, including one of the three chairmen of SkyTech, who was visiting the building for a conference. Due to these deaths, the renovation in Parkfield Way will be set back months at least, and the remaining two chairmen have remained in their high security headquarters, near Bellingham. More will be reported on this case at a later time. Back to you, Susan."

The television turned off and the intercom came back on.

"While an official curfew is not in effect, we do strongly recommend all students stay indoors as much as possible. School will be cancelled indefinitely until the district deems it safe to return. Students may now be released to the buses."

I walked through the crowded halls to my locker. From all angles conversations floated on the air about the murders. Some jocks were exchanging high-fives and ideas of what they could do now that school was out. As I passed the opening of an adjacent hallway a girl vixen was on the ground weeping with a small crowd of friends around trying to comfort her. Along with her cries were whispers that her dad had been one of the murdered. I grimaced as my stomach clenched at the sight. I couldn't imagine what I would do if my mom died. Her, my aunt and my little brother. Even though they were adoptive, they were all I had. I spun in the combo for my locker and stuffed in my books. I needed to talk to Nathan.

I started towards the courtyard near the back of the school. Since most of the entire back wall was glass, I could see a clear view of the commons area. I've seen Nathan go through the area before to get to the busses.

I made up my mind that I would wait outside, so if I saw Nathan I could go talk to him, and if I didn't I would fly to his house and wait for him. I pushed open the heavy doors and sighed peacefully as the cool autumn breeze hit my face and wings. It was a surprisingly clear day for December. For just a moment, I was able to forget about the sour feeling the murders had left in my gut and my nervousness about my favorite Flamey.

But only for a moment. Down the wall a bit, the other pair of doors opened and my gut instantly dropped. I had seen the four of them around school before. The two cougars, the golden eagle, and the Leomon were always waltzing through school terrorizing freshman. The Leomon was, by far, the biggest of them at about six and a half feet tall, and extremely ripped. And now they were walking toward me. Awesome.

By the time they were about 5 feet away I was pretty much in the middle of turning to run when the Leomon stuck out his paw.

"Hi, I'm Lee," he said with a friendly voice. I stood there for a moment in shock. Then I attentively took his massive orange paw.

"Hey. Brandon," I said warily. What the hell is going on?

"Oh, so you are the new kid," Lee continued, oblivious to my discomfort. "We were just thinkin we haven't really seen you before." He motioned to the buddies around him.

"Yeah. I just moved here 4 months ago." Why were they acting so nice?

"Ok. Yup we just here to try to convince any new kids to join up for sports. Where did you move from?" He asked.

"Pierce," I replied.

Lee raised his eyebrows. "Really? What about him?" He nodded to the area behind me.


Just as I turned, I understood my mistake. The moment I realized nobody would be behind me, what seemed like a gigantic brick slammed in the side of my head. The world refused to stop spinning and then I felt a sharp pain on my left wing. It took me a second to comprehend that I had fallen on the ground with my wing under me. Far off I could here one of the cougars talking.

"Dude, Lee, are you sure that's him?"

"Fo sho. My cat in Pierce said they used to have some faggot Windragon over there by the name of Brandon that moved away."

My vision finally began to stand still, but the side of my face had gone completely numb with pain. I worked to get on my paws, even though my legs were practically jelly.

I heard Lee's voice again, "Yeah, but we gotta be careful though. My cat said this mof was on the varsity fly team. Can't give this fag any chances to get into the air."

I snorted (somewhat happy to not taste any blood) at his guess. It was true that I had been varsity, but after spraining my wing and still being disoriented there was no way I was flying anywhere soon. I finally was able to stand and face them. The false smiles were gone, and replacing them were sneers, the biggest one belonging to the Leomon.

I slowly went through my options. Flying was out of the question. I couldn't outrun those cougars. While I was fit from working out once in a while and eating right, I was in no way a fighter. I wasn't allowed to use Wing Tornado: the school had a strict policy that anyone who used their family special ability in violence was automatically expelled. I wasn't about to risk expulsion just for a petty hate fight.

I sighed. The only option left was to run back into the school, where they hopefully wouldn't fight with all the students and teachers around.

Just as I was about to turn for the door, Lee pulled back his fist.


My eyes had only enough time to widen before the blast of light hit me in the chest. If the punch from before had felt like a brick, then this felt like ten sledge hammers. I felt the ground drop away from underneath me as I flew backwards. The breath was knocked out of me when my back slammed against the wall. I panicked for a moment, trying to reopen my lungs. When they finally accepted air, I immediately erupted into a fit of coughing.

"DUDE, Lee, you're gonna get us expelled!"

"Nah man, I looked inside before I did it. No one saw." He laughed again. I saw his huge paws enter the edge of my vision in front of me.

"Really? I did."

I froze almost mid cough at the sound of that last voice. No way. Not here.

I looked up as the group in front of me parted to look at the one behind them. When I saw that swishing blue tail, casual fit jeans, white thermal shirt, with the backpack hanging on one shoulder, mischievous grin and eyes, my heart almost stopped.

Lee frowned. "Nate? You wanna fight? What are you doin here?"

"Seeing what you guys are up to." He was standing about 10 feet behind the group. His beautiful crimson eyes went from each one of them. Then they landed on me. Instantly the grin vanished from his face. The mischief in his eyes deadened and went slack.

I had to get Nathan to run. "Nathan, you have to-" coughing racked my voice again.

Lee started laughing. "Oh is this your butt buddy? Nate, I didn't know you were a cock sucker!"

Nate turned his dead gaze to Lee. His left hand traveled to his jeans pocket and he started to pull out his iPod. Huh?

Lee snickered in amusement, along with the rest of his group.

"You're gonna listen to music while we beat the shit outta you? Nate, my homeboi, lemme give you a few tips on fighting. One: don't start putting in some tunes when you're 'bout to get smacked."

Nathan then actually looked like someone had woken him up. His hand paused, then put the iPod back into his pocket. His eyes weren't lifeless anymore, but instead they were starting to look pissed.

Lee talked on, oblivious. "Haha, oh and here's another one: don't fight when it's four to one."

Lee and his friends were still hooting when Nathan smiled. He moved the backpack off his shoulder. It started to fall to the ground. Then Nathan blurred and disappeared.

There was another blur and my eyes refocused to find the Flamedramon standing between me and Lee.

The laughing had stopped enough for everyone to hear to backpack hit the ground with a thump.

"Maybe I should give you a piece of advice," Nathan said in a low voice. "Don't let your opponent get behind you."

I had enough time to see Lee's petrified face before Nathan pivoted on one leg. His other leg flashed out and the huge Leomon was launched off his paws. He collided with the golden eagle and they both went down in a pile of limbs and feathers.

One of the cougars dashed around, trying to get to Nathan's blind side. Then he shot towards my Flamedramon and raised his fist for a cheap shot. Almost like a video had skipped, Nathan suddenly was facing the cougar. Nathan punched the cougar's fist right out of the air, and followed up with three lightning quick strikes: an open palm to the stomach, a closed fist to the right rib cage, and a knife hand to the throat. The cougar fell back clutching his throat and coughing while the other had taken advantage and was racing towards Nathan's back. His left paw shot out in a knife hand, and I saw sun glint off of extended claws.

Without turning around Nathan simply flicked the arm out of the way. The cougar yowled in surprise as his strike didn't connect. Nathan's elbow flashed up and caught the cougar right under the jaw and his momentum carried his lower body forward until he was parallel with the ground.

He landed on the ground with a loud thump and lay there dazed for a moment. then he shot up off of the ground and raced for the doors.

The other three shortly followed, none of them even turning around, until they reached the courtyard doors and fought over each other to get inside.

I was staring up at Nathan, who was watching them nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets.

Nathan, what are you?

Then he turned to face me again. Neither the lifelessness nor the anger were in his eyes this time. Now, pure pain filled them.

He crouched and reached for me with shaking hands.

"God, Brandon, are you ok?" he asked with a trembling voice. I honestly don't know how I felt. I was angry with those assholes, sick from the pain that was now coming through from numbness, relieved that Nathan didn't get hurt, and confused about how he had fought them off. But when Nathan pulled me into a hug and buried my face into his chest, all the other emotions were eclipsed by the love for the Flamedramon.

I embraced him back, trying to hold on to every bit of that warm, smooth body.

I coughed, "Yeah, I'll be fine...now that you're here." I was puzzled when I felt his body start to shake. I pulled him away a bit and was surprised to see a couple of tears running down his face.

"I'm s-so sorry Brandon," his voice quivered again. "I should have gotten here so much sooner."

For a second I was shocked. Then I asked, "You honestly think this is your fault?!" His bright red eyes looked into mine for a moment, then he shrugged and they fell to the side, embarrassed.

"I could have stopped them..." he mumbled half-heartedly.

I shook my head in wonder. "You did stop them, you insanely cute idiot."

"Maybe," he held my face in his hands. "But not before they beat you pretty good."

I sighed and pressed the sore side of my face into his palm.

Nathan panicked slightly. "Are you ok?"

I grinned. "Yeah. Your hand is like a heating pad" Nathan didn't say anything for a second, then my lame attempt to lighten the mood got through and the edges of his mouth pulled up a little. "Like I said, Nathan, I'm fine now that you're here."

"Ok...maybe I'll believe you," he whispered, grinning. "So...uh you ready to go back to my house?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Oh," his eyes fell to the ground. "...ok."

I smirked and pulled myself off the ground holding on to his shoulders. "We're going to the school gym."

Nathan stood along with me and looked with quizzical eyes. Damn that was cute.

I explained, "That face you made a second ago was the same face I saw when you asked if I was kidding about my feelings for you. It's a face of utter agony." I pulled him into a kiss that tasted slightly of salty tears. "Nathan, I never want to see that face again. That's why you're going to teach me to fight."

The school's gym was almost the entire left wing of the building. I had only seen in a few times because I didn't have any fitness classes this semester. The whole place was deserted at the moment, probably because people wanted to get home after hearing the news. We had walked to the boxing corner where there were punching dummies lined up along the sides and a huge boxing ring in the center.

"So, I've been meaning to ask," I started as Nathan dug through a box for gloves. "How did you really move that fast. I mean, my eyes and reflexes were built for flying at high speeds, but I only saw a blur."

"Really?" he laughed as he came up with a pair and threw them to me. I pulled one on and it fit perfectly. "That's more than most people would catch. Sorry, but I can't really teach you that one. It's kind of a Flamedramon thing. See." He pointed down towards his feet. I watched as he rose on his tip toes and, strangely enough, the bottom of his feet looked longer than they should be. It actually looked like his ankle was another knee, bent back.

"My tae kwon do instructor told me this was the way Flamedramon used to walk a long time ago. I guess we used to have double knees, but evolution took it out. But when I do this, it triples my speed." To demonstrate Nathan blurred, then he was standing inside the boxing ring. Blur, he was by the bleachers. Blur, standing in the center of the basketball court. Blur, SLAM, he skidded to a halt on his stomach in front of my feet.

Nathan peeked up at me, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah, but if I do it a lot, my legs kind of get sore."

If I wasn't laughing so hard I probably would have been really concerned. Then he started laughing himself and pretty soon we were both wiping away tears and trying to calm down. I reached down for his hand and he clasped it.

When Nathan got to his feet he instantly pressed his lips to mine. My heart went wild for second, then I melted against the softness of them and went straight into bliss. But when I felt his hands lift my shirt off over my head, my eyes popped open in surprise.

"Nathan, here?" I blushed and unconsciously crossed my arms over my bare chest. "What if we get caught?"

He laughed again, and I was swept away by how gorgeous he looked happy. "Calm down, hon. As much fun as it would be, I took your shirt off because you would get really hot in it when we got started sparring." He winked at me and motioned to my crossed arms. "And you don't need to do that; you have a great body."

I blushed again and lowered my arms as he pulled his own thermal off. I stared at his build while he went about finding some gloves for himself. Last Friday night I had taken a few moments to study his body, but it had been dark and we were somewhat hurried. Now seeing it in good lighting, I was practically awestruck by how well formed his body was. It was the perfect balance of a sleek swimmer's build and a bodybuilder's. I didn't even notice that he was already in the ring, tail twitching, waiting for me with an amused smile.

I climbed up through the ropes and stood awkwardly in a corner of the ring. Nathan chuckled at my expression.

"I'm not gonna start beating on you Brandon."

"I just don't know where to start," I admitted. Nathan walked over and stood along side me so both of us were facing the same direction.

"Well I guess I'll teach you a little tae kwon do. This martial art is really all about kicking." He pivoted on his left foot and his right one swung sideways through the air at the level of someone's head. He held his foot there. "This one is called a roundhouse. It's the one I used against Lee today..." He kept talking but I was busy staring at his cute ass hid under his tail that was spread wide because of the kick.

Blood rushed to my face when he lowered his leg and grinned at me.

"I know what you were thinking," he said.

I grinned back. "It's your fault: you were showing off."

He stepped forward and continued seductively. "You know, we can do this later..."

The thought seriously tempted me for a second, but I shook my head. "No. We should start right now. With these bullies and those murders in Seattle, I might as well learn how to protect myself a little."

Nathan looked surprised for a moment then stepped in closer and touched his forehead to mine.

"I promise you that I will never, ever let them hurt you," he said and laced our fingers. God, he was so sweet.

I grinned. "Yeah, I know. Still got to learn to fight though. I can't have my adorable Flamey bail me out of everything." I parted and took the ready stance he had shown me before.

After Nathan had demonstrated all the kicks and how to get the most out of them, we moved on to block them. As it turns out, my flying reflexes did help. We started light sparring, mostly Nathan doing light attacks and having me practice the blocking and dodging. It was somewhat entrancing watching Nathan move. After the first few minutes he fell into a beautiful rhythm where his kicks and punches flowed and he danced across the boxing ring. I could never block (or even see) half of them, but he always pulled back so the blow never felt like more than a tap on the shoulder.

In one bout of sparring I reflexively whirled a bit of wind around me to cool down. But the use of it caught my attention. On a whim during one of my roundhouse kicks, I powered the air behind my foot and parted the air in front of it. The result was amazing. My foot sped for Nathan's face faster than it had ever gone before and I saw his eyes widen as he had to speed up his reaction of dodging.

He spun backwards and looked at me with surprise.

"That was...amazing," he laughed. "I never would have thought of that."

I frowned. To tell the truth, I was sort of disappointed that he had guessed what I had done so quickly. "You knew what I did?" I pouted.

He nodded. "Yeah. You used your ability to manipulate air to make the kick quicker and more powerful. It was freaken genius!" He glanced at the clock on the wall. "We should probably get going though. We've been here almost two hours."

"Really?" I peeked at it and sure enough it was 4:00. "Ok. Well, I don't know about you, but I really need to shower." I winked at him on the off chance he didn't catch the hidden meaning.

Nathan simply nodded, crawled out of the ring, and started walking for the boy's locker room. "Yeah a shower sounds great."

I stood there for a moment, then shook my head in wonder. He actually didn't get it. Somehow though, that innocence made him all the cuter. I pulled off my gloves and followed his blue back just as he went through the locker door.

I crossed the courts and when I opened the door I didn't see him right away. Rows of lockers occupied the front of the rooms with a pathway through the middle of them. Thankfully, this room was also desolate. I had never been in here before so I could only assume that it led to the showers. I followed the path and then heard the sound of a showerhead turning on in the room to my left.

When I turned the corner I found my favorite digimon already naked under a stream from one of the wall showerheads. Nathan saw me and grinned, beckoning me forward with his tail tip. I paused again to admire the even better view of his body. His white cock hung, half hard, between his moonlight thighs.

Nervousness set in and I felt my muscles start to shake slightly. I could start to feel my own equipment begging for release of its confines. Not to deprive it, I quickly hopped out of my jeans and boxers. I tossed them over by the pile of clothes Nathan had already left, just outside of the range of water.

I walked toward him and his waiting arms, but yelped when the water hit me.

"Ow...umm would it be alright if I turn the temperature down a bit. I know you can't really feel it but it's sort of hot," I asked safely out of the stream, but regrettably out of Nathan's arms. He chuckled, then nodded his consent.

I skirted around the flow of boiling water to the knob on the wall. After I turned it back so it was only about 3/4ths hot, I felt warm muscular arms wrap around me. I sunk back in them, safe now that the water rushing down his arms onto my body wasn't burning.

"You know," I loved the way he whispered into my ear with his head on my shoulder. "There's been something I've wanted to try for a long time now..."

I could feel a hot piece of flesh prodding along my rump, under where my tail converged with my back. My heart and breath quickened while my own cock instantly started to swell.

"And what would that be?" I breathed back. I could practically hear the grin in his voice as he replied, "This..."

Then I felt a liquid heavier than water fall into my hair. I paused in confusion then felt the top of my head. My hand came away with a sticky, clear substance. For a moment I was stunned, but then a floral scent washed over me.

"Is this," I sniffed my slime covered fingers and turned to look at Nathan, then saw the bottle in his hands. "shampoo?"

His pure delight was obvious in his face and voice. "Yup!" then his crimson eyes turned pleading. "Will you, pretty please, let me wash your hair? I don't grow any so I've never been able to do it before, and I always wanted to try."

I regarded him with amusement. I could never refuse that lovable gaze. Even if I wanted to. I giggled, then nodded and turned back around, but not before seeing his face light up. I felt some more shampoo fall onto my head, then Nathan began to rub it around. It was obvious this was new to him because he was using a flat hand to scrub.

I laughed a little. "Hon, try using more of your fingers rather than your palm," I suggested. "Oh," was his only reply and he began to work in his fingers to my scalp.

I sighed and relaxed my shoulders as I actually began to enjoy it. I had heard of scalp massages before, though at the time I had wondered how that could possibly be enjoyable. But now I understood.

Nathan would occasionally toss a handful of water into my hair to rinse it before lathering it up again. He continued scrubbing long past when my hair was clean, but I didn't have the will to stop him. So I just reached around behind me, grabbed him by that tight ass, and pulled him close to my back.

After a few more minutes he gently ducked my head under the warm shower, and I sighed happily as the massage was complete with the foam disappearing down the drain. I straightened back up and pushed the soaked hair away from my eyes.

I peered back and Nathan to see a content little smile across his face.

"Enjoy yourself?" I asked teasingly.

His head bobbed. "Yup. It's really kinda fun."

I turned around in his arms and wrapped my own around his neck. After a soft kiss, I whispered, "Well, now I get to enjoy you...as repayment for that awesome head massage."

"Mmm what do I get?" he asked in a low voice.

"A head massage...just of a different kind," I replied with a wink. There's no way he could miss the meaning this time.

He didn't. Those ruby eyes sparkled and I could feel him starting to shake, just as I was. It was amazing that we were both so nervous about this even with what had happened Friday night.

Our lips met again. My heart never failed to seem like it would explode out of my chest when this happened. Every nerve on my skin was tingling as I pulled my kiss down to his jaw line, just barely dragging my lips across the smooth blue skin. When I reached his chin, I lowered again, this time softly kissing down his throat. Nathan moaned and slumped against the wall. I got down to his collarbone and spent a few moments nuzzling and even giving a few light licks along the crevices.

Nathan's chest was rising and falling faster and faster as I roamed down to his abdomen. I gave a light kiss to each one of his six-pack muscles, loving how well-formed his muscles were. When I reached the bottom of the pack I shivered as I felt his hot cock nudge against my chest. I peeked down to see it standing at its full length of 8 inches with a small string of pre hanging between his tip and right above my nipple.

I grabbed the piece of Flamedramon meat near the base and Nathan moaned as another strand of precum oozed out.

"Nnnngh...that feels...amazing," was all he could mutter. I was personally amazed at how sensitive he was. I hadn't even started yet.

I sat on my heels so I was eye level with his cock. I stared at it with hunger before I let my tongue dart out and taste the entire underside of his shaft. While Nathan closed his eyes in delight, I enjoyed the taste of his pre. I've tasted my own before out of curiosity, but it had tasted almost bitter. But Nathan's had a delicious sweet flavor. And I needed more.

After a few more licks to clean up the pre around the shaft, I closed my mouth over his head and started sucking, trying to get every drop of that sweetness I could. Nathan shuddered and arched his back, slightly thrusting his cock further into my mouth. He peeked down apologetically, but I just grinned around the cock, trying to convey 'I don't mind'.

I slowly slid his cock into my mouth, running my touch along the underside of the length. Eventually my snout hit the bottom of his belly and I could feel the tip of his cock running slightly past the gag reflex. Luckily it had never been that strong for me so I enjoyed the full length of Nathan's throbbing digihood in my maw without gagging.

I moaned around the cock, loving how so very, very warm and hard it was against my tongue and cheeks. Nathan matched my moan with his own and I felt a small drop of liquid drop down the back of my throat. Slightly disappointed that I wasted that drop of sweet pre, I brought my mouth back gradually, letting my tongue wrap around the member and pull towards the tip as I did. I was rewarded with another few drops of nectar and from that point on I made it my goal to taste as much of it as possible.

I bobbed my head up and down the cock, sucking harder and faster, playing with the area where the bottom of the head meets the bottom of the shaft. When I started rotating my mouth along with it Nathan moaned and whimpered in correlation with strings of tasty pre. Not wanting to waste another single drop, I swirled the pre around in my mouth, spreading it along my cheeks, my tongue and Nathan's dick.

I reached up to rub the digimon's sides and stomach, feeling his torso shudder and shake as each string of pre shot into my mouth. Soon I start to feel him shake more violently and I knew he was coming close to his limit. I started bobbing faster and sucking harder, no longer caring about the pre. Now I was dying to taste the actual cum. I let Nathan thrust into my mouth and swallowed every time his cock touched the back of my throat. With an especially loud moan, he grasped the back of my head, hunched over and thrusted hard against my muzzle. I groaned in glee as his cock jumped in my mouth and thick ropes of warm spunk shot against my throat. It quickly filled up my mouth, and even with swallowing my cheeks were ballooned trying to keep it all in. Even then Nathan kept cumming and some of it leaked out of the corner of my mouth and dribbled down my chin.

Soon Nathan's grip on my wet hair loosened and I was left with an overflowing mouth of cum. I swallowed a bit more before I actually took the time to enjoy its flavor. It was saltier than the pre, but just as sweet if not a little more so.

Nathan leisurely withdrew his softening cock. I sucked hard as it came out, trying to get any lasting remnants of sweetness. He sighed as it finally escaped my maw. Then he crouched on wobbly legs to my eye level and we gazed at each other. I had always been sort of frustrated every time he had looked away before. His ruby eyes were so pure and deep, at times even magical. I never wanted to look away.

He grinned, "You got a little.." he pointed to my mouth, then his finger dashed out and scooped up the spurt of cum that had escaped my mouth. I watched as he examined his own juice then stuck his finger in his mouth. I murred at the sight and that brought both of our attentions to my own cock. It was pulsating between my legs and literally aching.

Nathan leaned forward and whispered seductively into my ear, "You know, I just realized, you haven't had your turn yet have you?" I shivered as I felt his hand give a soft pull on my sensitive member.

We both jumped when the intercom came on. "Attention, all students, this is your last chance to get any supplies you may need. Our doors will be closing in ten minutes. Just a reminder, all after school activities will be canceled until further notice. Thank you, and have a nice day."

Nathan and I glanced at each other.

"Ten minutes?" I asked. I didn't want to rush my first time.

He nodded. "I'll take care of you later. Right now we should go."

We both stood up and started to wash. While we did wash each other, I didn't spend nearly as much time as I wanted to exploring his body. We ran the soap bar over our bodies, spending a little extra time on Nathan's more dirty areas, then rinsed and grabbed our clothes. We were still pulling our shirts on when we started to sprint for the front doors. The raptor janitor was actually walking towards the doors as we nearly collided with them.

He nodded to us as we walked through. "You guys have fun and stay safe."

"We will," we replied in unison. Then we both breathed in deep as we walked into the cool December air. The parking lot was almost barren and a few stray brown leaves danced across the concrete in the wind.

"So," I said and turned to Nathan. "What now?"

He came up and embraced me from behind and set his head on my shoulder. I still loved that

"Now....we eat."

End chapter 2.

Chapter 3 coming out soon(ish)