Bait & Switch A big Stud agree's to help his friend catch some bad guys... But Charn isn't telling him everything...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#23 of Charns tales...


Bait and switch!

The big roan stallion trotted along the dark fog shrouded street slowly. A little bored, it was his fifth stroll around. So far the wolf, and his pack of want to be hoods; had been noticeably absent. Jerome snorted and shook his long equine head. He really hadn't been thinking this 'bait' thing would be so hard to accomplish. A little stroll, a vicious little pack rape. Then off to the club for drinks, and telling his fellows all the sorted details! The big horse reached down, absently stroking the sexy little leather strap over his big full nut sac. Knowing Charn was hidden near, monitoring the homing beacon in it... Waiting for it to lead him to where the wolves would take him. The stallion smiled, knowing as soon as he orgasmed. The big predator would swoop in to his rescue, and collect the wolves goodies. Hopefully after a few lupine cock's had pumped his big equine tail hole thoroughly. Jerome's head snapped up, his perverse fantasies interrupted. As his instincts warned him something was watching. The big bright red stud paused, and pretended to shake the feeling off.

Just like one of the suburbanites, he was pretending to be... would. His eye's however moved, and traced the swift moving figures shadowing him. With deliberate carelessness, Jerome turned down a particularly dark alley. Knowing that more than one victim, had been taken from its lonely confines. He was passing by the big doubles doors of some long abandon warehouse. When those doors swung open swiftly, a single big wolf standing in the dazzling light. "Errr... Wha...." The big stallion started to stammer, when two more big canines. Leaped out of the dark alleyway to either side of him, grabbing his arm's in powerful grips! "Hey..." The big red stud started to scream, when an electrical stunner was shoved against his rump. Instantly his big body was jolted with current, dazing him into semi unconsciousness. The canines grunted as they took his body weight. But quickly the big canines hustled him inside, closing the big metal outer doors. At this point, the stallion is only vaguely aware of what is going on. Hardly realizing it when his shirt and trousers are ripped off. Hearing the canines snickers, as they see his tight black underwear.

"Looks like we got us a real pussy boi here." A deep masculine voice growled derisively. Jerome's big body is draped over a sturdy metal frame work. His powerful limbs quickly fastened in place, tail pulled up and to the side. Jerome's long equine head drooped on his wide shoulders. Still only half aware of what was happening, the big stud jerked. And moaned in pain, as the rim of his big mushroom shaped cock head was pierced. A thick copper ring threaded into his piss slit and through the piercing hole. Jerome whinnies in delight, as he feels the coldness of lube being spread over his anal plucker. But instead of a big hot canine throbber, a icy cold metal wand is thrust into his winking hole. The bulbous wand shaped in such a way, as to make it hard for him to past it. And that it's hard iron head would be pressed up against his prostate gland.

"Errr... wha... whats..." The big semi conscious stallion grunted, as he recovered more. Jerome realized the cock ring had a wire running to it.

"We're going to have us a little fun." The big Wolf snarled, making the other canids snicker. The big Wolf held up a small black box with wires running out of it. It only took the stallion a second to realize where those wires were running too. A Dynamo... it was a hand cranked device that generated an electric charge. Dynamos are essential where electric outlets are not available. The Wolf rapidly turned the hand crank, the little device whirred as it built up its charge. "Now your going to beg us all to fuck you like the bitch you are." The big Wolf growled, while Jerome thought he'd do that quite happily. He was just opening his mouth to beg for some nice big canine cock when... He suddenly cried out in agony, as the Wolf sent a burst of electricity surging through his suspended body. Jerome's long pink equine organ leaped up, as the current surged through his loins! Strong hip's bucking and stabbing that big fucker at the empty air. Forcing his powerful body contorts and flap around in mid-air. The big roan stud squealed and screamed, as the juice thundered through his mighty male organ. The hot clear pre-cum shooting twelve feet across the warehouse flood, to splatter at the Wolf's feet. This spectacle making the three big canids hoot with derisive laughter.

"He liked that." The slender Doberman snickered, scooping up a dab of pre with one finger. "Have a taste of your own spunk big boi." The sleek black and tan canine sneered, rubbing it over Jerome's lip's. Then the three of them roared with laughter again, as the horse lick it off! The Wolf smirked and fingered the button again. The big stallion shrieked again, as his cock and ball sac received another jolt of electricity; and then another. "That's like music to my ears." The Wolf snickered, handing the controller over to a big German Shepard "Come on... sizzle his nuts Vic." The Wolf gloated.

"Yeah." The third big canid snarled. "Make him squeal like a pig... while those big boi's roast."

"Nooooo... no more... no more... pleeeease." The trapped stallion implored, as his powerful body tensed up in anticipation of another zap. Big dark eye's rolling around, looking for Charn to come to his rescue. But the big feline was nowhere in sight, the stallion cringed as a sudden thought came to him. What if that first zap from the stunner, had fried the Tigers tracking device. That would mean that he was totally alone and at the canines mercy. "Please... I'll do anything you..." Jerome's pleading turned swiftly into a high-pitch scream. As the Dynamo whirred then sent another long burst of electrical current through his studhood. The poor stallion dangled from his ankle straps with a contorted look of terror on his long muzzle. Frothy equine sweat poured from his body as he tried, in vain, to cope with the raw pain of the electro torture.

"Here let me try..." The big German Shepard growled grabbing the Dynamo. And twisting the handle wildly, building a powerful charge. "I bet I can make him dump a load right now." The big canine bragged, as he sent a series of short rapid pulses through the horses malehood.

"Whinn... whinn... WHINNY!" Jerome screamed as his powerful equine body jerked and jumped with each surge. The smell of o-zone heavy in the air, but the dampness of pre-cum and lube keeping flesh from cooking. The cooking would come later, the Wolf thought with a wicked smile. The stallion's strong body bucked wildly, like he was fucking some invisible mare. Each painful contort, every lustful thrust egging the big Shepard on. Suddenly the big roan red stud whinnied thunderous, his mighty ball's drawing up. His thick cock jerking out and up painfully stiff. The powerful current making that big fucker bounce up and down. Until it abruptly erupted, spewing thick creamy horse seed. The potent gush splattering all over the smirking German Shepard. Making the big canine take a step backwards cursing. The Wolf and Doberman standing safely off to the sides, laughed at their cum coated companion.

"Well you sure did make him dump a load." The wolf snickered, as they watched the horses strong body sag. Trembling in post orgasmic exhaustion, and over loaded nerve spasms.

"Son of a..." The big Shepard snarled, stepping in to throw a mighty punch. Into the helpless stallion's big dangling ball's. The big horse choked and gagged, but not as much as the blow warranted. As the tingling over stimulated nerve endings just couldn't carry anymore signals. Taking the stallion's long cock in one paw. The Wolf guided it to the horse mouth, inserting it firming. And using heavy leather straps to ensure the stallion could not spit it out.

"There now the bitch can shoot all he likes."

Charn slipped soundlessly through an open window. And crept slow and silently across the old iron catwalk. Peering down at the action taking place just below! The big Tiger licked his lip's, as he watched Jerome hose the Shepard down with heady equine spunk. And knew at once where he'd make his first conquest of the night. Stealthily he slunk down the iron stairs, at the back of the warehouse. And into the old locker room, it was the only place they had to clean up.

"Go get cleaned up Vic..." The Wolf advised. "Toby and I'll keep pony boi here entertained til ya get back."

"Yeah..." The Doberman grunted. "Then we'll get down to the real fun." The sleek black and tan canine assured, rubbing the bulge in the front of his trousers.

"You can have a go before I get back..." The big Shepard snickered. "I love fuckin' em, when they're hot and sloppy." He assured with a grin, making the others chuckle lewdly. Making his way through the old crates and long forgotten machinery. The big Shepard made his way to the locker room, at the far end of the building. The pale fluorescent lights were flickering slowly. Walking past the rows of long unused lockers, he stepped up to a urinal. Unbuttoning his trousers, he fished his big hard bone out. And send a thick golden stream into the urinal's mouth. Moaning in pleasure as his bladder emptied, he was just getting ready to tuck back in. When a flash of movement over his head caught his eye.

Before he could react, the strong leather straps of a restraining muzzle; were yanked back hard! Pulling him off balance as they tightened around his head! The Shepard tried to yell for his comrades, but the tight muzzle reduced his howls to whimpers. Suddenly his big body was slammed forwards, smacking with stunning force into the tiled wall. His arms that had been flailing about, were grabbed and twisted up behind his back! Wrists quickly trussed to the top bar of an old toilet stall. It was only then, that the canine got a look at his attacker. The big Tiger a look at stepped around in front of the Shepard. A leering lustful smile on his big striped muzzle. If the canine had been able to see himself. As he had shocked the horse into forced orgasm, he would have recognized that leering look. Charn stepped in closer, and fondled the dog's big pulsing bone. Those smooth feline pads feeling very good on that hot hard male flesh. The big Tiger pressed his muzzle into the Shepard's pointed ear. Purring softly... "I'm here to thin the herd... prune away the useless branches... you boi's know this is my territory." He smiled as one big paw skinned the dog's trousers off. The German Shepard's eyes widened as he felt needle sharp claws tickle his aroused loins.


Grabbing the horse's big velvety ball sac, the Wolf milked those massive low hanger down. Into the base of Jerome's soft scrotum, then pinched them together side by side. "Time to get this Bar-BQ started." The big Wolf snarled with a wicked smiled. As he picked up a long needle sharp steel skewer!

"Wha... what are you going to..." The weak dazed stallion mumbled around his own cock head in his mouth. Struggling to pull his precious jewels away from the predators grasp.

"Skewer the meat for the BBQ... of course." The Wolf gloated, then without hesitation he drove the spike into those big firm trapped nuts.

"AAAAAUUURRGGHH!" Jerome squealed more in fear than pain, as his loins were benumbed from the electricity. As the sharp steel slid smoothly through both his prized stallion jewels. Reaching up the Wolf unclamped the wires from the piercing. Then attached a wire to either end, of the iron skewer! The took the Dynamo and switched it's out put from volts to amps.

"Roast his nuts, roast his nuts." The big Wolf ordered excitedly. "Roast me a snack I can eat, while I watch you fuck his gelding ass." The sleek black and tan Doberman grinned at the Wolfs words. Then pressed the button and held it down. Turning the crank swiftly with his other paw, to keep the Dynamo near full power. The big roan horse's thick pink cock bounced and bobbed up and down. A steady thick stream of thin watery cum, and prostate juice snaking and splattering off! As the steel rod through his mighty orbs darkened, and began to smoke. Jerome's long leg's quivered, his hard hooves clicking and clopping on the concrete floor. But the stallion's upper body hung eerily still. The red stud's eye's fixed on his skewered jewels, watching as the spike piecing them began to heat up. The wolf grinned, as the smell of roasting stud nuts began to waffle up through the air. Both canines beginning to drool at the sickeningly sweet scent. Jerome watched in sickened fascination as his big velvety sac shriveled and darkened. The pain dull and distant, as the nerve endings had been over loaded. Without the pain it all seemed surreal and far away somehow! If it were real... would his cock really be this hard? Slapping against his chest like it was, if he was really being gelded!?! The big gray Wolf licked his lip's, as he watched the horse's ball's cook in their own juices. His big lupine organ straining against the inside of his trousers. With the Dynamo set for low voltage and high Amps. The Wolf knew it was safe to fuck their toy's ass. Moving up behind the big equine, the Wolf yanked the probe out of his quivering hole. Drawing a moan of loss from the stallion, that made both canines smirk.

"Sounds like we got us a real slut." The Doberman snickered, pouring on the juice. The steel rod through Jerome's nuts beginning to glow faintly.

"Don't worry slut... I got something much better to put in your whorish little hole." The Wolf growled lustfully, pressing the pointy tip of his bone into Jerome's winking ass hole. The big stallion's sphincters, over taxed by the clinched from electrical current. Offered little resistance, and the Wolf was soon burying his knot in that hot hole. This of course was what the horse had desired all a long. Only with his over taxed nerves, he was getting very little pleasure out of it! His rapist on the other paw, was enjoying the stallions hot quivering hole enormously. "Nothing feels better than a grass eaters plucker." The Wolf snickered as he raped Jerome's big round rump savagely.


"Ummmm... Uuummmm." The big German Shepard moaned to the ceiling as his hip's bucked and plunged. Smooth paws running up and down his hot hard bone, as a hot mouth sucked on his furry sac. This was not at all what he had expected, the big feline's mouth was very pleasant almost fawning. Vic had no experience with playing gentle with his prey. Anton the Alpha Wolf only liked to play rough with his prey. So the big canine was beginning to think maybe the feline was only bluffing. He was so close... so close to orgasming.

The Tigers teasing paws seeming to sense it... seeming to keep him on the very verge of shooting. Charn played with the dog as long as he dared. Knowing that soon at least one of the others would finish off in the horse. And come looking for the missing German Shepard. He'd been holding back for awhile, savoring the canines need; and yet reluctance to orgasm. It was time, Charn decided with pent up desire. The Tigers big hot paw slid up and down the dogs thick wet hard on swiftly. Tugging the canine closer and closer to release. Vic panted heavily through his nose, his body responding to the pleasure automatically. Back arching hips thrusting out, pressing his loins into the Tigers wide muzzle. Charn's needle like teeth slowly digging into the dog's tender sac neck. Waiting for just the right instant, knowing the Shepard would shoot soon. Strong paws squeezing that big knot, stroking that pulsing shaft. Feeling those big juicy orbs drawing up against the back of his teeth. The German Shepard sighed gustily through his black nose. As cum erupted from the pointed tip of his canine cock. Splattering all over his belly and chest fur. The fiery sensation of the Tigers clenching mandibles, blending with the sweet rush of orgasm.


"Ahohoooooo." The Doberman howled, his wildly plunging hip's reach a Crescendo. As he exploded into Jerome's spasming hole. The stallion gagging and choking as the last of his boiling seed flooded his mouth! Toby pumped it deep a few more times, thinking that if Vic liked a sloppy fuck. The big Shepard would be in for a real treat, between himself and Anton. They had given the big horse a real thick creamy filling. Slipping easily out of the horses well lubricated anus. The sleek Doberman looked around for the German Shepard. The big Wolf looked around with him.

"That dumbass must of fell in." Anton snickered, as he roasted Jerome's big ball sac a bit more.

"Bet it was that Burrito he had earlier." The Doberman snorted. "I told him not to eat that Spic food." Toby growled. "I'll go back and tell him to get his ass in gear... or he's gonia miss all the fun." The big Doberman called over his shoulder.

"Ya well tell him I'm going to eat his share if he don't give me a show." The big black Wolf snarled, as he tended the cooking stud nuts. Toby stalked down the rows of empty lockers. Noting the heavy scent of male musk in the air. Ahead he could hear water running in the old shower room. He snickered at what he believed to be the German Shepard's fastidiousness. The slender black and tan canine stepped into the steam filled shower room. He could just barely make out a dark figure, at the far end of the room. Through the billowing clouds of stark white steam. "Yer clean enough." He growled good naturedly. "Mare boi aint goina complain... if yer dirty." The Doberman snickered. "Hell he aint goina complain about anything, but not getting your dick up his boi twat." Toby assured, moving deeper into the room. As the dark silhouette still didn't move. "What am I going to have to drag you out by your balls." And eerie feeling ran down Toby's back, as he peered harder into the steam clouds. Half expecting not to see Vic at all, but it was indeed the German Shepard. He was seated on one of the benches from the locker room, with his back propped up against the tiled wall. His shaggy black and brown fur gleaming with moisture. Eye's closed, big head resting on his chest... apparently sleeping! "Hey what the fuck?" Toby growled, half pissed off at his buddy. "This is no time for a steam bath." "Wake the fuck up you stupid fucker." The Doberman snarled, stepping closer to the unconscious Shepard. "Your going to MMMMMMMF!" Toby groaned in protest, as the muzzle was suddenly slipped over his head; and yanked tight. The sleek canine struggled intensely for an instant, until his eye's noticed Vic's crotch. The limp pale cock with its knot still just big enough to keep it out of the Shep's sheath. But it was the ragged raw wound just beneath that truly stunned the Doberman! 'Vic had been cut.' He was a neutered bitch now.

Charn realized he didn't have time for delicacy and leisure now. Quickly binding the startled canines paw's behind his back. The Tiger spun him around and sat him down on the Shepard's half erect bone! "Uhuhuuuu." Drawing a sharp moan from Toby, half pain half pleasure as the dogs wet cock slid up his hole. The big feline smirked, thinking it was a good thing the Doberman liked something hard up his rump. Cupping Toby's black ball sac in one huge paw, deadly needle sharp claws sprang out. The canines beady black eye's now half closed popped open wide! In shock and fear as the big feline grinned down at him.

"I really wish I could take more time... entertain you the way you deserve!" Charn purred lustfully. "Show you as good a time as you showed my horsie buddy." The Tiger snickered as the dog's eye's went even wider at this mention of the equine! "But I fear I just don't have the time..." Charn growled regretfully. "Wouldn't want Anton discovering us..." He snickered at the sudden hope in the Dobermans eye's. "He'd run away like last time, and I wouldn't have the pleasure of neutering that bitch." He purred crushing the canines hopes, as his needle like claws drove into the Doberman's tender flesh.

"OOOOOOOOOO!" Toby half screamed half whimpered through his nose. As he felt the Tiger's hooked claws dig his nut's out! His limp cock erupting in its sheath, the hot canine cum dribbling out. To snake down his furry sheath, washing Charn's paw in the dog's spunk! Tears welled up in Toby's dark eye's and the muzzle strained around his head. As Charn yanked his big paw back and up, the Doberman's body jerked in pain. Just before his eye's rolled back in his head and he passed out! The big Tiger grinned as he held up his second prize of the night.


Anton flashed the big former stallion a wolfish grin. As he lay the control box aside, his nose sniffing the horses blackened jewel sac. "Ammmmm hmmmmm..." The wolf grunted licking his lip's, as he unhooked the wires. "Looks like my snack is done... huh geldie." He teased, reaching up to twist the former stallion's well cooked orbs off. The cooked meat tore away easily as Jerome watched in horror.

"OOOOOOOOOOOO... NOOOOOO!" The former stallion squealed, as he watched his blackened ball sac pull away. Only the spaghetti like cords still held, he watched them unreel from his body. Until they were stretched taut, then the Wolf leaned in and bites them off; as close to his groin as possible. Then lifts the horse's blackened sac and cooked orbs away completely.

"The treat that's sweet to eat." Anton gloated, holding Jerome's disserved jewels up before the horse's eye's. The former stallion's mind seemed to gush, thoughts rushing through it wildly. The world around him slow and unreal as his mind wrapped it's self around the new reality. 'He really was a gelding now.' Never again would he be the proud snorting stallion mounting some lesser male. For now he was lesser then even the youngest weakest intact stud! The Wolf dangles the blackened dissevered sack before the horse, watching his reaction! "About time ya got back..." Anton grumbles as he hears the door behind him open and close. "You about missed the best part." He snickers watching the horse's expression change from disbelief to horror. As the full import of his emasculation, fully dawns on Jerome. The big burly figure moves swift and silently up behind the gloating Wolf. So close now his hot meaty breath is ruffling the fur along the back of Anton's neck.

"Oh I wouldn't wanta do that." Charn purrs menacingly soft into Anton's ear. The big wolf's eyes widen in terror, at the sound of that soft voice. Instantly the big wolf makes a break for the door. But the big feline is far to close... before he takes three steps. Anton is hit, massive weight and terrible overwhelming strength hammering him to the warehouse floor. As Charn pounced upon him, pinning him down as the tiger twisted his arms up behind his back. The big wolf howled and screamed as he fought to escape the much bigger predator. Smirking Charn lashed those arms together; he then rolled Anton over onto his back. Kicking the wolf's legs wide apart and kneeling between them. Anton kicked desperately at the cold concrete floor, trying to press himself away. But the big tigers paw with lightening like swiftness darted between his thighs. Caging the wolf's big low hanging nut sack in a cage of needle sharp claws! "You're not going anywhere... until I collect what's owed me." The big tiger purred lustfully into the squirming wolfs ear.

"No... No please..." The terrified Wolf begged. "I... I promise I'll leave town... you'll never see me a... again." Charn smirked at the big lupines begging and promising. As he picked up Jerome's charred sac, from where it had fallen. Grinning as he fished the horse's big orb's out of their sack, and popped them into his mouth one at a time. Slowly the tiger chewed and savored the sweet roasted male flesh. Charn's flaccid male member quickly stiffened once more as he devoured the big stallion's male hood. Real pleasure showing on his muzzle, as he chewed and swallowed; once they were gone he licked his lip's.

"Damn you're a real chef Anton." He purred just loud enough for the Wolf to hear. "I had to eat your boi's junk raw... they were good though... kinda on the light side but good." He pulled the Wolf's hefty orbs far out away from his body. "I'm going to take yours home and sauté them in butter." The big feline assured louder, as the big wolf whimpered and shook his head.

"I... I can get you more." Anton wheeled squirming and trying to delicately get his jewels out of the tigers paw.

"Oh?" Charn smiled affectedly.

"Yeah... yeah sure... more canines even some more horse if you..." He trailed off as he saw the tiger's brow darken.

"That horse is a good friend of mine... and you tortured, raped and roasted his nuts off." Charned growled for the horse to hear, Jerome whickered softly moaning.

"Nut him... nut the bastard." Anton's eye's darted back and forth even wilder, did the horse know the tiger had just ate his balls! Charn as if reading his mind, placed a claw studded finger to his lips.

"Never fear... I'm going to do a lot more than that to him." Charn called favoring the wolf with a dark grin. As he jammed the horses balled up underwear into the Wolf's protesting mouth. The tiger seems relaxed; almost lethargic in the way he's handling his captive's nuts. Pushing the wolfs body back up against the wall so he couldn't squirm away. Charn made him watch, as his stiff cock was quickly and precise filleted.

"MMMMMMM!" Anton squealed through the underwear gag in his mouth, as he watched in growing horror; as those razor sharp claws then dipped lowered! And sliced around his huge Wolf hood at the base. It took sometime, even for the razor sharp claws to cut through all that male muscle! Then powerful finger's dug down within his big sheath, slicing until his once mighty organ was wholly gone! Leaving a deep gaping empty hole where his thick cock had once been. The big wolfs eyes had roll back in his head by this time. So Charn slapped him around a bit to revive him, before proceeding to his heft nut sack. Getting a firm hold the big tiger pulls them out away from his body. Then pops his claws, digging and twisting them around. Until the big sack and it's potent contents rip free from their former owner. In a matter of minutes the tiger removed every last trace of Anton's mighty masculinity. Then he stood leaving the totally emasculated Wolf whimpering and cringing on the floor. While he moved back around in front of Jerome, showing his bait his abusers collected junk. The big gelding nickered in satisfaction as he beheld the Wolf's dissevered male hood. Carefully Charn unchained the former stallion and helped him down. Jerome looked at the big felines raging erection, then slowly bent over and pulled it to his debauched anus. "Are you sure?" Charn purred, as he pressed himself against the gelding's hot dripping hole.

"Yes... yes rut me... take your pleasure within me." The big former stallion begged submissively as the Tiger thrust himself within. It was a pleasure the big feline had often fantasized about. "Ahhhhh my little gelding pleasure pony." Charn whispered lustfully under his breath.


Serial Nutter Chap 2

Serial Chap 2 The Professor had been right; the party was in full swing by the time the big rottie arrived. Held in a rambling four story Frat house, that had once been an administration building. It was going to prove a challenge for him to cover all...

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