Ellis's Berries, Part 3

Story by LadyTannis on SoFurry

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#3 of Ellis's Berries

This is another piece that was almost finished and that I decided to wrap up and ship off to being uploaded. Note that I don't edit over half the time and there may be grammatical errors, but I hope you will enjoy the story nonetheless. This one features Ellis and her troop of almost adventurers. Ellis, Naran, Alterion and belong to their players, while Shion is my character. As a side note, I have almost reached 6k page views, which is -way- more than I expected to reach!

Ellis's voice spoke to the forest around her, as she staggered back to camp, "The texture and taste are surprisingly addictive and.." Placing her hand upon a nearby tree, her form and fattened cock swayed to the side, her finger collecting blue residue from her cheek and placing it between her lips. Licking them, she stumbles forward, her glasses nearing the tip of her nose, "Experimentation has led to a theory that I believe is true, though at what cost?" Pushing her glasses upward, she nears the edge of the campsite.

The fire of the campsite illuminated the tents, fueled by timber and twigs deposited by Alterion's constant foraging. His dark brown coat moving until he lays his belly upon the ground in front of the fire. A few minutes pass and he lifts his head upwards, his ears perking, "Hello?" His lips pull back and his jowls showing, as he speaks in beast, "This is mine. My territory." A figure stumbles from the forest line and Alterion moves to stand. Growling in warning, he sniffs the air, and twists his head in confusion, "Ellis?"

With her belts and books around her thigh-high boots, Ellis's takes a few short steps forward, her legs moving in a wiggling fashion. Her skirt was lifted upwards, the fire-light revealing her heavily-set balls, thick-veined, and glistening pink cock. Just underneath the head, the skin formed layers of red flesh. Waving just below her breasts, Ellis's cock sputters pre-cum, landing upon the ground in front of her. Alterion's eyes drifted slowly upwards, "Ellis? You smell strangely..male."

Ellis's face was flushed, her breath hot in the air. Slowly to a stop, she squeezes her cock and strokes it idly, "Alterion, you are still within the area...where is Naran...Naran?" Ellis starts to walk towards the tents before she falls forward upon her knees, her belts pulled tight about her boots, "Oofwah!" Alterion pads forward, his nose sniffing, "Are you okay, Ellis?" Ellis places her hands upon her balls, cupping them in her palms, "I am inflamed! Suffering from inflammation from poisonous and addictive berries is the breaking of every inexperienced adventurer and I should have known, I should have tested them thoroughooo!" Ellis's eyes flutter upwards as her hips jut upwards, a line of thick cum pushing itself out of Ellis's cock and over Alterion's muzzle and forehead.

The hound blinks, his snout shaking and his head retreating. Snorting, he paws at his cheek, "This smell is..burning." Using his tongue to clean his snout, he begins to push the taste from his mouth, "You taste like my brother.." Ellis's head nods rapidly, fingers and palm squeezing around the midsection of her cock, "Your familiarity is what I require! Naran's presence is only an absence and..and.." Ellis's teeth sink into her bottom lip, as she flutters her eyes to the side. Alterion slowly backs up, "Ellis..you're feverish. And that's between me and my brother, okay? I don't just..do that to other people."

Shion pressed her cheek to Naran's shoulder, her legs and arms wrapped about Naran as Naran stepped past trees and bushes. Shion's smile was mostly hidden by the falling sun, her feet still bare. Naran carried their shoes and her bow in her hands, her hips supporting Shion's weight. Naran's eyes lifted upwards towards the half-moon. Upon nearing the campsite, Alerion's voice carries, "Get your hands off, no, no!" Naran slows to a stop, a strange sound coming from beyond the forest line. Sloppy sounds met Naran's ears and she patted Shion's leg twice. Shion slowly descends and plants her feet on the ground, "What's wrong Mama Bear?" Naran holds a finger upwards, her nose inhaling a strong scent. Turning towards Shion, she signs, "Something is off. Stay here and wait. If I am too long away, go and find help."

Shion offers a cautionary nod, her form hopping as she attempts to shove her feet into her shoes. Naran readies her bow in front of her, her hand fetching an arrow from her pack. Taking enough steps to near the edge of the camp, Naran's form moved out of sight of Shion's jumping struggles. Planting her feet upon the grown, Shion rests against a nearby tree, her hand upon it.

Naran pushed past the forest line, the tents and smoking fire coming into view. Her bare form crept forward, stopping behind a red-berry bush, her eyes finding Ellis's hands clinging to Alterion's ears, her rump sitting upon his chest, knees near Alterion's head, legs held tightly along his shoulders and sides. Ellis's glasses rocked dangerously close to falling off, as the red layers of flesh underneath her cock's head were shoved into the canine's maw. Alterion's mouth lay open, his long tongue lashing at the cock's underside, his saliva being forced to drip down the sides of his cheeks.

Naran lifted her eyebrows, taking a step forward and standing. Her hand lifted to her nose, as Ellis cries into the air, "Naran, Naran.." Falling forward over Alterion's snout, her cock fills his throat and the head opens. as her bloated balls lift upwards to cover Alterion's nose. Snorting against them, Alterion closes his eyes tightly, his pre-cum-coated red cock glistening along his stomach. His hind legs kick into the air, as Ellis's eyes flutter, cum belching into the hound's throat and soon his stomach. As the hound's stomach swelled, Alterion's hind legs jutted upwards, his muscles tensing. A single spurt of cum escapes his cock, mingling with his fur.

Naran's hand idly drew itself along her cock, which was painfully erect, as she watched Ellis braced her arms against the ground, her muscles relaxing. She slumped forward, butt in the air, a weary smile upon her lips. Alterion's eyes fluttered close, his nose breathing softly against Ellis's fat balls. He soon passes out with his belly heavily rounded. Naran takes swift steps forward, walking in-between the tents and towards the other two. Kneeling down, she places a hand upon Alterion's chest, feeling his heartbeat. Taking a quick glance to Ellis's subtly shaking form and Alterion's still legs, Naran places her hands underneath Ellis's thighs and lifts them upwards easily.

Ellis's eyes open slowly, her cheek sliding forward upon the ground below. Her cock's softening girth slowly removed itself from Alterion's throat, as it pulled loose of his lips and drew itself along his nose and the ridge of his snout. It collected dirt along its underside after slipping between Alterion's sloped ears. Naran set Ellis aside on the ground, eyeing the large cock between her legs and then her own, smaller one. She shook her head in wonder, when a loud crashing sound came from the woods. Shion ran back into the clearing and rolled along the ground, her chest lifting and falling rapidly, "We--were--wolf!"