The Capture

Story by TheLittleJenny on SoFurry

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#1 of (Mis)Adventures

In here Sophie plays a little trick on me! Read on to find out!

Awoken to the sounds of silence yet again, I sat in silent misery waiting for my captors to do something. My surroundings are cold and damp leaving me in a miserable state. I was filthy and covered in dirt and mud. Food came once a day through a tiny slot in the bottom of the door. It was only hay but it meant that my captors wanted something from me. Meant that they were not going to kill me. When I was a male I could have shrugged off the tranquilizer dart that hit me when I got captured. I could have put up a fight. Could have protected my fox. Now I don't know where my Vixen is, don't know if she is still alive, I don't even know if they captured her or left her.

I wish to escape, I wish to fight but the nutrition-less diet of hay has weekend my body even further. To make it worse. I haven't taken my heat blockers since they captured me. I lost count how long I've been gone, lost count of how many days have escaped me. I felt a burning in my loins signifying that my primal heat was returning. Now my heat was coming into full force and while I was sleeping my captors had put a chastity cage upon my loins so that I was even denied the small release of masturbation. My loins constantly being on fire letting me know that someone was faintly filling my room with the scent of stallion. I am in love with my beautiful vixen, but as my heat progresses all I can think about is when I first met her. She had my tall, wet, dripping member that filled my every crevice and stretched my walls. The way my cervix was spilt open and her seed filled my depths.

No! No! I must not think this way. I'm already needy and this is not helping. I'm dry humping the air, I need a stallion. As I start to lose my mind to my erotic thoughts again, a small panel opens towards the top of the door. "What is this? It is not feeding time" my mind wonders. Suddenly a small female voice states, "She is ready."

"Ready for what?" My mind reels. The urge to cry out is present but I can barely form a functioning thought through this burning in my loins. Laying here weakly dry humping the air and drooling upon the floor is all my mind can take. Suddenly a click resounds throughout my chamber and I feel the familiar prick of a dart enter my buttocks. My diet of hay has my left body to weak to fight off the effects. I am quickly subdued to the poison of the tranquilizer and fell fast into a drug induced sleep.

Cold. Cold is my first thought as I awaken from the drug induced stupor. Shaking the cobwebs from my mind I open my eyes to A full length mirror hangs above me showing my predicament. The cold I feel is the steel table beneath me. The table has a special head mold to hold my head in place. The table itself looked like a gynecologists table, my body and arms upon this steel bed and my legs sitting in raised stirrups that spread open my legs showing my dripping cunt to the world. There are straps on my wrists, forearms and upper arms. Straps hold down my torso by my collarbone, under my breasts, my lower abdomen and hips. I am also held in with more straps on my thighs, knees, calves and ankles. I could not move a single inch if I so wished to.

What looked to be breast pumps was attached to my tits and udders. This made no sense because I only gave milk when I was pregnant. Nothing about this made sense so I just pushed it from my mind. My muzzle was also strapped shut not allowing a single cry to be elicited. A lone tube entered my muzzle for purposes unknown and the smell of stallions blatantly filled the air making my pussy quiver. My tail seemed to be wrapped at the base and placed in a special groove in the table enabling it to be pushed off the side and out of the way. The lower leathery lips of my swollen labia touched the cool steel table now that the chastity cage had been removed. It allowed all my juices to freely flow down a tiny spout in the table to where I could only guess there was a bucket by the sounds of my dripping fluid. Suddenly a figure in a white chemical suit came in through a side door.

Through the suit and mask I could not even guess at gender or species. The masked figure held up three vials, one green, one purple, and one white. I want to scream, I want to cry out but all I could do is stare at the figure and let one lone tear escape my eye. The figure lifting the tube that was connecting to my mouth and showed me a small connection port where they could inject the fluid into the tube. A mechanical voice appeared from the figures suit "Now you can either take this orally and swallow willingly or I inject it into you. Just a warning, it burns like a bitch when injected. Just blink once if you are willing to take it orally." I blinked once because my loins already burned terribly and I could not take anymore pain. The white figure held up the green vial "this one will increase your heat tenfold" came the mechanical voice. Panic settled over me cause my heat was already unbearable.

In this moment I decided to steel my resolve because I just have no choice anymore. The white figure stuck the vial into the injector port and the green fluid went down the tube and pooled into my mouth. It tasted like mint and made my mouth feel alight as if on fire. The white figure reached out a glove hand and stroked my throat forcing me to swallow the potion.

Next came the purple potion, "This will make your body feel as if you are pregnant. Your milk production will start and your muscles in your womb will relax" the mechanical voice stated. The purple potion had the repulsive taste of false grapes and went down the hatch in a similar motion. Finally the white potion was held up. "This one will increase your milk production to extreme lengths" the mechanical voice informed me as the coconut flavored potion slid down my throat aided by the stroking fingers.

Without another word the figure left me alone to my thoughts. I don't know how long I was left alone to my misery but I definitely started to feel the potions affects. The burning in my loins consumed nearly all waking thoughts and if I could cry out I'd be begging to be bred. I just wanted my vixen with a large dick breeding me over and over again. The dripping of the fluids from my swollen glands became a steady pouring and I could feel my clitoris winking rapidly in and out of its hood seeking and calling out to the stallion that I could only smell. Soon after the cups attached to my breasts and teats started to fill the small cups with pure milk. My bosom and teats filled up with milk and strained with pressure adding making me even more uncomfortable.

The milk seemed to cue the figure in white to return and when the figure did the first thing they did was turn on the pumps allowing me my first pleasurable release in days. The pumps suckling the milk to unknown destinations felt like a godsend on my aching tits.

The next thing the figure did was replace the bucket between my legs and replace it with an empty one. Just before it went out of view I noticed a 3 gallon metal bucket full of my fluids. I don't know where the figure put it but I was quickly distracted when the figure came back and pulled up a pipe from the floor I between my legs. The pipe was clear and had a L bend facing my dripping cunt. My answer to what this was for was partially answered when the figure pulled what looked like a oxygen mask out of the white jacket they wore. The mask had a pipe coming out the back of it and a long tube dropping out the bottom. The mask part fit snugly over my dripping tear drop cunt and the pipe snapped snugly over the L bend pipe. My still copious leaking fluids filled up the bottom of the mask and ran down the tube into the awaiting bucket.

The figure ducked out of sight for a moment and I heard sounds of him pouring something out of a metal bucket. This intrigued me and when I heard the gentle hum of another pump join the breast pump my question was quickly answered as I noticed a clear fluid with milky strands come up the pipe connected to my mouth. As the fluids filled my mouth I tasted the unmistakable taste of my own nectar. The figure was feeding me the juices pouring copiously from my hungry snatch.

When they say you are what you eat, it's true. Normally my juices were sweet and savory holding hints of sweet fruits. Now it tasted sweet but only because of the naturally sugars in it. Instead of fruits I tasted only hay. The figure came over and stroked my throat forcing me to swallow the pooling juices in my mouth. "Drink up mare. You were beginning to get dehydrated. Must keep you hydrated" the mechanical voice commanded.

I had no choice but to swallow the fluids in my mouth or drown and I wanted to see my vixen again one day. I drank my fluids through my muzzle and smelled stallion through my nose. I wanted out but the attachment to my quivering lips told me I wasn't done yet. The figure once again ducked out of view but quickly came back with a cylindrical dome topped sponge on a long bendable handle. I could only guess what this was for.

To answer my new question the figure pulled up a stool by legs and sat down upon it. The figure then removed the vaginal apparatus from the L pipe leaving the oxygen mask like attachment still around my snatch. I must have gotten used to the smell by now but the moment he released the apparatus the rich smell of female in heat filled the room mingling with the smell of stallion. The Figure set the sponge apparatus on my belly then pulled a mirror out of its pocket.

The figure held the mirror by my snatch at such an angle I could see the inflamed flesh and the river of fluids gushing out with the aid of my winking clit. "See how your vaginal walls are now a gorgeous red instead of the lackluster pink?" The figure questioned not expecting an answer. "That shows your walls are fully engorged with blood and ripe with heat. Your burning and itching is now ten times the normal of even a feral mare. Any contact with semen basically means your instantly pregnant. This is where we come in. This pipe," the figure said gesturing towards the clear pipe, "leads to a little something we have been cooking up. When I released the pipe from your snatch, I know you could smell your eager sex. Well we pumped that enticing aroma into its tank and now we are going to let it have a taste of you and guide it right to were you are just begging to be fucked and filled."

So many questions filled my mind but all I could do was continue to swallow my fluids slowly being pumped into my muzzle and watch the masked figure. The figure took the sponge and pushed it through the vaginal attachment and shoved it into me eliciting a small moan. The figure allowed me no pleasure or release as they quickly removed it. The figure started lubricating the pipe with my juices. The figure no longer gave me the liberty of the sponge in my snatch but rather dipped it into the bucket below me. He attached the pipes back together and replaced the bucket beneath me. The figure got up and placed the full bucket somewhere out of visual range.

Figure came back with a clip board and sat on the stool. The figure checked the attachments again then pressed a button somewhere only they could see. After the click of the button silence filled the chamber for but a moment until a squelching noise was heard. I looked to see what it was and my eyes were greeted by this grotesque green thing filling up the tube in a slow crawl. It acted like a homing beacon and it started to shoot up the pipe faster when it got the first taste of my lube in the pipe. It reached my cunt and ejected this white fluid all over my rear. I didn't know what it was but it instantly cooled the itching burning I was feeling.

The massive tentacle like object pushed further and further into my walls and it was excreting its own white fluid that barely cooled my aching walls before it was being pushed out and forced down into the awaiting bucket. The tentacle stretched me even further than when I fucked my own dick. The pregnancy potion was the only way I could handle being brutally stretched by this creature. Suddenly it reached my cervix and again, because of the potion, push past the loosened muscles and force itself into my womb.

The tentacle began to ripple as if moving with tiny muscles and oh god did it feel good. It felt as I I was being rutted by a wild animal. After being denied the gift of release for several days I began to moan between gulps of fluid and was quickly sent over the edge to my first of my orgasms. I sent wave after wave of fluid into the bucket below.

I quickly learned why the tentacle was rippling when a bulge appeared in the part of the tentacle that was in the pipe. The bulge pushed the tentacles walls to the side as it pushed its way up. I first felt the bulge as it stretched my cunt opening as it passed. I could feel it move through my vagina then in a moment of pure pleasure it shoved its way through my cervix and landed heavily in my womb. It was at that moment I realized what it was. The creature was laying eggs inside me!

The figure simply sat off to the side and took notes on a clipboard as egg after egg was laid inside me. For every egg laid I came twice or more. I lost count of the eggs and just relaxed as my belly was full from finally drinking all of my own nectar and my belly only got larger and larger from eggs the size of my own breasts.

The tentacle finally removed itself after I looked to be carrying a fully grown foal inside my womb. The only thing that gave away the fact that it wasn't a foal was the ridges and bumps. When the tentacle slid out I thought it would leave an empty feeling and it did but that was quickly replaced by the eggs settling into place filling that empty space. The tentacle slipped back into its hole and that's when the figure finally moved. The figure disconnected the vaginal attachment from the pipe then pushed the pipe back into the floor. That's when I noticed that beside the figures stool was another bucket of my fluids. Between the cum myself and the creature had produced the figure had to replace the bucket gathering it all.

I thought my ordeal was done but the figure had one last thing planned. The figure took the bucket of fluids out of my vision to presumably join the other one. The figure came back with one sleeve rolled up and a long rubber glove stretched up to its shoulder. Without much ceremony the figure removed the vaginal attachment and placed it on my belly allowing the fluids to seep into my fur. My loins had finally cooled and that was because I was obviously pregnant. The potions had worn off by now and the breast pumps were now pumping normal amounts of milk from my tender bosom.

The muscles in my snatch and cervix had tightened back up but that did not matter to the figure. The figure picked up a sponge sitting in the bucket of my fluids and lubricated their gloved arm up with my juices. The figure shoved their lubricated arm deep within me not allowing me time to adjust to the sudden intrusion. The figure, now elbow deep in me, started poking at my cervix before finding the opening and shoving their hand in. It was surprisingly pleasurable and caused me to moan again. The arm was now in me up to their upper arm. Then the figure seemed to pull on an egg and stretched my cervix yet again as the figure pulled it into my vaginal cavity. The stretching was so pleasurable it nearly brought me to the edge and I moaned aloud. Then the figure pulled the egg out of me finally making me cum again. The figure disappeared with the egg for a bit and about dozed off when the white shape reappeared carrying the egg.

The scientist seemed to have no care about my comfort as they used my juices again to coat the egg before shoving it deep within me. The figure had to use two hands this time the spread my cervix, this time almost painfully, and pop the egg back into the brood.

"Well tests say they just need fertilized so we are going to bring you back into heat and pump some stallion seed into you" the voice suddenly said to me as it forced the egg into me. "Don't worry I don't need you awake for this" the voice said as alarm filled my body.

The figure stood up and walked over to my side, pulled a syringe wrapped in plastic out of its pocket and unwrapped it. The figures hands were still dripping in my juices put it didn't seem to faze it one bit. The figure dropped the plastic into its pocket then squeezed and flicked the syringe to make sure there was no air in the medical device.

The figure deposited the contents of the syringe into my arm with only a small prick. As the familiar effects of the drug pushed me towards sleep again, my last thoughts were of my vixen. I hoped this ordeal would be over soon but alas it seemed it had barely started.

I awoke to the familiar sights of... my bedroom? Feeling my head resting upon familiar legs and a familiar hand stroking my hair. I turned my head upward quickly to the sight of my vixen above me. My Little Moo! My Soph! My Love! I was free!

Was it all a bad dream? I lurched forward to gather my woman in a hug but was held down by a heavy weight. Looking down it seems that it was not a dream. My womb was still extended with the creatures eggs. You could see the bumpy outline of all the spawn inside.

I began to sob and I buried my head in my woman's lap. "I'm sorry my love" I sobbed. "I failed you" I cried. "No my love. If anyone failed it was me" came sweet Sophie's reply. "How my love? You did nothing wrong" I told my bovine as my sobs subsided.

"Oh my love you have every reason to hate me and if you wish for me to leave I will do so" Sophie whispered softly to me. "Hate you? I could never ever hate you little Soph. Never!" I responded adamantly. "Even if I was responsible?" Came her even quieter response as she hung he head in apparent shame. "What!" I exclaimed out loud in shock.

"Babe just listen please. I'll explain it all. You probably lost track of time down there but today is our anniversary and I wanted to make it extra special. I have wanted to show my love for you after you sacrificed so much for me. We solidified our bond through sexual contact and I wanted to do something sexual for you.

I looked through your online profiles and found your most searched tags. You love the ideas of Non-Consensual sex, burning heat, oviposition, bondage and tentacles and I know you love to be dominated. So I decided to mix it all into one.

I bought a building outside if town and had it turned into the dungeon. I hired some friends to kidnap you while we headed to the airport for a vacation.

I never intended for us to make it to the airport for my surprise vacation was the dungeon. I was the one who weakened you with the diet of hay. I was the one who put you in that chair. It was hard at times to continue with this.

I wanted to quit several times when I saw your pitiful state. I had to power through just for you. The tentacle idea came from when I saw you researched some types of them online. I found a robotic type that crawled and could push its own eggs through the tube.

I custom ordered a extra large one and spent a week making the 36 eggs resting in your womb right now. I boiled the potions that I fed you. The hardest part was how to trick your body into thinking you were pregnant but not allowing you to become pregnant.

The white ooze that I'm sure cooled the burning in your lips was indeed jellied horse semen but I froze it first to kill all active semen. I also mixed it with spermicide. The eggs themselves are a firm gelatin mixed with horse semen and spermicide. Your body thinks its pregnant now. To get rid of the eggs you will have to wait 9 months and lay them or I give you a potion to dissolve them." Sophie explained all this while stroking my mane and I listened intently.

"My sweet angel?" I responded after a few moments of silent pondering, letting all this info sink in. "Yes?" Sophie responded hoping I wouldn't kick her out. I rubbed my belly like a pregnant woman would do. "At first I was afraid you wouldn't want me if I was carrying the children of someone else. I wanted to get rid of them. I wanted them gone. Now that I know they are yours I want nothing more then to keep them and give birth to them later." I told the Jersey cow above me. "Really?" She cried. "Absolutely. Only with three requests little one." I responded. "Anything at all!" Sophie chirped a little to eagerly.

I held up one finger "If I produce milk I want to save it." I put up a second finger, "You must be present when I give birth," I held up a third finger, "Third, your going to carry eggs too little one. I want to be prego with you sweetie." I stated as my three demands.

"Anything for you my love. Speaking of rule one, your already producing milk and it's time to get you milked." Sophie stated and pulled off my bra revealing two soaked pads covering my nipples. This definitely confirmed my body thought it was pregnant. As Sophie peeled off the breast pads and cleaned my aching breasts with a washcloths I noticed little drops of white start to form under my piercings.

Sophie cleaned off my breasts and attached the suction cups to my breasts. Then she pulled the pad off my swollen teats by my crotch, cleaned them and soon had them being suckled by the machine. I was lulled to sleep by the quiet hum and gentle suckling of the machine.

Best Anniversary Ever!