Just a growing boy

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#4 of Commissions

This is my fourth commission which I did as part of a trade. The person who requested it has requested to remain anonymous. It is about two brothers who encounter a problem when the younger one has a strange allergy to sugar.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. All characters contained within are original and the property of their respective creators. This work is rated adult for minor incestual content between underage brothers.

It was a mid-fall afternoon. School was in full gear and the students were eager for winter break to begin. Cody was a 16 year old junior in high school and had left early school early to pick up his brother. The two were both rabbits and quite close with each other often finding solace in the others company. The teen didn't mind picking up his younger brother as he knew his parents were quite busy with work.

Cody drove a hand-me down vehicle given to him by his father. It was a 2010 VW Jetta which despite having over 75,000 km on the odometer drove quite nicely. The rabbit drove quite conservatively as he highly valued his vehicle as well as the license that afforded him some freedom to travel. It was a short trip and he had expected his brother to be waiting outside of the doctor's office where he was getting his annual physical.

Pulling into the parking lot proved he was right. Kyle, his younger brother, was patiently waiting out in front of the building. The location was quite empty as it was still midway through the afternoon and most people were not off from work or school yet. Cody pulled the car to the curbside where his brother was waiting. The teen allowed the younger brother entry who hopped inside the vehicle before closing the door behind him.

"How did it go?" The older teen asked his brother.

"It went okay, they just told me not to eat sugar for a while." The younger boy responded.

In truth Kyle was well behind the growth curve for his age group. Measuring at 122 cm the young cub was easily the shortest boy in class and even shorter than most of the girls. Kyle hated being small and wanted nothing more to get the growth spurt he had heard so much about in sex ed class. Cody tried not to bring it up often since he knew the topic was a sore subject for his brother.

The two looked quite similar outside of height. Cody and Kyle were easily relatable by appearance alone. The older rabbit was a slightly darker tint of brown while his younger brother was a more tan tone. Unlike his older brother however, the younger cub had spots that decorated his fur whereas the teen was a solid color. The boy fastened his seat belt before the teen turned the engine over to resume transport to home.

"No sugar? Why not?" The teen inquired curiously.

"I dunno they didn't say why." The cub chirped back.

Cody decided to shrug it off as nothing and continued their journey home. Their house was a short distance from the clinic. Not much else was said while the teen was focusing on driving, Kyle was focused on entertaining himself with a game on his phone. It was shortly after lunch time and a synchronized growl from the boy's stomachs reminded them that they were famished from lack of lunch.

The teen decided to make a quick stop at a local fast food joint famous for its tofu. Neither of the pair ate meat so the location was a good choice for their vegetarian diet. Unlike the infirmary the place was bustling activity. Finding a parking spot proved quite difficult as Cody decided to park near the back of the lot. As both of them exited the car, a quick look into the distance confirmed the business of the restaurant.

Approaching the joint with some reservation the two made their way to the host in order to place their order. Cody decided to select his favorite dish, a grilled carrot sandwich with lettuce and tomato, while Kyle ordered a simpler radish gumbo soup. They made their way through the line before the teen fished out his wallet to pay for the meal. The cub thanked his brother before grabbing the pair drinks to put on their tray.

The younger boy selected some coke for both of them and made his way to the table where his brother was waiting. Cody had already set the meals down on the flat surface before sitting himself down on the bench which was positioned against the wall. It was the only spot free and they had little choice in venue for where to dine. Kyle placed the two beverages next to each meal before joining his brother by his side.

Cody eyed the coke curiously as if recalling something about "sugar" that his brother had mentioned earlier. Though it may have just been a general warning since too much sugar was never a good thing. He decided to let it be and just enjoy the time alone with his brother who was already quietly sipping away at his piping hot bowl of soup. The cub was making some sipping noise before tipping the remainder of the dish into his maw.

The cub burped before covering his mouth in a show to attempt some modesty and politeness. Obviously hungry Cody began to enjoy his own meal, taking it much more slowly than his younger brother. Kyle began slurping away at the coke in order to drown the foul aftertaste that lingered on his taste buds. Slowly but surely the fizzy drink began to disappear down the eager cubs throat. His parents didn't allow him much soda, so this was a welcome change.

Kyle began to feel strange. A remote sensation of tingling began to overcome his body and overtake his form, the longer he indulged in the beverage the stronger the feeling became. Slowly energy began to fill his body as the cubs body slowly began to expand and stretch. It was barely noticeable but the boy was having an adverse reaction to the sugar in the drink. Kyle's clothing began to tug up on his body ever so slightly as he ceased drinking the refreshment.

A sense of hyperactivity came over to the come, the cub was having his own version of a sugar rush. It has long been since the last time the boy had experienced one and his body was unused to the combination of caffeine and sugar combined. Kyle began to hop around the complex, enough to attract some unwanted attention. Cody could have sworn he could see the boy's stomach poking through his shirt, and his clothing seemed somewhat tighter on his small form.

Before long an employee came to investigate the noise. Notifying Cody that he needed to calm his brother down since the younger boy was disturbing the other customers. The teen was ready to leave anyways and gestured for his energetic brother to leave with him. The older rabbit gathered their things and discarded them before Kyle finally made his gleeful exit out of the building. Looking at his brother again Cody could have sworn something was different about him, though he couldn't put his finger on it.

Returning to the car brought the restraint necessary to sate the intensity of his brother's animation. The seat belt managed to keep him in place though Cody noticed the boy had to adjust it some. The teen noticed the younger cub's stomach poking out of his shirt, and played it off as bloating before turning the engine over to make their way home. Fortunately for the pair, their apartment was a short drive from the buffet where they had eaten.

Kyle continued to fidget in his seat, undeterred by the security offered to him by the seat belt. Cody overheard the boy continuously move around but could not pay him any attention since the teen had to keep his eyes on the road. The cub on the other hand was becoming impatient in his chair. Opening up the glove box, the boy located an assortment of items from a manual to some mints. Looking over the candy, he considered for a moment if his breath smelt bad.

Holding his small paw over his maw and letting out a small huff of air, proved that his breath was foul. Fishing out a pair of the treats, Kyle toyed with the packaging before freeing them from their plastic prison. Feeling accomplished the boy popped the confection into his mouth before savoring the peppermint flavor. Sucking on it ever so lightly the boy was ever so enjoying his treat, a similar sensation to the one before began to overtake his body.

This time the cub reacted by itching himself all over. The feeling was similar to an overt tingling response pulsing through his young body. Again the boy's body began to stretch, Just as weakly at it had before, expanding into the extended waist band covering his lap. The cub was becoming increasingly uncomfortable in his chair. Fortunately for Kyle the mints were small and didn't last very long. However now his shirt and pants were quite small on him, forcing the boy to squirm even more readily in his seat.

Shortly after Cody pulled the vehicle into the lot in front of their apartment complex. It was relatively easy to find a spot since it was still early in the afternoon and many people likely had not yet returned from work. Kyle was the first to free himself from the safety belt, though the older teen joined him shortly after taking his time exiting the car. Looking over the car the older boy spotted the top of the cub's head completely clearing over the hatchback of the vehicle.

It was not something that he expected. Cody could have sworn the younger boy seemed bigger. As they made their way from the sedan the older teen watched the younger one pounce about. The tightness of his clothing stressed against his younger form. The clothing no longer fitting quite as well as it had before. Cody couldn't help but think his brother was going through his growth spurt.

Cody recalled that the boy had seemed smaller earlier in the day, but passed it off as him imagining things. The two lived in the second floor of the complex up a small set of stairs. Once atop them the older teen finagled with his keys before managing to open the door. Kyle plowed himself inside before darting towards his room. Cody rolled his eyes at the playful younger cub, locking the door behind them as made his way in doors.

Meanwhile in his room Kyle busied himself with a quick search through his wardrobe for a new set of clothing. His garments were becoming bothersome on him and even trying to take his shirt off was quite the task. Likewise his shoes were tight on his paws and he couldn't even wiggle his toes in the smaller space anymore. The boy was quite eager to kick them off to allow his feet more space and freedom.

His pants were somewhat easier to remove since the zipper allowed more movement down his young body. Now in nothing but underwear and socks the boy kicked the small items off to the side, before looking for a replacement in the drawer. He stopped to consider for a moment why the clothing no longer fit him. Perhaps he was finally having his growth spurt, he thought to himself. A gleeful smile adorned his face.

Kyle decided to confirm his assumption making his way to his desk to grab some tools for his measurement. The boy made his way to the door where he kept track of his height, huffing at his last measurement. It had been some time since he had last checked and he could only hope that his deduction was correct. Standing flat on his feet against the wall the cub drew a line atop of his head to compare against the last.

Stepping away for a moment to examine his marking the boy smiled once getting a clear look at it. There was a clear difference between his current mark and his last. He had finally grown, exuberance filled the boy as a smile crept across his face. He had to tell his brother, he thought to himself, forgetting all about his semi nudity. Kyle darted out of his room wasting no time to find his older brother.

His brother was but a short distance down the hall. Kyle found the older rabbit tasked on doing the homework he had been assigned by math earlier that day. The younger cub peered over his brother before poking him behind. Looking behind him Cody got a clear glimpse of the boy's underwear bulge. Hanging innocently in front of him, the teen turned away to maintain a sense of propriety.

"Where are you clothes, kiddo?" Cody inquired.

"Oh...sorry I forgot...Guess what!?" The cub chirped back with glee.

"What?" The older teen responded.

"I grew!" The boy stretched out his arms far above his head, exaggerating his bodies lithe frame.

Cody looked over the boy, it was hard to tell especially the boy was lingering about in just his delicates. However even with the expandable waist band the piece was hard pressed straining against the cubs waist and thighs. It didn't seem to bother the younger sibling much though. The teen picked himself up before examining the boy a second time before getting an idea.

"Oh really? Well let's measure you and find out." Cody suggested.

The younger boy didn't protest as the teen made his way over to the kitchen to grab a measuring tape. Kyle had followed closely behind and was nearby so the teen instructed him to position himself straight against the wall for analysis. Cody extended the retractable piece of metal out of its dispenser placing the end under the boy's big toe. The older sibling then proceeded to estimate the height of his brother.

"132 cm looks like your right, bro." The teen recalled the tape with a loud snap.

The smirk on the younger boys face grew. He had grown a whole 10 cm, not too shabby considering most kids his age didn't grow but 1 or 2 cm at a time. It was unprecedented by most means but by no means unbelievable for a boy in the midst of puberty.

"Guess we're gonna need to get you some new clothes, huh?" Cody finally pointed out the boy's lack of clothing.

The cub sheepishly nodded before covering himself. With that the older teen requested him to redress himself. Kyle headed his beckoning and made for his room.

Locating some of his bed shirts, Kyle found a top that his brother had handed down to him. The piece was a solid gray with a picture of a wolf howling to the moon. The shirt was still quite large on him and reached down to his knees, clearly way too large on him. Kyle decided since this was the case that pants were not needed and decided to lounge about in his undies. After all it was normal for him do so especially when he was too lazy to change.

Soon after Kyle decided to rejoin his brother whom he found relaxing on the couch watching some television. The younger cub pounced down from behind the couch over the top to join the teen. The show was something the boy had not seen before and did not recognize upon focusing on it. The episode featured some cars racing and the rabbit found it hard to really get into it.

"Can't you change it?" The boy asked his older brother.

"Why not watch your own TV?" Cody clearly favored this show

"Please..." The cub begged wanting nothing more than to spend time with the teen.

"Fine...what do you want to watch?" Cody caved to appeasing the boy.

"An action movie!" Kyle proposed an idea to pass the time.

It was true they were alone for the rest of the night. Their parents likely wouldn't return from their business trip until the following Monday, which was several days away. They had even agreed to make it worth Cody's while by offering him an increased allowance, which the teen had declined. The older sibling handed the boy the remote before going in the kitchen to make some popcorn.

Kyle in the meanwhile found a suitable film. Landing on Guardians of the Galaxy, the boy got excited. He was very much a fanboy of Rocket Racoon and luckily for him the film had yet to start. The scent of the maize became overpowering wafting into the ear and eliciting a soft sniff from the younger boy. Before long Cody appeared with a bowl of the stuff, large enough for both of them to share.

"What do you want to drink?" Cody asked before setting the dish on the coffee table.

"Chocolate milk!" The boy playfully chimed back at him.

Cody disappeared for a short while before returning with two glasses full of the liquid. One for himself and one for his younger brother. The teen had decided to share in the cubs cocoa flavored decadence. Setting the items on the coffee table, Cody shoved himself in next to the younger boy. The boys focus was determined on the film which wasn't far beyond the starting point. His eyes lightning up each time the raccoon appeared on screen


Cody rested his own paws next to the boys on the floor. His own sizably larger than the young cubs. The teen losing himself in the exciting scenes of the cinema on the TV screen. The cubs own energy losing himself almost knocking over the coffee table with the drinks. The older boy reaching over to grab the milk before any mischief could occur holding both of them in his paws before handing one of them to Kyle.

The cub looked over with a smile at the Cody, thanking him for the kind gesture before snatching the cup with his own paw. Kyle gingerly began to sip away at the liquid aiming the cup down his snout. He was a sucker for sweets, especially chocolate, not quite befitting his namesake. The cub experienced a twinge in his body, eagerly dousing more and more of the dairy product down his throat.

Slowly but surely the boy's body began to creep up. Energy filling his insides with renewed strength. The end of his toes almost able to reach the base of the coffee table. Looking over at his brother, Kyle decisively grinned almost as if expecting a challenge from the teen. The cub drank the rest of flavored beverage in no time, gulping it down quite eagerly. The shirt formerly tenting on him now reached just below his thighs.

"Thanks bro that was good!" Kyle reached over to give his brother a hug


"No problem, bud." Cody welcomed the boy's arms with his own.

Cody on the other hand hadn't even drank his own milk yet. He wasn't much one for chocolate and Kyle eyed the item, as if expecting him to hand it over. Strangely Kyle's thirst was not yet sated.

"Can I have yours?" Kyle asked suggestively pressing into his brother's body.

"I guess. I'm not really thirsty." Cody handed the glass over to the younger boy.

The younger cub was a sucker for chocolate. Any other individual may have been deterred by the bloating of that much liquid. But not Kyle, he wanted more.

The cub lifted himself off the older teen before snatching away the cup quite aggressively. The boy began to engulf the liquid down as if he had been parched, emptying the cup in mere moments. The decadence of the cocoa and thickness of the milk sending shivers down his spine. The boy's body continue to creep higher and higher, the sugar making him twitch in his seat. The shirt now becoming a much better fit on him, reaching just below his waist line.

Kyles thirst was finally quenched and his body ceased expanding. Fortunately for him because an aching feeling filled his entirety. His underwear was now quite uncomfortable and the boy struggled to pull them off his lower potion, leaving him naked from the waist down. But the release of strain from the tight fabric was a welcome addition.

"Hey bro, you think I can get a massage? My body is really sore." Kyle asked casually.

The older teen was quite good at giving sensual rubs and the younger boy knew it. However the request seemed odd to Cody as he looked over at Kyle, something seemed different about him. Almost as if he were bigger...The teen picked himself up from the couch before plopping himself on the floor, by kneeling down in front of the younger boy. The cub looking down at him with a smile.

Cody placed one of the boy's footpaws in his hands and began stroking it. Kyles eyes rolling back in his head in delight. The teen continued rubbing away at the soft furry soles in between each of his paw pads before reaching in to thread his finger between each of the boys toes. Kyle leaned back in his seat, lifting his free foot into the teens face before firmly pressing it against his snout.

Cody sniffed gently at the soft paw. The aroma was enticing enough to allure him a subtle lick from between the teen's lips. The teen had a thing for feet and hadn't even considered why his brother was indulging him. Kyle rolled his toes into the older siblings embrace before coaxing it down and guiding it down his body. Before long the boy's soft paw met with an eager tent in the teens shorts.

Kyle curled his toes over the bulge pressing against it lightly with his small foot. Cody's eyes closed not protesting his brother's attention. The teen's arousal spiking in little time, feeling more primal urges overtaking any sense of hesitation. Cody's grip loosened around the other paw enough so that it was free, fixing itself over the teens snout. The older boy sniffing quite intensely away at the musky scent of his brother's foot.

Before long Cody's cock tip leaked with precum, which was quickly evaporated by his clothing. Kyle fit the eager shaft through his toes before proceeding to pump it. A soft sigh was elicited by the teen who couldn't believe this was happening. Continuing to thread it through his warm toes, the meat began to pulse and tense under the boys touch. Another quick sniff of the boys foot, brought the older sibling to his edge.

A long sigh of euphoria slipped his mouth as his cock gouged out cum, seeping through the fabric of his clothing creating a wet spot on the surface. A groan followed as the two sat there in a moment together. It took a few more moments for Cody to regain his composure but once he did he caught the look of a sly grin on his brother's face. Clearly he was quite contempt with what he had done.

"Wow...Guess you read my journal, huh?" Cody asked half embarrassed.

Kyle nodded silently before recoiling his paws back onto his person. Cody picked himself up before leaning over to hug and kiss his brother. It had been a long and eventful day. Both of the pair's wildest dreams had come true. Kyle had finally had the growth spurt he had long been waiting for and Cody was allowed to finally indulge in his brother's feet. Truly it couldn't have been any better for each of them.