Chapter 01 - The Games We Play for Sex and Domination

Story by hikit on SoFurry

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#2 of The Games We Play For Sex and Domination

Arelli upped the ante in Azel's challenge and all the boys and girls get dragged into the game of predator-prey. Feyla is the first to run for the females team, will she escape and win the right to shame the boys or will the males successfully capture her and vigorously exercise their mating rights?

The games we play for sex and domination

by hikit

Some story elements and characters of the Mating Season universe borrowed from WhimsicalSquirrel with permission. This story is set in an alternate universe, it isn't canon to Mating Season.

Chapter 1

Two suns passed and to the wood dwellers it was a bright sunny day. Below the clear skies a metaphorical storm was brewing among the parties involved in Azel and Arelli's competition. They gathered around in the clearing where this gauntlet was first thrown down, the girls on one side and the boys on the other. Dansk walked up to the edge between the two sides and turned to face them.

"We are gathered here to settle a question of strength and agility between boys and girls. I will repeat the terms of the game which were finalized at the meeting with head elder Gavriel." announced Dansk in an official tone.

"The hunt will start in this clearing. The prey will run off into the forest first, then the predators will chase her after a delay of 30 fingers which will be counted by me. Izmat and Aiya have set up the shadow stone you see here - points to a smoothed out cylindrical stone piece surrounded by a circular rope - on which I will mark its shadow point. The hunting band must capture the prey and bring her back here, at which point they are free to mate her as frequently as they wish for the remainder of the sun cycle. If they fail to bring her back before the shadow point has moved one quarter of a circle then they must let their fur be stained by the ochre and refrain from washing it off for the remainder of the day cycle. The remaining girls and I will head out to notify everyone when time is up."

During the explanation various expressions could be seen on the girls side, from Arelli's glare of contempt to Lo's anxious smile to Aiya's neutral stare of indifference, while the boys side was overall upbeat except for Fen who constantly glanced at the forest nearby, considering trying to slink away unnoticed.

"Today the first female will step forth as prey and in the next 3 suns each of the other girls will take the role. Girls, have you decided who will run as prey today?"

"I will run as the prey." Feyla resolutely declared and stepped forward.

Arelli got her way as usual, claimed the girls will all win for sure so she would go last to take on the boys when they would be most desperate. Feyla couldn't bear to let Lo be the first victim. And Aiya won the game of branch throwing to break the tie. So here she was as the first female competitor.

"Noted, Feyla will run as the prey today." repeated Dansk. He looked over to the boys side which comprised of Azel, Bjornio, Fen, Izmat and Rovio. "Is the hunting band ready?"

"I was born ready, let us commence the chase." Azel affirmed.

"And may many offspring be born from this mating season." jovially added Bjornio.

"Not with us you won't!" Arelli retorted.

Dansk looked back to Feyla. "Get set. 3...2...1... Go!"

Feyla dashed into the forest. The girls had discussed what strategy to use in order to best evade the boys. Hiding in the bush or trees was brought up but Feyla isn't keen on that particular tactic because to stay hidden you can't freely scan around you since that would make noise and thus you risked being surrounded by the boys with no escape route. She was confidant in her running and climbing so she preferred to take the high ground and bolt at the first sign of trouble.

Dansk counted down to when the hunting band could start chasing after her. Lo didn't want to stick around but Arelli and Aiya made her stay. Arelli wanted to rub it in the boys face when they lose as soon as possible, Aiya didn't want to miss any drama.

"4... 3... 2... 1... Go!"

"To me warriors!" Azel rallied as he dashed into the same direction Feyla was last seen running. The rest followed their fearless leader.

Dansk walked to the shadow stone to mark its current position, then to another spot where he had left his earthy rocks and sat down to prepare the ochre. If the girl won she would get to paint the boys in humiliating motifs, if not he had plenty of other uses for it.

"Make sure you make lots of ochre Dansk," Arelli requested, "we want to smear them filthier than a toad."

So far Feyla's strategy was working out. She had climbed up the highest nearby tree to spy on the boys movements then jumped to another when they tried to climb up to catch her.

The males were just testing her, two males would go up the tree while the three others simply tracked her from afar. They were content in following her, for now.

"Feyla is generally docile but she will sting you if you anger her," chattered Bjornio, "Once I accidently broke her drum and she was about ready to bite my ear off!"

"She sticks close to her friends. I respect her sense of loyalty." said Rovio.

"I've heard she wasn't too happy being embroiled with this game but she didn't want to leave Lo alone with Arelli's antics." Izmat commented.

Fen perked up at that name, "Lo is a sweet girl and Feyla is understandably protective of her."

"I guess you would know Fen since you work leather with her all the time. Now that Lo has graduated into adulthood," Bjornio sported a lascivious smile, "are you going to woo her in the mating game?"

"What? I... that is..."

"Attention boys listen up," Azel called to order, "I have studied Feyla's movements and I have a plan. Rovio you will be the one to get up the tree she is standing on to make her jump. Before that Bjornio and Izmat you will..." and Azel explained his plan to trap Feyla.

Feyla stood upon the high limb of the tree. She glanced back and forth in order to keep track of Bjornio and Izmat who were on trees in front and behind her. Rovio and Fen were at the base of her current tree.

Rovio jumped and rapidly clawed up her tree. She saw Fen adopt a stance to run towards her left, so if she jumped to the tree on her left he could quickly follow her there. She had seen Azel walk to the next tree left of that, so with Rovio on her current tree jumping to the left would leave her surrounded on all sides with no escape. The logical choice was to jump to the tree on her right. So she did.

And was immediately grabbed by Azel who jumped in from the second tree to her right. "I have caught you!" he triumphantly proclaimed.

Feyla panicked. She hadn't carefully tracked Azel's final position because she was busy keeping an eye on the other males who were closer. Apparently Azel's walk to the left was a ruse, at some point he backtracked to her right side without her noticing. She cursed at her lapse of attention. She had no doubt Azel was stronger than her so she wouldn't be able to break free of his grip. She had to think fast.

"Izmat told Gavriel you were the one who borrowed his ceremonial loincloth to play pretend elder and ended up damaging it."

"What!? So that is how he knew it was me who took it."

"She is lying I had no idea you were the one who ruined it."

Feyla took advantage of the distraction to leap off.

"Urk." Azel yelped as the weight of her whole body dragged him down. He landed awkwardly, taking precious seconds to recover which gave Feyla a head start.

Feyla sprinted at top speed, heart pounding from the close call. She headed in Izmat's direction as she perceived him to be the least limber of the hunters. Well Fen would probably be too timid to stop her but Rovio was still in the same vicinity. Her assessment paid off as she dodged Izmat's subpar attempt at seizing her. Her agile legs pumped madly, focused on running in the straightest line possible. Her pursuers ran ragged to catch up but the gap between them kept growing.

Feyla stood on the high limb of a tree. A familiar scenario was playing out around her. Bjornio was on the tree in front, Izmat the one behind her. Rovio was at the base of her current tree. This time however Azel was the one in a running stance towards her left while Fen had walked to the second tree to her left, then took a big detour to go to the second tree on her right instead. Feyla paid extra attention to not lose sight of Fen, but it probably wouldn't have been necessary as Fen barely made any efforts to hide his feint. He pretty much walked normally throughout the whole maneuver, not staying low or going slowly to minimize noise.

"Do they really take me for a fool? I'm not going to fall for the same trick twice."

Rovio jumped up and rapidly clawed up her tree. Feyla sprung to the tree on her left and quickly sprung again to the second left tree as she knew Fen wasn't really there.

Only to be grabbed again by Azel. Unbeknownst to her Azel had run straight to the second left tree. Feyla was so sure he would be climbing the first left tree to catch her there that she hadn't bothered to check if that was where he actually went.

This time Azel didn't try to hold Feyla, instead he pushed her off the tree and she landed into the waiting arms of Fen and Rovio below. Feyla struggled to free herself but soon Bjornio and Izmat also joined the fray and together they wrestled her to the forest floor. Azel jumped down to her level and towered over her.

"Game over."

After the hunting band departed into the greenery Dansk marked the point of the shadow stone and sat down to crush the earthly rocks into ochre. Arelli, Lo and Aiya milled about in the clearning for a bit, then sat down on a log to idly chat.

"So what's your motivation this time?" Aiya opened her line of questionning on Arelli.

"For what?"

"You know, why you're playing the mating game so dangerously with a large group of males."

Lo listened intently. At the last mating season she hadn't passed her rite for adulthood yet so she couldn't take part but she had certainly heard the tales. The big one being of course Arelli's challenge to the males of the Zubat strat. She boasted she could shoot an arrow more accurately than all of them. Hunting was not exclusively a male activity but warriors were definitely a boys only club and a female claiming she was better at shooting arrows was a direct attack on their pride. She agreed to let the whole group mate her if any of them could hit the target closer. She actually got real close by getting second best shot, but in the terms of the competition she had lost. She gave birth to healthy twins.

"I just want to wipe off the smirk off Azel's face. He's been pestering me to be his consort, and by decisively crushing his ego this way he'll leave me alone. His buddies will surely rag on him for dragging them into this mess."

"So the thrill of publicly breeding with five mature males has nothing to do with this?"

"I got a little carried away last season. I wanted to prove girls can be just as deadly with a bow. I had to offer up my womb as a prize to make them take me seriously. One of them tacked on the central hub clause and I just accepted. If I had won I would have gotten to sling mud at their faces in everyone's view at the hub, wouldn't that have been grand?"

Aiya just lightly nodded her head. She knew Arelli liked to live on the edge and sex was no different. In hush hush tones squirrels gossiped about her outlandish acts such as licking a penis with her tongue. Arelli had also tried to seduce several males of the Fenzo strat and even one Memnar. This challenge was more sensible than the last, the boys in their strat were not their seniors and while males had the upper hand in a straight race females were considered more agile with climbing and navigating wooded areas. And this time if she lost the breeding was only semi-public. She came to believe Arelli was at least a little bit partial to group mating but would never admit it.

"Hypothetically speaking," Aiya followed up with an entirely different line of questionning, "if you could only mate with one of them who would you choose?"

"What those losers? None of them of course."

"Humor me." Aiya insisted.

Arelli pondered her answer. "Herkral."

"He isn't in our strat anymore." Aiya pointed out.

"Well too bad your theoretical question gets a theoretical answer."

"Uh-huh." Aiya knew better than to argue with Arelli so she turned to Lo. "What about you Lo, who would you choose?"

"Me? Choose a male to mate with? Umm I hadn't given it much thought."

"Obviously she would take Rovio he would finish the quickest." Arelli joked.

"No not him," Lo denied, "I guess I would pick... Err..."

"Stop stalling Lo, the whole village knows you're smitten with Fen."

"What, really?" Lo tried to feign ignorance. "I mean no. Why would I..."

"We've seen the way you stare at him Lo," Aiya filled in, "And the way your tail perks up. Many have said you try to be as close as possible to him when you're tanning leather together."

Lo turned her gaze down, her fluster readily apparent. Fen did occupy her thoughts a lot. She wondered if Fen ever thought of her.

Some sound carried over from the foliage, making everyone's head turn to its origin. It soon became more distinct and accompanied by footsteps. Azel and the other boys emerged into the clearing, with a distraught Feyla horizontally held above ground by Rovio and Bjornio.

"I am proud to annonce that the hunt was successful." Azel stated.

Dansk moved over to the shadow stone and noted its current spot. It still had some length to go before touching the quarter circle mark.

"Feyla has been brought back under the hunting band's control and the shadow has yet to reach its end. I confirm today the boys have won the game."

Bjornio hollered a cry of victory, while the other boys were content to smile. The girls' morale sunk at the news of their loss. Feyla grumbled in misery.

"Time to execute your sentence Feyla. Rovio, Bjornio, release her."

Feyla, not expecting the sudden release, tumbled to the ground. She picked herself back up, crossed her arms and glared at her antagonists, her pride wounded but still alive.

"Now remove your loincloth Feyla."

Feyla balked at the command. Her tail swished sideways in agitation as she apprehended the impending doom. "I'm not exposing my private parts to the likes of you Azel."

"I said remove it Feyla," bellowing the key part of his command, "or I will remove it without your cooperation."

Feyla's eyes shot arrows at Azel, daring Azel to follow through on his threat. Azel sensed the challenge and stepped in front of her, staring her down intensely. He extended his hand to grab her loincloth only to have it slapped away.

"Hmpf, I commend your last stand but it only delays the inevitable." Azel swiftly swept Feyla off feet her feet, cradling her body in his arms like an overgrown baby, then threw her up in the air. Feyla yelped in fright at the sudden upswing. Azel caught her fall and wrestled her to the ground. "Rovio, hold her arms back. Bjornio, grab her left leg. Izmat, grab her right one." The three males executed Azel's command and Azel himself pressed Feyla's shoulders into the grass to further restrain her movements.

"Psaw, can't get anything done without your brutes to assist you Azel?" a completely immobilized Feyla sneered defiantly.

"A great warrior knows to rely on the hands under his leadership. Only an imbecile would attempt to rush into battle by himself." Azel recited.

Feyla took pause at that. "You know Azel, that may be the least foolish sentence I have ever heard from your mouth." She didn't have long to bask in his wisdom as she felt a claw hook into the thread of her loincloth and pull it down. The males whistled woflishly at her exposed feminity, their hungry expressions lapping at its folds.

Azel stripped off his own loincloth, proudly showing his malehood standing at attention. He spit a wad of saliva into his hands and smeared it around his penis to ensure a smooth entry. He spit again onto his fingers and shoved them into her vagina, eliciting a gasp of distaste. He spread the saliva around until the walls were slick.

"Watch carefully Fen, this is how a warrior should establish his total dominance."

Azel lurched forward to penetrate the warmth beneath him but Feyla kept erratically moving her crotch and parried each attempt. Her mind revulsed at the prodding protrusion. She didn't want this. Not here, not now. Not in front of everyone.

"No " wailed Feyla, "I've never mated yet. Stop!"

"Do not be afraid Feyla," Azel cooed, "soon your body will be begging for my masculinity. Doubly so because it is your first time." The words sunk into Feyla's mind. She was truly helpless and Azel would forever be seared into her memories as her first.

Azel pinned her hips and finally pierced Feyla, the latter's sheer will not imposing any barrier to the physical incursion. The stretching of her flesh made Feyla gasp in shock. She attempted another jerk to twist away but her captors held her firm. Azel slid inward as far as he could and stilled himself to savor his latest prize. He adored this moment more than the final climax for he could sense the female bending to his will, the last moment of clarity before she got intoxicated on his musk. He was fully in control.

His hips pulled back and then rammed in. The sounds of furry flesh slapping could be heard throughout the clearing. Lo and Fen could barely stand to watch, but kept peeking at the carnal intercourse from the corner of their eyes. Aiya looked on stoically while Arelli pouted. The boys holding Feyla's extremities got into various stages of arousal, their male rods tenting their loincloths.

Feyla shivered in shame as she was subjected to the public copulation. Her first mating was supposed to be a quiet affair with a male she admired, expressing their mutual love under the cover of night. Instead she was hunted down, paraded about like some trophy catch and forcibly embraced right in front of her peers. "Gah...You... animal... No..." she hissed at the brute ravishing her.

"Alright Azel beat your wings faster." Bjornio poetically chanted. "Hammer her harder." said Rovio plainly. Izmat was unamused at the crude chatter and simply uttered an affirmative noise.

Spurred by his peers' encouragement Azel tightened his grip to cement his leverage and mounted more force behind his hips, crashing upon hers with increasing volume. He turned his head towards the other girls with a predatory grin, telegraphing a clear message of 'You will be next'. Returning his gaze to Feyla he reveled in her exquisite expression of turmoil, driving him to sheath his member into her opening over and over.

Feyla kept her eyes closed. She was firmly in their grip, the warrior rodent asserting his dominance with vigorous strokes that sent ripples across the loose flesh of her stomach and mammary mounds. The friction stoked the flames in her carnal chambers, threatning to consume her. "No... I won't let you..." Her rational intellect fought the cloud of male musk.

"Heed the raw power of my masculinity." Azel bucked relentlessly. His breathing deepened, his muscles tensed up. Acknowledging the tingling in his fursac he accelerated the pace of his thrusts. "And accept the proof of my virility."

Feyla's subdued pride remained in denial as it heard Azel's warning growl of release, refusing to prepare for the incoming flood. The torrent of male essence burst forth from its dam and raged on into her womb. Her defeat now total Feyla gave a final shudder of disgust as Azel lunged into her a few more times. He fired several extra volleys of fluid, relishing the impact of his groin onto the dampened spot of her intimate fur. After the final spurt he released his hold on Feyla's hips and let his body weight down on her, moaning in satisfaction.

"Predators, you are all predators." whimpered the defeated prey.

"Our call to breed certainly feels intense, even more so when it's the first time," Azel deflected the accusation, "That is the name of the game in the mating season. I look forward to my gift swelling your abdomen."

To accompany that affirmation Azel affectionately licked Feyla's neck, eliciting a moan from her. Furiously pawing at the leatherskin which was straining to contain his hardness, Rovio released a few moans of his own.

"I see the eagerness of your fighting spirit Rovio," Azel addressed the excited erection, "how about I let you take charge?"

Lo's heart audibly beat in her chest as she watched the males shuffle around to let Rovio take his turn. She was wracked with guilt for letting Feyla run the competition before her. And the fact that she felt tinges of desire coursing through her veins during Feyla's subjugation by Azel. "Why would a brute like Azel stir up these feelings within me?" she puzzled, "It feels so wrong, yet so right." As Feyla's inner thighs were momentarily liberated Lo's eyes couldn't help but latch onto the glistening sheen of sweat and semen. She pictured herself in the aftermath of his lust, her mound matted in spunk.

Feyla made a move to roll away during the transition but Bjornio and Izmat pulled her back. She felt Rovio settle onto her and lift her legs onto his shoulders. He launched himself into mating her without any fanfare. Just jabbing straight in with the same unvarying angle. Azel's thrusts were fierce and controlled, it felt like an intelligent being was guiding them. Rovio's however were like those of a feral animal, a simple mind with a single purpose. It wasn't long before his rutting sped up. "Yes." Rozio roared, his seed spewing forth in a torrential deluge. He kept up his thrusting throughout, the overflow splattering around the point of impact.

"Did you hear that, Fen? His climatic cry is the ultimate blow to the female's ego. No way can she deny his total triumph over her body."

Fen fidgeted in his spot. He believed mating season should be a time of celebration and although the girls agreed to play this game he felt this manner of subjugating them was needlessly cruel.

Rovio vacated his spot and Bjornio was quick to be off with his loincloth. He rolled Feyla onto her side, the winded doe only putting up token resistance. "I forgot my flute, if I play with you will I hear a beautiful melody?"

His joke made Feyla bristle. She considered struggling more to force the boys to hold her, that way they would at least partially block the view of her coupling from the girls. "Just get on with it" she finally said after mulling over more injurious options.

Bjornio didn't need to be told twice. He wobbled in, nearly making Feyla snort in derision. His thrusts were unsteady and haphazard. On numerous occasions he would fumble the aim of his return thrust and skidded across Feyla's crotch. His fingers danced on her breasts, as if playing a phantom flute. "Come on Feyla sing for me."

Feyla was irked. She wondered if he was trying to ridicule her or was just a natural buffoon and couldn't decide if she should laugh or yell at him for his bungling behavior. "Bjornio you babboon stop tickling me. If you don't I swear I will shove your flute down your throat."

"And that Fen is a clear example of how not to breed a female." Azel grit between his teeth.

Aiya however openly chortled. The combination of Bjornio's slippery splorts and Feyla's squeaks did make for a very undignified melody. The performance took a while before attaining its crescendo because of the lack of proper tuning. Feyla did her best to match her movements with him to precipitate his finale.

"An impressive demonstration of your amarous abilities," Izmat's levelly spoke in mock tone, "no wonder you have so many females seeking you during mating season." After an embarassed chuckle by Bjornio they moved Feyla into a new position on her hands and knees. She thought Izmat would just go straight into mounting her, instead the shaman-in-training's digits brushed with the contours of her labia.

"What is he doing?" a perplexed Feyla wondered, "I'm already wet enough inside aren't I?"

Izmat widened the scope of his ministrations on her genitalia. His fingers strode across the slick surfaces, alternating in lighter and heavier strokes. He carefully teased her clitoris out of its cavern and further nudged it with gentle taps of his claws. The massage awakened a heightened sense of awareness, tickles of titillation tingling along her nerves. When it stopped she almost opened her mouth to ask him to keep going but held herself. She didn't want him to think that he had placated her.

Izmat pushed down gently Feyla's back and hunched over her. He brought his hips to bear against hers and gingerly pushed into her. She was already soppy with semen from three males but nevertheless he serviced her with measured thrusts. His hands cupped her breasts, kneading them with delicate force, his fingers clasped her teats. He puffed wisps of hot air on her neck, flicked his tongue and nibbled her ears.

Feyla's mind churned at the new sensations. She couldn't believe she enjoyed the molestation of this male. "No! I can't give in," she steeled in thought, "but it feels so...". Izmat varied his actions. He brushed her belly. He scratched her tail. He brought one hand back to the root of her inner thighs and applied a circular motion. Feyla's breath hitched at the rubbing of her nub. The fire in her loins reached a fever pitch. Her buttocks clenched. "Aaaah!" she cried out her surprise orgasm. She was mortified. "I'm squealing like a pig in front of everyone." she berated herself internally.

Lo was amazed at the expertise of Izmat's touch. She definitely had some questions later for Aiya who was also in shamanic training and friends with Izmat. She sneaked a glance at Fen, imagining him caressing her body in the same way. "He's already dexterous with his hands because of the leather work, how hard can it be to learn."

Fen was busy reciting lists of animal and plant names in his mind, trying to push out the carnal imagery as far away as possible. The act of mating scared him, sexual organs were things he looked away from. He did not want any part in this procession of procreation , but he also knew Azel would not just let him walk away.

"Fen, go to Feyla and show me your male virility." Azel's voice broke through his diversion.

Izmat had finished his business with Feyla who stayed still with her head low, her arms and knees resting on the ground. Her behind was angled upwards, inviting the next male to mount her.

Fen stared at the feminine posterior presented to him in all its naked glory. The fur was matted in clumps, the flaps of its entrance were puffed up from the grinding and awash in semen. The pink flesh interior was slightly visible thanks to the stretching from four visitors. A part of Fen was scandalized to be this close to a female's most intimate areas, and a bigger part was uneasy about sticking his private organ into it. "Is this what being a male is really about? Just casually mounting a female and pumping your seed into her? Am I really being a coward if I want to wait until I can mate with a female I love?"

These thoughts tormented Fen as he slowly approached Feyla and positionned himself, extending his hands to her hips. He tentatively thrust forward. He pulled back and made another thrust. Little by little he increased the cadence and settled into a respectable rhythm.

"Very well Fen, show her what a male body is built for." Azel approved.

Feyla knew something was off. Fen's pubic region was colliding with her but nothing was penetrating her. It felt like his malehood was still limp and he was just pretending to mate her. She thought about asking him what's wrong but refrained from doing so. If she can finish the day with one less mating she wouldn't question it.

"Ah. Aaah."

Fen's acting of climax wasn't spectacular but good enough to avoid rousing any suspicion. He slumped onto Feyla's back, resting there for several moments. When enough time had passed he stood up and quickly affixed his loincloth back into place.

Feyla felt relieved. All five males had mated with her, she was free to clean up and go home. She pushed herself back on her two feet. By morbid curiosity she looked down at her crotch and instantly regretted it. A veritable stream of semen was cascading down her thighs.

"I see you are eager for round two Feyla." Azel walked over to a tree stump and sat down on it. His erection was engorged and firmly pointed upwards. "Come here and let me show you the full potential of the male body."

"What? You and your boys have already mated me Azel."

"Did you already forget the terms Feyla? If the hunt is successful the males can mate the female as many times as they want for the rest of the sun cycle. This is just the beginning."

"No, that can't be!" Feyla exclaimed.

"I am afraid Azel is right. Those were the terms set out at the meeting with Gavriel." Dansk affirmed.

Feyla was absolutely livid. She was going to be mated again. By five males. And possibly again after that. She had suffered enough humiliation to last several moons. "To heck with this." Feyla made a break for the forest. She was quickly tackled by Rovio and Bjornio. "Good catch boys, bring her over." Azel nodded approvingly.

"You beasts! Unhand me this instant." Feyla struggled against her captors' grip.

"There is no escaping this Feyla. I suggest you save your energy so you can better handle the mating." Azel recommended.

Feyla continued to tussle with her antagonists, she would not give them the satisfaction willingly. She dug her paws into the ground, Rovio and Bjornio had to drag her back to Azel.

"Alright boys lift her and lower her onto my malehood."

Feyla jerked her body to escape her detainor's grasp, Izmat had to go lend a hand in holding her steady. She shrieked as they impaled her onto the proud warrior's pole. Azel grabbed her arms and set about to briskly breed her, her breasts bouncing up and down on as Azel energetically pumped his pelvis upwards. Feyla panted in distress. She was getting frazzled and her appearance would only worsen as the mating went on. She barely reacted when Azel growled and jetted another flood of seed into her womb. The males looked like they still had a lot of vigor left in them so the attack on her dignity wouldn't end anytime soon. The girls' continuing witness to her debasement was beginning to cause her anxiety instead of comforting her.

"Arelli, Aiya, Lo. This might be difficult to watch. You might as well leave now."

Arelli and Lo protested just abandonning her but Aiya understood the hidden message. Feyla did not want to be humiliated any further in front of the girls. "Come on, we lost. There is nothing more we can do." she audibly spoke, after which Aiya also whispered to them about Feyla not wanting an audience to her further degredation. Arelli kept arguing that they should stay in solidarity but eventually Aiya and Lo made her relent. The girls left.

Feyla was next held off the ground in horizontal limbo with Azel propping up her arms and Rovio holding up her haunches. The pair had no trouble keeping her in the air as Rovio hilted himself into her. After that she was held near upside down in an outlandish position, her head and neck on the ground while the rest of her body was upheld by the boys, her legs pointing straight to the sky. Bjornio had not lost his clumsiness and ejaculated all over her chest. Izmat and Fen declined any further rounds, leaving Azel, Rovio and Bjornio going for a third, then Azel and Rovio finishing up a fourth.

"Alright Feyla I think the boys and I have had enough for today." Azel concluded.

Feyla layed prone on the ground, the males collective sperm leaking profusely from between her legs. Her coat of fur was a giant mess: wildly mussed, matted in various fluids, stinking of sweat and male musk. As she recovered from the string of vigorous matings her thoughts turned to the realization that her belly would very likely grow round with their progeny. "Ugh, this whole ordeal was a nightmare but it's over. I can finally go home."

Azel picked up Feyla's loincloth.

"It would be uncouth to let this get soiled, I will keep it for safekeeping until tomorrow."

"What? I'm not walking back into the village naked. Leave it there."

"Catch me if you can." Azel started to jog out.

"Don't you dare!" shrieked Feyla who sprung to her feet and sprinted after him in hot pursuit.

"She sure seems spry enough for another round." Bjornio jested as the other boys looked on the receding duo.

Check out to see art of the squirrels in this story. I'd like to say thanks to them for creating the Mating Season series which inspired this story and letting me write this alternate take, I had lots of great chats with you.

Thanks for reading, please let me know your thoughts in the comments!