Chapter 01 - The Games We Play for Sex and Domination
The three males executed azel's command and azel himself pressed feyla's shoulders into the grass to further restrain her movements. "psaw, can't get anything done without your brutes to assist you azel?"
Bound by Blood pt. 1
azel chuckled. from down the street, screeching tires could be heard. azel paused for a minute then threw herself to the ground.
Prologue - The Games We Play For Sex and Domination
"i guess, he is endearing and a complete opposite from that jerk azel that's for sure." aiya couldn't resist a snicker "azel can't ooze charm even if a snake injected some into him."
Mating Season
azel faked to his right before darting left.
**azel** **by strega** azel was bored.
Chapter 4 - Revalations of Sorrow
Behind the altar in front of the window of azell, stands a wonderfully cheerful male thin-framed raccoon dressed in clerical robes with azell's golden dragon symbol upon the
Chapter 8 - Unbridled Emotions and Sudden Death.
#9 of legends of azell you guys thought that with my super hero series i completely forgot about this series, well no i didn't!!!!
Chater 2 - The Not So Happy Reunion
"dear azell what the hell is wrong with you?!" she screamed as she quickly slammed the wolf's back against the brick wall.
Chapter 1: Requiem of Dawn
#2 of legends of azell finally, i've got enough ready for the first chapter to be written, here ya go. legends of azell chapter 1. within the belly of the ship lay a red fox within a hammock rocking back and forth thanks to the waves.
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter5
Only to be shot twice in the back as kale popped up from beneath the bodies of justyn and azel. **_"shhh...
Chatper 5 - Shattered Love
#6 of legends of azell a little short chapter with some character progression with isaiah, is his horn dog desires just a facade?
Chapter 6 - One Simple Request
#7 of legends of azell meanwhile, in the capital port city of milan in agualica, the city was slowly dieing down for the day.