Sarah's Sister

Story by BlindTiger on SoFurry

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#3 of Single Stories

Sarah gets home early to do a bit of sneaking, and she's surprised when her sister comes home to find her doing something she shouldn't be.

The sun was warm and pleasant on the fur at the back of my neck as I trotted home along the quiet street. One of the benefits of being so far out in the middle of nowhere was that there was little traffic to worry about on the way home. The down side was the walk from the bus stop that was just shy of two miles. On days like today, it wasn't all that bad, and actually it was fairly pleasant. On rainy days during the winter, it could be brutal. But spring was nearly in full force, and the days had gotten warmer and sunnier and even with the light breeze in rolling down the mountains, it was the perfect day.

On some days, I'd be walking home with my sister, Becky, but she was still at school, practicing for the yearly cheerleading finals. The team really had a shot this year, and she wanted to make it all the way to the championships, so that meant early mornings and late afternoons, and so it left me, the awkward freshman, walking home on my own most of the time. I didn't mind it, though, not really. I had friends to talk to on the bus, and though I didn't have the walk back to the house with them, I still had my fill of being social. Besides, if she were walking home with me now, then I wouldn't have the time to do what I wanted when I got home.

I took the turn into our driveway, a little quarter-mile dirt road that led up a hill, something my sister and I called "the final insult," as we climbed it, because it was all uphill from the road to the house. It's worth it for the view that we have from our house, but some days coming home feels more like a slog. It had been raining the last few days, and so the gravel was wet and not dusty like it would be come the summer, and the shade of the trees made it just cool enough to be pleasant. But now that I was on the driveway on the way to the house, I quickened my step, already ready to be inside the house.

There was a note on the door when I finally got up the stairs to the porch.

"Becky and Sarah -

We're going to be late tonight, so there's dinner in the refrigerator. Don't forget to do your homework!


I couldn't suppress the groan at that last line. It was Friday, and I wondered if mom even remembered that before she wrote it on the note. Homework wasn't due till Monday, and that meant I had two days to do it. At least dinner was already fixed, so we didn't have to order pizza or try to cook for ourselves. Mom had a practice of putting dinner into little boxes in the fridge for us, so all we had to do was pull it out and heat it up before we ate it.

Note read, I pulled open the door and left it on the table just inside. This far out in the woods, there wasn't any reason to lock the door. No one came out here, and if they did, they had a reason for being here. Besides, most of the families out here were the crazy survivalist kinds of people who owned more guns than DVD's. No one in their right mind would try to get into the house uninvited.

I vaulted the stairs two at a time to the second floor and down the hall to my room. I had a good hour and a half before Becky got home, and I intended to make good use of it.

Leaving my backpack on the floor near my bed, I paused and perked my ears, listening to the sounds of the house around me. As always, I wanted to make sure that there wasn't anyone actually home, though I was sure that anyone would have actually called out to me by now. Still enough that even my long tail hung without moving in the air, there was no sound but the distant barking of a dog off in the distance. Being a feline family, we're not the best with dogs, so we never got one, and neither Becky or I really wanted one, anyway. Too much trouble to keep in good care.

Shoes off, followed by socks, I padded down the hallway to the end, stopping at the closed door with the sign on it that read "Becky's Room." It was a kitschy little thing, with flowers and pretty watercolors on it, something that Becky had found at a roadside stand. She was a cheerleader at school, but we both shared the same sense of fashion and aesthetics when not on some kind of team. We both loved the really frilly girly stuff, the flower printed dresses like the one I was wearing, the cute tops that showed off the most teasing hint of belly fur, and lacy camisoles. I preferred the light sundress I was wearing to just about anything because I loved the way that it moved around me when I walked. It was nice and airy and cool.

With a shaky hand, I reached out to the knob and give it a turn, letting the door open silently inward. Becky and I spent a lot of time in each others' rooms, something my friends didn't quite understand. They weren't nearly as close with their sisters as I was with mine, and to them it was weird. But we were just friends. Out here in the woods, there wasn't much to do if you didn't like spending time with your family, since town was miles away, and the nearest family was a two mile walk. Even though we were four years apart, we were best friends.

My hands weren't shaking, though, because I hadn't been here before. It was from the excitement of what I was coming into the room for. I took a tentative step and then another, finally getting up the nerve to move a little faster now, lengthening steps bringing me to the far side of her room where her dresser was. I knew the drawer that I wanted, it was the topmost on the left. The one where she kept her lacy underwear. I always loved looking at it, even though she didn't know that I came in here to do it.

I don't know when my love for my sister became something more. I don't know when the feelings started. All I knew was that when I looked at my sister, I got that wonderful flutter in my chest and the tingle between my legs, the same way they kept telling me I should feel when I saw a shirtless boy. Boys were never my thing, though. I was on the swim team, and I'd seen the boys in their tight suits with their sleek, toned bodies, but it was never anything more than curiosity. The girls on the team, though, that was where my attention was always directed.

But none of them came close to the feelings that I got when I watched Becky during her cheerleading competitions. The way that she moved and the way that she jumped and flipped. The way that her skirt flew up as she fell through the air into the waiting arms of her team. It was nearly too much to bear. There was a reason that I wasn't staying for her practice most of the time, and it wasn't only that I wanted the time alone to myself at home.

My fingers fondled the lacy underwear, pulling a cute pink thong from the drawer. I always got the best ideas from her, and I had one that was almost like it. They didn't make the same cut sometimes for younger girls, but I could get close. I smiled to myself and folded it as she had before I put it right back where I found it.

A scent caught my nose and I turned towards it, eyes landing on the bed. Becky wasn't the neatest person in the world, and so it wasn't made, the sheets tossed carelessly to the side. That was the scent that had brought me into the room the first time, and it was heavenly. I knew just where to put my nose to get more of it. Right in the little divot in the mattress where her hips rested every night.

The dresser really wasn't the real reason that I was here, nor the reason that I hurried home. It was this scent here. And I knew that laundry day was tomorrow. Breathing my fill of the scent on the sheets, I stood and took a few steps to the hamper. It was only a matter of quickly shuffling a few things aside before I had what I wanted.

Lying awake at night had its advantages, even if it meant that the next day didn't feel as rested. One of those advantages was hearing what your sister was doing in the room down the hall. Mom and Dad had their room on the other side of the house, and so it took a great deal of noise to even reach their room. Becky wasn't exactly quiet about what she was doing last night, either. But from the gasps and whimpers that I'd heard, I knew exactly what I was going to find, and sure enough, there they were. The pair of panties that I knew she was wearing the night before, still saturated with her scent.

Prize in hand, I slipped out the door and closed it softly behind me to head back down the hall to my own room. In the excitement of having what I was looking for, I didn't bother closing my own door, just slipped into the room and onto the bed, wiggling my hips a little to work the sundress up my legs and over my waist. Just the excitement of the last few minutes had left its mark on my own panties, something I could feel as my fingers glided down between my thighs, pressing lightly against the damp fabric.

With a little gasp, I spread my legs further, just teasing with the tips of my fingers while the other hand brought the panties to my nose, nearly suffocating me with Becky's scent. I imagined having my nose closer to the actual source of the scent than simply in her panties. The way that we grew up, we weren't bashful around each other, and either of us had seen the other naked more than a little bit, though never in any kind of erotic situation, more like skinny dipping in the river, or on our way to the bathroom for a shower. It wasn't any stretch of the imagination to picture her spread out and in full view, her long, tabby legs bent with her knees to either side, long tail draped over the edge of the bed, her smiling face looking down her body at me.

And all the while, my fingers kept themselves busy between my legs, pressing in the right spots, touching just where I knew to feel just the right amount of pleasure. This wasn't something quick that I wanted to be done with and go on about my day. No, this was something that I wanted to take my time with, to savor it and enjoy every minute of it. It was something I could lose myself in, and since I had plenty of time, there was no rush.

Little by little, I coaxed myself towards the edge, building the pressure and the tension to the very peak before I let it off again, not wanting it to end, wanting to stretch out the minutes more and more. Dancing fingers kept me right there, so very close to orgasm, but never quite making it there. Every moment was delicious. But it was time to finally end it, time to crest that wave.

There was that one spot right there, the one that forced a moan from my mouth into the empty space of my room, the one that if I rubbed just the right way would bring me right to the edge in nearly no time. Just a few flicks is all that it would take. Just...

"Sarah?" Becky's voice called from far too close. Shit, I didn't hear the front door open. I didn't have enough time to do anything other than close my legs before her face appeared in the doorway.

Even with my panic, there was nothing that could hide what I was doing and I watched her eyes widen in surprise as the rest of her came around the corner.

"Are panties?" she asked, eyes narrowing for a moment. I wanted to die. I wanted to just sink into the mattress and never emerge, and I knew for sure she could see the heated blush spreading across my cheeks. I could deny it. I could say that they were someone from school, or that they were mine. I could make something up, anything. But I knew that it was no use. She'd see through it in a heartbeat after she got closer. So I did the only thing that I could do.

I nodded.

"Wait..." she said as she came closer, "those are the ones I was wearing yesterday."

I saw her nose twitch and I knew that all my secrets were about to be brought to light. There was no mistaking the scents in the room, both the scent of her on the panties and the scent of my own arousal in the air. Her eyes widened and her lips began to turn up as she recognized what I already knew.

"So," she said, coming the rest of the way into the room, "you've been going through my laundry?"

She gave the door a little push with her paw and it swung silently on its hinges, nearly closing.

"Smells like you've already been enjoying yourself. Tell you what...."

She let the words fall to silence a moment as she climbed up on the bed. I started to sit up, stammering, trying to say anything to explain myself, but I couldn't find my voice, all that would come was a stutter as I tried to speak. Her paw on my shoulder, pushing me back down onto the bed was her answer.

"Since you like the panties so much, how about I give you something better?"

Her grin spread even wider on her face and she lifted a leg up and over my chest, planting her warm backside on my ribcage while she grinned heatedly down at me. I could see my blush mirrored on her face as she put her paws on either side of my head, her long hair falling over her face, framing it in the light.

Shifting her weight, she plucked the pair of panties from my paw, bringing them to my nose. She knew what I wanted, and there was no sense in denying that I wanted it, so I drew in a breath of the heavenly scent once again before she tossed them to the side of the bed.

"Like it?" she asked in a quiet, husky voice.

I could only nod, and when she saw the motion, she crawled up, careful to lift her legs up and over my shoulders. One knee rested beside my head, and I watched as she settled the other on the other side of my head, panting quietly as the most perfect sight came into view.

She'd already taken off the spandex shorts that the cheerleaders usually wore beneath their skirts while they were practicing. That was her routine, taking those off when she got home because that way she could just toss them right in the laundry room and Mom would make sure that they were cleaned before every practice. I knew the other reason she did it, though, too. It was much nicer to have the breeze up under the skirt, especially after a workout.

With the shorts gone, though, the sight that met my eyes was of a pair of bright yellow panties stretched tightly over her sex, tight enough that I could make out the subtle dip between her labia. I could already tell that what she'd seen was turning her on, given the damp spot at the center. The whole view was framed by the fall of her short skirt as she slowly lowered her hips.

"How about burying your muzzle somewhere a bit more useful." I could hear the laugh in her voice as she lowered herself the rest of the way, that damp spot pressing full against my nose. A deep breath later and I was drowning in the scent of her, and it was everything that I imagined it would be.

Lifting my paws, I rested them on either side of her hips, pulling her close to my muzzle, slipping my tongue between my lips as I opened my muzzle wide, the excitement of finally being able to do what I'd dreamed of for so long overpowering any sense of caution or fear. She wanted it, and I wanted it possibly more.

I ran my tongue along the full length of the cotton gusset, long and slow, paying special attention to what I was doing, letting the slightly rough texture of my tongue catch the cotton as it went, pressing hard enough to make sure that she felt me. At the same time, I pulled myself closer with my paws.

Her moan was clear as day and I let my eyes drift shut so that I could focus on the scent, and the sound, and the flavor of her. As I moved, I could feel every motion that she made on top of me, hear every little squeak of her voice when I hit a particularly sensitive spot, and slowly the wet spot grew, though whether from her arousal or my enthusiastic attentions, I couldn't tell.

"How close are you?" she asked through gasping breath as she twisted. I could feel the way that her body turned with my hands on her hips, and soon I felt her fingers between my thighs, right where mine were, dancing against my own panties, touching in ways that I thought that only I knew about.

"You're not the only one who's been curious, you know," she said, groaning as my tongue lapped across her cotton-covered clit.

She'd been watching me just as I'd been listening to her! The sneaky girl. But I couldn't complain. After all, turnabout was fair play, and her touch was delicious, nearly as delicious as her. I could tell that she didn't have long to last, and I rocked my hips into her fingers, hoping that I could hold out as long as she could, or perhaps a second longer. I didn't want to feel this without her coming with me.

I managed, but just barely. Her free paw grabbed my hair and pulled my muzzle up hard against her as her thighs tensed on both sides of my ears, but I could still hear the orgasmic moan. That, coupled with her fingers pressing harder and the sheer overpowering scent of her sent me over the edge soon after, and for a while, there was no way to tell just how long we came together. It could have been seconds, or it could have been hours. All that I knew when it was over was that Mom and Dad weren't home yet, and that I didn't want Becky to get off me. I wanted to lay there forever, breathing in the scent of her, feeling her warmth against my front, and watching that beautiful body quiver in pleasure after pleasure.

But it finally did end, and she did finally lift herself off me, but instead of leaving, she laid beside me with her hand stroking my front, the two of us purring in bliss.

"You're really good at that. Think you can give me some pointers?" she asked, giggling quietly.

"I think I can," I answered, "so long as you're going to practice on me."

"I love you, Sarah," she said as she laid her head on my chest. "I always have. I've wanted to do this for a long time."

"Probably not as long as I have," I answered, resting my paws in her hair. "I love you, too. I think that we're going to have a very good summer."

"I think so, too."