King Takes it All - Part 8

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#8 of King Takes All

Bit of a rushed thing at the end but because he was being rushed it was supposed to give that impression. Poor Nala, but at least she'll learn not to be so headstrong again. Still...

Sorry it took me a while to get this one up - I can't remember all the tags I should put on this one, so if anyone wants to help with that, please do.

Part Eight: Diplomacy

It was getting very close to that chaotic time in the year when Scar was needing to do his royal duty towards all the lionesses within the pride, not to mention he would then need to call in the neighbouring kings to come and visit, which included Malka. Scar was not looking forward to that conversation with Tama, especially as it meant he would still have to convince Nala to do something... but that was where the hyenas would be of use to him... at least in making sure Nala learnt an interesting lesson.

There was no way that Scar would allow anyone else to take Nala's prize but himself, but he certainly had a great idea of what to do about it and that evening, as he settled down to purr with the plan in his head, Kula stepped into the den with a beaming smile and her mother in tow. To see them Scar was quite happy as they brought him a good portion of food and he encouraged them to lay down beside him for their nap. As far as Kula's mother could tell, she was being kept in the royal den to basically be queen and to keep this her thought and Kula doing well, Scar gave a yawn and sighed gently as he stroked the elder lioness, though Kula eyed him nervously.

"My dear Kuwinda, I hope you don't mind the current state of things but we need to have a discussion about the future. It is purely between us three because, well, the situation of the pride is not very stable. Time may have passed since Mufasa's death, but the wounds are still raw for Sarabi and I have promised not to give the position of queen to any lioness. After-all, she is the one in the pride that holds the hunters together and keeps the peace with the animals. It would be disrespectful to steal her title away... but I can name any heir I wish and I have chosen any child Kula produces. After-all, I look to her as if she were my daughter." Scar stated to the beaming lioness who was on his left side and Kula was on his right. They looked a proper family picture, minus a young cub to be hanging about them and Kuwinda gently grabbed at the king's paw.

"I understand my king... you are so very kind to Sarabi, so very diplomatic and wise... the fact that you have chosen my daughter is proof of your benevolence. After-all, my family is distantly related to yours and that would make her the only possible member of the pride suitable for such a task." Kuwinda stated, after having spoken to Rafiki about the situation between the bloodlines he had looked into it and found a distant line to Kuwinda's grandmother being the cousin of King Mohatu, hence her family had been permitted in the Pride Lands during her mother's time. It was distant enough that people would be confused, but Mohatu had been a king everyone had remembered with adoration and so mentioning Kula's link to him would solidify her position.

Plus, Kula was a very, very adorable creature and by not making her his direct heir, Scar was also honouring the position that had belonged to his nephew Simba. He had been very careful to discuss that thought with Zazu the hornbill when he'd talked about making Kula's child an heir, but the bird had been startled by his seeming humility once more. Scar had learnt that the bird had been talking to Nala a lot and so he'd needed to butter the bird up and so had sent him on a long mission to seek out another male distantly related to Mohatu that could couple with Kula to produce an heir. It had given the pompous animal a sense of purpose and got him out of the territory, which would make his plans for Nala all the easier.

"But... I don't want a mate to be chosen for me... I... I wouldn't be happy if that happened. I don't want anyone..." Kula was bawling a little though over the statement and her mother simply rolled her eyes in frustration over the matter as she lifted her paw to swat her daughter. Kula winced and looked to Scar was assistance, however he made no move to interrupt the discipline dished out by the mother. When she gave Kula a smack the girl rushed behind Scar to curl up and weep before he turned about and gently hooked a paw around her shoulder.

"Now... now... Kula my dear, this is not a forced marriage or even a forced mating. If he is not appealing to you then you don't have to do anything. This is just to try and strengthen ties and make sure there is an appropriate prince or princess to take the throne should anything happen to me." Scar stated gently, stroking at Kula's foreleg in comfort and making her lean into him with a whimper of frustration. Kuwinda rolled her eyes at the manner of her ridiculous daughter, but it was obvious that Kula was just being a typical teenager and thankfully Scar was fulfilling the usual form of a father as Kuwinda cuddled up to the other side of him. Scar noticed and stretched a paw out to her, nuzzling her shoulder gently. "Kuwinda, would you consider sharing the den tonight... with Kula of course, we wouldn't want her to miss her lessons in the morning."

"Oh but... oh... of course my King!" Kuwinda beamed as she suddenly noticed the sly expression upon Scar's face and then eagerly agreed to it. Kula noticed the expression too and had to admit that she was jealous of it although she knew what it meant. Although she might wish to believe that she was the only lioness of importance to the king, there was no denying that his duty meant that all the lionesses required his attention before they could be sent to the diplomats of other kingdoms. It was some weird ancient tradition that thought the blood would mingle and harked back to a time when male lions killed cubs they did not believe to be their own... but Kula hated the thought of her mother getting pregnant before her.

That night Kula kept pressed to Scar's back and her face to the wall in pretend sleep as she heard him rouse and nose her mother from sleep. He was quite eager to do the deed with Kula's body right beside them and at first Kuwinda was anxious, but his roving tongue about her neck and chest soon brought her into giggling and before she could say anything more she was lying with her chin to the ground and her buttocks to the air. She was clamping a paw to her chest to reduce her noise of pleasure as she felt his rough tongue explore her crevice and was too busy enjoy him to notice that her daughter was smothering her mouth too. Sly old Scar had his tongue in the mother and his paw in Kula's little crevice as he gently encouraged Kuwinda to lie as flat as possible so that Kula would not be disturbed.

Kula's own little jerks and gulps worked to Scar's pleasure as he penetrated deeply, making Kuwinda bite down on her own paw hard to stop herself from making a sound. It was enough for Kula to notice and start shifting her own paws close to her muzzle. She was worried about making more sounds than her mother as the soft little grunts from the elder lioness were making her even more excited. The more Scar played with her too, the wetter she became, but Scar was not enjoying Kuwinda as much as he enjoyed any of the other lionesses in the pride. This lioness was always a little too desperate, a little too quick to be ready to breed and there were rumours that she had always been a slut during the diplomatic situations. Scar felt she was not even worth his time and when he did cum, it was short and swift and he immediately pulled out.

She had cum just before, whimpering and shuddering violently with little gulps of agony from her paw and her fear that he daughter might wake. But as her king pulled his sticky, still spurting slightly form from her body, he swiftly rubbed his paw around himself, collecting up whatever juice he could before putting his paw back to Kula. He smeared whatever he could of himself into her until she twitched and produced her own little shudder with a slight whimper that made Kuwinda jolt. However, Scar was pleased enough to have some fun with the pair but he had things to get on with in the morning and was thinking carefully about what he could do with that damn girl Nala... not to mention how to keep his promise to Tama.

Why couldn't all the cubs be as easy to care for as Kula?

When morning came, Kuwinda was quick to get up and hurry off to join the other females in case they might grow suspicious. Sarabi was getting a little tense lately as she came into her first season since Mufasa's death and it would not surprise Kuwinda if she did not become anxious at the scent of a male's attention upon one of her lionesses. As much as it was Scar's right, he had continued to insist that he was not interested in an heir and she would be foolish to make it seem as if he were lying. It did not help of course, though Kuwinda knew nothing of the matter, that Scar was playing these little sexual games with all of the lionesses in one form or another. He did not intend to get any of them pregnant however, not unless he could ensure that his chosen inheritor was sufficient enough.

Kula woke as her mother left and she was steaming with rage at Scar for having permitted her mother so much pleasure when she had barely received anything. Mentally Kula had begun to imagine what journey Scar's seed would be taken within her body every time he let it be smeared into her passage. He was not overly keen to exude a load within Kula, if only because he liked the memory of her little baby form revealing itself to him in all its untouched glory, begging him to rub his precious fluids into her. She had been upset to learn that she could not have got pregnant at such an age, though she had spent many a night rubbing at herself in the thought that she might have been the first cub to parade around the Pride Lands pregnant!

Now that her mother was missing, Kula could see that Scar was quite alone, upon his back and as exposed as he always was. She recalled the manner in which she had fussed him as cub, the way she had loved his taste and strange smell so much that she had dared to touch him within his sleep. Just thinking of those early days was moistening her form and encouraging drool to dribble past her chin. Kula could not stop the hunger that had given her the name, she wanted to feel that probe within her mouth, she wanted to swallow his cock, even if it were impossible. She wanted everything he could produce within her and she wanted him to never stop keeping her at his side, his special chubby pet that he fondled when she ate, when she drank, when she slept... she wanted to be everything he could ever hope her to be and without thought she was soon teasing the bottom of his sheath with a toe.

She irked the little pink tip to strain out to greet her breath, to bathe its suddenly swelling form with her warm rasps of air as she pinched at the bottom of the shaft to encourage swelling but tried hard not to wake Scar up. Of course, he was never asleep when Kula was up to mischief and, upon seeing her eagerness to play with him and what little effort was needed on his part, Scar relaxed and thought about what she was going to do, which urged his shaft to stretch out and probe the cool morning air in search of her warm mouth. The moment it was free from the shaft, Kula wrapped her moist, cavernous mouth about it and began the gentle butting motions of her head as she pulled him into her in hefty gulps, her tongue slapping at the shaft to encouraged it forward. The vacuum within her throat, caused by her eagerness, pulled it forward fast and for a while Scar had to bite his own lip not to scream or hit her, he was almost quite sure her deep throating was actually and attempt to devour his masculinity. However, her eagerness encouraged her to stand over his body and once more Scar's paws stretched out to claps her pretty little lips and pull them back so he could watch the juice slithering out of her cunt.

Kula was pleased he was not going to reprimand her, continued to suckle away at his length as he continued to watch her. His delight to see her body still looked so pink and perfect encouraged Kula to orgasm rather swiftly and her sudden tightening passage jolted in front of Scar's face, splashing his nose suddenly with her little squirts of pleasure that made him laugh as he lapped it from his nose. As Kula moaned noisily over his shaft, Scar breathed a wheeze of delight before he finally reached his climax and though Kula was gulping a good deal, he urged her to let some dribble onto his paws so that he might smear it into her passage again. This time he stuffed his toes in deeply, almost getting his entire paw into her passage as she flopped onto the floor with her tail in the air, whimpering and whining with new pain as her muscles tried to grasp his paw and pull it higher into her. When she came a second time, all over his paw, Scar released himself and then lapped up the mess about his body as Kula remained grinning inanely in a little patch of drool towards him.

"Alright now... fun and games are over, you've got an important job to do. Take Tama and Nala for a hunt, you'll be met by the hyenas stating that there is a rogue on the loose, they've already killed a lion today so that will help. Trick Nala into hurting her head or getting knocked out, whatever way you can manage it. Once done, gag and blindfold her and send Tama to me. We'll be smelling like the other lion and then you leave to fetch Sabini and Nadra once you're sure that I've broken her in. Understand?" Scar stated and Kula nodded her head. The plan was a simple one, Nala would never relent to Scar and his promise to Tama was a necessary one now that there was a possibility that the cubs would soon be attracting the diplomatic males again. However, he was not going to allow anyone else the pleasure of touching Nala and certainly he was going to make sure all the lionesses were on his side and the hyenas... this was the perfect plan!

Oddly, it did appear to be the perfect plan as Nala was far too eager to join in a hunt with her hopeful friends and was easy to trick into awkward situations. Kula knew the roughest areas around where the hyenas had the carcass and she made a point with Tama to do elaborate things around the hefty boulders and kick stones to make Nala clumsy. She of course was not sure if it was some kind of hazing, but Nala was soon getting irritated by the situation and decided to go charging ahead of them and towards a rough area that in their childhood had been known to suddenly drop into caves. This was of course the planned area for what Scar was doing, but Kula had to make sure there was no way she or Tama could get scolded for it.

"Nala don't go ahead! We're supposed to be working together... you've got to be careful the ground here isn't safe... why aren't you keeping to the right paths." Kula panted beside her friend and by lucky a gazelle launched out in front of the lionesses and took them all by surprise. Nala had rushed straight passed it and hit something whilst Kula had gone bounding after the gazelle, calling out that her friends should hurry after her... but Nala was quite unconscious and as Kula ran off, Tama knew what she needed to do and swiftly sought out some vines to tie and gag as well as something to blindfold the poor little Nala. It all looked to be working perfectly and in the right time, Scar and a few hyenas appeared on the horizon, ready to start the fun!

Poor Nala, she was oblivious for the initial fun that Tama experienced with her prone form as Scar watched in delight. Not only had Tama nosed the silent teen's tail upward, but she'd dipped her tongue straight into the tight crevice and began to coil out the taint of the untouched passage. Nala made pinching motions, whimpered slightly but did not seem to stir against the lapping motions that made her clitoris swell swiftly and Tama whimper in delight. With Nala's taste on her tongue, wetting her own area, Tama swiftly mounted the stunned lioness and began to awkwardly rub herself against Nala's form. Her own clitoris was swift to swell up in return and the more she rubbed the more Nala gave moans and groans as if she were starting to wake up. Tama was able to pull herself into a rather pleasurable orgasm against Nala, the juices from her pussy squirting onto Nala's and the cry waking Nala up.

Tama heard her companion start to mutter and grumble and swiftly she placed her paw over the back of the lioness' head and growled angrily at her. As Nala scrabbled to try and get free, her nose twitching with confusion at the strange sounds and the odd sensation of her loins being damp, she could not stop herself from calling out. She cried to Tama and she cried for Kula, sitting beside her Tama could not stop herself from rubbing at her body again for the beautiful sound of Nala calling her name so forlornly, but she made a point to be quiet. It was Scar's turn to cause trouble after-all and, coated in the skinned head and mane of the stranger as well as his blood, he was easily hidden from the senses of the poor cub as he grabbed her shoulders, digging in his claws to make her scream and then did his best to mask his voice with that of another's.

"Poor little cub... someone's gotten caught in my trap... such a pretty thing too. I don't think I can allow you to be left like this... I'll just have to help myself." Scar growled, making his voice sound a little deeper and a little raspier as Nala shuddered in response and started to scrabble away from the sound of the voice. She was scared, aware of the unknown scent in the air and the familiar one of hyena blood... she'd been warned about the stranger in the landscape but she had barrelled on against the concern of her companions and she regretted it as she felt a narrow nose press to her tail. She flicked it about, made a whimpering sound to dismiss the strange although she could barely wriggle within her bonds to get free. With her clit already red, swollen and damp, Scar only had to stretch out his rough tongue to gently scrape the edge to make her jolt and give a squeak in response. "Don't try to protest... you're already wet so it's clear you want this!"

Nala made a whimper again and began to writhe in a little pain but mostly in fear and embarrassment. She had never thought that such a dangerous situation could occur for her and she tried her best to get her claws into her bonds and try to fight. Her need and her strength to fight were obvious to Scar and despite his wish to take things slowly, he knew that the situation required speed above anything else. There was no telling when Nala might get her gag loose and scream out and though Scar did not really want to take the girl against her will like this... it would be the only way he got what he wanted from the situation.

Beside him Tama was rubbing vigorously at herself for watching the manner of her king and Scar breathed a sigh of dismay. He did not want to lose this kind of bonding time with Tama, but as he looked at the quivering little cunt in front of him, Scar snarled. It was frustrating that he could never just have Nala the way he had every other cub, that her connections made her too dangerous and his promises to keep the pride on his side had kept her safe. This was the only way he could claim it from her, the only way he could have the conniving little brat and teach her a proper lesson... he couldn't delay.

With a growl Scar mounted the scrabbling lioness, grasping his jaws around her scruff and stabbing his long claws into her shoulders to make her jolt with pain. The moment she jolted her hips lifted and he was able to stab his already erect and slightly dribbling cock straight into her tight passage. It was a very tight passage, despite his licking and Tama's rubbing and Nala made a very audible scream even through her gag. That sound panicked Tama and Scar as he began to slam himself in and out of the girl, listening to her screams and weeping as he thrust with speed. Each time he was able to force himself in his barbs sliced her passage, letting blood spill from her body as he worked had to prevent the tight wall gripping him in place or losing his interest.

Tama could see his concern and swiftly she stood behind him, letting his tail rest over her shoulder before pressing her nose to his anus. This startled Scar, especially as Tama began to groom the tight hole and make him shudder. Her actions were foreign to him, not unwelcome but very different to what he was used to, but as Tama lapped him to stay erect, his began to thrust harder as Nala stopped screaming and instead quivered and whimpered in dismay. Her sudden lack of movement made him faster and deeper as she just lay there and cried until he finally gave a growl as he came into the weeping little cub. As she gave her cries and sobs like a child, Scar was quick to beckon Tama over silently, encouraging her to bend as he withdrew painfully from Nala's weeping cunt and stabbed himself into Tama's cunt, thrusting a little more so that he could manage just another short spurt of fluid and she could imagine that she'd have Nala's juices sprayed into her.

As Tama shuddered in delight, Scar made a point to withdraw just as fast and swiftly scoop out some of his cum from Nala's crevice and wipe it into Tama's pretty pussy before feigning the rogue character and running for it. As he galloped away he made sure to roar like himself in rage alongside the hyenas barking. Though Nala would be left in her state for Kula to bring the other adults to, her attacker would be 'killed' and no one would be the wiser.

Scar's only regret for the whole scenario was how boring Nala had been... she'd remained upset and not even been drawn into it. But this made him hunger to try again with the lioness, if only he could have the opportunity again!

King Takes it All - Part 9

**Part Nine: Kula's Little Addiction ** Chumvi was in a funny mood, he had been quite surprised by the idea that some stranger on the boarders had done something so vile to Nala and at the same time, he was quite sure that Scar was behind it. He...

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Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - End

**Part Eight** Time had gone by and the pride was swelled with new cubs and heavily expectant mothers, but Scar still had many plans to put into action. With Banzai now obsessing over his expectant mate, he was no longer the most powerful ally in...

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Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - P7

**Part Seven** Sarabi had been abandoned by everyone save a few random hyenas left to guard her. They were all rather curiously sedate females swollen with pups and so obedient to their masters she could tell that something was very strange about...

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