Visitors Of Thunder Castle - Tales Of The Seven Tower -

Story by Sshards on SoFurry

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Visitors Of Thunder Castle

  • Tales Of The Seven Tower -

The forest was deafeningly silent. There was no noise, nothing at all. Not even the wind whispered: the snowflakes fell like rocks, almost straight down. One by one they built up the glistening white cover that seals the earth and life beneath the frozen throne of winter.

The dull dusk sky wasn't all that lifeless... An unusually large bat like creature was struggling to stay above the trees. It was so large that without winds to support it's mighty wings it was sweating blood in the fight to make each meter. Even for it the silence was dulling and almost hurtful. It could only hear it's own wingflaps' noise as it struggled forward. It's destination was not far. In it's red pupill-less eye an image of a seven-towered castle stood proudly.

Meanwhle in the castle an ornate key, in the keyhole of a door - leading to one of the towers - turned by itself and and the lock on the door clicked open, and soon the door itself swung open slightly. After a second, all keys in the locks turned at once and every door opened.

This sudden noise made it's way to the creature's sensitive ears through the noise of it's wingflaps. It was so clear that the being shuddered in reflex to it. The bat landed on the roof of one of the towers. From here it could see all. It's gaze went from side to side in search of prey. But after a second it caught something else in it's sight.

Two large beings were flying toward it's direction. The newcomers were much larger that the bat-like predator. Which obeyed it's instincts and fled with loud windflaps - while it still could.

The newcomers were in fact dragons. A bigger, more muscular white dragon that had light blue wings and had blue stripes creeping out from under the darkgrey armor he wore, while a dark blue crest crowned his head that stood out of his helmet. The other dragon was a lithe, agile built blue dragon that had leather armor on and on her head stood a pair of shiny, black horns. They flew close to eachother, it was obvious that they had to flap their wings - but the y flew much easily than the bat-like creature. Though they weren't alone. Each dragon had a rider on it's back, sitting on a saddle-like belt around the dragons' body. The rider ont he white dragon was wearing a silver colored full-plate, while the other traveller was covered in warm a dark-pruple robe, and under it numerous layers of thinck clothing, some of it - the pelt of an animal - hanged out from under the robe.

When they reached the castle they began flying in circles above it. The rider of the white dragon pointed down with an armored hand while the other nodded in response and began descendng towards a terrace-like part of the casle's roof. She flew in a spiral downwards and soon she extended her wings fully to slow down before touching the grey, stone floor of the terrace. Her rider hopped offand she folded her wings as they walked out of the white dragons way - who had already begun the manuever. With none less carefulness, he landed too. His rider climbed off taking the time, not rushing anything in full armor.

''Damn landingpad...'' Came a feminine voice from under the silver helmet. ''We're almost standing on eachother's tail.'' She removed the casque to reveal her face. Which was covered with as white scales as the dragon's who she rode on. Her white mane was in her face almost covering her brown eyes fully. Her neck was adoarned by similar blue patters as her dragons.

''Well...'' Hissed the other with a male voice. ''This is not exactly a fortress.'' He also began to take off the hood and scarf that covered his head and face. After he removed the hood and uncloiled the scarf that was wrapped around his neck and face he revealed his black, slightly shimmering scales and his mane and eyes that were also of the same black color. He had the same patters as the female draconian.

''I know you're a Stersus now. But let's keep war out of this, okay Lorelei?'' The mentioned draconican wasn't listening. She was staring into the castle through an open door.

''Sister?'' He asked.

''Someone opened this door recently.'' She said. She moved her tail from side to side on the pavement - to her brother this was a sure sign of excitement. He got their packages off the dragons who were a bit also nervous.

''I don't think it was someone. Perhaps it was the cold. The lock mechanism must've contracted too far.'' He said.

''Mayhap, Atranoc. Mayhap.'' She smiled. She knew well that her amge brother was smart, but also naive and a bit arrogant. Where she expected treachery, he saw nothing - of course he didn't understand why is she smiling.

''I'll take Kargor and Sheila to their rooms.'' He said and put their packages next to her. After that he stroked Sheila's neck, who in response sent warm thought to him through he amulet they used to communicate. Atranoc led Sheila and Kargor a two winged door that stood on the wall on their left. Lorelei was still gazing into the door that was directly infront of her, while winds blew from behind and from their right, where there wasn't any walls to protect them.

As the two dragons and Atranoc walked towards the two winged door they saw that it was painted black and was reinforced ith metal straps that door was also open. Though the door was quite big - a half a meter taller than Atranoc, the black draconian opened it with ease. Sheila could go in easily, but Kargor had to bend his neck down to fit in. Inside were separated sections, each of them had pillw-like beddings made of strong fabric. Atranoc led each dragon to a separate section that faced each other. It was quite warm here, so he started to uncloth Sheila. Who seemingly enjoyed the temperature. When she was stripped of her ''clothing'' she purred as she laid herself on the pillows and stretched luxoriously.

Afeter Atranoc has put down the last piece sof Sheila's leather armor, his attention turned to the waiting Kargor.

''Now this will take a few minutes.'' He said as he started to unstrap and peel off his heavy armor. Some of the pieces were almost as the same weight as he was.

Lorelei was exploring the the second level of the caslte. The rooms, the floor almost everything is the same as it was so long ago. She became absorbed in the memories of the innocent past. How they played with Alea, and how they were tutored by Roun... She could even remember Alea Alea saying something about a raptoress laughing at her and then disapperaing in the seventh tower.

''Ghosts...'' She sighed. ''More like overactive imagination.''

Atranoc was done with Kargor by now and he was standing infron of him. He was way taller than the draconian - he towered around a good meter higher than the mage. His gaze was caught in Kargor's muscular neck and overall muscular build.

''Wow...'' He mused. He rarely sees another dragon, he only sees Sheila most of the times. Who was a bit jelous now, which he could feel through the amulet. ''But she's more beautiful.'' He added. Kargor shrugged in response. Atranoc went over to Sheila and patted her neck. Her lithe, graceful build never stopped to amuse him, how daintly she flies. She could feel his thought and started to purr at his unspoken comments.

''Okay, so food is...'' He went past Sheila and stepped before the wall infront of her. He saw two washbasin like metal bowls standing out of the wall. Above them he found two round, blue buttons.

''Here?'' He pressed one of the buttons and a hatch opened on the wall just above the basin. Strange, rather disgusting liquid started to pour in the bowl. He snarled at it, then driped a claw into it. He raised it to his face and sniffed at his finger.

''This is not edible.'' He sighed and pushed the other button. A similar hatch opened above the other bowl, but this time clean water filled the metal basin. ''At least the water is good. I'll bring food soon.''

He went out of her section towards the other end of the stable. There were two doors there, one that faced the entrance and one on the left wall. The door that was opposing the entrance was designed for Atranoc's species, not even Sheila would fit through. But the one on his side - another two winged door - was too big for his kind.

He pushed the door in and immediately a mild stench hit his snout.

''I guess this is the place, if you need to go...'' He said and let go of the door, the springs built into it closed the wing he opened. With a small smile on his face he walked to the door that led to the terrace and went out of the stables.

Lorelei was now on the ground floor, in search of someone. A caretaker, Alea, anyone. But - so far - she did not succeed, though she was adamant in that someone was here. Or something. She was infront of the kitchen door. Her senses were tensed, she was ready to react swiftly - as needs must. She heard heavy footsteps behind the door. Her right hand slid onto the hilt of her sword, which rested in it's sheath on the side of her - for now. Her instincts telling her that something is not right.

She opened the door. From where she stood she could see almost all of the place. To her surprise, there was nobody in the room. But on the table that stood in the middle of the kitchen, a whole roasted pig laid. It's scent made her almost drool. But something was wrong: it was fresh. She leant closer to it, and sniffed. She could feel the warmth of it on her scales.

''Is anyone here?'' She asked. But no reply came. She walked around the table and found three large sacks on it's other end. She opened them. All of the sack were full of specially spiced and dried meat. The kind of food they make for their dragons.

''Hmm...'' She mused.

''There you are!'' Came a voice from behind her. She turned to see her brother standing there.

''I see you've already made yourself feel at home.'' He said teasingly. She quirked an eyeridge.

''it was not me. This was here when I got in.'' She pointed at the roast.

Atranoc closed his eyes and remained silent for a few seconds. She could tell that he was using somesort of magery, though she didn't know what exactly. Soon her brother's eyes opened.

''I sense no poison, trap, or malice. And I say let's eat.'' With this he moved to the table in search of a knife to cut the meat.

Meanwhile she looked around for plates and trays. She trusted her brother's knowledge of arcane arts, and thought that perhaps he's right for once. Their little sister Alea invited them here in a letter days ago, there's no one here who would hurt them. She opened a cupboard and found what she has been looking for. She grabbed a couple of plates and a pair of silver trays and took them out of the cupboard. She paused the movement because she discovred a few bottles of low volume wine. She took those with her too.

''Look what I've found...'' She said as she raised her hands full fo bottles.

''Sweetwater?'' He asked curiously.

''Yes it is.'' She smiled. ''Sour cherry.''

''Nice. I guess we should make ourselves comfortable until our hosts get back.'' He advised meanwhile he got rid of his thickest clothes.

''Great idea. I'll be in the diner; you serve dinner.'' She commanded.

He faked a smile at this, but it was him or her one of them had to do it - and he decided to do it this time.

She walked to the diner - which was on the first floor - that was ruled by a long table standing in the middle of it and around it were a dozen of red velvetted chairs of the same drak-brown wood as the table, while on the stone walls pictures of landscapes and esctutcheons looked down on the diners. Once there she started peeling off her her armor. She undid the straps of her gauntlets and then she pulled off her forearmguards. After that she reached for the straps and belts which held her breastplate in place. She looked down and grimaced at it's undefinite form. If she had all of her armor in place it would be difficult for a civillian to tell her gender by simply looking at it.

When her dexterious fingers found what they've been looking for she sighed, undid the straps and removed the plate. She looked down at her breasts again, at those firm, white, attractive busts which so many ogled back in the militia. She had white silk shirt on with a quite open decollete. She nodded.

''That's more like it.'' She said. Then she began to take off her pauldrons, greaves and tailpads. After removing the greaves, she couldn't resist massageing her thighs and rump. She grabbed her curved, sexy hind quarter and tried to ease the numbness of the several hours they spent riding towards here. She was wondering how does her brother cope with this? As she felt the numbness ease and blood rushing into the forementioned bodyparts, her hands moved to the tailpads and started getting them off as well.

Meanwhile she came to the conclusion that he must have upholstered his butt with the finest silk or - and - something magickal. While she only had a long fur jacket under the armor.

In this very moment her brother came in wearing a lighter purple robe - a seemingly casual attire for the likes of him. He was holding two big trays rickety with food. When he spotted her he gave a whistle of appreciation.

''Nice clothing. You know this ain't a rendezvous...'' He smirked. She looked herself over and thought. The silk shirt was a bit snug, accentuating her graceful form, as well as her black skin trousers were also a bit tight - this she could see as she turned back to see her tail and ass. She put on a faint smile and shrugged.

''Let's eat instead of you ogling at me. I get enough of that amongst the Bloodclaws.'' She said as she sat down in the chair that stood on the end of the table. He nodded and placed a tray infront of her on the table.

He fought against showing signs of being embarrased - he never told anyone, that he admitted that her sister was indeed beautiful, and is just the kind of girl he is looking for.

But his thoughts never wondered too far in that direction - her sight brought pride to him not arousal.

He poured wine into her and his glass goblet, that he brought on the trays. Then he raised his goblet.

''To our reunition.'' He smiled and beckoned. She did the same with hers and after this miniature pledge they emptied their goblets. The wine tasted similarly to what they enjoyed here when they were younger: a bit sour, but sweet and one could barely feel the alcohol in it. As soon as they put down the goblets, she began o devour her part of the pig hastly.

Atranoc on the other hand wasn't that hungry, though he knew that soon he'll be hungry as well, so he began his dinner.

''Ummmrmmm mmmr...'' She tried to speak with her mouth full.

''Swallow it.'' He replied a bit annoyed. She swallowed surprisingly loud.

''You should bring food to Kargor and Sheila.'' He sighed and got up from the table.

''Okay, I'll take the sacks we've found.

Meanwhile in the stable Kargor was fast asleep and snoring. Sheila was alone and bored by this place. There was a strange feeling bothering her but she couldn't quite tell what. She did not know how long will they stay here, so she looked around in search of something to entertain herself with. Her sight swayed from side to side finding nothing but the sleeping Kargor. She didn't know the male so she decided to take a better look.

He was dossing on his side, with his tail towards her. She walked to him silently and looked at his face. She had to admit he was handsome. His head is seemingly muscular - as well as his whole body seemed to be of pure muscle. She found her white scales, dark blue chest and patterns rather appealing. Though she did not know why she was smiling. Her gaze went down on his strong neck and further down. She let her gaze graze on his colossal body: his chest, his wings, front and hind legs all teeming with hard muscles. She licked her mouth - she liked what she was seeing. Her eyes turned to his belly and a bit further down. Only to see his slit bulging and the tip of his pink shaft poking out. She smiled and leaned down to give an affectionate lick but she stopped in midair. Even though she liked the male, she didn't know how he would react. She has heard about females got beaten by males because they doing something the male didn't like. She backed a few steps, but she couldn't get her eyes off his crothc. She could feel that her body was reacting to the sight: her pussy was getting wet and swollen. She raised her tail and touched the line of her slit with the tip of her tail. While his cock slowly erected further and by now it was at least half of it's full size - as she could guess - around fourteen inches long and four inches thick. Though Kargor wasn't of the smae sub-species as her, he had similar sex as the males of her kind - a bit narrowing to the tip and prehensile. She imagined that shaft entering her as she's mounted by him. She was now soaked and couldn't stop her tail from pleasuring herby rubbing to her nether regions.

All the while Atranoc was thinking of his first they with Sheila. He clearly remembered the tension and concern in him about the ''Choosing'' as everyone called it. He remembered his mentor's words and final teachings...

''Every Arch-Magi has a companion of the Noble Races. For you Atranoc a Dragon is destined as the Astralblood-ritual had already shown us. Indeed you're always two feet above the ground.'' The elder draconian smiled. After the expression on Atranoc's muzzle twitched to a similar smile his lineaments hardened. '''Tis time for you to reach for higher aims.''

''When do I get to choosethe dragon?'' He asked with a bit of impatience in his voice.

''You?... HA!'' He whisked. ''You don't. It's the dragon who chooses you.''

Atranoc was puzzled.

''What if none of them chooses me?'' He asked with a hint of concern.

''We'll burn you to ashes.'' He said incredilby emotionless and cold. Atranoc's eyes opened wide in astonishment.

''Don't worry. One of them will choose you.'' He ended the sentence. But Atranoc was waiting for something like: ''It was only a joke.'' or at least ''You won't suffer much.''.

But nothing came and that was worrying him.

They entered the stable. It was full of dragons who were ''alone'' - without companion. Almost all of them were lieing on their pillows in their own sections. The pair left the doorway of the large two-winged door and entered the huge hall and the maze of columns of sections.

Atranoc was stunned by the sight, he has never seen so many dragons at one place! Blue, red, black, gold, emerald, white, silver - truly a crowd of swirling, beutiful, lively colors. Everywhere wings, tails, necks, scaled bodies.

He could even recall the unique scent of them. A heavy, tad musky scent like no other he has ever felt.

He was walking infront turning his gaze from dragon to dragon. There were equal share of females and males, but the majority of them were young. The older dragons only took a sideways glance at him and turned away.

He thought that it's better to have a young beginner teamed up with another young beginner like him.

He prepared the food that he was going to serve for their companions. He picked up two sacks of dried meat and continued his way to the stables.

He felt like he's lost amongst the many dragons. Some looked at him curiously, some with a grimace, others kindly or with a neutral expression on their face. One face, actually a pair of eyes caught his gaze and locked onto him. He proceeded towards the dragon who owned these beautiful green eyes as if he has heard a call that he could not refuse.

These eyes were different than the others. The other dragons' eyes were more quizzical or filled with disliking - but her eyes were calling, somehow seductive.

When he first saw her she was looking over her shoulder as she laid on her pillows, with her hind quarters towards the visitors while she was leaning on her right frontarmleg - as he was taught to call the front limbs of a dragon.

He watched her in awe. Her section was next to a wall and on it a large window that let the sunlight in thus her blue scales were glittering all over emphasizing sleek, curvaceous form. His gaze eventually trailed down to her rear. He coud see a part of her slit and after he discovered her exposed spot he couldn't get his eyes off her.

It was a surprise even for himself back then, but now he had settled fray within for lusting for a dagoness.

It was of her excellence that he did not get into an uneasy situation. She slowly slid her long tail in the way of his ogling. That broke the trance before anyone noticed anything - save for the two of them. She smiled warmly and got up from the pillows.

Now he stared into her eyes as she took a few steps towards him and stared right back in those dark-blue eyes. Then all of a sudden she nuzzled and licked his face.

''Congratulations! You've just been choosed.'' His mentor said.

From that day they were companions. He was given an amulet through which he can communicate with her via telepathy, though they understood eachother well even without it.

It has been a wonderful five years with her. They travelled a lot and survived a few dire situations, like snowstorms and once an ambush of Nocturnas... Though there were times when they were alone, nothing had happened. He never said it out loud - and tried not to show - that he likes her more than a friend. And she hasn't menitoned that, perhaps she had forgotten? It was strange to him that she had never made a relationship with a male of her kind, or at least with none he knew of. It was strange because she is in her most lustful age...

He arrived infront of the door of the stable.

Meanwhile Sheila was about to moan under the caress of her own tail, when the noise of his footsteps hit her earfins. She panicked what will he think of her if he sees her pleasuring herself while Kargor is lying on the pillow like this. She pounced back onto her pillows and quickly laid herself on her side, casually, facing the door - trying to hide her wanton lust.

He stepped in, she immediately sent warm, affectionate thoughts to him.

''Yes, I love you too.'' He said in response. ''These sacks are damn heavy.''

She nodded swiftly.

As he made his way to her section he could hear Kargor snoring.

''I guess we shouldn't wake him up.'' He said without turning to the dragon. When he reached her, he instantly sensed he musky scent. He was curious now.

Without any forsign he turned to Kargor, while she leaned to the side to take a peek at him. Much to her relief, his erection has greatly subsided, only a smaller swelling was visible.

''Oh, he must be really great.'' He said emphasizing the last word. She couldn't misunderstand the meaning. This was just oil on fire to her. She tried not to loose her composure: she was at the edge of giving in to her instincts. Not to let the walls of the fortress that is her mind tremble at the constant siege of her carnal needs, but each attack was stronger than the last, and she did not know how long will she be able to withstand and maintain her sane mind.

It was unnatural for her never having any relation with males of her kind, not having her newly risen desire sated for so long.

She managed to muster up a smile on her muzzle.

''You know, I... I would hate to be in the way of your love-life.'' He said back as he turned back to her. She knew what he was talking aboout, but she was a bit startled that he brought the topic up. Her thoughts were racing as well as the blood in her veins. Her thoughts swiftly boiled down to the fact, that he was her only friend and the only male in her life, who she knew well enough to give herself to.

But she... He... - her thoughts came to a second pause. But then a throb of her heart brought the answers she needed from the deepest of her soul. The only thing between him and her was the fact that they were not of the same species. That didn't bothered her, she has always seen him as a very nice person, one who can provide and love her, as for his appearance - she always thought of that as a secondary thing.

Her thoughts turned from alarmingly swirling to a more calm and secure stream and - though the wall were shattered - she was in controll now.

Besides, who can say that mating with a draconian is not good? Or, at least better than playing with myself. - she kept pondering. She also knew that she is not neutral to him. Perhaps he didn't notice, but she knew when he was spying on her. She knew about her presence even at the time when he peeped her as she was playing with her tail in a small stable, just like she was now before he stepped in. She was right in the middle of pleasuring herself that night, when she spotted his eager eyes in a smaller crack in the wooden door of the stable - but continued stroking herself as if nothing happened. Of course she did not stop doing it! If she would have done so, the situation could have gone out of control, and rather uneasy - besides he must have enjoyed the display. For her it felt exceptionally good, with the new feeling of him watching...

Her thoughts were washed to the shores of the conclusion, that the only obstackle between them was Atranoc himself.

''You see I know you want it.'' She heard, and shook her head. She was a bit lost in her thoughts, thus missed a some of what he said.

''You just haven't had an opportunity...'' said Atranoc faintly. He could sense something through the amulet, something like the birth of an idea or a realisation.

She sent him her thoughts about being alone in that way, even here. Though she didn't mind it - their duty was to serve the Empire, not making love. After second pause, she sent him other thoughts and images. Quick - but unmisunderstandable - flashes about the times when he peeped her while she pleasured herself. And finally she dropped him into the vast ocean of thoughts that she likes him in many ways - and now she's not afraid to show this.

''Oh...'' His mind was caught off-guards by the tidal waves of such strong and unexpected emotions - and this was beginning to show on his face: his scales stood up as a sign of shyness. ''I... I don't know what to say...'' He stuttered.

She smiled lustfully at him, similarly to when they first met. But now not only she added uncovered love-lust, she even sent him images of him taking her from behind.

The amulet was able to transmit composite feeling with it. He could feel the rough scales on her ass touching his hands that rested on her hind quarter. He felt her warm, moist tunnel around his shaft, as he saw himself mating with her with his mental eyes. This made his fingers twitch as if holding onto the rump of the image, and caused his jaws to drop. Not to mention his barely aroused state caused by her scent, grow to new heights quickly.

''I guess there's nothing to say?'' He said. His rigid shaft waas now visible even from under the robe he wore.

She nodded and leant to him and gazed into his eyes. She was determined to make him submit to her beauty and lust.

The magi looked into her crystalline green eyes, and behind the great walls of his powerful mind he crumbled. There she was infront of him. The one he was longing for secretly for so long in vain, but now his vision of heavenly beauty was not only one step from him, but was feeding the same eager feelings towards him, as he was towards her. He tried to withstand her gaze - and seemingly he succeeded, but that was merely the outsides -he was lost in her. He fell in so deep love with her, and now was in a trance like state that he couldn't break away from her eyes even if he wanted to.

She neared her face with her snout, extended her tongue and licked his face. He instictively did the same. Soon their tongues met and they licked each other's all over.

He felt her rough-budded tongue as it fondled his and covered it with her saliva.

This brought him an idea.

''Let's try the way we kiss.'' He smiled at her as he reached for her head.

All the while she roughly knew what to do. She tilted her head a little to the left side, while Atranoc tilted his to the right. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth just enough for the kiss. He did the same and the two slowly slid their mouths into each other's. Her snout was significantly wider, so he had to open his mouth more wider and even now he could only take the around the first third in.

She purred in delight - he was pleased to get such reactions from her. He tentatively ran his tongue over her double row of sharp teeth in search of her tongue. It didn't take long before they were fondled into each other again in a wet dance of pleasure.

They stayed like this for minutes enjoying the caressing of one another. When they finally parted both were smiling.

''Wow...'' He mused. ''Would've never guessed dragons kiss so well.''

She rewarded this comment with a slightly toothy grin, and with the thought that - though this was quite new for her - she loves this thing called ''kissing''.

By now Atranoc got used to her scent, to the heavy, musky - and the same time intoxicating - scent of her arousal.

Now she was firther turned on. Her tail snaked under his robe and up around his left leg. He felt her touch through the pants he wore. He gave a sly look to her, only a second before her dexterious tail reached his crotch and gently stroked along the bulge caused by his erection. He sighed in pleasure.

''Prehensile tail...'' He said chuckling.

She reached the top of his shaft, where the fabric of his pants was wet becasue of his precum. She snaked towards the edge of the pants, then over and a bit into it. The tip of her tail brushed over the head of his cock.

His eyes widened at the surprisingly soft touch of the small scales on the tip of her tail. He stood there like a statue, awaiting her next move.

She liekd seeing him standing there motionlessly, enjoying her attention. She began caressing his cock with her tail.

Atranoc was draconican, thus he had a similar sex to dragons: flexible, agile, and quite prehensile.

She fondled his shaft with her tail, wrapped it around his member and started rubbing it up and down.

His jaws slightly opened as he started panting, and he slowly fell on his knees on the pillow - but in the meantime was careful not to interrupt her delicate work.

She affectionately licked his face as he fell before her.

He felt that he will cum into his pants, only a few more strokes with her tenderly holding tail.

She could feel his shaft growing in lenght and width a bit, but she also felt that it was strongly throbbing under her caress. She masturbated him with ease now, as his pre flowed down onto her tail lubricating her grasp. She also was getting ever so excited as she did this, her whole crotch was covered with her juices, and even the pillow was wet under her. She knew that he is going to squirt his hot, creamy cum into his clothing. But she had other plans for her lover.

By now Atranoc was in total ecstasy. His mouth was wide open, displaying his predatorial teeth, while his tongue lolled out as he panted now heavily.

She suddenly stopped massaging his dick and let go of it.

He had a few seconds to get back to the ground, and to ease his thirst for air.

She didn't pull her tail out of his pants. With a sudden movement she plucked off his pants violently, almost taring it.

He gasped at this swift movement. He felt the thoughts that she has sent him, the wish to see him naked - along with the image of him being naked, as she imagined. He knew that her imagination was not far from reality. He obeyed willingly, he got up and removed his pants further, got out of his robe and took off his shirt. There he stood infront of her again.

This time completely naked, with infront of his dark-grey belly, his pink, fleshy dick, gushing pre that flowed down along his eight inch lenght and dripped on her pillow.

She leaned to him and kissed him. Though this time it was shorter because of the impatience of her that he could clearly feel through the amulet.

She was thinking of pleasuring him a bit more, but in a new way. They parted and she began to lick his neck, and slowly moving down to his chest with each lick.

Meanwhile he caressed her neck and head gently stroking her. He was wishpering to her, still walking in the heavens, not far from climax.

She continued licking him down fom his fairly muscular chest to his belly where she felt his shaft brushing to her jaw and neck. She smiled and looked down to his proudly standing rod. She couldn't keep the thoughts of his cock out of the thoughtflow between them, so he knew well what was she up to.

So well, that he shivered in anticipation, and was getting even more drenched in his own precum. He felt her warm breath on his shaft again and again - like some warm watered sea washing over and over the shore with waves.

She extended her tongue and licked at the inner side of his thighs.

He shivered in response to the gentle touch.

She wanted him to enjoy this as much as possible. Both to give her lover what he deserves and to make him do the same with her.

Then she licked him just under his slit, where his shaft emerged from. She lapped up the pre on his crotch. She nejoyed the sweet taste of it - though this was not enough for her.

He started to moan slightly, he couldn't help it, his mouth was once more open again, similarly to how it was before.

She licked along his lenght from the base to the tip, right where his precum flowed, gathering it with her tongue. That was a quantity more to her liking.

Shel icked his shaft again and again, with a stabile rhytm.

While he was almost too loud. But now - even if Kargor would wake up - he would not care about it.

''Ahh...'' He said as she fondled his cock with her rough budded, wet tongue wrapping it around it and rubbing it up and down - like she did with her tail.

''Ohh...'' He moaned again.

She knew that he's only seconds away from cumming. She let his cock go, only to take it into her warm, wet mouth a second after. She lapped at it viggoriously, covering the delicate, throbbing organ with her saliva. She easily took all of him into her mouth. She entwined him with her tongue and started sucking his pre-gushing, pulsating dick.

''Aargh...'' After so much gentle indulging, this sensitive feeling was too much for him.

She sucked ans smiled at his joy in delight.

Meanwhile he tried his best to prolong the sensation.

She kept on sucking and with every suck the feeling became more powerful, more intense; all the while she massaged his cock with her tongue.

He felt that his throbbing stopped a shiver quickly building up in his loins, and after a blink it spread all across his body. He instinctively rocked his hips forward to get more of his lenght into her - though he was already fully in her mouth. He roared with his eyes closed as he cameinto her mouth.

She got what she wanted.

He squirted his hot, creamy load into her eager mouth, thick curds washed over her tongue.

After seconds he was still spraying his cum.

She was savouring his tasty cum, but she now wished to swallow it. She backed a little revealing his cock. As she did this a string of white semen was shot on her cheek - a little on her eyeridge - and snout.

''Mmm...'' She said as she swallowed. Then she quickly opened her mouth again to catch the coming streams of hs cum. She lowered her head onto his rod again and started sucking to get every last drop of seed he had.

Meanwhile he opened his eyes. The sight- along with the afterglow of walking in the heavens, thanks to her - made him chuckle.

Her left eyelid was slitted because a drop of cum flowed down her eyeridge. She looked quite funny like that. The look on her face was exactly the one people wear when something is in their eye. But on her it looked more of a cute grimace than a sign of real discomfort.

She let go of his shaft and looked at him. She sent the need of his helping hand in this matter.

He reached down and with a finger he cleaned her eyeridge and lid. When his finger was still near her snout she flicked her tongue out and licked his cum off. Then she licked her face off too. She sent feeling of satisfaction with his taste.

''It's a pleasure to taste well for such a beautiful lady. He said in hope of successful flattery. She licked his face - and with that she told him of his success.

He tilted his head for a kiss and she happily followed his lead into another long, wet and passionate kiss.

Her eyes were closed. He used the time to stare at her - but this time it was her face he stared at.

She was beautiful. Her lienaments as she gave in to the pleasure of the kiss, were perfect. Her eyeridges, those gentle protuberances, the shiny scales on her cheek - he loved each and every inch of her more than life itself.

All the while she was kissing him, her tongue snaked into his mouth and - to her delight - her intruding appendage was treated as the most dearest guest: with a long hug and a swaying dance.

With every moment she loved him more; she felt his warm, loving thoughts and she couldn't resist showing him her similar feeling immediately. She could feel faintly that a tear of joy made it's way across her cheek. As well as she could feel that this time he wanted to lead - and she lovingly agreed.

They were still kissing when he gently pushed her back to the pillows, all the while he followed, making sure not to part.

When she was lying on her back he carefully laid himself partially on her but mainly leaining on his left arm and leg, above her. With his other hand he began stroking her face softly.

She purred her joy into his mouth.

His hand continued to stroke and in the meantime it proceeded towards her neck.

Her blue scaled a bit long neck had rougher scales for protection, though still sensitive.

He ran his hand up and down on her neck slowly caressing her. But at the end of one stroke it ventured downward further to her chest. He had to move down from her face in order to keep his hands' workings continuos.

But she did not want to let go of him yet. She enjoyed this ''kissing'' too much, even now, when her saliva was flowing onto her. They stayed like this for so long now, that she was drooling a bit, and te front of her neck was glistening of her drool.

He was now facing her muscular chest. She followed him and did not let the kiss to broke, she leaned above herself with her neck. But then, she let go - both because it was a bit uncomfortable, and because she got a hint of what he is planning to do.

He began licking the lighter-blue scales on her chest and kneading the muscles there.

She liked the relaxing massage, but she wanted a more intensive sensation.

He moved further down to her belly, where her musky, intoxicating scent hit his sensitive nose in a so large concentration that he could not smell anything else but her heavy scent of arousal. He could feel his cock throbbing again as he slowly faced her soaked crotch.

Meanwhile she laid herself on her back and eagerly awaited her treatment.

He gazed upon her swollen, drenched pussy which was slightly parted and her love juices was covering not only her nether regions, thighs and tailbase but the pillow underneath her. Her scales on her groin were much smaller than anywhere else on her.

He leaned in and placed his tongue on her tailbase, and licked her crotch all the ay up tp her pink pussy. He missed out that spot on purpose, teasing her. He wanted her to be as turned on as he was under her attention. He lapped up all of hr juices on her nether regions. Again and again his tongue swept across her crotch making her undulate her hips slightly each time.

When he was done he caught a new stream of her juice flowing just besides where he licked last. He backed to get a better view of her large cunt. It was now quite much parted and was flowing copious amounts of her juices slowly from her entrance. He raised his face to look at her face. She was enjoying this even more as he could feel through the amulet, but evne without it, it was obvious.

Her mouth was clenched shut by the tingling sensation him pleasuring her. Her eyes were closed and purring noises came from her - not to mention the broad, lustful smile on her snout.

When he returned to her nether parts, he moved her hands to her crotch. With his fingers he tenderly stroked her moist lips, he cautiously pushed a finger between those fleshy, thick lips, just to feel the warmth of her insides. He gazed on the exposed dragon sex infront of him. As he noticed, she also had a clit that fit her size - he leaned in and licked at it.

Immediately getting a moan as an answer.

He licked along her slit forcefully, she bucked her hipsagainst him, covering his snout with her juices, and causing it to slightly enter her.

To his surprise she was far tighter than he imagined, even for her first time.

She brought her head up to see him. Her face was begging, those beautiful eyes were glazing from both the excitement and pleasure so far, and because of the feelings and sensations that danced chaotically in her mind - and now in his mind as well. She felt that her pussy is tingling all over, she could even feel it throbbing slightly as her vaginal muscles contracted rhythmically. She wanted him to sate her.

He leaned down to her cunt, his hot breath poured onto her gorgeous underside. He paused for a second to enjoy the view, before he lowered his muzzle onto her entrance and pushed his tongue in as deep as he could.

Meanwhile Lorelei was almost finished with her dinner, as well as with her bottle of wine. She just sat there sipping sweetwater from her goblet and watched a torch on the wall.

''Who lit them? And how long will they keep burning?'' She thought idly.

She liked being alone. It was a curiosum for her since the day she joined the Bloodclaws. Her band of brothers were always around her, there was no such thing as private life around them. Especially since she was the only female in that clan.

''At least not after you left, Alarik.''

She reached to her decolleté and grabbed the oval shaped, flat amulet that hung on a silver chain on her neck. With a firm press on the side of it she opened the amulet, which splitted in two. Each part held a colored graven image inside. On left was an image of her face, and on the right was a picture of a drakgreen raptor-like male, with an appealing smile on his handsome face. She sighed loudly. This sigh was heavy of sorrow and the tears which she ws not allowed to shed. Her training as a warrior teached her new standards that excepted crying - mainly because that was a sign of weakness. But she could recall him so well...

His muscular, tall, darkgreen form and graceful movement, along with his charming person. She - only - spent five years with him, they nevr got to anything serious in their relationship. Their relation was not simple.

''It's never simple...'' She whispered.

She met him when she joined the taskforce, or as the members call it the clan. He was her ''brother'', a fellow soldier. The times they trained together hard, to make sure both were stronger than anything darkness can throw at them. The times they had a healthily competitive brawl to decide who is best time from time again. He and Lorelei fought shoulder to shoulder against the unspeakable horrors of the Night. Countless times they entered battle - two of the greatest warriors of the clan. When they fought, it wasn't ''just'' bloodspilling, but a lethally precise dance of blades. The many times they saved each other's life - everytime they defied all the laws, odds and returned from the cruellest bloodbaths... As a pair they were whole... But now a part of it was lost, thus what was once whole now is torn...

''And begs to be whole again...'' Her eyes were watery. She clearly remembered their last day...

It was a day, just like this. The last minutes of dusk as the second winter held the land in it's mercyless, ice-cold grip. They were out scouting in a village.

Minor infestation - they were told. Therefore only two of them went out to investigate. Since ther were only cattles missing, neither of them thought that they would be in need of reinforcements or dragons.

When they arrived - on horseback - they did not suspect anything. The villagers were already gone. The routine was that they must flee to the nearest fort at the first sight of Nocturnas.

''What will it be?'' He asked with a smirk on his muzzle as he rode next to her, in the usual full armor of his: dark-red plates of magical metal that resembled great, bare muscles, though on that day he did not wear his helmet.

''A lesser demon, perhaps a Nah'rut.'' She said. It was a habit of his to guess what caused the infestation. She didn't like this game, but played along because she was curious enough both of what's the culprit and of his uncanny ability to tell it before anyone else could.

''A Shraddin, I'd say.'' The smirk on his face stretched to a smile, while she shrugged.

They stopped and got off their horses. It was the disadvantage of travelling on animals, that - no matter how good their tranings were - they are useless against Nocturnas. They either fled, died, or became unhandleable.

They left their horses behind - untethered to leave them a chance to flee if the demon attacked them -, and ventured deeper into the village.

The snow crackled under their plated feet. She was wearing the full armor she wears nowadays. Both held their swords in their hands as they slowly walked on the main - and only - street of the village.

''Hmmm... I can't sense the source.'' He said softly. ''Maybe it has already left this place.'' He sounded a bit surprised to her.

''I don't think so...'' She whispered. She saw a small black creature feasting on a sheep carcass with it's back to them, between two houses on Alarik's left. She pointed at it.

He went into the cover of the house and peeked out.

She moved back to hide from the beast's eyes - wherever they might be. She saw him sneaking towards it, though she could not see what happened in the following seconds.

He was sneaking in almost total silence, thanks to the abilities of his enchanted armor. While she reamained there - since it is easier to sneak up on someone alone - in trust of his abilities, which were only matched by hers, so far.

She was expecting the sound of cold steel as it cuts through the air and the flesh of that being, but instead of that she heard an infernal howl that shook the landscape and made her eardrums burn. As the howl stopped she could hear her love's shout. She immediately ran out of the cover to see what was happening.

She saw Alarik lying on the ground, struggling to keep dagger-sized fangs away from his throat. Atop of him was a gross, horrid figure. It had fangs like a sabertooth tiger but had a robust head that resembled a housecat's. This creature was much larger than an ox, but it had the build of a gigantic hyena. It's fur had crimson stripes upon black and it seemed like the creature was bleeding copiously from several serious wounds. From the strange ruffles of air around it, she was sure what this being was: a Mordus. One of the most dangerous Nocturnas, one that should never be on their plane of existance.

She stood there shocked, she could even remember that her legs were shaking and she could barely stand. It was only good fortune that she had not dropped her sword.

''Lorelei! Run! Warn the others!'' His shouting made her shudder. These loud words hit hher like a fist in the face.

''But...'' She said. She didn't want to leave him in this greatly unequaled battle. She wanted to help, to do something, anything...

''No!'' he managed to get a good grip on the demon's throath. ''Go!'' He yelled.

She knew what he asked of her and that this is the best course of action, but her heart said something else. It was telling her to stay and fight.

''Aarh!!!'' Alarik cried out as his grip loosened.

It was then when she decided what to do. She ran to her horse, grabbed the saddlebag that hung from it's side and poured the contents of it onto the snow. She dropped her sword and delved in the snow. After a few seconds of desperate search she found the amulet she used to communicate with her dragon. She concentrated on Kargor and showed him her emotions and the need of immediate reinforcements. Meanwhile she ran to a boulder to hide until they arrive.

She prayed to the mighty Gods she has sworn to, for his survival and to give her strenght; kneeing and shaking in the snow. She was fighting her tears - so far she was able to hold them back...

Suddenly she heared a cryout of pain, his scream broke the heavy silence - and it was then when she broke. She fell on all four and started crying. Her tears were dropping onto the snow beyond her and bit deep holes into it. She sobbed and whispered a new prayer to the gods. A prayer for Alarik's quick and painless death and bliss for his soul.

She whispered the prayer constantly over and over for long minutes - though she did not know exactly how long - when she felt the approach of the Bloodclaws. This gave her strenght to stand up, leave her cover and pick up her sword.

She heared loud wingflaps as dozens of dragons soared low in the night sky. When they got near enough the roared in chorus, a roar that shook the ground beneath her and strenghtened her mind, making her regain her composure.

She ran in the direction where they flew. She could see the Mordus fleeing as the dragons belched huge dark-red fireballs that chased the darkness away in the night - now literally.

Meanwhile she ran to Alarik - she did not care about the Mordus anymore.

The dragons pursued it, only one of them landed not far from her.

She knelt down to Alarik. She saw that his legs were crushed along with the lower half of his body. The demon bit his shoulder, his fangs penetrated his pauldron and breastplate. Around the dreadful wound, the armor blackened and the flesh died as it sucked the very essence of life from the deinonychus. Seeing this she, the walls which she quickly raised upon her mind shattered, and she began to cry.

The rider of the dragon - a raptor mage - tried to do his best; all she could do is watch how he struggles against the demonic venom, in vain.

''Lory...'' He whispered faintly.

''Y-yes... I'm here.'' She said amongst her sobs and tears.

''I... I want you to take my place as forcecommander.'' He paused to swallow and to breathe.

He saw something in her that she could feel he knew. ''You did not betray me, you had done well...'' He coughed.

She held his gloved hand in hers and raised it to her face.

His muzzle suddenly turned to a grimace of pain.

She was a bit alarmed, fearing she caused him pain by doing this.

''I was wrong, damn it... It wasn't a Shraddin...'' A pale smile crossed his muzzle, as he took a deep breath and gathered strenght for his final words.

''I love you... Ynr lyw unas... sicw'es quid dyvea... zjast'es.'' A kind smile appeared on his muzzle - this time it was staying for long.

She returned it.

''I love you too...'' She said and leaned down to him for the last kiss. After that short kiss, they parted, forever.

His eyes were closed, his soul left the body that enchased it for a little more than a quarter of a century.

''...And forever will.''

She noticed that he was besetting something in his other hand. A small, black box. She carefully freed it from his fingers and opened it. She felt her heart crumble at the sight of the two beautiful rings in it...

''They were this close...'' She thought.

She was torn from the one being she loved, the one who could take her heart. Alarik was gone before they could present each other their love. Her feeling for him were deeper than anyone could imagine... And now it's all gone.

Sorrow held her heart for long moths. It was then when she has sworn never to fall in love again... She felt that she could not survived such a loss again. She was now forcecommander and she used that as an excuse to stay away from her courters, and to hide from the pain of his loss. With her everyone kept the three step distance and eventually thought that her hert had grown as cold as ice. Which couldn't be any falser image of her...

She heared a noise. She stopped everything she was doing, even breathing for a second. Her instincts told her that the noise was a footstep, though almost totally inaudible. It was obvious to her that someone was sneaking somewhere near.

He licked her soaked entrance vigoriously, while he was kneading her rump. It was a vicious circle: she was pleasured and her joy creeped into his mind through the amulet he wore, that drew him into more vivid and wild which broought her more joy to fuel his intents.

She felt like when she was flying high: she already reached the incredible heights that she never thought reachable and now only the best part was left: to soar down and feel the rush of adrenaline. She was now whimpering and moaning constantly in a high voice that first startled Atranoc, but he found it very cute and appealing, so he wanted to hear it as many times as possible. Again and again each time he thrusted his tongue into her pussy. She rewarded his efforts with copious amount of the sweet nectar of her large, fleshy love-flower. His snout was pressed to her crotch and his tongue was inside of her as deep as he could manage, licking at her, while her walls rhytmically contracted around him.

Suddenly she broke the rhytm and stopped panting.

''Mmm...'' She moaned louder. Her pussy contracted around his tongue once more, but this time she was actually squeezing him. Meanwhile she grasped for air.

''Aahhh!...'' She cried out in heavenly pleasure.

He could feel her body becoming numb, totally giving in to this almost unbareable pleasure that sent her muscles shaking and shuddering - blocking out all of her senses, save for the one that overwhelmed every nerve in her as she came.

He felt her grip easing on his tongue, just as it happened her cunt squirted her hot cum into his mouth - to his upmost delight. He loved the taste of her, thus he was eager to swallow all of what came, but it was too much. At the edge of coughing he had to back away, letting the rest splashing onto his face, neck and chest. He liked being covered in the warm, musky scented fluid of hers.

Meanwhile she was still soaring on the currents of climax. Though the powerful rush of her cum slowed down, it did not stop - she was still cumming.

He leaned down to her cunny again and started lapping up her juices. With this he prolonged her orgasm and it took more than a good couple of minutes until she reached the blissful afterglow. By the time she got there, she was cleaned up donw there.

He crawled up to her for a kiss. Again he got what he came for, a long, deep, passionate kiss, in the meantime he shared the taste of her cum with her. Which - as he could feel - wasn't against her will.

She noticed his bare flesh, his erect cock brushing against her front as their muzzles met.

She pushed him away from herself.

He was not surprised, he had more than a hint what would she like to do.

She stood up on all fours, facing the wall and showing her back and hind quarters to him. She seductively swayed her tail, as a teasing invitation that could not be resisted. She slowly raised her tail and presented herself to him as a female who had chosen him as her mate and as such now demands to be taken.

Her swollen, parted, wet pussy was drooling on the pillows once again, while she turned back with her neck to see him. She was smiling in a seductive manner - just like on the day when they first met - topped with lusts, a ''dirty'' thoughts, all the while she swayed her ass to tease him a little more.

He returned the smile and stepped to her. He gently grabbed her rump and started stroking her ass cheeks. Meanwhile he sent her images of her kneeing infront of him as he was taking her from behind.

She immediately understood that she was a bit tall for him and knelt down as requested.

His stroking caress wandered to her groin. The feeling of his scaled hand brushing over her nether regions - especially her pussy - began to turn both on even more.

She wanted to be taken, she wanted a male to take her virginity, as it should be - and she was very joyous that it was him.

He stopped the caress and got a better grip on her hips with both hands and brushed his rigid dick against her hungry lips.

She shivered in anticipation, while he could barely control himself. At the first touch of her tender, velvety lips on the head of his shaft his heart began throbbing in his ears, like it had lost the rhytm.

His erection wass growing to a state almost painful, but his will of pleasuring her before thinking of him own joy was stronger - for now. He strenghtened his determination and started teasing her by only using pushing the head of his cock between her gross lips. The smooth touch of her tiny, scaled lips sent jolts of pure pleasure beyond belief.

He had never thought that having sex with a dragon can be a source of soo much pleasure. He always thought that the sheer obstackle of their different sizes will surely wither all hopes of enjoyment. But now the most secret desire of his dreams came true.

She bucked her hips back, making him slid into her until their groins met. She purred in delight as he was fully inside of her, she enjoyed every intruding inch of him.

He felt her slick walls throbbing around his member, caressing and massaging it. Her warm wetness, the sights, along with the scent and the touch of her made him want to stay like this forever, conjoined and never parting, forever pleasuring her - knowing that she would do the same. He was enjoying this so much that he felt his orgasm nearing - and he hasn't even moved yet.

Meanwhile she wasn't far behind in enjoyment, he could sense it through the amulet. Every time her muscles contracted slightly she felt a jolt of pleasure starting from her groin and sweeping across her entire body. Her cunt was dripping constanly, occasionally letting out a small trickle of her fluids when her panting turned a bit heavier.

She sent him a little encouragement and squeezed his shaft with her velvety confines.

He moaned and obliged willingly. First he pulled out slowly, only to push it back in a second later, slowly, but in a quickening pace.

She was well lubricated, his cock slid in and out with relative ease - all the while he could feel the grip of her pussy on his rod. He gently continued this for minutes, panting slightly, while she was rocking back and forth in rhytm with his motions.

She purred, but he remained quiet because his jaws were clenched shut by the indulgence of hers and because of his struggle to prolong their mating.

He suddenly caught a flash of an image in his head: they were here, in this position while he was pounding her rear, forcefully thrusting into her. He understood what she wished for. He took a deep breath and got a better grip on her hips. In the next second he began pounding her, thrusting forcefully into her pussy - their groins smacked together each time he thrusted back in. He did what she demanded: he took her like a male dragon would. He fucked her violently and she enjoyed every moment of it, giving in completely to her instincts.

Her mouth hung open, she arched her back bucked her hips back powerfully.

Meanwhile down there, he felt her becoming tighter, now wonder she was close to cumming - after all this was the was she was supposed to be taken.

His erection was now basically painful, it was full of his fervent blood giving a feeling, like it could explode in any second. The feeling of her tightening around him was only oil on fire. The feeling turned him further on if possible, his cock was throbbing hard now, leaving no doubts that he ill give her his seed soon. By now he could stop fucking her even if he wanted to, her instinctive drives came throught the amulet and got the best of the lustful mage. He lost control of his body, leaving it to the instincts in sweet surrender as he kept thrusting into her until he felt the ''end''.

''Aargh!'' He roared and thrusted into her with all his might, but this time he had to stay in there. Her walls gripped his shaft surprisingly firmly thus he couldn't pull out - not like he wanted to anyway. He cummed into her and in that verymoment he felt the exhilirating feeling of her orgasm as it built up in her loins and swept across her body like a shockwave. Her warm juices spraying along his shaft, onto his groin and legs - marking him with her scent.

She screamed in pure pleasure as her pussy was filled with his lover's hot, creamy cum.

He shot jet after jet of his semen into her while he leaned on her back holding on to her. After minutes of heavy, fervent panting and cumming he spurted all of his seed into her.

She was still whimpering in orgasm, though her grip on his member loosened.

He could feel that her joy is still sky-high, so he began thrusting again - much to her delight.

He saw a faint image in his head, once again. The image of him playing with her virgin tail-hole: kneading, rubbing it and pushing his tail into her hot ass. He trailed backwards with one of his hands and gathered some of her running cum. He knew if he would use his tail he might not be able to stand properly, besides thattheir tail was not as flexible as hers. When he gathered enough of her sweet juice he smeared it on her asshole. He started kneading her muscles there and gently slipped his finger inside.

All the while she writhing in ecstasy and that urged him on to thrust and cum again.

She loved the new sensation of him fingering her ass, meanwhile he was still fucking her.

Her cunt did not ease all that much around his cock, thus he was getting close to another orgasm.

They moaned in tandem, her scent filled the air of the stable as they made love on the pillows. Only those who had their nose chopped off could not sense the overwhelming, musky smell.

He felt his legs being sprayed with hot juices again, just a blink before she screamed.

She gripped his shaft with her pussy again, almost painfully, along with his fingers with her sexy ass.

He thrusted in - as much as he could - instinctically and let out a loud roar of pleasure as he came into her moist tunnel.

After a minute of heavenly vertigo, his waves of seed came to a halt, even to the milking massage of her vaginal muscles.

By now she was on the elbows of her front legs, because of the powerful orgasm that ravaged her.

He pulled out his - now a bit - flaccid member and withdrew his finger from her tail-hole.

She dropped on her side on the pillow. A moment later he slid next to her. Both were utterly exhausted and could barely move, partially because of the afterglow.

They kissed again, though this time it was only a mere meeting of tongues, as they hugged each other.

He snuggled up to her and fell asleep almost instantly.

She draped a blue wing on both of them. Soon she foloowed her smiling mate to the promised land of dreams.

They did not care for anyone or anything in the world, but eachother. The world did not exist for them, only the they existed.

Kargor saw - though only through his slitted eyelids - the whole scene. He pretended to be fast asleep the whole time. He even tried to hide his arousal, after he failed resisting her scent and sight, with occasional shifts and slow movements - not to give away his awareness. He has made an oath, which he is adamant in keeping. He had seen his companion shattered and on the edge of death because of her heart was broken. He was her only comfort, her only anchor, when she ran to her work to hide from the sorrow that bit down on he throat whenever she saw a soldier only a tiny bit similar to her lost love. It was him who she fought for and vica-versa, no one else was left for her in these chaotic times of the Manifestation wars. He was the only one who kept life in her.

The maulet and the link broadcasted her emotions and the feeling of such a painful loss, it made him swear to for her that he will stay away from females until she finds salvation and someone who she can call her mate...

Thus he waited until they fell asleep. When they long last did finish, he thanked a dozen of dieties, that he could finally eat without disturbing them.

He got up from his pillows and stretched his wings. As he walked over to the sacks full of food he took a good look of the dragoness.

Her body was almost fully covered by her wing - as well as her lover's body -, but he could still see her loin. He stopped to ogle at her pussy. It was still swollen a bit wet and a small, white string of cum flowed from between her slightly parted lips. His gaze quickly trailed up up to her wings and shoulders from there to her neck and face.

She was smiling - she must have had fun, he thought.

He returned the smile to the sleeping beauty. Indeed this female was attractive, even her smile was enough to make his cold, solid determination ease - if only a yot...

He shook his head. He would never betray her.

His attention turned to the sacks and their contents.

''Mmrrr...'' He growled softly as he licked his mouth. The smell of the spicy meat chased away her scent along with it his horniness.

Her muscles tensed. She did not know who caused the noise. Though a new question circled around her mind lately: what's taking Atranoc so long?

She lifted her chair carefully and backed away from the table. She suspected her brother, so she remained silent. She hoped that he will understand her ''sign'' and give up, since his target has already noticed him.

Her gaze moved from her left - about four or five feet away - to th door at the other end of the diner. She grabbed the hilt of her sword, expecting the worst. She couldn't hear anything from the intruder now, but there was still hope of identifing it before launching an attack.

She sniffed the air, trying to catch the smell of whatever is stalking her with her sensitive nose. She expected a horrid smell of a carcass, something dead, or something that never lived.

But she could not sense anything like that, only faintly a male's scent who must be of a species close to hers.

She thought of Atranoc, this scent must belong to him.

She was thinking of using magic, but that would give away her exact position to an adept of these arts. A moment later, she decided to see it with her own eyes - since she ran out of ideas.

She slowly pulled out her sword of it's sheath and held it in both hands as she cautiously made her way towards the furthest door. When she walked by the paintings that hung from the wall on her left the scales on her stood up and she shuddered by a sudden feeling of cold.

She knew that there are no windows in this room and there is no ventillation built in - as far as she knew. Though right now she had more important things to contemplate on: her instincts told her that her nemesis lies just behind the doorway.

'Tis time for the stalker to be stalked - she thought.

She approached the doorway from the left, not wanting to be seen by whoever is there.

An idea came to her mind. She stepped back to the table and got everything off Atranoc's tray.

Shiny, silver tray - almost like a mirror. Excellent. She thought.

Then she strafed along the wall until she was next to the opening, with the tray at the handle in her left.

She slowly manuevered the tray in a horizontal position until it reflected what was outside the door on the left of the corridor.

Her eyes widened in awe: someone in darkred full armor stood there with a long sword poised to strike. From the armor she could tell that he was a male, but she could not see his face - only the snout - because of the helmet he wore.

A Shapeshifter? She thought.

Suddenly with a loud hiss, he struck down on the tray, hitting it out of her hand and making it land on the stone floor bendt from the strike with a loud clang.

She backed a few steps, startled a bit; while he used the time to enter the diner.

She was face to face with her attacker - someone tall and strong enough to wear an armor way bigger than hers. But what worried her the most was that it seemsed eerily similar to hers, the only real difference was that it wasn't of silver but blood-red color.

He swung his long sword, she blocked the dark-grey blade with hers, feeling her sword shrudder under the powerful blow.

She knew she was in disadvantage, every blow can decide this battle. Not only that, she couldn't even fight in her style without a gauntlet.

He pulled his blade back for another attack, but she was already on the move.

She sprung back and grabbed the leg of the nearest chair with her tail. In the next moment with a cry of effort she jumped away from him, in the meantime she pulled the chair violently, letting it fly towards him.

She heared a loud tramping and the cracking noises of the chair breaking to pieces under his strike. Her tail hurt, she had contushions from her last action, as well as her thews were strained and felt as if they were torn. She bore the pain and used to fuel her strenght and rage. To have decent chances of surviving, she needed her gauntlets. She ran to it and extended her left arm towards the pile of pauldrons and plates - all the while never getting him out of her sight. In an instance, a gauntlet came to life and flew onto her hand. She re-entered battle with new strenght. She felt herself in the better position now.

He made his way to her, conveying an impression in her as if a mighty blood-golem was marching towards her.

Another strike came and was held back with her sword.

She gave an evil smirk and grabbed the blade with her gauntleted hand and squeezed it as hard as she could. Meanwhile she moved her sword from the horizontal blocking position backwards readying it for a stab in her attacker's snout.

She thrusted it forwards, but the nshe was startled to see her opponent grabbing the the weapon like she did with his. He used the zest of her arm and his own strenght to pull her arms into a cross infront of her chest, pulling her closer.

She knew this move and intuitively activated a temporary psychic shield around her delicate form.

Just in time to stop his helmeted headbutt to crush her scull.

Seeing how his attack was futile, he sprung backwards and kicked the girl in the chest.

All she could feel from the kick was a painless yet strong push that made her stagger back.

She was amused to see someone in such heavy plates perform such acrobatic moves...

It can only be if...

But she did not have enough time to end her thought.

He launched another attack - both knew that the shield she summoned was fading rapidly.

He stabbed forth. Lorelei grabbed the blade like she did before, but this time she used it to pull herself close to him. She did this and spinned herself into his arms, where she was too close for his sword. As she spun - with the gathered zest - she hit him in the face with the hilt of her sword.

That caught him off guards, but he was swift to retailate: with the sheer weight of his body he jabbed her forcefully onto the table.

She gave a grunt and rolled across the table just in time to flee from his sword that hit the table only a blink after she got away. Splinters and larger scraps of wood hurled into the air as the wood gave into the sharp steel.

Now there was an obstackle between them. She used this brief pause to catch her breath.

While he muttered grim words which she could not quite understand, though she knew roughly what they will bring.

Flames began to appear and engulf his free hand, snaking to his fist, forming a ball.

''Aqualis Sanctum!'' She shouted and held out her left hand, almost as if she was signaling halt to him.

He threw the fireball at her, but it was quenched in her still forming, blue water-wall with a loud hiss and lots of steam. She felt the heat of the ball, even if the wall protected her from most of it. She knew that if the ball would have reached her, she would be a pile of ash by now. She backed to the wall, she couldn't see a thing in the steam - the power of the ball evaporated all of the water summoned by her spell. She kept her sword horizontally to defend as quickly as possible. Meanwhile she was concentrating on a spell that detected minds. She was just about to finish the spell. The world turned to a lighter blue color, her eyes were searching for red spots - the sources of the mental energies the spell made her able to see - when she saw a huge red form approaching her rapidly.

She parried a strike, but this time swiftly another came. She fended that too and was barely able to move her head out of the way of his armored fist.

He hit the wall, making debris and dust fall in her neck and into her clothing. He took a step back to swing his sword.

As the blade cut the air she caught it and altered it's course -she tossed it to the side, out of the way of hers. She stabbed forth, just under his stomach, where - according to her armor - she knew he had a vulnerable point, the joint where the plate and the greaves met. If she could get her blade between the armor she could make him knee infront of her easily.

But her sword never even got to the opening - with a swift move he mimiced her movements and knocked the blade out of the dangerous path. He completed the movement, stepped closer and with an elbowpad he hit the girl's arm right in the muscles almost totally paralyzing her right arm.

Her face turned to a grimace of pain, she hissed - and in herself cursed the technique he used, which she knew well too. Her thews, muscles and finally even her nerves became numb and the sword slipped out of her hand. She was without a weapon. When he strikes again all she would be able to do is trying to evade - if he would not stab her instantly.

''But it isn't over yet!'' She thought.

She gathered all of her remaining mana and prayed. Only she could see the tentacles of blue energy that fondled the sword of his. As they reached the sword it drank them in - like paper does with water.

After the last string of energy disappeared in the metal the sword exploded to smaller shards and sharpnels that sped fiercefully towards her.

She tried to muster up another telekinetic shield - though she knew this time she it will only slow down the darts, but it will give her a chance.

With an instinctive move she covered her face with her gauntleted hand and with the other she tried to protect her heart and lungs.

The shards cut through her invisible shield with relative ease. She heared them knocking off harmlessly on her gauntlet, but she also felt the burning pain as they drilled through her scales. She felt as if her unprotected hand was on fire, her thighs and feet were also burning. Even one of her breasts was sore. And she noticed a deep cut on her cheek because of the trickle of blood that flowed from the wound.

She thanked the Gods that none of them damaged her seriously. She also heared the fragments piercing the wall around her, and the way they knocked off his armor.

She saw him with one of his hands protecting his face and the other - that held the sword - idly on his side. It was her time to attack.

''Now or never!''

With the base of her gauntleted hand she hit her startled opponent on the underside of his snout as powerful as she could.

He took a few steps back and shook his head.

She felt satisfaction, as she saw that her strike did cause quite an amount of damage.

He took a deep, loud breath, making a rattling noise as if his ribs were broken. He spread his arms with his fingers clenched into fists, slowly raising them on his sides.

''Roarrrr!'' He uttered a fearsome roar, that shocked the walls of the diner.

She could have sworn she saw the air around his form turn to a shade of red. This was familiar to her, a spell that was only used by great warriors, the berserk spell.

''Could it be?...'' She thought.

He marched rigorously towards her, the floor seemed to tremble underneath his footsteps.

He swung his fist towards her face, the movement making a squeaking noise as the mighty arm sped in the air.

She countered his movement with the same part of her hand, that she used to hit him a few seconds ago, and hit his hand that flew upwards where it couldn't do any damage.

Her other hand was also in a fist but she had no use of it against such an armored opponent.

But then suddenly with his other hand he grabbed her unarmored right and spun her slamming her face forward to the wall.

Her mouth opened to a silent scream, both from the violent grip and the impact. Just infron of her eyes, a bit above her snout where the long inches of sharp fragments that punctured the wall.

She thought that now the end has come.

She expected an elbowpad hitting the back of her head, or her neck breaking her vertebra or smashing her scull and smearing her blood on the wall. Maybe a knee in her back snappin her spine in half - clean, fast work, she thought.

She finally met her match. So far only Alarik was able to excel her abilities...

She closed her eyes. Readying for the final blow...