Meet Me at the Pool

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#10 of Meet Me (Public)

A snow Leopard meets his old friends, two otter sisters, down at the town pool late at night.

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There was a surreal sort silence that descended on the normally quiet pool area, something that was almost palpable. This was the thought that coursed through the mind of one individual in particular that was sitting chest deep in the lukewarm water of the community pool. It didn't seem to matter how much he would splash or swim about, all sound was sucked away in an instant and replaced by an almost cold silence. No wind moved and not a single leaf on the nearby trees rustled. Eerie was a good way to put it, but its affects came to a halt by the one that was currently swimming to the opposite end of the pool.

Jeffrey, as many knew him as, was a snow leopard with a very well developed form. The surface tension of the water broke as he burst through the surface from below and stood up in a much more shallow part of the pool. Water cascaded over his form, of which was muscular and toned. His fur coat shone with a purity that praised how well he took care of it and himself as a whole. The white under coat was as pure as midafternoon clouds and the black circles that dotted the surface were as deep as obsidian.

Moonlight rushed over his body as he made his way up a short flight of stairs that came from the more shallow part of the pool, causing his fur to glisten and to some eyes, sparkle. Normally if this were the afternoon and there were others around he'd obviously be wearing a pair of swimming shorts, but in the isolation of the night he chose to go full commando. Between his legs set a well maintained sheath with a slight tuft of dark pubic hair hidden behind it and a hefty looking symmetrical sack that was situated just below. Just from first glances anyone could tell he was packing something larger than average, which seemed to be the icing on this near perfect cake.

He contemplated taking up his towel that was just a foot or so away on a bench and drying off, but he knew he'd be getting wet again before too long. Instead, he took a moment to look around at the almost completely calm waters as his paws took the opportunity to collect and wring out the long silver hair that grew past his shoulders. Dark green hues scanned the pool area, of which was decently large and able to hold many people. In its entirety was sectioned off by strings of floating buoys, showing which sections of the pool were deep, along with foot depth markings. A ten foot tall fence marked with barbed wire at the top encircled the establishment with no possible way to get in save for a large building that marked the changing room and entrance, of which was closed and locked up.

The night was growing later than Jeffrey had expected and he began to get irritated, but just as he was contemplating leaving, the sound of nearby rustling foliage caught his ears. He turned and his eyes scanned where the sound was coming from, knees bending in a slight crouch as he readied himself to take off in a sprint if he needed to. Being in such a place after hours was very much illegal, and being naked would only add to the massive shit storm of trouble he'd be in if some police officers showed up. Luckily for him, something much more pleasant revealed itself

Out from between two large bushes pushed two figures that came off as dark and shadowy as they approached the fence. Jeffrey instantly recognized the two purely on their stature and outline, and so his stance relaxed. It was clear that the two had seen him from a good distance away as they approached the fence, the moonlight giving away who they truly were.

Both bodies revealed to be female as they came up to the fence, slim as they were and pleasant to the eyes. At first glance someone might think they were seeing double, but after a closer look and a better realization, they'd come to the conclusion that the two were merely identical twins. Mostly identical anyways, upon further inspection irregularities between them began to arise. Both girls were otters and had the same figure, hair color, eye color, and coat markings, but each had their own identifying personality that came in the form of how they styled themselves.

Jeffrey smiled to himself and began to saunter over to the fence as the two stopped just inches away. The more near he came the more lovely details were revealed to him about the two. Both were clad in simplistic shorts and sleeveless shirts in dark colors that mostly ranged in shades of black and gray so that they would blend into the night. Their faces lit up as they saw the approaching feline and then broke into giggles as they saw that he was wearing nothing at all.

"Hello there, ladies," Jeffrey said, a purr catching his words and making them thrum with a low tone. "How are you two doing on this lovely evening?" he asked.

"Good," they both answered at the same time after they broke from their heated giggles, their voices sounding fittingly similar. "We brought swim suits but something tells me they won't really be needed," one of the girl's said, holding up a small bag that had been slung over her shoulder by two nylon strings. Her name was Alice, and she differed from her sister in the fact that she was just an inch taller, despite her being the youngest of the two.

She also had the shortest hair, bolstering a pixie styled hair cut that allowed for a tuft of bangs to come down in front of her eyes. She also had a few tattoos, most of which were covering her left arm in intricate swirls of chains, barbed wire, and thorny vines that entwined each other and went from shoulder to the back of her paw. She glanced down to the feline's openly exposed sheath and bit her lip, not even minding how obvious she was staring.

"Speaking of, I can't wait to go for a nice swim. How do we get in?" The other girl asked. Her name was Natasha, and similar to her sister with tattoos, though hers were concentrated at the nape of her neck just above her breasts. Her hair was much longer in contrast, coming to an end just below her shoulder blades and was pulled back from her face by a scrunchy. She also wore a pair of glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose, magnifying her eyes just a bit more and giving her an overall cuter kind of look.

"Yeah, just over there," Jeffrey said and nodded his head over to a section of the fence that was otherwise concealed by the shadow of nearby trees. The girls peered closer to see that a very long rug had been thrown over the top of the fence, completely covering the portion of barbed wire to make a cover for safely getting over top. But that wasn't it, the carpet had been secured through the fence so that no matter the weight put on it, it wouldn't get pulled down while it was scaled. There was also a make shift rope ladder that was fixed into the carpet that covered its whole length and even coming off to stroke against the ground a bit on either side. In its entirety it seemed that Jeffrey had put a lot of thought in how to get into the otherwise quiet and calm pool.

Natasha stepped from the fence towards the carpet while Alice moved up closer to the fence, causing Jeffrey to lean in a bit as well. The two shared a smirk and chose one of the openings between links in the fence to lean in. Their lips met for a moment, eyes closing even as the quietness of the night closed in with a dark bubble that seemed like it was miles away from anywhere else. Of course they weren't alone, and the sound of Natasha clearing her throat caused the two to snap back to reality.

"Mind catching this, stud?" she called out to the snow leopard, sporting a wide grin on her face and she held onto a duffle bag that had been slung over her back like her sister, though this one was much larger. Jeffrey nodded and gave a bit of a startled jolt as he felt Alice reach through a much lower opening between links and give his hefty sheath a playful grope.

He gave the younger girl a look with a wink, to which she responded with sticking out her tongue. The snow leopard walked over to where he had set up the carpet and looked to Natasha with a shrug. She couldn't help but giggle and give a shake of her head. "Careful, it's heavy" she warned before she gave it a hard underhanded heft into the air.

The duffle bag arched easily in the air and cleared the fence and rug without much of a problem. Jeffrey took a step back and opened his arms moments before the bag drew into his embrace. His knees bent to soften the impact and a clatter of cans sounded from within. He glanced down at what was in his arms for a moment and weighed it.

"What's in this?" he asked and looked up to see Natasha scaling the rope ladder on the rug, getting to the peak before she swung a leg over.

"Just some stuff to drink," she said nonchalantly and looked down and behind herself as she began to descending on the side of the pool.

"Is that so," he said and set the bag off to the side, watching the otter's shapely rear came closer. Jeffrey couldn't help himself and grinned as he brought both paws up in an attempt to help, though what really ended up happening was his paws pressed up against her ass. Upon feeling the strong paws Alice let out a gasp and grinned, eyes peaking back.

"Catch me!" she called out and leaped back. The leopard was caught off guard momentarily but his arms quickly splayed out and his body shifted in time to have her form drop against him safely. Muscles flexed hard, a weaker man would have likely dropped her, but there was more than just the girl's safety on the line. Natasha's form was held up high, much like the feline's pride. "My hero," she giggled and shifted about to get more comfortable. Her body conformed to the stereotypical damsel pose with an arm coming around the back of his neck as she glanced up into the gleaming emerald eyes of the big cat. "Maybe I should reward such a courageous act with a sneak preview of what's to come," she whispered with a low murmur as her free paw came up and gripped the bottom of her black shirt and began to lift it.

Jeffrey at first expected her to simple tease him, but instead he was given the sight of one of her fully exposed breasts. His eyes widened at the sight and he felt his heart skip a beat as he wasn't expecting such a thing. She didn't bother to lower her shirt either, instead letting him drink in the perky image. He wasn't for sure how much time had passed, but the only thing that broke his line of sight was a paw reaching out to grasp the perky nickel sized nipple. Natasha gave a howl as her sister's fingers clamped on her tit and gave it a playful squeeze and twist, making her sister jolt and squirm in Jeffrey's arms.

"Hey!" Natasha cried out and squirmed from the leopard's arms. He let her down as gently as he could while she flailed about in an attempt to retaliate against her sister. The shorter girl laughed and took a few steps away as she was advanced on, her sibling giving a growl as she gave a light shoulder shove to the other.

"Hey now, you two, behave," Jeffrey said as he picked up the discarded duffle bag and walked towards the more shallow part of the pool. "Are we going to go for a swim or what?" he said and went to work unzipping the bag to reveal various large cans of alcohol brands.

"Fuck yeah! I've been looking forward to this all week!" Natasha called out and didn't even bother to wait for her sister or anyone else's approval. Her paws went to the bottom of her shirt like before and ripped it over her head to reveal her incredibly gorgeous set of breasts. She didn't bother to wear a bra, mostly because she was the much more free spirit of the two and didn't like to be constrained.

Jeffrey laughed some as he watched the two, Alice scowling at her sister but nonetheless doing the same. Both paws gripped at the bottom of her dark gray shirt and lifted it over her head, exposing her breasts though they were covered up by a white bra. By the time she had begun to unclasp the undergarment Natasha was already stepping out of her bottoms, of which were in a bundled mess at her feet. The snow leopard came up to the two after fishing a Mike's harder lemonade from the bag and popping it open with only one paw. He chuckled as he watched Natasha intently, his eyes crossing over her form, just taking his time to enjoy the image of her backside as it was so lusciously presented to him.

"You didn't shave?" Alice asked suddenly as she began to push down her own pants and underwear, her eyes fixated between her sister's legs.

"Nah, I seem to remember a particular snow leopard that seemed to like bush," she responded and glanced back behind herself to Jeffrey. She pivoted on her heel to show off her fully nude front, and just like she had said, between her legs was situated a trimmed, yet considerable amount of pubic hair. The sight set the feline's salivary glands into over drive and his heart began to thunder. "That's right, I remember a lot of things about you, mister," she explained further.

"Is that so?" he countered with a smirk, his eyes smoldering under starlight as he locked gazes with her. She winked in response, and Alice stepped up to her sister's side. In seeming to be the opposite, her exposed pussy was considerably more cleanly shaved, not a single course hair protruded from her natural fur coat, a sight that she prided herself on. Together they were stunning, their bodies accented with the perfect amount of curve that made their asses round and their breasts perky and full.

"Well I remember some things too. Some things that you certainly wont do," the younger girl explained and turned her backside to the cat with her strong otter styled tail lifting up to show off her ass and the dark pucker hidden just beneath. Jeffrey took in a sharp breath of air as the soft spot was shown off with blood rushing to his cheeks to turn the bridge of his muzzle a bright red. He fought to compose himself and chuckled at the blatant exposure. These two were exactly how he had remembered them back in high school, and he was glad they hadn't changed much. He took a sip of his drink and grinned inwardly while stepping closer.

"Hey now, tonight belongs to just the three of us," he said, making sure to stop as he came to stand almost between them. Alice lowered her tail and turned a bit to get the feline in a better line of sight, but both sisters were abruptly caught off guard when he lunged with both paws aimed at their center mass. The girls were so startled that it didn't take much force, and thus both were sent flailing into the shallow four foot end of the pool in a resounding splash.

Jeffrey laughed as they both came up with a scowl on their faces and sent mock glares at him. He returned their looks with a wink and did his best to drink down the rest of his beverage before he threw it off to the side and joined them by leaping in.

He folded his form into a cannon ball so that he'd land tail first and not go so deep. When he resurfaced he was met with playful splashes and giggles.. He laughed and retaliated with the same, then all three of them dove below the surface and swam for deeper water. Coming back up, the sisters began to show off their prowess in the water, shooting off faster than the feline could ever hope to swim.

He watched their beautiful forms take off, shimmering beneath the surface of the water as he stopped and bobbed about, his arms splayed out to keep himself adrift. They both came up at the far end of the pool, giggling and shoving each other before they turned and waved him over. Jeffrey followed as quickly as he could, trying to remember again why it was that he had moved away to begin with.

The exquisite night had tainted the trios blood with starlight and excitement, as the three friends spent the next hour uninterrupted to catch up on the past couple years of their lives. A gentle wind had begun to pick up to add a chorus of rustling leaves for them to listen to, an ambiance that began to warm up some blood a bit further than what the swimming was doing.

Most of the alcoholic drinks had been emptied, the discarded cans lying about on the cement pathway near the bag. Natasha was sitting down as she drained away her final beer before tossing it away with the others. She glanced over to the edge of the pool to see Jeffrey and Alice caught up in an embrace, their lips locked and their eyes closed. The snow leopard had pinned the otter against the wall, their bodies shifting about beneath the water's surface.

The older sister smirked to herself and scooted a bit closer to where they were, stopping at the edge where the ledge dipped down to meet the water vents. Her legs splayed open a bit as she settled just behind her sister's head, her body leaning back some on one paw while the other began to gently stroke over her belly towards her pussy. The two others were completely oblivious until a soft moan reached their ears.

Jeffrey was the first to look up, his eyes instantly meeting the image of thin fingers stroking through thick, course pubic hair. He froze in his place and his eye grew wide, watching the slow visual of Natasha strokeing her wet nether lips up and down.

Alice opened her eyes when she felt the feline suddenly become ridged, in more ways than one. During the midst of their heavy petting she had snuck her paws to his sheath and had begun to play with it, pulling back the furred cover to reveal the thick red meat that lay hidden beneath. She had gotten it half erect until it suddenly flexed and grew a few more inches out into her grasp. Upon see Jeffrey's fixed gaze she followed it and gave a surprised yip as she witnessed Natasha sink two fingers deep into her pussy, making a loud and very wet squelching noise.

"Natasha! Come on!" Alice yelled with a scowl and shrank away from the sight but only ended up pressing herself more firmly against Jeffrey's chest, his cock coming to a full stand between their bodies.

"Yeah? Give me a few minutes and I will," she hissed with a moan and began to saw her fingers in and out of the tight crevice, her bright pink insides ringed by the very dark and gnarled hair that. "It's not like it's nothing you haven't seen up close before you know. How about you give me a quick lick?" she said with a grin, staring down at her sister with a slightly intoxicated gaze.

Alice opened her mouth to protest but she was suddenly grasped by her sister, the older girl's paw striking out with lightning speed to take a hold of the thick amount of hair that her sister had. She barely had time to react before her muzzle was forcibly pushed into her sister's awaiting pussy, the strong female musk filly her nose.

With the decent amount of alcohol in her own body, she felt a sudden surge of heat rise between her legs. Jeffrey chuckled as he watched the two, taking a step back as Alice was forced to turn all the way around to accommodate Natasha's still firm hold, something that he wasn't about to let up on. The older sister's other paw came around from behind and intertwined the other's fingers, her eyes half lidding and a soft moan escaping her lips.

The particular sisterly love brought back some very welcomed memories from when they would often get together and play around, most of which also involved Jeffrey. For the two, they had explored each other's body from an early age, having both sexually matured at the same time and really thought it to be no real problem to experiment with each other.

At first it was simple fingering and getting closer looks at one another's privates, but that evolved into licking, scissoring, and eventually using objects to stick into themselves. When they progressed into high school they would often buy and share toys, and since they shared a room, they were accustomed to masturbating while the other was around. From there it progressed with boys, sharing every so often, to which they began to discover what sort of things really turned themselves on.

It was during these times that they had met Jeffrey, at first being a snow leopard that blended into the crowd, but during the course of one summer seemed to transform into a glorious stud. The three shared this relationship all throughout their senior year until Jeffrey jumped across country for schooling and job opportunities, ultimately breaking the sisters' hearts.

Now that he was back, it didn't seem like much had changed. Natasha was always the punkish type, always having short hair, always be brash and not being afraid to speak her mind and never conforming to anyone else's rules but her own. She often wore only black clothes, studded rocker boots, skirts, and pants. Through high school no one even messed with her, most of the boys were even too intimidated by her hectic state of mind.

In a sense Alice was her every opposite, enjoying quietness and relaxation. She was always well behaved, worked hard at her studies to do well in her classes, and tended to be quite neat. Of course, she was frequently withdrawn and timid, and thus she became a bit of a social outcast and didn't really have too many friends. However in conjunction with the lack of social structure, her creativity began to blossom, from which she found her love of books, writing, and doing various art projects. It would seem she enjoyed being in her own world rather than everyone else's, like her sister.

Jeffrey was really the only guy that was able to hold both girl's attention at the same time. He was strong and willful, more than able to reel in Natasha's attitude with his own. He was also very intelligent and philosophical, not being as skin deep as many other highschoolers were at the time, and was able to win Alice over my sharing similar tastes in the fine arts. Together they grew into an inseparable team by the time they graduated.

The snow leopard bit his lip the more he watched Natasha manhandle her sister, the younger girl whimpering out and struggling to get a breath of air, eventually gasping from the side and staring up at her sibling. The two shared a heated look with Natasha grinning, knowing she would get what she wanted. A hiss sounded from between her teeth as Alice drew her tongue out and across her sister's pussy, cleaning away some of the hot accumulated nectar. Jeffrey's paw slid down to his engorged cock and began to lightly stroke it, feeling how absolutely rock hard he had become between the time that he was making out with Alice and the time she being forced to eat her sister. The more he watched the two the less he found that he could control himself, and so at the first opportunity, he pounced.

Alice swirled her tongue about Natasha's pussy, her warm organ drawing up between the perfect nether lips of her sister. She collected as much wetness as she could before stroking it back down the slit's length. Natasha knew struggling was pointless, and so now she would only wait until her sister would reach a quick climax, like she was so prone to do. Suddenly the younger sister felt the feline's strong torso settle against her from behind. Sis tall body eased to hers as his chest and stomach seemed to perfectly meld to the contour of her back. She felt a warm feeling of adoration for him, thinking at first that he just wanted to embrace before she felt his hard cock begin to lightly prod at her ass.

Her eyes went wide for a moment as she felt Jeffrey grasp her tail at the base and pull it off to the side, his feet nudging against her own to forcibly spread her legs apart. At first she didn't know what to think, but she didn't stop giving her sister attention, her lips having clasped around Natasha's clit and was suckling on it like she would a similarly sized cock. Her nose was buried into her sibling's thick bush, and the more her nose ground into the course pubic tuft the more she wished she would have shaved, as with each lungful of air brought took in musk.

The feline lifted the otter's tail after he had made sure she was in the best position possible and stepped closer, his cock grinding hard between her cheeks. The solid member jabbed around, searching for her most treasured spot, and soon he would find it. After so many tries his cock tip would eventually cross the puckered surface of her asshole, grinding firmly against it in an attempt to get her ready for his intrusion. She tried to brace herself as best she could, anal and really any sort of ass play had always been her biggest weakness, but it seemed no matter how well she hyped herself up she still wasn't anywhere near prepared. Upon penetration, Alice screamed into her sister's wet cunt, the vibrations traveling through to make her howl in delight.

"Oooh fuck, you get her in the ass, babe?" Natasha asked, looking down to the snow leopard as she began to buck her own hips and grind her sopping wet cunny to the other otter's wanting muzzle. Even in distorted water, she could definitely see that the feline had buried all nine inches of his cock as deep as it would go into her sister's bowels. Jeffrey nodded and looked up at her with a pleasure glazed grin, his paws having settled down on the younger sister's hips to hold her in place as she began to struggle. Alice was experiencing a world of pleasure, moaning out and struggling to contain herself, but only managing to flail about in the water and splash at both of her assailants.

He could feel her warm pussy as he pressed his balls against her clean slit, making sure to not begin pounding right away as he didn't want to hurt her. Natasha kept up with the gyrating hip movements after Alice had calmed down enough, going back to sweeping as much of the surface of her tongue against her sister's spread lips. She was huffing moans whenever she would exhale and whimper each time she would take in a breath. After a few moments of making sure he was firmly inside of the younger sister, Jeffrey began to move in similar rolling motions as Natasha.

He began by drawing his hips back, just letting the tightness overcome him in ecstatic waves until his cock suddenly popped free of her entrance. Alice was groaning at the feeling of the thick feline shaft leaving her, leaving behind an emptiness that she badly needed filled. The snow leopard didn't leave himself out for very long however, his cock slamming back all the way inside once more, his jaw dropping and his head tilting back from the sensation.

Natasha started to get into a rhythm after a while, the feline having started into a set movement that had his hips stroking back and forth at a moderately fast pace. She went back to holding onto Alice's hair with one paw while she leaned back on the other. The older sister let her mouth hang open and only the slightest of moans escaped her lips, enjoying the lovely sight of her sister getting ass fucked by the only man she had ever loved.

Alice had all but succumb to the will of her assailants and went along for the ride. Her tongue dug into her sister's awaiting entrance, her nose grinding against the sensitive clit. She would shift from side to side each time Jeffrey would thrust up to her ass, the intrusion sending her body into light convulses. She wanted to go faster and harder, to grind back into the snow leopard's lap but the water was now becoming a bit of an inhibitor.

She had certainly missed this feeling, her thoughts going back to a time in high school when the two of them would do this on her bed. She was often pushed down onto her chest and knees, her ass in the air and at the mercy of the feline. As he would fuck her she would often look over to her sister, who would have been lying in her bed with a toy in her own pussy.

There seemed to be an energy building among the three of them as time went on. Jeffrey's movements striking harder as he began to pull Alice back onto his thrusting hips, causing her to jolt and drill her tongue a bit deeper into Natasha's pussy. The older sibling was moaning loudly as she was on the escalation to her second orgasm. When she came there was a light misting of her femme juices, but it was mostly internal that caused a lot of body convulsing and yowling.

The feline was getting close, and with it he knew Alice was right there with him. He leaned his chest against her back and was putting some weight on her form, almost exasperating the heat that was growing between them. Then in an instant, Jeffrey's orgasm came on like a rolling storm. He could feel the powerful movement of cum erupt through his cock, it was so fast and sudden he was caught by surprise. He barely had a word of warning out before his semen gushed deep mid stride into Alice's ass, making her squeal abruptly. The feline let out a loud moan through gritted teeth, his eyes snapping open as he continued to buck a few more times, emptying his once pent up sack.

The only thing the younger sister needed was to feel that hot fluid rush through her bowels, and she was sent over the edge thereafter. The only evidence for her incredible reaction however was her body going rigid with a scream echoing against her sister's pussy, not much different from when she was first forced face first into the furry mound. Natasha couldn't help but be caught in aftershocks, her form shivering as another orgasm came rushing at the back end of the first. Both feet lifted slightly off the ground as another spritz of her femme cum came loose from her pussy, covering her sister's face once more as she howled out. In the past, the three were able to synchronize their orgasms to happen at the same time, and now it seemed that they hadn't lost their touch at all.

Together they were left in a clump of panting bodies, Natasha releasing Alice's hair and allowing her to sink back into the water while Jeffrey slipped his softening cock from her gaped asshole. A copious trail of his jizz leaked into the water. The feline couldn't help but feel a bit dirty knowing that sometime the next day people might be swimming through his own little swimmers. The thought made him give a light chuckle, barely audible through his panting, though the younger sister turned around to her lover with a questionable look. The feline waved his paw a bit and smiled at her, in a way telling her to never mind him.

"Well holy shit, that was good," Natasha sighed happily and lightly stroked her own paw against her well licked pussy lips as she glanced down to Jeffrey with a smirk. He looked up to her and couldn't help but grin back. "I hope you haven't tired yourself out too much," she continued and slowly shifted to a full sitting position with her legs crossed under her.

"Me? Nah. Not at all," he said, regaining his breath.

"Good, now come on up here. I gotta get fucked too, you know," she said and gave him a deterministic wink. Jeffrey took that as a challenge and began to shift about in the water, slowly moving passed Alice as she relaxed against the wall. She was still panting, her arms seeming to be the only thing holding her upper body from sinking below the surface.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asked her as he got to the ledge and pushed himself up high enough to get his knees on the ledge. She only nodded and gave him a wave of her paw.

"I'll be fine," she promised and offered a weak smile. He returned the affectionate gesture before Alice's voice broke their eye contact.

"Come on! I need that kitty cock!" she called out, watching them. Jeffrey rolled his eyes and scooted up onto dry land, his fur dripping profusely as he got onto his knees. Once he came closer he glanced up to see how she might have wanted him, but instead he found her up and very close.

He was surprised by the sudden movement and even more so when she aggressively pressed her lips against his. He felt her breath for a moment as she pushed him onto his back and climbed on top. Her paws gripped his wrists tightly and held them above his head as she continued the passionate embrace. He kissed back reflexively as best he could, pushing against her as he lay at her mercy. She had him locked between her thighs with her pelvis resting against his lower abdomen, making him feel the course hair of her cunt.

The feline let out a soft gasp and titled his head up a bit as he felt Natasha draw her lips to his neck and begin to bite the tender spots just under his jaw. It seemed instantaneous that his cock was at a full rise once more, the adamant manner that the smaller otter girl was exhibiting was one of his more secretive kinks. After a few moments of marking his neck with what was no doubt a visible hickey, the older sister sat back on her haunches and ended up grinding her rear end back against the awaiting cock. She grinned down at him with half lidded eyes, still showing that the alcohol in her bloodstream had no intention of giving up its latest victim.

"What do we have here? A present? Just for me?" she said with a playful chuckle and slowly leaned herself back to grind her backside along the rather lengthy organ. She loved how it felt against her pussy and ass cheeks as she would hot dog it gingerly, making sure to not do anything that might accidentally hurt him.

Finally after a couple moments, she released her grasp on one of Jeffrey's wrist and brought it down to the thick base of his cock. Her breathing grew faster as she handled the rock hard length, the scent of his musk began to slowly get to her. It was an intoxicating scent, one that mixed with with alcohol, she came to find. "Are you ready?" she asked and locked eyes with her lover, her hips lifted and poised. He nodded slightly, and with that gesture she began to sink herself onto him.

The wetness of her pussy sent tiny arcs of electricity through his hips and up his spine, causing his back to lift as the tip eased past her entrance. She didn't take it slow, and before long she had a majority of his manhood hidden away. She let out a groaning sigh as it filled her to the brink, already having reached her limit while a good portion of his cock was still outside. She wanted to take more of him in, but past experiences with this lovely gentleman told her that she shouldn't.

Her knees settled down to his sides once more, allowing herself to adjust to his girth before she began to move. Her hips bobbed up and down at first, taking him almost all the way out before easing him all the way back in. Jeffrey had missed her pussy so much, the way she would squeeze down on him during orgasm, how she would grind on his tip and dance her hips from side to side to make him scream.

She quickly picked up speed and a loud slapping sound developed as his heavy ball sack would toss up to give her ass. Her other paw eventually released his other wrist so that both could settle on the cement ground on either side of his chest. Once free, the feline's fingers stroked across her hips and up her sides, petting down the light brown fur that was silky smooth to the touch.

They exchanged moans with each movement, both of their eyes closed as the snow leopard began to move and meet her rolling hips with his own. After picking up another band of greater speed, the otter suddenly grasped the feline's paws and threw herself back into an upright sitting position. His fingers found her large, supple breasts and groped. Her hips and stomach flexed from side to side and back and forth. The imagery came off to him as someone dancing to a bass heavy song in the midst of a club. He affectionately grasped and played with her bouncing breasts, kneading them like dough.

It was at that moment that a shadow suddenly crossed over his form, causing him to look up in time to see that Alice had not only gotten out of the water but was standing directly over his head. His eyes widened some as he realized that her still loosened asshole was directly over his muzzle, though her legs were as straight as could be. She shifted her stance and moved closer to her sister, of whom was completely oblivious to her sibling's advancement. The younger girl grinned to herself, now positioned so that her rear end was directly over Jeffrey's abdomen, her sister too caught up in the tornado of ecstasy that had formed between her legs.

Suddenly Natasha felt a firm paw grasp the back of her head, fingers entangling into her short hair as her open moaning mouth was abruptly jammed against her sister's hairless pussy. Her eyes snapped open in shock as feminine musk filled her taste buds, the bucking motion of the snow leopard's hips only causing her to jolt up against her sister's crotch all the more. Alice grinned down at the other, Natasha returning the look with a glare but found herself so caught up in the moment that her tongue snuck out and began to lick away at the sensitive spot.

"How's it feel to be on the receiving end?" Alice said with a maniacal laugh. Jeffrey's eyes were fixed on Alice's backside, her tail lifted nice and high to give him a good view of what he loved while her hips began to buck forward onto her sister's mouth. He was transfixed, finding that act to be incredibly sexy, more so when he realized that it was the normally timid girl being aggressive for once. Even during high school he had never seen her act dominant even once during their threesomes. It didn't take him long as all before he began to find himself on the edge once more.

"I-I'm gunna cum," he called out as he watched the younger sister's thrusting hips work against her sibling's mouth, which ended up translating down her body to the working motions of her hips. It didn't seem like his words made much of an impact on the girls, though they did hear his warning. His moans grew louder as he climbed towards his climax in a flurry of motion. He hadn't realized it, but both Alice and Natasha were close to their own just by way of excitement.

The assaulting tongue against Alice's pussy lips and clit had sent her on a careening course for her climax. Once more and in unison, the three built towards their climax, howling moans ascending into the air as a torrent of Jeffrey's cum splashed into Natasha's depths just as she and her sister came, both spraying a bit of their own juices against opposing bodies.

Panting hard and exhausted, they disengaged from one another, slumping even in their positions to regain what energy they could. The night had gone on far longer than any of them had expected, their reunion turning into one of the better meet ups that any had expected. Gently and tiredly, the three shifted into more intimate positions with the two sisters resting down on the ground near their beloved feline friend. Together the three began to kiss softly, seductively, and sensually. Years of loneliness came back and took a hold of the trio in a way that made none of them want to part ways again.

"Are you back to stay?" Alice eventually asked, her lips disengaging Jeffrey's and looking up to him with bright sensitive eyes. He smiled back to her and nodded, having made up his decision now. They shared in a few more moments of relaxed comfort, another hour or so of gentle cuddling and roaming each other's paws over their forms. None of them wanted this moment to end, but they knew that it did, if not just for now.

Slowly they each stood up and brushed themselves off before going to where their bags had been set down. Reluctantly, they grabbed clothing and eased the articles back over their forms, ending the rather explicit tones that they had set. Together they bundled up any traces of discarded cans they had left behind and all evidence that pointed to the pool having had any late night visitors. The girls ascended the rope ladder back to the outside of the fence before the snow leopard followed, giving the inside of the establishment a quick once over with his eyes before he broke the ties that held the carpet in place. After pulling the interesting invention down he turned to the girls with an accomplished smile.

Together they returned the look and embraced one last time. In the moment of closeness he promised to meet them again with a whisper that reached both sets of ears. He made sure to share a fervent kiss with each girl before the three went their separate ways. Jeffrey crossed a few short yards before he couldn't help but glance back at the pool and then up at the still hanging moon. The smile never left his lips, and much like it had been before the three had arrived, the pool was silent once more.

Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 1)

The wind howled loudly, seeming to call a storm from the north. It was loud in his ears and he could practically taste the change in the weather current on the tip of his tongue as he stood on the cliff edge that over looked a desert of snow. The...

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Meet Me in the Parking Lot

The call of insects and amphibians from the nearby river echoed out to the open, night sky. From the road, cars drove past but not many, as the evening had progressed to a point that many people were going to sleep. That wasn't the case for a parking...

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Meet Me in My Penthouse

"The area is secure, Madam Junta," the voice rumbled, deep and powerful. Its owner was a tall and muscular bull, his form adorned in an expensive suite but an earpiece and side arm gave away that he was a part of some sort of security detail. "Is it...

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