Fox and Family

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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A story trade I did for Bobert back in 2015 that I'm just now getting to publishing.

It's the heartwarming story of Fox McCloud meeting up with his dad James after years of being apart. But, perhaps James has changed more than Fox has realized.

Fox and James McCloud belong to Nintendo


A lone Arwing was cutting through the vastness of space. The familiar blue and silver paint job on the tiny ship streaked through the void, and the Vulpine pilot inside could hardly sit still. He had just finished his latest long term assignment, and had gotten a message once he had returned to the Great Fox. It had come from his father James, who he hadn't seen in years. No, decades. Fox McCloud could not believe what he was reading, but the note from James said to come meet him at the Agourea Space Colony.

Agourea was a few star systems and a few thousand light years from the Lylat System. So taking some extra time would be needed. But since the galaxy was at peace and there seemed to be no major threats popping up that needed the Star Fox team, he could take some well deserved vacation time. That and to catch up with his long lost dad after all these years was perfect. It had been so long, he wasn't even sure if he would recognize him.

The long flight was coming to an end soon, and Fox could make out the lights and structure of Agourea off in the distance. A few other carrier ships were in slight orbit around the massive space colony, and smaller personal ships were zipping by in all directions, heading from one section of the colony to another. Once he was within range, Fox opened up hailing frequencies with the station and was given permission to come aboard. He acknowledged the location and began piloting his way towards one of the hangers.

The path was cleared and soon Fox flew his way in. He started to lower his speed, bringing his Arwing into a slow drift forward and brought it into an empty spot in the hanger. The landing gear was brought out and with a finesse, Fox landed his ship in the colony bay and popped the cockpit. He hopped out quickly, and once he registered his Arwing with the colony, was ready to start his leave.

First, he just needed to find his father James.

And to get his bags.

Well, bag would be more accurate. There was a large cargo box being lowered out of his Arwing now. It had all of his clothes and supplies for the week, as well as any extra credits he'd need to buy anything while on the colony. Thankfully, the large box was on wheels, but it was rather unwieldy to lug around. The sooner he could meet up with his dad and see where they'd be staying so he could unpack, the better.

Fishing his phone out of his pants pocket, Fox went to look back for the message that he had gotten. The note said as soon as he arrived, to meet him at the Arrivals section, and they'd go on from there. That was near the hangers, past a few overpriced shopping stands, so thankfully he wouldn't need to lug this thing around for too long.

An assortment of other males were walking around and enjoying the amenities that the space colony were offering, and Fox was looking around, seeing if he could see his dad anywhere nearby or in the crowd. Nothing yet. Lots of guys around, but none of them were James. A few foxes, but none that might have been his dad.

It only took a few minutes for him to reach Arrivals, and it was one of the more crowded sections of the colony. Given how it was where most of the furs here were meeting with others, that was to be expected. Also to be expected was all of the benches were full, so there was nowhere to sit. Fox scoffed in annoyance, but then realized that he could just use his cargo trunk as a seat. It might as well be used for something instead of just taking up space like that.

With a grunt, Fox managed to get his trunk to the wall and out of the way. With another soft grunt, Fox climbed onto the luggage and leaned back, watching the various guys walk past him as they went about their business. A few turned to look, thinking he might have been familiar, but soon moved on. After all, they were far from the Lylat System. Here, he wasn't Fox McCloud of the Star Fox team. He was just regular Fox McCloud, tourist.

Fox had been waiting for about five minutes before he started to get bored. To pass some of the time, he was mentally giving numbers to the guys that were passing by, based on how they looked.

"" Fox said to himself, watching a boar, bear, and tiger walk by him, "Five...six...ugh, two. Hmmmm eight..."

His phone suddenly started buzzing. Fox's ears perked up, thinking that might be James. But, it was Falco. He checked the message that he sent over, and the first thing he noticed was that it was a very well built horse. He had been looking away and he had a rather impressive bulge as he was showing off towards a smaller group. Looks like he hadn't noticed that Falco had taken that candid picture of him.

"Hey fuzzball. Check this out. Ten outta ten."

Fox briefly licked at his muzzle as he oogled the picture. It was good, really good. But not a perfect ten.

"Nine, and that's being generous." Fox messaged back.

Fox went back to looking over some of the other guys. But, none of them were starting to rank any higher than a five on his list. Figures that his dad would be late for their first meeting in years. His gaze shifted over towards the end of the corridor..and then came to a dead stop.

That fox was absolutely massive. A luscious brown coat of fur was covering his bulging body. The green flight jacket that he was wearing looked like it barely could cover what he had under it. Heck, it looked like it was going to rip apart at any moment. The end of the sleeves only went up to his elbow, and the massive, hairy forearms he was sporting were clearly visible. Fox audibly gulped out loud when he saw him, eyes going wide as he started to fiddle and struggle with his phone. The massive male was slowly turning, showing off a massive shelf of pecs, the undershirt barely able to contain the mountains of man muscle that were bulging underneath. That fox was easily twice his size, having to be somewhere in the upper eight feet range, possibly even nine.

When Fox finally had the phone in his grip, the large fox he was ogling was scratching at his chest under the shirt. Even from here, and from the noise of the other furs walking by, his keen ears could make out the sound of his hairy pecs getting scratched. A deep grunt escaped from the throat of that beefy male, and Fox's pants suddenly felt much tighter.

"Fuck...that guy..." Fox thought to himself, taking a deep breath. He shakily brought his phone up and quickly snapped a picture of him to send to Falco.

"Now THIS is a ten out of ten." He messaged to him.

Fox looked back at that huge brute, and was already picturing all the things that he wanted to do to him. The mountain of a fox was turning around, and gave the pilot a perfect, unobstructed view of his ass. The thick, wide, bubblebutt he was sporting was crowned by that long, thick, perfectly perky tail. He just wanted to lift that tail of his up and slam home into his ass, riding that massive, wobbling butt and making his stomach shake with every ramming thrust. He could practically hear the deep, bass, moans of that massive fucker, gasping in ecstasy has he took him for all he was worth. Just thinking of the mess he'd make for him and how he'd ruin that giant's ass was making him throb. He had to stop and calm himself or he was going to leak through his pants.

The buzzing of his phone snapped him out of his fantasy and back to reality. It was from Falco, of course. He couldn't help but smirk as the avian had replied, "HOLY FUCK!"

His phone buzzed again, a flood of texts coming to him, mostly repeating the same string of thoughts. "That's off the scale! That's beyond a ten." Ectera, ectera. The one Fox found most amusing was the one that Falco said that if Fox looked like that, he'd let him do anything to him. Literally anything.

"Watch yourself feather duster, I got an entire week to hit the gym." Fox snarked back through the text.

A few seconds later, Falco replied.

"He's more man than you'll ever be. Heck, his arm has more hair on it then your entire body fuzzface."

Fox looked back at the monster of a man, seeing every hill and contour of his back as he was looking away from him. He quickly snapped a few more candid photo's of him, planning to enjoy them for later. Every time he moved or brought one of his arms up, Fox was surprised that he wasn't literally bursting out of his clothes. He had managed to calm his arousal down for a moment, but then the beast started rubbing and scratching at his gut next. The only thing that could have made it any more awkward was if his boner had popped back up with the sound of a spring or jack-in-the-box popping.

His jaw started to drop as the massive fox turned back towards him. He was lifting his massive, hairy arms up above him and stretching out. Now he could swear he was picking up the soft pops of his form as he stretched, seeing veins pop along his arms. But what was really catching his attention was that gut pushing out. The brown fur was mixed with white, forming a massive, hairy trail right along the underside of his navel and traveling downward, down towards those big, bulging pants. Fox gulped again as he finally looked at the package the brute was sporting. It was still soft, but impossibly wide and thick, and the thick, bulky quads that were barely being held back by his pants were pushing his groin out even further. Hell, if he didn't know any better, he would swear to himself that if he curled up, he could fit into that giant fox's nuts and not make a bulge.

Fox definitely snapped a picture of that huge package. In fact, he snapped close to twenty. At this rate, he was going to go through all his phone's memory just with pictures of this giant. Just as he put his phone down again to oogle at this mountain of man, the brute stopped and looked him straight on. Fox quickly looked away, trying to act like he wasn't staring at him and undressing him with his mind and thinking of all the ways he was going to dominate him if given half the chance. Just play it off cool. Act like you heard your name coming from the other side and then slowly look back. That's it...slowly turn your head back towards him and...


The massive Fox was still looking at him dead on. In fact, he was waving at him now.

"Crap." Fox thought to himself.

The brutish fox was walking towards him, a big grin on his face. The thick jaws on the vulpine were spreading even wider as he came across. "He must have seen me gawking at him." Fox said, "That's the only reason this" Fox shook his head for a moment as the huge male was getting closer. "Good god he's just brimming with testosterone." Fox was biting at his lower lip as he approached. The dark hair that was dusting around his jaw was thick, showing that he was definitely an older guy, but still looking like the definition of perfection.

Then, as he was approaching closer, he pulled out a small pair of sunglasses out of one of his jacket pockets and placed them on. Fox couldn't believe it. Looking like that, with the flight jacket, the sunglasses, and the clothing, he looked just like...

"Hey son, there you are." The deep voice of the brute echoed, bouncing off the walls and shaking Fox to the core. "You were busy with your phone, I don't think you heard me call out to you."

Fox was silent for a moment and raised an eyebrow. It couldn't be. "This guy...this...gods, sexy guy, has to be pranking me. Dad must have found someone and put him up to it. That must be it." Fox thought to himself, trying not to drool as he looked up to the other vulpine, barely able to see his face beyond his pecs.

"Uhhh... hi..." Fox said, "I think you must be confused. I'm pretty sure the last time I saw my dad, he wasn't.... Well... " Fox spread his arms out and made a 'pwhomp' noise to signify how absolutely massive that he was. "I mean, it was a long time, but I don't think a guy can change that much from what I remember him being like."

"Oh don't be like that, come give your dad a hug." The huge male said, stretching his arms out wide and coming in for a deep hug. The shadow of his huge form fell over Fox, just as the sound of his white undershirt ripping to shreds rang in his ears. Before Fox knew it or could resist, the massive hairy pecs of the older male were right in his face and squeeze his muzzle right between them.

"Whatmmmpppghghhhh!" Fox muffled out as he was soon forced to breathe in the heavy and sweaty musk of the other male. Yet, as much as his eyes were saying it was a lie, his nose still knew his father's scent well, and this was matching up perfectly to it. His nose was telling him that this really was James McCloud. Just...somehow he had gotten at least twice as big in the years since they had met.

"Oops, looks like I got a size too small." James laughed a bit, and started flexing his pecs around Fox's trapped head, grinding those firm, musky muscles around the smaller male.

He wanted to think about how all this was possible, but right now the only thing going into his mind was massively hairy fox pecs. He was starting to struggle and flail now as he was getting squeezed deeper into that thick, muscular valley. Fox was gripping onto the furry, hairy chest of the larger male as he felt those thick, hairy arms wrap around him into that deep hug. His voice was only helping to ripple those thick pecs on James, the meat absorbing his cries for air. Fox started to push and grip onto him, before each of his hands found his pert and thick nipples and he started to grab onto them, pulling hard on them in the hopes of getting his attention.

What Fox succeeding in doing was getting a very deep, growling moan from the larger brute, who finally did break the hug and pull him back slightly. "Mmmmnnngghhh... now now, son, that's cheating."

James playfully flexed his pecs, making the mounds of muscle bounce again. He still had a solid grip on Fox with his thick, hairy arms, and the smaller male was slack-jawed as he saw the huge pecs bounce and wobble in front of him, his face red and sweating from the heat of the larger male.

"Dad..." Fox gasped out, ""

That seemed to be all he could get out as he looked up and down at the walking wall. He struggled and pulled back slightly, the massively hairy mounds were right before him, and James soon let him go as he started to scratch at his chest again. The thick and powerful fingers brushed through the forest on his pecs, as they pumped and grew as the larger male took a few breaths.

"First time they've gotten some air in a bit." James said, excusing his poor manners in public as he showed off his meaty and hairy chest. "I didn't think that undershirt would rip apart though. Oh well, lemonade out of lemons, Fox. Make the best out of a bad situation."

Fox was still winded after his trip through James's pecs, and rubbing some of the sweat out of his facial fur. He looked up at him again, only to meet James's grinning face back down at him.

"Really son?" James said, "Is that all it takes to tire you out? A simple hug from your old man?"

The younger fox was getting slightly defensive at that. "No it's just...I'm perfectly fine! You're just..."

"Don't say drop dead sexy, don't say drop dead sexy, don't say drop dead sexy." Fox's mind was shouting at him.

"Dr..." Fox was about to let out before he was suddenly hoisted up in James's thick arms and picked up once more. He squirmed and flailed slightly before he was placed right on top of the massive, muscular mounds James had pushing from his chest. He could hear the elder fox's heart pounding hard, even from here, as it was working to keep that massive form moving.

"Just treating you like a kid again." James chuckled, "Come on son, at this size, you're pretty much like a kid to me."

"Dad! I'm not a kid!" Fox exclaimed, digging his hands into James's hairy chest, "I'm a pilot! I'm the leader of the Star Fox team! I'm in your old position!"

Why was he digging his hands into his dad's meaty chest? He was grabbing hard at the muscles in his body, even as he was trying to chastise him for treating him like a kid! What was wrong with him?

James chuckled slightly, his beefy chest bouncing with the laugh. It was enough to knock Fox off of the large shelf that adorned his front and he was forced to grab around the older McCloud's thick neck if he didn't want to have a tumble. His gulped hard, looking right under James's chin. His adam's apple was almost as large as his head, pushing out of that thick, powerful neck holding up his head. Even still, he could just look down and bury his muzzle into those massive pecs he had. Fox couldn't help but gasp out as he thought on that.

"Dad, come on!" Fox complained, "We...gotta get to the rooms! And I gotta haul this huge thing and unpack!"

"Hmmm?" James said, looking down at the massive cargo container that Fox had been sitting on, "What, this little thing? Oh I can get that for you, kiddo."

"I can carry my own things, dad, just let me down." Fox grumbled.

"Now now, it's no problem at all." James said, "You just hold on and let your dear ol' dad take care of everything."

"Dad, no! Let me...!" Fox protested again, but still hanging onto James McCloud's neck as the beefier fox leaned over slightly. He kicked a bit at the front of his dad to try and get better balanced and pull himself up, but from the corner of his eye, he could see his thick right arm leaning over to grab the heavy cargo unit.

"Holy..." Fox thought to himself, licking at his muzzle as he saw that side of beef moving past him, down towards the case. He couldn't tell if his dad was purposefully going slow, or that he was so aroused that time felt like it was slowing down as he was watching him. Either way, he watched as he so calmly reached down and then gripped the handle of the case. His ears started to perk as he could make out the sounds of the muscle cords in James's arm tense and tighten and soon that thick forearm was expanding out, the bicep bulging hugely as he hoisted up the case with ease. A slight rip followed as the edge of James's jacket started to rip as well as the bicep forced it to strain more than it could handle, and a throbbing vein popped on his hairy arm as he lifted the case.

Fox bit at his lower lip as he watched his muscle slowly expand up. More of the tensed and coiled power in his arm was getting let out as he carried the case upward, The throbbing vein was soon joined by another as the strength and size inched it's way up more of his arm. He couldn't see under the jacket sleeve, but he could just picture how thick and how powerfully it must be going in both directions on that meaty right arm.

"Really?" James said, snapping Fox out of his lustful stupor over his father, "This little toy chest son? You think this is heavy?"

"No!" Fox suddenly snapped, "I...said I got it. You just....beat me to it." He muttered, lowering his head, defeated, into James's chest valley again.

His face was getting rubbed by the thick, hairy mounds James was sporting, before with his other hand he shifted Fox over and sat him on his shoulders. Just like if he was a kid.


"Just get comfortable kiddo. I'll take you back to my place." James said, carrying the case and started to walk through the crowd of furs. Fox grumbled and kicked his legs around James's neck and saw all the eyes staring at him as they went through the corridor. He quickly buried his face in James's hair so that no one would look at his face. He was never more grateful that they were in a different system, and therefore would not be easily recognizable. Though what was easily recognizable was James's scent. It was clearly him, and incredibly soothing and musky.

"Head's up kiddo, if you're gonna be here, you need to know where everything is." James said, leaning his head back so that Fox could see around the colony. "Don't want you getting lost and having to have dad come find you, now do you?"

Fox grumbled unhappily but still held on, his face still deep in James's hair. His gaze shifted upward as he looked over the various names of the places. They were leaving Arrivals and heading into a fairway. He checked the sides to see where he wasn't going, but it seemed his destination ahead was the shopping district. He did notice they had a carrier transport that was empty nearby. "You gonna use that, dad?" Fox muttered softly, kicking his lead that was closest to the transport.

"Nope," James said, walking right past it, "Gotta stay in shape. Besides, it's not that long of a walk. You're not tired already, are you?"

Fox just grumbled.

At least the shopping district was full of busy furs who wouldn't notice him. If there was one thing that he was thankful for, it seemed like no one was staying to stop and gawk at him. Which meant that the majority of the colony had likely seen James before and had gotten used to the massive muscular male in their midst. Sure, there were a few natural stares, but nothing too embarrassing.

It was a big district, judging by how huge this section was, and normally Fox would be looking over the shops to see where he might be going while he was on leave, but he really didn't want to lift his face to show off his blush at being in this position. What was even worse was that the elder fox's strong musk was still filtering into his nose, and it was really arousing. Not to mention the throbs and bouncing from James's shoulders weren't helping his growing problems.

"Hey Fox." James's deep voice suddenly rang out, "Keep going. I'm loving that neck massage."

Fox had no clue at what his dad was talking about, at least until he looked down. His face turned three shades a darker red as he realized that his bulging arousal was pushing out of his pants and pressing into the larger fox's thick neck. He gulped audibly and tried to lean back, but if he did so, he risked falling off.

"No no, keep it up. Get nice and deep, boy." James ordered, "Your dear old dad has a lot of neck and shoulder to cover. Keep rubbing away."

It took all of Fox's willpower to not suddenly break into a nosebleed at the request. He gulped again and looked at the thick neck of his dad, just right there in front of him. Fox felt like a machine out of his control as he started doing exactly what James had asked him to, and started to bring his smaller hands to the thick, fuzzy neck. Even right under his hairline, there was a dense layer of thick hair mixed with his fur.

"Fuck...where isn't dad coated in hair?" Fox thought to himself. His hands couldn't even come close to wrapping around his dad's neck. Heck, not even a quarter of his bulging neck could be gripped. And when he was speaking, those muscle chords were rubbing right along his dick. It was like rubbing on a boulder, and he couldn't feel any give at all from James's thick neck.

"That's it son, you're doing a fine job." James's deep voice boomed out again. "Get all those knots out. Be sure to rub in deep. Love how your little paws are getting all those tight spots just right."

Fox was trying his best, though the frustrated grunt showed that he wasn't enjoying the dressing down, but that thick neck on James didn't have much give to it. Even as he turned his head slightly to give him some more leeway, he could barely press in. It wasn't helping that his boner was throbbing hard and pressing in as well.

As they continued through the shopping section, there was a large clock showing the time. James stopped for a moment as he looked over the device. "Might need to take a shortcut if we're going to get to my place on time. Better hold on tight kiddo, cause I'm gonna take you for one hell of a ride."

The larger fox started to jog hard through the open aired path, really bouncing Fox on his shoulders as he bounced up and down on the flooring. He had barely started, and already this powerful and potent scent was getting stronger. He could feel beads of sweat forming on the back of his thick neck, dripping from the hairs and fur that was there. The heavy musk was getting damper, and even now he could tell that the elder fox's pits would be soaked at this rate. Fox was yipping like a kit as he was bouncing along the shoulders of the thick fox. Thankfully, with how soaked he was getting from James's musk and sweat, his dad wouldn't noticed that all of that, the bouncing, the sweat, the heavy scent, and the sheer perfection of his muscular body, was making the younger McCloud pre hard, making wet spots in his pants.

"Heads up, son, I'm taking a shortcut." James declared as he bounced through the shopping district. He started to pick up speed as Fox's hands dug in tightly into his thick neck, just as the larger fox took a running, bounding leap and jumped onto the top of a nearby food shop! A small crash rang out as he hit the roof, and then continued to run, jumping across the roofs of the buildings!

"This is your shortcut?" Fox shouted out as he held on for dear life onto his dad's neck.

"Easier this way, don't need to worry about crashing into smaller guys!" James said back, like it was entirely natural for him to do so.

Fox was nearly speechless as he held on, still amazed that James was able to do this, still while carrying that big cargo crate. His bouncing, thick shoulders were getting harder to hang onto with how sweaty and musky the larger fox was getting. Not only that, there were larger buildings coming up as well, ones that James wouldn't be able to just leap onto.

"Daaaaaaddddd....!" Fox gasped out, as the larger male was still bouncing towards them, only to hop forward as well and grip onto the side of the multi-story building with his free arm!

"Don't worry, your dad has you kiddo." James said with a smirk, his fingers tightening into the side of the building. With a hard and heavy grunt, James hoisted himself upwards, almost launching himself and carrying his size up a few stories. His thick back was flexing hard each time he did so, the muscles bulging out along his shoulders and flank. Fox could make out the sound of the thick fingers on James tightening every time he gripped into the building, the digits were bulging out just as much as his powerful back.

Then, the free arm on James had a powerful rip ring out from it as well. The sleeves on his jacket were no match for the thick and bulging, hairy biceps of the larger fox. His flight jacket was now closer to a flight vest as the fabric shredded off his powerful form, reaching all the way up as they burst off. The heavy grunts came from the massive fox echoed in the younger one's ears as he continued pulling up his huge body with just one arm, heading to the top of this building as well.

When he did reach the top, Fox was completely frazzled. His father's sweat was all over him as he hung on, only for James to take off running again, leaping across more buildings. Eventually though, he took one more running jump and came in for a three point landing on a nearby elevated walkway. Just a few steps away was the corridor that lead to the residential area.

"There. One shortcut." James said, his chest pumping and huffing, his thick neck grinding into Fox's arousal while his flaring chest bounced off a few speckles of sweat with every bounce, shooting off in front of him. The younger McCloud was painfully hard, his tip desperate for freedom and almost poking up from the tip of his pants. "You rode me pretty well boyo."

Fox gulped loudly again, huffing hard. "Dad....." He gasped, out of breath even though he had done none of the hard work, ""

"How did I do that?" James answered for him.

" I supposed to find my way around like that!" He finally got out, "I can't do that!"

"Hahaha, guess you need your dear old dad to still hold your hand in new places, huh, son." James laughed it off.


Fox was still gripping hard onto the much larger male, with his arousal pushing hard in his pants while James started moving again. He was going slower, simply walking through the crowd to head towards the residential district. The larger fox was more relaxed as he traversed through, saundering easily into the area where many homes and buildings were located. He looked over the various ones, and finally asked the big question.

"Which one is yours?" Fox asked, looking over the various homes.

"I'll show you when we get there, kiddo." James said, hoisting up more of his shoulders to hold up the large cargo container. His fuzzy arms reached around and gripped onto Fox on his shoulders to make sure he was still steady on him as he passed through. Fox gripped hard onto the beefy arm, feeling his hair slide through his fingers as he held on, and soon the duo came to a large building in the middle of the section.

"This is the place." James said, looking up at the many storied building. "Right at the top, the penthouse loft."

Fox looked up, gasping at the size of the place. But then he heard his dad mention it was at the top and his entire spine shivered.

"You're not going to climb the building again, are you?" Fox said.

"Nope, too many complaints." James answered, "We're going up the regular way kiddo."

The larger fox picked Fox up in his meaty paw and pulled him off his shoulders before setting him down on the ground. The younger Fox brushed himself off, and noticed that he was almost dripping in sweat and musk from James, and the front of his pants were stained with pre. Thankfully, it was next to impossible to notice due to how soaked he already was. He gripped down and adjusted himself, trying to keep his boner hidden so that he wouldn't see how aroused he was.

"So regular way?" Fox asked, "What way is that?"

"Just the elevator." James said, "Though we have to take the service one up. Regular one can't fit."

Somehow, that didn't surprise Fox as James headed in the building. The larger fox had to bend over and duck slightly so he didn't bump his head on the doorframe to the complex, as his son followed behind him. The entrance was clear, and there were several mailboxes set up by the stairs and elevator. James was right, he was larger than the regular elevators, but looked like he might be too big for the service freight one too. He pushed the call button as Fox was behind him, staring at the large bubble butt on James as the elder fox's tail swished behind him.

"Fuck.... That ass..." Fox thought as he waited for the elevator, keeping his gaze locked on his dad's ass, "I'd like to..... No no, don't think about it..."

The elder fox reached behind himself and casually scratched at his rump. Fox gulped as he watched his big, meaty paw scratching the itch his hairy body had, and gave a silent prayer when he heard the elevator ding. The pants on James were starting to creak softly as he did so, but thankfully the larger fox spoke up.

"Alright, you first son." James said, taking a step to the side to let Fox enter the elevator.

The younger McCloud stepped forward and entered the service freight elevator. Then, James stepped in as well, and the container started to groan as his mass stepped in. Just from that first step, it seemed like it might be too much, but James was able to get his entire bulk pressed and stuffed in. Combined with the large container Fox had his things in, there was barely any space left, but they all fit in. Although Fox had James's hairy gut pressed right into his face, and his thick bulge pushed against his chest and keeping him pinned to the elevator wall.

Perhaps not realizing that he had his son squashed against his massive frame, James simply pressed the penthouse button on the panel and hummed quietly to himself as the elevator rose. Fox gurked out as he looked at the display panels. There were over one hundred floors that they would have to go up, and it seemed like he'd be spending this entire ride with his face buried in his dad's gut.

It had to be the absolute slowest elevator ride up as the numbers slowly dinged as they ascended. Fox was trying his damndest to press against James's stomach to give him more room to breathe, but every push only made that thick gut gurgle and growl louder. His paws were getting lost in the thick fur of the elder males' treasure trail.

"This is why I prefered climbing outside," James said, "This has to be the slowest elevator on the entire colony."

Fox groaned out at the sentence, and James figured it was annoyance at the slow speed as well, not realizing it was his huge gut pinning Fox to the wall. He idly reached down and started to scratch at his stomach, and Fox pinned his ears back as he once more heard the meaty paws of his dad bristle through the hair and fur on his stomach.

The smaller male pressed out again, trying to fight for air as he pushed on that huge stomach and tried to slide to the side to hopefully give himself more room. He was really only succeeding in shaking James's thick gut, however. Fox redoubled his efforts though, pushing with all of his might on the thick musclegut of James, and did get some movement, and soon came face to face with James McCloud's deep navel. At that moment, his strength failed him, and soon Fox's head was stuck in the elder male's belly hole, darkening his vision and filling his nose and lungs with more deep and powerful fox musk.

The voice of Fox rang out, but was muffled by the heavy belly of the elder, muscular male as he tried to struggle and break free once again. Once more, his struggles only made that massive belly slosh and groan back at him, not even catching James's attention as the elevator continued its slow rise upward. Instead, the larger male was just rubbing more at his stomach, not even looking down as he tried to calm the gurgles and sloshes within. He gave his belly a few firm pats, echoing in Fox's ears as the ripples worked around him while he was stuck within.

As Fox continued to try and free himself, his breathing would get harder. Not just as he struggled for air in James's deep belly hole, but also because his dad's groin was still pinned onto his chest. He could feel the arousal of his dad pulse occasionally through his tight pants, and each time, it pushed him further back, forcing more air out of his lungs. His heart was pounding hard, almost like it was trying to fight back against the massive equipment that was squeezing him.

James still had no clue how Fox was fairing down there, and was slowly working his paw up his gut, giving a few happy gruff moans to himself as he felt himself up. It really did feel good to let his body air out, and he'd be glad to be home and could get rid of this restrictive jacket, or what was left of it. Still, his huge body felt really good, and now his paw was reaching up to his chest, and one of his thick fingers brushed along his sensitive nips.

"Damn everything feels good on me." James thought to himself as he teased one of his nubs with his thumb. His pants started to creak again as he did so, pushing harder onto Fox as his musk grew heavier by the second. The head of James's cock was throbbing and pushing harder onto the smaller fox. His son was still struggling hard as he tried to free himself, and started pushing back against his dick, only for his hand to push slightly into his pants with no resistance. Fox stopped for a moment as he realized that he was pushing into James's cockslit...and it was bigger then his entire hand was.

The older male was continuing to pleasure himself, now feeling up both of his nubs with a single hand as his fingers brushed along his hairy chest. His nubs were throbbing and pulsing hard on his pecs now, as his hairy arms met and brushed along his chest too. The thick hair along there was brushing along his nips too, and it seemed like every moment and breath he took only made the thick forest bristle audibly. It seemed like this could go on forever until....


"We're here!" James announced, instantly stopping his self pleasure as soon as the doors opened and he stepped out of the service freight elevator. Once his junk and gut was no longer pinning Fox, the smaller male's head slipped out of his navel and he felt to the ground on his hands and knees, gasping for air.

"Ride wasn't that bad kiddo." James smirked as he looked at the kneeling Fox.

"Speak...for yourself!" Fox gasped, face beet red as he continued to gasp.

James just smiled and carried the case inside as the elevator closed behind them. "Well kid, welcome to your home away from home while you're here." He said, spreading his large arms out to show off the very large penthouse loft that he lived in.

It looked like the only room in the entire colony that was big enough to fit him comfortably, with very high ceilings and furniture big enough to fit his size. Fox shook his head a few times, getting some of the sweat off of him as he slowly got back to one knee and then stood up again. He could only smell James now, and would need to find the hottest pepper or chili he could find in order to clear his sinuses of that.

"So, hungry kiddo?" James said, "Let me show you around and start with the kitchen."

Fox didn't have a choice as he was suddenly accosted by his massive fox father and taken into the large kitchen that was within his penthouse. As he was taken through the grand tour, he could catch the scent of something other than his father. Once the great door opened and the larger fox squeezed through the entryway, he could see that James's kitchen was filled to the very brim with meat. Spiced meat, cooked meat, meat with seasonings. Every counter space and table was covered in meat. At least the spices did help to clear his sinuses out.

"That's... a lot of meat..." Fox said in awe, looking up at the massive mountains of food that littered the kitchen. "Dad, you need to preserve it or it will go bad."

"Don't worry, it'll be preserved, in my gut." James said, patting his huge gut again and making it wobble, "This is what I have for breakfast every day. Can I get you a drink?"

The large fox went to the industrial fridge in his kitchen and opened it before shuffling around and swinging his rump and swishing his tail as he looked for something. After a moment, he pulled back and came out with a massive metal keg resting on his shoulder. His thick arm kept it steady.

" I'm fine." Fox said, "That's an entire keg. Those are designed to hold like, eighty gallons of liquid."

"Yeah, filled with the best beer on the colony." James said, before he flicked his wrist and twisted the top off of it. Holding onto the keg like it was a mug, the larger fox's fingers gripped into and twisted the metal as he held it up and poured it into his maw. The deep, drinking gulps echoed through the kitchen as small rivers of beer escaped from the side of his muzzle and dribbled down his chest and belly. His throat and chest and gut were all wobbling at the constant guzzles of booze that James was downing. Fox could hear the splash of it land in his gut, watching the fuzzy front push out further and rumble out. The smaller fox gulped again as he could hear his dad's massive stomach rumble louder and louder as he kept drinking, before a minute past, and he brought the keg down and crumbled it like an empty beer can.

"Refreshing." James gasped out and wiped some foam from his muzzle.

"Eighty...gallons..." Fox said in awe.

"Yeah, they need to make larger sizes." The bigger fox said before belching loud enough to shake the walls of the building all the way down to the ground floor. Fox was nearly knocked off of his feet by the powerful bellow and lost his balance for just a moment before grabbing onto a counter to steady himself.

"Jeez..." Fox muttered under his breath, "He's acting like a slob."

"Whew," James said, "Well, how about before we finish the tour I show you the bedroom. I need to change after all."

That was the first thing his dad said that he agreed with since he got here, considering how his jacket was a vest now, and his pants looked like they might go at any minute.

"Just follow your dear old dad and I'll show you where we'll be sleeping. Couch doesn't pull out. Not anymore at least." James said, heading out of the kitchen as his lumbering steps echoed throughout more of his penthouse.

It had to be that all of James's possessions had to be nailed down, or all the tremors that he was making just by walking through his house would make everything come crashing down. But, like a good kit, Fox followed him, staring at James's ass the entire time as they went through. Every time he had a moment alone with his thoughts, he couldn't help but think about.... No, no stop it. Stop thinking about fucking your dad for all he was worth. Stop it.

From what Fox could see, James's loft really was nice. Though, it was to be expected, since he had retired and was a legendary pilot and all. The military had to have gone all out to make sure it matched his accommodations...and accommodate his new size, however that had happened.

"Anyway, this is the bedroom. Best part about this place is the walls are soundproof." James said, "Took forever to get it all installed, but the folks on the first floor kept complaining every time I had a date over."

"That doesn't surprise me." Fox said, coughing a few times to hide his snide remark, although James's ear twitch seemed to indicate that he had heard him. But, he did get to see what the room was like. It was big, no doubt about that, and there was a very large bed. It had to be several sizes larger than king's size, because it looked like James could flop onto it comfortably and now have his limbs hang over the side. Maybe not have much room aside from that, but it would fit.

What did come as a surprise to Fox was how James was casually tossing off his jacket and had suddenly reached down to snap off his tight pants. Fox went wide-eyed for a moment, before he averted his gaze. "DAD!" He shouted, "Are you seriously changing right in front of me?"

"What?" James said, his pants gone and now in a very tight set of boxers before he turned around. Fox slowly stole a glimpse, getting a front-row view of James's treasure trail that slid under his gut with the goal bulging out his boxers, "It's not like I've got anything you haven't seen before, squirt."

Fox was going red in the face again as he looked at his dad's boxers bulge obscenely in front of him. Just the act of James breathing was making that whole bulge wobble and shake, and the smaller fox was having a cold flop sweat just thinking about it. He was going to need to change too, but he wasn't willing to go this far. Not yet.

"Yeah, but still..." Fox protested, trying to hide his own bulge, "I... need to change too!"

James looked down over his shelf-like pecs at the blushing Fox. His clothes were a sweaty mess. It was really the first time he had looked to the smaller male with any sort of intent since he first saw him. "Man, the walk over here really must have worn you out." James said, "We gotta get you to a gym or something kiddo, work on your cardio or something."

"Dad..." Fox said.

"What? I don't care if you're stripping or anything." James said, "You brought enough clothes, just change."

The smaller fox growled and grumbled slightly and turned around in a huff. He wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. Nor was he going to allow himself to get embarrassed by his dad acting like a fool He removed his shirt, still smelling heavily of James's musk after being held on for that brief period, and he tossed it aside, hoping to get his fur to no longer feel like a swamp. However, right as he reached for his flight pants, a deep and long creak echoed behind him, followed by a deep gruff cough.

"What?" Fox said, looking back, expecting some sort of crack on how he looked again.

"Nothing, just..." James said, trying to avert his gaze from the shirtless Fox, "I just think you're right. I'll go change in the bathroom. I haven't been giving your thoughts that much consideration, and if it's making things uncomfortable, well, I'm sorry."

That was a change of heart Fox wasn't expecting, and the bigger, bulkier, bara Fox excused himself into the large master bathroom off of his bedroom before shutting the door behind him and locking it. The smaller McCloud blinked a few times, but wasn't going to question the sudden privacy that he had, and snapped his pants off as well, finally giving his painful arousal room to throb and breathe. He sighed hard, having to keep that under wraps for so long was really starting to hurt.

Fox was about to go into his chest to get a change of clothes, when he noticed something he hadn't before. Silence. Ever since he had gotten here, the place had been bustling and hustling and sounds were all around him. James had said that he had the place soundproofed, it must have been really good soundproofing. Although, he might not have a chance like this again...

He had to take it. Since the place had no sounds, he needed to see just what exactly James was sporting, and now that he thought about it, a good chance to get some more points with his game with Falco. After all, he didn't know it was James, so he could claim to be getting closer for a better score. Fox just had to get a good shot of his dad changing. Fortunately, he the door had a large peephole for the key, large enough that he could sneak a picture of him.

His phone was in his pants, and he pulled it out of the pocket before making his way to the door. Fox got his camera app ready before leaning in to peek through the keyhole...only to drop his phone at what he was seeing.

He could see James flexing and posing in front of the large mirror in his bathroom. The huge hairy fox had stripped down entirely, showing off all of his goods. He was amazed that James's nuts weren't dragging on the ground. His initial thought was right though. His balls were big and hairy enough that he probably could fit inside of them if he curled up. And that cock of his was slapping against the underside of his chest. But that chest... that huge, powerful, bouncing set of shelves. "...well he did get some amazing genes, huh?" James said to the mirror as soon as Fox could listen in.

"Holy..." Fox huffed, his cock throbbing hard at seeing his dad in such a state. He didn't realize it, but one of his hands was already moving down to his dick and slowly starting to stroke it as the free show continued.

James wasn't even working his cock and it was throbbing hard, like the elder McCloud was getting aroused just by looking at himself. His big, furry arms reached around his huge chest, teasing his nipples as he watched himself in the mirror. "Mmmm...yeah, this is a real man..." He said to himself, barely audible through the soundproofing, but deep enough to shake the mirror, "You're a real fucking man, McCloud."

The thick, hairy pecs on the Fox almost looked like they were getting larger as he was flexing harder. The big male was really teasing his nipples now, using both hands to reach around and grab a nub each, giving them some tugs and pulls as he huffed and growled out. The bottom of the mirror was actually starting to steam up just from the natural heat that James was giving off as he admired his massive, muscular bulk. He was licking at his muzzle, his breathing getting heavier as his cock was throbbing from the teasing and admiration.

James flexed again, getting his big arms into the game as he let go of his nubs and pumped up his biceps. The furry mounds bulged up massively as veins popped along his arm, bringing his arm up to his muzzle as he kissed his muscle. His muzzle buried itself in the crack of his bicep and he took another deep breath, breathing in his own manly musk. Moving his arms like this pushed his great pecs out even further, the hairy mounds bristling and brushing together as he flexed again and again, the large fox enjoying his scent.

"Fuck...James..." He said to himself, "Fucking fuck..." His voice moaned out through the bathroom as he thrust upward. His cock was brushing against the hair and fur on his front, dribbling slightly on his belly as he did so. Now he was starting to pleasure himself, as he reached down and began to grind his belly along his massive monster cock.

"Fuck...James..." Fox repeated, still stroking his cock harder and harder. His cock was gushing pre onto the door, shooting it like he was cumming already. The throbs from his dick were nearly breaking his grip as he watched his father admire himself. Then, as James turned slightly to admire his side, Fox got a clear, unobstructive view of James's ass. "Fucking fuck..." Fox said, looking at that huge body, just imagining himself pounding that furry ass for all it was worth. He was unconsciously starting to hump into his paw as he did so, picturing his dick sliding right between those luscious cheeks.

No, he was going further than that, he was going to wreck that massive rump. The powerful booty on James would be his plaything as he slammed in harder and harder and harder! And then, he'd force him onto his back. He'd keep the big legs of James up on his shoulders as he slammed in, making him moan out. He could just picture how much that big guy would love it to be so thoroughly dominated by him.

But that wasn't all. There was so much more he wanted to do. He could remember his dad's huge pecs, seeing those huge mounds on his chest. After he took his ass, he'd take his chest next. Those big, massive shelves of muscle all tight and close together. Just sliding his dick between them would be like fucking the tightest ass ever.

It would be almost as great as his ass, and those massive pecs, fuck, he could fit an entire nipple in his hand and squeeze and tug it, just like before. Based on how his reaction to it earlier went, he could make him yip like a kit if he did it right, and just claim that huge, hairy body for himself. He'd make him flex around it, directing his body with his squeezes and thrusts. Then, he could bury his face into that thick chest, taking in all that musk on his own terms. He'd make him swear and curse as he dominated that muscular body. It wouldn't matter how soundproof the walls were, the entire space colony would hear him...

Wait, he could hear him. He was saying something. Fox was still stroking his cock and thrusting into his grip, but he could hear the deep, booming voice of James from the bathroom. His fantasy started to fade from his mind, as the younger McCloud perked his ears up and listened back in, sneaking more glimpses through the keyhole.

"Gonna have to bring out the big guy." James said to himself, opening up a hidden compartment on the far wall of the bathroom. Fox watched where he moved a loose bit of the wall out of the way, and revealed his secret stash of sex toys. He was grunting loudly, but it was completely unsatisfied sounding. He could only see a few items from around James's massive frame, but once he turned around and showed that he had a massive dildo in his grip, it was clear that was where he kept his kinky things.

James looked up and down the large sex toy, still pumping his powerful dick as well. Fox gulped slightly as he saw the size of the thing. It had to be as tall and as thick as he was. He didn't even know they came in a size that big. Still, he didn't look happy to have it out, almost like his mental fantasy wasn't able to overtake whatever reality was going on.

"Alright, let's hope you can help me finish." James muttered to the large toy before he bent over forward and raised up his large tail. Fox gulped again and began stroking his cock harder and harder as he saw that big backside once more, and then saw the giant sex toy get aimed in. The large rubber tip vanished easily beyond the entry point, and with a few easy pushes, it was sliding in. Then, James flipped a small switch right at the base of the dildo, and the large rubber shaft started to vibrate and shake.

"Fuck, I wish you were this big." James muttered to himself, his grip tight on the base as he pushed and pulled the toy and teased his tailhole. His breathing was picking up rapidly as his body shook from the pleasure. He kept working it in, his heavy pecs bouncing and flexing out as he gasped and moaned from the thick toy working its way in. "Fuck! Yes! I need it!" He said in a soft roar.

His tailhole's grip on the dildo was hard, even through the keyhole Fox could see his massive cheeks rippling as they spread. And then, with a hard pull, the toy was slipped free from his grip. The large fox suddenly pushed forward while reaching back to try and grab it, but it was too late. The sex toy was out of his reach. His thick fingers tried to get a grasp onto it once more, but it could only bat and paw at it and inch it deeper into his ass. Not only that, his slick grip moved the vibration setting on the sex toy to the maximum setting, making the beefy fox gasp out again before moaning loudly as the massive rubber rod worked in deeper.

That was too much for Fox to take. He could feel hot pre splash onto his paw, and he realized he was about three seconds away from blasting out what felt like the biggest load of his life right onto the door and floor of James's bedroom. His fantasy of knowing that James loved taking it up the ass only enhanced his experience. Everything seemed just perfect, except for how fast he was going to blast!

He kept thrusting into his paw, and from the corner of his eye, saw something white. Without thinking, Fox McCloud reached out and grabbed it and unloaded, shooting several thick gooey ropes of cum onto it. More and more he pumped free, splattering and staining the cloth with his cum. He was right. This had to be the biggest orgasm of his life. It was going for thirty seconds and still showed no signs of stopping. It was almost starting to hurt slightly with how his balls were pumping out all his pent up seed. Even his worst case of blue balls ever never brought out a blast this hard, powerful, and sustained.

It finally started to subside at the ninety second mark, and Fox felt completely drained and exhausted when it was done. His knees were shaking and he staggered backwards, so light-headed he thought he would fall over. His breathing was hard, and he panted as he finally let go of his dick, rubbing the rest of his cum-soaked hand onto the cloth to clean it off. Fox's tail swished about in his sexual afterglow, before he looked at what he had in his grip.

It was one of James's shirts.

"Oh....fuck..." Fox said. The white shirt was a sticky, soaked mess. Had it been any other circumstance, he'd actually be impressed with how he managed to thoroughly coat such a big piece of clothing in cum. But this had to be what James was going to be wearing when he came out, and he just completely doused it in his ball batter. He needed to think quickly about what to do.

Then, there was a roar so deep that the sound waves shook the door to the bathroom. Fox peaked back into the keyhole. The massive Fox's body was shuddering as the last of the toy vanished up his backside and his throbbing cock was bouncing hard. It could hold back the floodgates no longer, and James started blasting out like a firehose. The big male's urethra bulged downward as the torrent of seed erupted from his shaft, gushing out over twice of Fox's load in a single rope of cum. The white gush splattered onto the bathroom mirror, soaking and coating it in another layer of spunk as his dick continued to unload rapidly.

"Holy shit dad!" Fox gasped out, looking at the huge gushing mess he was making. The sheer amount of the spurts and splashes were giving the bathroom a secondary coating of cum as a paint job. His huge body shook and wobbled, his massive cock pulsing and pumping hard to empty out his balls. The flood of seed was building up, but thankfully the bathroom had a drain. The liquid seed was starting to drain out into the holes, keeping his room from flooding out.

"Damn, I think he's cumming more then my entire body mass..." Fox thought as he watched the free show continue. The huge fox was arching his back out as he was giving one last massive blast of seed, the crest of it hitting the ceiling of the bathroom and soaking into some of the lights. The electricity flickered slightly from the cum staining into the wiring, but everything stayed lit.

Fox's ninety second orgasm was dwarfed in every sense of the word, as James cummed for a solid five minutes before his orgasm finally subsided. The floor was covered in cum which was gradually draining down, and James was sweating hard, the musk steaming the mirror and he was gasping like he had the biggest workout of his life. James took a few more deep breaths, but then shot his ears straight up. He reached behind himself and turned around to look in the mirror, just as the base of the vibrating dildo vanished forever up his body.

"Damn it, not another one!" James said.

"Another one?" Fox thought.

James patted his gut a few times and felt a minor rumble in his belly. It was still on, and probably would be for a long time. At least until it finished.

"Hey Fox!"

Fox jumped up, hoping that James didn't notice that he was spying on him. What was also surprising was that his voice was able to be heard through the soundproof walls.

"Oh right, the walls. Listen!" His voice boomed, "Can you hand me my shirt? It should be right by the door!"

The door? Fox looked at the shirt in his hands. "Aw hell..." He muttered to himself. The cum was still sopping wet on it, and he could even pick up his own scent on it. There was no way that James wouldn't notice. But there was no time to get things prepared, the big fox was heading over towards the door right now and soon it clicked open. James's very large and very hairy arm was poking out of it, and just from having that beefy arm nearby, the elder fox's musk was overpowering his own. His palm was upward and he was closing his fingers, giving the sign that he needed his shirt. His arm was also completely covered in sweat and just looked damp. If it was that bad just on his arm, the rest of his body had to be dripping.

He didn't dare look though. Though, what Fox didn't expect was that his cock suddenly sprung to life again, getting harder by the second as he gazed at that beefy arm. The lust was building up in him again, just from the musk coming up from him. It was almost like the air itself was thicker around that meaty appendage.

"My shirt?" James said.

Fox gasped out again, and then handed the crumbled up shirt into his hand. James grabbed at the shirt and pulled back into the bathroom and closed the door. Fox finally took a deep breath and got another massive amount of musk in his nose before he fell backwards. He was gasping hard, trying to recover as blood was draining from his head towards his little pilot.

He wanted to look back to see if he had noticed, but getting up to his feet was not going to be easy. He was still winded from blasting that huge load of cum, and the lack of oxygen wasn't helping. Nope, it wasn't happening. Fox just fell over onto his back and spread his arms out, trying to get more air while James did whatever he needed to do. It took a minute or so, but he did finally start to feel strength return to his body, though he was still a bit lightheaded. He needed to get dressed before his dad came out. His trunk was nearby, thankfully, and he could find something to put on, at least for now. He wasn't sure how useful James's bathroom would be for getting cleaned up.


He had managed to get a pair of Cyan gym shorts on before the bathroom door opened up again. James was in a very tight pair of shorts and wearing the shirt he had unintentionally marked, though the musk had cleared out slightly from around him. Fox did notice a very large pile of crumbled towels tossed to the side, which had to explain why James was no longer a sweaty mess. His large belly was pushing out under the white shirt though, and Fox could swear that there were matted spots on his fur from how his clothes were riding up on him.

"Forgot today was laundry day, kit." James said as he walked past, gathering up some used clothes and tossing them into a basket near his bed, "Last clean shirt I got."

Fox tried not to look, but he couldn't help watch that large bulk move through the room, before he headed back into the bathroom to get all the towels he used. "Should at least do it once a week dad." Fox said.

"With how fast I dirty these up, I do it every other day kiddo." James said with a knowing smirk before turning to look him over. "Lookin' cute in those gym shorts kiddo."

Fox was about to say something, but turned away so he wouldn't see him blush. His tail curled up as well as he was heading back to his trunk to get something else to wear, not realizing that he was approaching more of James's dirty clothes. Likewise, James didn't realize that Fox was that close, and scooped both of them up together in a single grouping.

"Hey wha..." Fox muffled out before he felt himself flying through the air and landing in the musky basket filled with James's dirty laundry. He had only a moment to realize the implication before his vision was suddenly filled by a ball of used towels flying towards him like a cannonball. The used, musky clothes stuck to him instantly as he was once more forced to take in heavy amounts of James's musk and sweat.

Fox tried to push and swim out of the dirty clothes basket, but soon felt himself get lifted up and carried off. He was trapped inside that laundry basket and getting carted off by his bulky father and apparently taken to the laundry room. He did finally managed to free a hand from the mountain of clothing, and then started pulling himself out, before taking a huge gasp of dirty air.

James looked down at the basket as Fox popped out, giving him a small grin as he pulled him out and set him on top of the industrial-sized washing machine. There was a dark stain on his gym shorts, but it was impossible to tell if it was his own or James that was stuck on there, and the large fox started tossing his clothes into the washer.

"Jeez dad, you could have warned me before you dragged me off while I'm naked." He huffed out and crossing his legs.

The elder fox grunted as he worked the mountain of dirty laundry into the machine. "You don't need to worry about that." He said, standing up again as more of his hairy gut pushed out from under his tight shirt and hung low over his shorts, "And besides, you're not naked at all. Though we can change that easily."

"I swear..." Fox muttered, watching that big gut wobble as James went about the laundry, seeing that belly of his hang out loosely. He instinctively crossed his legs, pushing his cocktip towards the mystery damp spot again as he felt a chill across his body at the feeling. He turned to look away, but was still keeping an eye on that big hairy belly below him as James worked, and finally tossed the last of his clothes into the machine and slammed the door shut with his protruding gut. Once his dad stood straight up again, his gut was pressed right onto Fox's lap, and then it started to rumble.

Fox leaned back as James's gut rumbled again, the jiggling from his huge gut nearly knocking him off the washing machine before he gripped forward and held onto the larger fox's belly to steady himself. His fingers pressing into his firm belly flesh made it growl even louder and lewder, still jostling about and pressed right into Fox's groin. His length was pressing into the underside of it, and all the movings were almost getting him off again.

"Huh." James said as his belly kept making gurgling sounds "Guess all that running got me hungrier than I thought. Ah well, haha. Better break into that small lunch in the kitchen."

The larger fox was heading out, turning already to head out, while Fox was still gripping onto his gut. Now what was to keep him steady was now to keep him from falling off of him as he pulled with all of his might to grip into James's fuzzy belly. Fox was slowly falling on, and redoubled his efforts to grip and rub onto him as he was being carried.

"Now I know you're doing this on purpose now, kit." James said, looking down over his large chest to see Fox grabbing onto him, "If you want to give your old man a belly rub, wait till I finish eating."

"Dad, no, I don't...!" Fox started to protest again but just went silent, figuring there was no way of getting through to him if he was just going to tease like this. So he would suffer the embarrassment in silence as James stomped back over to the kitchen. At least, that was where Fox was figuring that they were heading. He was a bit too focused on not falling off his dad's hefty gut and then getting trampled by him. It would be just like him to do that too, especially if he couldn't tell the difference between him and dirty laundry.

Though, he would never say it out loud, but he was enjoying snuggling up to his dad's big belly.

It only took a few of James's massive and lumbering steps for them to reach the kitchen again. He had barely registered it the first time that he had arrived, but now the overwhelming size of the kitchen was hitting him. It was still filled with so many meats, but the kitchen itself had to be as big as a normal house. While he had figured the penthouse of the building was big, and then adjusted again for the size of James, he didn't have any idea that his estimations would still be so off!

The big, burly paw of James soon pulled Fox off of his gut and the younger male was placed on a stool near a table in the kitchen. Even this bit of furniture was big, and it really made him feel like a kid again, especially in the presence of his massive dad. He looked over the edge, and figured this had to be a good three feet taller than he was.

"Figure something like should do it. So I'll just grill and fry up everything." James said, swatting aside some of the meat into a hole built into the countertop. Fox didn't realize it when he first came in, but that was a massive fryer built right into his kitchen, and he had to have pushed in at least three hundred pounds of meat into it, and it didn't seem to be overloading it at all. Next to it, once Fox got to his feet and stood on the tips of his toes to see, he saw that there was a great big grill top next to it, and James was busy adding more of the various meats onto it to make it sizzle.

"You sure you don't want a drink kiddo?" James said after a minute and returned to his refrigerator and pulled out another keg.

"I'm good, dad." Fox said, "Something that size would last me all week."

"Suit yourself." James replied, and began to chug once more, his belly wobbling and sloshing out again as it pushed out and was filled. Like before, the entire keg was guzzled down in record time, and Fox could swear he could hear the sloshes in his stomach as it filled up with liquid once again, before he lewdly belched out. Fox clenched his eyes and shook his head.

"Maybe a small one," Fox finally said, "Smallest you got."

"Thattaboy!" James exclaimed and opened the fridge once more and started to rummage through it, "Finally relax and loosen up a bit. Been listening to those stuffed suits in command for so long you've been forgetting to have fun!"

"I'm not part of the military, you know that! This was your team!" Fox exclaimed but was soon silenced when James dropped an absolutely massive can of alcohol on the table and a large stein as well. A quick flick of his fingers had the can opened and then pouring it in, filling it with the brown liquid before James went back to check on his meats.

Fox looked at all of the beer that he had, and watched some of the foam. He looked back up to James, who was pulling out a large platter and rubbing at his backside. His ears twitched slightly when he realized he was still hearing a slight buzz coming from him. The sex toy was still deep inside, and still vibrating. He afforded himself a small smile as he thought about that, and took a slight sip of his beverage.

The meats in the fryer were first to be pulled off and dumped onto the plate. Followed by the grilled ones. It had to be strong stuff to work through it all the way, and the scent of spiced meat cooked medium rare was adding to the scents of the two foxes in the kitchen. "Want any?" James said, his back still turned to Fox as he gathered up all the food.

"Just one will be fine." Fox replied, and was greeted by the biggest slab of steak he had ever seen in his life tossed towards him on a plate. At first he was wondering where his dad kept the steak knives, but then realized that was a stupid question. Even before James sat down, he figured he was just going to stuff them into his mouth and swallow them whole, and he was absolutely right. As soon as the huge fox took his seat, he was grabbing handfuls of meat and stuffing them wholesale into his greedy mouth and swallowing them.

"Not going to take the time to savor the taste?" Fox smirked, before grabbing the edges of his with his hands and taking a few nibbles. He had gotten a spicy one, and could feel the flavors dancing on his tongue.

James was silent for a moment as he took a bit swallow, a huge bulge working it's way down his throat and vanishing behind his chest.

"Just a snack kiddo, don't really need to savor it." He said once his mouth was free of meat. "Not like this is a big meal or anything." He patted his belly a few times and then stuffed a few more giant slabs of grilled meat down his muzzle.

"For you." Fox thought again, still chewing on some of his steak, already figuring that this would be too much for him in one sitting. Though watching his dad tear into the mountain of food on his platter was oddly arousing. Something about him so hungry for meat and swallowing all he could get his mouth around was filling his mind with dirty thoughts.

"Show him some meat he can swallow..." He thought before heading back to his beer. "Watch that big fuzzy jawline of his opening up and swallowing something nice and thick."

He didn't know what sort of alcohol James had, but even those few sips were getting him tipsy. Fox wasn't a lightweight either, so this had to be some strong stuff. At least to him, since his dad had put away two kegs of the stuff and didn't seem affected at all yet. He took another large bite from his steak to try and absorb the beer, but it was already working into him. Fox could already tell there was a hangover in his future, so he might as well take James's advice and relax a little bit. So, he kicked back and just started to enjoy the alcohol taking over, and swallowing more of the steak. He got to about a fourth of it down before he felt like he could eat no more.

James, however, was still going at it. Fox just nursed at the stein of beer as he watched his dad eat. More slabs passed into his jaws as he stuffed himself, barely chewing at it, while gulping it down and going for more. He was filling himself so much that Fox could see the bulges push out from his chest as he swallowed, and more and more filled out his thick, hairy gut. His belly bulged out even more, sloshing about inside of him as he ate.

He was giving his gut a few solid and firm pats now, making the loud gurgles echo out of the kitchen as he kept stuffing himself with one arm. Fox hiccuped once as he did so, before James slid his chair closer to the stool that Fox was sitting on. A loud belch escaped from his muzzle before he filled his mouth with more meat, swallowing again.

"You... owe me a gut rub, kiddo." James said, before grabbing the stool Fox was on and dragging it close to his belly.

Fox wanted to protest, but all that came out of his mouth were slurred words. That booze had hit him harder than he had thought. Instead, all that was stated was a few muffled sounds before he gave in and pressed hard onto James's gut. He blithefully reached out and started to press and rub onto it. Fox had no idea just how densely packed that gut of his really was, especially now that he had, in his words, a light snack.

The smaller fox hiccuped again and his eyelids felt heavy. His face was practically buried into the thick fuzz of his gut and his hand was unsteady as he brushed along it, finding a denser patch of fuzz and hair along the underside of his belly. Fox traced his fingers along it, swirling some of the fuzz around one of his digits and pulling up slightly, finding James's deep navel pushing out from his gut. A faint a drunken chuckle escaped from Fox as he started teasing and rubbing the belly hole, sliding a finger into it with one hand and was rubbing along that fuzzy belly with the other.

"Ooph..." James gruffed out, his big gut gurgling and sloshing. The meat he had devoured was already digesting into a hefty layer on his belly, and his stomach was rippling from the rubs, almost like a wave crashing to shore. "Easy there, Fox."

The younger male did not take it easy, and went after James's belly with more drunken gusto. His fingers continued to slide along his hairy belly while he teased his navel, giving off a few more soft drunken laughs as he patted and gripped onto him. The larger fox might have bitten off more than he could chew in this regard, not expecting him to be so good at worshiping his larger frame. He kicked back a bit, but Fox still held on and was rubbing all along him, even after James stood up and Fox was hanging from his front.

"You're gonna make me ruin these pants Fox!" James protested, but Fox kept rubbing and teasing along that huge, hairy belly. His fingers danced along his fuzzy front as he dangled on him, still softly sighing as he gripped on. The ripples and rumbles were getting louder and more ominous as the smaller male continued to work over that huge gut. His ears were twitching with the sound before James realized he couldn't hold it back any longer.

The sounds of his gut were soon replaced by the sounds of his pants ripping to shreds. The already tight shorts were no longer able to hold back the bulge that was fighting for freedom, and a thick split right down the middle tore the overworked shorts to tatters. His junk pushed out and flopped freely on front of him, the underside of his gut brushing along his thick shaft. His equipment bobbed with arousal as his nuts sloshed and cock oozed from the gut worshiping he was getting.

"Now see what..." James was about to say, but then looked down.

Fox had passed out completely stone-cold drunk while still gripping onto his gut.

The larger fox blinked a few times and lifted one of his large arms to scratch at the back of his head. "Guess you really need to work on holding your alcohol kiddo." James said, a bit thankful that Fox didn't get to see him completely blast his pants. His son was holding tightly onto him as he started to snore, and even as James moved, he wouldn't let go. The larger fox was tempted to knock one out right now, considering how riled up all the gut worship had made him, but that might wake Fox up.

Then, a few moments later, his belly started to vibrate slightly. Even on the giant fox, a small blush formed on his face as he realized the sex toy up his rump had worked it's way up this far. He thought it might wake Fox up, but instead the smaller male just grinned wildly in his sleep from the wobbles, almost like he was in a hammock in the wind.

"Guess I should take you to bed kiddo." James said and took a few large, lumbering steps out of the kitchen to head back to his bedroom. His hard length still smacked at the underside of his gut, just barely missing where Fox was gripping onto him, but succeeding in still making his gut wobble with his footsteps. The deafening steps echoed out as he made his way back, Fox still gripping his furry body as he did so, before reaching his bedroom once more.

Once there, the large male flopped back first onto the mattress, the springs and supports straining under his size. He grunted a bit as he flumped onto the bed, his form bouncing a bit as landed and let out a long and content sigh. He looked over his pec shelf and onto his mountainous gut that Fox was resting on. Fox looked rather peaceful unconscious on him like that, and James gave his gut a few quick smacks on the side to make it slosh and swing slightly. The smaller vulpine responded by crawling slightly upward, before coming to a rest on the crest of his gut, his hips pressed right to James's navel.

"Gonna have one hell of a hangover in the morning son." James said to the sleeping fox with a grin before he reached up with one of his large arms and rested his beefy arm along Fox's back. He wrapped his fingers gently on the smaller vulpine body as he rested and gently rubbed in his sleep. His gut was still rumbling from the small movements that Fox was giving it, and that definitely wasn't helping his arousal.

James's cock was really starting to push upward again. Even though he had practically flooded his bathroom just a little bit ago, he was getting rock hard again. It seemed like the scent of male was all over him, coming from his length, from Fox, and even from his shirt. Every throb and pulse upward his dick was giving was also sending out a small wave of pre from his slit. It wasn't too bad, since it was mostly flowing down his shaft, but if he got any harder, Fox might wake up from the sudden rain shower coming from indoors. Still, his gut rubbing really wasn't helping things. Even when it was slow, feeling his fingers brush along his fur and fuzz was getting to him.

He didn't have much of a choice. With Fox in that position and his cock needing attention, he was going to have to take care of that growing problem quickly. James had something just in case, however, and reached over to the drawer on his night desk and pulled out an extra large condom. While he didn't have the best grip on it, he was able to slide the wrapper off of it and reach down to his growing length. Once it was in place, he slid it further down, engulfing his cock in the stretchy rubber. It was a good thing too, as his pre was starting to flow more freely from all the rubs and was filling up the tip.

"Don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up..." James thought to himself once he got it in position and then started to jack himself off again. The squelching of the advanced nylon had a minor echo through the bedroom, but thankfully Fox was so thoroughly hammered it didn't seem to rouse him from his slumber. Even when a rubbery squeak rang from his covered cock, Fox didn't stir. Though the added sloshing from the pre collecting in the tip was only adding to the noise. He'd need to hurry and rub this one out.

The bed was starting to shake and creak as well from James's vigorous jerking. His thick meat was pulsing and gushing clear fluids as he worked his dick harder and harder. The larger fox's breathing was picking up as well as he took deep breaths of the heavy musk in his bedroom. Fox was slowly raising and lowering on his belly as more heavy breathing filled the room. The squelching and squeaking through his condom was getting louder and louder still as James's tongue slipped out of his mouth as he worked his shaft.

With his free hand, James reached up to his chest and started to squeeze tightly on his massive chest. His pecs were pounding and pumping in his big, powerful hand as he reached around to grope each one with his meaty paw. His thumb and forefingers teased his jutting nubs through his shirt as his entire body was shaking from the force that he was working his cock. The quick zaps of bliss as he massaged and groped his chest were getting him off even harder than before. After several minutes of teasing, he finally gripped onto his left nub and tugged hard, before gasping out and finally blowing his load.

The condom would have shot off his shaft had he not been gripping onto it with how hard he was firing. The flood of white gooey seed blasted from his quivering slit as it filled up the tip. Before long, the condom was starting to inflate like a water balloon attached to a hose, but was stretching more than any balloon could hold. The throbbing pump's continued to fill it, making the device inflate and fill, pumping up more and more as it was stretched to the limits.

The gushing cock of the fox blasted for several more minutes, sending more thick white goo oozing out of his shaft to join the pool already being made. The condom was forced to stretch thinner and thinner, but it was holding. Finally, it seemed like it would win, as James's orgasm was subsiding, and the filled condom held. He exhaled sharply, huffing a few times as he slowly started to roll the edge off of the base of his dick to pull it off. A deep grunt escaped from his lips once he snapped the edge off his arousal and he started to tie off the end with one hand. It took some finagling with his large, beefy hand, but he managed to pull it off.

A slight bit of curiosity took him over, and James hefted up the sloshing rubber. Even he was surprised by how much he had filled it with. The white pool trapped within was easily several gallons, and based on how much it was stretching, it might be about five feet all around when at rest. Not close to a record, but much more than what he was expecting for just jerking one out at night.

Well, at least it took care of the slight problem he had, and James tossed the tied-off condom to the side. He'd deal with that in the morning. Not like it would be going anywhere. A large yawn escaped from his maw soon after.

"Must have worked myself harder than I thought." James thought to himself.

The large, hairy fox stretched out again. He rolled his shoulders as the mounds of meat on his body rippled before he came to a rest again, keeping his large, beefy arm back on the unconscious Fox, pinning him between that arm and his gut. James yawned out again and started to relax, and soon he passed out as well.

Time passed, and Fox was starting to stir. His ears were starting to twitch slightly, and the still slightly-tipsy fox was coming to. His nose and throat were burning slightly, but what was getting his attention was the loud snoring coming nearby. He blinked a few times, his vision circling and seeing double, but he could tell that he was near his dad. He tried to reach up to rub at his eyes, but the heavy weight of James's arm on him was still keeping him pinned, and getting him really hot.

Fox started to squirm slightly, and push upward, trying to slide out. He shook his head a few times, trying to knock some sense back into himself, when his gaze caught something to the side. It was the filled condom of fox spunk. Fox gawked at it for a moment, looking like a rubbery bean bag chair.

"Sweet mercy, that thing is bigger than I am." Fox said with a slur, and blinked a few times. "Wait... wait... is that.... Is all that... cum?"

His entire body had a slight chill to it when he realized how much his dad had produced without him knowing it. The fact that he had cummed out more than his entire body mass without him even realizing it, and that it seemed like that was normal for him. Well, it was slightly intimidating. Like he barely measured up at all.

He tried to squirm free again, but then realized something. His bulge was digging right into James's gut. Fox didn't even realize how hard he was, maybe it was the fact that he was grinding right into his dad's stomach, or maybe it was the heat coming from the larger fox. Either way, his attempts at trying to get free were only causing him grind harder against that gut.

"Okay...think..." Fox slurred again, but with hard liquor still coursing through him, thinking was not coming easy. He pushed again, pressing his hands into the upper stomach on James, but it wasn't helping at all. In fact, all it was doing was grinding him further into his gut. He also didn't seem to realize with how heated he was, his squirms and grinds were squeezing him out of his clothes. Before long, his groin had slipped free from his shorts and now was pressing right into James's deep gut.

"Okay... don't.... Don't do that.... Don't do what you're thinking Fox." Fox slurred softly, his arms wobbling a bit as he tried to dig himself out. He was making a bit of headway, when James shuffed slightly in his sleep. The large hairy arm that Fox was pinned under pushed him down again, this time bringing his hips right to the large navel on the bigger fox. A soft gack escaped from Fox's muzzle as he was pushed in, feeling his cock slide right into the belly hole. Fox squirmed a bit more, but he couldn't get out. But even as he did, he couldn't help but start humping in.

"Damn.... He's deep. Like... really deep." Fox was thinking as his arousal throbbed. He couldn't feel the bottom with his tip. He didn't want to do this, but every move he was making was grinding his length into James's gut. It was such a new experience, and so arousing and....

"Fuck, this is unreal...." The sloshed Fox thought.

His feet slid around the underside of James's belly, teasing the hairs of his furry trail to his groin as he gripped onto the firm body above him and started thrusting. It was slow and steady at first, and every pulse made that large fox belly wobble and jiggle, but as time passed, he was getting more forceful with his humps.

"J...just a few more thrusts, then I can stop..." Fox thought as he thrust harder and deeper into James's gut. He was starting to leak as well, having pre pool under him as he fucked that gut hole. His shaft slid along the coarse and fine hairs of James's interior, forcing it's way through. Harder and harder he pushed, starting to gasp and grunt while still trapped under that big beefy arm. His breathing was picking up as he gripped harder, feeling more of James's bulky form get squeezed in his hands.

The wobbles and jiggles from that gut were bouncing back at him. The shakes around him were pushing back, almost like James's gut was a power bottom. The tight tunnel was pressing and squeezing tight around him from all the sloshes, and Fox stopped for a moment when he felt something buzzing along the side of his shaft. A slight red tint appeared on his face when he realized he was pressing his cock against the vibrator that James had swallowed up. But that wasn't going to stop him. He started to work with the jiggles and bounces from that wobbling gut, making sure he pushed and pulled as deep into it as he could, just like if he was taking some smaller guy's tight rump.

After several minutes, he couldn't hold back, and Fox buried his face into James's gut as he unloaded. His muzzle and nose were pushing right into the fuzz of James's trail, and the tips of his ears pressed along the underside of James's meaty pecs. The thick ropes of cum splashed and mixed with the pre already filling the bigger fox's belly hole, and in a few seconds, it was already flooding out and oozing all around James's hairy gut and spilling off the sides. Fox huffed and grunted more, making sure to completely empty himself out as he blasted, his balls slapping against that wobbling stomach, his sweat and seed soaking into his hair and fur.

By the time it was over, Fox was gasping into the thick body of James, his cock giving a few more spurts into the deep hole before stopping. He looked up, and James was still completely passed out. It was like he didn't even notice.

"Oh well..." Fox's vision shook a bit more as a goofy grin appeared on his face, "Ah...heh, maybe he won't notice by the morning..." He thought.

The exhaustion was overtaking him again and Fox collapsed onto James's hefty gut once more and started to pass out. He was still softly grinding and humping his dick against that hairy belly, making more squelches echoed out in the bedroom and more of his seed oozing out over the sides. Fox's hands were rubbing all along that hairy gut as sleep was overtaking him, feeling several sticky spots from where his cum had leaked out, but he found a few spots to grip. By the time it was over, he was cuddling on that huge belly like it was a massive-sized body pillow. His shaft was still leaking a bit and likely would for a while, but he'd finish eventually. In just a few minutes, both Fox and James would be out until morning.