Case File: 001

Story by Nick_Bane on SoFurry

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#4 of The ARLIGENT Project

Good day to all of you!

The attached .pdf is a tease for the up-coming introductory novella, The ARLIGENT Experiment, available through InkedFur! (as of the time of this post, the Novella isn't up just yet. Just in it's spit-shine stages, I will update the link asap!)

This Novella is the introduction to a series that will be unlike most of the other stuff within the Fandom, focusing entirely on story without sex. That's right-- WITHOUT sex.

While we are not currently taking reservations via InkedFur, Patreon donors get first dibs at it-- a buck a month gets you a digital copy, and 5 bucks a month gets you a physical one! The rewards just go up from there!

If you wanna take a look at those options, use this link:

By subscribing via Patreon, you help enhance this project to expand into other mediums, as well as a host of other awesome stuff! Be sure to check out the rewards for more details!

( Much Prettier if you decide to read it in the pictures! Page One, Page Two and Page Three !)

Clinical File: DEL-004-0032823

With regard to trials of THERASPHETAMINE

Clinical trials of T. have proceeded approximately three months behind schedule, owed to delays in shipments of active ingredients from Fielora Grand. Salvage Carrier was delayed owed to rough seas, confirmed reports of[REDACTED].

GROUP A: CONTROL GROUP; to receive Sucrose

25 Felines; Northern Fielora Natives. Ages approximately 18-21 years of age. All male. Village on Norhald border; small fishing community. Area flooded to prevent further questioning.


Physician On Call: Douglas LeVrane

Apothecary: Miles Clemmons

To Receive Inert Medication (To Test Side Effects of Inactive Ingredients)

18 Canines; Andarial Natives. Ages approximately 21-24. 8 Male, 10 Female. Dock workers and whores; double checked with records, all orphans. Disappearances common in area.

GROUP C: To Receive 1mg/10mL Therasphetamine

Physician: Douglas LeVrane

Apothecary: Jeanette Harrison

12 Felines; 11 Canines; Norhald Natives. Ages approximately 15-29. 8 Male Felines, 4 Female. 3 Male Canines, 8 Female. Mixed backgrounds; amputee veterans, dock workers, and college students. Various enrollment methods employed.

GROUP D: To Receive 5mg/10mL Therasphetamine

Physician: Douglas LeVrane

Apothecary: Ebbard Richland

13 Mustelids; 20 Felines; Gythrin Natives. Ages approximately 16-26. 5 Male (Otter) Mustelid, 8 Female. 10 Male Felines, 10 Female. Gang related raid of Salvage Carrier. International war criminals inducted to Therasphetamine trial.

Note in Group D of binding of Therasphetamine to adrenal glands.

Note also in Group D of effects of Therasphetamine on youths.

GROUP E: To Receive 5mg/100mL Therasphetamine

Physician: Kendall Whitaker

Apothecary: Oswald Versailes

6 Mustelids; 12 Canines; 3 Felines, 2 Avians. Charinthosse Natives. Volunteers from Professor Arrowman's class. Personnel Information redacted by order of Professor Arrowman.

GROUP F: To Receive 5mg/200mL Therasphetamine

Physician: Kendall Whitaker

Apothecary: Abele Montague

13 Avians; 21 Canines; 30 Felines. Nationalities Mixed. Volunteered under International Statutes for testing Therasphetamine as a reagent for breaking addictions. Relevant Personnel Data redacted by order of Regent LaRauxe in accordance with International Health Advisory Regulations.

GROUP G: To Receive 5mg/250mL Therasphetamine

Physician: Kendall Whitaker

Apothecary: Byorn Ammond

6 Avians; 6 Canines; 6 Felines; 6 Mustelid. Nationalities Redacted by order of Professor Whitaker. Ages redacted by order of Professor Whitaker. Personnel information on file with Judge Zedoch.


Effects of Therasphetamine were immediate and observable across all non-control groups, though reaction times varied between 10 minutes, and 8 hours. Individual biologies of patients considered, expected results are as follows:


--Do Not Administer, fatal within 15 minutes.


--Average of 40 minute delay in drug effect, some cases report symptoms as rapidly as 5 minutes.

Memo: Potential liver damage. Requires observation.


--Average of 20 minute delay with minimum side effects. 20 minutes typical of symptoms to occur, with only negligible data to consider shorter, or longer onset times.

Memo: Felines prove to be the most reliable for such testing.


-- Average of 20% fatalities. Drug does not affect otters as intended, acting instead as a poison. Drug resistance to be studied at a later date.

Side-Effect Control Group Experienced Following Symptoms;

-Diarrhea -Vomiting -Fever (Measurable spike of 0.8C)


Group C: Dosage 1mg/10mL

  • Hallucinations

  • Hemorrhaging via nasal passages

Group C reports 1 Fatality; Feline, Male, age 20. Fatality suspected to be result of allergic reaction to inactive ingredient.

ADDENDUM: Fatality in Group C Confirmed to be result of Therasphetamine overdose, accompanied with malnutrition. More fatalities expected. Group C's trial conclusion after 72 hours; projected fatalities across 20% of Group.

Group D reports fatalities. Confirmed Hemorrhaging of intracranial tissue; sites vary between patients. No confirmed or specific site to damages. Group D Fatality Rate, 100%. Conclusion of Trial after 20 hours.

Group E reports two fatalities. General breakdown of data as follows:

  • Mustelid's have hallucinations most rapidly, and metabolize the drug exceedingly quickly. Research potential dietary advantages.

  • Canines prove most resilient to Therasphetamine. Primary effects of drugs delayed by nearly 4 hours at this dosage.

  • Felines negligently affected. No intended effects of drug available for felines; Therasphetamine causes seizures at this dosage, in most extremes, causes brain damage. Requires further testing at this dosage to confirm hypothesis.

  • Avians allergic to Therasphetamine. Anaphylactic reaction at this dosage resulted in near-immediate death.

Salvage Carrier Operations Critical to success of studies inside of Therasphetamine. Not enough clinical data to ensure success of Therasphetamine, or establish effective dosage rates.

Data gathered suggests that Mustelid and Felines have highest rate of success.


Therasphetamine is unreliable. Too many variables to consider viable in study of Udun'Vrah and Threshold, and only vague information available. Project terminated, by order of Interim Director Victor DuGall, and Congregate Affiliate Kendall Whitaker.

The Ivory Angel

The tip of the sword dug into the dirt as the knight knelt. Mangled steel and wood that had once served as his shield lay in splinters and barbs next to his shattered arm. His breathing was labored beneath the solid steel helm. "Finish it quickly."...

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Hey all! Sorry it's taken so long between updates! Here's the next little bit of stuff I've been working on, Enjoy! This is a letter from Giovanni Wolfhardt, after someone expressed concerns of the relevancy of the prologue I initially posted...

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Chapter One: Part Two --- The Salvage Beneath

The gondola lowered Anthony, as well as a handful of replacement shift workers through the fog below. The collie felt himself stiffen as the rickety bunch of cables and catwalk descended through the four stories of of all-encompassing vapor. For...

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