The beginning of a long night

Story by Weaver_1 on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

A story about a pair of co workers that gets a bit heated.

Both literally and figuratively.

Okay so I have never actually uploaded anything before, and usually anything I write of this variety is just a simple story not worth sharing.

But this one...

I felt it needed to be written. It started as a daydream, then an idea that I kept coming back to, then something that I just had to write down.

A story about a pair of co workers that gets a bit heated.

Both literally and figuratively.

The beginning of a long night.

Pulling up the familiar driveway, Weaver put his car into park, then applied the hand-break.

Taking a second, he lowered the volume of the music he had been listening to, then turned off the ignition. Looking up at his mirror, he watched as a second car pulled up behind him into his driveway. Then with a sigh of trepidation he looked at his own reflection. He gave his hair a quick tidy, then looked at himself. As far as foxes went, Weaver thought he didn't look too bad. Even if he was still wearing his work uniform.

"Okay Weaver, just relax. There is nothing to worry about. Just relax."

With a deep breath, he grabbed his keys and stepped out of his car.

Locking the vehicle behind him, Weaver began heading toward the front door of his house, but stopped to check on the person getting out of the car behind his.

A beautiful female wolf stepped out of the car, dressed in the same uniform as Weaver.

Jen was one of Weaver's work mates and occasionally, an outside of work mate as well. As was the case today.

She grabbed her things, closed the door behind her and turned to Weaver. With a yawn, she began to walk over, before humming something she must have heard during the drive as she walked. Weaver could not help but think she was incredibly cute.

As she stopped before the fox, she smiled up at him.

Jen was a couple of inches shorter than Weaver, and even though she was tired from working all day, her smile was still bright and cheerful. Radiant even, if Weaver were to describe it.

He just smiled back at her, with that slightly crooked smile he always had, before continuing up to his house.

As he fumbled with his keys he realized his paws were shaking. The woman standing just behind him always seemed to have that effect on him. While trying to get the key into the lock, Jen yawned behind him. It sounded very cute, and Weaver could almost picture it in his mind.

With an added sigh for dramatic effect, Jen leant her head against Weaver's arm, causing him to freeze mid key turn.

"Wow it felt like an unusually long day today," she said slowly.

Weaver chuckled, then finished unlocking the door.

"Tell me about it," he agreed. "Come on," he added, pushing the wolf forward with the arm she was leaning on.

They entered Weaver's unit, headed straight toward the lounge room, with Jen leading the way. Weaver was quite content to follow behind her, watching her tail slowly sweep side to side as she walked. He shook his head to stop himself, then looked elsewhere. This was not the time for that.

Jen put her stuff down at one end of the couch, then preceded to practically drop herself into the other. She had only been to Weaver's place a small handful of times, but she quite easily made herself comfortable.

She yawned cutely again, then shook her head exaggeratedly.

"So what do you want to do?"

This time Weaver felt himself yawn as well.

"Well, now that you mention it. It was a really long day." He made his way over and leant on the side of the couch. "Maybe instead of a game or, uhh... working on something, we can just watch a movie? Maybe one of those ones we've been talking about."

Jen nodded, "Yeah that actually sounds like a good idea.

I think I lack the energy to do much else," she added with a chuckle.

Weaver hummed in agreement. "Well what do you feel like watching?"

He gestured behind the couch to where his movies sat on a bookshelf. "Your choice."

Jen sighed exaggeratedly, then lifted herself up, turned around, then leant on the back of the couch to peruse the selection.

Finding himself following her movements, Weaver once again found himself staring at her body.

The only thought going through his head as he admired her curves was; god damn.

She was beautiful, and every time Weaver found himself looking at her, (usually by accident), he was always reminded of that fact. He tried to always be professional, and respectful, trying not to look inappropriately at her, but it was difficult.

It was really too bad that she was waaaayyyyy out of his league.

Now even though he was just an average brown fox,Weaver did not think of himself badly. On the contrary, he though of himself a little above average. He was slightly above an average height, with slightly above average looks. A combination of handsome and slightly roguish. He was slightly above average intelligence, or at least he liked to think so, and had a pretty good sense of humor. But he had the poor habit of using his humor to get out of any kind of awkward situation. He was an artist and creative person by nature, but usually spread himself between too many hobbies and creative projects that he found it hard to pursue any for any great length of time.

Otherwise, he had average greyish green eyes, longish hair, and was in average shape.

On the other hand, Jen was amazing in every aspect. The wolf was incredibly smart, funny, was amazingly easy to talk to, and had a drive to accomplish so much that it was impressive by itself. Plus she had a variety of hobbies and passions, and was into everything that Weaver was and more, and could talk about it at length with a passionate spark in her eye that quite frankly melted Weaver's heart every time he saw it. Then on top of that she was gorgeous as well. She was painfully pretty, with piercing blue eyes, and a disarming radiance about her whenever she smiled. Her hair and fur were usually died bright colors, (today it was pinks and purples,) which only seemed to enhance her beauty and helped her to stand out no matter the crowd.

Then to top it all off she had a body to die for.

She was shorter than Weaver, but this just helped to give her more of a cute look to go with the rest of her beauty. She was amazingly curvy, filling out her tight black pants and uniform top in all the right ways. It was no wonder Weaver often found himself staring, and he was sure he would find himself drooling if he stared too long.

It was also no wonder he had had the biggest crush on her for as long as he could remember knowing her.

Hell if anyone had asked him to describe his dream girl, he would pretty much describe her.

If he ever met someone he had a chance with, he hoped she was like her, even if it wasn't her specifically.

"Hey what about this one?" Jen asked him suddenly, holding a movie up for him to see.

Weaver did not even notice she had turned to look at him, and he was not sure how long he was staring. He hoped it wasn't too long. For all he knew he may have been drooling, or at least close to it.

"Sure that could be good," Weaver said noncommittally, hoping she had not noticed.

If she did, she did not say.

Instead she looked back at the movie, flicking the cover over and looking at the back, then shook her head. "Nah," she said simply, putting it back on the shelf. Placing her head on the palms of her hands, she started humming to herself as she continued looking. Probably the same tune she had been humming earlier.

With a smile, Weaver watched her. She was so cute sometimes.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts again, then rubbed his eyes with his finger and thumb. What the hell was he doing, he was trying to stop his mind from wondering, not trying to make it worse. He really needed to clear his head.

He looked up to see Jen looking at him.

Shit... how long had she been watching him?

She raised one eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

Weaver nodded quickly, then suddenly found himself yawning.

Perfect! Perfect excuse.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," he said, and was glad that it was not technically lying.

Jen chuckled at him, causing his heart to skip a beat.

"I don't blame you," she said amused. "We can always do this some other time if you want?"

"No!" Weaver said a little too quickly. He definitely did not want her to leave.

She looked at him with one eyebrow raised again.

"I, mean we hardly get time to catch up outside of work," he explained quickly. "You know?

And besides, I'm always tired," he added with a laugh."

Jen laughed, "This is also true."

Weaver found himself smiling at her, simply because of her laugh. He stopped quickly, trying to think of a way to help him focus. One thing jumped into his head.

He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Tell you what, I will quickly jump in the shower to wake myself up, while you finish picking the movie. I would like to get changed and wash off all of that hard work we did today anyway."

Humming thoughtfully, Jen slowly nodded.

"Okay, sure," she said cheerfully. "That sounds like a good idea."

She smiled at the now blushing fox, then went back to the bookshelf, waving him off.

Weaver hesitated for a moment, then picked himself up off of the couch. "I wont be long."

Jen just waved him off again, not looking up from what she was doing. "All good."

With a shrug, the fox headed for his bathroom, stopping only to grab a towel along the way.

Shutting the door behind him, he walked over to the vanity instead, staring at himself in the mirror.

"What the fuck am I doing," he whispered to himself. With a shake of his head, he splashed some water over his face. He really did need to clear his head. Normally he did not have this much trouble stopping his mind, (and his eyes) from wandering, especially this often.

Shrugging to his reflection, he walked over to the shower and turned the water to hot.

While the water heated up, he stripped out of his work clothes and tossed them aside.

With a sigh, he tested how hot the water was. Once he was happy with the temperature, he stepped into the shower and let the water soak into his fur.

He sighed, feeling the most relaxed that he had all day.

For a few minutes he simply let the water wash over him, content to let his mind wander. Then he picked up his bottle of soap and set to work giving himself a quick wash.

Once he was done he continued letting his mind wander. He wasn't exactly thinking of anything in particular, or anyone for that matter. He was just spending a moment or two on whatever thoughts appeared.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he almost did not hear the bathroom door open.

Weaver turned around to see Jen shutting the door behind her.

"Umm, hello..." Weaver said slowly.

"Hi," she said in that lovely voice of hers, giving a slight smile as well.

Weaver was so surprised by her sudden appearance, that he forgot to cover himself. He was suddenly glad that he had the water quite hot, for most of the glass door was foggy.

"Well you seem to have me at a bit of a disadvantage here..."

Jen chuckled, and for a moment Weaver's heart stopped.

He was so surprised that she had come in that he had trouble believing it was actually happening. He had often daydreamed of this sort of thing happening, but never thought it actually would. Now he was trying to remember if he had left the door unlocked on purpose, or by accident.

"Well I picked a movie," Jen said innocently, "and I thought that getting that hard work washed off sounded like a good idea."

She smiled, giving him rather direct eye contact in the process.

When it was apparent Weaver wasn't going to answer, she elaborated.

"So I was wondering if I could trouble you for a shower as well?"

Weaver had to shake his head to get his brain to work.

"Of course," he stuttered awkwardly, before clearing his throat out of necessity. "I mean, sure. There's a spare towel on the rack there, you can..."

He trailed off, realizing Jen was unbuckling her belt.

She slid her pants down, then kicked them off.

Weaver swallowed thickly.

She had very shapely legs, and he could not help but follow her movements. All the way down to her ankles, then all the way back up to her also very shapely hips.

He also noticed she was wearing very sexy underwear.

He brought his mind back from wandering.

"Wait, you mean right now?" he asked dumbly.

Jen just laughed.

"Of course. You did say I had you at a bit of a disadvantage."

Weaver could only stare at her in stunned confusion.

"If that is okay of course?" She prodded gently.

Weaver had only dreamed of this sort of thing happening. Occasionally even about her.

But never in his life did he think it was ever going to actually occur.

"Of course it is!" He said quickly, not really thinking.

"Great," Jen said as she grabbed the hem of her shirt and began to lift it upward.

Reality quickly set in. There was of course a reason Weaver had never thought that something like this could happen. A reason beyond the fact that she was way out of his league.

"Wait wait," he said, stopping her as her top reached her armpits.

Opening the door slightly, he leant out and placed a hand on her arm to stop her. She looked at him inquisitively, tilting her head to one side slightly.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Weaver asked seriously. "I mean, you are the one with a boyfriend after all."

Jen looked to the side and hummed thoughtfully.

"You're right," she said, thinking for a moment.

She smiled, "In that case, we will just have to agree that there will be no touching."

Not only did Weaver not know how to answer that, but before he could respond she lifted her shirt completely off.

Now in nothing but her underwear, the shorter Lupine watched the fox with a knowing smile, until he could not resist a glance down.

Now if Weaver had thought she was stunning while clothed, now he thought she was a goddess...

Of course he had found himself wondering, or imagining what she would look like nude from time to time, but in his mind's eye, he was not even close. She still had that radiant look about her face, but never in his wildest dreams could Weaver have imagined just how hot the rest of her was.

The rest of her figure was beautifully plump and curvy in all of the best possible ways.

Large, full looking breasts that were practically spilling out of her lacy bra. A cute slightly chubby belly, and a waist that was surprisingly narrow, thanks to her amazingly curvy hips and legs.

In a word, she was incredibly voluptuous.

Weaver tried not to stare, really he did, but he could not take his eyes off of her.

Jen chuckled at him, then stepped forward, putting her finger tips on his chest and gently pushing him back under the running water.

"Come on, move over," she ordered simply.

Weaver just nodded his head, still unable to believe this was happening.

Stepping back again, Jen finished getting undressed. First, unhooking her bra and removing it slowly, taking her time to cover herself for as long as possible. Then she turned and removed her panties, lifting her tail as she bent over to slide them off.

Her ass was amazing, and Weaver felt his cock twitch.

He was already halfway to full hard on, and there was no way he was going to be able to hide that fact. Especially since that was the one other part of him that was a little above average. Something that he was usually proud of, but was likely to get him in trouble now.

As the beautiful wolf turned back toward him, she either did not notice his predicament, or she chose not to acknowledge it. Weaver figured it was the latter, because after all, how could he not be turned on by someone as hot as she was standing next to him. Hell, being merely in the vicinity of a naked woman like her would have been enough, even if he had not just had an eye-full of her figure.

Jen tested the water with her paw, before stepping into the shower stall with the surprised vulpine.

There was not a lot of room, so he respectfully moved aside, right up against the wall, to let her get under the hot water.

She shut her eyes and let the water wash over her completely, running her paws through her hair, and sighing wistfully. "Ahhhhhhhh, that feels sooo good."

Another quick glance across her beautiful figure, while the hot water soaked into her fur, sealed Weaver's fate. She was even more stunning completely naked, so full and voluptuous, and the fox felt his heart racing just glancing at her. Thanks to all that blood rushing through him, more blood rushed to his groin. He was going to be as hard as a rock for the entire time he was in the shower now, whether he liked it or not.

Luckily, he managed to tear his eyes away from her body, right as she turned to him.

"Can you pass me the soap?"

There was a heartbeat of a moment where Weaver could not respond. After all his mind was on other things. He blinked.

"uh, sure," he said quickly, trying to cover his lack of attention. Twisting, he turned and grabbed the fancy labelled shower gel from behind him.

When he turned back Jen had a smile on her face.

"What?" Weaver asked with an awkward chuckle as he handed her the soap.

"Oh nothing," she said, clearly amused as she flicked open the bottle and began to pour it into her paws. "Please hold," She said sweetly as she handed the bottle back to Weaver.

Working the gel into a quick lather she turned around and began applying it to her left leg, bending over and bumping her shapely ass into Weaver's hard on in the process.

Weaver almost whimpered, but Jen seemed not to notice as she worked her hands in a sexy fashion up her leg. She then turned to her right leg, brushing him with her tail this time, and repeated the action.

Withholding a groan as he watched, Weaver tried to get his brain to work properly.

Surely she had to be aware of what she was doing to him, she was pretty damn intelligent after all. Which meant she was doing it on purpose. Teasing him with her actions, while playing innocent. She was pretty damn good at it, he had to admit as she straightened up and held out a paw for the soap again.

As he handed it to her, she took a step back to let him stand under the water. He quickly took the chance to soak his head.

With another innocent, and incredibly cute smile, she began to lather up the soap again. Once again, she handed it back to him, then set to work. This time she ran her hands across her stomach, then moving down just above her groin. She gave the slightest of groans, very sexy and somehow cute sounding all at once. Then began working her way upward with steady circular motions, taking much longer than necessary on her breasts. They were easily more than a handful, and looked incredible as she worked her paws around their bountiful surface. Weaver found himself wanting to help, to step in and see if there was enough room for both of their pairs of paws. But he simply watched, keeping his paws to himself as she had suggested.

Jen closed her eyes for a moment, giving Weaver a chance to take in her beautiful chest. "Mmmm..." She breathed, teasing him, causing him to sigh with longing.

She opened one eye to look at Weaver for a moment as she worked, before finally continuing to spread the soap across her shoulders, then down her arms.

With a sigh she stepped forward to wash the soap off. Weaver reluctantly stepped out of the water, and out of her way.

Once Jen had washed the soap from her body, she turned around and faced her back to Weaver. Then with a glance over her shoulder, she reached both arms up and held her hair aside, showing her bare back to the vulpine. "Would you kindly?" She asked innocently, waving her ass and tail side to side slowly.

Weaver looked down her back, then back up again. He took a deep breath.

"But I thought you said no touching?" he pointed out playfully.

Jen rolled her eyes at him. "I'm only asking you to wash my back," she said with a chuckle. "Nothing more." She smiled at him sweetly over her shoulder.

"How could I refuse?" Weaver joked. Though in reality there was no way he could, joking or not.

He was acting playful, and joking, but his heart was beating like crazy. As he began to lather the soap, his paws were shaking from nerves. Right up to the point where he made contact with her, then the motions of his paws were as smooth as she felt to him.

He sighed in relief, and she cooed softly.

Starting at her shoulders, Weaver slowly moved his hands down, stopping just above her tail before moving back up again.

This time Jen sighed as he finished. "mmm, thank you."

"You, are most welcome."

Turning around, Weaver picked up the bottle of soap from where he had put it, then turned and put it back on the rack. When he turned around Jen was standing awfully close, and leaning toward him.

"You know, that looks awfully uncomfortable..." She said with a smirk.

Weaver was about to ask what she meant when she leant back and ran the tip of her finger along the bottom of his painfully stiff member.

"You should probably take care of that," she added playfully.

Weaver's cock twitched upwards, causing Jen to giggle, and Weaver to bite his lip to stop himself making any awkward noises.

Even in the heat of the shower, he felt his face flush.

"...I-I, dunno..." He managed to mumble.

Jen laughed again, in that cute way she always seemed to manage.

"It is a good way to relax," she said simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But I..."

In response, Jen gently took his hand, then guided it to his own member and wrapped both of their hands around it.

"I don't mind," she whispered, causing a shiver to run down Weaver's spine.

"Take your time," she whispered again, slowly moving both of their hands up and down his length.

Weaver kept twitching, electricity sparking through him from Jen's touch whenever he felt her fingertips brush against his skin.

The moment she let go, he shuddered.

"Don't stop," she breathed, right up next to him.

His hands slightly shaking, Weaver continued the way she had started.

Jen leant back, stepping slightly out of the running water to watch, a smirk plastered across her face.

Breathing heavily already, Weaver watched her in return. Admiring her body and watching her eyes flick across his in return. He could not ever remember being so turned on... or as hard as he currently was before.

"You know..." Jen said slowly, beginning to roam her hands across her body. "A bit of relief, actually sounds really good..."

Her hands found their way to her breasts, and then between her legs. She began to caress herself slowly, began massaging her beautiful breasts and teasing her nipples with her finger tips. Then she began to do the same with her clit.


She moaned slowly, leaning back heavily against the glass wall of the shower, groping and stroking her body.

Transfixed, Weaver fell back against the opposite wall, continuing his own ministrations. He was unable to tear his eyes away from the sight before him.

The more the incredibly hot lupine caressed and teased herself, the more engrossed he became in watching her.


Jen squeezed her breasts one last time, then began to use both hands to pleasure her pussy, one to tease her clit while the other began to explore her insides.

She moaned again, louder this time, and all Weaver wanted to do was join her then. More than anything, he wanted to step forward to help her, to place his hands upon her body and do whatever he could to help her reach her release.

But for the life of him he simply could not move. Not just because she had implied a no touching rule, but because he was simply too awestruck.

All he could do was worship this incredibly hot goddess with his eyes.

So that was what he did.

He watched the subtle movements of her fingers and the steady rhythm of her hands.

He watched her face as she went through a range of beautiful and passionate expressions.

He watched her breasts as they heaved and shook with every breath, with every movement.

He stared into her eyes whenever she would look at his.

He simply watched her body move and gyrate in fantastic ways.

Weaver was not sure how long they stayed like that, for every moment seemed to stretch on for ages, while simultaneously being maddeningly fleeting.

But before he knew it, Jen was approaching her limit.

Her breath began to come in ragged breaths and moans, and her rhythmic motions started to become more frantic and jerky. She began to whimper to herself between breaths.

"...ohh... god...

oh god...


Then, just as Weaver thought she couldn't look any hotter, she reached her orgasm.

With a shudder Jen arched her back, thrusting her chest forward, followed by her stomach and then her hips.

There was a slight pause as she held her body in that position, but then with a gasp her hips jerked backwards as she squirted, feminine juices erupting from her with enough force to reach across the shower, and to splash across Weaver's hands and legs.

She convulsed again, Arching her back in the same motion. Thrusting her chest forward with breasts heaving, then rolling her stomach and hips, then the slightest pause before squirting again.

Then again, chest, stomach, hips. Squirt.

Then again, and again, slowly getting faster yet less rhythmic, less intense.

And again, each time moaning and shuddering in orgasmic bliss as she rode her orgasm, squirting repeatedly and moaning each time.

Slowly she shuddered one last time, then she stopped, her body still shaking and trembling for a few moments after

She panted heavily a few times, a pleasure drunk smile on her face.

Weaver stood completely still, staring in dumbstruck awe. He was so focused on the incredible woman before him that he had even completely forgotten what he had been doing with his hands.

That was the single hottest thing he had ever seen.

For a moment neither of them moved, or spoke.

Then Jen smiled up at the stunned fox, giving a blissful sigh. Then seeing the expression on his face she chuckled.

"Well that feels much better," she said simply.

Weaver just laughed awkwardly.

"That was... that... that was incredibly..."

Stepping forward, Jen put a finger to his lips to stop him.

"I know," she said with a smirk.

Letting the statement hang in the air, she stepped back and fully under the running water. She soaked herself with a sigh, shutting her eyes and posing sexily as she rinsed herself off.

Weaver was still stunned.

With a chuckle Jen turned to look at him.

"I think I'm done," she said with a smile.

"But it looks like you still need some time," she added with a giggle.

Weaver shook his head, trying to concentrate. "Huh?"

Rolling her eyes, Jen leaned forward, wrapped her hand around his member gently, then pulled him under the running water.

"I'll leave you to finish up," she whispered.

Leaning back, the wolf grinned at Weaver before opening the shower door.

She looked down at him one last time before stepping out.

Humming a different song, Jen picked up a towel and began drying herself off.

She kept her back to Weaver as she ran the towel over her body, showing off her curves as she did so.

Then, she grabbed her clothes from the floor, wrapped her towel around herself, and left the bathroom. She stopped at the door, turned and looked back at Weaver. Her eyes glanced downward, and she smiled mischievously.

"Don't take too long," she said before closing the door.

Weaver watched the space where she had been for a few more moments, replaying the moment and the last several minutes over in his head.

A part of him still wondered if he had imagined the whole thing.

But the memory of her touch was too real, and the sight of her was far too hot for him to simply have imagined it.

He felt his member twitch in his hand, he was still as hard as a rock.

Weaver sighed, turning to lean against the wall.

He had no idea what any of this would mean, if anything.

But as he reached up and put his hand on the taps, he knew one thing for certain.

It was going to be a long night.

With a deep breath he turned the water to cold.

Maybe a very long night.