A Test of Skill 2: Path of the Warrior

Story by Amrod on SoFurry

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#2 of A Test of Skill

A Test of Skill

Part 2: Path of the Warrior

Desusanu woke to the sound of clanking metal, stretching his arms and yawning as he tried to sit up. Something heavy rolled off his chest and landed with a thump and a growl.

"I'm up, I'm up." Biruri groaned as he rubbed his eyes and looked around. The cub having fallen asleep a mix the group had rolled onto Desusanu's chest sometime in the night. The two looked up towards the sound of blades slicing through the air and ringing upon each other. Nomaru, Jofunu were taking turns charging at Valoran who would parry and dodge their attacks, barking commands in an attempt to teach.

"Don't hold a sword like that it's not a spear."

"No don't use it like a club."

Val jumped out of the way as Jof attempted to swing the sword like a bat and kicked the Tigaru's feet out from under him.

"You both are hopeless." He said stabbing his blade into the ground and walking back towards Des and Biruri. The Nomaru and Jof looked at each other, ears laying back as they walked back towards the group to rest.

Biruri ran over to them holding a water skin and began inspecting the swords.

"Wow! Are you guys going to learn to use those?"

"Not at this rate." Grumbled Valoran from his seat next to Des. The larger of the male Tigaru chuckled and patted Val on the back.

"Now now they can't be any worse than me when I learned." Des replied standing to his feet and walking over to where Val's blade rested vertical in the morning sun.

"Why are we learning how to fight like humans?" Jof asked after taking a large sip from the water skin. Des and Val quietly looked at each other before Des took the sword from its resting place and began twirling it around.

"There's has been a growing problem in the North." Valoran spoke up as they watched Des practice with the blade.

"A Human faction called the Order of Variss has begun spreading its influences among the Seven Kingdoms. Primarily their beliefs that Humans are the only true sentient beings, the rest are merely servants... Slaves."

Des growled as he arced the blade up slicing the limb from a tree with a furious demonstration of raw power. The other three stared blankly at Valoran as he spoke.

"For over ten generation slavery has been outlawed, the Seven Kingdoms were built on the rights that all races were created equally and should thus be treated, however there were always those who felt that because of Humanities ambition that we were better than the rest. This sprawled into conflict when a motion by Dassan E. Variss, a high ranking member of the Sorcerers guild began preaching Human superiority five year ago. He was executed after a trial found him guilty of leading a band of his followers and burning an Elvin Village on the borders, about started a war." Val took a drink from the water skin Biruri had brought and looked behind him at Des. "However his followers only grew from there on, Variss was seen as a martyr and his secret order has begun recruiting slavers to hunt down species they find lesser then themselves and selling them to out lining cities where the Seven Kingdoms have less control."

"What are they doing to stop it? Why should we learn to fight against something you created?" Jof spoke up with a rather annoyed tone; he could not understand how the Humans could let a cult like that rise up to a point where they threatened other races. Valoran simply smiled and rested back on his hands.

"It's not that simple, by engaging an assault on their temples and the cities they have power in could be seen as an act of war. War is something most people now days try to avoid, so by sending small bands of highly qualified knights and rangers to train small bands of outlining civilizations to defend themselves is a much better picture." The Tigaru glanced at each other for a moment before standing up quietly.

"Why aren't you training the other warriors in our village? Why train us in secret?" Jof asked waving a paw around.

"Because your village elders did not wish for it, they see no danger and feel they can withstand a band of slavers. Another reason would be surprise and secrecy. They are not expecting any of the tribal races to pick up arms against them."

"For now just remember, if you see a human, get away as quickly as possible and warn the tribe." Des spoke up, setting the blade down beside Val. The human glanced up at the sun and stood dusting his pants.

"I must be off, you get one days rest then find me again."

Nomaru glanced up confused.

"How will we find you?"

A soft chuckle came from the human as he walked over and pressed his finger to the Tigaru's nose.

"I trust by then your tracking skills will have improved beyond following piss marked trees." A slight crimson coloration hinted behind the white fur of Nomaru's cheeks. Des head butted Val in the leg lightly, to be rewarded with a quick ear rub.

"Good bye my friend, keep them safe."

"Till the blood moon rises."

The walk home was long, Biruri's constant nagging about what had happen, and inquire about why he found the three of them laying unclothed in a pile of sweaty fur, only irritating Nomaru and Jof further. Des carried the young gazelle over his shoulder and grunted as he turned on the two older males.

"You should be carrying this, it's your kill. Now we're almost there so shut your mewers and listen up. We don't speak of leaving into the human territory, we do not speak of Valoran, and we do not mention to anyone..." His eyes fixed on Biruri with a predatorily stare, "Anything that happened. Nomaru speared the gazelle, we found Biru fishing and we camped in the woods because of nightfall."

The three nodded quickly as Nomaru heaved the gazelle over his shoulder, Jof moving to help carry the back end of the large dead herbivore.

Their village was large; many stone huts surrounded an outer perimeter while three larger multi-storied stone buildings made a triangle in the center. Each end of the triangle shape village had a stone tower; build long ago by the elves before the Tigaru discovered fire. Left to ruins from a great war long past they served as watch towers and storage for crops grown in a field to the northern point.

Four young males moved quickly to the outer walls, the largest of them raising a paw to the two guards in the tower, their bows taunt and ready to defend the village if need be. Nomaru kept his eyes on the tower, he had returned many times from playing in the forest and never had he seen the guards so alert, perhaps Valtare's words were true and the Order of Variss was venturing into Tigaru territory for slaves and soldiers. He bumped into Jof who had stopped moving and looked up wondering what had caused his friends sudden halt.

A young female Tigaru just older then Nomaru walked a small stone path towards the south end of the village, her hips swinging in a confident manner to her tail. Green eyes caught the sight of the four males entering the town with they're catch, ears laying back at the sight of the smallest. Her tail swished out behind the long white loincloth that dangled inches from the ground, a single blue sapphire hanging from a golden belt which loosely held it to her swaying hips. Only a rough leather strap lay across her chest, slipping under her right arm and holding a quiver of arrows to her back, while pressing her only hidden mammary to her chest, her remaining seven dark nipples poised like pink buttons against her tone white underbelly.

"Biruri! Where have you been, if mother was alive she would have torn the fur from your tail." A tall female growled catching the attention of the four and every other Tigaru in the southern part of town. Biruri's ears flattened as he hid behind Jof.

"Hey take it easy Ujie, he's fine, we found him fishing and...." Jof never had the chance to finish when a footpaw swung around and caught him behind the knee, knocking him off his feet and to the ground. Ujie's footpaw rested on his chest as she played with his fallen spear.

"How is it you're a warrior and I'm not?" She huffed and grabbed Biruri by the paw leading him back to their home. Des and Nomaru stood taken aback by her quick display of dominance.

"Think she hides some bigger stones under her loincloth then you Jof." Des said, the Tigaru's head tilting as he watched the tail swishing furiously behind her a thought crossing his mind.

Nomaru carried the dead gazelle to the center of the village where sat the Elders and a couple of the higher ranking warriors. Dark leather armor covered the warriors bodies, leaving only their footpaws, tail, hands and head exposed to the open world as it protected every other square inch. Dyed with a coloration that symbolized their elemental spirit, as seen by seer, and were covered in markings and symbols of their valor and deeds in battle. Each warrior after their initial hunt was to make their armor from the hide of a river worm. Their soft scaly hide when heated fused together to make a formidable armor, however to bring down one of these mighty worms required skill, planning and several young warriors.

One of the older warriors noticed the approach and turned. His armor was a crimson red and contained several marks of bravery including the symbol of a wolf dancing under a moon.

"Jofunu you have returned and I see you and Nomaru were successful on your first hunt." Matsuura smiled as he clasped wrist with his son and looked to Nomaru as he set down the gazelle before Oshima who sat at the highest point of the circle, Jof leaving his father to kneel before Oshima with Nomaru. Oshima was dressed in a long white robe, dyed silver on the edges and adorned with many marks of the Elders passed. The older Tigaru smiled down at Nomaru and spread his arms.

"Nomaru and Jofunu you have returned to us successful in proving your place among the hunters of our people. Each of us must one day halt how much we take from others and do our part to give back; you both come before us with a gazelle whose death shall grant life to our people." Oshima's paws moved closer together, "Which of you struck the final blow to the animal?"

Jofunu and Nomaru looked at each other before Jofunu spoke up, "Nomaru delivered the final blow to the Gazelle while Desusanu and I were in pursuit." Matsuura's tail twitched at this, he had hoped his son would have killed the gazelle. Oshima simply smiled, "I see some resentment in your eyes young one, the reason I ask is not to praise the one who struck down the gazelle but to enlighten you both on how teamwork can lead to unimaginable feats and you will need each other in the next task if you wish to become warriors. One Tigaru cannot hope to bring down the great water worms on their own, they must rely on their friends, their fellow hunters to that while one eye watches the tail the other might watch the fang, both just as deadly, both just as important. The final blow comes only after you and your fellow hunters work as one and act as one, to kill as one." Oshima's paws clasped together and two warriors came forward lifting the two young males to their feet one removing the loin cloths Nomaru and Jofunu wore and tossing them into the fire. Both of them blushing behind orange and white fur to be exposed to the entire village as nude as a newborn cub.

"You are no longer Nomaru cub, son of Komaru, Jofunu cub, son of Matsuura."

The other warrior moved around the two young males and knelt before them, presenting them both with their new attire. The new leather loin cloth covered further down their legs, parting into two streams on either side of the tail that rested just behind the knees, tight against the fur. A leather tunic rested over the chest that opened in the middle with a strap that moved up under their arm and holstered a new longer dagger and quiver for arrows. The outfit was the final stage a young Tigaru must achieve before becoming a warrior; the light leather armor would protect them from the rough scales of the water worms, as well as the dangerous plants that grew near the lake they dwelled in. If they decided to remain a hunter, the leather attire was sleek and helped make them stealthier to their prey.

"You stand before us, Nomaru and Jofunu, hunters of the Tigaru." A cheer from some of the other warriors and a couple cubs that had come to watch brightened Nomaru's spirits and made him feel a bit more confident, he caught Ujie glaring at him from behind two warriors. A paw grasped his shoulder and he smiled up at Des. "Mom and Dad would have been proud of this day. Go get some rest hunter, gonna need it for when they assemble the other young warriors next full moon." Desusanu stretched, "And I can finally take this loin cloth off and get back into my armor, feel exposed as a newborn cub wearing this skimpy thing."

Nomaru entered his house after the ceremonial feast to find no sign of Des, the stone house feeling cold and empty. Tigaru lived in stone structures build from foundation stones that had been left by the elves centuries ago; each hut contained a kitchen, den, and two or three sleeping quarters depending on the size of the family. Though often these homes were passed on from generation to generation, new homes were being constructed along the outer wall as families grew.

Setting himself down on his bed he glanced over his new attire, a paw brushing over the smooth leather pouch that held his new dagger. Pulling the blade from its sheath he was surprised to see it was not stone, but metal, his reflection shone distorted on the blade. "Tigaru's don't use metal..." he was cut off by some rustling in a bush by his window to see Jofunu poke his head up over the opening.

"Hey Nomaru." Jof said slipping through the small opening and landing on Nomaru's bed. They had often climbed into each other's rooms or out at night to play or go explore the woods at night.

"I can't believe we're finally hunters, and it's just ten days till the full moon. I bet we will kill the biggest water worm in the lake." Jof seemed very excited and plopped down on the bed next to Nomaru.

"My dad was a little upset that I didn't get the killing blow but he still gave me his old bow, check it out." Jof handed Nomaru a black ash bow, reinforced with unicorn hair, it was a very powerful bow. The two Tigaru spent the next few minutes examining the bow and talking about the upcoming hunt when Jofunu suddenly rested his head on Nomaru's shoulder.



"Can I sleep here tonight?" Jofunu asked glancing up at his friend. Nomaru chuckled and reached a paw up to ruffle Jofunu's ears. "Of course." The two smiled as Jof lay back in the bed, just happy to be sleeping on something soft and not the ground like they had been for the past two days. He looked up to see Nomaru stripping off his new attire, the tunic hanging by an old battered Elvin dresser. The moonlight danced across his bare back, the dark striped moving in an eerie manner as he bent down to remove his new loin cloth. The garment slipped down slowly as Nomaru looked over his shoulder with a smile, the Tigaru's tail flicked up giving Jof a well presented rump, the moon's deep blue glow illuminating the pucker of pink skin hidden behind light fur as a shadow of his tail was cast of the two pearl white orbs dangled purposely behind his legs to tease Jofunu. The young male began to breathe heavier as he watched his friend strip and tease him, eyes moving over the striped rump, and following the stripes like dark arrows to Nomaru's nether bits. Gulping Jofunu stood and stripped as well, the pressure in his tighter loin cloth relieved as he pulled it down, exposing his hardened shaft to the cool open air. Pulling his tunic up the sudden touch to his balls made him mew and look down through the opening at Nomaru who was remembering what the human had done to him. Jof panted a bit as Nomaru rolled the two orbs around in his paws, chuckling as he leaned in and licked each of the cupped furry balls. This sent a chill up Jofunu's spine and down his tail. Chuckling Nomaru looked up and squeezed Jof by the balls harder.

"Feel good?" He asked delivering another squeeze and lick to the exposed white orbs. Jofunu could only nod as his legs spread a bit, his throbbing cock leaking precum as the barbs on the tip pulsed with his rapidly increasing heart beat.

Nomaru gripped Jofunu's thighs and buried his nose into the other male's crotch, inhaling deep the musky male scent. His left paw slipped up and gripped the throbbing shaft above him as he nuzzled into Jofunu's pubic fur, resting his cheek against the soft furry sheath and rubbing up and down as he licked the dangling balls sac a little harder with his tongue. Jofunu stood on the tips of his footpaws as Nomaru's licks forced his left testicle up and down, hot precum soon dripping on the Tigaru's nose.

"Smells like someone is ready." Nomaru said wiping the clear slick precum from his nose and licking the sticky fingers. Placing his front paws onto the bed Nomaru playfully kneed Jof in the gut forcing him back on the bed and continued to crawl over and passed him, lowering his body to drag his still limp but leaking arousal over Jofunu's chest, smearing his own precum over his chest and finally nose. Jof followed as his tongue licked the salty fluid on his muzzle and looked up to see Nomaru on his paws and knees displaying himself to Jof. Tail up and flicking about behind him a smiled and a wink gave Jofunu all the incentive he needed to move onto the bed and sit up behind Nomaru.

"Just remember what Des said, slow at first, I am just glad you're not as big as he is." The two chuckled as Jof put a paw on Nomaru's rear, thumb rubbing under the base of his tail over the warm pink pucker, the other gripping his arousal and guiding himself to the exposed tail hole. Rubbing the barbed tip around Nomaru's tight ring of muscles, smearing his precum to help lube his entrance enticed a please growl from Nomaru who clawed the wooden frame to his bed as he gripped it.

"Jof please, I need you." Nomaru said, looking behind him at his friend, both Tigaru sharing the same loving gaze as they moved closer, Jof licking Nomaru's chin and cheek as he slowly slipped inside. The two Tigaru moaned with pleasure as Jofunu's barbed cock spread Nomaru wider and wider till he finally hilted inside. Jofunu gave a small gasp as he felt the hot walls of Nomaru's insides clamp down on him, pushing against his throbbing member. Wiggling back a little as a shudder of pleasure washed over him Nomaru's balls bounced against Jofunu's as the other male began to slowly pull himself out of the tight tailhole causing Nomaru to mew in pain and pleasure as the barbs raked against his prostate. A small spurt of precum landed on the bed below them as he reached down and gripped his own erection stroking himself slowly in time with Jofunu's thrusts.

Every time Jofunu found it easier to press his way into Nomaru's tailhole as it became slick with his precum. Soon he found himself thrusting into his friend with more force; two pairs of orbs dangled in the heat of the moment and bounced off each other as the white furry sacs their rested in reflected in the moonlight, exciting the males more with every impact. Jofunu finally slowed down and thrusted one last time, the tip of his cock pressing hard against Nomaru's prostate as he roared, coating Nomaru's insides with hot ivory fluid. The feeling of such warmth inside and the pressure on his prostate was too much Nomaru's own cock twitching and spurting his seed onto the bed below, both Tigaru collapsing on the sticky puddle.

"That... *pant*... was amazing" Jofunu said nuzzling against the scruff of Nomaru's neck and nipping at his ear. Nomaru simply purred his response and curled his tail around Jof's, the two Tigaru quickly falling asleep in the mess they had created, unaware of the green eyes in the window watching them from the bushes.

Ujie kicked the ground as she walked away from Nomaru's hut, not only had they passed his hunting test but both of them were more interested in each other than her. She gazed up at the stars, tears forming in her eyes as she growled and kicked a pile of rocks near the path. Her gaze moved to the century that was passing by, and rested on the forest before her.

"I am just going to have to prove them all wrong." She growled to herself, a paw moving behind her to check how many arrows were in her quiver. Taking one last glance at the village lights fading as Tigaru fell to bed, she hastened into the night.

The cresent moon hung low over the trees as Ujie moved through the underbrush carefully. She had never ventured this far from the village before and was a bit restless at the strange cries in the distance. However the sound of rushing water was all she needed to listen for, and soon a distant rumble caught her attention. With a jolt of speed she sprang from the trees and ran up the river towards the next line of trees. Panting slightly she rested low to the ground, ears perked as she listened for any sign of an animal. Only the dull rustling of some field mice and an owl in the distance caught her attention. With a sigh she pressed on until she finally came across a section of the forest that was different.

Her footpaws scratched the overturned earth, some rocks had been settled down and it looked like an old river bed, but no brush had grown here yet. Her nose twitched suddenly as she caught a familiar scent. Hesitantly she moved to a tree nearby and sniffed the bark.

"Nomaru..." She whispered to herself for Nomaru had clearly marked this tree, but why had he come so far out, the gazelle herds were south of this dry river bed, she thought. Taking a step back a new scent ran across her nose, burning wood, and meat. The Tigaru glanced about and slowly headed in the direction of the scent. Notching an arrow into her bow she crept through the trees, a light in the distance becoming brighter. Several smells hit her at once, the smoke from the cooling fire and the gazelle meat roasting over it were strong however there was another scent, the same scent she had picked up standing outside Nomaru's window when he was having sex with Jofunu.

Three figures rested by the campfire, all of them human. Lowering herself into the brush she watched carefully, bow ready. There were five horses tied to trees around the area, they appeared to be rather nervous with the scent of mating Tigaru males still lingering in the clearing. One was pulling some kind of cage, and as Ujie leaned closer she could make out a small green figure curled up against the far end.

"Looking for something stripes?" Ujie barely heard the voice when something hit her over the head and the world went black.

"Look it's still an even split."

"I found it I get a bigger share."

"Like hell you do, you're just lucky you had to take a piss." The voices came first as Ujie slowly opened her eyes, the realization that her paws were bound came second. Struggling against her bonds she growled and rolled over, her head was still throbbing and moving her right ear caused a great deal of pain.

"Well sleeping beauty has finally woke up, glad to see Tigaru heads are harder then they look." Came a dark chuckle from one of the humans as he stood up. He was big around and had a full beard, but wore no armor, just some common brown and grey cloths, but on his belt he had a long sword and a ring of keys that clearly went to the shackles she now wore.

"Your gonna make us a pretty gold there little lady. Some of the rich nobles like the soft kitty cats to dance better than this worthless lizard." The big man spat at the cage were something inside whimpered and scuffled. Her eyes flashed to the three other humans who were arguing over selling her in a language she did could barely understand, one had her bow and was clearly not very good as he shot an arrow into the dark. The big human smiled down at her and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, lifting her up to her feet.

"Why don't you dance for them and shut them up, it's been a long time since they have seen something with such pretty nipples." A crude rough had gripped her breast and squeezed painfully. She growled and struggled against him but to no avail. His hands gripped her loin cloth and ripped it off of her body, causing her to fall back to the ground. Tears filled her eyes as she caught some rude remarks about her body, and shaving her genitals to look attractive, why had she left home.

"Hey I finally got it." The human who had been toying with her bow called out as he fired an arrow straight this time, into the dark trees. The other laughed as he notched Ujie's last arrow and pulled back. Before he could release however a blood curling crack rang through the forest and the arrow fell from his hand as the bow dropped.

"Vadim? Did you hit yourself in the face?" One of the humans laughed as he went to inspect his fallen friend, but he stopped close to the fire. Vadim laid motionless, eyes blank, and arrow resting right between his eyes.

"Boss!" The second human slaver barely had time to turn to his comrades when another arrow sprouted from the center of his throat, blood and a horrid gargling sound escaping his mouth before he landed right in the fire, engulfing them all in darkness.

"What the hell's going on?" Their leader said as he drew his sword and looked around blindly. Ujie's eyes adjusted to the darkness quickly and she heard a noise from above to look up just in time to see a shining figure fall from a tree above, the crimson cape billowing out around him as he landed between the two remaining slavers.

"You should know better than to harm a Tigaru in these lands." Ujie could only see flashes of silver as the three figures were suddenly locked in combat, the one in the middle wielding two blades at once as he blocked and parried his attackers blows with speed and ease. Ducking below a strong sweep from the larger slaver, he sent his blade straight through his middle, slicing the other's head from its body with one flick of his free blade. A few moments later one figure stood from the mess, the scent of blood spreading everywhere. Ujie looked up in terror as the figure walked over to her, she held her bound paws up to defend herself and closed her eyes waiting for the blow to come, but it never did.

"This is going to need a key." She blinked and looked up as the human moved to the bodies and inspected them one by one till he found the key.

"Should have known, it's always the fat one." After a couple tries with different keys, he unlocked her shackles and tossed them aside, warm soft hands moved over her wrist as he inspected he paws, eyes moving to her ear.

"They get you upside the head?" He asked tilting his own head as he looked closer to her ear, causing her to move back against a tree.

"I am not going to harm you, my name is Valoran... I am a friend of Desusanu, Nomaru and Jofunu." The names made her eyes widen.

"So they did cross the river."

Valoran nodded and smiled, "Yes to find me it would seem. At least at some point I don't believe Desusanu had intended for Nomaru to run into me at that particular moment but I have stayed here incase more came. Are you alright?" He asked reaching a hand up slowly to her ear and feeling the bump on her head gently. Ujie winced and backed away from him, still very unsure about trusting a human, even if he did just save her.

"You killed your own kind, why?"

"To save you, and our young prince here." Valoran looked up to the cage were a reptile like humanoid sat gripping the bars and peering through. He seemed delighted to see the human for some reason and cried out waving a clawed hand through the air at him.


"At your service my young prince." The human bowed to the reptile who smiled brightly.

"Sir Valoran at your service your majesty, now let's get you out of that cage."

Fumbling with the many keys once more Valoran opened the cage with Ujie standing at his side, glancing from him to the lizard male in the cage. She had heard of the dragon folk in stories, they came from the volcanic mountains and were said to have created vast cities inside a dormant crater. Once free the nude male stretched and jumped at Valoran, wrapping his arms around the humans waist and hugging him tightly.

"I was so worried no one would come." He hissed speaking in a language she could understand.

"They caught me as I was hunting in the marshes, I know father told me to never go there but I'm 20 years now I should have the same right as my brothers."

"You are not as big as your brothers." Valoran said looking a bit cross, but his face fell and he ruffled the lizard's hair.

"However strength is not everything, come let's leave this place to the wolves and the vultures. My camp is back in Tigaru territory near some rocks."

Three figures walked cautiously through the night, the howling of wolves in the distance alerted Ujie and the young lizard male but Valoran continued at a steady pace. Wrapped in the humans crimson cloak she carried the torn remains of her hunters garments and bow, staying back behind the other two. When they finally came to the river where Valoran had made his camp, the young lizard paused low to the ground and sprang quickly through the field, releasing his pent up energy as he sprang into the cool water.

"His name is Xanthus As Hissar, he is the fourth son of Hissar As Shavar, the current ruler of the Zenu people." Val said as he turned to her. She watched Xanthus swimming about and splashing loudly as he played in the crystal clear water.

"He will attract predators if he keeps making all that noise." She growled angrily, on enticing a mild chuckle from the human.

"There is no animal about that would do us harm, the wolves are feeding as we speak and there are no worms or dragons in these parts, come my camp is just over these rocks."

The two moved to a large outcropping of rocks that grew and built for miles to the foot of a great mountain. Water ran between massive boulders and tiny rocks to feed into the river from the melted ice of the mountain. Two tents were set up one grey and round, the other green with red lining about the edges in the shape of a triangle.

"You have made the tent well." Came a voice from behind that startled Ujie as she turned. She had not even heard Xanthus come out of the water let alone walk through the rocks without making a sound.

"I am guessing now you know why the Zenu are hard to find before they find you, very good in water or the mountain terrain."

Xanthus smiled and held his arms out letting the moonlight dance off his bare body, twirling on the spot for Ujie to get a better look at him. His body was covered in a smooth scaly hide which was a dark green around his arms and legs yet a very light green almost white underside that ran from his bottom jaw to underbelly of his tail. Black striped like the Tigaru people lined his back and down his tail to the black tip which. He was built well for his size, the muscles were not to big on his upper body but his legs and tail seemed very strong, four toed feet were equipped with dark claws and a fifth, smaller claw, just above the ankle. To her surprise his apparent maleness was very visible unlike the worms or other reptiles she had seen. A dark green penis hung limply over two light green orbs, with a tiny flash of pink visible in the moon light from the very tip which appeared to had a thin sheath of skin covering it.

"Zenu are of the few reptile species that give live birth, they do not lay eggs like dragons, and their females produce milk." Valoran said as Xanthus pointed to the black nipples on his chest.

"They also have very little consideration for others when it comes to not wearing cloths."

Xanthus rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips as the long tail twitched over the rocks below irritably.

"If you grew up in a hot volcanic crater you would not like to wear some animal's mangled hide." Xanthus huffed and walked passed them head held high tail straight as he entered his tent muttering something about human's fear of the body.

Ujie gripped the edges of the cloak tighter in her paw as she glanced at the two tents.

"He is nice when you get to know him and he will be dressed for tomorrow." Valoran raised his voice towards the end enticing a loud hiss from the tent behind him.

"I never did catch your name." Val smiled at her as he set himself down on a rock.


"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Ujie, I am guessing you know Des, Jof and Nomaru by the expression you made when I said their names." Ujie nodded and squatted down holding the cloak even tighter over her bare body.

"Leave your cloths on that rock and I'll repair them in the morning, till now you may have my tent."

"Where will you sleep?"

"I will take watch tonight, though there are no predators about, there may still be some human slavers lingering, they usually don't travel in small groups. I am sure they were simply waiting for their comrades to return."

Ujie nodded and stood up, walking passed him and into the tent. Inside there was a sleeping roll and a thick moose skin blanket. She removed the cloak and rested down on top of the blanket, the moon light shining in through the crack in the tents top. Slowly her eyes closed as her mind raced with the occurrences of the day, Nomaru and Jofunu's promotion to hunter, their apparent love for each other. She lay there alone knowing full well they were cuddled up together in a warm safe bed. A rustle of metal and a loud clank snapped her eyes open and she crawled to the edge of the tent. Parting the screen just enough to peek outside she glanced about.

Valoran had removed the plate armor and was taking off the chainmail. How this human could wear so much metal and still be so quick eluded her. Standing in a simple loose tan shirt and khaki pants Valoran took out one of his swords and began slicing through the air. Ujie's eyes followed the blade as it seemed to dance through the night air, singing what sounded like a sad song. With a sudden flash of furry and energy Valoran spun the blade behind him and turned to grip the second, both swords singing out as they flew through the air at incredible speeds, raking against each other on occasion sending sparks to the ground.

Ujie gasped and Valoran stopped glancing straight at her. She backed away from the entrance as she heard the swords enter their scabbards.

"Practice makes perfect forgive me if I was too loud."

Ujie crept back to the tents opening and poked her head out.

"No I was only curious, my people do not use such long daggers."



"That's that they are called. They are called swords, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Zenu, all use them in combat, well most of the time at least there are other weapons." Valoran looked down at one of the swords and smiled holding it out to her.

"Would you like to try it?"

Ujie's eyes lit up, warriors did not offer their weapons unless they were going to train you to use them. Slowly she came out of the tent and took the scabbard in one paw the other resting on the hilt. The blade sang in the night air as it was removed with a trembling paw from its holster. Her eyes were wide as she saw a perfect reflection of herself in the bright blade, a blue tint from the strange metal caught her eye. With great care she ran a paw up the edge, it was sharp, very sharp.

"Hold it straight out with which ever paw you feel is strongest."

Ujie did so, her left paw gripping the hilt tightly and holding it straight out. She was impressed at how light it was.

"Be very careful the blade could fell a water worm with one stroke, the metal is light so you need to get use to not overpowering an attack or hitting yourself." She watched him tap a fresh scar on his forehead.

"Even a skilled warrior can become overconfident." He moved closer to her and reached out to adjust her arm and moved her thumb to better grip the hilt.

"A sword is more than a weapon; it's an extension of your soul. It can feel you as much as you can feel it, the metal breaths, it sings, and it can tell when you're afraid. It's alive just as much as the trees and the animals, it has a soul and if you listen carefully you can hear it talking to you."

Ujie smiled a bit, feeling the cool metal suddenly warm in her paw as the wind moved and vibrated the blade. She felt like a kitten receiving her first knife for hunting small game. Suddenly two hands gripped her hips as a foot came out and kicked her footpaws. She blushed deep red behind her white fur. Standing nude with a strange male pressing so close to her was not on her list of enjoyable activities, however learning to fight was at the highest peak.

"Footing is important, you need to be able to move quickly and yet still have enough balance to deliver a good solid strike. Now hold the sword with both paws."

Ujie gripped the hilt tight in both paws as Valoran gripped her wrists from behind. She leaned back against his body as he slowly began to move he arms and the blade.

"There are four areas in front of you, two on either side, and one behind. You need to keep track of all nine when fighting, it's easy for you with these ears." He said blowing on her right ear, making Ujie chuckle a little. His moved her arms through several strokes in each of the first four sections he had mentioned and repeated a few times before letting go and stepping back. Ujie looked behind her as he made the motions with one hand.

"Now you try without me."

Ujie nodded and slowly moved the blade up, her right arm giving force to block a downward attack while her left keeping the blade steady. The blade fell down as she moved to the second motion, as if to parry an imaginary blade coming for her mid section. She smiled as she finished the final two motions and repeated a little faster, the blade sang a little as she slashed up quickly to complete the final motion and held the blade at eye level. She was breathing hard as adrenaline and excitement built up, which caught the attention of Valoran.

"Don't..." His cry came too late she began the motion as fast as she could and when she entered the second motion the blade went too far, swung with too much force angled oddly in the air slicing the top of her footpaw. With a cry of pain the sword fell from her paws and she slipped backwards into Valoran's arms.

"I tried to warn you, the blade is too light if you put too much power you need better control or even the wind can move it off course." He moved to her bleeding foot and inspected it carefully.

"Just a graze, I have some bandages in the tent." Val hurried into his tent as Ujie held her bleeding foot, trying hard to fight the tears.

"I almost cut my tail off the first time." Came a voice from the tent nearby. Xanthus was resting his head on both hands his mid section sticking from the tent where he had been watching.

"You were very good for your first time; I kept holding it wrong my brother said."

Ujie gave a weak smile as Valoran came out with some bandages and set down beside her.

"I am going to need to clean the wound by with some water, can you stand or would you be at all offended if I carried you?"

Ujie moved to stand, Valoran knew she would not be able to stand for long, and waited behind her as she put pressure on the wounded foot, growling again as she quickly took it off.

"I'll take that as an attempt to walk, however we are short on time to get the wound cleaned so."

With little warning he moved his hands under her kneed and behind her shoulder blades, lifting her up and into his arms. Ujie blinked at the quick action, ears resting back as she was carried quickly to the water's edge. Glancing up her anger subsided as she watched Valoran's silhouetted face smile down at her.

"This doesn't make you any less strong; sometimes asking for help requires even more feat of strength then going alone." He rested her down on a rock and dipped her injured footpaw into the moving water, brushing the wound open and making her wince a little as he took out the bandages and began wrapping up the cut.

"You're just lucky I keep clean swords, some Dwarves never wash them after battle, let the blood dye the blades; often makes them toxic and the wounds need to be cleaned right away." This did not make Ujie feel any better as he finished wrapping up her foot, she looked down and did not wish to meet his eyes. The first time a warrior had tried to teach her to use a weapon besides a bow and she didn't listen and now her footpaw was paying the price.

"Don't look so grim, you should have seen Jofunu and Nomaru yesterday when I showed them, I am surprised Des didn't carry them back in pieces." A warm hand slid across her cheek and under her chin lifting her gaze to meet his.

"Let's get some rest, I am sure by tomorrow your village will be wondering where you are." He moved to pick her up and to his surprise she gripped around his neck with her arms, resting her head on his chest as he carried her to the tent. Bending low as he entered the flap, Valoran rested Ujie down on the moose skin blanket and turned to leave when a paw gripped his leg.

"You don't have to leave. It is your tent after all." Ujie said sliding under the blanket and patting the spot next to her.

"I need to keep watch, perhaps another time." Ujie frowned as Valoran exited the tent, looking down at herself and resting her head on the blanket as she hugged it close to her body. Valoran stood outside the tent looking up at the moon, cursing himself. She was beautiful and even though he knew she only meant to sleep next to him, he would have loved to wake up next to that soft warm body.

Inside the tent Ujie lay eyes open staring at the blank tent's inner wall. She couldn't sleep, something had her all fluffed up. Sitting up and letting the blanket fall from her she rubbed her temple. Watching Nomaru and Jofunu having sex had made her so angry yet so aroused, it had faded while she was hunting but when Valoran was teaching her to use that sword. She shuddered a bit a paw resting over her heart, feeling it beat faster. Such adrenaline from using that weapon, and yet even more with having him so close, pressing against her back, holding her bare body. How gentle he was when she had hurt her foot, and careful when he carried her. The paw slipped down over her breast, petting the fur down absentmindedly as she thought about him. A rough paw pad rolled around her pink nipple, making it stand hard and erect against her soft white fur. Glancing down she smiled and lay back, slowly moving her paw down her belly to tease each of the four nipples that ran down her left side. A hot tingle from her loins made her shudder again, both paws cupping over her genitalia as she growled and rolled onto her front, rear poised in the air. Panting lightly Ujie rubbed a careful index finger over the mound of her sex, tracing the moist lips of her labia before gently sliding the finger inside herself. Letting out a low moan she began to work the finger in an out of her sex, free paw holding her up as she growled and panted, unaware that her sounds were alerting the nearby members of her party.

A sudden burst of cool air washed over her exposed rear as she growled and turned her head to see Valoran, sword poised, ready to repel any attack, staring dumfounded at her presented rump and dripping pink sex. Letting out a surprised scream her back foot kicked out and caught Valoran by surprise and he fell backwards from her tent with a loud cry of pain.

Xanthus cleaned the four claw marks on Valoran's chin as Ujie paced beside them wearing his cloak, muttering over and over again her apologies.

"It's fine... Ouch will you be careful with that."

"Well stop trying to talk I cannot stitch this up with your jaw moving." Xanthus said still wondering how this happened.

"You should know better than to surprise one with claws."

"I know it was my fault I shouldn't have been so cautious when I heard those sounds." Valoran said glancing up as Xanthus finished his work.

"I do not recommend any more activities that involve her clawing you till morning I must get my rest." Xanthus sighed looking at the fading stars. "It is nearly morning." Heading back to his tent and quickly falling asleep once more, leaving Ujie and Valoran alone once more.

"I am sorry, I truly did not mean too... you just surprised me... I don't usually do that." Valoran put a hand up to stop her and smiled.

"It's okay, I thought you were being attacked with all that growling and I may have stayed in the tent passed my welcome." A soft paw touched his cheek as Ujie straddled his knee, dropping the cloak around them and wrapping her arms around him. Soft purrs vibrated against his body as she rested her head under his chin. Leaning back against the rocks in an odd angle, Valoran held her and pet down her back as she drifted to sleep.

"Get some rest Ujie, when you wake, you will begin the path of a warrior."