Renegades: War Horse

Renegades: War Horse Like most port cities in the Dragon Empire, November City was a centerpiece of trade and transportation within the Empire. November however holds a special place in the eyes of the Empire as the key port for the...

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A Test Of Skill: Part 1- Nomaru's First Hunt

A Test of Skill Part 1: Nomaru's First Hunt Nomaru pauses and crotched low in the underbrush, panting slowly as to not alert the prey that grazed so...

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A Test of Skill 2: Path of the Warrior

A Test of Skill Part 2: Path of the Warrior Desusanu woke to the sound of clanking metal, stretching his arms and yawning as he tried to sit up. Something heavy rolled off his chest and landed with a thump and a growl. "I'm up, I'm...

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Renagades 3: To Catch A Tiger

Renegades 3: To catch a Tiger Rigel awoke to a loud barrage of barking and rolled over looking up at the cave entrance slightly confused. Luka and Zeta were growling at each other, teeth bared and speaking on a tongue he couldn't...

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Renegades 2: Into the Wolves Den

Renegades 2: Into the Wolves Den A fire crackled in the cool night air, the dancing flames illuminated the dense forest around the small camp. A large figure sat by the fire alone, occasionally glancing out into the dark trees, ears...

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Bio-Wars: Part 1 Visitor of Thought

It had been 72 years since the Bio-wars began; humanity had reached the stars and a level of technological achievement that overwhelmed the dreams of our time. Eager to colonize planets, scientist created genetically engineers animals using human DNA,...

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