A New Brothel

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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When a few german soldiers attempt to seduce a local beauty for their own purposes, they find out the woman is running a brothel using her dairy farm... and they're the newest girls to be offered up to their fellow soldiers. Commissioned by Solerum

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The village had once been quite well off, at least, that's what Peter had been told when he'd first been given the command that he was to reroute here to replace the soldiers that had been idiotic enough to go AWOL. It was little more than a blip on the map of the French countryside, but it was close enough to a strategic bridge that it merited keeping a small battalion being stationed nearby. They had taken over the old church and town hall for their needs, which suited him just fine. It let them drain resources from the town to help feed the larger operations nearer to the bridge. The people that lived here were mostly cowed and bowed their heads to his commands, few of them showed any hint of spirit that would make him worry that they would do more than glare at him when he gave commands. Most of it was due to hunger, they had forced them onto short rations to make sure they kept their place. Disobedience meant removal of rations and possible imprisonment. That made Peter's job easy, something that he appreciated as they made their routine patrols through the small town.

It was just like every other damned town in this place, something that left the young officer curling his lip up in distaste as he walked along the mud packed streets. They had only recently moved over to allow cars, but the roads were still mostly muck and filth from horses and carriages. The few buildings that made up the heart of the community were bedraggled and roughly put together, and the shops were all closed with shutters blocking the windows. They would open up when he and his companions left again, but as long as they were walking through the town they would remain sealed. They were all too frightened about what would happen if they found them open, what they might raid. The young german snorted at the idea, as if he wanted clothing, especially peasant clothing. His companions were similarly miserable, unenthused about the forced occupation of such an uninteresting spot.

"We could do with some good weather." Fritz complained bitterly, pushing his helmet back with a sigh. "I forget what the sun looks like."

"Or women who weren't a hundred years old." Peter responded with a soft sigh. "I think they probably shipped their women off the moment we broke through the border. Probably off dancing for Americans and showing themselves off."

"What? Not up for a nice granny?" Fritz teased and snorted a little bit while their youngest companion let out a soft sigh behind them.

"Will you just give it up, it's not like complaining will change anything." Heinrich sounded weary while he hunched his shoulders against a cold wind. "I don't even see why we have to do patrols, they're just a waste of time. The last ones must have bolted out of boredom."

Peter could agree with that, especially when he looked at the closed up town and the lack of movement. Tight rations meant most people didn't have the energy to engage in must business for recreation. They kept to themselves and their families, but it was still important that they keep an eye on things. The Brits weren't so far away that they were safe and an isolated village could be turned into a head quarters without decent occupation. He shrugged off his disappointment as they made their way along one of the corners that would lead them back to the outskirts and the church they called their home. The damp mud squelched along his feet as he went, rushing up to cover the tops of his boots, but he was grateful they were new enough that they hadn't gotten to the point that there were leaks ready to spring free at the drop of a hat.

It was as he turned that his eyes caught a rare sight of someone outside of their home. He naturally fixated on the person as a threat, his hand moving to his rifle before his mind caught up with his eyes. The woman was seated outside what had been the entrance to the market before the war, her skirt modestly tucked around her legs and her hands folded in her lap to hold a book. It was the color of her hair that really brought his attention to her, the pale blonde locks fell down along her eyes, bouncing merrily back and forth against her cheeks as her eyes were sturdily fixated on what she was reading. Her face wasn't spectacular, she was a little too common looking for that and her cheeks were more soft than high and slender, but she was still a damned sight better looking than the old women he had been dealing with.

"Hey.." Peter hissed at his companions, a grin falling over his features as he saw her turn a page in her book, engrossed in whatever story she was reading. "Look there.."

"Heh, guess she escaped her husband." Fritz answered, Heinrich's soft whistle showing his own appreciation.

She was dressed better off than most of the people here, her hands clean looking instead of coated with ingrained dirt. Her breasts were full and pressed against the pale material of the dress promisingly while Peter licked his lips. It'd been nearly six months since he'd had a chance to do anything with a woman and that had been a bought whore his entire command had visited. They had all shared her, hardly real pleasure when it had been more of a way to scratch his itch than anything else. The young Captain advanced on her confidently, his eyes brightening as she jerked her eyes up as if she were startled by them and he expanded his smile in her direction. His underlings followed him a bit more nervously, but he didn't care what they did, he had his eye on his prize and he fully intended to scratch the itch that was bothering him.

"Hello, my dear." He greeted her in passable French, curling his lips up a bit wider as she narrowed her eyes at him and stood up hastily, her body quite curvy looking beneath her body. She was thirty, not a young girl, but he didn't need a young girl. "You are not indoors with the rest?"

"No, I am tired of being indoors." The woman answered frostily. "But I suppose the smell out here will drive me back inside before long."

"I understand..." He felt a flare of anger as he advanced closer, just within two feet of her. "You must be offended by the smell of soap and clean men, but I assure you, it is far more pleasant than the smell of cattle and shit."

"Perhaps that is it." She didn't sound offended as she pushed her book into a pocket on her dress. "I think it would be better if I went home, perhaps after a few more trips outside I will tolerate the smell better."

"Why leave?" He shifted and moved to try and block her off, his teeth bared in a smile as Fritz let out a barking laugh behind him.

"I have a home to attend and a farm." She answered, not looking frightened at all as he kept within a foot of her, trying to intimidate her, or at least make her look at him with more than a cold glance in her eyes.

"You don't impress her, Captain, maybe you need a bigger gun." He called out in German, which made Peter stiffen in anger.

"We are strangers here, we only wish a warm welcome. We have not seen anyone all day, you are very poor hosts." He almost growled out the words, trying to put some heat into them, though he knew his French was not quite up to par. "You should be better hosts."

"Should we?" The woman took a step back and gave him a long look. "I did not know you were guests who needed such things. I was under the impression that you were simply taking what you desired from us."

"Come now, I am not so bad as all that." Peter gave a wicked smile at her. "You are not so young as to attract many men such as me, you should be honored I stopped to talk with you."

She gave him a look, her eyes were a hazel color that suddenly looked hard and angry at him, but he only grinned wider as he pressed her. He didn't give a damn if she liked him or not, he had every intention of spending his time enjoying her as often as she would let him and then let his companions take their turns. He wouldn't think of it as rape, he'd just make sure she knew that there would be certain....repercussions of her actions if she thought that she was going to snub them all. He was tired of looking at old women and spending his time stomping through the mud, this place was beyond boring, a woman that he could make his own would relieve the boredom. Hell, she wasn't that bad looking, he might even arrange it to be something more than a single romp. She could afford to entertain them, if they hadn't sent away the young single woman who would have eagerly come to handsome young soldiers, he wouldn't have had to be desperate.

"Perhaps if you were to agree to a small work for me, just simple chores, my barn is quite protected and isolated." She said, her voice soft, hesitant, the perfect mixture of coy and inviting.

"Of course." Peter answered and tipped his head back to his underlings. "We shall all escort you home and see about this barn of yours."

_A few bales of hay tossed about? Hell, I'd do that for a good meal. _ He smirked at her angry eyes, she might not enjoy what he was doing, but she wasn't leaving empty handed. It was a good arrangement for all of him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Peter's first impression of the barn was one of sheer size. It was a good deal larger than he had thought it would be, the entire farm was larger. Belatedly, he realized that he must have been speaking to Liza Coraline, a widowed woman with enough wealth that she was able to hold a sizable farm on her own. The colonel had been firm that they were not to bother her, that he alone would deal with her as he took milk, butter and cheese from the farm, as well as older cows that could be slaughtered for beef. He had assumed it was because the old man had something of an arrangement with her, that made him uneasy as she led them all to the massive sprawling barn that opened up to a field that seemed to have no end. He fidgeted a little, feeling the first wary unease. Fritz and Heinrich didn't seem to find it odd, but they hadn't been in the officers' meeting where they had been detailed the surrounding countryside. He was relatively sure the colonel wouldn't hear of this, if only because the woman would be too ashamed to come clean.

He lost some of his eager step as they walked into a barn that had the sharp acrid smell of cows filling it, his nose wrinkled up in response to it, but he saw the woman was swinging her hips slightly. It was an obvious display for him, one that lifted the edge of her skirt a bit higher as she gestured to the interior of the building. The cows were allowed to free range in one large pen that lined one wall, their feed was piled up in a long trough just outside of metal bars that they could stick their heads through. They were mostly black and white sorts, but a few light tan ones were in the mix, and a few beef cattle. As they walked in, several heads went out and there was a loud bawling cry that erupted from them, making Heinrich curse and lift his hands to ears to block them out.

"I suppose I should pay you before you pay off your keep." Liza said thoughtfully and wrinkled her nose as she turned around. "There is quite a lovely part of the barn where we keep the soft hay and straw, it will be better there."

"They don't seem to like guests." Peter said, glaring as one of the cows actually shoved her head through the bars and tried to strain towards him, bellowing even more loudly as a group crowded near the door.

"They will settle down soon enough." She purred and tipped her head to one side. "Perhaps they do not like your smell."

He gave her an offended look, but she was unbuttoning her blouse which more than dispersed his nervousness. The cows were annoyingly loud and seemed to be trying to grab at them, but the bars of the stall kept them from reaching out, and who the hell cared about cows? He moved towards her with a little quick step, crowding her. He moved his hand around her hip as she led them to a small doorway that opened up into piles of thick golden straw and rich green hay. He kept his hand there and crowded her, his eyes narrowing at the glittering fire in her eyes. She could be planning on doing something to them, they weren't helpless, even women had pitchforks around here. He didn't give a damn if she wanted to be mouthy, but he did care if she were thinking she might be able to ambush them. With that in mind he reached to his side and pulled out his small utility knife to reach out to catch her blouse.

"Keep in mind, if you are thinking to catch me unawares, I have no issue apologizing for a terrible mistake that happened here." He put a threat into his voice as the tip of the blade neatly popped off the button. "Treat us nicely and I and my men will work for you this evening. Misbehave, and it will be a shame, but I will be forgiven once the commander sees the farm we will own as spoils of war."

"I have no weapons, what do you expect of me?" She answered and then slid her blouse open further, showing the rise of her breasts. "Go in first if you do not believe me."

He flashed a smile, his head jerking towards his men as they walked into the back of the room, his eyes searching the corners for anything that might be used as a weapon. He didn't see any glimpse that there was anything in the room except for her and he could watch her as he undressed. His hands were almost shaking with the anticipation of putting an end to his chastity, he was tired of dealing with his enforced commitment to the army. His shirt came off easily enough while the woman let out a pleased noise, popping open another button so that he could see the swell of her breasts a bit further, the soft curve of them drawing him in while he realized the other two men were starting to get undressed as well. If they thought they were all going to share at once they were sorely mistaken, she wasn't going to be used all at once. He wanted her fresh and clean, he wanted to be the first to sink into that ripe soft form and to feel her stretching open.

He was peeling off his pants when she stepped forward, her thick dark lips curved up in a smile as she leaned forward quite close to him and he let out a low noise in his throat. The rough sound one of anticipation rose in his throat as he moved in close to accept the kiss she planted right on his lips. She tasted sweet, like apples on his lips, and there was a trail of her tongue that made him feel weak kneed as there was an electric shock that thrilled down the line of his spine. She didn't linger on him, though he leaned into her touch as he unsnapped his pants, she was already pulling away from him. She moved on to Fritz, making him feel a flash of jealousy that was tempered by the fact that she didn't give him nearly so long a kiss as she had done with him before moving on to Heinrich.

He kicked his pants off with a bit of a struggle, twisting himself in place before there was a shudder that ran the length of his back. The shiver turned into something worse, a sudden electric jolt that made his body jerk upright as he had been peeling off his pants. It was sudden and shocking to feel it striking down towards the curve of his ass, making him suck down a breath. It didn't stop there, it was a throbbing pulse that rippled over his skin. He shouldn't have been warm, not in the relatively chilly barn, but the feel of the fever wrapped over him and he stumbled backwards. He was aware that Fritz was making a noise, but Peter didn't pay attention to him, he was concentrating on his own state. Dizziness was hitting him hard, making it difficult to make his eyes see clearly as he swung them wildly up at the woman. She was watching him, no longer trying to disrobe, she was watching him with a smile on her face, a smug smile.

"Poison!" He choked out, that was the only reason he would be feeling this way, she had put poison on her lips. He was sure he'd read a book where a woman had done just that, that's why she had given in so easily to his demands.

"I would not poison you. I am not a killer." She replied easily before Peter felt a spasm hit his stomach and he curled over himself.

His skin was flushed over with the warmth assaulting him, but he didn't have time to worry about his fever, his body was changing! He thought he was going crazy at first when he saw his body growing softer, his stomach losing the hard muscular that had been honed through being a soldier. Soft plush fat covered the muscles as his hips grew softer looking, but that could have been a trick of his eyes, but the changes to his hands could not be ignored. His fingers hardened as dark black nail flowed over the tips and began to stiffen up by the moment. His joints became harder and refused to move as he tried to bend them while his toes began a similar process, splitting into two hard hoof tips that became heavier. He crouched on the ground, listening to the guttural cries of his companions in the background while his ankle began to lift higher in the air.

His body was growing heavier, bulging strangely as he gave a rough shake of his head, twisting it back and forth as his nose tingled and twitched. The tip started to grow blunt, smoothing down flat to his face as it extended outwards, his ears burning as they began to grow. It was impossible! He was shaking and shuddering while his legs grew heavier and his arms began to twist themselves into something new and strange. His hands were devoured by glossy black hooves, cloven hooves, his shoulders popping as the joints began to give way while he grew heavier by the moment. The weight of his chest was growing as it barreled out, his stomach softening before his legs grew too high and he fell to one side. He couldn't balance himself of the hooves, they felt numb as he kicked about on his side crying out wildly.

It wasn't a human cry that burst free, but a bawling eruption of sound as his teeth changed inside of his elongated mouth and his tongue began to thicken. Before his eyes, he saw fur starting to cover his bare skin in a snowy white spill, short glossy hairs that spread down along his wrists and up his upper arms before going to his chest. He was growing rapidly, his bones growing thicker and stronger as he kicked his legs out. Peter could see his companions down, flashes of color and sick sounds as they were being similarly treated to the changes that he was undergoing. His hips grew wider, the line of his pelvic bones sharper as he kicked both of his hind legs out. Oh god, he had hind legs, he contorted himself wildly as his arms began to lose the structures that made them mobile enough to be called arms. His humanity was being erased under the surge of the change.

"Oh poor soldier, you are always so shocked when this happens." Liza chirped playfully, leaning down to run a hand along his changing hip. "One of these times, you would think one of you would be smart enough to not be so dumb. But every time you get those dumb looks on your faces."

_Every time?! _ He swung up and kicked his hooves back as a light human hand ran along his inner thigh, caressing mockingly.

_ _

"You were so rude, for you something special. I don't want you to go without, after all. A guest should be treated properly." She murmured softly while the fingers ran along his lower belly.

_ _

There was a spike of pressure right along the top of his ass causing him to arch upwards with a kick and twist that surged his neck upwards. His ears were growing outwards, growing larger and flapping back and forth while Peter felt his hair being replaced with white snowy fur that was working to cover his body. His eyes blurred faintly as his entire head shape began to show, growing more bovine by the moment. The fingers moved to run right down along his thigh and caressed with a playful slide that pushed down right between his legs, just where he had wanted them in the first place, but she wasn't playing with him for his own benefit. She ran her fingers along his cock lightly, running finger tips over the edges as he felt a surge of electricity hit him, his stomach tightening strangely as he let out a ragged noise as something began to change, something he was horrified to feel changing.

_ _

Where she touched, his cock began to warm and harden, it was a natural reaction to being fondled, but it was one that she was frightened of when he felt himself growing smaller beneath her touch. Her fingers wrapped around the line of the cock, caressing and giving a little bit of a pump as she kept one of his legs hiked up. He swung his head back, his neck far longer than it had been while he was able to look down the line of his stomach. His large stomach, his body was more squared off and soft looking. He was lacking the muscles that he had been so proud of, but he only distantly noted that change, what he really stared at was the sight of the fingers dancing against his shrinking cock. He was growing smaller under the steady rubs and curls, tauntingly running upwards towards the thick swell of his glans. No, not thick swell, he was growing thinner, thick rolls of pudgy flesh forming just between his legs as she fondled him.

_ _

"A shame, you were quite lovely as a man." Liza said thoughtfully, her other hand rubbing just along his lower stomach and rubbing. There were firm strokes, pulling and heating up the skin where the fur was the thinnest and it was flushing a deep pink color. "But I have no use for a bull, you boys are far more valuable as cows."

_ _

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He bawled in terror as he realized what was happening, his cock withdrawing further as thick cunny folds were forming.

_ _

"But I suppose it is better this way, you will learn all about being female when pushy men are around." She almost crooned the words are her fingers closed around his receding cock. "But I can't make money that way alone, no, you soldiers have been so helpful in making sure I can produce enough milk to replace what you take. It's only fitting, especially when I came so close to starving with the village."

_ _

Peter's eyes flashed wide, showing a ring of white as the spot just along her lower stomach began to bulge outwards, swelling obscenely as the fingers curled ta the spot just behind his tail. Her tail, oh sweet lord, it was her tail, the finger curled and pushed inwards between a set of forming lips into a passage that she had never possessed before. Her bellowing call and struggle were useless as the swell between her legs grew worse, dropping down and softening as the flesh began to stretch further and further down. Reddened nubs began to form at the tips, jutting out to thicken into teats thicker than her human fingers had been as the udder that was growing swelled wider, making her hind legs splay open to deal with the weight. Her stomach twisted painfully, black padded nose flared open wide, gulping down a breath that was rank with the scent of cow.

_ _

The finger curled inside of her, pushing and grinding, starting to sink it in further into the line of the newly made passage, making muscles she had never possessed twitch and quiver. Her udder began to grow warmer, swollen and tender, almost feverish feeling as she trembled in place. Her breathing caught in her throat as the finger lightly teased her, sinking in further to twist slightly to make untrained muscles clamp down tightly. She couldn't stop them, they were working on their own as she twisted in place, kicking all four of her legs out so that her udder began to jiggle back and forth in the most humiliating form imaginable. Her breathing came in rapid bursts as she flapped her ears back flat to her head while the finger drew backwards slowly, plucking against her cunny lips. The sensation wasn't painful, humiliatingly, it was pleasurable as she squeezed her eyes shut and the woman leaned over her with a rich throaty laugh.

_ _

"Oh my, you are tight, I'm going to have charge double for you." She said softly and the hand moved away to pat her ample rump. "I've been wanting something new, they get so bored with the same old herd."

_ _

_What does that mean?! _She thought wildly and the former man tried to heave upwards, desperate to get on her feet.

_ _

It wasn't easy, it was awkward as her heavy plush udder was pinned under her with a brief feeling of pressure and pain. It made her shudder as she heaved upwards, lunging up into the air, legs splaying slightly as she felt the heavy milk sac slapping up between her hind legs as she got her limbs firmly under her. Her breathing was shortened, wheezing out raggedly before she managed to get her hooves to brace herself. Her ears flattened back as she had to splay her hind legs wide, feeling the weight of the milk filled udder hanging down. All four teats were jutting out, but she didn't look at them, she kept her eyes fixed on the witch while she snapped her ropy tail down to cover her cunny lips. Her breathing heaved up and down, lips parted slightly as she tipped her head down to hang near her knees. Her companions were trying to rise as well, and it was obvious they had suffered a similar fate.

Peter felt as if she were drunk as she lurched to one side, stumbling away from straw that had been kicked up during the change and blinked blearily at her companions. They weren't recognizable, but the little grey cow had to be Heinrich, at least, that's what she assumed. She let out a bawling cry, angrily bursting free as the witch's laughter was low and delighted from her spot. The former man swung her head around to glare at the woman, her ears snapped flat back to her head as she drew in a breath, breathing coming out faster from her dark padded nose. She couldn't believe that she was standing on all fours legs, saying back and forth on dark shiny hooves that nearly glowed beneath her solid white body. She swung her eyes back to herself, horrified at what she was able to see now that she was done with the change.

She wasn't like Heinrich and Fritz, she wasn't even close to their size. They were far larger than human, but she was a good deal larger than they were. She was at least a hand taller at the shoulder and that was just height, that didn't count the fact that she was far thicker bodied. She was fat, it was the only word for it, like a steer that had been fed well for the moment of their slaughter. Her belly was soft above the filled udder and her legs even had slight rolls showing above the shoulders. Their udders were large, but they were mostly tucked up between their hind legs, hers were hanging down well past her legs so that anyone could see it. She stood out, even her white fur made sure that she wouldn't be missed in a crowd.

"Mmm much better." Liza's lips twitched up in a smile. "I'm sure the Colonel will be quite angry three more soldiers have gone AWOL, but he really needs to teach them better discipline. Still, the less you behave, the less I suffer for what your regime takes from me."

This isn't fair! _ Peter bawled angrily, ears flattened down tight to her head as he stomped backwards a few steps, shaking her head back and forth. _I didn't know!

_ _

"Now, let's go introduce you to the rest of your herd. Thankfully, you were all a bit too dumb to listen to them trying to warn you." Her laughter was delighted as Peter felt a sinking feeling in her gut. The cows were soldiers, other soldiers like her. Oh god, she'd fallen head first into this trap and taken her compatriots with her!

~ ~ * ~ ~

It was obvious that Peter didn't mix in well with the herd of cattle, there was absolutely no mistaking her for any of the others. Liza's lips twitched upwards in a slight smile as she watched the large herd cropping grass in the pasture. Well, the real cows cropped grass, the ones that were transformed men were mutinously refusing to do so. They'd continue playing that little game until they became hungry enough and then they always ended up face first in hay or grass or grain. Her eyes didnt linger on the main group, but the three new ones that were trying to keep as hidden as they possibly could. It would have worked for the two smaller ones, they were easily able to blend in with the rest of the herd, but Peter stood out from the rest in the most glorious way possible.

When the Germans had first come here they had taken over the village with an iron fist. She had known that they would eventually come here, especially after they had broken the French border. There was no denying they had the resources to make sure they held the land they claimed. She had hoped that her small village wouldn't see fighting, that they could be safe, or at the very least be safer than those that lived in the larger cities. That, at least, had come true. There were no battles here and none of her villagers had lost their lives, but the German's were starving them slowly and steadily. They took the best of the best, everything that they farmed or made, it was taken from them and held in 'trust' as they were given ration certificates. They had to apply for what was rightfully their own. The best of the best went on to feed and care for the invaders while everyone began to grow thinner on the tight rations. Her farm had been no exception.

They had come for her milk, allowing her to keep her cattle after she had arranged to offer them 'entertainment' as long as she was able to farm. It was a filthy dirty arrangement, letting the soldiers use her cattle like whores, but they had taken no harm from it. And after a few months, she had added to her herd when she had caught a young German killing off a calf for his meat without her permission. That had been the start of her alternate herd that she could offer up to their sick desires for females. They had no idea that the herd she kept for them were the missing soldiers. They believed that many of their number abandoned them due to boredom and the rough living found near the village, they'd never dream they were mounting their friends day in and day out for a bit of extra cash. And the increase in herd size gave her the ability to help feed her village in secret.

She had deliberately decided that the new boy deserved something special. He had been rude, more rude than any of the other soldiers that had approached her and been changed. He was a good hand taller than the rest of the herd with the lightest coat possible so that no one could overlook her even if the size didn't make her stand out. It wasn't just that she was taller and paler, she was also heavier and a bit fatter than the rest. Her glossy rolls of flesh showed good living, just as the size of her udder marked her an excellent producer. It was so large that the veins stood out and she could see the udder jutting out from behind the hind legs as well as the front. It was obvious that she knew she was different, especially the way that she tucked herself down as if she could hide herself from sight.

She had done her best to make the soldiers attractive to men, they wouldn't want the big boned normal cattle she had, though she supposed they might change their minds if they really were desperate. The soldiers she changed were generally smaller and lighter bodied to make sure that they were tighter, and she made them look more like show cows than the milch cows she normally kept. It was always funny to think about the men who had been changed being the ones to attend their fellows. The cows always tried to show that they were really men, but who would listen to them, and a bellowing cow was hardly attention grabbing, especially when a human was balls deep in them.

Liza's lips twitched up a little as she moved along the fence to the gate, her eyes sliding over the herd again. The natural cows kept to themselves, happy just being able to graze under the sunlight and having ample food. The moment she touched the gate the changed soldiers started to bolt to one side to get away from her. Their eyes were wide, frightened, but she let out a low laugh to herself as she opened the gate and stepped into the pasture. There was no way that they'd escape her, they'd mill about for a while, trying to be the ones outside of her view so they'd pick someone else. They didn't know her eyes were already on the white cow, seeing how her ears were tipped back and she kept looking at her fellows nervously.

She moved through the herd as they stomped to one side, the tails whipping back and forth while she gave a sly look towards the larger cow that was waddling to one side. Peter didn't move as quick as the rest of them, she was too large to easily be able to evade capture. The udder was swinging back and forth heavily, being bounced this way and that. She'd be a fine milk producer with that size udder, especially if it was as full as it looked. Liza moved to one side, doing a quick jump to one side and then the other so that she could cut off the former man. The wide dark eyes were flashing in fear as the hooves churned and kicked up a few splatters of mud before she could swing out the rope to catch around the thick neck.

"Ahh ahh... You're a bit too big to run away, not like your sisters." Liza grinned wickedly as she tightened the rope around the thick neck. "Don't you want to start to adjust to your new life?"

"AWWWWW!" The cow mooed loudly, the broad ears flipped back against the head while the large dark eyes stared at her accusingly.

"Oh don't look so upset, you should be pleased. None of your sisters are nearly the size you are, you'd make a good beef cow at your weight!" She purred and tightened the rope a bit more firmly. "Let's see just how well you turned out, hmm?"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Peter struggled to pull free of the rope, twisting her head back and forth while the woman gripped the other end firmly and refused to let her go. The movements were short and violent, but the woman seemed able to hold onto her despite the struggles. She had a deft hand as if she were used to dealing with belligerent creatures, even intelligent ones. She moved her heavy cloven hoof out and stomped, splattering out a rush of mud out from under the hard edges as she was swung around. The woman deftly shoved her weight forward to push the cow back against the line of the fence where she couldn't easily get away. The rest of the herd was bolting away, giving her looks that were undisguised relief that they hadn't been the ones snagged up by the witches attention. The soldier kept her ears flat back as the rope was neatly tied around one of the thick fence poles to prevent her from bolting.

She glared at her fellow cattle, bristling with rage when they didn't do a thing to help her. She had no idea how many soldiers had ended up in similar fates, but she could count at least twelve that acted differently from the rest. To her utter humiliation she stood out from them like a sore thumb. They weren't exactly like the normal looking cattle, they weren't that large, they were lighter bodied and almost graceful. They were still massive, but they were more light bodied than a cow should have been and almost elegant. They all had udders by they were neat little bulges between her legs, while her own was monstrously large to her own eyes, so big that it was always bouncing against her inner thighs and hit back and forth with each movement she made. She was too big, too tall and too squared off than they were and her haunches were plush and full instead of relatively slender.

_I look more like a cow than they do. _ She thought miserably, flinching as the woman's fingers slid over her side lightly, petting just along her shoulder.

They looked more like what someone would have designed for a show cow instead of a working animal that was meant for milk and meat. She knew that the others had seen it too, they were constantly looking at her and a few of them had even jabbed their noses against her udder as if curious about it. She had snapped and kicked them away, but it was clear that they had mistaken her for one of the other cows. That had hurt, her ears had been flushed red as she had stuck near her two companions who at least knew better. She felt exposed any way she looked at it, even when she hunched her head down towards her knees she was still towering above most of them. None of them seemed to care that she was grabbed, not even Heinrich and Fritz came to help her as the woman slid in close, intimately running her hands down her back.

"You're much better looking than your friends over there," Liza purred and the hand stroked down the line of her back. "A sturdy milch cow, just what I've needed, just look at the meat on you!"

She felt the hand sliding down the curve of her hindquarters before the touch flexed down a little bit into the soft flesh. She had rounded haunches instead of angled ones, a lush little rump that was able to be fondled and teased over as the fingers smooth down towards the line of one of her legs. She stomped and threw her head back, her ears flinging back down tight to her head as she realized that her fellows were watching her closely. She didn't know how to read a cow's face and the emotions, but she imagined they were amused by her plight. She flexed her rump cheeks and snapped her ropey tail back and forth, trying to slap the hand away that gave a little bit of a swat as the body leaned in against her, coming in quite close.

"Though, none of my natural cows have an ass this large, I hadn't intended that, but it looks good on you." Liza gave a bit of a pinch against the rump, squeezing hard enough to dig her fingers down against the soft warmth. "I think most of our...studs complain that my girls are too boney."

_I don't have a large ass! _ She protested soundlessly and snorted down her large padded nose before the fingers trailed down along her thick heavy hind legs.

"I haven't ever had a cow quite like you before, you've got quite a nice layer of fat. Normally I have to work up to that, but with some grain, you'll keep that weight." She played her fingers along the faint roll that curled along the top of her hind legs. "It means you'll be a wonderful producer of milk, cheese would be best for you I think. Or perhaps butter, thick creamy butter..."

As the woman spoke the fingers trailed against her, tracing over the covered muscles with strokes that were designed to feel the strength of her legs. There was no real attempt to treat her as if she had any say what was happening to her own body. She was forcefully touched and caressed, with the hands roaming right along her ribs. The way the fingers dug down against her caused her body to stiffen up as she realized that Liza was actively working to figure out just how thick the layer of fat that covered her was. The talk about making butter and cheese made her stiffen and stomp her hooves, shifting and trying to edge away from the fence as the strokes caressed right along the curve of her neck, stroking and rubbing up just under her belly to stroke right along the lower stomach so that the fingers spread open to trail towards the udder.

"Not even natural born cows have udders like this. Just a few more inches down and you'd be dragging your teats against the ground." Liza sounded amused as her fingers spread open along the heavy sac. "Granted, that's not a bad thing. You could probably nurse a pair of calves and still have enough milk left over to fill a daily bucket!"

The former man opened her mouth and bawled out angrily at that comment, her ears burning hotly at the mere suggestion that she would have calves hanging off her teats. She tried to swing away to get away from the finger sliding against her udders. Her skin was so tender, it felt stretched tight so that the veins stood out against the pale pink sac. It was miserably heavy feeling, dragging against her belly while Liza crouched down and cupped her hands upwards with a little squeeze. The touch made her startle, her breathing came out in a short rush as she strained forward to try and struggle against the rope. The light dig worked up right at the base of her udder and kneaded, the movement building up the pressure that made her tail snap wildly back and forth. Her breathing came out in a short eruption that made her jerk her head up high when both hands cupped against her udder and dragged downwards.

She worked her way all the way down towards her teats before the palms lifted up and actually hefted up the weight of the udder. She grunted out and swung her head back, seeing the heavy flesh being heaved up with an obvious effort, her nipples waggling slightly. The sight of the nipples horrified her, causing her ears to twitch as she watched them being moved about. The fingers kneaded over the thick stretched skin, digging in a little bit so that the nipples stood out. They were red looking, aching sore as the pressure grew worse when the hands let her udder drop back down again, causing it to sway abck and forth lightly between her legs. The little jostling making her flinch and snap her tail, trying to strike out at the woman who leaned back with a laugh.

"Well, let's see what sort of milk you have, hmm? As large as you are, you're going to have to be milked several times a day at the very least!" The woman stood up, lips curved up in a sensuous smile. "It's nearly evening, and you won't enjoy being all swollen with milk when you start to earn your keep."

Peter didn't know what that meant, but she didn't like the sound of it, she also didn't want the woman to do anything with her udder. It made her tremble slightly as the hand swatted her udder firmly, causing it to swing back and forth beneath her body with a little wobble.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Come on, Snowbell, that's a good girl." Liza crooned as the drag forward forced Peter to step through a set of large wooden bars that made up a too small looking stall. "Don't you want to be milked?"

The name had been thought up on the way back from the field, where she'd been led out while the herd had watched her without a single hint of sympathy. She had been forced to waddle along step by step, miserably exposed as her udder had bounced around beneath her with each and every step. No one tried to help her, despite the fact that there were enough cows that they could have easily overcome her. No one tried it, no one seemed to care, they simply looked at her as she had been pulled out and the woman had laughingly given her a name. She hadn't even thought it over, she named Peter the same way any farmer named one of their livestock. It was meaningless, just named after her color and nothing more, which made it all the more demeaning as she hobbled along to the chute. What sort of soldiers just let this happen to them?! If she could have spoken she would have goaded them into doing something against the woman.

The chute itself was cleverly designed to make sure that she wasn't able to move much, with a set of bars that she was forced to stick her head through. The bars closed and snugged down tightly to either side of her neck, pinning it in place while she let out an angry noise, jerking backwards, but the bars held her head in place. She splayed her hind legs slightly as she struggled to get free, but the only thing that happened was that the stall jerked back and forth around her. It wasn't enough to jostle her way free, it just caused the wood and metal to rub against her white hide uncomfortably. Her head was forced down low enough that she couldn't really see anything, she was rolling her eyes back as she heard movement behind her as Liza seemed to be dragging something from one of the sheds. She couldn't even see what it was.

"Your ass is nearly heart shaped from behind." The woman called out, the laughter filling the air before a hand slapped right against her ample ass cheek. "Perhaps I should begin breeding cows to match you, certainly they'd bring a pretty price to them."

_I don't even want to think about that. _ She snorted out, nostrils flaring wide as she gave another jerk backwards before something metal was dropped beneath her.

"Oh my, do you know you're dripping milk?" Liza murmured and a finger trailed down to brush right beneath the thick teat, making her shudder slightly. "You're so full you'd like be leaving trails of milk behind at this point. Not that you'll have too, but we're going to see just how much you can produce. Your fellows are quite terrible at being milked, they give me barely half a bucket."

Hands slid along the line of her udder and rubbed lightly against the stretched feverishly warm skin, rubbing over the area and the size of the hands just reinforced how large her udder really was. The fingers were nearly dwarfed against the size of the heavy sac, feeling the slide that moved to either side and began to slip upwards with a little cupping movement that dug down against the line of her teats. The fingers dug down right at the base and began to slide downwards, not squeezing, but with enough force that she felt the flexing movements that delicately stimulated her with massaging strokes. The light rubs trailed to the tips, running around in circles that trailed a wet caress that proved that something was leaking from the tip. Milk! She flinched a little bit in disgust and tried to pull away as the fondling massages made her want to squirm in place.

She couldn't squirm, not on four hooves, but she tried her best to jerk backwards as the fingers closed down and gave a gentle pumping movement that lightly felt along the teat and gave a little squeeze. The finger pads dug down firmly, not hard, it wasn't painful, but it was shocking as the fingers dragged downwards and pressure began to build right at the tip of her nipples. It was just this side of painful, the feel of the ducts being glutted with the milk that filled her overly large udder. Her breathing came faster, a little hitch in her throat that made her stomach tense down painfully before the drag became a bit more forceful. The hands held the left two teats and worked, massaging against her, building up the sensations as the thick droplets of milk built up along the tip and then dropped down to the ground to the bucket. There was metallic drop as the drops of thick cream dropped down into the bucket and the droplets built up in speed.

"Oh my, I didn't even have to get worked up for it, just look at how readily you are to let out your milk." Liza taunted and gave a firm pinching squeeze. "You were born for this, I thought your nipples were a bit thick for a boy. Perhaps you've been trying to milk yourself as a human?"

No! That's... She bellowed angrily wildly, throwing her head in the air as the lips peeled bit with an angry noise.

The pressure was growing worse and worse, the ache making the tips of her teats feel red and painful as there was a pull that dragged out a sudden stream that hit the bucket with a resounding ringing noise of pressured liquid on milk. Her nostrils flared and she jerked her head against the bars, trying to break the hold of the thick metal poles, but they didn't free her. She jerked and set her forelegs forward, jerking backwards again with a wild fling of her head only to feel the hands digging down a bit harder. The spray of milk came out of the right teat, being drawn out along the grip of the fingers, feeling the way that it flexed and contracted, holding tightly and then relaxing again. It was painful and offered relief all at once as the fingers slid upwards higher and the fingers spread open wide to wrap around the full heavy udder, cupping just beneath the tender flesh and kneading it before pulling down.

She had never had ducts or teats or anything remotely resembling the structure that hung along his lower belly. The kneading pumping movements began to build up, working the aching teats as every stroke seemed to work to dilate the narrow tubes that let the milk flow down in a rich spill that ran down into the bucket. The loud sounds slowly began to change into something else, not the metallic ringing of the stream hitting the bucket, but of the milk flowing into the growing puddle that was forming. She squirmed and arched her stomach, her breathing ragged and rough sounding as her nostrils flared open wide. The fingers were intimate, the movements weren't just rough grabs, they were deliberately dragging the milk from her with massages that mingled pleasure and pain together. The pressure spiking through Peter until he jerked backwards again while the hind legs splayed wide and she jostled the hold of the chute around her.

"Not even half drained! You can probably produce several gallons each day at the very least!" Liza exclaimed, sounding suddenly pleased. "Hmm better than my best current producer."

_I don't need to know that! _ She thought angrily and give a rough noise as there was a loud dragging noise coming from behind her, the hands slipping away briefly.

"An entire bucket, well done, a good deal thicker than normal, though, I wonder if that's because you're so much larger than the rest." The thoughtful words made her ears burn hotly. "But let's see if we can get more out of you, hmm?"

The next pull downwards worked the teats a bit harder, stretching them outwards with a bit of force that worked the very tips until they felt reddened and swollen. It was nearly painful, her entire body was stiffening up before the hands moved up again and they slipped away from her aching teats before the fingers began to knead and squeeze against her. The fingers were digging in, working against the tender hot flush that made him shift and shuddered in place as she slapped her tail back and forth behind her. The lash of the tufted tail slapped against the edges of her shoulder when Peter tried to get away, but the touch was working to fondle her. It was sliding and cupping up so that the gentle touches worked a circling movement that made her shiver slightly. Her udder was so sensitive, and worse, the feel of the massage started to draw the milk downwards, weighing it down lower by the moment.. It was being coaxed along the ducts to flood into her teats.

When the hands came down again they grasped the two neglected teats and lightly began to give them firm tugs downwards. The pressure spiking through her body while her haunches tensed up, feeling the way the palms gripped against her while the streams of milk erupted down into the new pail with the overly loud noises. She couldn't have much more available, there was no way her udder was that full, but the hands kept working against the teat. The woman worked with forceful drags, pulling against her sensitive teats, flexing and squeezing as the tips of the nipples reddened. Her breathing burst out in short little bursts as there was another pull downwards, dragging the milk free from her udder to spill out into the bucket in a frothy mess.

The pressure slowly began to fade away, the stretched tight flesh was soon relaxing and growing lighter as the woman worked to milk her. The powerful pulls and drags worked the milk through her body, pulling smoothly as she tried her best not to squirm in place. Her entire body was flushed with a mixture of humiliation and pleasure from the constant pulling movements. The woman's long fingers worked up a little higher, spreading open along the underside of the heavy sac before giving a little squeeze, spreading in smooth slow massaging strokes. She had no say over the matter, she jerked against the bars that locked her head in place, twisting a little bit before the next draw pulled along the length of her teat to send out another dribble.

"Much better, two buckets, not bad for the first time. Especially considering you've not been bred." Liza said softly before dragging the bucket out from under her.

The woman stood up and gave her ample haunches a firm pat before she moved around the chute with one of the heavy filled buckets in her hand. Peter was taken aback by how full it was, especially considering that the woman hadn't been milking her that long. Her ears tipped back flat to her white head while she panted out in a little rough pant, trembling in place delicately as the bucket was dropped right beneath her trapped head. The milk looked thicker than what she'd seen in bottles before, though some of that might have been the foam that was gathered at the very top. She could even taste the creamy scent of it on the air as the woman dipped a finger directly into the freshly harvested milk and lifted it up.

"See how thick? It's more like cream, and I didn't even have to prepare it." Liza wiggled her finger, it was well coated in the milk, it wasn't watery at all. "Thick with fat, just look at this."

_I don't want to look at it! _ She glared and tried to look away as the woman lifted her finger up before the lips wrapped around the tip and suckled slowly at the milk, tongue sensuously curling around it as she suckled the digit clean.

_ _

"Mmmm we won't be selling bottles of your milk, you'll be a great producer of butter and cheese, far better than my current cows." She said with a slow smile, leaning down closer to the former man so that Peter gave her an angry glare. "But don't you worry, you won't just be a milk cow. Wait until the boys get a look at you!"

_ _

Peter swallowed and then jerked backwards as the woman deliberately coated the line of her lips with a trail of wet milk. The tracing strokes ran back and forth, the thick rich taste of it making her jerk her head up with a rattle of metal. Her milk was sweet and warm tasting, rich as it coated against her tongue and she jerked her white smeared muzzle backwards. She gave a little jerk backwards, jumping with a little scrabble of the hind hooves, her eyes flashing angrily as Liza's laughter filled her ears. She tried to shake her head to get rid of the taste of her own milk, her ears burning in humiliation.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of someone speaking German brought Peter's head up from where she was settled near the back of the herd, an unfamiliar sound that had her ears flapping up higher in the air. She had been dozing fitfully with the herd with her companions, forcibly pushed back towards the outskirts as they all seemed to crowd near one portion of the barn near the door. They didn't go in, which struck her as odd, but if they didn't go in the barn, she wasn't either. Despite the earlier milking, she found that her udder was refilling with disturbing speed. It was growing heavier, drooping down and swelling out as the milk replenished herself. It had only been a few hours ago and already she was near waddling about and aching. The milk was tipping her teats, little dribbles that happened whenever she moved around in the wrong direction and were left in the mud beneath her. The rest new it, she was almost deliberately jostled at time, but everyone went still at the sound of the voices.

She hadn't known what soldiers would be doing here, they weren't supposed to be bothering the farm according to their commander, but there they were. The line of young men were coming down the lane and talking with one another in soft voice. There weren't many, only a handful of them, but they looked as if they'd been here before as they looked around. The former soldier lifted her head to bellow out at them, her nostrils flaring with hope as they passed by the fence almost past her. If they were coming here, perhaps someone had noticed that they had left with Liza. They were coming to investigate her, they'd certainly see that something was wrong here and make her set things back to normal. The former soldier lashed her tail back and forth as the rest of the herd went very still. None of them were trying to get their fellows attention, only herself, Heinrich and Fritz were trying to get them to see something was wrong.

"Madame Liza!" One of the lead soldiers spoke up, one of the officers. "You're as lovely as ever this evening.

The greeting was called out as the familiar shape of the woman came out of the small farm house, dressed in her bulky skirt and shirt like any peasant. There were seven soldiers, they were all a bit older than Peter was, but she moved against the herd that was starting to shift back. Their eyes were fixed anywhere at the men, which was probably because they'd failed to warn Peter and her companions earlier. The former soldier didn't want to warn the men, she wanted to get them to let her out. She pushed her way past Fritz with a shove of one shoulder that got her closer to the fence, her nostrils flaring a little while she flipped up her large ears on the top of her head. Her nose wrinkled up a little bit at the scent of booze that came from them, thick and incriminating, which meant they'd probably snuck out of their barracks and were now going to try the same stunt that Peter had been trying with the woman.

"Ahh you're just in time, I bought three new cows today." Liza purred as she reached up to kiss the cheek of the lieutenant lightly. "No new boys today?"

"You knew the rules, madame." Janus, the man in the lead, said with a tolerant smile. "Only those of us with enough marks are allowed out here."

"Well, I'm so glad that it's you, then. I'd miss you if you didn't come to see my farm." Liza actually giggled, but Peter ignored it, instead she stuffed her head against the fence to try and reach the men.

"Jesus, look at the size of the white one." One of the soldiers muttered, looking over at her with wide eyes as she tried to gesture with her head in a manner that would get their attention back on her.

They were all slightly drunk, she could see it in the way that their eyes weren't quite focused the way that they should have been. They were watching her carefully, some of them ribbing the others as one man looked a bit embarrassed. It was obvious that Liza wasn't going to drive them off or trick them, she seemed to know each of them by name. The men didn't seem to know the cows were their fellows, they barely even glanced over at her and the rest. She strained her neck forward and heard one of her companions doing the same, the bellowing sounds not seeming to stir the soldiers at all as they followed Liza down towards a small paddock just off the main one. It wasn't anything more than a few milking chutes like the one that Peter had been made to endure, hardly interesting at all, but it was still slightly worrying to see the way they eagerly went down into the ring with the woman in attendance. They had done this before, but Peter really didn't understand what.

The rest of the changed cows started to move back, their movements slightly tense as a few of them were lashing their tails and there was a push to try and get into the center of the group. She gave them an annoyed look, refusing to jostle with them as she let out a bellowing cry again towards the retreating backs. She could hear Liza talking to the one in charge, speaking about how they might take some milk with them when they left. Peter flinched a little bit and stopped straining to hear them chatting when she heard the mention of her newest foray into making a fine strong cheese. Her ears reddened and she jerked her head back to glance at her fellows again, knowing she was missing something, but she didn't know what. Did the soldiers intend to take some cattle back to slaughter? That could be the reason they were acting so skittish.

The answer came with Liza left a good deal of the men in the smaller ring and came into the pasture with the person in charge as well as an older looking gentleman that had the outward appearance of a farmer. He certainly seemed to know what he was doing as he had a loop of rope in one hand and it was attached to a halter. Most of the cows started to move away, bolting to evade the man while Heinrich stood at the edges and looked mostly confused. Peter felt dread rising up in her chest as the farmer bypassed Heinrich entirely and the eyes fell on her. She stiffened and began to lumber away, but there was no good way to run. She was too large and her udder bounced painfully beneath her as she tried to stomp with the rest of the cows at the other end of the field.

"Easy, lovely, easy! We mean no harm!" The farmer-looking soldier crooned and Peter dimly recalled that it was the quarter master. "Pretty big, but lovely, aren't you? Still young."

"Snowbell will be quite sweet, I think." Liza commented. "She just arrived, so be sure to use the chute with the hobbles. No need to scare the poor dear."

"The other two new ones and perhaps the brown and white, I believe the lads have been training her muzzle." The man in charge said with a lilt of amusement. "And I... my dear Liza, would be happy to have you."

What? _ Peter jumped to one side as she heard the easy affection in the man's voice. The woman was going to sleep with _him when they had barely touched her and she had done this to them!

She was so distracted by the fact the woman was sidling up to the officer that Peter missed dodging to one side and suddenly the rope closed around her neck and she skidded to a halt. She tried to jump backwards again, but the older man let out a laugh and caught her by her tender nose. The fingers pinched her nostrils firmly and dug down just hard enough that her eyes watered when she tried to yank away. It was all the quarter master needed to fling the halter up and over her head, the leather straps looping right behind long ears and over her short broad muzzle. She let out a bellowing call, shaking her head as she looked up at the man. Didn't he see that she wasn't acting like a normal cow? He should have known something was wrong! She was breathing faster as he buckled the last bit of halter and then worked the chain edged of a lead right into her mouth where she couldn't spit it out.

It tasted of cold steel and made her breathing pick up the pace a little bit as she rolled her tongue under it, her eyes flashing back and forth. She didn't want to go with him, some part of her was starting to put two and two together on what was happening. The little side comments had hinted that they weren't here just to sneak a bit of milk or butter, especially given the way that the officer was teasing Liza with knowing tones. She gave a few little jerks of her halter, but the quarter master forced her to walk along by virtue of the hard metal chain. She could have struggled better if it hadn't been so dark, if there had been some way to really see where she was going, but as it was, the darkness was growing deeper and she nearly stumbled being led out of the open pasture.

She could see the soldiers only because their skin was pale, which meant they could easily see her as she was pulled into the ring on the other side of the fence. They weren't all gathered together like a group and talking, if anything, they were eerily silent like they didn't really want to interact once they got to the ring. She gave a few wild struggles, bucking and swinging back and forth, but the quarter master had long since been used to dealing with cows that wanted nothing to do with him. It was his job to deal with the meat animals as well as the dried food stuffs and soon enough Peter was forcibly shoved into the chute that was used for milking. The shove pushed her head between the mobile bars so that clanked down tightly behind her ears and made her startle, kicking her legs wildly. The lead loosened and the chain fell from her mouth, letting her bellow angrily.

"Aww easy now, sweety, you're going to enjoy this." The man crooned at her before one of her legs was caught with a leather strap. "Which one of you young bulls want first go, eh?"

It was confirmed, god above, she knew it even as she bucked and twisted in place. They were using the farm and the cows as their own personal brothel. The idea was entirely repugnant and part of her refused to believe it, but hearing the quarter master call the young men bulls made her realize that it really was true. She rolled her eyes a little wildly as there was a sense of movement coming from the ring. She had heard about it when she'd first joined the army, men who ended up in each others tents, or men who decided to soothe their loins in other ways, but she hadn't really put much faith in it. Her nostrils were blowing roughly as she rattled the chute and heard the man murmuring at her before her legs were splayed open and tied off just against either side of the chute. It was the same sort of manner a horse was hobbled to be bred, or a cow, unable to kick or jerk her legs more than a few inches to keep her footing.

"Well, hopefully you're a tight one, lass. Large as you are, we don't want the bulls to think you're loose." He taunted her lightly, laughing roughly at his joke before standing up and moving away from her again.

She bellowed angrily, her voice rising up in pitch, but there was no one that answered as the man sauntered off and left her in the ring. She wasn't alone, she knew it, her broad ears could pick up a sound of movement coming towards her. She tried to look in the direction, but she couldn't really see anything except some distant people. Her puffing breath became louder before she flinched at a light hand that moved along the edge of her haunch, the fingers curling against her sleek white form. They weren't the thick calloused hands of the quartermaster, but she still didn't want them on her! She dug her forehooves against the ground roughly and tried to lean forward as the hand kept stroking her lightly and she heard a nervous little laugh.

She tasted the scent of something strange and familiar all at once. It wasn't quite what she expected, it was a warm male scent, a bit of sweat, but it was stronger than she had previously scented. The hands moved against her haunch as the soldier slipped in close, a soldier that she had worked beside! A soldier that she knew! She jerked her head up higher in the air and gave a buck and twist, but he only let out another little laugh before the hand slid down and rubbed just behind her udder and fondled the soft swollen skin. The fingers were rubbing upwards against her as the feel of a body leaned in close and the back of his arm forced her tail up and out of the way. She pinned her ears flat, mortified that she was being handled this way.

"God, you're a pretty one. Not a girl, but hell, at least you're not spotted." The soldier said and rubbed down to slide a hand right on her teat. "You gotta calf in there? All full of milk?"

She angrily protested, bellowing, and it was answered by another wild voice as she saw one of her companions being dragged into the wide ring as well. She didn't know if they understood what was going on, but she knew that she didn't like the hand on her. It was rubbing her teat while the other pushed right up under her tail without so much as asking. He wasn't trying to seduce her, he was groping her in the same way that Peter had wanted to grope Liza. It was that same grip that pulled against her teat and made her shudder as droplets of milk welled up, but it was the feel of the fingers under her tail that truly upset her. They curled against her fat chubby mound and pushed forward to spread the pink folds open with a rub that she tried to evade. It was the first time she had really been touched there and it was a shock of sensation as the pads of the fingers rubbed back and forth against her puffy cow pussy.

She felt her ears burning, even her nose was going red as the man groaned out something under his breath and the finger pumped against her teat. He rolled his fingers a little bit as two thick fingers began to shove forward along her virginal lips and began to spread her open wider and wider. The jab and push opened her up wider, stretching her narrow passage open with a strain and flex of her internal muscles. They were clamping down tightly, the rippling movement closing and pulling against the digits before there was the feel of a hot wet stroke right against the underside of one of her nipples. It was shocking, making her jerk her head up hard enough to bruise her neck as warm lips worked around one of her heavy teats and pulled it into a wet clutching mouth. Her eyes swung around wildly, trying to look behind her as the soldier suckled and drag along her nipple.

It didn't hurt, it would have been better if it had hurt, it felt so good to have the hot pulling maw working around her and dragging backwards. The tongue curled up and rubbed to coax out a stream of her milk to flush into the soldier's throat. He made a noise and suddenly the fingers pushed a bit harder into her, parting the pink passage eagerly, working her as she felt a strange surge and twist in her belly. Her breathing turning a little faster as she squirmed in place, rocking the chute slightly before the tongue pulled a bit more firmly. He rubbed her, his mouth had to have been entirely full of that swollen teat and he was pushing up against her swinging udder. He worked his tongue against the reddened tip, lapping and coaxing out another stream of her milk as the thumb fondled right against her outer lips. It was horribly obscene, no soldier in the German army should have behaved this way, but he was and he was enjoying it.

There was a lewd wet popping noise as he pulled his mouth back, freeing her wet teat to bounce about beneath her, his breathing heavy and panting. "Oh that is nice, nnnf you're a tight little cow." He panted out and stood, his hand sliding from her udder as the hand along her cunny gave another push. "Is your pussy as fat as you are, eh?"

He was laughing at her, her ears were so red she could hear the pounding of her heart in her ears before suddenly he shifted upwards with a little slide and there was the feel of pants bunched up behind her. She felt him sliding his chest upwards while his hand forced her tail to one side and held it there. In the distance she heard a startled bellow and her keen ears heard something wet and slapping, the unmistakable sound of flesh on flesh. She twisted and stomped a forehoof hard enough to rattle the chute before something thick and warm rubbed right up against the back of her udder. The young soldier ground himself against her with a groan, his pants loosening further as Peter sucked in a breath, his short pants coming out a bit faster.

"That's right, you just need a bull.." He said, the words unbelievably coming from his lips, mocking her. "God, you're not as bony as the others, almost have an ass you'd see on a horse."

No no no no.... She thought wildly, her head straining harder against the chute, jerking her hobbled legs wildly to try and get away.

The hand that wasn't holding her tail moved to grip her hip, bracing himself before the blunt tip prodded at the fat lips her cunny. There was a sudden shove, the pressure growing by the moment as slowly, steadily, the walls began to spread open. The wet smear of precum trailed against her as her fellow soldier leaned over her ample hips and grunted before rocking forward and sank the first few inches into her narrow passage. Her internal walls blossomed open around him and squeezed down tightly, caressing to mold around the shaft driving into her body. The powerful thrusts wedging deeper by the moment, pushing the walls open to their widest point as she let out a shuddering call from low in her throat. Her nostrils flared, gulping down a breath before the soldier drove forward, sheathing himself inside of her quivering walls as she drooped her head down as low as it would go in defeat.

The slick precum welled out from the tip, smearing through her with smooth strokes as the balls seated themselves firmly right against the curve of her body before he rolled his hips backwards. There was a grunt, the sound obscene as it turned into a moan and her cunny was pulled smoothly backwards. The length of the cock withdrawing from her nearly all the way before the next thrust drove home. It rocked her, throwing her weight forward so that she gave a jump and muffled bawling cry. The thickness of the base spread her open wide as her muscles clamped down again tightly. To her horror, she could feel her own wetness growing, smearing over the human shaft prodding deep inside of her changed body. The little movements building up on each other as he drew himself backwards again, the soft moan making her tremble in place.

"Nnnf, fuck fuck... tighter than I Thought.." He cursed, the foul language only making it worse, Peter had never talked to a woman he slept with like that!

_I'm not a woman, I'm not even a man, I'm just a cow to him. _ She thought with a twitch and then the hips drove forward once more.

She had never been female before this, new places were stimulated and teased over, the little rubs deliberately keeping her on edge as her walls gave another contraction. The powerful grip squeezed down, working along the trunk of the shaft as she flapped both of her ears down tight to her head. Her muscles worked around him, suckling and pulling as she grew slicker under the stimulation of the thick human cock working over her. Her pink lips were spread open wide, hugging around him as the balls slapped just behind her udder at the apex of each thrust forward. If it had been painful she could have remained simply angry and outraged, but it felt so good. Parts of her responded and she hated herself for it as the hands both moved to clutch her hips as the thrusts grew harder, slightly wilder.

The darkness of the farm hid what was happening from the eyes, but the former soldier could faintly hear the sounds of men vigorously enjoying one another without any care since they couldn't be seen. Two other cows kept making noises and Peter had no doubt those were her companions, but she couldn't spare much in the way of thoughts for them when exchanged with the wild driving thrusts working inside of her. The wet slippery strands of precum were churned and mixed with her own arousal, she could feel droplets dribbling down along the backs of her legs as the surging thrust built up in speed. The wild lunges allowing her to hear and feel the balls hitting against her. They were heavy feeling as they ground upon her, the harsh breathing filled her ears as she heard her fellow soldier groan out above her.

His chest was pushing down over her, and something about that feel made her shudder, her body suddenly clutching over the surging prick. She shifted her hooves, scraping them against the ground, feeling the first twinge of desire working through her in a thin trail. She tried to ignore it, it just made her feel even more dirty as the young man whimpered against her and the hips gave a rolling push forward. The cock began to twitch, the little pulses worked in time with the contraction of the balls that heaved upwards for a brief moment before she felt it inside of her. Peter squeezed her eyes shut, trying to will herself somewhere else as the hot ropey strands of cum poured into her body. She could feel them dribbling in deeper, rolling backwards and pushing out around the edges of her milking cunny. She couldn't stop her muscles from gripping around him, she couldn't stop anything, not even her own humiliation as she heard him roll forward again with a wet squelching noise.

"Nnnf... good Bessie.." He panted against her, his breath hot against her back, shaking a little bit before his hips shifted. "God, hope you're still this tight after the rest have a try.."

He let out a breathy laugh, he was being funny to himself, but Peter's head rattled the chute as she lifted it up. Her eyes shifted back as the young man rolled his hips again before the slimy spent cock pulled free of her, dribbling a mess down back along the line of her udders. He patted her ass as he tucked himself back into her pants, somehow making it worse as he touched her like she was the livestock she looked like. That was one minor humiliation piled on top of her mortified experience. And it was all crowned with words being barked from the roadway.

"White 'uns free for the next one." The quartermaster ordered, and the former soldier closed her eyes before lowering her head. It was going to be a long long night...

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Let's get you cleaned up a bit, hmm?" Liza's voice was almost gentle, but there was no comfort for Peter who felt filthy and used.

The pen that served as the brothel for the cows was set up early in the day, the madam prepared to host quite a few of her 'old favorites' as she called them. Apparently there was a battalion that was marching through the town and staying with the rest of his garrison and there were quite a few among them that recalled the farm fondly and had every intention of putting it to use. She was dimly aware that it meant that there was a retreat going on, something was happening in the backdrop of the rest of the war that she should have been alerted too, but she couldn't be bothered. It had been a week since she'd run afoul of the woman that was using her as little more than a whore cow and in that time she had been used to service the troops several times. She had no say in the matter, the only thing she had a say in was if she allowed herself to enjoy it or not.

There were a few of the cows that seemed to enjoy the attention, moaning and bawling as they were fucked as if it were something of a treat for them. She had even noticed Fritz behaving that way, but she refused. She didn't know how they could allow themselves to feel pleasure at being fucked by men, it was sickening. She could only hope that it was all an act, some larger plan to try and escape by acting as if they were eager to be mounted. She went out of her way to try and make sure that she wasn't about to end up as another dull eyed animal here and she even tried to make it so that no one would want to touch her.

Today she had wallowed in muck and mud, plastering her white sides with shit and mud when she'd heard that tonight the entire farm had been bought out by a high placed captain. She had done her best to make it so that she stank of everything that could be found in a barn yard and ignored just how humiliating it had been to demean herself in that fashion. She had been quite smug until she had been hauled past the pasture that was set up with the tied up cows and led into the barn itself and the rows of stalls. She had been nervous, but dismissed her being led away as the possible attempt to hide her from the men that wanted to fuck the animals on the farm. Perhaps she had found a way out of servicing the men, but that hope was dashed as she was tied off in a closed off stall that smelled of horses and her mistress had returned with buckets of ice cold water.

"We have had a special request for you, they are quite eager to give you a try." Liza said with a conversation tone of voice before the icy water was dumped up and over Peter's head. "They always love something unique and you are very unique hmm?"

The former soldier bawled out angrily as the cold water trickled over her muddy back and the woman set to her with a hard bristled brush. She felt a lump in her throat that they had wanted her especially for the night, but that lump was partially dismissed by the pain of being roughly scrubbed back and forth by the woman who used the icy water down along her sides. The muck and filthy made her wrinkle her nose unhappily, snorting and pinning her ears back as bucket after bucket of water was dumped over her and slathered down her sides. Her attempt to camouflage herself flushed away along her hooves as the woman hummed merrily to herself and used the brush to get the worst of it from her side.

Liza didn't seem angry at all that she'd tried to cover herself in filth. She had no doubt that she was being paid well to be used for the evening by the passing garrison. She was thorough and not particularly gentle as she leaned into the brush strokes and put her weight into it. It took more than a few buckets of water to reveal the white coat beneath the filth, and even longer for the woman to use the brush until her skin felt pink and puffy from the attention. Her layers of protection leaving her even more vulnerable feeling. And that wasn't the only place that was attended and cleaned off.

The woman seemed to be doing her best to make sure that her udder was cleaned off, using the cold water to work against the line of the thick teats that were settled underside of her puffy udder. She shifted and felt the mound swinging back and forth while the fingers flexed against the edges of her tender tips. The little tugs were shocking to feel, the drag downwards yanked and drew along the puffy hot feeling flesh. Her eyes squeezed shut and she tried to give a kick, but the only thing she hit was the back of the stall wall. The little jump and jerk back and forth made her feel more vulnerable as the stall walls gave her little give or way of fighting her way free. She twisted again when the hands moved up and weighed the milk heavy udder.

"Mmm you really are quite a prize. No wonder the boys have been talking about you." Liza said with a soft lilt to her voice. "I've heard that you're nearly as good as a real girl."

Peter glared and pinned her ears down tight to her head while she felt the fingers teasing against the line of her nipples and pinched the tips. It was a forceful little grab that pulled downwards, dragging with a pull that made the tip heat up slightly and the pressure began to build as the milk was coaxed down. The little tug and pull made her stiffen up, her breathing coming out in a short burst that made her nostrils flare open wide. The woman's other hand moved up to slide just along the back of her udder. It was a gentle stroke, dancing against the tender skin and squeezed with just enough pressure that she jerked in place. Her head jerked upwards and she gave a little rock and twist, her side crashed against the stall wall as she protested the treatment.

The fingers moved up to trace just beneath the line of her tail, stroking the soft ample flesh of her rump cheeks. She flinched and rolled her eyes back as Liza's lips were quirked up in a wicked smile as she gave a little slap. The cow was horrified to feel the soft thick flesh wobble and jiggle in place. It was terrible feeling, the little jumps and feel of the ample flesh moving about making her realize just how large she was compared to the other cows. She didn't want to stand out! She would have done much to simply be another one of the group.

"Do you know they say your ass reminds them of lovely lasses they've known in their own country." Liza commented, tracing a finger down to run right along her plush cunny lips. "I've never had them request a particular cow before, you might just make me a fortune, girl."

The fingers trailed and ran in a smooth line that delicately played between her lips, she hated the feeling, but the way the stall was set up her kicks only hit a short board instead of striking out against the woman. The fingers on her udder jiggled it, making her aware of just how full she was, only partially distracting her from the sensation of the finger starting to push forward into her passage. The slow strain began to part her lips open wider and wider, nudging into the narrow passage with a forceful strain that just barely dipped forward and caused her inner walls to contract down tightly. The powerful muscles clinging around the digit that rubbed back and forth, tugging along her plump outer lips with a little twist that made her jerk in place.

"You just feel hungry for cock." The woman murmured and patted her fat udder. "Well now, I'm afraid you're going to wait a bit before the young bulls show up to stud you. I know they're not quite as long as you want, but I'm sure you'll make do."

She didn't want to make do, she didn't want to do any of this! Her ears were burning in humiliation about the comment on her hungry cunny. Her shoulders hunched miserably, her breathing came out in a little bit of a shivery burst, tugging at the lead roughly. There was no way she could get free, and when night came, they would show up to use her. It was bad enough to be a whore, but she wasn't even a human whore.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Nnf... hey there pretty girl.." The slurring soldier made Peter jerk, her hind legs shifting and hitting the board as the man ran along her haunches.

The soldiers had come as soon as the sun went down, they were loud and drunk, having raided a few of the last remaining cellars in town before they had come here. They were part of the old command that had been eagerly anticipating this particular stop a great deal, all of them knew about the cows here and this was the only place they could really get some relief. To her dismay, it wasn't just one soldier that had booked her, instead, a group of three had paid a slightly discounted rate as long as they all used her at once. The sight of the three shoulders had made her hunch her shoulders miserably, especially when they had been full of brags and boasts about what they intended to do with her. She hated hearing the lewd talk about her, and they were all drunk, which made it even worse as grubby hands began to slide over her body.

There was a little caress that ran right along the curve of her hip as one of the men came into the stall with his own sound of appreciation. They smelled of beer and sweat, all three of them seemed more than a bit drunk as the hands on her haunches moved and gave a little stroke against the base of her tail. Now that she had dried off from her bathing her fur was quite soft and smooth feeling, something that the man exclaimed over in delight as another reached down and ran a hand along her stomach. They weren't just pets for an animal, they were caresses reserved for amorous intent, lustful and probing this way and that as she felt hands reaching down along the length of her heavy teats and there was a little tug right near the tips.

"Easier to think of a real girl with her, just look how pink that cunny is. Though, she's fat enough it's hard to really see properly." The man said behind him as the fingers curled right along the edge of the thick fat lips. "I get her cunt, I paid the most."

"We can all take turns." The man said that wasn't touching her. "She's big enough to accommodate us all."

"I just bet she is." The one behind her said and then there was a pinch right against the line of her udder. The man beside her was teasing her teats, pulling and stroking the tender tips and giving a series of firm yanks downwards.

"Oh aren't these soft as silk..."

They were cooing over her, fumbling on her body with forceful little tugs and squeezes that made her nipples aches as the third man began to join in. Their attention to her body was disturbing as it made her skin start to ache painfully. They were pushing up against the flesh of her udder and made her grunt out before she let out a bellowing call when there was a curl of a finger right between her fat cunny lips. The touch stroked back and forth as she thrashed, giving a few yanks against the lead as she tipped her head all the way back. Her nostrils flared open wide, gulping down a breath and letting it go again as the tip of the finger shoved in further inside of her. It began to spread the walls open to the widest point as two fingers spread open and parted with a wet little push and then glide backwards. He was testing her, teasing through her body with delicate rubs that caused Peter's body to clutch down tightly around him.

She shuddered, her eyes widening as she felt one of the men beside her unbuckling his pants, the sound quite loud as the fingers drew back from her thick heavy body. The little drags and pulls slipped out with a wet noise, the strands of arousal clung to the tips of the digits, humiliating her further while the warmth of a cock suddenly shoved up against her udder. It stroked against her as the man mumbled about how soft and warm feeling she was against the tip of his cock. She felt her ears burning unhappily as she gave a buck and jerk in place, trying to get away as the rolling thrusts slid over the edges. The wet trail caressed along her outer lips, falling down as she writhed in place and the man behind her let out a short laugh.

"Already wet, Liza really does have a way with these animals." The man behind him said. "Don't you worry, pretty girl, I'll give you what you need. A nice hot fucking from a prize bull eh?"

"Prize bull?" The third man laughed, sliding up against her side, teasing with a pinch against one of her udders, the rough twist making her bawl out angrily. "She's only getting the one who paid the highest price, not the best."

Her protests were lost when there was the feel of a cock tip sliding right along the curve of her tail, tracing lightly with a little shove that caused her to squirm in place. She let out a noise, her nostrils flaring wide as she felt the slide of the cock tip running its way downwards, rubbing lightly as the man laughed at the joke despite being the butt of it. Perhaps he could afford to laugh when he was the only one of the three of them pushing his cock right up against his ripe cunny. The blunt tip shoved right up against her pink folds, grinding against her and putting ga bit of force into the movement as the hips shifted forward with a slight slide forward. The weight of the man leaned right along her back as she felt a wave of humiliation as the tip began to splay open wider and wider around to swallow right along the tip of the thick spongy cock.

It pried her open wider, a thick slimy spill of precum flushed out into her passage, running in deeper as the weight bore down against her. The next powerful roll of the hips pushed a few more inches into her as she let out a bawling cry, trying to ignore the feel of the other cock rubbing along her udder. The man was grinding against her, letting out pleasured sounds from low in his throat while his hands slid along her body. Where he touched, she felt greasy and used, the touches were lingering this way and that, feeling along the curve of her neck and drifting downwards with a little tip and tickle that made her angrily jerk backwards. The movements became more frantic as she felt the tip of the heavy cock pushing deeper inside of her body. She was splayed wider and wider, the steady strain and stretch sent an uncomfortable pressure growing as the warm hips shoved forward with a lewd wet noise. Her own body reacting with a slick push of arousal that escaped around the edges.

She let out a noise, her hips jerking slightly as the next thrust pushed through her and the balls slapped right up against the back of her swollen sore udder. One of the other men began to rub against her, the little thrusts and grinds worked back and forth over her udder. The little thrusts and jerks worked against her, making her experience sharp pangs as her walls closed down tightly and squeezed. She suckled and pulled around the cock as the third man began to rub up against her as well. They were using her udder to masturbate again, probing and leaving sticky trails behind as their hands gripped the broad expanse of her back. She wanted to be sick, her head drooped down miserably as her body was rocked forward and she felt the smooth sawing movements as the man let out soft pleasured noises. Noises she tried her best to ignore, though there was little she could do about it.

"Soft as silk these udders." The third man grunted appreciatingly, his hips rolling back and then giving rough thrusts forward just to make her body jerk in place. "That's a good cow."

_I'm not a cow! _ Peter thought mournfully and then let out a noise as the man behind her began to speed up his thrusts.

They were wet and slimy feeling and not just from the precum. The mixture of her own arousal was churned together with the precum as the short powerful strokes that jabbed inwards and then gave smooth drags backwards. The tugs pulled along her inner walls, stimulating her even as she squirmed in place, her slit nostrils flaring open wide as she gulped down a breath and released it again. The thrusts were short and powerful, giving a series of pushes that ran right up against her udder that was rapidly growing more sore. The cocks that rubbed against her weren't gentle in the least bit, they were forceful as they drove forward and made the fat milk sack wobble back and forth. The little tugs and bounces were achingly working her skin as she shifted her weight with a little bit of a strain forward, trying to ease the pressure of the cock jabbing deeper into her aching slippery passage.

The lewd grunts, the moans, they were sounds she never wanted to hear when applied to herself and it was growing more animated. A hand slapped against the side of her udder, the sound of flesh on flesh rang in her ears, overly loud and made her flinch before the hips jerked backwards gain. The slurp pulled the cock nearly from her passage before the next thrust sank him in all the way down to the base. She grunted and her hind legs tensed up, her ears remained pinned down against the line of her head while a hot wet smear of precum slathered against the soft malleable flesh. Her body shuddered in place with the powerful rapid strokes back and forth. The breath of the man could be felt right against her back as Peter was rocked back and forth.

The man on her left side moaned out, his breathing picked up pace as she felt his hand stroking his cock even as he ground against her udder. He fondled her roughly and tugged, pulling towards the teats, squeezing her and reddening the tender pink skin. She was trying to catch her breath as she felt him pushing downwards, the shove resting him against her side as something warm and sticky drooled out of the cock tip and rolled downwards towards the tip of the teats. The man let out a ragged call of pleasure as the cum erupted out of him in thick sticky trails that ran down along the tips of the nipples, dribbling down towards the ground messily. She jerked, her hips straining as she felt the creamy mixture covering her body and making her choke out a low noise of disgust.

It was only growing worse as she felt the rapid pumps pushing against her ass, the crack of the hips growing more frantic as she tossed her head back, shuddering as the third man pushed his cock down and actually shoved right up along the underside of her udder, jabbing at her. It made her try to get away, straining against the lead, snorting and letting out bawling cries as she felt the sticky warm cum that decorated her udder traveling along the tips of her teats. It was worse than milk, thicker and clung with the sharp scent of male as the second male rubbed his softening cock through his own mess. She shuddered, squeezing her eyes shut before she felt the next thrust slam through her, the jerk and drive made her cry out raggedly. Her nostrils flared wide as she felt he balls against her udder twitching upwards, the cock in her snug cunny swelling open wider as the man gripped her ass and yanked backwards.

The sudden pull came with the hot wet feel of his seed spraying into her body, hot streamers of it. Not even that could block out the sensation of the third man cumming on her udder. The mixture churning and mixing with the first along her teats as he gave a series of brutal thrusts upwards that jabbed his cock tip up against her tender flesh. She shuddered and gasped, her breathing picking up pace as she tried to kick her way free, only hitting the board behind her as the man gave a series of wild short thrusts. The movements were rocking through her body, making her nearly fall on her knees while her tender swollen udder was coated in a mixture of the seed. It dribbled down heavily, falling in puddles beneath her body, but most of it remained clinging to her swinging milk sac. The mixture coating her teats as if they'd been dipped in cream.

"That's a good cow.." The man on her back laughed breathlessly, dragging his hips backwards. "Which one of you young bulls think you can get it up again?"

The question came with the slow drag backwards, the spent cock slipped free with a lewd slurping noise as cum dribbled down along the back of her udder. The messy spill coated and smeared over her, adding to the mixture of cum that dribbled down the thick cum that already coated her udder in the creamy mess. She could smell it, the thick sharp scents of male lust that covered her body. She shuddered and lowered her head down. There was no doubt in her mind that she'd not be clean any time soon, not until they came to use her again and Liza decided to clean her off. She shuddered at the idea of spending the next few days sticky with cum dripping off her udder. Just another part of her new life as a whore-cow.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Madame Liza, you have the best cheese around, do you know that?" The old man chattered happily as he held the thick wedge under one arm. "I had nearly forgotten how it could taste. It has been so long since it was available..."

"It is a little thing, but it reminds you of better times, no?" Liza responded, her fingers lingering along Peter's ears lightly as the market was loudly chattering around them.

Peter miserably ate hay, trying not to think of the fact that she would be forced to chew it up as cud later on in the evening while she was in the field. She tried not to think of a lot of things and hadn't been thinking of them for the last year and a half. She especially tried not to think about how long she had been serving as a cow for the widow's farm and what she was forced to do there. In all that time, only four more soldiers had joined the herd of nearly twenty that were set apart from the natural cows and none of the new ones were like her at all. She stood out like a sore thumb among any of the cows, larger, fatter, bigger in the udder and whiter so that she could never hide from Liza or anyone else that came to see her in the field. And she had nearly come to terms with that, she had very nearly allowed herself to accept the fact that this was her life.

"Can I have some cheese too, miss?" A young boy ran up, breathless and bright eyed. "I kept my other slice all week!"

"Did you now?!" Liza exclaimed brightly, grinning as she tipped down towards the boy. The well fed boy, there was no denying the widow was feeding the brats up.

She had stopped fighting the soldiers that came to purchase time with the cows, most of them weren't so bad and she could at least try to ignore them when they decided to play the bull. She had learned that particular lesson four months ago when Liza had bought an actual bull to begin to service her herd and she had singled Peter out from the herd to be honored to carry a calf of her very own. The thought made her twitch her skin and try to ignore the fact that her stomach was starting to swell with the results of an entire week being forced to feel the wet muddy bull on her back and the sharp thrust that marked the spray of his cum inside of her. After that, the soldiers weren't so bad at all, at least they were human! At least they didn't make her feel a bloated stomach that still had months left to go before she was ready to drop.

"I did! I really did!" The boy chattered eagerly, licking his lips as the woman sat at the market stall. She wasn't selling cheese, she was giving it away, the excess of her profits.

"Well, you can have more cheese, but first you must go and thank Snowbell for being such a good cow. You can even give her a snack." The woman offered with a slow smile that made Peter stiffen.

That was the newest little game that was played. The witch seemed to like bringing her to town, not just to show her off with mournful comments that if they had still been able to have fairs she would have won, but to feed her up. Most of the town drank her milk now, ate her cheese and her butter, the rich content was helping to keep their weight up so they'd be healthy. The only way the woman was able to do that was to bring her to town pulling a cart like she was an ox, making a token arrangement that she needed Peter to do her work so the German's didn't take her. Not that the soldiers would, they were too pleased with the arrangement they had put together for themselves to worry about a little thing like one fat cow.

The boy was nearly scrambling towards the stall and opened his hands up expectantly. He could have only been ten and he was nearly wriggling as she gifted him a bag that was filled with a special grain that was reserved for Peter alone. It was expensive, but the witch had taken pains to explain that it was all for the better to make sure that she would hopefully birth a fine strong milch cow. The grain was coated in molasses and rendered fat, making it sweet and salty all at once, and packed full of the best hay trimmings possible until they made thick chunks that glistened at her as the boy came running to the white cow. She glared down her nose, her ears flapped flat back as the youngster held up the satchel eagerly. The children loved to feed her, and the witch knew that Peter wouldn't harm them. It wasn't their fault that she was stuck in the form of a fat cow after all. And it wasn't their fault the grain smelled as good as it did.

The boy's sticky hand began to rub her ears as she dropped her nose into the bag and used a long pink tongue to swipe up the feed. It didn't' taste bad at all, making it easy for her to crunch up the mixture, chewing so that crumbs fell down along the line of her cheeks. She snorted and snuffled, lapping along the line of her lips a few times before pushing her tongue back out again. The mixture of fat and molasses with the corn melted on her tongue, making her drool slightly so that she knew that strands of wetness clung to her chin as she pushed her nose further into the offering. The boy's fingers ran along her cheeks, rubbing a little bit as she snorted and huffed to herself. She tried not to think that she was fattening herself up for richer milk, she certainly tried to ignore the fact that her udder was already starting to fill up again after the morning milking.

The little hands pushed the satchel up further until she was easily able to shove her tongue into the corners, her throat working while Liza watched on. She always made sure that Peter ate as much as she could hold, even going so far as to rig out feeding bags to keep the cow from avoiding her trough of food at the end of the day. The woman loved to torment her, even as she acted kindly to the villagers that were in her care. She had already cut a sizable wedge of white-orange cheese for the boy. It was thick and heavy cheese, requiring little aging process to make sure that it was not only edible, but enjoyable. A few of the villagers had already talked about hiding her away when she calved so that the germans couldn't steel-

"THE WAR IS OVER!! THE WAR IS OVER!!" Shrieking voice came tearing down the main strip ahead of the rattle and rumble that meant heavy automobiles.

A young man came riding through on a motorbike, a white scarf traveled behind him merrily, twisting and being lapped about in the breeze. He skidded near the center of the square where people were already rushing, including the boy that had been feeding her. The bag dropped to the muddy ground without a care, ignored except by Peter who twitched her ears up at the sound of voices. More people were coming out of houses that had been boarded up as the fresh face boy pushed his mud splattered goggles up from his eyes. To Peter's consternation, there were officer bars on his sleeve, despite the fact the boy was little older than sixteen if he were a day.

"They are already signing the treaty, it's a route! By the end of the week the war will be over!" The boy shouted, waving his goggles in the air. "The Americans and British are driving back the German's as we speak! The church is rid of them!"

Rid of them? Peter jerked against her lead and tried to listen in more closely. What does that mean?

The boy kept repeating the same words are more people came out, old men and women, younger generations, all watching eagerly to hear what was being said. Liza moved in and let out a soft sigh, her hand sliding along the nape of Peter's neck as she didn't join the rest listening to the boy. She simply watched and her brows were furrowed, slightly unhappy looking as she ran her fingers just behind the former soldier's ears. The touch wasn't unpleasant, but she still tried to duck away from it before the witch gave her head a shake.

"I suppose that means we'll have to call it an early market day." She murmured softly and tilted her head down towards her captive. "I don't want to be caught with a bunch of naked german soldiers in my field, and it'll take time to work out the spell so they find their way back to their unit."

Naked soldiers? Peter let out a muffled noise, hope lurching in her chest at the casual comment about working out the spell.

Liza reached down to pick up the empty satchel of food and gave it a little shake as Peter hardly dared breathe lest she interrupt the witch. Did this mean that she would go back to her real body? Finally? The thought made her nearly shake in place, her eyes brightening as Liza moved back to the table and began to finish cutting the cheese so it could be given out swiftly. She seemed to realize she was being watched, because halfway through rolling out the next thick round she tipped her head up and her lips suddenly curled in a smile. It wasn't a friendly one, nor an amused one, instead it made her take a step back and yank against her lead, straining briefly before letting it slacken again, warily waiting for the woman to call the boy over to finish feeding her.

"Don't worry, Snowbell, I've not forgotten you." The witch said after a moment, making Peter feel nearly faint with relief. "You should be happy, it'll be another 8 months for your calf to be born and then barely six months before its weaned. By then, you'll be more than ready to go back to how you were and you won't be forced to march in a forced route from the battlefield like the rest will."

Like the rest will. The words were like lead in her mind, weighing her down as her ears dropped to either side of her head. With just a simple few sentences her hope of escaping died. Why would Liza let her go when she hadn't foaled yet? Could she even be turned back in this state? She had hoped for nothing. I've lasted over a year, surely another year isn't going to be that bad. After all, the soldiers will be gone and all I've have to do is let Liza milk me...

Peter felt bitter humor that that was considered a relief after what had happened to her. The war was over for her companions in arms and so many others, but she had her own private war still going on. A war against the thick rolls of flesh growing on her body and the calf that grew bigger by the day. A calf that the witch clearly intended her to have....and to keep.

Strange Bedfellows

"THERE HE GOES!" The hunter bellowed, the voice rang across the sky as the dragon erupted from the forest, driven on by the snap of arrows. Falcon's eyes rolled back at the hunters on the ground, his tongue hanging out as he surged up into the sky,...

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Pound of Flesh

The store smelled like old herbs and faintly of smoke, making Vanir uncomfortably aware of the fact that he was rather crowded into the front of the shop where bundles of dried plants hung up. Those smells weren't bad, but the scent of reptile was just...

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Captured Thief 2

Being chained in Eran's room was not at all what Mariska thought it was going to be. When she had been hauled out and scrubbed clean she had assumed she'd be chained like some sort of dog in the corner of the room, but it was obvious there were other...

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