Daddy's Girl - Chapter 1

Story by MD_Doyle on SoFurry

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When the pups went to bed, and to bed meant the lights were out and sleep was on its way, that meant their doors were closed. If they stayed up for any reason, their doors, their doors were to be cracked open. But 10 o'clock sharp, that's when the lights went out and when the pups were expected to sleep. Any homework that had to be finished? That could wait until morning and was a lesson in working more efficiently. That's the way Cash Castillo ran his household. It worked since his wife passed and he was left raising their five coonhound pups on his own and he wasn't about to change it for anything.

The pups never questioned their bedtime ritual. It was just a part of their lives.

Until realization hit his middle pup, and only daughter, Alaina:

He was hiding something.

She laid there in her bed one night when it hit her. Why would he make sure to that degree that the pups were in their beds? She was 18 now. None of her friends had rules like this. And, shit, two of her brothers were older than she was and still followed this rule! There was something he was hiding. There was something going on that he didn't want his pups to know about to the point that he made sure that he knew where they were.

She rolled over, brow furrowed in thought. What was he doing? A lady guest? She would've heard the front door. He never checked in on them after closing their doors so it couldn't be that much. Drugs? She probably would've smelled it.

The crack under her door showed her the dim light of the TV was still on. That meant he was still up.


She hoisted herself up out of bed and opened the door. There was no sound from the television. He probably had it on mute. She slowly made her way down the hall of the house, since her room was next to her father's (to keep an eye on her), past the three doors of her brothers. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears and was beyond grateful that the floors weren't that creek-y. From her angle, she could make it to the living room to get a peek at the television without her father seeing from the couch.

She looked in the living room, the only light on was the slight blue glow from the television. She blinked a bit, her eyes adjusting to the light before she noticed what was on the TV.


On mute.


She didn't know why she was surprised, really.

Maybe it was more of the content.

An older male had a much younger female lynx bent over a coffee table and was slamming into her without abandon.

So that meant...



She had two choices to make in that moment. One would be just to walk back to her bedroom. Forget what she saw. Let him watch porn in peace. The other would be to look to see where her father was, just to satisfy her curiosity.

She looked over at the couch, biting her lower lip to stifle the gasp that was threatening to escape her. There Cash was, in the light of the TV, his back pressed to the back pillows, his legs spread wide, and his fist pumping away at the red erection peeking through a fat tan furry sheath, nestled on top of what looked to be a very heavy sack.

This is where she should've just went back to her bedroom. This is when she should've just forgotten everything she saw. Would bleach work? Maybe!

But she was rooted there.

She'd never seen one that big before.

Shit, she'd never seen one so red before.

His pants became louder, his legs spreading wider, eyes fixed on the TV in front of him. The soft slap of flesh on flesh of his fist, matching the motions on TV.

There was something unmistakably arousing about it.

"Fuck she's so tight," Cash murmured, he licked his paw before sliding it back on to his cock, reaching down with a free hand to cup his balls.

Alaina began shifting from footpaw to footpaw, squeezing her thighs together tightly to combat the wet, throbbing ache that was between her legs. She couldn't remember the last time she was ever so wet.

And she didn't want to leave.

And what was that weird craving she had that she wished that comment was about her?

'This is incredibly fucked up,' she thought to herself as she dropped down to a crouch. She looked over her shoulder down the hallway where her and her brother's bedrooms were. There wasn't a peep from it and she could distantly hear the snores coming from the closed doors.

"Fuck, yeah. Take that dick, sweetie," he growled under his breath, his paw moving faster.

She held her breath as she slid her paw down into her underwear, only slightly surprised at how slick she'd found herself already. She grazed her fingers over her clit, trying to match the older canine's rhythm. Fuck, her clit was throbbing against her fingertips.

For a moment, she wondered what it would feel like to have his fingers rubbing her sex rather than her own. Hell, not just his fingers, but his tongue. And his cock!

She shook her head, trying to get the thought out. Was she seriously fantasizing about her father's cock? The same cock that took part in making her.

But then again, he was just so...big.

What would that feel like, him grinding between her lips, her legs wrapped around his waist, her claws digging into his shoulders, begging for his cock to pound her into the mattress.

Her eyes were fixed on him, almost hypnotized by his motions. She began picking out the small details. How much it twitched on his down stroke, how more pre-would dribble from the tip of it on the upstroke. There was so much of it!

Her nose twitched. The smell of his musk filled them. A deep primal urge inside of her wanted nothing more than to make her way to the living room, push his hand away and replace it with her own. Or with her muzzle. Or with her own cunt. Would he let her? Would he-?

Her eyes widened in horror as his paw stopped moving for a moment.


If she could smell him...

There was no doubt in her mind that he could smell her.

Sure enough, she watched as he began to tuck himself back into his coveralls, his nostrils twitching as a frown appeared upon his face.

She scampered, knowing that her claws could be heard clicking on the hardwood floor as she ran back down the hallway, past her brothers' rooms and scampered into her own. As soon as the door shut, she pressed her back to it, and tried to catch her breath before climbing back in bed.

She found herself disappointed that he didn't come in after her.