The Quest for the Holy Dildo #17
#20 of Holy Dildo
Return from Paarthurnax
In which Devilah confesses to fantasies of gigantic penises and being dominated, Sampson confesses to not having ever seen an Argonian's penis, and Faniel asks a favor.
And glowing pubic hair. I guess the curtains DON'T match the drapes. I think it's the presence of angel nectar. Oh... sorry. I haven't gone there quite yet. Soon that will make some sense.
| When Sampson finally caught up with Devilah, he was surprised to find her laughing and at first was concerned about her sanity.
"Devilah? Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he? I swear I'll kill that giant lizard if he's hurt you!"
Devilah's laughter finally subsided at that thought. "Oh my god Sampson! Did you see that thing?!"
"The dragon?"
"His penis! It was huge!" | |
| "Oh... that. I saw it."
The succubus' laughter returned. "Aww. Are you feeling inadequate now? I don't mean to offend you but men are so stupid sometimes. Surely even you must have been impressed!"
The two resumed walking back to High Hrothgar at a normal pace.
"Well... it was... kinda weird shaped."
"Ha! Have you seen some Argonians? Now those things can get downright strange!"
Sampson frowned. "No, Devilah. In fact I haven't seen an Argonian penis." | |
| "Oh. Sorry... But you have to understand Sampson. That thing... It's like a fantasy of mine! And then when he had me pinned under him..."
"You sure didn't look like you were fantasizing when you were running away!"
"Hell no! I was scared to death! To have something that out of control lusting for you. Maybe you have to be female to understand. It's frightening, but... kinda hot."
"Oh gods, are you going to be thinking of dragon penis when I'm fucking you tonight?" Sampson said though his chuckling belied the pretended outrage.
"Maaaaaybe." Devilah teased. | |
| "Oh yeah? Well maybe I'lll be thinking of blonde pubic hair!"
"Silly man, you can't play that game with me. But I don't mind you trying. Trouble is, I might be thinking of blonde pubic hair too!"
"Speaking of which," Faniel said, her unexpected voice causing even Devilah to yelp a little.
"Faniel! How long have you been back there?" she demanded once she'd recovered from the surprise.
"Since I got here," Faniel responded with a look of confusion. | |
| "Well, anyway, I'm sorry about all that up there. We didn't mean any harm," Devilah apologized.
"That reminds me, Paarthurnax also wanted to apologize to you. I think he was just feeling exceptionally horny and had no outlet for it, so he sort of took it out on you."
The three continued on until they came in sight of High Hrothgar, though no one was outside.
"Devilah, do you think you or Sampson could do me a favor tonight? Before your show I mean?"
"Anything Faniel. What can we do for you?" | |
| "I think I'd like to shave."
"Your pubes? Why?"
"It just seems like everyone comments on it. It's obvious that it is not the norm. So I think I'd like to shave. I mean, it will grow back if I don't like it, right?"
"Too soon, as I understand it. I've never done it myself, but then I don't exactly have pubic hair. I'm thinking the job might be a little too intimate for Sampson though."
"Oh? I doubt that. He looks at my pussy so often, I'm sure he knows it better than you Devilah."
Devilah looked at the big man, who just shrugged innocently. "I can't help it Dev. You know me!" | |
| "I do know you. And I know you'd love to help her out. Well guess what? You've been the best boyfriend a Succubus can have, Sampson. I would love you to do this for Faniel. And, I suspect, it will inspire you to even greater lovemaking during our show."
"Really? You won't mind?" Sampson blurted out a little too eagerly, but Devilah only laughed and hugged him close.
"Sampson, I know men. You'd all own a harem if you possibly could get away with it. But you won't because you're in love with me and in your mind having sex with another is a betrayal of that. And I know you. You would never betray me because you feel that way. If I can let you have this little bit of fun with another female and you won't feel you've done something wrong, it will make me feel so much better about my... needs. But I get to watch!" | |
| "Watch Sampson shave me? Why would you want to do that?" Faniel asked, not comprehending.
"To put it bluntly, you turn me on too Faniel. I've had female lovers before, you know. Sampson killed one of them. So you see, you have a beautiful body to my eyes as well as his!" | |
| Faniel looked down at herself and smiled. "Yes... yes, I do, don't I? I guess you're not the only one that can make people horny Devilah! I think maybe I was a little jealous of you with Paarthurnax. You know, he will be my lover in another universe someday. But you caused him to get erect. I think I understand a little bit of what this jealousy is like. It feels wrong though. I don't like the feeling.
Sampson, do you think you will get erect by shaving me?"
Both Devilah and Faniel looked at Sampson expectantly, the former with a look of restrained humor, the latter with honest innocence.
"Faniel, I'm horny just talking about it if you must know. Yes, that won't be a problem." | |
| "Then we'll be even Devilah. It does make me feel better - though even that seems somehow wrong too. It is so much easier to figure out right and wrong when you're a sexless angel. I really don't know how you manage it down here."
"We don't," the hero said as they reached the door of High Hrothgar. "We screw it up all the time. And spend years apologizing. Someday you should ask your boss if he could simplify things somehow."
"I might just do that," Faniel agreed, and stepped within the doorway to High Hrothgar. | |