Zodiac, Chapter 3

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** Zodiac, Chapter 3**

** By William W. Kelso**

*Madame Marian stared down at the two canine beasts lying by the side of the altar. They were still unconscious form their horrific ideal, and she had no idea what their reaction would be when they woke up and discovered what had happened to them. They were the results of a horrible curse that had gone wrong. The woman had tried to help the man, and as a result was now cursed as well, and now both were no longer human. To be on the safe side Marian had her familiar secure both of them with heavy collars chained to one of the rings in the side of the altar. Those fangs and claws looked dangerous, and Marian was not sure her familiar could defend her successfully if they became belligerent, not against two such powerful beasts. It was yet to determine if their minds had been affected, they could very well be mindless brutes now. *

*I woke up with a low moan, and sitting up held my head in my hands. Oh God what a horrible headache, and what a nightmare! First I had dreamed I was a giant chicken, and then a dog! The dream had ended fairly nicely though, I'd been having mind blowing sex with a beautiful woman who had turned into a dog like I was. Weird but kinky. I scratched my muzzle with one of my claws and froze. Muzzle? CLAW? Looking at my hands and arms I whimpered. They were covered with fur except for rough palms, and long black claws stuck out of the tips. With a louder whimper I ran my hands over my muzzle and large pointed ears. I looked down at my furry body, the tail sticking out from between my strangely shaped legs, legs ending in large paws. OH MY FUCKING GOD IT WASN'T A DREAM, IT WAS REAL!! I'm a, I'm a, what the fuck AM I? Some kind of werewolf?? I heard a moan, and realizing I'd been smelling her the whole time I turned my head and watched as a female version of myself started to wake up. And I knew her, intimately, she was the female I'd been fucking in my dream, she was my mate. With a concerned whimper I bent over and started licking her muzzle, then yelped in pain as she raked a clawed hand over my own face. I drew back as far as I could; held by a chain around my neck, as she crouched and snarled at me, black lips drawn back from impressive fangs, her claws bared. I crouched submissively to show I was not a threat. *

Ruth stirred groggily. Oh, she felt so strange. What had happened? She moaned and tried to remember, and then it suddenly came back to her in a rush! The demoness, the binding spells, the dog RAPING her! The unbelievable pleasure, then pain and even more pleasure, then she had started to...CHANGE! She suddenly felt a wet tongue licking her face, and panicking she lashed out and jumping to her feet she snarled at the furry monster frantically backing away for her. And she recognized him; or it, or whatever he was now. Then looking at herself realized it was whatever THEY were now. She looked at her fur covered breasts, all ten of them. She still had her full firm human breasts, but she also had six cupcake sized breasts on her lower stomach, a pinkish colored stomach with a thin dusting of fur, and her smaller breasts had nipples as large as her large breasts. She cried out and looked at her furry clawed hands, her tail, and ran her hands over her large head, running them inside her mouth to feel her fangs. She leaned back and looked at her crotch, and while her vagina appeared human her mound was covered in soft fur instead of pubic hair. Oh dear God, she thought, I'm a dog! I'm cursed now too! What did that God damned demoness and that bitch Marian do to me! Then at the thought of the word "bitch" she started to howl hysterically and cry. Oh please God, what have I done! I've sold my soul, and I'll be like this for eternity! It's not fair, I only wanted to help! They tricked me and made me into a monster too! I'll rip out their throats, she thought as she snarled.

I watched as the female; who I knew was my mate, looked at herself and started to panic. When she started howling, laughing and crying at the same time her distress terrified me, and unable to stand it I grabbed her in a tight hug, and whimpering I held her close to me, trying to do what I could to help comfort her. I knew she must be as confused and terrified as I was.

*Ruth didn't resist when the male grabbed her, somehow she knew he meant no harm. And his strong warm arms and whimpers of concern helped her to recover her composure somewhat. She hugged him back, and burying her sensitive nose in the fur on his shoulder found his male scent helped soothe her fragile nerves. She knew he would protect her, could feel his concern from her, and could still smell the traces of their fantastic mating. No, she had nothing to fear from him. *

*As I held the sobbing female I tried to get my shattered thoughts to make some sense. I remembered my name now, and my last really clear thought was about how I'd made some big haul robbing an old mansion, then there was pain and confusion. I remembered changing into a bird, then my human memories fading away, the next thing I knew I was human again, and then changed into a dog and again my human memories faded though I remained more aware. And the most important thing I remembered was she had been with me the whole time and had taken care of me. And the sex, the fantastic sex. But for now I would try to control my aching desire for her, I needed to find out what the FUCK had happened to me! Hell, I didn't even know her name! And where the heck where we anyway, and what's with these collars? *

"Please I said, my voice gruff but recognizable, don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you, I could never do that. But, please I whined, I don't understand any of this. What's happened to me? To us? Where are we, why are we chained up? Why am I a werewolf or something? Please, I'm so confused."

"Yes, said Ruth, why ARE we chained up? And where the HELL is Madame Marian and that sorry ass demoness!"

"Who is Madame Marian, I asked, and what do you mean by a demon?"

"Demoness, she's female, replied Ruth. She's the demoness that I sold my soul to in order to try and help you."

"You did WHAT? Sold your soul!?! I sputtered, that's crazy! WHY? Why would you want to help me? I was robbing you lady!"

Ruth said softly, "I honestly doubt I'd have done it if I'd known I'd end up like THIS, but you were suffering so horribly. Seeing you become an animal with a trapped human mind looking out of its eyes, it was, it was terrible. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. But I honestly never expected anything like this."

"You, you did that for me?" I asked, wonder in my voice.

No one had ever given a shit about me before, not even my own "loving" mom and pop, may they burn in Hell. Mom had been a drunk and a junky, and when she stopped hitting me pop took over. I'd run away when I was thirteen, and never looked back. That was almost forty years ago. For a complete stranger to do something like this, sell their soul to the devil for God's sake, just blew my mind, I could hardly comprehend it, much less understand it. I had known there were good people in the world; I'd just never met any. I'd always been used by; or used, others. But now it would seem I'd met a truly good person, but frankly it was under really sucky circumstances, for both of us.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" she replied curiously.

"For coming into your life and screwing it up lady. I'm not worth it, but I really do appreciate you're trying to help me. But I still really don't understand how all this started, was I was a chicken and a dog, or did I dream it??"

"Oh no, she said, you were most definitely a chicken and a dog. And I'm afraid you're going to be other things as well. And, oh my God, I probably will be too!"

This just gets better and better, I thought.

"Lady, PLEASE tell me what the hell is going on before I go insane" I pleaded.

*She licked her long tongue over her nose a couple of times and told me to call her Ruth, and then explained everything. About the magic medallion, the Zodiac, the curse, the demoness, me being her familiar now, how she'd tried to help, how something had gone wrong and we were like this now. Under any other circumstances I'd have thought she was a total whacko, a fruitcake with nuts, but seeing as I was a dogman chained up in a dungeon inside a pentagram with a dogwoman, a very beautiful dogwoman, I was inclined to believe her. *

Ruth watched as her fellow beast tried to come to grips with reality, to accept what he'd heard. He sat with his head hanging between his knees for awhile and she could guess what was going through his mind. Then to her surprise he looked up and seemed to actually have accepted what happened.

"OK, I said, that explains a lot. It's totally insane, but I believe you. Two big questions. How do we fix this, and WHAT is a familiar?"

"That's the real problem, Ruth replied, it can't be fixed, it's permanent. You were cursed, and now I apparently am too. Even the demoness doesn't know how it works. The medallion I found in that Persian tomb is unlike anything the demoness has ever seen. And as for a familiar, it means you're um, bound to me from now on. Kind of like a servant. You see, you're not human anymore, I don't think either of us are."

I started to laugh, but it made her mad.

"What is so DAMN funny!" Ruth snarled.

"This! I said, this whole crazy scene. Think about it, we're two monsters sitting chained up in a dungeon, and we're talking about demons and curses and other weird shit like it's no big deal! It's like a scene from "Tales from the Crypt" or a low grade monster movie. It's ludicrous! I keep expecting the Crypt Keeper to show up and call us good doggies, and give us a dog biscuit!"

Ruth, thinking about it, did see the funny side, and started to giggle. Soon they were both roaring and howling in laughter.

"Mistress, said Brutus worriedly, flicking his ears towards the sounds coming from the basement, I think they're awake and they don't sound happy."

Madame Marina replied, "How would you feel if you woke up half human and half dog? Wait, don't answer that, I guess you do know since you're half cat. But I think we should go pay our unusual guests a visit before they attract any unwanted attention. Frankly I'm surprised we can even hear them, I thought the basement was sound proof."

*Finally we calmed down to loud yaps and sniggers. The release helped a lot and I almost felt, well, not normal, but better anyway. *

"Ruth, I said, I guess since I know your name now it's time I introduced myself. My name is William Pierre, and promise you won't laugh, Dumass. It's French, and please, no "Dumb Ass" jokes, OK? I am so sick of those. And call me Bill if you want."

Ruth tried not to snigger again, it was funny seeing a beast that was worried about jokes about his name. But she sobered because she was a beast as well.

"Nice to meet you William, my full name is Ruth Baxter."

*I reached up and pulled at the collar on my neck, and growled. *

"Ruth, I asked, why are we chained up?"

"Because, said Madame Marian, I wasn't sure how you'd react when you woke up after your, um, experience. It was only a precaution."

*At the unfamiliar voice I stood up and gave a low warning growl, but Ruth pulled on my arm. *

"Madame Marian, said Ruth, I assure you these chains aren't necessary. Our thoughts are lucid and we are cognizant of our, um, situation, if somewhat worried and not a little bit scared. What happened??"

Madame Marian walked over and used a key to unlock the heavy collars from the two beasts. Ruth stood up, and held onto the males arm, probably not even aware she was doing it. The male was though; he flicked his ears and had a pleased look.

"Child, we really don't know for sure. The binding to Mistress Vulva's service worked normally, it wasn't until the two of you were, um, consummating your binding as Mistress and familiar that something went wrong. At that point your power was strongest Ruth, so Mistress Vulva told you to try and control the power of the strange magic in your familiar, but something went wrong and you, um, current condition was the result. You now have the same aura as him, so I'm afraid it means the curse transferred part of itself to you. Evidently not the full power though, or you'd be on all fours."

"Ruth, I said, I smell something. Some big animal, I think, um, this lady has been, um, intimate with it."

Madame Marian laughed, "That would be my own Familiar Brutus, and yes, I have sex with him quite often. He did not accompany me down here as being a feline he has a natural, um, distrust of canines. However since you apparently have your human intelligence intact I assume it safe for him to join us."

I looked with interest at the big cat man as he walked down the stairs to join us. Wow, that is one mean looking panther I thought. I raised my hand and kind of waved at him, and said "Hi". He just nodded and smiled, and those are great big fangs too! I would hate to tangle with him, even though I had great big fangs too, I realized as I ran my tongue over them. The cat man stood behind Madame Marian and hugged her in a very intimate manner. But I found it didn't embarrass me, it seemed perfectly natural as far as I was concerned. It was obvious they were mates.

"Surely something can be done to help us, said Ruth, we can't stay like this, half human and half animal! And what if we change again? I mean, we could turn all the way into animals and be stuck that way."

*"As I said child, Marian replied, I have no idea what can be done, and neither does our Mistress. It's up to you. You have great power, and now that strange magic is in you as well. It will be up to you to control it, harness it if you can. If you do I have a feeling the results will be amazing, if you can't I fear they may be terrible. I must make you this offer on behalf of our Mistress, she says you can join her anytime you desire. If you are locked into a cycle of endless transformations as beasts or animals then that might be best, at least you would, um, fit in and your needs would be, er, taken care of." *

"No way in, well, Hell! Ruth replied. I partly blame Mistress Vulva for this, if she hadn't let William here, um, well, you know, this might not have happened! And she's not my Mistress, fuck the bitch!"

Brutus growled, and Madame Marian said, "Beast, beware in mocking our Mistress, and she IS your Mistress as well, you ARE bound to her whether you like it or not. What is done cannot be undone, and as with me you both wear her brand on your rumps. For a demoness she can be quite, forgiving, at times, but she does have a limit to her patience. For what it is worth she had NO idea this would happen, she was as shocked as all of us and did her best to help. And as for your familiar servicing you, that is one of his primary duties as that is how he gives you his power to work magic. He is not only your familiar, but lover and mate as well. You are bound not only mentally but physically as well. He needs your milk to live; it is the only nourishment that can sustain his existence."

"SAY WHAT?" I choked out.

"MY WHAT?" Ruth yowled.

Madame Marian smiled, and said, "Child, have you not noticed your breasts are larger than before, and tender? That means you are lactating so you can feed your familiar. He must suckle at your breasts, as does Brutus at mine."

"Mwwooowwrrr, sighed Brutus, milk!"

"WHY the HELL didn't you tell me about this, and the SEX, before I pledged my soul like this!" Ruth asked in a shocked, and angry, tone.

"Because my child, replied Madame Marian, you didn't ask. And would you have gone through with the pact if you had known it?"

Ruth calmed down, and said, "I honestly don't know. But, but, I didn't think I'd end up as a, a monster!" and started crying.

I held her closely, and said to the lady, "If you weren't a lady I'd punch your lights out right now, big cat or not."

*Madame Marian smiled, and said, "Yes, I believe you would. Now let us go upstairs. We have much to talk about, and the surroundings would be more comfortable. And I imagine you're both quite, um, hungry." *

*Dinner was somewhat awkward as Ruth and her familiar had to pretty much drink from bowels and ate their food with their hands; their partly canine fingers were not very adept at handling utensils. After trying to drink from glasses and spilling water all over themselves it was decided bowls were the best option. Ruth was rather upset as she thought it was "demeaning" to have to drink from a bowl like an "animal". Madame Marian wisely refrained from stating the obvious. William didn't have a problem with it though, he'd already been drinking from bowls and eating food off the floor for almost two months. But he didn't eat much, just played with his food. Brutus didn't eat anything. After the awkward meal the subject of sleeping arrangements came up. *

Madame Marina said, "As far as sleeping arrangements are concerned I'm afraid I only have one guest room with an extra bed. Normally I do not entertain very many guests, at least up here. If you like, um, the ladies can share one bedroom and the boys the other."

Ruth; already very surprised she didn't feel much embarrassment at being "nude" in front of strangers, surprised herself again when she said,

"No, that's OK, I don't mind. I think we, we need each other. It's not as bad being like this if you have someone else like you, with you. I mean, it's not so lonely, so scary."

I looked at her, and said "Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch or something out here, I won't mind."

Ruth smiled and took his hand, "No, I don't mind. I know you won't do anything, um, inappropriate."

What the HELL does that mean? I wondered, but it did mean she trusted me, and I found that meant a lot. I looked at her and had no problem with what she looked like, I thought she was beautiful.

*Madame Marian stood up, and said, "Well it is settled then. Brutus and I will bid you a goodnight, it is late and we are exhausted. The guest bedroom is the second door on the left upstairs, just down the hall from mine. It has a bathroom and there should be everything you need. *

I followed everyone upstairs, we said goodnight to the lady and her creepy cat dude, and entered the bedroom. There was a big old fashioned canopy bed, two easy chairs, a chest of drawers, a couple small tables by the bed, and that was about it. I inspected a couple of door and found a huge closet (damn thing was almost as big as my apartment), and rather lavish bathroom with a huge bathtub and one of those old fashioned showers with the round curtain. I poked around in the cabinets sniffing stuff; and sneezing more than once. When I went back into the room Ruth was sitting on the bed, her ears limp with a forlorn look about her. I gave a soft cough, and when she looked at me, said,

"I'll sleep on the floor if you want, or in the closet. It's got carpet, I've slept on worse. I don't mind."

Ruth smiled, and replied, "No, that's alright. I, I don't want to be alone tonight. This is all so, so unreal, so hard to accept." She looked down her muzzle at her hairy hands with the nasty claws, and added, "I still can't believe it, and it's just so weird. I'm so, so scared. What if we're like this for good? What can we do?"

I sat down next to her, a couple feet away, and said, "Tell me about it. First I'm a chicken, then a dog, now a wolf, or dogman. But I just want to say, thank you again."

"For what? Ruth asked. I mean I screwed up, it's because of me we're like this."

*I looked at her, appalled. "YOUR fault? It's MY fault! I was the one who stole that damned medallion, I did this to myself. If not for me you'd be home in bed and wouldn't be a, a, beast like I am. And even after I fucked up and turned myself into a chicken you tried to help me. I don't remember much from when I was a bird or dog, but I remember you. You took care of me and were my friend; you even came to get me out of that horrible pound. No one, no one's ever done that for me, no one's every cared for, for me like that. You don't know how much that means to me. Just to know someone cared, no one ever has before." *

And to my horrible embarrassment I realized I was crying. Everything that had happened came crashing down on me and I couldn't help it. Here I was; a big bad wolfman, and I was bawling like a five year old.

Ruth was surprised when William opened up to her so forcefully, so emotionally, and didn't know what to do when he started crying. She felt sorry for him, no matter what he said she had locked them in their new bodies. He was holding his head now, his whole furry body shaking, so she scooted over next to him and held his shoulders, and he turned to her and she found herself embracing him while he cried. She instinctively started licking the tears from his muzzle, and said,

"It's OK, we'll figure out something. Like Madame Marian and the demoness said this is a new magic. We just have to figure out how to control it. Please don't cry, I'll always be here for you. Don't forget we're bound now, we need each other. I don't mind, I've always been lonely. It will be nice to have a friend around, someone to talk to, someone to..love."

** Ooops, she thought, that last bit slipped out, but to her surprise she meant it. He was so strong, so male, and she loved his scent. She realized that was partly the beast in her responding to his presence, but didn't care. Being like this gave her a totally different outlook on life.**

I sniffed, and said with hope, "R-really? Even after what I did? I mean, if you want me to be your slave I'm OK with that. You don't have to, well; take it any further than that. What we did before, when the demoness had me, well, you know, it doesn't count, we were used and I didn't know what I was doing. You didn't want to, and I, I couldn't help myself. I know, somehow, that like you said, I'm bound to you, at your command so to speak. I'd like that, for once in my life I'd have a useful purpose."

Ruth licked the last of the tears off his muzzle, and replied, "Yes, at first I didn't want to mate with you, but then the pleasure, I've never felt anything so, so wonderful before. At the end I wanted it to never stop, even when we were changing it felt so good, so, so right. I wasn't a virgin, but might as well have been as all my previous experiences were; let us say, less then satisfying. But no one has ever satisfied me like you did, I never thought sex could be so, so unbelievable. I don't blame you, like you said neither of us had any choice. But I'd like, I'd like to feel that wonderful pleasure again. I can't believe I'm saying this, but will you mate with me again? I want you; I need you, so badly."

And I could already tell she did, I could smell her growing heat and it was exciting and arousing me. She really didn't even need to ask. For a while our licks had becoming more and more ardent. We ran our tongues inside of one another's large mouths, over our fangs, and licked each other's nose. When I reached up and gently fondled one of her large breasts she gave a moan of pleasure and her nipple hardened under my touch. It was warm and soft under its covering of fur. As I rubbed first one; and then the other, I felt something else in addition to lust, hunger. I had a huge piece of ham at dinner, but was still very hungry, almost painfully so. So before I even realized I was doing it I lowered my muzzle and started sucking on one of her large rubbery nipples, and was rewarded with a thick sweet syrupy fluid. She gasped in surprise, but rubbed the back of my head as I suckled and made soft noises of pleasure. She gave little yelps every now and then, but didn't try to stop me. This is so weird, I thought, but so right and wonderful too. I'd never tasted anything so delicious, and eagerly sucked on her nipple till the flow of milk slowed down, then switched to her other nipple. And when I was through her breasts were visibly smaller. While I was feeding I had been rubbing her other eight much smaller breasts, her canine ones, but I knew they weren't for me to feed from, but I still liked the feel of the hard nipples, and from the sounds she made my mate; and I knew now she WAS my mate, enjoyed my attentions as much as I did. Finally I pulled away, full and satisfied, and said,

"Well, that was nice, different, but nice, I said. I've never tasted anything so good. Then remembering her yelps I asked concernedly, I didn't hurt you did I? I was just so hungry."

*Ruth gave a deep throaty laugh, and replied, "Hurt? Oh no, just the opposite, I've never felt anything so, so erotic before. Now I know what Marian meant. But I hope you're not finished. I want you." And put her hand on the male's crotch and squeezed his large testicles possessively. *

I gave a deep growl of lust as she fondled me, and said, "Oh no my love, I haven't even started!"

We licked and kissed some more as I fondled and rubbed her nipples and she fondled my fur covered sheath and balls, and soon my penis slid out of its home and we both looked at it. It was the first time I'd seen it since my third change into a partially human beast. The tip was more human like, but it still had my canine knot near the base, was a dark wet red color, and I was big, very big. Oh my, I thought, and she gave a soft growl of appreciation and licked her fangs, then bent over and licked my penis, and I yelped in pleasure. Oh GOD that felt good! I reached between her legs and rubbed her mound, and it was already wet, I pushed two fingers into her and she paused and gave a moan of pleasure. I held the fingers up to my muzzle and felt my own lust explode as the heady scent of her female lust excited me even more. We lay back on the bed and faced each other so our heads were in each other's crotches, and I ran my tongue inside her vagina and lapped with my tongue and she shuddered, but she kept licking my aching erection and gently gnawing on it with her fangs and I gave a low moaning howl of pleasure. Finally I couldn't wait and longer and pulled away from her with a guttural snarl, and she rolled onto all fours and presented herself to me, tail raised.

Ruth moaned and gave soft growls of pleasure as her mate fondled and licked her breasts, all ten of them. As his penis came sliding out her eyes grew wide at the sight, and size of it. She bent over and took a deep sniff of his maleness, and then started licking it, enjoying the taste. She couldn't believe she was doing this! She'd always been so inhibited sexually, had always thought it was just an annoying natural function that others engaged in for procreation. But this, this was wonderful. She wrapped her long wet tongue around his penis and stroked it, and he gasped and clutched at her head. Then she gasped herself as she felt him rubbing her mound, and then felt some fingers slide into her hot wet pussy. When he pulled away and snarled in lust she knew what he wanted, knew what SHE wanted. Eagerly she got to all fours, and crouching lifted her tail and offered herself to him, panting her lust. She wanted him, she NEEDED him more than anything she'd ever needed before, and he didn't disappoint her.

*Because of our digitigrades stances and the way our legs were shaped we couldn't get down on our knees, but that was fine with us, we were perfectly adapted for what we did next. I positioned myself and mounted her with a snarl of pleasure, lunging as I felt the head of my penis press against the warm moist fur covering her mound. As I penetrated her I thrust harder, moving further up her back with each thrust as I slid into her deeper and deeper until my thighs were slapping against her rump. I gave final lunge, and yowled as my knot pushed into her and her strong muscles clamped down around me. There was no way I could dismount now, but that was the farthest thing from my lust crazed mind. I gently bit the back of her neck and licked her as we copulated, and we both grunted and snarled in pleasure. And the pleasure built and built, she was so hot and slick, and finally I could no longer hold back, and with a howl of ecstasy I climaxed and exploded deep inside of her and felt her muscle clench around my length as I pumped and strained, and she gave a loud yowling squeal of her own as she climaxed as well. We rested for a few minutes; still joined, then I started thrusting again and she gave a deep guttural moan of pure lust and pleasure. It went on and on and was utterly fantastic as I serviced and pleasured my mate and Mistress. And I had never known such total, complete, love for another. *

*Ruth gasped as she felt the head of his penis probing against her rump, then sucked in her breath and yelped as it found, and penetrated her sex as he lunged into her. She felt his weight moving further up her back as he penetrated deeper with each thrust, then she felt his knot press against her lips and tried to relax her throbbing vaginal muscles as much as possible to let him in further, and with a guttural snarl he lunged again and she felt his knot slide into to her along with the last few inches of his cock, and clamped her lips around him to keep him inside of her. She found she had much more control over the muscles of her new partly canine vagina then she did as a human, and it was very nice. She moaned in ecstasy as he humped her with powerful thrusts, he was so hard and slick! She remembered how large he was and was amazed she could accommodate such a large cock to the hilt, and then some! She snarled softly as he moaned and bit her neck gently and whimpered into her ears as he licked them. He was so dominating, but gentle at the same time, as he serviced her. As he picked up the speed of his thrust she wrinkled her lips and snarled in pleasure, her eyes squeezed closed with tears of pleasure running from them as he brought himself and her to a massively pleasurable orgasm, both of them yowling in ecstasy. And when he started thrusting again she gasped and realized it was just starting. Oh YES, she thought! I love him, how I love him! *

*Madame Marian smiled at the ceiling as she heard the rather loud sounds of lustful ecstasy from down the hall. *

"Well, Marian said, it would appear our new Sorceress and her familiar are getting to know one another better."

Brutus, who was suckling at one of her breasts, stopped and said,

'I remember when we first mated Mistress, it was glorious. I am lucky to have such a beautiful and caring Mistress to love me."

*Marian smiled, and replied, "Yes, I do love you my strong protector. Come, let us add our own tune to the symphony." *

Brutus smiled as his Mistress pulled him on top of her. Yes, she was a truly beautiful and caring Mistress, and he loved her with his entire being.

When I woke up I didn't remember where I was for a second, but the warm body and sweet scent of my mate reminded me. We were curled up together, she nestled against my body and my arms were wrapped around her. I softly snuffled her neck and ears finding it hard to believe I could be so lucky, this made everything that had happened seemed trivial. I had finally found someone to love me, no matter what the circumstances, and to me that was amazing. She woke up with a soft snort, turned her head and saw me, licked my muzzle, and stretched as I ran my hands over her breasts. Time for breakfast, and it tasted even better than before as I suckled at her breasts and she ran her claws through my fur. My mate, my beautiful mate!

*When Ruth woke up and felt him sniffing at her head and neck she smiled, she had never know such complete contentment before. He hugged her and gently kneaded her breasts as she stretched, then she rolled over on her back and stroked him as he fed, his lips and tongue against her swollen tender breasts felt absolutely delightful, and he was careful and didn't nip her. She was a little surprised to see her milk was more of a brown color with the consistency of syrup, it looked more like honey then milk. Curiously she wiped a drop on her finger when he was done and licked it, and it was sweet. Later she would find her milk contained much more than just a new mother's milk as she had to feed an adult being. It was much more concentrated and also included blood. He rested his head on her stomach and she gently scratched his ears and muzzle between his eyes and they both gave soft mrrrrrs of happiness. *

Madame Marian answered the phone, talked briefly, then hung up with a smile on her face. Brutus cocked his head at her quizzically. She smiled again, and said,

"It would appear the neighbors didn't appreciate us letting our "dogs" howl last night." And giggled.

Brutus chuffed in amusement. Yes, they had ALL been rather vocal last night! But for the neighbors to complain, well, that was a first! "Urf urf urf!" he chuckled.

Madame Marian gently tapped on the door, and when it opened the room reeked of sex. The combination of human and animal pheromones was heady, more intense then she expected. It would appear they had the sex drives of both species at the same time, which must make their mating, well, interesting to say the least! With her and Brutus only he had both. She heard Brutus take a deep appreciate sniff, and then cough as his sensitive nose was temporarily overwhelmed. By Ba'al she thought, if I open a window every dog within miles will go into a mating frenzy! How delightful!

"Good morning, said Marian, it would appear the two of you had an enjoyable night, if the sounds mean what I thought they did." And she smiled at the embarrassed looks on the canine hybrids muzzles.

**"Oh my, said Ruth, were we really that loud? I'm sorry if we kept you awake."


*Marian smiled, and replied "Oh goodness, don't worry about it. It was Brutus that kept me awake last night, the beast is insatiable. Aren't you my love?" *

Brutus looked at the male canine over his Mistress's shoulder and they both smiled. Welcome to the wonderful world of familiar's brother, he thought.

"But, continued Marian, we will have to be a little less, um, vocal in the future. I'm afraid the neighbors called and complained about the, um, howling."

"Oh MY!" said Ruth, and then they all broke into growls and peals of amusement and laughter.

Later as Ruth and Marian ate breakfast; their familiars weren't hungry and had both wandered off somewhere, they talked quite a bit about the "developments" and what might be done.

Ruth sighed with a soft snort, and said "I really wish you had told me about the sex and, um, breast feeding parts."

"Are you disappointed child?" asked Marian.

"Oh no, Ruth replied, it's, it's wonderful. I just wish I had been more prepared, at the first it was quite a shock."

"Even had you had known it would still have been a shock, said Marian. To have to accept having sex; very frequently, with what is basically an animal is quite a shock to anyone. But for you it must be very different, I have to ask, what is it like having sex AS an animal?"

"I don't mind your asking, said Ruth. It's indescribable, the intensity is so incredible it eventually drives away anything human, towards the end we were animals, there was nothing human left."

"I envy you that, Marian said. It is dangerous for a Sorceress to change form as it can affect their magic; more than one have found themselves unable to change back. I have never done it. Normally shape changing is involuntary and punitive, such as with curses, as in your and your familiar's cases. Of course it's different with most familiars since they are magical creatures and have two; or more, forms. But yours familiar, and you, are different. Most familiars are created from a powerful spell using part of your soul to give them life, as with my Brutus. But it is fairly rare that a human becomes a familiar, and then usually only after having suffered a magical mishap. I know of only a few others; and one very interesting case where a dragon familiar created a mate and familiar for herself."

"A dragon, really? Said Ruth, where does she keep it??"

Marian smiled, and said, "Oh, they're not real dragons in the sense of being huge, but are actually only a couple of feet long, except for the male as one of his forms IS quite large."

*Then Marian frowned, and said, "But we must try to find out what can be done to, um, change your current condition. There is no way you can appear in public; even going out only at night would be dangerous. You very much resemble a werewolf my dear and you know how the average human would react to seeing you. I doubt they would find you cuddly, you are truly an impressive beast. If you are unable to change yourself back into a human; or more human, form then you might want to seriously consider Mistress Vulva's offer. Beasts such as you are would; I hate to say it, be quite at home in Hell since many of its denizens are also party human. You'd, um, fit right in. *

Ruth shuddered, and replied, "I want to exhaust every possible alternative, including living in an isolated wild area, before I even consider that. Call me squeamish, but I intend to wait the full five hundred years before I go."

Marian said, "Oh, I don't blame you child. My time is up in a few years, and I plan to enjoy every last second I have left."

*I found myself liking Brutus despite the initial canine dislike for anything feline, and I'm sure he felt the same way about me. He was smarter then he looked or acted, which became apparent when you got to know him better. Plus he was a valuable source of information for a new "familiar" like me. We were both curious about one another as he had been "created", whereas I had once been human (Hell, I still thought of myself as human) before being changed and bound to my own Mistress. *

"What was it like, being created?" I asked.

*He mrrrwed for a second, then replied, "One second there was nothing, then I opened my eyes and found my beautiful Mistress waiting to love and care for me. Before her there was nothing, without her there would be nothing." *

I tried to tell him what it was like to be human, but just found he really had nothing to relate it to, so had to give up. I asked him what exactly it was familiars did anyway. He seemed surprised by the question, and his answer told me a lot I already instinctively knew, but gave me more to think on too.

"It is, it is, to be needed, Brutus said, as he tried to find the right words. It is to be loved, to love, to be one with someone else. We need our Mistress's, but they need us too. We give them our power, we pleasure them and they pleasure us, we protect them with our lives, but most of all we love them. Without them we die as we would have no reason to keep living as our lives would be meaningless. You will come to understand."

"I think I know what you mean, I replied. I already love her more than my own life."

"Yes! Brutus said, then you DO understand! Good! Now, do you want to see our playroom? It is very nice."

"Playroom? Sure, why not." I replied.

We went down into the basement again, and Brutus led me to a large heavy door set in one wall that I hadn't noticed before. Having woken up as William the dog faced boy I hadn't paid much attention to the décor in the basement before now. But I must admit I was impressed by the "playroom". It looked like the interior decorator had graduated from the Marque de Sade College of BDSM with honors. There was every kind of medieval and modern torture devices you could think of, all modified to give varying degrees of sexual pain and/or pleasure. I couldn't even figure out what half of it was for. I had never been into that kind of stuff, but I could certainly see the possibilities. I think my new perspective considering things sexual was a lot more uninhibited. I quivered with barely retrained lust as I thought of my Mistress, or myself, in certain, um, restrained positions, and gave a whimper. Brutus was quite up front about what each device had been designed to do, he had no sense of modesty or discretion at all. He told which devices his Mistress liked the best, and told me about the orgies they had with other practitioners of the arts and their own familiars. By the time he told me how his Mistress's favorite position was with three lovers who gang-banged her on a rotating basis I was about ready to lose it, my cock was extended and rock hard, dripping pre.

What happened next caught me by surprise, but I'm not ashamed of it. I had a rock hard erection from all the explicitly detailed information Brutus had been giving me about what each device did, and he and his Mistress's sexual exploits. And he did too, his own large penis rock hard and rampant. We could each smell the others arousal. He looked at my erection and licking his lips, said,

"You have a nice cock, do you like mine? Meowwrrr?"

I couldn't lie, so said, "Yes, its, um, very nice. Very, um, impressive."

He stepped up closer to me and gave me a long sniff, and I sniffed him back and we rubbed muzzles. He had a strong musky scent that I liked, and he seemed to like my own. Then he crouched down and cupped my balls, and started licking my penis! This is NOT happening! I thought, but didn't pull away. He sucked and licked me for awhile, then stood up and I could smell my own sex on his muzzle and in his breath. So I returned the favor, and dropping into a crouch I took a closer look at his own sex. It was similar in size to mine, but was a lighter red in color and the tip was more pointed. I tentatively licked it as I cupped his large warm furry balls, and started licking and lapping at it with my tongue and was rewarded with a dribble of sweet pre, and he purred in pleasure. I was surprised that even though I had previously had no homosexual tendencies or interests I wasn't bothered by what I was doing at all. It felt perfectly natural and was very enjoyable. Later I found out that familiars have NO sexual inhibitions, NONE at all when it comes to sex with humans, animals, or other familiars of the other, or same, sex. They're just wired that way, and now I was too. The only thing that matters is the receiving; and giving, of sexual pleasure. It goes beyond mere sex as we literally feed off of it in a way I can't explain, we need it. When I finally stood up he said,

*"Would you like to go first, or have me service you first? Either way is fine with me." *

Good Lord, I thought, I'm actually going to do this, I want to do this! "What would you prefer? Whatever you want is OK with me." I replied.

He smiled and mrrrrwed, and then led me over to a kind of waist high stand with cuffs in spots around it. He had me bend over and cuffed my wrists, and then my ankles, so I was bent over and spread. I found my vulnerability just heightened my lust, I'd never felt anything quite like it. He put a strap around my tail and tied it out of the way. He walked around in front and had me suck his cock for awhile to help lubricate it, and between my saliva and his own thick copious pre that was all the lubricant he needed, and when he walked around behind me and mounted me his cock slid easily into my tail hole. He thrust a few times until he hilted, then started fucking me with strong steady thrusts, and I yowled in pleasure as his cock rubbed against my prostrate and slid around deep inside of me. Turns out familiars are much more sensitive back there than most. I squeezed my eyes shut and grimaced as he rammed in a little deeper, then he gave a deep growl and I felt a hot burst of fluid deep inside of me. Oh, jeez, that was, that was nice! I thought. I'd almost cum myself, and the top of the stand and my belly fur was soaked in my pre. He pulled out and undid the cuffs, and I stood up and stretched happily.

When he bent down over the stand I secured him in the same position I'd been in a short time earlier. I secured his tail, and then positioned myself to mount him. His tail hole looked awful tight, and as I pressed the head of my cock against it his hole clenched, but when I thrust I was surprised at how easily I slid into him, and it was just tight enough to be extremely pleasurable. I growled and snarled as I fucked him, and when my knot slid in it got even better. Once we were joined like that it took me three orgasms to reach the point I was able to pull out, but he seemed to enjoy himself immensely from the way he yowled, and I smelled him as he came himself one more time.

Afterwards we didn't say anything, just smiled in satisfaction at one another, then cleaned up ourselves, and the mess on the stand, and went back upstairs. I think Madame Marian sensed what we'd been up to, but I doubt if Ruth had a clue yet. I wasn't embarrassed, but as worried about what she might think, so kept my mouth shut. It was none of their business anyway.

*Ruth and Marian had consulted the older Sorceress's incredible library on the arcane arts for hours, but had found nothing very helpful. Ruth could literally feel the power in her body, but no spells or potions seemed to give any hope of influencing or shaping it. Finally Marian told her take a break, and asked if she could see William for awhile as she wanted to run some tests on him. Ruth called for him in her mind, having found out that they could actually talk to one another via telepathy which was wonderful and weird at the same time, and if she wanted she could even look out through his eyes, or let her look through his. They could even let one another feel what the other felt, and she was looking on trying THAT little trick out next time they mated as they could literally change places. After Marian left Ruth started thinking about what had happened again. *

Ruth was standing at the corner of the window leaning with one hand on the wall and the other holding the drape slightly open as she stared at the outside world, a world she may never be able to return too. Madame Marian's huge old house was on a quiet street and she watched as the occasional car drove by, or the even more occasional pedestrian. If anyone saw the "monster" standing in the window looking at them they gave no indication of it. She heard the door to the room open and close and smelled Brutus as the cat man entered. He walked up close behind her and she could feel his warm breath on the fur on the back of her neck, and was very aware of his strong masculine scent. He was a very handsome and sensual beast as are all familiars, and when he gripped her waist and rested his muzzle on her shoulder she froze, but didn't protest. He purred with a low rumble as he gently ran his hands up her sides and rubbed and fondled her breasts, one hand on her "human" breasts, and the other on her lower breasts, and it felt wonderful. She started panting and he ran his long thick tongue into her mouth, and she turned her head and they kissed by licking and running their tongues in and out of their mouths. He pulled away and slid down behind her and she braced herself against the wall as she felt that amazing tongue lap at her mound, then push her lips open and slide inside of her. She closed her eyes and woofed in pleasure as it went deeper and deeper, then slowly pulled out before giving her one final lick. The air was thick with both his and her own arousal, the pheromones powerful and spicy. Brutus's purr was much deeper now, and as he stood up again she felt his penis probing between her legs, felt it find, and penetrate, her now wet slick vagina, and with a soft yowl he lunged upward and hilted deep inside of her. She clenched her eyes closed and gave a whimpering gasp at the size of him, her muscles stroking and rubbing against his slick hard penis as she tried to pull him in even deeper. He started humping her with steady powerful thrusts and rubbed his muzzle against her fur as he growled in pleasure, and she growled back at the incredible pleasure as they moved together. Since her change she had been finding out just how sexually uninhibited she had become, and was loving every minute of that total lack of sexual mores. She now saw sex more as an animal then a human, but was still human enough to appreciate it to the extreme. It was a fairly short mating, and Brutus soon brought them both to massive orgasms and she hoped the neighbors didn't complain again as they howled and yowled in agonized ecstasy. She turned to face him as he pulled out of her, and they kissed for a little while longer, then he turned and left the room. In that whole time not one word had been said, it hadn't been necessary. But she knew she wanted to mate with him again, as often as possible. He was a magnificent beast.

Madame Marian ran tests on Ruth's familiar for over an hour trying to find out something, anything, about the curse that caused him to take on a new form every month, the forms based on the Chinese Zodiac. But she was unable to find out anything, every spell either had no effect or was rendered ineffective by the curses response. It was very frustrating for as advanced a Sorceress as she was. She was over four hundred and fifty years old, and was not used to being thwarted. The beast himself was of no help, he had NO power over his affliction, he was merely the vessel that contained it, but she felt sorry for him and her anger was directed at herself. He had been patient and cooperative, and though she was a hard woman the hope in his eyes had touched even her cold heart. At least he will not be alone now she thought, and that is something. His Mistress and mate Ruth had the potential to be a very powerful Sorceress IF she could learn to control the powerful magic that now cursed her as well. Finally Marian gave up in complete frustration; she had exhausted her current stock of diagnostic spells. But there was one other thing she wanted to do before she was through, she wanted the beast to mate with her, she had ever since she had seen him and his Mistress transform during the binding spell, it had been extremely arousing to her the two of them howling in sexual agony as they had become beasts. The familiar had been lying on his back one of her "special" tables, but wasn't strapped down. She reached between his legs and hefted his large testes, and his sack was warm and furry, and said,

"My friend you are a very well endowed beast, and as you have found out one of your, um, duties, is to service your Mistress. But that does not mean you are limited to her as a partner, if you will consent I can give you great pleasure and I would very much like you to service me, but I never force a partner."

I had lain on the table while Madame Marian ran her tests, and could sense her growing anger. The tests did nothing as far as I could tell; other than a few of them causing a tingling or tickling like sensation. Finally she put her spell book and weird "spell aids" on a table, and turned back to me with an entirely different look on her face. When she grabbed my balls and gently kneaded them and made her offer, I mean, what could I do?? She wanted me, and I'd wanted her every since I woke up like I am now. She was a very beautiful and desirable female. Her "dignified old lady" outfit was a façade, she was hornier then a porn star. So I just gave nodded my head and gave a soft growl of pleasure as my penis started to slide out of my sheath. She gave a smile of delight, and then got started on me, an how!

First she strapped me down on the table as spread eagle as she could, but because my hind legs would not lie down straight because of my digitigrade stance she just spread them as much as she could. The she took off her robe, which was all she ever wore in the house (saves time) and man did she have a fantastic body. I hadn't been much of a ladies' man prior to my, uh, accident, but in the last couple of weeks I'd had sex as a dog with a bitch, had sex as a dog with my Mistress, then sex with my Mistress as a beast (and she was a beast by then too), and with a male familiar. Now I was about to have my brains fucked out by a beautiful woman while I was a dog beast. You know, I thought, at least there are SOME good things about being like this!

Marian smiled when the beast eagerly agreed to have sex with her, she'd been pretty sure he would as his kind were insatiable, and she'd recognized the looks he'd been giving her, almost pleading with his eyes even thought he might not have even realized it. He would respond to any female that way, it was his nature. She quickly strapped him down, and his hind legs gave her no real trouble as Brutus was also digitigrades. Then she let her robe fall the ground and turned her attention back to the beast's magnificent genitals. His balls were several times a humans in size, and she almost drooled as she watched his penis come sliding out of his sheath in response to her ministrations, it was a dark red color, thick and slick, the head human like, but with a canine knot near the base, and OH my, it was a good ten inches long. She was going to enjoy this! Bending over she licked the salty tasting shaft, then angled her head to swallow as much of its length as she could, and the beast gave a deep guttural snarl of pleasure, and she smiled around the cock in her mouth as she began to suck harder.

*Oh, oh Jesus! I thought as she fondled and caressed me, and then took me in her mouth! This was, was fucking fantastic. I gave a snarl of pleasure and panted in lust, my tongue lolling out of my mouth. Oh, oh, it felt so good! Whimper! I pulled at the heavy leather cuffs, if I hadn't been restrained I'd have mounted her by now, the beast wanted this female! It was frustrating to have the object of my lust so close, and be helpless to couple with the female. I pulled at the restraints and yelped, please let me go! Please, I need you! *

Marian let the now rigid and rampant penis slide from her mouth, then she leapt up on the table and straddled the struggling sex crazed beast in a reverse direction and took his cock in her mouth again, and lowered her crotch toward his panting muzzle, and grunted in pleasure as his tongue found her sex and lapped eagerly at the juices dripping from it, then she sighed in pleasure as it plunged deeply into her and she felt his fangs rubbing gently against her flesh as he tongue fucked her energetically.

Mmmm, ummmffff, she tastes so good! I thought as I "ate" her sex. As a human I doubt I would have ever done something like this, but to the beast I was now it was a wonderful treat. To have a female willingly give me her sex like this, to want me to ravage her with my mouth and tongue. And what she was doing to my aching penis, I gave a muffled howl of pleasure as I lapped at her, my tongue inside of her sopping wet sex as far as it could go, which was quite a ways. It was sheer sexual ecstasy.

*Marian gave a soft squeal of pleasure, by Ba'al it felt like his tongue was in her womb! How long WAS it? It was longer then Brutus's' but not as wide or thick, and Its soft wet muscular licks against her own vaginal muscles was lovely, and he seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. She cupped and squeezed his balls as she sucked and his whole body started to quiver and she knew he was close, and so was she. She ground herself down on him harder and he responded by speeding up his licks and the wet slurping noises from her crotch set her off and she gasped in pleasure as she climaxed, and his cock quivered and strained as it spurted deep in her throat, and she didn't spill a drop. His cum was delicious and there was lots of it, she had to swallow several times so none would be wasted. *

Oh, jeeez, I've got to, I, oh GOD! I thought, what was she doing to me? I, I, oh please don't stop! She kept sucking and squeezing, then ground her crotch down on my muzzle even harder and I ran my tongue into her a little deeper and felt her sex explode in my face as we both climaxed and she did her best to suck me dry, and I howled into her sex even as I kept lapping at it helplessly. And then it was over, at least I thought, but that was only the "appetizer".

*Marian pulled away from the beasts crotch, his thick penis sliding form her mouth as his own tongue pulled out of her pussy with a final lick. Breathing heavily she turned to face him; she wanted more, MUCH more! She reached between her legs and stood his cock more upright, then crouching she guided his still dribbling cock into her sopping wet aching vagina, and as she moaned in pleasure he howled as he thrust up into her. *

She rode him for over an hour, bringing them both to several orgasms nonstop, she never even paused, and he gave as good as he got as he thrust upwards to meet her, snarling and growling in frenzied lust. Next to Brutus he was one of the best familiars she'd ever coupled with. She felt it was because he had once been human. He was able to temper animal lust with human desire and control it to some degree. Later she released him and had him strap her on a mounting stand in a bent over position, and he mounted her from behind and fucked her for another half hour. This time he serviced her like a female animal, snarling and growling his lust, and it was utterly fantastic. She rested her head against the pad and moaned and sobbed as he made her come again, and again, and again as his seed squirted from their joining. Oh Gods, she thought, when will he stop!?! She hoped never.

*I followed Madame Marian up the stairs from the basement, but felt like I could hardly even walk. That lady had worn me out, but I had enjoyed it immensely. And I could tell I had pleasured her greatly, and felt unexpected pride in that. We met Brutus at the top and he sniffed, and then smiled, and I could smell my own Mistress's sexual scent on him, but found it didn't bother me that he'd mated with her. If she wanted him, who was I to say no? She was my Mistress and she could do as she wished, I had no say in the matter, I only obeyed. The fact it seemed like a kind of slavery did not bother me at all. She cared for, and loved me, and that was all the mattered to the thing I had become. *

Later that evening after a lovely mating with my Mistress I suddenly had an idea, it hit me out of nowhere. It seemed to make sense, so I said,

"Mistress (she told me to call her Ruth more than once, but I just couldn't, it seemed, I don't know, disrespectful), when we were mating, the first time, and you tried to help me and the curse afflicted you as well, well that's been the only time you were able to do anything, even though it kind of, well, went wrong. Maybe if you tried again while we're coupling you can change it back, give it all back to me. I won't mind. I love you, but I hate to see you stuck like this, a beast like I am even though you are so beautiful.

*Ruth sat up straight and thought about what William had said. Now why hadn't she; or Madame Marian, thought about that? Maybe this magic could only be controlled in another by direct contact? Maybe she could reverse the curse and become human again! But then her hope faded, but what about her mate? He was far more than a stranger needing help now, she loved him with all her soul and could not stand the thought of him being trapped in an animal's body most of the time except for a few minutes each month as he changed from one form to another. No, she couldn't; wouldn't, do that to him. If she had to remain like this to be with him it was something she would accept gladly. But still it was a theory worth pursuing. When she mentioned it to Madame Marian the older Sorceress had clapped her hands in delight, but was mad at herself for not thinking of it earlier. There were other magic's that could only be passed to another by touch, so it made sense. *

They determined it would be best to experiment in the basement in case of any loud vocal results, it wouldn't do to have the neighbors phone the police and have an officer turn up to investigate the "disturbing the peace" complaint. So they all trooped down to the basement to give it a try and see if there was any results.

The fact my Mistress and I were going to mate in front of the others didn't bother me in the least, and Mistress Ruth didn't seem to have any qualms as well. After all we had all been very intimate with one another, none of us had any reason to be shy in front of the others. We didn't waste any time, didn't want to. She leaned against the altar and I mounted her, growling in lust, and as soon as we found a steady rhythm as I serviced her she would try to change us again. And I felt it when she started to try and affect the magic, felt it in my body and mind, and it hurt. I whined in pain and pleasure, but kept servicing her, and I felt her body writhe under me as she changed. Something was happening!

Ruth grunted with pleasure as her familiar mounted her, and as soon as the initial pleasure of joining had passed she began to try to work the magic before the sexual pleasure made it too hard to concentrate. She closed her eyes, her jaws clenching as she concentrated, her lips pulled back from her fangs, and tried to grab a hold of the magic and force it to do what she wanted. And she felt herself start to change again! Felt her stance shift as her legs changed, felt the fur on her body thin and began to disappear! It's working, oh thank God its working! She thought in joy. She kept intensely concentrating on molding the magic to her own means, but was also aware of the building sexual pleasure as she slowly neared climax. And when she orgasmed her scream of pleasure was human!

I howled as I climaxed, still holding my Mistress's now pale smooth body as my penis exploded inside the sweet slick embrace of her sex. Then with a grunt I dismounted and stepped back from her. She turned to face me with a smile on her face, her human face! And part of me felt sadness, she had been so beautiful before, her fur so soft and warm, but I was glad for her too. And then I realized something, I was still standing upright! I still knew who I was! I was still a beast, not an animal. And crying I hugged her as close as I could and slobbered all over her shoulder. I was still ME!

Madame Marian watched in amazement as Ruth took on a human form again and the beast remained a beast. That she had not expected, she thought if Ruth managed to become human again the beast would revert to animal form. She closely examined Ruth's' aura, and the curse still shone brightly in it, as it did in even more brightly in the beast. And suddenly she thought she understood, it fit her theory perfectly. Since half the power of the curse had been passed to Ruth, only half of it remained in her familiar, so he would only change half way into an animal for now unless she learned to control the magic even more. And when she explained her idea to Ruth the now human woman replied,

"Madame Marian, I do believe you're right. It makes sense! But I haven't returned to human form 100% yet, and she indicated the eight extra nipples on her lower belly and her vestigial tail, plus there was a light dusting of fur on her back and she had very pronounced canines in her human mouth. But when wearing clothes she could pass easily for human.

I soon found that I had changed some after all, become a little more bestial, but as long as my human mind remained aware I was happy, more or less. There still remained the problem of being able to move about and avoiding being seen. I would scare the crap out of anyone who saw me. My muzzle was more developed, my hands closer to paws now, and I was larger and shaggier. I was a very reasonable facsimile of a werewolf, which according to Madame Marian actually exist. I believed it, I'll believe anything now, I'm living proof the impossible is quite possible. The main problem was; I couldn't change back, I was stuck, and in two days I would become a pig, a freaken nasty smelly pig, and I was NOT looking forward to that. And the thought of the other animals I'd become, or beasts, were scary too. I mean, a rat?? And what would it be like being a dragon? Honestly that one did sound at least interesting. Would I be able to fly? Now that would be cool.

Later as they all sat in the main den before a nice cozy fire Madame Marian and Ruth discussed what had happened. Their two familiars just sat and listened politely, licking their muzzles occasionally, their eerie eyes reflecting the firelight so it looked like they were glowing.

Madame Marian said, "We made excellent progress today. The fact you were able to return to almost human form, and you kept your familiar from returning to animal form, seems to me to indicate you can control the power to some extent. I would think with a few more, um, experiments, you'll be able to gain even more control."

Ruth agreed, and replied, "I think I have a better "feel" for it now, but it's a very powerful, very wild, kind of magic. It grabs you and doesn't want to let go. The knowledge our Mistress gave me helped some, but it will require more learning on my own. But there is one thing I've noticed since we came up from the basement. Watch this."

Ruth held up her hands and concentrated, and her fingernails quickly lengthened into claws as fur spread across her exposed arms, and she adjusted her posture as her tail formed and her legs changed shape. Then she concentrated again and returned to almost human form. Marian, and both the familiars, made sounds of appreciative amazement.

*"That is fantastic Sister Ruth, exclaimed Madame Marian. So far as I know only were's are able to shift like that, and many of them are locked into the phases of the moon, if you can do it at will that is a truly amazing power! I must admit to jealousy." *

Ruth, somewhat embarrassed, replied "It's not as easy as it looks, and does hurt a little. But I just can't seem to return 100% to human form. The closest I can get still leaves my extra, um, breasts, scattered fur, and vestigial tail. Plus I'd better be careful when I smile; my teeth are still pretty sharp."

Madame Marian replied, "But it is still a great power, and as to your remaining bestial traces clothing will cover them easily. In time I'm sure you can remove even those few traces of your curse. Perhaps in time you can extend that ability to our unfortunate friend here."

*I was kind of disappointed when Mistress Ruth returned to human form again; her fur was so soft and sweet smelling. But as far as being unfortunate, I didn't think like that anymore. I looked at Brutus, and he smiled at me. He understood; we were perfectly happy with being what we were. We were loved, needed, appreciated, and had a home. What more was there? I mean, yeah, I'd like to be more human again, but if I was stuck like this then so be it, I'd get by. I dozed off when the Mistress's started talking about "glamour's" or something like that. That kind of stuff bored me. *

Marian said, "As to the problem of your familiar's appearance, perhaps we could cast a glamour on him? It would make him invisible to others, either that or make him appear to be something else. That way he could at least make an appearance in public without scaring everyone half to death."

Ruth felt excitement as she considered the idea. That might work! "Shall we give it a try?" she said.

"Why not? Marian replied. I certainly have nothing else to do, at least for awhile."

I woke up when our Mistress's called me and Brutus, and eagerly followed them into the basement. I was quite disappointed when they didn't go into the "play room", and Brutus was too. He gave a disappointed sounding "muuwwrr", but Marian gave him a quick kiss, and told him to be patient, she'd make it worth our while. When she said "our" my own ears perked up too. I'd already mated with her once, and very much wanted to mount her again. I couldn't believe I was ready again, I'd forgotten how many times I'd already come today.

They told me to stand by the altar, which I did. Then Marian got out her spellbook, and without Brutus humping her for a change, cast a spell at me. It was not a physical spell; one intended to directly affect my body, but was instead an external; or non invasive, spell. And my curse shattered it before it could even form. It would appear the power in me would tolerate no outside interference, even benign in nature. Well, crap. Marian echoed my sentiments.

"Well crap, said Madame Marian, I had high hopes for that. It would appear our little curse doesn't like any kind of other magic anywhere near it. Well then, I am stuck as far as ideas on how to camouflage your familiar. I guess you could only let him out at night, and then be very careful."

*Ruth was disappointed too, very much so. She gently rubbed her familiars head and scratched his ears as he whimpered in pleasure. Just being close to him made her feel so good, safe and protected. She would hate to have to go anywhere without him nearby, and knew he wouldn't like it if she left him alone. She certainly wouldn't be able to take him on any trips. *

"Well then, said Marian, shall we adjourn to the play room for a little fun? I'm sure the boys are hungry too, my breasts feel like they're about to burst."

Ruth, still surprised at her newfound; rather promiscuous, behavior, replied "Oh yes, lets!" And both familiars agreed with growls of hunger and lust.

"Mmmm, grwwllll" I murmured as I suckled at my Mistress's lovely breast, the thick warm sweet fluid flowing into my mouth. Nothing had ever tasted so good, it was the "Nectar of the Gods" as far as I was concerned. I gently chomped and kneaded her breast for more, being careful not to bite too hard. It took me about a half hour to finish feeding, fifteen minutes per breast, before the flow ran temporarily dry. And afterwards both women's breasts were noticeably smaller. We familiars have big appetites. Then it was on to other fun things.

*Half an hour later Marian was lying on her back on a table while she gave Brutus a blow job, and Ruth lay face down on the table and ate Marians lovely pussy will I serviced her from behind. To my delight Ruth had taken on her beast form again. As soon as we came we'd rotate, and she'd give me a blow job while Marian ate her pussy and Brutus fucked her from behind. That way everyone got all the good positions. We rotated for several hours, both familiars servicing both women numerous times, and it was fantastic. This, I thought between snarls and whines of pleasure, is the best thing that ever happened to me! *

** The End**

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