Tales of the Twin Schools Chapter 6

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#9 of Tales of the Twin Schools

A promotional DVD has been released to advertise Longshaft Academy and Our Lady of Bliss Girl's School! But what perverted secrets does this disc hold?

Tales of the Twin Schools

Chapter 6: Promotional Video

The disc slipped smoothly into the holoplayer with a soft hiss and a click. After reading it for a moment, an image projected into the air, shimmering brightly.

"-s dis ting woikin'? Ah, dere we go! Ahem..." The sight of Bugs Bunny appeared, coughing into a white gloved hand before giving a smile to the viewer. "Greetings and saaaalutations! If yer viewing dis, then you've chosen t' give our Twin Schools, Our Lady of Bliss and Longshaft Academy, a chance at possibly giving your boy, girl or even herm, a chance at a bright, and wonderful future!"

"Durin' dis vid, you'll see our spectacular schools up close an' poisonal, the dorms, classes and such... though the biggest features of the schools will be the students themselves."

"Now, choose from da menu where you'd like ta start with yer voi-tual tour of the Twin Schools," Bugs said, gesturing to several options floating in the air around him. There was a slight pause as the viewer of the disc tapped in some commands on the controller.

Bugs reanimated on the holoscreen, grinning in a more mischievous manner than before. He spoke, smirking, "If you've managed to access this, den yer already under da Headmaster's power and are curious about some of the less public aspects of the school. ...Dat or you're an incredibly lucky sunovagun who managed to access a hidden feature in three layers of menus and put in a randomized 20 character pass code correctly by sheer chance.... In which case, woohoo! Ya should play da lottery!"

"Assumin' yer da former, let's begin by introducin' ya to some of our students!" Bugs continued, grinning.



A title card with that name appeared, and faded away to reveal a studio furnished like a bedroom. Nothing special; a full sized bed, a dresser with a lamp and off white walls. Several moments pass before a boy comes in, looking no older than 9 and looking around.

"Huh. Well, this is where the instructions said to go," He said, brushing black hair out of his eyes. Glasses sat atop his muzzle, the boy's uniform covering up most of his body, but what could be seen was covered in soft, gray fur. From the look of him, he stood no taller than 4 feet, a perfect specimen of a boy his age.

"Oh hey a camera. What's that doing... in... here..." he trailed off, his eyes going wide as he finally noticed the hypnotic lights coming off it, the light reflected only the faintest bit in his eyes to the viewer.

The boy blinked as he stared into bright, swirling colors, his glasses showing the reflection. He turned towards it, seemingly drawn in by it. The boy's tail swished slowly as he stared.

"That's it... just stare into the lights. They're so soothing, aren't they? They're so nice to look at..." a voice crooned from off-camera.

"...U-Uh-huh..." the wolf agreed, slightly dazed. He seemed to try to look away, but found his gaze locked in place.

"You must be feeling sleepy right now. Don't you just want to rest?" the voice asked.

"...Want to rest..." the boy repeated softly, his voice taking on a strangely dreamy quality, his expression going from confusion to a sort of sleepy disorientation. His uniform's slacks began to bulge slightly in the crotch.

"Why don't you lie down on the bed and keep staring into the lights?" the voice suggested. The child did just that, climbing into the bed, propping his back against the headboard. He stared slightly off-camera at the shimmering, swirling colors that held his full attention. The voice continued to murmur to the boy, talking about how sleepy and tired he must feel. The wolf's eyelids slipped lower and lower over his eyelids, his head drooping forward.

After a minute or two, they fell completely shut, and his head slumped against his chest. His hands were limp in his lap. His chest rose and fell slowly, his breath even and soft. For all intents and purposes, he could have been fast asleep.

"Can you hear me, Jayden?" the man behind the camera asked.

"...Yes... I can hear you..." Jayden replied. His voice came as a breathy, soft monotone, devoid of any hint of emotion or conscious thought.

"Good.. Just focus on my voice, and for this first round of questions, as you answer them, you will unbutton your shirt for the camera, slowly opening it to reveal your chest. Understood?"

The wolf boy nodded. "...I understand..." His hands moved up to undo the first button on his shirt, which caused the interview to chuckle.

"Okay, that one didn't count, but let's continue. What is your name?"

"Jayden Alistair Lupo." Another button was popped open. As more questions were given, Jayden continued to answer them, popping one button after another; "Age 9... I've been at Longshaft Academy for 4 years this Autumn... AB Negative.. Leo... 12 inches long fully erect, 2 inches thick..." That final question finished off his shirt, revealing the boy's chest.

"Thank you, Jayden. Now take off and put down your shirt. You said your penis is 12 inches long? Mind kneeling up and pulling down your shorts to show it to the camera?

The wolf cub quickly tossed his shirt on the bed, then got up on his knees on the bed, and as if the move had been rehearsed dozens of times, slowly unzipped his shorts and pushed his hips forward, letting his throbbing erection pop out of the short pants, which soon dropped down, leaving the boy naked save for his socks, with a throbbing erection that was dripping precum.

"That is a very nice cock for someone your age, Jayden. Don't you agree?"

"I'm not the biggest, but I'm within the average for male students here at Longshaft."

"And you know this because...?"

"I see my fellow students' penises every day. In the showers, in the bathrooms, in the bedrooms, during recess, in class..." The boy was ready to continue listing when the voice chuckled to interrupt.

"You boys don't shy about showing each other your dicks, do you?"

Jayden seemed confused by that question. "Why should we? We're students of Longshaft. We're here because we're prime male specimens with big penises and plump balls. We're encouraged to show off our "male prides" (the boy actually using his fingers to make air quotes), to compare and contrast, and to play with one another and with the girls."


The wolf boy smiled and perked up. "That's what we call it when we have sexual intercourse, Sir. Both boys and girls."

"So you've had sex. Boys, or girls?"

"Yes." The boy replied, smiling.

"Yes, what?" The interviewer asked with honest confusion, followed by a sigh. "Please don't give me a Mathematician's Answer, Jayden."

"Oh, sorry. I meant yes, I've played with boys and girls. We play every day, when we're not in class. The only reason we boys don't play with the girls at night is because they have a separate dorm. And we boys have strict bed curfew at around 10:00 pm."

"What is bed curfew?"

"That means we have to be in our own beds by Ten. That rule was set in for both girls and boys, to stop us from just bed hopping and sleeping in whoever's bed we wanted. We only get exemption on Valentine's day, Christmas, and Spring and Summer breaks. On those nights the Administration lets us sleep with our favorite playmates."

"Ooh, sounds romantic. Do you have a favorite playmate, Jayden?"

The wolf boy blushes and almost curls up, his cock throbbing even harder in response to the question. "...yes."

"This is a direct order, Jayden. You will sit up straight, look at the camera, and tell who your favorite playmate is, describing them briefly."

The cub suddenly stood straight, his eyes losing focus as he obeyed the order. "I have two favorite playmates... Skye Eldrich, 8 year old Angelfennec, and Kiyone Karu, 8 year old Angelfox. Both are dual futa."

There's a brief chuckle. "Well well, two girlfriends? Aren't you a little casanova? Don't they get jealous of each other?"

"No Sir. They're girlfriends with each other. Technically I'm not their boyfriend, but they call me a 'best friend with benefits', which is fine."

"...Cheese and Crackers, he's not even ten yet and he's got more game then I did as a teenager." the voice muttered, barely audible to the camera.

The wolf boy blinked and tilted his head. "What?"

"Never mind. Do you enjoy life here at Longshaft Academy? Is there anything you'd change?"

"I love it here at Longshaft, sir! The Library is HUGE! When I'm not in Class or Playing, I'm there reading. They've got everything in there; Novels, Textbooks, Comics, Magazines Music, Movies, even Internet stations. I didn't even know they made porn comics until I went there!" The wolf boy grinned, then scratches his chin. "Don't really know if I'd change anything, honestly. I like it plenty here. I even started a Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons group."

"Oh, you like DD&MD?"

The wolf boy perked up. "Like it? I LOVE IT! It's my favorite talking, level counting, statistics and graph paper involving game of all time! Especially since the school lets us use the controversial, banned "Book of Perverted Naughtiness" rules! ...Which is good, because it's hard to find kids who want to play it otherwise. Arc keeps telling me 'if you expect me to fight a succubus in her lair, you'd better let me fuck her.'"

"And how do those games go?"

"Great, even if they always end in sex. Good thing the Academy uses water-resistant, easy-wipe paper, otherwise I'd go through even more grid maps and character sheets."

"Good... I want you to go back to that calm, sleepy state, Jayden. Listen to my voice, let everything flow away," the voice purred, its speech taking on a soft, sibilant cadence compared to the more natural conversational tone it had. Jayden blinked at first, but the boy's eyelids began to slowly fall half-lidded. The excitement and eagerness he had shown a moment before seemed to drain out of him as he lay back against the pillows. His wagging tail slowed and he murmured softly as he stared straight ahead.

"Why don't you just lie there. We want to take a nice look at you for a minute..." the voice murmured. Jayden mumbled a somewhat incoherent response, which the microphone did not pick up.

The camera moved, zooming in on Jayden's face. His blue-grey eyes stared ahead in an unfocused manner, his pupils dilated slightly. His expression was slack, with an utter lack of any emotion other than slight contentment. His mouth hung open slightly. The wolfboy's eyes stared out through his glasses as the camera took a moment to make sure the audience could see his glassy, unfocused gaze.

A voiceover by Mr. Bugs spoke: "As youse can see, Jayden is currently in a deep hypnotic trance. He has no will of his own right now. His poisonality is intact, but he can't do anythin' 'cept lay there without orders. Later on, when he wakes up, he won't remember a t'ing about dis; not a single memory."

The camera panned down over his chest, which rose and fell slowly. The fluffy white fur of his chest gave way to the slightly less thick fur covering his stomach. His stomach was slightly pudgy, a little bulge outward giving the boy a rounded, but pleasing shape.

The image finally settled on his groin. A massive pink pillar of throbbing flesh stood pointed at the ceiling. It pulsed and twitched slowly, as the camera lovingly traced up each and every inch. It was mostly the standard humanoid shape, with a mushroom-shaped helmet covered by a thick foreskin. Veins bulged along the sides slightly. At the base of his penis, right by his sheath, two swollen bulges lay nestled against the furry pouch. His sheath covered the last couple of inches of his penis, followed by two massive orbs contained in a thick-furred scrotum. Even as the camera watched, his penis gave a pronounced twitch, and a spurt of clear, syrupy fluid jetted from the tip to land in his stomach fur.

Mr. Bugs' voiceover continued: "All boys in Longshaft Academy are the pinnacle of virility. Not one lil' kiddo is gifted with less den twelve throbbin' inches o' cock. Jayden, here, is a perfect example of a fine Longshaft specimen."

The camera zoomed back to allow a view of the boy's entire body, as he lay staring without a thought in his head.

"Very good, Jayden. Now why don't you take your penis and slowly show it to the camera? Let me see it better?" the interviewer's voice asked.

"...Yes, sir..." Jayden mumbled, slowly sitting up. He reached down with a paw that seemed almost too small for the size of the massive pole between his legs and slid it over the tip. Delicately wrapping his fingers around the head, he pulled down and moaned. The foreskin peeled free, bunching down lower as he exposed the deep-red head of his cock, glistening with precum.

"Very nice. Okay, let's try something else.." A large clear plastic flashlight-shaped device is tossed onto the bed beside Jayden. As he picks it up, he sees the "bulb" is actually shaped like a pussy. "That's a fleshlight. Just stick your penis inside it. The boy nods, slowly pushing the tip of his cock inside it, before groaning as he squeezes his cock deep into the device, his cock throbbing visibly through the clear plastic sextoy. He grunts and spreads his legs wide, starting to buck his hips as he thrusts the sextoy up and down, fucking the fake pussy for the camera.

"Good boy... very good... Don't hold back... Just close your eyes pretend it's Skye, or Kiyone" This seems to get the boy real excited, as he closes his eyes and whines cutely as he grips the fleshlight with both hands and grunts as he bucks his hips faster, ramming his cock inside it hard and fast now.

A thick, wet squelching noise filled the air as Jayden's precum lubricated his thrusts. A thick sucking noise came with each pull of the Fleshlight off of his penis, the suction sending the boy into convulsions of pleasure. He moaned and grunted, sliding the toy up and down over his erection. His cock was clearly visible through the clear plastic, pulsing and twitching. His furry balls slapped the underside as he panted.

"Unnngh... Yes... Skye..." he moaned, his eyes half-lidded as he drove his hips forward. The camera zoomed in, giving a great view of his thick hood gliding up and down over the head of his penis as the toy's many bumps and ridges pleasured him. He panted heavily, bucking forward, his body tensing.

"Change positions. Get on your hands and knees," the interviewer commanded. Stopping in mid-stroke, Jayden nodded slowly, repeating the words mindlessly. The fleshlight still hanging off of his penis, Jayden moved, turning over and getting on his hands and knees. His penis hung low, brushing into the mattress as he panted heavily. In the toy, a steadily growing amount of precum filled the toy slowly, the "water" level rising visibly with every pulse of his erection.

The camera took its time, taking a lazy sweep from behind Jayden, showing the perfect round orbs of his rump, his tail thrashing back and forth eagerly. It slowly circled to the side, showing the strain on the boy's face as he knelt there.

"Continue," the interviewer commanded.

Jayden didn't hesitate, reaching down with one hand to continue manipulating the toy under him. He moaned, the loud squelch and squish filling the air once more as he pumped his shaft quickly. The polymer gel rubber surrounded his cock, teasing every inch of it. He locked his other elbow, using it to support him as he stroked faster, whimpering and whining like a puppy.

The camera zoomed in after a minute, showing his cock. The base of his penis, the bulges, began to swell. They ballooned outward in size, expanding into a massive knot. Jayden gasped as his knot kissed the bottom of the toy repeatedly with every thrust... then popped inside with an audible noise. He grunted, locked in, unable to pull free of the toy... But then a whirring noise began and he cried out. The transparent toy let the viewers see exactly what was occurring: the inner gel was contracting and squeezing around his penis, massaging it for him, since he could no longer move the toy.

Jayden moaned and whined as his hands dropped from the toy and gripped the bedsheets as he arched his back, bucking his hips to thrust into the toy even as it was clenching and vibrating around his shaft. Then suddenly, he howled loudly and thrust his hips up, erupting inside the toy and rapidly flooding it with a copious load of gooey wolfcum.

The transparent toy let the camera see each pearly spurt of fluid erupt into the toy. The thick goo began to fill it, Jaden's knot preventing even a single drop from escaping. The boy howled and moaned, bucking his hips into the air. The liquid level rose quickly, hiding Jayden's cock from view as inch by inch vanished under the layer of semen.

The toy was soon filled to capacity, and that's when it suddenly unclenched, letting the force of Jayden's next spurt push it off, letting the rest of the boy's climax rain down on him. It wasn't long until the nerdy wolfcub was now covered with his own spooge, and panting rapidly as he was winding down from the orgasm.

"...You okay, Jayden?" The boy panted and raised a hand, giving a thumbs up before going back to laying down, recovering from his orgasm. "Okay, Bugs? You might want to push Jayden to participate more in sports activities."

The camera faded to black, the disc whirring as it booted up the next segment.


Tayl Gatoh

The feline got on the bed. Unlike the other girls in the interview series, her uniform barely qualified as clothing, and more as a stripper costume; her "shirt" was effectively a collar connected to sleeves via shoulders, and her "skirt" was effectively a belt that covers nothing below the waist. The girl was effectively showing off her nipples and crotch for all to see. She had brilliantly white fur, with blue tassels on the tips of her ears and her tail. Her tail was very long, as long as she was tall, and a golden ring jingled around it near the tip. She wore gloves of green with red stripes. Her eyes were a deep, vibrant blue, but has a glassy, unfocused sheen.

The voice of the interviewer called out again. "Can you hear me, Tayl?"

The kitten smiled and nodded, her eyes unfocused. The dreamy look on her face made it clear she was already in a deep trance. "Yes, I hear you."

"Well, that is a very interesting uniform you're wearing."

The kitten smiled. "Yeah, I kept asking for permission to go 'round without clothes on, so they said I can wear this all the time now. I'd still rather be naked, but this is close enough."

"You don't like clothes, Tayl?"

"Nope!" She shook her head quickly. "Feels weird on my fur. Dunno how the others stand'em. That's why I like playtime the best!"

"And you don't mind it when others look at your naked body?"

Tayl purred and posed a bit. "Why? I'm cute! I like it when people look at me! That's why I'm okay with this outfit. It's like I'm naked even if I'm not!"

"So... How old are you?" the interviewer asked.

"I'm five!" Tayl replied, smiling happily, her long, rope-like tail swaying back and forth slowly as she continued, "I'm the youngest kid in the whooooole school."

"Really? Do you find it hard being around so many older children?"

The little girl frowned a little, her glassy eyes narrowing slightly in thought. She shook her head a little, causing the tassels on the ends of her ears to sway as she replied, "Not really. I'm really smart for my age which is why I was let into Our Lady, and I've got my best friend in the world, Pal to protect me all the time."

"That's good. And you're a futanari, right?"

"Um... If that means I've got a boy's thingie and a girl's cunny, then yeah..." Tayl replied, kneeling. She thrust her hips forward, pointing to a spot above her little muff. If the camera wasn't recording in hyper-HD holovision, the bulge of her unaroused sheath would have been invisible.

"Good. Why don't you show us? Teacher Command: ---" the interviewer began, but the second half of what he said came out muffled and garbled, digitally scrambled into nonsense.

The video paused as Bugs' voiceover cut in to explain: "Sorry 'bout da censoring dere. Da kiddos are all given hypnotic conditioning when dey enter the Schools, and dey're given a number of post-hypnotic triggers. Fer da safety of the kids, we've scrambled da trigger words to prevent anyone from misusing them."

Whatever the words were, the effect they had was instantaneous. Tayl's eyes went out of focus and she let out a moan. Her hips gave a twitch and her long tail flicked. The bulge of her sheath became more pronounced as it swelled quickly. Her inner thighs were instantly wet with her nectar.

Within moments, a pink nub became visible in the pristine white fur. It slid upward, revealing itself as the head of a penis. It pushed outward, sliding free of the child's sheath, followed by inch after inch of pink flesh. With almost supernatural speed, it rose up, stiffening to full erection.

Tayl's studiously blank expression suddenly softened back into a look of dreamy unconcern once more. She sighed softly as her penis twitched against her stomach, her inner thighs visibly damp. The child's head lolled about on her neck as she drifted in her trance.

"So how big is your penis?" the interviewer asked conversationally, as if the questioning had never been interrupted. Tayl blinked, a small amount of focus coming to her big blue eyes at being addressed.

"...I'm not really big... It's only six inches..." she said, mournfully, "Almost everyone is bigger 'n me... except the girls who don't have thingies."

"Six inches for a child your age and size is really impressive! When you reach your teens, you may have a foot or longer!" the interviewer said hastily, apparently unwilling to see such an adorable face look sad.

It worked, as Tayl immediately perked up; her tail flicking as she asked, "Really?!"

"Yes, easily!"

"Wooooow..." Tayl trailed off as her numb and hypnotized mind tried to grasp the thought of herself with such an enormous phallus.

"...Really, Bugs? First the nerdy wolf getting tons of tail, and now this adorable lump of sugar? Sheesh," the interviewer muttered. Tayl did not seem to hear him, still drifting off in her daydream.

"Tayl, I want you to start rubbing yourself as you continue to talk to me. So your best friend is this... Pal?" the interviewer asked. Tayl blinked and began to obey, wrapping her gloved paws around her penis. She slowly began to pump it, moaning as the soft fabric rubbed against her stiff flesh.

"...Nnng... Uh-huh... Pal Flora. We've known each other since forever and ever," Tayl said, shuddering as her erection twitched, a droplet of pre oozing from the tip and rolling down the underside.

"And what's she like?"

"Um... she's a flower, a plant girl. She's got green skin, and pink petals, and she's really cute," Tayl said, "And she's real fun! She likes playing around, joking... and more than anything, she loves spurting and making others spurt their milk!"

The little kitten shivered as her fingers pumped up and down her length, smearing more pre over her flesh. Her cock twitched visibly in her paws, as she peeled back her foreskin to expose the bulbous head. Her long tail swished back and forth as she smiled dazedly, her tasseled ears folding back a little.

"Oh? She does?" the interviewer asked.

"Uh-huh! There's no one who loves playing with people more than Pal! She's a nymp--... A nymphomay---... A nim-fo... She likes sexy times!!!" the child said, blushing as she shook her head.

"Really? What makes you say that?"

"Well... She does it all the time! If she's not playing with her big throbbing, splurting thingie, she's sticking it into someone, or sticking theirs inside her! She has more playtime than anyone I know! If she didn't have classes, she might spend all day, every day doing it!" Tayl explained, squeezing her flesh tight. She groaned, her toes curling as a clear jet of fluid burst from her swollen tip and splashed the sheets. The kitten shuddered a little and continued to stroke, her long tail swishing back and forth.

"Okay, Tayl, I want you to relax. I want you to just calm down, let yourself drift away...".

Tayl's expression softened, her eyes turning glassy. The little girl sighed softly, listening to the interviewer's soothing voice as he lulled her into a deeper trance. She sighed softly, contentment washing over her as she let her eyes drift closed. The tension flowed out of her body visibly, even as her penis stiffened further, pointing up at the ceiling.

"Tayl, can you hear me?"

"Mmm-hmm..." replied the feline, audibly purring.

"You feel really good right now, don't you?"

"...Mmm-hmm..." agreed Tayl again. Her cock throbbed visibly, swelling and contracting a little with her heartbeat. A clear dribble of liquid ran down the underside of her flesh, spilling onto her fuzzy mound. Her foreskin was taut over the swollen tip, and the fur of her thighs were glistening with her feminine juices.

"Good. Now, Tayl. You like it when people look at you, right? It's one of the reasons you hate clothes, correct?"

"Yes..." Tayl agreed sleepily.

"What if I told you a lot of people are watching you right now? And you're going to put on a show for them? Would you like that?"

"...People are lookin' at me? I'd like that..." the child mumbled sleepily, a smile growing on her face.

"Yes, they're looking at you right now. They are watching you lay there, and they want to see you. Now, they're all around you, their eyes on your body. Why don't you start showing them?"

Tayl moaned, closing her eyes. Her tiny hips slowly began to rock back and forth, thrusting into the air. Her penis twitched eagerly, the tip bobbing about with her movements. The tip of her tail flicked as the golden ring chimed softly.

"That's it. You can see them, can't you? Can you feel their fingers slowly touching you, sliding through your fur?"

"Mmmyesss..." moaned the kitten. She gasped, jerking suddenly as if someone had poked her, mewling softly.

"When a student is in a trance, dey become highly suggestible," Bugs' voiceover explained, "Dey'll believe whatever dey're told is true. Dis can lead to some very interestin' t'ings, as her about ta see..."

Tayl moaned and panted, shifting and shuddering on the bed. Her hips bucked into the air, her back arching gracefully. Her paws clasped at the sheets, bunching them up. The child's penis twitched, spouting jets of precum that splashed messily over her fuzzy stomach.

"That's it, Tayl. Can you feel them touching you?"

"Yeah... Tickles... feels good..." she whimpered.

"Good. The many, many people watching you now love seeing that. Doesn't it make you happy knowing that you're making them happy?"

"Y-yes..." Tayl gasped, spluttering as a burst of pre splattered across her face. The camera zoomed in between her spread legs, the child's furry vulva on display. She moaned and rocked her hips back and forth, her inner walls quivering in delight. Her penis stood straight up, pointing at the ceiling as precum ran down in thick, syrupy rivers, pooling on her stomach.

"One of them is touching your penis. He's stroking it nice and firm, squeezing the tip. It must feel so good..."

Tayl mewled incoherently in response, arching her back. Her rear lifted off the bed, her entire body tensing. Her cock pulsed and jumped as sticky bursts of clear pre erupted from the swollen foreskin-covered tip erratically. Her tail thrashed about, the golden ring chiming softly. Her toes curled and her gloved fingers clenched the sheets, her long claws shredding them.

"And now... they want to see you show them how happy you are. Go ahead, Tayl.*

The little kitten huffed, gasped, then squealed loud and long. Her entire body tensed tight, every muscle stiffening. With a release of that tension, Tayl's penis jumped, rippling as a thick jet of hot, rich goo blasted forth into the air. The spray of pearly white fluid glowed and sparkled visibly, even as the incredible blast hit the ceiling, splattering the tiles. She moaned, her body tensing again as a second incredibly powerful ejaculation rippled up her cock.

"As lil' Tayl jus' demonstrated, the Headmaster's hypnosis is powerful enough ta cause psychosomatic effects. Fer da layman, dat means dat the mind can convince da body dat situations an' sensations are real. Here, Tayl has jus' had a hands-free orgasm, caused by hypnotic suggestion alone. In a deeper trance, she could even cum on command, without any stimulation at all!" Bugs' narrated over Tayl's moans and whimpers.

She cried as her hips pumped into the air, the camera focusing between her inner thighs. A puddle of feminine juices had formed in the sheets, even as her cum fired off in intense streams. In between gushes, a river of glowing white liquid poured down the underside of her penis, coating her chubby vulva and mixing with her nectar. Streaks of hot semen splashed messily over her fur, forming a deep, glowing puddle in her navel. In between moans, Tayl's muzzle was in a wide, pleasured smile.

Tayl's paws roamed over her chest and stomach as she continued to climax, teasing her rock hard pink nipples. She smeared her cum into her fur, leaving her fur with a faint bluish shimmer. She opened her mouth wide as her pink shaft lurched. An arcing ribbon of semen flew, splattering messily across her face, draping from her whiskers, matting down her fuzzy cheeks. It was voluminous enough to fill her mouth, spilling down her chin onto her chest. The camera zoomed in close to show her close her mouth and swallow the massive mouthful of cream, more of it spilling out of the corners of her muzzle. Another mouthful dashed messily over her face a moment later as she erupted again, and she moaned happily as the hot liquid spilled down her fur and into her muzzle.

Sighing as her orgasm began to wane, one of Tayl's paws rested idly between her legs, her index finger rubbing at her clitoris slowly. Her cock spasmed and jerked, each spurt of semen smaller and less powerful than the last, as it splashed her white hair, then her face, then her chest, and finally ended with a steady dribble into her stomach fur, adding to the pool of cum in her navel. The little kitten glowed and shimmered slightly, her radiant spunk coating her body. She giggled weakly, dipping the tip of her index claw into the cum on her tummy, swirling it around.

"Your semen glows?" the interviewer asked.

"Uh-huh. I dunno why... but it makes my milk really pretty..." Tayl panted for breath, looking up at the camera with a big, tired smile.

"Good work. The people watching you are VERY happy. You can rest now," the announcer said, "Sleep."

Tayl gave a soft sigh and closed her eyes, purring. Within moments, her chest rose and fell slowly as she clearly drifted into dreams.

"...Bugs, if all the kids are this cute, I'm gonna have the world's worst blueballs by the time I'm done..." the interviewer muttered as the scene faded out.


Skye Eldrich and Fire Tenderfoot

The next segment had a pair of children sitting on the bed. One was a tiny fennec vixen, with a butt-length neon pink ponytail, marked with a distinct blue streak in the front, between two massive bangs. Her green eyes were wide and curious, as a large pair of fluffy golden wings fluttered behind her back.

The boy sitting next to her was a red fox. His fur was orange, and a shaggy fringe of red-brown hair covered his scalp. He was taller than her by a significant amount, and his sky-blue eyes were narrowed in a mixture of mild annoyance and confusion. He wore the same uniform as Jayden, the pants cradling a large and very prominent bulge between his legs. Notably, the boy was barefoot, his brown-furred feet on display.

"What is all of this? What's with the cameras?" the boy asked.

"It's finally come true! My dream of a reality show all about me!" the vixen chirped with a wide grin, showing off her fangs.

"Who'd watch a show about YOU? Worse, would I have to be in that show?" the boy retorted, before looking unsure.

"I'm interesting! I'm captivating! I'd bring in millions of viewers to watch my antics! And you'd be my loyal victi-- er... Sidekick!" the girl giggled.

"...You were about to call me a victim, weren't you?" the fox boy growled, narrowing his eyes.

"...um. I plead the fifth," the vixen replied, grinning.

Before either child could say anything else, they both looked up as a door opened off-camera. A voice spoke, but the words were digitally scrambled garbled into complete incoherence. The two foxes' eyes went wide, and all the emotion drained from their faces. Almost in unison, they slumped back on the mattress, staring up at the ceiling. There was a little noise of rummaging from behind the camera while the two children lay on their backs, seemingly asleep if not for their open eyes.

"Normally, I'd put on more of a show, but with two of you to interview at once, I have to speed things up," the interviewer explained despite the children clearly not caring.

"You will do what I say," the interviewer commanded.

"I will do what you say..." the boy and girl repeated. Their words were slow and sleepy, devoid of intonation and independent thought.

"Sit up, please."

The two foxes pushed themselves upright. They slumped slightly, hands limp in their laps, ears and tail drooped. Their eyes were unfocused, staring off into the distance blankly.

"What are your names?" the interviewer asked.

"Skye Eldrich," the fennec mumbled.

"Fire Tenderfoot," the boy droned.

"And you're related?" the interviewer inquired. The boy and girl nodded slowly.

"We're siblings," Fire answered simply, staring straight ahead into space somewhere beyond the camera.

"How long have you served the Headmaster?" the interviewer asked.

"I was one of the first students to serve, about a year or so ago," Skye intoned sleepily. She blinked slowly.

"Skye brought me under a little after," Fire added, his ears drooped, his chin resting on his chest.

"Both of you undress and tell me about it, please," the interviewer asked, a slight creaking noise sounding off-camera as he leaned back in his chair.

Both cubs slowly stood up and began to pull off their respective uniforms. Skye untied the scarf of her sailor schoolgirl uniform, while Fire busied himself fumbling with his clip-on tie. They both began to talk at the same time, their words jumbling into nonsense.

"...One at a time... I really need to say that?" the interviewer sighed exasperated. The fox and fennec looked at each other, and despite their utterly entranced state, still managed to have a small (if admittedly subdued, sleepy, and vague) squabble with each other over who should go first.

"Skye, you were first to serve the Headmaster, you tell your story first. Keep undressing," sighed the interviewer, annoyed.

The argument settled with that command, the children returned to their state of docile obedience as they worked to unbutton their shirts. Skye spoke slowly, "I was a new student an' Mr. Bugs called me to his office. He said we were going to do some sorta orientation thingie."

"I sat down in a chair and he pulled out a lil' audio player. He said it was a message from the Headmaster recorded just for me. I put on the earphones and sat back to listen. It was weird. I heard this kinda static-y noise that made my head feel funny. I could swear there was a voice under it, but the harder I listened, the harder it was to understand. I finally stopped trying, and it became clear. I understood everything."

"What did the voice say?" the interviewer asked. Skye frowned and paused in the middle of pulling down her skirt.

"I... don't remember. I just remember that when I stopped trying to listen, it told me things. Things that made me happy... Things that made me tingle in between my legs. The next thing I remember, Mr. Bugs took the earphones off and it was two hours later. I understood the world so clearly and was so happy to serve the Headmaster. He was nakie and his thingie was hard and drippy. He asked me to lick it, and I did. He spurted his milk all over me, then rubbed his thingie against my cunny until we both spurted. Then he gave me the audio player and told me to go show it to other people to let them know what the Headmaster was like."

By now, Skye had stripped down to her panties. Carefully pulling them down and stepping out of them, the tiny fennec sat back down on the bed, her legs slight spread just enough to give the camera a glimpse of a swollen sheath and damp cleft.

Beside her, Fire likewise fumbled with his purple briefs, pulling them down around his ankles, before tossing them aside. His sheath was a large bulge, only the tiniest sliver of pink poking free. A pair of large balls, both easily twice the size of a large orange were nestled below.

"Good. Now, Fire, you tell us your story. Both of you, slowly stroke yourselves, please."

"I will slowly stroke myself..." repeated Fire softly. His hands ran down his white-furred stomach to begin to fondle his sheath and furry sack. Beside him, Skye stared into space as her hands roamed over her crotch, squeezing her sheath and tickling her clitoris.

Fire began: "I was in my dorm room, playing a video game. Skye burst into the room babbling about this thing she'd been listening to. She'd been actin' weird for a few days, spending a lot of time locked in her room with Kiyone, her girlfriend. I'd heard weird moans and wet noises coming from inside, but Skye had refused to tell me anything. Now she was all over me.

"I finally put on the earphones, if only to get her to shut up. I heard this weird fuzzy noise as she pressed play... And then it was hard to think. It was just like Skye said... I heard this voice telling me all sorts of things about me and the world and the Headmaster, but the closer I tried to listen, the harder to hear the voice was."

Fire paused for a moment, moaning softly as he slowly ran his soft, furry fingers up and down the growing and hardening rod of pink flesh emerging from his sheath. He took a deep breath and continued:

"I remember feeling strange. A heat deep in my balls that I'd never felt. A strange stiff achy feeling from my thingie. I remember suddenly realizing that I knew things I didn't know before, like that my thingie could spurt a thick, white milk that could make me and others feel really good...

"But most of all, I knew my purpose was to obey the Headmaster and be a good student for him. If I obeyed, he would make me and everyone I knew happy and feeling good.

"The audio player ended, and I realized suddenly that I was nakie... And Skye was naked too. She was licking my penis, and it was all stiff and throbby. I'd never felt anything like it. A moment later, I gushed my milk all over Skye. She drank a lot of it and rubbed it into her fur. Then we spent the rest of the day playing. She let me put my thingie into her cunny, and she put one of her thingies up my butt. It was awesome," Fire droned obediently. He fell silent, his tale done.

By now, his penis stood proud from his hips, throbbing in both of his hands. The long shaft was easily the length of his forearm and thick as his own wrist, with a large fist-sized head. Veins bulged along the sides, as the entire thing visibly expanded and contracted with every throb. A thick foreskin covered most of the tip, leaving the slit exposed. From it, a droplet of pre leaked out.

Beside him, Skye sat idle, staring blankly into the distance. The little girl's fingers were wrapped around a pair of large, throbbing lengths of her own. Smaller than her brother's individually, both penises were still long enough to brush her chest and utterly identical in size and shape. They too had a thick, taut foreskin covering each of their heads. They bobbed up and down as they throbbed and a steady leak of syrupy fluid leaked from both.

"You have two... thingies?" the interviewer asked.

"Uh-huh. I'm a dual futanari," Skye explained, stumbling slightly over the pronunciation of the last word, "I was born with two thingies and a cunny."

"How long is your penis, Fire?" the interviewer inquired.

"Fourteen and a quarter inches," Fire said, sitting up a little straighter and puffing his chest out with a touch of pride.

"And yours, Skye?"

"Ten and a half inches each..." Skye said, the faintest touch of melancholy in her voice, before she brightened a little and added, "But together they're 21 inches!"

"You can't measure them together! You're just jealous that I'm better hung!" Fire growled, seeming to come out of his trance slightly out of offense.

"Jealous? You just wish you had two like me!" Skye retorted, sticking her tongue out and blowing raspberries, "And you can't even come close to spurting as much milk as me!"

"Why you..." Fire growled, his hackles raising even as his penis throbbed angrily, as if it too was offended by Skye's comments.

"Skye, Fire, obey me. Calm down. You will be happy and friendly, and forget this argument," the interviewer commanded. The boy and girl blinked, the anger and annoyance fading from their expressions to be replaced by a vague, placid happiness.

"Sheesh, never thought I'd see a literal dick-measuring competition mixed with sibling rivalry..." the interviewer muttered. Skye and Fire sat, staring into space as they ignored the comments that weren't directed to them. Faint smiles graced their muzzles as they shivered, pre leaking down their lengths. Skye in particular was dampening the sheets between her thighs as a sticky spurt of clear fluid burst from both of her tips and splashed the fabric.

"Does your sister always drip like that?" asked the interviewer. Fire glanced over as his sister's penises twitched up and down, a fresh rush of pre oozing down them.

"Usually she's even wetter. I dunno how someone so tiny spurts so much, but she gushes more than almost anyone I know!" Fire replied.

"I dunno how I do it either!" Skye giggled, "but I love spurties!"

"Good. Then why don't you show us just how much you can spurt?" the interviewer suggested. There was a transition, and Fire and Skye stood beside the bed. Near them, huge glass containers rested on the floor, each clearly capable of holding multiple gallons.

Skye stood before one, staring into space as she squeezed and caressed her erections. One penis in each paw, she moaned, pumping her hands up and down. Pre leaked liberally from her heads, coating her hands and lubricating her strokes. Her hips rocked back and forth as she shivered, her feathers ruffling.

Fire took a similar two-handed approach, massaging his heavy, swollen balls with one hand, pumping his length with the other. He grunted softly, sliding his foreskin up and down over the fist-sized head of his cock. His erection was already glistening and damp with his own precum, and it throbbed visibly, pulsing in his tight grip.

"How about we make things more interesting?" the interviewer asked, "I want you both to let go of yourselves. You are in a room with your closest friends, and they are slowly licking your shafts..."

The boy and girl let go of their lengths, their paws dropping limp to their sides. Skye and Fire moaned softly, their eyes falling half-closed as they arched their backs. Skye shuddered, her two rods of flesh twitching up and down. Fire's heavy balls jiggled slightly, as he stood beside his sister.

"Feel their warm, wet tongues sliding up and down. Feel them tickle around your sheath, then up and around your foreskin, then slip inside to lick the head..."

The boy groaned and the girl cooed as they drifted in their respective trances. Though their arms hung limp at their sides, their chins drooped forward, their lengths were rigid and pulsing.

Skye's penises twitched violently, a fresh stream of precum pouring from both of her heads. The clear liquid flowed from the head of her upper shaft, spilling onto the fat, bulbous glans of her lower cock, then onto the floor. She pressed her inner thighs together, the camera catching the glistening of her feminine juices soaking the fur of her thighs.

Fire's singular length was bobbing up and down of its own accord, the muscles in his groin tensing. He moaned as his penis twitched eagerly, spilling sloppy strands of transparent precum onto the ground. The fluid dropped down the underside of his flesh, leaking down over his perfectly round testicles and matting down the white fur.

"Good. Now, can you see them? They're ready for you. Go ahead and take them. You must be ready to bury yourselves deep inside their tight warmth..." the interviewer's voice crooned.

Moving with the awkward slowness of a sleepwalker, Skye stared ahead as she reached forward. Her hands clutched gently around a pair of hips that did not exist. She grit her teeth, huffing loudly as she lifted her hips and pushed forward. In a pantomime of penetration, the girl moaned as she rocked her hips back and forth. Her penises bobbed and swayed in empty air, but the child acted as if she were sinking into the warm, wet depths of someone else. Her tail lifted up as she leaned forward and slowly pumped her hips.

Fire slumped onto his back so that his cock stood straight up in a pillar of flesh. It pulsed angrily, pre bubbling from the tip and sluicing down onto his furry white stomach. Like Skye, his hands gripped a pair of invisible buttocks, squeezing the air. He gasped loudly as he mimicked lowering someone onto his cock. His heavy balls swelled visibly as he began to hump the air, bouncing his rear off the floor.

Sloppy strands of clear precum flung about from Fire's penis as he bucked upward. His cock visibly throbbed with agitation, his round rear tightening with every sharp jab. He seemed completely unaware that he was soaking himself and not the inner walls of some unknown partner. His testicles tensed and clenched tight to his cock, preparing to unleash their burden.

Skye was equally engulfed in her hypnotic fantasy. Her pink ponytail bounced about, her gold-feathered wings flapping in time with her thrusts. The fennec's members jumped as precum flowed from both tips, soaking the floor. The camera panned around her, focusing on her driving hips, slipping behind her to view her rear. A glimpse of her drenched vulva was barely visible, nestled deep between her thighs.

"Are you both feeling good?" the interviewer asked.

"Nnng... Yesss...." hissed Fire, his heavy sack visibly trembling as large, angry veins pulsed along the sides of his shaft.

"So tiiiiight... so hoooot!" he moaned, despite his penis clearly not being buried in anything but thin air.

"Ahhh... Nnf nnf nff..." Skye grunted, driving her hips forward repeatedly, her hands still gripping a pair of invisible hips, "....G-Gonna... Gonna spurt... all of my milkies!"

"Good... Now, both of you stand up and stand in front of the containers. Return to drifting and sliding through the warm fog, empty headed..."

Skye and Fire's faces went blank, all emotion slipping away to leave nothing but a vacant stare in its place. Skye's paws fell to her sides limp, and without blinking, she turned and shuffled over to stand over her container. She waited, swaying on her feet as she stared into space blankly. Despite the lack of tension in the rest of her body, her penises were clearly right on the edge, twitching rapidly and bobbing up and down. Nectar soaked her thighs as she panted for breath, and precum splashed the floor.

Fire joined his sister, picking himself off the floor. His singular erection stood proud from his hips, the entire length seeming to vibrate with tension. His entire body was trembling with the force of his impending orgasm, teetering right on the knife's edge. His balls were tight against his shaft, ready to unleash their burden.

"Now... spurt into the containers!"

Skye let out a high-pitched, squeaky cry of purest joy. Her toes curled as she arched her back. Her dual lengths surged and two milky streams of semen burst forth. The thick goo landed with a wet splat in the bottom of the glass container, slopping up the sides. The girl's ejaculation continued on and on, more and more sticky, pearly cum erupting from the heads of her penises in an unbroken stream. After more than cup of fluid filled the bottom of the container, the flow tapered off for a brief moment. A brief moment passed, then both of her erections jerked, both thick shafts rippling, and a fresh burst of cum fired from the swollen heads in unison.

Fire gave a low grunt, gripping his penis and pumping it rapidly. He rolled the foreskin up and down over the fat glans, squeezing it tightly. His balls clenched tight and he moaned as a burning rush rushed up from deep in his groin all the way to the tip. With a powerful jerk, a fountain of semen burst from his tip, splashing into his own container. His gushes weren't as large as his little sister's, but they came at a faster pace. He groaned, each burst sending lightning bolts of pure ecstasy up and down his spine.

As much as Fire gushed, quickly beginning to fill the container with his semen, Skye's filled much more quickly. The fennec's ejaculations were just humongous in comparison. By the time Fire's container was half-full with opaque white cum, Skye's was nearing the brim. Gallons of liquid flooded the containers, punctuated by the occasional missed shot splashing the carpet or wall.

"At da Twin Schools, we wanna raise kids who are curious, intelligent, healthy, an' skilled at sexual activity. Part o' da last two goals is ensurin' their virility. While all o' da students attending the schools are given a daily special blend o' vitamins, minerals, an' specially foim-ulated drugs to enhance penis growth an' semen production, sometimes, dere's no accountin' fer simple biology. Skye here is legendary among the students an' staff with how much spunk she can shoot!" Bugs' voiceover explained with a touch of amusement.

The camera zoomed in on Skye's penises, close enough for the viewer to see the swollen helmets expand slightly and contract under the thick foreskins with every ejaculation. A command from the interviewer prompted the vixen to grip her lengths and tug gently. The taut hoods of skin peeled away from her tips, exposing the fat heads. Her rich white spunk splashed loudly enough for the microphone to pick up the wet, sloppy noise when it filled the container.

Fire's orgasm began to peter out as the foxcum in his container neared the brim. He gripped his cock with both hands and pumped it in time with his spurts, trying to extend the pleasure as long as possible. He moaned loudly, milking his foreskin as he reached down to fondle and squeeze his testicles. The two humongous balls were far larger than could fit in his palm, but he did his best. Rhythmic convulsions pumped rapid ropes of sticky batter over his stroking paw and into the vat. Despite his best efforts however, his orgasm petered out, his spurts coming slower, smaller, and less forceful.

Skye's container had overflowed by quite some extent. The girl's cum ran down the sides of the glass in hot, milky rivers. It pooled on the ground around the container, soaking into the carpet. The puddle spread wider and grew deeper with every enormous gush.

The vixen's knees gave out under her, and she fell back. She moaned and bucked into the air lewdly, even as both of her steel-hard lengths continued to spout off. The child's semen lashed across her own body, crisscrossing her sand-colored fur with streaks of ivory white goo.

Eventually, even her seemingly endless climax slowed to a close. The fennec's flat chest heaved as she panted for breath. She lay near her brother, staring fully at the ceiling, utterly insensate.

The interviewer grunted as the camera focused on the two siblings, their semen pooling in their navels as it dribbled from their shafts.

"Oh, man, this is going to take forever to clean the set for the next interview.... Oh, well.... might as well take care of something else before we start..." muttered the interviewer. The sound of a zipper being pulled down was caught by the microphone as the screen faded to black.


Shara Rajesh

The scene faded in, showing that indeed, the bedroom set had been cleaned quite thoroughly. There were no traces of the copious amounts of cum or the containers that had been in the room.

A girl walked into frame. A very tall girl. Five feet tall, she was an elephant. Defying the stereotype of her kind, she was not built chunky or chubby or heavyset; but in fact was rather lanky and slim. Her grey skin was smooth and silky, rather than leathery. Her eyes were deep violet, and bright red hair fell down her back, tied back by a pink ribbon. The pachyderm wore a very frilly pink dress with a floral pattern.

"Um... I was told to come here? They said... you had something for me?" she asked, her voice surprisingly soft and girlish.

"Yes, please. Make yourself comfortable on the bed. There's an audio player on the side table. We'd like you to listen to it, please," the interviewer's voice said.

The girl shrugged and did as she was told. She sat down on the bed, smoothing down her skirt meticulously, before reaching over and taking the player from the table. Carefully placing the ear buds within each of her large, wide ears, she blinked in surprise as the audio player began playing of its own accord.

"Mister? What is this? It's just a bunch... of... weird noise..." she asked, trailing off.

The elephant's eyes were wide, her pupils shrinking down to pinpoints in a wide expanse of violet. Then they dilated again, growing until the color of her irises was a thin band. Her jaw hung down, still open from whatever she had been about to say. Her breathing slowed, her chest rising and falling in a calm, steady rhythm.

"Tell the camera what your name is and how old you are, please?" the interviewer asked.

"Shara Rajesh. I am eight years old," the pachyderm said simply, apparently able to hear the interviewer over whatever was playing into her headphones. She spoke with a very slight accent, a softening of her vowels with clipped consonants that made her sound very polite.

"Only eight?" the interviewer asked in apparent surprise.

"...I am an elephant," Shara explained, an embarrassed blush tinging her cheeks pink, despite her facial expression remaining slightly stunned and vacant, "My mother is almost ten feet tall."

"Really? Ahem.... anyway. Please take off your clothing while I ask you some questions?"

Shara's grey cheeks tinged with pink, but she stood up obediently. She began to fumble with the various lace ribbons tied about her person, her large fingers working the delicate bows.

"Why did you come to Our Lady of Bliss?" asked the interviewer.

"...I was made fun of in my old schools. My mother wanted me to be accepted and safe, and Our Lady was the place she chose," Shara said, folding each ribbon meticulously, before setting it aside and working on the next. She pulled the one from her hair, causing her crimson locks to fall in a messy mane down her back. Her bangs slipped into her eyes, and she brushed them aside.

"Why were you teased?"

Shara's cheeks turned more than pink, deepening to red as she began to unbutton her blouse carefully. Every movement she made was slightly clumsy, but she made up for it by working slowly and with great meticulousness. She opened her shirt and exposed her flat chest to the world. Her nipples were large and a deeper shade of grey than the rest of her body, hardening in the air-conditioned atmosphere of the set.

"...I am a futanari," she stated. Unlike the other girls before, she did not fumble over the word, pronouncing each syllable precisely, "And I have a very..."

"Very... what? You must answer," prompted the interviewer, putting emphasis on the last sentence to compel the hypnotized child.

"...I have a very, very large penis," Shara stated, looking up at the camera.

"Keep undressing, please? How large?"

Shara returned to attempting to unwrap the bow she wore around her waist, as she answered in a dull monotone, "....Nurse Lola measured it as ten inches when soft ... 16 inches long when hard..."

"...Really," said the interviewer in an unbelieving tone.

"Yes..." Shara said, shaking her head, folding the sash and setting it aside. She slipped off her shoes.

"And the children used to tease you for this?"

"Yes. They said I was just pretending to be a girl, but that I was a boy. They wouldn't let me play games, because they said I'd trip over my... and a lot more..." Shara said, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

"Calm down. You're safe here. No one will make fun of you. Everyone wants to see you, and they all are waiting for you to show them..." the interviewer murmured, his voice taking on a slow, slightly sing-song cadence. Shara's expression calmed, returning to a sort of vacant, empty comfort. The girl gave a little shiver as the tension slipped from her body once more.

"Now, why don't you show everyone yourself? Every inch of you."

Clearly having been procrastinating even through her trance, Shara nodded slowly. She hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her skirt, and pulled them down over her hips, taking her bloomers with them.

Shara blushed as she stepped out of the remnants of her clothes, and straightened up to allow the camera to see all of her. Her nipples were stiff and perky, the grey nubs sticking out from her flat chest. Her stomach and hips had the smallest amount of baby fat, granting her some slight and attractive curves to her slim frame.

However, what drew the camera's gaze was what hung between her legs. Soft, and slightly wrinkled, the shaft of grey flesh hung down well past her chubby vulva and toward her knees. It did not resemble that of the standard humanoid penis, with its sheath, foreskin, and mushroom glans. Instead, it vaguely resembled that of a horse. It swung back and forth tantalizingly as she swayed on her feet, her mind engulfed in fog. Even as the camera focused on it, panning along each inch of it, it began to twitch and swell, plumping out.

"Beautiful. Very beautiful, Shara. Everyone is delighted to see you," the interviewer crooned. Shara tilted her head slightly, the words echoing in her mind. The tiniest hint of a smile grew on her lips, as she seemed calmer.

"Sit on the bed, and begin playing with yourself. Imagine you are in your dorm, alone," instructed the interviewer.

"I will play with myself...". Shara repeated numbly. She sat on the mattress and leaned back against the fluffy pillows. Sighing softly, she pulled up her penis to rest on her stomach and reached further down. Her wide fingers traced the mound of her vulva, caressing the tender flesh. Her large clitoris peeked out from under its hood, and her fingers carefully slipped around it. She gasped in pleasure as she arched her back, lifting her hips from the mattress. Her body shuddered as she slid her hands back and forth over her mound, tracing her cleft. She ignored her penis entirely, focusing on her feminine parts.

"So you were made fun of for having a very big penis?" the interviewer asked.

"Yes... It... it has a mind of its own... it gets stiff really fast for no reason sometimes... and it... it knocks stuff over..." stated Shara, looking embarrassed, "The girls hated me because I wasn't really a girl... and the boys hated me for being big and clumsy and drawing so much attention."

"So you came to Our Lady?"

"Y-Yes. My mother heard of it from some advertisements and did research... and enrolled me as soon as she could," Shara panted, shifting her feet a little as she pushed a finger inside her dampening folds. Her large, thick toenails were painted bright pink.

"What attracted her to the school?"

"It's a girls' school, but at least eighty percent of the kids are futanari. The school has a long history of being a safe place for... girls like me..." Shara said, before frowning slightly, "After watching an introduction video, my mother seemed strange. Very enthusiastic and happy..."

By now, Shara's penis was expanding dramatically. The wrinkles smoothed and the flesh took on a grey-pink hue as blood rushed to her loins. It lengthened and thickened, stiffening and hardening with every passing heartbeat. It began to take on a distinct shape as it hardened. It somewhat resembled that of a horse; with a large, wide flare and a thick medial ridge of flesh giving it a segmented appearance. But that was where the similarities ended. The flesh wasn't mottled, but a uniform color. Her penis was as thick as a soda bottle, with an odd shape that bulged at the base and near the flare. The flare itself wasn't round, but instead, came to a slight point at the top, rounding off near the bottom. The medial ring was a thick ridge of flesh around the halfway mark of her cock, harder than the rest.

"And what's it like now that you're here? What does everyone think of you... and your... incredibly, insanely huge penis?" the interviewer asked, clearly in awe of the child's endowment.

"I'm much happier now. I have lots of friends who don't care that I have a big penis, because they have them too. Now I don't get as embarrassed when my penis gets stiff and knocks stuff over... because my friends really like it when that happens... They like playing with it, and tickling it and m-making it spurt..." Shara said, panting as her cock pulsed, the flare swelling to its full width like a balloon.

"Do you like it when they touch it, and tickle it, and make it spurt?"

"...Yes... b-but I like having their p-penises inside me more..." Shara admitted shyly, looking up at the camera, "I like t-tasting them too..."

"Rrreally?" purred the interviewer, apparently delighted at this tidbit. It was the first time Shara had volunteered any explicit information without prompting.

"Well... then why don't you show us how you like tasting other girls' and guys' penises?" the interviewer asked. Shara frowned and looked confused.

"...But there's no one else to do that with..." she murmured.

"You're wrong. You've got a big, juicy, throbbing penis right there, waiting for you! I know a girl like you is more than flexible enough..."the interviewer suggested slyly. Shara looked down at her cock, frowning in thought.

"I... okay..." she mumbled vaguely. With that, she leaned forward. Compelled to obey through her trance, the pachyderm bent herself and lifted her legs. Her long, thick cock pulsed as she stared at it, the flare already beginning to drool clear liquid.

"Just do what you'd do to one of your friends," encouraged the interviewer.

Shara muttered an acknowledgement in a weak drone, devoid of thought or emotion. Her trunk reached out, wrapping around her penis. She moaned in pleasure as the long serpentine appendage gripped her hard and pulsing shaft. Her muscular trunk tugged at her length, pulling her hips closer to her face. The enormous rod pressed against her mouth and she moaned at it's heat against her lips.

Her pink tongue slid around the fat flare, tickling her head. The massive length jerked powerfully, a bulge rushing up the underside of her flesh. A sticky blast of thick, clear fluid splashed across her face. She shuddered, slowly rocking her hips as she worked her shaft with her trunk, sliding it up and down the shaft. She murmured softly, suckling on her flare, her eyes half-lidded as she worked.

"Nng... ahh..." she gasped softly, her voice high and feminine. She panted as her fingers wrapped around the fat base of her length. Her trunk squeezed the shaft. The tip caressed the sensitive medial ring while the serpentine length squeezed the shaft rhythmically.

She couldn't open her jaw wide enough to fit around her flare, so she suckled on it instead. Her lips closed around the slightly pointed tip of the wide, flat head. Her tongue tickled it, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. Precum spilled onto her face, dripping down her cheeks and into her crimson hair.

Even as she worked the pink-grey log of swollen flesh, her fingers continued to tickle and caress her clitoris. Her feminine juices coated her thick fingers and her thighs. The camera's focus lovingly panned down, showing the girl's mound, the pink nub of her clit, her delicate petals, and the pool of nectar in the sheets under her.

"That's good, Shara.... everyone is so happy to see you enjoying yourself. You feel good, right?" the interviewer asked.

"Nnnf. Haaahhh... Y-yes..." agreed the elephant, still half-curled over as she pumped her cock with her trunk.

"Then you must be just about ready to let loose, right? You're so close to spurting..." the interviewer purred.

"Y-Yes.... Yes, b-but..." Shara panted desperately.

"But what?"

"B-but I d-don't really w-want to s-spurt..." Shara whimpered. There were several moments of awkward, confused silence punctuated only by the wet splatter of Shara's precum and her moans.

"What," said the interviewer flatly, completely confused by such a strange statement.

"I.... hngh... I... like spurting, but.... I t-try not to do it too often... it's messy," Shara said, wincing.

"Of course it's messy, that's the point!" the interviewer laughed.

"No, I mean.... uhmm.... it's REALLY messy!" Shara gasped, even as her erection jerked in the grip of her trunk. Large, bulging veins pulsed up the sides of her shaft. Shara's pretty face was contorted, her teeth clenched as she shivered and shuddered with the effort of holding off her orgasm.

"It's fine. We can clean the set up after and get you a bath."

"No, y-you don't understand... It's REALLY, REALLY messy!" protested the elephant. She moaned desperately, her body shaking as she bucked her hips, her flare smacking against her lips repeatedly. Her medial ring had swollen further, forming a thick ridge around the midpoint of her cock. The tip of her trunk bumped against it repeatedly, making her yelp softly every time, as if it were more sensitive than the rest of the shaft.

"Shara? Listen to the sound in your ears," the interviewer commanded. Shara opened her mouth, maybe to protest again, but whatever she was going to say seemed to slip away from her. Her violet eyes were narrowed with the concentration needed to try to hold back her climax. She did as she was told and focused on the sound coming from the audio player. Her eyes fell half-lidded almost instantly, tension sliding straight out of her body. Her expression changed from one of worry and strain, to a sleepy, placid emptiness. Her movements slowed, her heavy breathing slowing and calming.

"You will do as I say without hesitation or question," commanded the interviewer.

"I will do as you say..." Shara repeated numbly, staring off into space.

"Sit up."

Shara untangled her trunk from her length, uncurling with a faint thump as her body hit the pillow and mattress. Slowly, carefully, she sat up, bracing herself on the mattress. Her penis jutted straight up into the air, trembling with barely-contained arousal. It throbbed angrily, actually visibly expanding and contracting almost a half-inch with every pulse. The grey-pink skin was taut, the shaft seemingly swollen to its limits. The elephant's cock seemed ready to burst, as if even a light breeze would be enough to set it off.

"Shara, wait... wait... wait...."

The elephant did not move, her flat chest rising and falling slowly. Her body was quivering with need, but her hypnotic trance left her loose and seemingly at ease. The camera took its time to lovingly zoom in, peering at her vulva as it leaked clear honey, then tracing up each and every inch of her penis. Precum bubbled from the flare, pouring down.

"Now. Spurt."

Shara's reaction to the command was quite different from the other children. She didn't moan, she didn't violently thrust into the air, she didn't quake with ecstasy. Instead, she simply gave a single, low grunt.

Sixteen inches of rigid, throbbing flesh suddenly gave an intense lurch. A bulge visibly rushed up from the base of the shaft towards the flare. Shara threw her head back, mouth opened in a silent cry of ecstasy. Her flare swelled even further as an incredible blast of pearly white liquid erupted forth. The camera zoomed out and went into slow motion. The ejaculation was not merely a rope or ribbon of semen, but a thick cable. It zoomed in upon the massive spray of fluid as it burst from her penis, rising up into the air slowly. It struck the ceiling with incredible force, spraying the covered fluorescent lights and casting shadows around the room.

The first gush went on and on, even as the camera returned to normal speed. Shara's eyes were closed, her fists clenched at her sides. Her body trembled as cum surged from her flare in a massive unbroken spray. Her hips rocked back and forth as she continued to blast. If Skye's orgasm had wowed the viewer, this girl's climax was on an entirely different level. If a normal person was a squirt gun, Skye was a garden hose. Shara was a firehose in comparison.

Easily a gallon of fluid had drenched the ceiling tiles, raining back down upon the elephant in messy, wet globs and strands. The spray tapered off to a dribble, a stream running down her grey flesh. Shara let out a triumphant trumpet and her penis jerked again. Another bulge rushed up her urethra, and then a second, even more powerful eruption of cum fired up. Shara spluttered, catching much of it in her own face. It drenched her hair, glazing it a milky pink, soaking the long strands.

Quarts of spunk flew through through the air in every direction, coating every surface. Walls were splattered, the ceiling was drenched, the sheets were completely saturated, and puddles began to grow deep on the carpet. Shara's hips bucked and trembled, causing her penis to sway back and forth dramatically as she ejaculated hard. Even the tiniest movements meant that the flare of her immense length would move around by six or more inches. Her cock visibly flexed and spasmed, cum bubbling and blasting from the tip constantly. The elephant child whimpered helplessly, unable to do anything but trumpet off, moan in pleasure, and thrust into the air over and over as her penis released its incredible burden over her own grey skin and everything around her.

Seven gushes in, and nearly seven minutes later, the interviewer yelped and spluttered as Shara's penis bobbed in his direction. There came a loud splash, followed by a thud and crash, as the interviewer was apparently knocked off his seat by the force of her ejaculation striking him. She cried and sobbed in ecstasy, her cock flexing as it pumped another messy, pearly burst out, this time striking the camera.

The screen went milky white, the opaque liquid coating the lens, and there was another tumbling noise, then silence.


The screen cut back to Bugs Bunny, standing and smiling. The teacher's pleated khakis were tented in the groin, the outline of the grey-furred rabbit's erection clearly visible snaking down one of the legs of his pants almost to his knee.

Bugs grinned as he shook his head and said, "Welp, we'd love ta show ya the rest o' the footage... but... uh, lil' Ms. Rajesh's oi-gasm kinda broke the camera and damaged the set. We hadda stop filming interviews there. Admittedly... she did kinda warn us..."

"If yous send yer student to Longshaft Academy, or Our Lady of Ecstasy, you'll be sending yer kid to one of da premiere educational institutions in the entire world. People from around the world, other planets, and even other dimensions send their children to sunny Breezeport just ta ensure deir kids get the best education possible."

"But in addition, yer kid will be among peers with endowments as amazing as deir own. They'll be taught more den just the facts, but the facts o' life too! When dey return on deir foist holiday vacation, we guarantee dey'll be educated in all aspects of sex an' sexuality, an' ready to show you everything dey learned."

"For those o' you without kids, or more interested in the OTHER features of the Twin Schools, keep watchin'. Downloadable oider foims will be available to get ahold of dese interviews, as well as other featured videos of our students. And in da next segment, we'll be talking about what else makes our schools so special..."

"Our products!" Bugs grinned, holding up a bottle of thick, creamy white liquid, and a bottle of colorful pills.


Dragon Ball Fusions: Tekka's Saga 2

"Gah!" Goten shouted, slamming through a cinder block wall in an explosion of dust and concrete shrapnel. The wall collapsed in upon him with a loud clatter. "Goten! You okay?!" Tekka yelped, deflecting a ki blast aside with the back of her hand,...

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Digimon Defenders Chapter 9 Part 2

\*\*\*\*\*\* Gato awoke to voices an indeterminate time later. Her internal chronometer was glitched, so she could have been unconscious for seconds, minutes, or hours. Her whole body ached and tingled with pins and needles. She could feel every...

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Digimon Defenders Chapter 9 Part 1

DIGIMON DEFENDERS CHAPTER 9: THE DEMON PART 1 "You!!!" roared the dark cloud of smoke, with a voice that was at once a roar of deafening thunder and the quietest seductive whisper. The assorted Digimon recoiled away from it on instinct, fear ...

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