Tales of the Demon Fox... Tigers

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Demon Fox


Tales of the Demon Fox... Tigers

Vilmar looked around the tap room for a long moment, until he at last spotted a male that appealed to him. The strange black fox was sitting under one on the many red lights that marked tables were males who liked other males sat, standing up to his full towering height the Tiger swaggered over and sat down. "Hello." He purred.

The fox was sipping on his drink, looking around a bit bored, since not many males wanted to talk to him, since most have either heard about him or were scared off by his yellow eyes. but when the tiger came and greeted him he smiled back and made an inviting gesture for him to sit down.

"Hello" Laying a huge paw on the fox's slender shoulders he grinned showing off his sharp feline teeth...idly his flexed his huge claws out...then relaxed them... letting his huge paw slide down the fox's slender almost feminine appearing body.. exploring it to find it amazingly solid and muscular.

"You looked like you could use a little company." Vilmar purred looking into his prey's strange yellow eyes. The fox noticed exactly what the tiger was doing with his claws and he grinned to himself as he shivered a little to make the tiger think he was a bit scared of his long sharp claws. just then a new song started to play, with a melody sweet and happy, but with brutal lyrics and the fox grinned again to himself, because somehow he was just like that song. He looked shy and cute, but was hard and wicked. "You do want my attentions...don't you?" Vilmar purred his soft voice vaguely threatening as he watched the fox be intimidated just as he had planned. He nodded, making sure to add a shy grin, his tail twitching slightly.

"Y.. es sir!" He said softly.

"Good...good... now you know how to please a male don't you?" Vilmar grinned wickedly...think how good the fox's tender flesh would feel when he used it.

"Yes.. yes I know how." He said slyly and noticed the barkeeper looking at the tiger with pity. "My name's Rayne."

"And I am known as Vilmar." The tiger purred smiling lustfully. "So why don't you join me and my mate in our room." The tiger invited, smiling wickedly as his big paw caressed the fox's body under the table... "You can please me...and perhaps my mate after I've filled her with my seed." Vilmar gloated. The black fox smirked. 'This one will be easy!' He thought and nodded shyly, getting up, his paws behind his back, looking around shyly, his tail twitching.

"I... I would like that." Vilmars smile widened and he stood looking around gloatingly, startled as he noticed the bartenders strangely pitying look... Snickering as he through it was for the young fox...

"You shall lead to way... last room at the top of the stairs." The tiger explained...as he rested one huge paw on your shoulder as if to guide..but really to keep you from bolting. "Slowly now." The fox nodded and slowly walked in front of Vilmar, making sure to add a sway into his step. And he let his tail move from side to side as he headed towards the door, slowly opened it stepping inside. The tigers thick organ was already peeking from his sheath from watching the fox's swaying ass as they entered. Quickly he turned and locked the door behind them. On the huge bed in the room you can see a long sleek female tiger lounging, she smiles toothily at you both as you enter.

"Why do you always choose the small ones." She asked as she watched you. The fox slyly looks her over and notices the tigers arousal, but playing his role for a while. He just stands there in the middle of the room, and looks at both of them as if unsure what to do.

"Because that's the way I like them." Vilmar admitted walking over to sit on the edge of the bed, grasping the fox's shoulder he press's down to get him to kneel between his way spread thigh's. The fox lets Vilmar 'force' him onto his knees, where he looks at the felines big crotch and lick his lips.

"Ooh!" Grinning in supreme confidents the tiger grasps the fox's head pulling it to his sheath the hard tip of his cock poking out.

"Suck on that and get it good and hard!" "So my mate can watch you take it up your pansy little ass!" Vilmar grunted excitedly. Shivering the black fox nods, taking the tip inside his muzzle and starts to suck hard on it, rolling the tiger's ball's in his paws, his head moving up and down.

"Ohooo he likes that." The tigress purred watching as the little black fox sucked passionately on her mate's thick cock.

"Of course he does, the little slut should; get to pleasure a real male like me!" Vilmar gloated, smiling confidently. "It's a treat...compared to the pansy cock suckers he's normally is with." Rayne sucked harder, grinning around the tiger's cock. 'Oh he would show him what a pansy cock sucker is.' But for now he wanted to bring the tiger pleasure, to lull him in to a sense of false security. Bring him close and then show him who the boss really is! The big tiger leaned back on his mate, his breath growing deeper as his passions grew. "You are good." Vilmar panted. "Bet you get lots of practice... huh little slut!" The tiger's paw held Rayne's head tightly, as his hip's began to make little humping motions.

"I can't believe they like that...I'd never suck a males cock." The tigress purred tauntingly. The fox sucked even harder and rubbed the bigger males balls, glancing over at the tigresses massive breast's; he slowly started to get a hard one himself. As Vilmar rode Rayne's muzzle, his mate leaned over to share a deep long kiss with him. Her big paw reaching down to fondle Rayne's body teasingly as he pleasured her lover.

"Ohoo yes." "Your going to get it very soon." Vilmar promised to them both. The fox murred around the tiger's hard cock and sucked harder, rubbing his paws along its length.

"Oh hmm..." He mumbles smiling around the big hard on. Feeling himself growing close, the tiger pushes Rayne away and sits up.

"Time to feel my cock inside of you." He grunts gesturing for the small fox to climb up onto the bed.

"Bugger him silly... Hehehe." The tigress giggled, sitting back up near the head of the bed to watch. Rayne smirked and moved up onto the bed, lifting his tail high. To show off his pucker for the tiger and his mate to see.

"Hahaha you want it bad don't you little slut!" Vilmar taunted standing up on his knee's he moved up behind the slight fox, his rock hard organ throbbing hotly; as his stared at the tiny pluckered tail hole. "Guide me into you!" Vilmar ordered. Rayne reached back, and grab's the tiger's cock aiming it at his tail hole. Slightly pressing back onto the pointed tip of the rock hard organ eagerly. Vilmar leans forwards slowly, sinking his hard barbed cock into the fox's tight asshole. Grunting in pleasure, as Rayne's hot tight ring of flesh closes around his aroused cocK.

"Make him tell you how much he loves it." The tigress grunted smirking.

"That true?" "You love a real males cock in you whore?" Vilmar demands breathlessly as his cock sinks deeper into the demon fox's body.

"Oh.. oh yes... a big cock in me... so much cum... nothing better!" He moaned, and pushed back, taking it all inside of him eagerly.

"Hahahhaahah!" The two tigers share a derisive laugh, as Vilmar begins fucking his long hard feline cock deep. His big furry ball's slapping against Rayne's own, as he is rutted. The tigress begins to purr, and giggle softly; delight in her bright green eye's.

"What a pansy ass weakling!" She snarled in disgust. "I do wish you'd pick bigger meaner males." She teased Vilmar, as she began to finger her own damp loins. Rayne grinned a bit, knowing that the tigress would see the true! After he'd had enjoyed the tigers big organ, but for now he was just letting him fuck him; he rutted back against the tiger. As Vilmar butt fucked his latest victim, he reached around to stroke and fondle the fox's own male organ's. Knowing from past experience, that an aroused male made for a better fuck; the tiger had no intention of letting the fox cum however! Not until he'd made the fox do everything he wanted.

"Whimper an moan you little slut, show me your loving my cock in your ass!" Vilmar roared savagely, and he rutted Rayne's tight hole! The fox moaned an murred excitedly rolling his hip's.

"Ohooo Ohoo yeah.. I love it I need your cock in my ass... please.. fuck me... fuck me harder... give me all you got!" Rayne panted and begged trembling in the tigers paws, with his own big cock leaking silvery pre-cum everywhere.

"Sounds like he wants more than you can giving." The tigress giggled tauntingly. Vilmar ignored his mate's taunt, the fox's pleading slutty words driving him wild with lust! He was soon panting, and pumping franticly his orgasm very near.

"Get ready to take my seed slut!" Vilmar grunted his big body quaking, and shivering as his orgasm began to fill Rayne with his cum. Rayne moaned happily, as he was filled with cum shivering; clenching down on the tigers cock. Grinning as he noticed the females breasts again. 'Oh yeah.. he would cover them in cum while he made the tiger watch.' He vowed. "Ahaahahhhaa!" Vilmar grunted, collapsing onto the fox's back; panting for breath as his hard cock spasmed and pumped it's load into the demon fox! "Oho what a tight little slut you are." The tiger rumbled, rolling off of Rayne and laying with his head on his mates legs. "You may lick my member clean now." He ordered sneeringly.

The fox grinned, and pulled off the tigers cock; sitting on the bed so that the female could see his cock. Which was almost as big as the tigers, but thicker bulging and veiny with a growing knot at its base. Rayne grinned and looked at the tigers dripping cock, which was already growing soft. The tigress's eye's widened in shock and surprise as she gazed on the fox's huge cock. Her dripping sex, creaming even more as she waited to see what would happen.

"Well...get licking cum boi." Vilmar ordered angrily as he noticed Rayne eyeing his mate. The fox grinned.

"Hmmmmm I don't think so..." He said as if talking about the weather.

"What?" The tiger asked startled as he sat up to look at the small black fox dumbfounded. "Don't make me get forward with you." Vilmar warned his huge claws flexing out where Rayne could see them. The fox chuckled, all the shyness suddenly gone; as he held up his paws. Unsheathing his own claws, wicked looking long black talon's. "Wha...what...how... but your." The startled tiger stammered, at a shocked loss.

"It appears you've found someone dangerous this time after all." The tigress observed, sitting up and starring at the fox curiously.

"He'll fine out what dangerous is." Vilmar growled, anger now as he sees the interest in his mates eye's. Rayne winked at the tigress and jerked his cock quickly, a spurt of pre-cum splattering on the tigresses breast's; then he grinned at the tiger.

"You know, she looks unsatisfied... how much fucking has she been getting?" Rayne taunted. "Not nearly enough... judging from that pansy fucking you gave me." The demon fox licked his sneering lip's. "Fact is she looks more interesting to me than you do."

"RRRRRRERAA!" Vilmar screamed, leaping on to Rayne as the fox grinned at him. "How dare you soil my mate with your pansy boi cum!" He roared, as the two of them rolled around on the bed struggling under the watchful eye of the startled tigress. "I'll rip your ball's off, and have them for my dinner for that!" Vilmar snarled enraged. Rayne grinned and rolled with the tiger, his strength giving him a nice advantage. Soon he had the tiger by the throat and balls growling.

"I think she'd rather have fox cum on her, than the cum of a pussy tiger; that cannot even win against another much smaller male!" Rayne taunted.

"Rrrrararaa!" Vilmar screamed, and struggled doing his best to escape the fox's amazingly powerful grip; clawing and fighting he spat curse's. "I'll nut you, and eat your male hood!" Vilmar threatened again, this time sounding much less sure; but even more angry! The fox growled, his paws now slowly starting to crush the tigers balls and throat.

"I could just castrate you right now!" Rayne growled menacingly.

"No..no you couldn't" Vilmar screamed as he struggled, unwilling to admit the small fox had total power over him. The tiger's huge body covered with cold panicked sweat, from fear more than his fighting. Slipping a paw around the fox's arm's, he smashed it into Rayne's muzzle with all his might. The demon fox growled angrily at that, clenching his powerful paw down! Creating a wet gut wrenching CRUNCH as he crush's one of the tiger's ball's. Then he glares down at Vilmar growling.

"Do that again, and I will feed your ball's to your mate!"

"IEIEIEIEIII!" The tiger squealed in pain, as his testicle is popped; his big body jerks so powerfully it nearly throws Rayne off. His big green eye's roll back in his head, as he pass's out from the agony burning in his groin and gut's. The fox growl's throwing Vilmar to the floor, then turning towards the female, his cock rock hard with excitement from besting the tiger. The tigress's eye's widen in shock and surprise as she watches you brutally over power her mate.

"Yo...you are strong...aren't you." She purrs softly her big eye's on your huge throbbing cock.

"Yes I am... much stronger than that kitten you've got there." He snickered, pointing at the unconscious tiger; as he moved next to her on the bed. "You deserve a truly strong male... to mate you." Rayne purred.

"Every female desire's the strongest of male's for her mate." She admits looking down at the beaten half ruined Vilmar. "Perhaps it's time I moved on."

"I think so... yes. I can always protect you, and guarantee you strong offspring!" Rayne said as he rubbed her big bouncy tits. "And great sex!" He snickered gesturing to his thick cock.

"Ummmmmm." She purred, as your paw's caress her aroused body. "I just bet you can... but what about him?" She asked, gesturing to the slowly awakening Vilmar. The fox grins. "Lets show him what you decided on!" "How about the first thing he sees, is you happily jerking me off?"

"As you like it." She purred, her big leather paw's dropping to stroke; and pump Rayne's hard cock. As they both watch Vilmar climb unsteadily to his knee's, his upper body resting on the edge of the bed.

"Wha...What are you doing?" He stuttered. Rayne just grinned at the tiger, while his cock was heavily leaking pre over the tigress's paw; some spurts landing on her sleek feline body. Climbing to his feet, the tiger made ready to pounce the fox a second time; when his ex- mate held up her paw.

"Give it up Vilmar, he's beaten you; he could have made you a neuter!" "If he'd wanted... he's stronger than you!" She warned. Rayne just smirked at the tiger, as if in trying to mock him; the fox spurted a big load all over the tigress's muzzle. That was it, unable to control his anger anymore; Vilmar pounced on the fox carrying him off the bed! Onto the floor, his teeth locked on the demon fox's forearm; as his claws raking. "Bastard You'll die now!" The demon fox's eye's glowed red, as the tiger bit him; he ripped his arm out. Breaking most of the tiger's wickedly pointed teeth out in the process, and then he threw him face first into the hard stone wall.

"Don't make me kill you!" Stunned by bouncing off the hard stone wall, Vilmar lay on the floor bloody spit and teeth falling from his mouth.

"Give it up hun... he's your better." The tigress advised as she watched lazily from the bed.

"He's a pansy who I fucked." Vilmar choked as he climbing unsteadily to his feet, lunging at the fox a second time. He missed, ending up laying over the foot of the bed; quickly the tigress hand's Rayne her silk stockings.

"Here tie him to the bed, before the weak fool makes you kill him." She explained, grabbing one of Vilmar's wrists; tying it to the bed post quickly.

"Wha..what are y..you doing Tarica?" The tiger lisped with his toothless mouth. The fox grin's and nod's, taking the stocking he ties Vilmar to the bed. Making the knot's tight, then he rubs over the tigers head teasingly.

"You could have had it easy, but you choose pain!" Rayne smirked. Vilmar roll's his big head spitting and straining at his bond's.

"I'll...I'll." He rages impotently, as he looks from you to his former mate. Rayne slap's him hard across the muzzle growling.

"You'll get yourself severely hurt if you keep up like that!" He snarled, glaring at the tiger; then leering over at the tigress. Smiling lustfully the demon fox put a paw on her big breast's.

"It's over Vilmar...I have no need for a toothless weakling like you." The tigress snarled. "Your the only pansy here...letting this small fox defeat you." Caressing her breasts she smiled at Rayne and purred seductively. The fox smirked at her and ran a paw between her legs.

"I am surprised that you didn't even succeed in getting her pregnant." He snarled tauntingly to the tiger. "But I can make sure she will be!" The demon fox teased.

"Pregnant...She...didn't...I.. wanted." The tiger sputtered obviously confused and frustrated by the fox's words an his ex-mates denials.

"He's not got the ball's for it... not like you." Tarica purred reaching out to fondle and caress Rayne's big balls lovingly. The fox murrs happily smirking at Vilmar.

"Hmmmm why shouldn't we try?" "Lets show Mr. one nut here how to do it right!" The fox taunted, his cock hard and ready.

"Balls!" Vilmar sputtered, looking down suddenly at his swollen sac. And one crushed nut, for the first time; a whimper escaping the big tiger.

"Ammmm that's the best idea I've heard in ages sweetie." Tarica purred, rolling over on to all fours; turning so Vilmar could watch the fox penetrate her hot tight sex.

"Tarica No.. please... No fight him." The broken tiger whined helplessly. Rayne just smirked, and leaned in to sniff; then lick at the tigress's damp pussy. Before slowly mounting her, letting Vilmar watch every second of his cock sliding into her; spreading her lips apart until his sac slapped against her sex. Then the fox started to slowly sensuously fuck her; his paw's reaching for her big bouncy tits. Vilmar lunged into his bonds again, as Rayne slid into his ex-mates pussy; then sagged back sobbing softly. As he watched her, purr and arch her back; thrusting her hot wet sex back onto the fox's hard thick cock.

"No no no nooooo!" He whimpered, and whined as he watched helplessly. Rayne murred happily as he sped up his fucking, massaging her breasts and pounding her sex while letting the broken tiger watch him use his former mate. Tarica wrapped her long tail around the demon fox, growling and snarling in pleasure as her tight sex gripped his hard pounding cock. Her many thick nipples growing fully erect in his paw's as her pleasure grew with every hard thrust.

"Oh..ohoo yeah baby Yeah...Ohooo your soooooooo good I...I've never felt better!" She screamed. Rayne panted fucking her hard and fast, grinning gloatingly back at the tiger.

"Hmmmmm what would you like more?" "My cum in you, trying to knock you up or letting him watch you getting covered in my cum?" Tarica smiled as she thought about it... then answered. "Cover me...cover me in your cum... please!" She begged even as her passions rose. The fox murred as he pulled out of her pussy.

"Jerk me off then, and make sure he sees everything!" He said murring, his hard cock dripping pre-cum all over her buttock's. Spinning around quickly she grasps Rayne's hard on, in her huge paw's; pumping them up and down his length. As she licks and nuzzles the tip... Vilmar sits starring helplessly in shocked amazement. As he is forced to watch his ex-mate do for the fox what she'd never do for him!

"Tarica....please..." Vilmar begs. The fox moaned and soon started to cum, a huge load hitting her right in the face splattering all over her chest and it no her mouth.

"Ohoooooo!" She moaned excitedly, as Rayne's cock spurted a hot fountain of cum over her muzzle. "Ammmmm creamy!" She exclaimed licking up the fox's cum from her lip's and breast's. As Vilmar stares so stunned, he looked like a frozen tiger. Rayne smirked and humped between her breasts, the rest of his cum splattering all over them. Then he pulled back smiling as he taunted. "You look lovely like that slut."

"Thank you my mate." Tarica purrs licking up more of his cum, as she grins wickedly at the helpless Vilmar.

"H..how co.. could you?" The tiger whimpers sobbing softly. The fox grinned at him.

"Easy my pansy, she has chosen the stronger; better male for her."

"Nnnnn...n..o..oo!" The tiger hung his massive head in defeat, sobbing softly for his lost mate and ruined pride. "All...all right you win." "Release me.. and I.. I'll go away and not bother you two again." He whimpered sounding very small and meek. Rayne smirked.

"Oh no my pansy puss." The demon fox teasing gloatingly. "You shall be a toy for us to enjoy... a tight asshole for me to fuck and a tongue that will lick my mate here once we have trained you correctly.

"F..FU...FUC...FUCK!" The tiger roared struggling again, this time to get away for the bed; and the evil demon fox. "I'll neve...You can't...I'm not a..." He sputtered in shock and now fear as he realized his helplessness.

"Hahaha Vilmar taking it in the ass!" Tarica giggled suddenly amused and interested. "He'd need a lot of training!"

"Hmmmmm then should we begin with his training, or would you rather get some more?" He asked her, grinning at the helplessly bound Vilmar. "Don't worry, you'll get your ass fucked soon enough!" Tarica paused for a long moment in indecision, then at last purr. "I want more...I want you in my mouth." Vilmars eye's bugged out, and he snarled angrily.

"What...but you never... I always wanted... You SLUT!" Giving the toothless tiger a swift back hand the demon fox glared at him.

"No one call's her a slut but me pansy puss!" Rayne snarled. Turning he smiled kissing her, and then leaned back. "Ummmmm all right my little kitty, come and get your cream." Rayne said grinning as he slightly stroke his wet cock, grinning at the other male. Instantly the tigress's big head dived between his legs, her broad tongue lapping at Rayne's furry testicles and hard cock. Making Vilmar's eye widen even more, as he watched her pleasure the fox in ways she never would himself. "Ammmmm your cock tastes soooooo good my love." Tarica purred licked and lapping along the red shaft, before she took it into her maul to suckle upon it lustily.

The fox murrs loudly petting her head softly, rubbing her ears as she licked his cock. He slightly thrust into her mouth, one paw reaching for her breasts to rub and squeeze them. The tigress's breath deepened as his leathery paws caressed her erect nipples. Her mouth became even more fawning and eager to please, soft lip's wrapping tightly around Rayne's organ as she suckled hard; pumping her mouth up and down rapidly. "Mmmmmmm." She moaned as she sucked her first cock. The fox grinned evilly at Vilmar and slowly fuck's her face, letting her enjoy the taste of his cock in her muzzle; his paws kneading her breasts slowly. Vilmar's eye's roll wildly in anger and disbelief and he looks away. Even as his own male hood swells from it's sheath to lay throbbing against his furry belly.

"How could you?" He whines under in breath, in a whisper to faint to hear as he stares at the wall. The fox smirked and moaned louder, leaning in a bit; he started to leak pre into her muzzle. 'Oh he was going to humiliate that tiger... making him watch what he was doing with the tigress; what she had never given to him! Hot tight deep anal sex, but first the tiger would get it up his ass! Tarica lapped up the sweet pre lustily, as her mouth suckled straining teasing to please the fox's hard cock. As best she could, her big paws stroking his furry ball's and squeezing his firm lean rump.

Glancing back she saw Vilmar's erection, and moved her soft silky tail tip to tease and caress it. Making her former mate jump and curse as his organ stiffened even more. Rayne murred and soon shot his load into the females mouth, giving her a first taste of fox cum. Then he petted her head and kissed her lovingly smiling.

"I think you deserve something in return love, shall I eat you out?" He asked smirking. Tarica's eye's widened in surprise and she choked slightly, but quickly swallowed the hot greasy fox spunk. Then looked up smiling at her new mate. "Sucking you has made me surprisingly excited." She admitted turning to display her very wet pussy. The fox nodded and smiled, gently pushing her onto her back as he laid down between her legs.

His tongue slowly licking over her folds, before he used two fingers to spread her lips; his tongue darting in to taste her. Vilmar watched in growing arousal, as the fox spread her leg's and knelt to lick Tarica's dripping sex. His hard cock ached and as he watched he realized the fox was almost low enough in the bed for his organ to touch.

"Ohooo Gods you even do this well!" Tarica groaned as her hip's began to undulate under your tongue. The fox murred into her pussy, his tongues sending vibrations into her while he slid it deeper into her. Until his nose touched her clit, which he rubbed fast with his nose; while his paws moved to her rump and caressed and rubbed it. Bucking her hip's up, into the fox very excitedly; now the tigress moaned and squealed. Her head rolling from side to side, as the pleasure of his licking and rubbing sent her into orbit.

"Oh yes baby...yes lick my clit." She screamed thrusting her pussy up into Rayne's muzzle. Unable to release any longer, Vilmar lunged forwards his hard cock missing Rayne's tail hole only by inches. As Vilmar lunged for his anus, Rayne kicked up' hitting him right in the jaw.

"Don't try that pansy!" The fox warned as he started to suckle hard on her clit, two fingers sliding into her pussy; slowly starting to pump her while he sucked and nibbled on her clit. The tiger fell back hard, the last of his needle like feline teeth being dislodged; as his jaws snapped closed. Laying half stunned he watched helplessly.

"Ohohoooooo!" Tarica screamed as the fox suckled on her sensitive clit and fingered her now very wet hole. "More...oho yes more..." She shouted obviously on the verge of climaxing onto Rayne's muzzle. The fox grinned and sucked harder, a finger of his other paw slowly sliding into her tail hole while he pumped into her pussy harder. "yeah baby... cum for me" With the finger in her ass Tarica screamed loudly her hip's bucking and plunging like mad as orgasm sent her into heaven. "Heaven on a fox's tongue!" She screamed as her fluids gushed out over Rayne's fingers and muzzle. The fox lapped her juices up and then grinned at her, his muzzle dripping.

"Ummmmm then wait until you had a fox tongue lick your ass, then a fox cock in your ass; you'll love that!" He said grinning, then moved over to the tiger. "Now my love, if you would get me hard again so I can try this one's pansy pussy ass!"

"Ammmm...I would love too." Tarica purred agreeing to both the offer to be ass fucked, and the request to arouse her new mate. Vilmar's eye's bulge at the fox's words, and he began to struggle again his claws popping out to dig at the silk holding him bound to the foot board.

"A..AASS!" The tiger roared struggling again this time to get away for the bed and the evil fox. "I... I'll neve...You can't...I'm not a..." Rayne grinned, kissing his new tigress mate, as she slowly fondled him to arousal once again.

"Now should I be gentle with him?" "Or just take him, like the rump slut he is!?!" The fox asked grinning wickedly at Tarica.

"I don't think he will let you be gentle." Tarica answered, frowning at Vilmar as he struggled to escape. Her sexy body rubbed all over her new fox mate as she fondled and caressed his mighty organ to full erection.

"Stay away from me.. I.. I'm warning you!" Vilmar growled, as he clawed at his binding's half shredding one of them as he struggled franticly to escape. The fox kissed Tarica deeply, then moved up behind the panicked tiger. His slender jaws locking on the back of the bigger males neck, as his pointed cock prodded at the tigers clenched asshole!

"That's not going to help any." Rayne gloated teasing Vilmar's tightly clenched tail hole with his pointed prick. "I'm still very well lubed by Tarica's pussy juice's. " The fox gloated, then with one hard thrust ramming his big pulsing cock balls deep into the tiger's taboo hole! Vilmars claws dug deeply into the wooden bed posts, as he gripped them powerfully; his head snapping back. As a roar of intense pain and utter humiliation escaped his toothless mouth.

"Noooooooooooo!" The big tiger screamed, even as his stiff cock dribbled his slick pre all over the bed covers. "Ge...get it out of me!" Vilmar demanded his body as tense as a board. The fox grinned pulling back, but only slam it in again; while his paw reached for the tigers stiff cock. Slowly jerking the ravished tiger off, while he rammed into him over and over again! "N..nnnn..oooo...get your paws off me." Vilmar whimpered and screamed, turning and twisting on his ravisher's hard invader. Even as the demon fox's leathery pads stroked his hard cock to quivering arousal. "I'm not a pansy butt boi!" "St..sto..stop it!" The tiger panted, as Rayne's pointy cock repeatedly violated him.

"You look like one to me... right tarica?" Rayne asked grinning lewdly, using him harder, his paw's stroking the tiger like a pro; while he still was holding the tigers neck in his jaws.

"Hahaha" The tigress laughed as she watched Vilmar being taken up the ass. "Well he's all hard, and leaking pre like a butt boi!" She taunted. Vilmar struggled to pull his hard cock from the fox's grasps, but found that this only made the fox grip him tighter! Pumping his organ more furiously, it also made the fox's huge cock rub against his pleasure knot. Which filled the ravished tiger with strange delight, soon Vilmar found himself thrusting back into Rayne's savage thrust's. The fox grinned gloatingly.

"Oh look, he's starting to really get into it... loving it even more... the slut!" He teased, grinning wickedly Rayne sped up more; stroking Vilmar's cock harder and faster. "Hmmmmm.. he will be a good fuck toy!" The demon fox chuckled.

"NN...nn..ooooo I.. don't...I'm not liking..." The tiger whimpered, as he tried to lie to convince them or himself... even as he hip's buck and plunged back begging for more cock to be fucked into him.

"Oh boy he's really getting into it!" Tarica snickered. "No wonder he's such a weakling... he wanted to be a real males fucktoy all along!"

"Yeah that's the only thing he is good for now!" Just then the door banged opened, as the tavern's huge bullish bouncer walked in. "Without teeth he will be good for an amazing blowjob."

"Whats all this noise about?" The fox grinned evilly, fucking him even harder.

"That is really none of your concern." Hearing the tigress's words, and the fox's answer; the bouncer smiled as he watched the action.

"Oh thank gods your here!" Vilmar panted, looking up hopefully as the bouncer entered. "You've got to help m..." Vilmar tried but the demon fox slammed a sharp knee up into his wounded testicles cutting him off.

"I don't know." The bouncer answered the fox leeringly. "I aint had a really good blowjob in ages!" The buffalo's loin cloth bulged as he spoke, showing his true interest in the scene before him.

"Wha!?!" Vilmar choked around the pain startled by the huge bull man's words. The fox grinned up at the bouncer.

"Then help yourself... he's not really trained yet, but he cannot bite anymore; so feel free to enjoy!" Rayne said grinning, as he kept fucking the helpless tiger's tight ass. To stunned by the turn of events to react, Vilmar soon found the huge buffalo's long cock rubbing over his face and lip's. Tarica roared with derisive laughter, as the bouncer grabbed Vilmar's toothless muzzle; and fucked his long cock into it,

"Nooghooga!" The tiger tried to deny, but was silenced as the bouncer fucked his toothless mouth lustily. Angrily he tried to bite down on the buffalo's huge fuck muscle, but the tightness only made the bouncer moan in delight and hump faster. Rayne snickered derisively, as he continued to use the tigers asshole; slowly getting close to filling him up. Jerking on Vilmar's tiger hood even faster, making sure that the tiger came; before he himself did!

He grinned up at the mouth fucking bouncer, as they shared the once proud tiger's body. Vilmar shook his head from side to side, trying to dislodge the huge cock fucking his mouth; but the bouncer was expert at this and very horny. The pleasure of the slick bull cock sliding over his lip's and tongue shocked and amazed the tiger. As it blended with his ass fucking, soon it was to much for him to resist; and he began to work back and forth between the two hard organs eagerly.

The fox moaned loudly, as he was about to cum hard into the tiger; so jerked his cock harder and faster, smirking at the tiger's former mate. Unable to stop himself, Vilmar moaned around the long cock in his throat. As his own cock pulsing, spurting his pinkish blood tinted cum all over the bed covers under him. Even as his mouth thrust up and down the buffalo's hard length, passionately working to pleasure the hard meat fucking him.

"Awawawwwwww!" The bouncer grunted throwing his head back, and thrusting his hip's forwards; as his big cock explored cum onto the tiger's fawning suckling mouth. The fox murred as both other males came hard, and soon he was cumming hard into the tigers ass! Filling him up, with a big hot load of fox cum; yowling happily.

"Oh yeah.... here you go... slutboi!" The buffalo stepped back, pulling his spurting cock out of the tigers hungrily suckling mouth; to cover his toothless muzzle in hot creamy spunk!

"Gods that was the best I've had in ages...your a natural born cock sucker pussyboi!" He assures Vilmar, as he pulled his loin cloth back down before strolling out of the room. The tiger hung his once proud head submissively, his muzzle dripped with buffalo cum. As he hung panting and sobbing over the foot of the bed, hot cum leaked both ends of his debauched body. Rayne smiled, moving back on the bed to hug his new mate, kissing her excitedly.

"See... he's a real pussyboi... and look at the load he's blown... he loves being a fuck toy!" The fox smirked.

"Hahahah" The tigress giggled. "If I hadn't of seen it with my own eye's, I never would have believed it!" "So that's why he bought all those males in, he secretly wanted to be a fuck boi!" She giggled again, as she cuddled close to Rayne. Vilmar whimpered, his mind a mess of confusing and conflicting thoughts and desire.

"I...I...liked It." He whimpered under his breath, as he licked the buffalo's cum off his muzzle. The fox laughed hard at that.

"Well of course you do... you are my little slutboi now." "I think many of my friends will enjoy blowing their load's in or on you!" Rayne snickered as he nuzzled his new tigress mate lovingly Vilmar's head sagged again, and he sobbed brokenly; knowing the truth in the fox's words. And finding in himself no will to release them.

"I...i'm not a real male anymore." He confessed to himself...as his anal muscles twitched and the fox's hot cum leaking from him. The fox nodded.

"Yes!" Rayne snickered. "I shall allow you keep your cock and ball, but if you make me angry again; then I might decide to remove that!" The fox warned as he licked his mates face. "Now what shall I do with my lovely tigress..." Snuggling close Tarica cupped your big ball's and rubbed them eagerly. "Think you could do to me what you just did to him?" She asked amazed to see the fox's huge organ recovering so quickly. "However... I think you had best remove these from him." She opined as she fondled Rayne's heft ball's. "He'll never be obedient as long as he's got them." Vilmars eye's widened in terror, and his toothless jaw dropped in surprise.

"Tarica what are you saying?!?" The tiger choked, as his former mate tried to get him neutered. Rayne chuckled evilly.

"Now... now Tarica, I won't be doing that just yet." "I have to admit, that I sometimes enjoy a nice cum shower too; so I'll keep him intacted for now!" The fox said kissing her eagerly. "As for doing you... show me your rear slut girl!" Rayne grunted smirking. Spinning she quickly took up a submissive position, her leg's spread; tail high in the air. Tail hole fully exposed, the virgin orifice looking tight, tiny and pink. The fox smiled, leaning in to first sniff her tiny pink plucker; then he grabbed her butt. Slowly running his long hot tongue over her virgin plucker, working to lube her up; his tongue pressing against her rear entrance. Slowly sinking inside, to lube her virgin anus up good.

"Hhhhhhhhaaaaaaa!" Tarica moaned in delight, reaching back to spread her cheeks for him as her butt lifted to meet the hot exploring tongue. "Ohooo baby!" She whimpered in delight. Rayne murred, as he expertly rimmed her; to lube her up while getting her really horny again. "Ummmmmm!" Tarica moaned, as the pleasure of his hot tongue on her tiny pluckered; made her eyelids sag half closed in pleasure. Her feminine sex beginning to grow damp as her excitement grew once more. He smirked at her reaction, and kept on licking her; his paw's spreading her ass cheek's wide apart. As he murred happily, his pointed vulpine cock already stiff and ready to go again. "Oh butt fuck me please." The tigress moaned, as Rayne's licking made her tremble in desire and thrust her ass back towards him.

Silently and carefully Vilmar clawed at his silken bonds carefully picking them loose. The tiger had both paws free now, and flexed his huge needle sharp claws. Knowing he'd have to strike just right, as he was unlikely to get more than one blow in. Raising his paw, he aimed for the fox's slender neck; the throbbing vein there his best target. The fox didn't notice that, being to tied up with the lovely female underneath him; as he slowly entered her hot tight tail hole. And started to fuck her very softly, to let her get used to his huge size. As Vilmar watched the fox take his former mate in her most taboo orifice, the big tiger's anger grew once more. And he struck with lightening quickness, his big claws catching in the side of the fox's throat.

"Die fiend!" Vilmar grunted sure that he had ripped the fox's throat out with the powerful blow. Rayne yelped loudly, a large amount of blood splattering over the tigress's back; as he tipped over to the side. Falling from the bed, looking as if he were dead, but he was a demon fox! His body only needed a moment, to gather some strengths and heal it's self! Tarica screamed, as the hot blood cover her back; and spun around in time to watch Rayne fall.

"What have you done?" She snarled at Vilmar, as he sat looking triumphantly down at the prone fox's limp body.

"I've killed him." The tiger sang, flexing his huge claws and giving her a toothless grin. The fox was gathering his strength, he wanted to see what the tiger would do now; that he had "reclaimed" his mate

"I.. I'm the strongest." Vilmar assured her as he started towards the tigress.

"Get off me... you... you.. pussyboi!" Tarica snarled, kicking at the debauched tiger.

"But.. but I... He's dead... I'm your mate." Vilmar whined.

"Your a cock loving butt slut...I want a real male!" The tigress countered angrily. The fox slowly rose, the wound on him healing quickly; he moved silently towards the tiger. Grabbed Vilmar by the neck, lifting him up with one arm; his eyes glowing red in evil anger.

"How dare you... you litte pussyboi!" Rayne snarled, shaking Vilmar like a rag doll.

"But.. but.. your...I...How?" Vilmar babbled incoherently, as he was lifted and shook into near senselessness.

"Baby your alive!" Tarica screamed, smiling up at Rayne sweetly. "I should of known that fuck hole couldn't overcome you!" She purred happily. The fox smiled at her, as he carelessly threw the tiger aside. Sending him crashing into the table, on the other side of the room; shattering it. Rayne climbed onto bed, hugged Tarica lovingly.

"Someone like him could never kill me." He sneered. Her arm's encircled the demon fox at once, and she cover hid muzzle in kiss's as she held him in her arm's.

"You are so strong my love." She whispered sweetly. Across the room, Vilmar had just managed to get up on all fours panting weakly. The fox grinned at her.

"Now I will take care of that pansy slut kitten over there!" He growled angrily, moving over to the struggling tiger. Dragging him back to the bed, by his long striped feline tail. To weak and batter to resist, Vilmar just yowled in pain. Grunting pitifully as he was dragged across the rough wood floor, and dumped on to the bed.

"P..PL...PLEASE DON'T CUT MY BALL'S OFF!" He begged helplessly, as he lay on the bed meek and unmoving.

"Don't bother to beg... not now!" The fox snarled, as he grabbed the tigers paw. And started to use his own big black claw's, to rip out the tiger's own one after the other.

"AEIEIEIEIEIIII!" Vilmar howled, as each claw was removed; his big body tensing and contorting in pain. Oddly the tiger's male hood began growing stiff again, as his weapons were taken from him; leaving him totally defenseless.

"He deserves to be nutted!" Tarica snarled. Rayne finished declawing Vilmar, and then he grabbed the tigers sack; in his small paw's. With a quick flick, from his razor like black claw's the demon fox had removed the tiger damaged testicle.

"Open wide dear." He ordered, then fed the crushed testicle to his new tigress mate. Grapping Vilmar's one remaining intacted nut, Rayne yanked it from the shredded sac; cutting the cord's connecting it to the tiger's body. "You'll never ever be able to have cub's!" The demon fox snickered.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAA!" Vilmar squealed, as he watched his unmaling in horror.

"Hahahaha!" Tarica laughter derisively. "No cubs indeed!" "Your a totally useless male...only good for being a real males fuck slut!" She taunted starring into her former mates wild eye's until she saw understand within them. The fox grinned at the tiger, looking him right in the eyes.

"Next time you do something stupid like that, I'm going to rip your tail off... understand?" Rayne snarled.

"Yes sir." Vilmar whimpered submissively, as he looked down over his mangled male hood

"I think you've finally master him totally." Tarica purred as she snuggled up against you. The fox nodded and hugged her close, rubbing her breasts.

"Now where did we left off?" He murred.

"Ammm you were in my..." She blushed, smiling an pointing to her rump... as she noticed the demon fox's thick pulsing organ. "Looks like Vilmar wasn't the only one who got turned on my his unmaling!" She snickered. Rayne grinned and nodded.

"Hmm and now lets finish that!" He grunted, grinning as he bend her over mounting her again; sliding his cock into her ass. Bracing herself she moaned in pleasure as your hard organ slipped within her delicate orifice arching her back she pushed back on your invading organ eagerly.

"Ohohooooo yes that's the spot my love!" The fox grinned and slowly started to hump her, raising his tail.

"Vilmar, you may lick my tail hole and ball's!" He said to the tiger.

"Yes master." The broken helpless tiger whimpered, climbing over to lick his master's ball's gently as the fox fucked his former mate's ass. Then spreading Rayne's ass cheek's Vilmar buried his toothless muzzle between them. licking the demon fox's soft pink anus intently. The fox murred softly and humped her harder and faster, still much more gentle than he had Vilmar and he grinned back.

"Lick me good!" He ordered as he wrapped his arms around the tigress and rubbed her breast's. Tarica was panting in delight and rolling her big hip's in time to your thrusts as little cries of pleasure escaped her.

"As you command master." Vilmar whined submissively his long hot tongue licking and lapping around your tail hole like crazy then pressing into it's center. The fox moaned as he took Tarica up the ass, enjoying the combined sensation of his cock in her warm opening and a tongue at his own ass.

"Ammmm yeah!" He grunted as he fucked her harder and squeezed her breast's. The tigress's hip's went into over drive, as she began battering them back into the fox. Her growl's and cry's of pleasure growing louder, and more excited as he fucking filled her with sodomistic delight.

"Uhu uhu uhu harder baby harder!" She begged as her pleasure grew. The fox nodded and started to fuck her ass harder, a paw slipping to her pussy to rub her clit while he pressed back against the tiger's tongue.

"I want to feel it inside." Vilmar quivered at the fox's command, but reached in with bloody finger tip's. And spread Rayne's plucker, as he speared his long rough tongue up his master's anus. The taste of the fox's dung, and his own cum thick in his toothless mouth. Vilmar found himself licking his own leavings from his masters anus.

"Ummm Ummm Ummmmmm!" Tarica half purred, half moaned as a wave of orgasmic pleasure thundered through her body. The fox moaned, and came hard into her ass; filling her up good. Holding her close as he spurted his liquid lust into her. "Uhu uhu uhu uhu!" She groaned pumping Rayne's hard organ, even as his body stiffened. Filling her with his hot thick demon fox seed. "Ohooooo yes!" She purred happily. "I see why fuck boi there loves it so much!" She snickers panting for breath, as Rayne rested on her back!


Last night of Freedom...

A young stallion on the night before he's to form a herd goes out for the fun he really likes and meets a certain Tiger... who changes his...


High Stakes Game...

Inspired by http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corpus/ image High Stakes Game this is the back story of Zuchter the creamy white Lipizzaner stallion and his buddy Tomas and how he got himself into that...

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Teams Lucky Charm...

A follow up to quarterback sac... Jocks are a superstitions bunch if it working with one QB... better do it with the next... To bad the new starting QB didn't think about that... Charn gets to have his fun...

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