Alexander of the North: CH1 Growing Up

Story by AlexanderTheClydesdale on SoFurry

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Before we start, thank you for taking the time to read my first attempt at a story for my sona.

I have attempted to craft my own universe, taking inspiration from bits of real life, Game of Thrones, Brave and a few other places.

Any comments and criticisms are welcome!

Artwork by the Awesome Buttomancer!

CHAPTER 1: Growing Up

"You'll grow to be a strong chieftain, Alexander," Tharrock spoke as his hand clutched the young stallion's shoulder, his eyes bright with pride as his eyes looked over the large blade his son held in his hands, the huge Claymore clearly being much heavier and longer than the young colt should have been able to handle. Tharrock would release his shoulders before he couched a little so he could point over Alexander's shoulder towards the training dummy "Now.. Hit the dummy," The dummy being a simple contraption comprised of sack and straw in the shape of a wolf.

Alexander slowly pulled back his straight arms, clumsily holding the large blade before swinging it towards the dummy. A soft thunk was heard as the metal blade collided with the dummy, causing the on looking stallions to chuckle in amusement at the pitiful strike against the dummy, Tharrock giving them a silent, deadly glare in order to silence them and save his son's embarrassment before he spoke "Again!"

Thunk.. Thunk.. Thunk.. The sound of a blade colliding against the dummy resounded, each painful swing emboldening the young horse as each strike began to get harder and harder, the sound becoming louder and louder at each successive strike, "Again! Again! Again!" were the only words to be heard from Tharrock as he watched his son swing, gradually standing and stepping back, a large grin spreading across his muzzle before he heard the soft speaking of a female behind him "Don't you think he is a little young, Dear?" the Clydesdale mare spoke as she moved behind Tharrock.

"Certainly not.. My father did not spare me the training at his age and I won't either..", his head turned to look back towards the mare, his eyes soft with care as he reached to take hold of his mate before he pulled her close, wrapping his muscled arms about the female in a caring, though dominant manner, her soft voice being heard once again "Come now, my dear Tharrock.. You surely cannot expect him to train this hard, at least not in this cold," Her hand held out as flecks of snow began to fall, one landing directly in the palm of the mare, Tharrock's eyes looking towards her before he looked to Alexander "That's enough, Son.. Come on, inside,"

Alexander huffed as his arms dropped the blade end to the floor, panting being heard as he slowly dragged the blade over to the quartermaster, his hand holding up the hilt "Thanks, Kaylath," he would say as the hulking quartermaster reached down and lifted the claymore with one hand "Aye, you'll make a big touch warrior soon, laddie, you just keep practicin' with this big blade here an' you'll be as tough as your father,", Alexander beamed up at Kaylath before he turned towards the large chieftain hut.

"Our son is turning into one strong Stallion, my love," Maeath would say as she looked towards Tharrok, a soft smile playing on her lips "Of course he is! To think a few short years and he has developed so far," Loud hoof beats were heard as Alexander came towards the large dining room table, clutching the claymore to his body before he sat down at the table, leaning the blade against the table as he reached towards the centre, taking a large slice of bread and placing it on his wooden plate before taking some fruit. His mother, the Clydesdale maiden huffed annoyed "What have I told you about weapons at the table, Alexander?". Alexander gave off a soft huff of annoyance as he went to stand, "Leave the boy alone, Maeath! He's just got in from training, can't you see the lad's tired and needs food?"

Maeath looked towards Tharrock with a soft glare, spying the long curved dagger resting on the table in front of him "I've said.. No weapons at the table, Tharrock.. Can we not have some peace around here at least once?! Besides, the guards will alert us if there is an attack.." Alexander turned and looked towards his mother with a perturbed stare "I am not a child any more, Mother.. I'm fifteen.. I need to have my weapon with me every hour of every day if I am to get any better.."

The mare gave off a soft glare "Put it away and sit down before I give you a reason to use that thing!". Alexander startled by his mother's sudden outburst caused him to quickly move the claymore to the corner of the room before he returned to the table, parking his rear on his seat as he began to stack his bread with fresh butter and fruits "So.. Aeidor has asked me to spar again tomorrow.. Is it okay if I can go?"

Tharrock would look between Maeath and Alexander before he rested his eyes on the young stallion "It is the festival of Gaiath tomorrow.. We cannot be sparring on such a celebration.. It would anger Gaia.." Alexander would look up at his father, his eyes pleading lightly "Please, Father.. Only for a short while.. I'll make it quick and I'll be back before the celebrations start!". Tharrock's hand game down quickly as he slowly stood and spoke "I will not have my son missing the start of the Gaiath festival! Now eat your bloody food and go to bed!"

Alexander gradually moved around the large encampment of huts, having been sneaking out before the Gaiath festival for three years consecutively. His hand followed the stone wall of a forge as he slipped between the shadows. He would speak softly as he looked down between two huts "Aeidor?.... Aeidor?!" Soon a pair of large arms moved from the shadow behind Alexander, wrapping themselves around his waist and muzzle, silencing the horse as he was pulled into the darkness, Alexander's complaints muffled by the hand around his mouth. "Shh.. Shh.. it's me.." the reassuring voice of Aeidor being heard as he whispered softly into Alexander's ear, Alexander's hands grabbing the other stallion's arm and pulling it off his mouth "Why did you do that?! Ye' gave me a start, you did!".

Aeidor's hands moved up, giving Alexander a hushing motion as he went to speak softly "I couldn't stay there.. the guards were patrolling too much past it.. Come on.. I've scouted out a way out..". It wasn't long before Aeidor's hand wrapped around Alexander's as he began to guide him between the shadows cast by the huts, the yellow light of the guard's torches being clearly seen as it reflected off the light coloured fabric of the huts, allowing the pair of stallions to see when a guard was to soon arrive at a corner.

The pair of stallions continued to evade the guards and their torches, the two beginning to enclose on the edge of the camp. The pair watched as a guard idly ambled past them, his large halberd held loosely in one hand as it leant against the guard's right shoulder. Gradually the pair of stallions crossed the road into the darkness of the night and out into the vast woodland that surrounded the large encampment. Aeidor took a moment to look back, judging the distance before he gave off a light grin and began to softly laugh before looking towards Alexander, Alexander's reaction being a cock of his head as he looked at Aeidor "What's the laughing about?"

It took a moment before Aeidor stopped chuckling before he looked at Alexander and smiled "To be honest.. That was a complete fluke.. I wasn't expecting to be able to get out of the camp that easy,". Alexander's eyes slowly narrowed as he looked at Aeidor, suddenly going to punch his friend in the shoulder "O-Ow! W-What was that for?!", Alexander giving off a soft grumble of discontent before he spoke "That was for putting us in danger...". Slowly Alexander turned and began to slowly climb through the branches and over rocks that blocked his path.

Gradually the pair ended up at an overlook into a large basin, a waterfall at the northern end of the basin that landed in a large natural pool of spring water. The surrounding area was covered in green grass and summer flowers, the grass pocked with blues and yellows. Aeidor gradually moved up beside Alexander and placed a hand on his shoulder "Mm.. to think that this will soon be covered in snow and everything will be frozen.." There was a long pause as Alexander nodded in agreement before the silence was broken by Aeidor "Bet I can get down there faster than you." Aeidor chuckled as he began running around the eastern side of the basin, slowly beginning to descend the ridge before a loud splash of water was heard, Aeidor's head looking towards the water as Alexander surfaced "Beat you!" were the words Alexander spoke as he laughed, soon climbing out of the water, his long kilt and cloak soaked from the water.

Aeidor could only laugh as he slowly approached the sopping wet horse before he slowly placed a hand onto his cheek "Yeah.. You beat me.." slowly Aeidor moved close to the wet horse, their lips locking together in a passionate kiss, their hands exploring one another's strong muscled bodies, Aeidor's hands stroking over Alexander's back as the other stallion slowly ran a hand over Aeidor's firm rear.

Alexander's hooves crunched through the snow as he moved along a hunting trail, his eyes stopping droplets of red pock marking the white. He would follow the blood drops till he came to a ridge, slowly moving up it to look over the edge, his eyes spotting the limping feral deer. Aeidor ever so slowly moved up beside Alexander, holding a bow in his hand as he slowly went to pull out another arrow before he slowly nocked it before releasing it, the arrow piercing the feral deer through the heart, causing it to drop down to the floor.

Slowly the pair slid down the side of the hill towards their kill, Alexander pulling out a large skinning knife as he smiled "Good shot, Aeidor, five years of practice and you finally get a kill.. Even if it wasn't clean.." this caused Aeidor to flush brightly in both irritation yet pride that his secret mate had complimented him before he slung his bow over his shoulders "I wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for your tracking skills,". Alexander soon looked over at Aeidor and went to softly punch his shoulder before he reached to begin skinning the deer, being precise and accurate with his cuts.

The snowy grove resounded with a laugh as a large black furred Clydesdale appeared above the rise, a large double-bladed axe clutched in his hands as he looked down at the pair with red eyes. Aeidor would look up at him and reached for his hunting blade as he whispered softly "Blackmanes..". Soon the stallion was followed by another two horses both of them clutching large two handed weapons, one a halberd whilst the other held a longsword. The gruff black furred Clydesdale spoke with a deep voice of a rumbling earthquake "That Deer is ours, pale furs..". Alexander huffed and stood, looking over his deep brown fur "Come take it then.." he would say as his hands reached and drew his claymore from the sheath, the black stallion giving off a slight smirk before he charged forward towards Alexander.

Alexander's blade clashed with the battle axe as Aeidor dodged around the lunge of the Halberd, his hunting blade slipping between the Horse's rib cage, causing a silent scream to escape from the dying horse. The clang of metal on metal resounded as Alexander fought the black furred stallion, beginning to pant as the constant battle began to take a toll on him. The Stallion raised his right hoof and kicked at Alexander's stomach, causing him to reel back as the axe came down and sliced through Alexander's bandoleer which kept his claymore's sheath on his back, a splatter of blood going over the snow as the blade cut lightly into his chest. The black horse snorted and grinned as Alexander touched two fingers to his wound before he looked into the Stallion's eyes before the blades clashed again.

Aeidor would hold the Halberd as he looked at the other stallion, glaring slightly as they went to clash as well, the other stallion being too quick and suddenly slicing upwards, drawing a long wound across Aeidor, causing him to fall back and begin bleeding profusely, this damage being caught out of the corner of Alexander's eye, causing him to go wide-eyed as he charged at the black stallion, parrying the axe swing before slamming his blade through the Stallion's neck, blood splattering over Alexander's face as he continued to charge towards the last remaining Blackmane stallion, his arms wrapping around the Stallion's body and the other around his head as he gripped hard and began to twist the stallion, the stallion grunting and attempting to shake him off before a loud crack was heard as Alexander broke the neck of his enemy.

Alexander sat outside the hut in the encampment, trying to hide his tears that dripped off his muzzle and onto the snow covered ground. Soon a soft hand stroked over his cheek, causing Alexander to look up at his mother who would look back at him "It isn't your fault, young stallion.. We have taught you about the Blackmanes..". Alexander continued to hide his tears as he wrapped his arms about his mother's waist and hugged her tightly, the cloth entrance to the hut flapping as the clan healer and apothecary exited the hut, the pair speaking before the healer approached Alexander "Your friend is in a grave condition.. However we were able to stem the flow of blood and we believe he will survive,". It took a moment for Alexander to realise what he had just heard, soon standing up and releasing his mother before going to enter the hut, his mother's eyes narrowing as she watched him, thoughts plaguing her mind for a short moment before she shook her head, clearing them before she turned and began to leave, the healer and apothecary bowing their heads as she moved her way gracefully past them.

Alex huffed softly into Aidor's ear as he pressed his body closer to his lover, their hips connecting as the pair rubbed up ever closer, a hand reaching over to gently run through Aidor's chest fur, the fingers gently stroking over the faded scar his lover received from the Blackmane. Gradually Alexander slid the entirety of his manhood deeply inside his stallion lover, as he leant forward to press his lips against Aidor's neck as he listened to his lover's moan.

"Brother! Are you coming for th-" The young Colt's voice stopped as he interrupted the startled Stallions, their eyes wide as Aidor gradually raised a finger in an attempt to hush his brother. They watched as the Colt turned and bolted through the door, his shouts being heard as he alerted the encampment, one word escaping Alexander's mouth "Shit..."

The two Stallions quickly disengaged, grabbing their long kilts and slipping them on alongside the bandoleers they carried. Aidor gripped a hold of his long bow as Alexander grabbed his Claymore before raising it up, swinging it downwards to rip through the fabric wall of the hut, allowing the pair to slip out into the darkness. Gradually they slid through the dark shadows between the huts and semi-permanent buildings that made up the encampment, though soon there were loud shouts coming from the recently abandoned hut, torches and braziers being lit as words resounded through the encampment "Traitors!" "Male lovers!" "Find them!"

Alexander gripped hard onto Aidor's arm and quickly pulled him back into the shadows as four of the perimeter guards ran past the hidden pair, two carrying long spears whilst the others held swords and round shields, the pair stood for a moment together, hearts pounding in their chests as they continued to try and make their way towards the edge of the encampment, the hustle around them making it difficult as they continued to stop and then move again in order to avoid being found.

Soon the edge was in sight, causing Aidor to leap at the opportunity, quickly running across an open and well lit lane between two sets of huts, Alexander quickly following, only to be spotted by a tall Mare "Over here!" she shouted, causing Alexander to panic, his legs moving at twice the speed as he gripped onto Aidor's arm, the darkness about them beginning to light up with approaching torches of those wishing harm upon them. The pair soon found themselves running through the open field, the light on their heels as they ran towards the edge of the forest some distance from the encampment, Alexander releasing Aidor's arm in order to keep his footing on the unstable ground beneath them.

Alexander soon began to grin widely as he saw the rapidly approaching forest, knowing he would be able to quickly hide within the brush to escape those that hunted him and his mate. Soon he saw trees at his sides, this signalling him to drop down, looking about for a moment as his eyes began to adjust to the darkness, his voice hushed as he spoke "W-We made it, Aidor..". A moment of silence passed before Alexander spoke again, worry in his voice "A-Aidor?" his body jumped as a loud cheer was heard from the hunters, Alexander raising his head to look over the brush towards the gathering of hunters surrounding Aidor.

Alexander could only watch on as his father approached, limping somewhat from age and battle, a hand clutching a large axe in one hand, his voice resounding so loudly that Alexander could hear each accentuated syllable "I hear you have been found to be mating with another stallion!" the crowd growled and glared towards Aidor, some clutching blades close to themselves, clearly eager for what was to come "And you know the punishment Lady Gaia laid out for her followers... That a man found to be mating another.. Is to be executed!"

The crowd cheered loudly, their voices resounding loudly like a chorus of hate fuelled demons. Gradually the axe was raised upwards above Aidor's now exposed neck, tears dripping from his muzzle as he struggled against those that held him down. Alexander watched still, his eyes welling up, knowing that if he revealed himself now, he would only be caught and sentenced to the same fate. Gradually his eyes moved upwards, seeing the gleam of light from the sharp edge of the axe before gradually it began to fall, the fire dancing off the metal before Alex closed his eyes to the blackness, too afraid to watch. There was deathly silence as everything seemed to move in slow motion, the severing of flesh and the crunch of bone, the splattering of blood and the thud of a body falling before a loud roaring cheer tore Alex from the void, tears matting his eyes as he released his blade, his body shuddering in anger before depression began to take over. Alexander's head snapped up as he heard "Boy!" his eyes fixed on his father "Run boy! For I will continue to send my best! Until your treacherous stain has been wiped from my family!" at that he turned and began to return to the encampment, speaking to another stallion on his left.

At that, Alexander picked up his blade, turning his back on the encampment, his eyes closing as he knew he could no longer return to the safety of what he had called home for twenty one years of his life.